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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/10/2020 9:24:29 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/9/2020

will's picture

Thoughts are dominating feelings and because of this domination, everything has gone topsy-turvy; because of this domination you cannot reach to the being, because thought is impotent to reach to the being. The inner is capable of reaching the outer, not vice versa. The center can touch the circumference, but not vice versa.

Future has become more important to you than the present. Present should be the central and everything should go round it. "That" has become more important than "this," "then" has become more important than "now." Change these values... Let "now" be more important, let "here" be more important, let "this" be more important.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/10/2020 9:33:10 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday January 10, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture
As you move forward in the new energies, any ways you may have been practicing resistance or attempting to stay in situations that do not honour your growth and well-being will come up very clearly into your awareness. This is a wonderful thing, for it allows you to choose again.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/11/2020 12:01:13 AM

Four Steps to Becoming Higher Self ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

four steps to becoming your higher self - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangels


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to announce to all of you that we see the way that you have been reaching new levels of consciousness through the tragedies and traumas that you have cleared, and we see you all making great progress towards that goal of becoming your higher selves. We want you to understand how beautiful it is for you to awaken and to do this work that you are doing consciously.

We talk about the different energies that come in and how they support you. We talk about the different helpers that you have from across the galaxy. We talk about opening portals that will grant you even more access to those beings and those energies, and none of that matters as much as the consistency with which you have taken on the chore of ascending.

Now, it can and it ultimately will be, a very beautiful experience for you all, but it will be that way because of your willingness to process and clear that which no longer serves you and that which has been weighing you down. You cannot make a leap in your consciousness evolution from being third dimensional to being fifth dimensional in a lifetime without going through these very unpleasant experiences of reliving and accessing trauma.

When you have an irrational fear, that is not the time for you to be harder on yourself. That is not the time for you to think of yourself as weak, not that there is ever a good time to do those things. But during the experience of an irrational fear, you do have to turn up the unconditional love and compassion for self in order to make it through that experience. You must allow yourself to be irrational in order to get past it.

Of course, you also want to notice when you are not allowing yourself to go there, and instead rearranging your life to avoid the circumstances that evoke that irrational fear. That is step one. Step one is awareness. Step two is being gentle with yourself to the extent that you need to be in order to get through the processing of that fear. Step three is a willingness to feel it all, especially when it feels like a bottomless pit, like there is no end to the feeling that you have tapped in to. And step four is that consistency that you need to keep going there until you’ve peeled away all the layers and gotten to the core of who you really are.

Who you really are underneath those irrational fears, that anger and that sadness, is your higher self, and you all are well on your way to knowing yourselves as that fifth-dimensional aspect of you. This is something we see happening every day there on Earth, and we could not be prouder of you all. You are all leading the way to the ascension experience for humanity.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/11/2020 12:33:36 AM

Multi-dimensional Earth

by Tery Wade

As of 2012 when we entered the deepest part of the Photon Belt Earth became a multi-dimensional plane we are not a single dimensional plane anymore. We are in transition of the Precession of the Equinox. The Age of Aquarius will be unlike any reality we've known.

Our veiled consciousness that we have only known is beginning to expand. 3D minds need the physical to provide proof but this is beginning to change. Our 3D reality is incredibly limiting this is because of assumptions, societal and religious programming and personal beliefs due to the fixed limited human experience and experiment here.

Most cannot grasp this reality in it's entirety with their minds quite yet due to their limited consciousness and sadly it's all on them. I call them the resistors. So this binds them to the linear, fixed , old reality of this Matrix and they are oblivious to it.

Physical realities are realities that vibrate materialistically. But, we are beginning to experience realities that vibrate higher and faster which brings in incredible amounts of information and awareness that we were not privy to before. Meaning, your reality on a fifth dimensional level will be very, very different than the reality that you are experiencing here in the 3rd and even the 4th dimensional experience.

The Earth looks different in every dimension. Colors are different, interactions are different, thought manifestation, abundance is different. There's nothing in this 3D reality that you could compare to this new higher reality. Our physical bodies are dictating the physical plane that we are experiencing.

So, what I'm saying is these higher frequencies that are penetrating our bodies and DNA due to Aquarius are making our bodies lighter which in turn is changing our reality to a higher, lighter reality not so dense, not so heavy. Living in such a cut-throat, survival existence will eventually fall away.

This higher reality is bringing in immense amounts of knowledge and insight because in this higher reality manifestation of your thoughts happen much quicker. Makes sense? Sometimes I get on a ramble and I don't want to confuse anyone. 🥴 So, the ones that are becoming awakened to this reality are the ones changing our reality on this plane. The population that remain asleep will change nothing.

Really, we've been doing this for quite some time now we just haven't had the ability or the capability to anchor this higher frequency reality to this planet yet which is what we're doing right now. Many of you need to let go of the assumption that everybody is in the same place as you are cause that's not going to happen. Meaning, stop assuming and just remember this is all vibrational. We can all transcend this 3D reality but not so much in the physical. We are meeting, communicating and having experiences that are inconceivable to 3d minds in our sleep state. Because, in our sleep state you can experience all dimensions across all space time because there are no restrictions.

We are in the process of dissolving those old 3D codes and are in the process of building an entirely new foundation to a whole new higher reality. We are galactically collapsing the old timeline. We have been through years of forming matter through our lower consciousness now we are forming a reality that not everybody can access yet. So, all those people that call you insane just chuckle at them because they're a little late to the gate and they have some catching up to do.

Meaning, many of them still hold the 3D human grid system. Remember, thoughts and emotions change due to the vibration that is present at that time.

Again, Old Earth is a programmed survival reality that has fear, death, scarcity, manipulation and is in need of physical proof to believe. There is disease, chaos and an incredible amount of confusion and suffering in this reality. This reality is about surviving to exist. The New Earth is vibrant, abundant, pristine, blissful and magical to say the least. The difference between Old Earth and the New Earth is that the Old Earth is an unconscious choice and a New Earth is a conscious one. The Old Earth is about proving everything, the New Earth it's not necessary because experiences will do that for each and everyone of you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/12/2020 5:49:13 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/11/2020

will's picture

Because life goes ahead and your mind is past-oriented, mind and life never meet. Mind goes backwards, lives backwards. Mind is a rear-view mirror. Use it when the occasion arises. Yes, the rear-view mirror in the car has some important function to fulfill. But if you become obsessed with the rear-view mirror, and you only look into the rear-view mirror and drive the car looking always into the rear-view mirror, then there is going to be danger. Then there are going to be accidents and accidents and nothing else.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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