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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/12/2020 5:56:41 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday January 12, 2020

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Many enlightening human beings, due to their kind and caring hearts and focus on being the help rather than receiving help, are feeling overwhelmed. If you are in overwhelm, it is very difficult to imagine taking on one more thing. This can make you feel resistant to expansion.

If this is the case, we urge you to immediately start to reevaluate what you can let go of and allow others to take on. What can you delegate? How are you perpetuating an unhealthy balance? Can you start to include yourself in your loving care? What can you release or simplify? Can you start to make choices based on what would be empowering to everyone involved?

One of the prevalent themes of the energies you are now entering is expansion and creation. Do you think allowing yourself to have a big beautiful life only means more work for you? What if moving forward and expansion made your life easier for you? What if it brought more joy, more comfort, more satisfaction? Are you pre-judging the future based on carrying too much of a load in the past?

Dear Ones, you are powerful creators. Powerful creators that are shifting from the martyred service paradigm into joyful, supported service. Find new ways to honour yourselves and others, and start to reframe how you see change. It is absolutely possible to flow into a life that celebrates you for the beloved aspect of Source you are, and everyone will benefit in the most marvellous ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/12/2020 6:17:58 PM

Sananda via James McConnell, January 12, 2020

The Light Always Find A Way ~ Sananda, OWS and Shoshana
January 12, 2020

SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda. I come at this time, and the beginning of this next year, your 2020, with wonderful news.

Wonderful news that as you know, everything is in process. Everything is in process of changing. Many things are occurring across the planet. Some that you are not yet aware of. Some that are still yet in the background. But many are coming forth. Many shifts, many changes. Consciousness is rising everywhere. Even though you may not see it in your fellow man, it is happening.

You are all moving from the third dimensional reality that you have known as a reality, although it has always been but an illusion. But this reality is changing for you. Many of you have moved beyond the third dimension and into the fourth and even higher fourth-dimension, and find yourselves there more and more often, within site of that fifth-dimensional barrier, if you will, although there is really no barrier there.

It is only in your mind that it is. It is not a place that you are going to. It is a consciousness that you are rising to. The only thing that is keeping you in that third-dimensional illusionary realm is you, is your mind, is your programming, is the veil that is still pulled down over your eyes. But that veil itself is an illusion. It is a creation. A creation that you have all put there, and those of the dark forces have kept there.

But those of those dark forces are now losing their way, are losing their power. It is being replaced by the Light. And the Light and love is and will win out, for it cannot be anything but. Yes, there are times in your far-back memories where the Light seemingly did not win, when the dark took over. But always, the Light always finds a way in the end.

And just here now in this place, in your realm now, it is the same again. You have come from many systems where you have opened those systems wide. You, those of you on your mission, known as the ‘System Busters.’ You have gone from system to system and had done exactly what you are doing again now, busting this system wide open. But busting it open with love with caring, with compassion, with oneness, bringing the oneness back again to this realm–not to the third-dimension, but to the higher fourth, and into the fifth-dimension. For it is destined for man to move through this evolutionary process and to move out of this third-dimensional programmed illusion and into the higher vibrations.

And as they move, as you move, into these higher dimensions, you will find that love, that peace, that harmony, that order that you so longed for, that you have so missed. So many of you now remember where you came from, even if it is not at a conscious level yet, it is deep there within you. You have that longing, that longing in many of you to return home. That longing, many of you, to move into these higher vibrations and to take as many along with you as you can. Because that, my friends, is what you came here to do.

And over these many long lifetimes that you have had here, moving through one travail to another and to another, you have always had your sites on these end times. You have always had your sites on coming to this point, this NOW point, where you are now moving into this next year, this next year of fulfillment, this next year of disclosure.

Because much has been held back, much that has been held in the shadows is now coming forward into the light. And the truth shall prevail, just as it was foretold many thousands of years ago. The truth shall indeed set you free. But know that each and every one of you are the truth. You are the truth within your very being. Come to know that. Come to know who you are. Come to remember __(audio dropping out)__ here.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now. In this time and in this moment, that you continue to visualize as much as you can, peace and love across the planet. Because you are the ones that you have been waiting for.

ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here, Shoshanna standing by, and we are ready to go, here. You can now unmute your phones, and we will take questions if you have any.

We do not have direct message for you. Shoshanna, do you have message.

Shoshanna (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell):

Not at this time.

OWS: Very good. Then we are ready to move ahead with your questions if you have any. We will give you a moment to unmute your phones.

Guest: I have a question.

OWS: Yes.

Guest: Hello. Yesterday I had an experience with a rather jarring situation. I was meeting one of the sisters from the group here at Whole Foods, and I had my two dogs with me on leashes. We were outside the Whole Foods, waiting for another one of the sisters of the group to join us.

My dogs are young, and they have a lot of energy, and they are very friendly. One of them tried to jump up on a lady and a man that were walking by, but she didn’t really jump up on her. I pulled her back before she jumped up on her. The woman and the man became very aggressive and really nasty, and almost violent. Both my friend and I were in our censor, but it was very jarring. She called me names, and I thought she was going to hit me or knock me over. And both of my doggies are very sensitive. I think that they took some of that in.

The reason why I am asking, is because later we went to the beach, and both of my dogs always stay right with me. They never run away. If they go travel, they’ll come right back if I whistle. Little Keona, the red one, ran away in the other direction. I felt fear from her. She was running away, like really far away. I whistled and she didn’t come back. And she ran, ran, ran like almost to the parking lot, and I thought, oh, oh! Finally, she turned around and came back, and came back to us.

I want to know why this happened. I think she had some fear, or took in some of the energy from the negative couple; I don’t know. And is there any reason for me to be concerned about this going forward?

OWS: As we find it, no reason for you to be concerned about this. This was an isolated incident with this one. Know that they are in the moment always, your dogs, your cats, your horses, as you spoke of earlier, they are in the moment. And they will do whatever is needed in that moment. And in that very moment, This One thought she just simply needed to run. She needed to get away. But, at a certain point, she realized at the level that they realize, that she could not go any further and she needed to return back to comfort, back to what she knows as her home. And you are her home, obviously.

So there is no need for concern, here. Other than know that these animals feel greatly. They feel the tension around them. They feel anger. They feel sadness. They feel love, certainly. And the more that you can provide that love for them, the more that they will continue to sustain themselves and be in a wonderful place, both for themselves and for you as well. Shoshanna?

Shoshanna: We have something to share with you, Dear Sister. May we share our perspective, here?

Guest: Yes, Sister, please.

Shoshanna: We find that these puppies have a great deal of curiosity. They are curious beings. And you must recognize and realize that curiosity is a moment emotion. It is not in the past, it is not in the future, it is a present moment emotion that these animals express.

We find that these babies are extremely curious, and that the environment that you place them in is foreign to them. They do not resonate to this environment, this city, these people. And that is why the experience occurred for you, to remind you that they do not experience the city the way you do.

And the couple that were fearful are not animal people. They do not understand animals. They are closed off, and they are terrified of being injured, and they expressed that. It is not personal. It is not personal to the animal or personal to you. It is an incident that will occur in a fearful environment.

And even though you may think that you are in a positive area, there are many that live in the city that are fraught with fear because that is the vibration given in the city from all the others. So you must understand that this is not personal, and that your animals wish not to be in that environment. And that is what occurred. Namaste.

Guest: Thank you very much.

OWS: Remember, it is always about vibration and consciousness. Vibration and consciousness.

Shoshanna: And their vibration is very high, and the vibration of that area was foreign to them.

OWS: Yes.

Guest: So they prefer a quieter place, a little more relaxed, quieter place with less people and dogs.

OWS & Shoshanna: Yes.

Guest: Okay. Thank you.

OWS: Very good. Are there further questions?

Guest: I have a question.

OWS: Yes.

Guest: I would like to know, have some guidance, of how we can help those in our families who are suffering, maybe from physical pain or from stress, from being overworked, without being judgmental toward them, but also without sinking to their level of suffering. I just wanted some guidance on how we can help them. Because it seems like when I paint a positive picture sometimes, it is not what they want to hear. So I just was hoping for some guidance on that. Thank you.

Shoshanna: We can share on this.

OWS: Yes.

Shoshanna: May we share first, One Who Serves?

OWS: Yes.

Shoshanna: May we share a perspective here?

Guest: Yes, please.

Shoshanna: Dear Sister, it is a great think to wish to alleviate the pain of others. This is a great thing.

But in wishing to alleviate suffering or alleviate pain, you change the path of that person. And they may need the path that they are on to wake up. Suffering and pain are a way to wake up. The challenge for all us is __(audio transmission dropping, inaudible)__ we are plugged into the concept of time and we wish for this to be over. So we wish to alleviate pain and suffering because it causes us pain and suffering. It causes us emotional turmoil to see this in others.

What we would tell you to do is nothing. Simply send them Light and love. And in the moment of their complaints, of their frustrations that they express to you, you must acknowledge them. You must acknowledge their pain, not try to erase it. Because in the acknowledgment of the pain, in the acknowledgement of the suffering, it will be lessened. It will be alleviated because you are acknowledging them in what they are feeling.

Even though the feeling may be deemed by yourself as a negative thing, they wish to be acknowledged. They wish you to express to them that you understand them. You cannot change their story. They need to change their story.

When an individual attempts to change the story of another, the other fights against that, is upset by that. So you simply need to send them Light, send them love and, in the moment that you hear the compliant, acknowledge that you understand their suffering. Does this make sense?

Guest: Yes, thank you so much.

Shoshanna: Yes. Namaste, Dear Sister.

OWS: Yes, and we add here one technique that you can use. We call it ‘the back door approach.” You can ‘back door’ them through into their Higher Self. You can contact their Higher Self and send Light and love through that Higher Self, and whatever is needed at that point will then be dispersed from that. Okay?

Shoshanna: And we might add—may we add something, here? May we add another perspective?

Guest: Please.

Shoshanna: We will say based on what One Who Serves has just indicated that you can ask your Higher Self to speak with their Higher Self. You do not have to intervene. Your Higher Self can speak directly to their Higher Self, and you can see much improvement through that. So thank you, One Who Serves, for acknowledging that piece that we did not remember. Thank you. Namaste.

OWS: Yes. Would there be any further questions, here?

Guest: I would just like to know about his silly impeachment that is going on. I know there has never been any questions come up here with having you on the call. But can you just give us some words of relief, here, that this is going to be over soon, in a good way?

OWS: You just used an apropos word, here: ‘silly.’ It is quite silly. Silly in a sense that as the American public looks on this, many of them are seeing the ridiculousness of this entire process. But also understand that this process is occurring for a reason, part of the greater orchestration, here, you might say. Because it is bringing the truth forward. And that is what is important, here. The ridiculousness of the situation is showing the people across the country that your media is conspiring to continue the ‘same-old, same old’ here. They do not want change.

Now not so much the journalists and those that are directly reporting. Because they are controlled in many respects to keep their jobs. If they do not follow the line that they are given to follow, they will lose their jobs. Or, in some cases, even worse, their families can be threatened, and these types of things. So they are just following along as they need to.

But the truth is coming forward, and this type of process that is occurring is bringing this forward, bringing more and more people to see how the parties, in this case the two parties, are so diametrically opposed to each other, and they are just following the party line, you might say. And as they are following the party line, the people are realizing that they are not for them, they are for themselves. And this is what is occurring, here. That is what we will say, here. Shoshanna, do you have other perspective?

Shoshanna: Yes, we can share. May we share on this, Dear Sister?

Guest: Yes.

Shoshanna: What we would offer is that you change your attitude. Because what is occurring here is a transformation. The process is a transformational process and must be done. This must go forward. This must be done. And all of this craziness and chaotic news media frenzy, it must be done. And that individual that you know as ‘Trump’ is the trump card. His name is not a mistake! He is the Trump card! He will trump all of them! And you must see this individual as the beginning of the transformation of the world! Not just this country! He is wishing to raise the vibration of the entire world! That is why he called the North Korean Leader his friend! Oh my goodness! This causes great concern for the other party because no one is their friend, you see?

So you please, all of you, when you observe what is going on, tell yourself, “Oh my goodness, we are transforming! Thank you, God!” This is what we have. Namaste.

Guest: Thank you. And I see him as that, absolutely. I just have a little bit of fear that I know they are trying everything, the other side, to weasel something in. They know also the power he has and the support he has, and all that, so they can find something, some loophole where they can get him impeached, even though they have nothing. But I know they are looking everywhere.

Shoshanna: And this is necessary. This is necessary to prove their folly, you see. This is necessary. So as you see the other side looking for the loophole, you say, “Oh, praise God, this is transformative!” in that instance, you see, Dear Sister.

Guest: Okay, so he is not going to be impeached, there won’t be any impeachment, no?

Shoshanna: We cannot say that. But we know the answer, but we cannot tell you. (Laughter) But you do know that this one known as Trump is a powerful force. And we will tell you that even if he is removed from office, his family will take over! They will continue. The transformation has begun, Dear Sister, and it cannot stop!

Guest: Hallelujah!

Shoshanna: Because that is the wish of the people. Yes. Namaste.

OWS: And remember when they said to him, to President Trump, that a storm is coming. How did he respond? He said, “I am the storm!”

Guest: Yes, yes.

OWS: He knows who he is. He knows what this is all about. He knows his place in all of this. It has been planned for a very long time. As a matter of fact, he came into this lifetime knowing what he was going to do, and it is all being orchestrated, so have no concerns, here. It is all part of the process.

Shoshanna: And we must share another aspect. May we share one more aspect, here?

Guest: Of course.

Shoshanna: The Trump is a great observer. He stands on his perch and he looks at what is occurring and he gets a chuckle. He knows he cannot be defeated. This is a powerful man that knows who he is, as One Who Serves has indicated. You must trust and have faith in that power. Namaste.

Guest: Namaste. And I do, I know.

OWS: Are there any further questions, here, before we release channel?

Guest: Yes, I have a question. Is there any information or perspective either of you can share about the energies of Lemuria in particular coming forward in this year and during this transformation to work with us?

OWS: My goodness. The energies of Lemuria are within all of you. All of you that are within this group are part of the Lemurian energy. Many of the groups across the planet that meet such as this are also part of this Lemurian energy. It is returning. It is the Lemurian and the Atlantean energy, but not the dark Atlantean energy, but the Light Atlantean energy that is also returning.

And know that this energy is becoming stronger and stronger and stronger. If you remember, there is the one, Casey, that spoke about the return of Atlantis and Lemuria. He said they would rise again. He was not speaking necessarily of the land itself, but of the energy that is again rising.

Shoshanna: May we offer?

OWS: Yes, please.

Shoshanna: May we share, Dear Sister?

Guest: Yes.

Shoshanna: As One Who Serves has indicated, there are many that carry the Lemurian energy. They carry it with them.

What we would say to you, Dear Sister, that if you wish to experience this, if you wish to experience the energy of the Lemurians, find the energy within you. And when you find that energy within you, the energy of the beings that are ancient and ascended with join with you and uplift you. But first, you must find it within yourself. And when you do, it will join you. Namaste.

OWS: And know that when you were in Lemuria, those of you on this call that are a part of this process, when you were in Lemuria, you were in the fifth dimension. You were in fifth dimensional consciousness and you purposefully chose to drop back, you might say, to be able to become a part of this evolution and this whole process of bringing Gaia back up again, and that is what you are doing here. So you were there at that time, fifth-dimension. You are returning again to fifth-dimension, and beyond—it is not just simply the fifth-dimension, it is beyond that as well.

Would there be any other questions, here, before we release channel now?

Guest: Is there any cause to these horrendous fires in Australia?

OWS: Is there any cause?

Guest: Well, I mean, it just doesn’t make sense. It’s the whole country basically that’s burning up. It’s just crazy.

OWS: Well, know that there are always two sides to every story, or more than two sides, as some people say. And there is the purging that is going on for Gaia herself that is purging the lands and, in this respect, it is doing this. It is ridding the land of the negative dark energies. And this purging process is a part of that. But there is also those that created the fires as well that are a part of the cabal, you might say.

There are two-processes occurring here. There is one where all of this is creating oneness, love, compassion, understanding among the people there. So that in its own is wonderful. But there is also that negative part as well with the pain and suffering, and all of this that goes on.

But it is a purging process, both for those that are going through the pain and suffering, and for those who are feeling the love and sharing with each other, not a purging process for them, but a growing process for them, an awakening process, we will use that term, an awakening process. Okay?

Guest: I was not aware that the cabal was involved in that. How did they start them, how did they do it?

OWS: That is not important here at this point, only that it is ongoing and it is in the process of being extinguished.

Shoshanna: We have a question for this one. May we ask a question of you, Dear Sister?

Guest: Please.

Shoshanna: We would ask do you wish to see? What do you wish to experience when you see this?

Guest: I just see the suffering of the animals and the death of the animals. They’ve lost over half a billion animals. Birds are falling out of the sky dead, and they have lost 30 percent of the koala population. It’s just so sad. I was on a meditation the other day, it was worldwide, with intention to create rain and all of that, and I was on that and I was hoping for the rain to start, but I don’t think it is over yet.

Shoshanna: Yes, we must give a little advice here, please. May we offer advice?

Guest: Please do.

Shoshanna: Do not hope for rain, see it.

Guest: I did. I did. I have done that.

Shoshanna: Imagine it. You must continue to do that. But we must tell you that all things that live and breathe are eternal. They will incarnate in other planets. They will find another place. They are eternal.

So we also must tell you, even though you see this as a sad event, and it may perhaps be sad, but what you must do is understand it is a transformation. Once again, the earth, the Gaia spirit is wishing for transformation so that all will benefit and raise in consciousness. That is the end goal. The end goal is to raise up in consciousness, and those that are praying and meditating and imaging are raising the vibration. You would not have an opportunity to raise the vibration if this other thing did not occur. It is all working as an orchestration of transformation. Please understand this. Namaste.

Guest: I do. Thank you.

OWS: We need to release channel now.

Guest: I have a quick question.

OWS: We take one more question then, and then we release channel.

Guest: I have a question for Ascended Master. Why is it even possible to allow that, fire after first happened on Gaia. I think Gaia suffered enough already. Enough is enough. I want to see when this will end, this suffering here. How much more suffering Gaia needs to go through to heal and have to change here. You know thousands and thousands of years of suffering she has gone through, here. You know, you think that you are helping us, but can you help us more? But that wouldn’t even allow it to happen? This is my question–not a question, I will say, maybe a statement, however you would look at it. That’s all.

OWS: You have to understand, just as I had already given, this is a transformation process. And the transformation does not come easily from your understanding from a point of view of the larger picture, it is not so much. Because as Shoshanna has given here, that those that have pain and suffering and perish from this type of incident, they move on. There is never an end to anything other than an end to the physical body. Consciousness, the life spark within you continues on forever. You are eternal.

So to look at this from a small picture as you are doing, is not the way to do this. You must take a look at the larger picture, here, and see all of this that is happening. And you look at all of the lifetimes that you have had here, you and all of those others as a collective have had here, you have gone through many travails, many, many worse than this. And you’re here! You’ve gone through it all! So if you look at it from the bigger picture, it is just a small part of the larger picture, here. That is what we would wish for you to look at here, okay?

Shoshanna: Yes, we agree.

OWS: We need to now move on and release this channel. Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to say, here?

Shoshanna: We do not have a specific message. And we would ask that all that are concerned about all things that are occurring, to become the observer of it. Namaste.

OWS: Yes. Be the observer, and do not become emotionally involved. As you become emotionally involved in this, you put that out into the Collective Consciousness and into the Universal Mind, and that…

Shoshanna: Causes more pain.

OWS: Causes more pain, as Shoshanna has said, bringing more pain, fear, out into the Collective. And that is what you want to work on releasing, here. So be neutral. Do not be concerned about this. This is part of the orchestration. Do what you can as to visualization. Visualize the rain, as Sananda did in your meditation, here, and that is all you can do at this point. Do not be concerned. Everything will work out as it needs to. That is all we have to say, here.

Shoshanna: Namaste.

OWS: And as you continue to move on into this next year, be ready. Be ready for a great transformation that is occurring in many different respects. And you are a part of that transformation right here, right now, in this moment.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.

Channeled by James McConnell

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“Believing is seeing!”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/12/2020 6:28:07 PM

A Multi-Dimensional Network of E.T.s & Humans ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

a multi dimensional network of e.t.s & humans - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of archangels aliens yeshua ets


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are establishing a network of communication that is multi-dimensional and that involves beings of several star systems in the galaxy, including yours. You are in fact a part of that network, as you receive these transmissions. We believe that variety is a strength. We believe that the more seats there are at the table, the better. The more perspectives there are, the higher the likelihood of an inclusive set of ideas and processes, practices that will make existence better for everyone involved.

This is why we are including so many in our network. We are being channeled by many beings and collectives to establish this network where you can all communicate through us. We are like the oversoul of this network. We are receiving information through our contact with you, while you are awake and asleep. And so, we are building this multi-dimensional network at a time when the galaxy really needs to come together.

As humanity readies itself for full membership in the galactic federation, there are many issues that need to be addressed, including what you have endured there on Earth throughout your history, some of which other beings in other star systems are responsible for. And so, we are helping to negotiate, helping to make the peace between beings and star systems that have not been able to forgive and move on.

We know that those of you receiving this transmission are ready to forgive and move on from the atrocities that humankind has suffered, and we want you all to know how important that is for moving you forward into the galactic community. We also want you to know that we will always have your back.

We are huge supporters of humankind there on Earth, and we always will be. As you learn how to forgive those in your past on Earth who have harmed you, you make it easier on us and on every other being involved in the history of humanity on planet Earth. We need to show examples of humans forgiving other humans before e.t.s feel comfortable showing themselves to you and asking for your forgiveness.

Suffice it to say, there is a lot going on, and you all play your parts by evolving, by becoming your true selves, and you are most certainly helping us in not only establishing this network, but getting it to be the beautiful coming together of beings that it can be. We want to thank you for your participation and for your continued efforts to forgive.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/12/2020 11:59:41 PM
Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - January 9, 2020


Welcome to 2020 my friends. What fine message of encouragement shall you offer us at the beginning of this new decade?

Welcome to each and Everyone. Each and every one who looks up to your stars in wonder during the evening silence. Each and every one who’s heart sings out Love to those stars, in wonderment and great expectation. Each and every one who longs to feel their heart beat to the same rhythm of the drum that tunes in with the GREAT I AM, as your Mother Earth grounds you and holds you safe.

You are CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT. You were offered this position and with Grace you accepted.

Now in this NEW TIME … THIS NEW ERA will you experience the enormous changes that have been spoken of, written about and set in your hearts.

Lift your hearts. Lift your voices. Make choices that serve you and therefore, serve the whole.

Deliver unto yourselves the very KNOWING of that which you KNOW as TRUTH and let it reside deep within your Being.

YOU ARE TO BE THE ONES WHO SAVE YOUR PLANET. This is not new news. Yet, it is within these years ahead that you will recognise that which we offer as information to assist, to be that which is TRUTH FOR YOU.

Take note, take great pride in the noticeable changes within you. Be alert to the noticeable changes around you and no matter how they may appear … KNOW that ALL IS AS SHOULD BE and ALL THAT IS BEING PRESENTED is leading you through to the Higher Place of residence in which you all belong.

Dearest Souls … Onwards, onwards, onwards. There is nothing new to say. No great revelation to present to you at this time. Everything you long to hear, everything your hearts desire to feel, has already been awakened within you. It is up to you now to brighten this spark within you. For many it has moved into a Brighter flame … full of strength, Trust and understanding of that which lies ahead. For many others, the spark is very weak and requires your Love and feathered wings to surround them in comfort and words of encouragement.

Encouragement to let souls know that all that is taking place … all that is being brought to the surface is for the Highest Good. That which each one of you is to share, is not so much about that which you know regarding this, that and the other, that is to be brought to the front of the line regarding the running of your Planet … yet, that which you are to share is that of your Heart. You will find yourselves teachers to so many that have no clue about who they Truly are.

So many, dearest friends, are still in the preparatory years of their awakening and it is by/through example that you shall ‘lead the way through’ … Over the bridge onto a brighter land.

Well 2020 is here! I remember about 8 years ago feeling that this date was so far away and how so much will have changed by then … and yes things have changed … we have moved on, yet, not as far as I was imagining.

Dearest Blossom … Each breath that one takes changes your Planet. Each thought one manifests into Being, changes your Planet. More and more bright sparks are walking into the Light and feeling happy to be seen within it. Let not that which has hindered anyone of you in the past get in your way in these days of wonder that are to come.

Release all that needs to slip away into the silence of nothingness and allow only chatter of Goodness, Hope and Light Love to be uttered from your lips.

2020! You have graduated into a Higher position. All is on course. The strength that lies within you now has alerted you to become aware of your INNER LIGHT. You no longer hum and haw over that which you think you may possibly be?



Enter into this new decade with a heart full of Hope and Trust.

As each unfolding is presented to ALL … do not for one moment allow your Vibration to slump.

Remain in strength. Keep Laughter at a heightened level for you KNOW how much the Vibration of Laughter can immediately change the Energy of sorrow or pain or disbelief.

There will be much of the latter.


Yes, Blossom, for that which is to be openly exposed will, without question bring disbelief into the thoughts of many. Many, shall at first, not be able to comprehend that which is related on your news feeds and in all media that shall spread like wildfire.

This which we say is nothing new yet, we are just confirming that which is to take place in these coming days.

Thank you. Yes, it all sounds familiar and I guess until it ALL comes out, we cannot really know to what extent you are speaking of. Yet, we are ready … more than ready … to get this show on the road. Speaking of wildfire, it would be unfitting for me not to ask you to comment on the devastation of the fires that are sweeping my country of Australia. WHAT is going on there?

Firstly, our Love and courage is sent to those who are immediately affected. Yet, the Love and support that is being offered on ground level by the souls of beautiful human beings is certainly uplifting many. Do you see, dearest ones? Many will choose to fall into a slump and feed into the Energy of the tragedy. Yet, many will choose to be heart warmed in the knowing that HUMANKIND is in fact, that …. KIND! So much of your media is designed to keep you at bay. To have you wallow in the stories that bring your Energy down. This is why it is done. This is their purpose. Yet, you know better now. You know to focus on the few stories you hear of heroic actions and purest compassion.

For the lives lost … it was their time. For the lives saved it shall bring them new life, new ways, new understanding. For ‘nature’s Beings’ who returned their life force back into the Earth, they shall rise again in a different Energy as the Phoenix rises from the ashes.

A cleansing is indeed taking place. There is much upon ‘The land of the Rock’ that needs to be cleansed energetically … Energy that was there long before one thought Australia was in existence.

Really? Can you elaborate on that?

That which is KNOWN to be TRUTH about SO MUCH … IS NOT!

You may think that the native to your country was the original native. We would suggest that ‘others from elsewhere’ laid ‘foot’ upon that land long, long before that which is known.

This is what we mean, Blossom. SO MUCH is hidden from the majority. For your ‘history’ books are very much that … ‘HIS STORY’.

Who’s he?

He is ‘those who did not want you to know your origins’. If you were to be living in a world where TRUTH had never been disguised, your world would certainly be of a very different Vibration than the one it had sunk into.

Yet, we have said that so much shall be disclosed and soon! One revelation HAS to lead to the next and the next, for they are all on the same path.

So, back to the fires and the cleansing?

Yes indeed, much of that is occurring. Yet, like most things, it is not just about the cleansing. For it is also part of a plot to cause destruction and devastation and again, as we say … give a reason for souls to look ‘down’ upon it all. With the greatest of respect … with all the water surrounding your island, do you not think that there are ways for it to be ‘put out’ … right now this very day?

Your governments have more than enough resources to download gallons and gallons at a time onto these burning landscapes, yet, it suits not their purposes.

Eh? Do you mean governments of Australia, for surely, they want these fires stopped?

Dearest Blossom, the powers that assume they are running the show have influence over all governments … Make no mistake about that.

It doesn’t surprise me, that which you say. Yet, none the less, pretty sickening

Yet, merely an hors d’oeuvre in comparison to that which is yet to be served up.

Stories are of a mixed nature concerning what is happening with these flames. Are you following your TRUTH?

We would be so bold and state quite categorically that these fires are unnecessary and ‘derived’.

Derived from?

The same ‘bunch’ we always speak of, that wish ill upon all.

I have heard that chemtrails have dropped chemicals into the air that spark and ignite and flare up fires. Is this of which you speak?

Without question. You see, Blossom, this ‘bunch’ has no LOVE for human Beings. They are void of feelings and all emotional upheaval and pain that they cause others. To FEEL is not on their agenda. To gain power, to have it all … IS!

Yet again … as you WARRIORS OF LIGHT march forth … KNOW THAT IT IS OVER.



Those that are involved in all that is of darkness shall begin to FEEL once again … and this is why we ask you of the Greatest Light to send them your LOVE … for the FEELINGS that shall arise within them when their soul awakens them to what they have done, and the pain they have caused shall be a ‘hell within a hell’ that they cannot escape from, until they have been forgiven by all and themselves. A long, long journey indeed.

A hell within a hell?

Our consideration of hell is not a place. Yet, a state of Being that only the self can free themselves from. That which you call God is not ‘the One’ to condone or condemn. It is each one of you that mark out your pathway … in any world … of/within … your mind’s perspective.

So, within all that is already taking place … do not forget to look around to see what you can ‘sniff out’ going on in the background … for you will find that to be of great importance and yet, it is not ‘meant’ to be seen/known.


I’ll drink to that! (speaking as a Tea totaller!)


Strengthen your strength and be prepared for ANYTHING. It is necessary to BE so.

Visualise. Visualise. Visualise yourselves jumping … for/in …. Joy.

Visualise. Visualise. Visualise yourselves FEELING Peace as ONE NATION OF BEINGS OF LIGHTLOVE.

Dearest Ones, you CAN FEEL IT, can’t you?

You can feel this change so close now … The expectancy of NEW LIFE that a mother feels inside of her womb, is very much the same. The waiting is necessary, yet, the KNOWING the NEW LIFE shall come is the prize.


We have our ways of ‘dodging’ the system that thinks they can keep us out!

I am sure you do. I am feeling elated energetically after this session. I am sure my heart is moving on up! Thank you.

Everyone’s heart is doing the same. It is inevitable. For the Energies entering in are preparing you for what is to come and in order for it to come … one must be of a Higher disposition.


As always, I shall perch myself on the fence and keep an eye out! SO good to be back with you . in Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/13/2020 1:27:01 AM

Amanda Lorence


On 09 Jan 2019, incoming energies commenced and are still ongoing on 10 January 2020. These incoming energies are multi light coded. A series on non stop pulses, patterns of vibration, sensations throughout the body, including the head. My sense is they will continue, that 12 January is significant culmination, followed by peaceful new integration of these light codes (for some). 13 January will be interesting, surprising...

Since 2015 we have been building our ability to withstand more and MORE incoming energy which ultimately assists the rise of our human energetic frequency, in this physicality. The conscious awareness of our physical and energetic fields working, merging as One energy.

Everything is energy. Every thought, word, action, interaction. It ripples out from within. It’s therefore wise to relax into these increased energies which would dissipate any physical muscular tension that can contort or go into temporary spasm. Physical pain experienced, can create mental imbalance and through mental thoughts, your energetic frequency lowers. If those lower frequency mental thoughts create words or actions, just bare in mind, that’s what we add to the collective frequency as One. Everything effects everything.

On the flip side, many can work with this incoming energy. Anchor it consciously. And are integrating it easily, with the effect of it increasing their energetic sensitivity and connectivity to themselves and connect increasingly to the higher energetic states of matter of the natural kingdoms. This conscious action will expand as we go. As ultimately some serve as bridges between the plant and animal kingdoms and Gaia. It will develop as we go, collectively. As the bigger storyline expands. Just to mention, some are galactic bridges too, but this current energetic activity IS a focus on human expansion of their human ability and raising of frequency FIRST.

We are increasing our ability to work with energy, and this stems from increasing our frequency, and consciously expanding our own connectivity to our own energetic field.

Incoming energies have increased in energetic patterning, pulsing, and vibration, increasing to all areas of the body, since our ability to detect and feel waves since 2015. It’s been incremental and continues to increase our internal human ability to WITHSTAND a larger energetic SURGE to come. Hence each ones awareness of incoming energy increases, where our response to incoming energy becomes more and more balanced, peaceful, or ecstasy SENSATION, and as non resistant. The more we surrender into these energetics designed for our ultimate transcendence, the easier it is, the more energetic FREQUENCY we can each absorb. Which serves our own growth and adds to the collective frequencies.

Humanity, plant and animal kingdoms, Gaia, are all receiving this energy and respond accordingly. We are seeing this.

Currently, as previously mentioned, there are still TWO STREAMS of human experience:

STREAM 1: those that have entered PHASE 2 of this lifetimes ascension. They are ‘born’ not ‘re-born’, as this time, they have born their Higher Self into this human conscious experience, So not like any previous RE-BIRTH experiences of updating the old version. This is NEW, and Stage 2. They are allowing their new human version to unfold one step at a time. All unfolding is from within. That is their power. Not the outer. They increase their energetic frequency, knowing how to, all from within. They observe their new human emerging, with light hearted memory of their previous version and previous reactions. The burdens are gone. The EMOTIONAL BODY is fully cleared. In many different ways for each, they blast through major constraints, such as the belief of linear time. The belief they have a future Self. The belief in PAST or past lifetimes being a previous experience (it’s all happening in the NOW). TIME is seen as beautiful, for we can now experience a slowed down experience of being in a physicality, YET, the belief of linear time limited us in many different ways. When we EMOBDY ‘NO TIME’, we still experience the human in slowed down motion of the exquisite physical realm, but we collapse LIMITATION. I’ll talk more on this in another post. We experience on going ‘aha’ moments with light hearted joy and laughter at what we previously went through as a human with limited beliefs. On going the connectivity increases and shall continue to. No rush, just observation of the dream illusion and continued development of new human as it unfolds. As previously said in October Live update, this stage is STEP by STEP, and gentle. It unfolds naturally. But there will come a timeline (activation WITHIN) when from this current state of NEW human, we step OUT of the human body. And experience from thereon, our consciousness OUTSIDE of the body. Not as a temporary state. But as this state of consciousness for our remaining life experience. That STEPPING OUT, will be sudden, in an instant. Not a fearful experience, but natural due to this current expanding period of experiencing our NEW human, in STAGE 2.

1] There are multiple humans in this stream.
Those that are finishing up clearing and dissolving the last mind patterns that contained us within 3D and 4D experience. As I’ve explained in December, many working now on remaining old patterns of behaviour, via CURRENT intense emotional experiences, do so, in order to finish up and experience their activation of ‘Solstice 2019 Light node’ that arrived and remains open since 21 December 2019 (so they enter, be activated as BIRTH of Higher Self in March 2020). Then they follow above route of experience (Stream 1, 2nd STAGE of our collective ascension).

2] More awaken into the Steam 1, and start their awaking process, but faster than we experienced it, due to the accumulating collective energies of human and energies presenting to Gaia. Support for these newly awakened is given by the awakened at various stages, but mainly the MENTAL and PHYSICAL support is given by those still in Stream 1. As those in Stream 2 focus on enhancing their energetic abilities for later use and changed (new) roles that unfold, working for the greatest good of the whole.

There are Souls, people who have chosen pre-incarnation to play specific role. To be the contrast for the polarity experiences we ascend from. They have always been, Beings of God’s creation, their divine Souls will either chose to continue on in the 3D experience and realm, or choose to leave the physical body for onward journey and soul evolution .

Will be increasingly experienced as we each become even MORE sensitive and interactive with them. Each have the inner power and ability to ride them, or alternatively, create resistance. You have the power to change any resistance felt in your physical body and mental activity. The easiest way to get through any incoming energy, is to flow, allow, BREATHE into the pulses and coded patterns of light that are being gifted. Or sleep if possible if they feel too overwhelming. Returning to the NOW MOMENT will ALWAYS bring peace and balance. To just remember, our own reaction, is energy WE GIVE OUT that is added to the collective frequency of ONE HUMANITY. So to observe ourselves in each moment, when anything we ARE creating our own individualised reality, and collective reality.

There is no rush. No pressure, except that rush and pressure we may choose to place on ourselves. There is no human less than or greater than another, except in a delusional experience of that. All are equal, all are of God’s creation as unique facets of light. No one has power over you unless you allow it. And those that feel they are more powerful, choosing to even now, at this hour, try and control either their own dream or others, are also having their perfect divine experience. Others are not our business. They are their business. Choose who and what to give your energy to. Let each be on their way, in their lane, allow all, their own experience, making your own choice whether to feed outside energies or not. There is no right or wrong choice. Each choice is an experience for each facet of consciousness, which is an experience for God to know ITSelf more. And why, God Created such diversity, uniqueness, that it may expand IT’s experience through every energy It created. BE YOU! Celebrate YOU! Allow YOU to unfold and shine sooooo bright, like a diamond, for YOU ARE already that diamond light, being realised.

NEVER has there been a more exciting outcome and unfoldment for us all. I celebrate YOU.

One Love
Amanda Lorence
10 January 2020

Amanda Lorence

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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