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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/7/2020 12:12:09 AM

Monday, January 6, 2020

Benjamin Fulford Update - January 6, 2020

"Desperate Zionist move to start WWIII backfires drastically"

By Benjamin Fulford January 6, 2020

The U.S. murder of top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani was either a “brilliant chess move” or a very stupid mistake, but either way, it has severely harmed the Zionists.

“The martyrdom of Soleimani may have been a brilliant chess move by U.S. President Donald Trump to unleash global anti-Semitism and terminate Israel, Saudi Arabia, Zionism, Exxon, and the deep state using Iran, Russia, China, Turkey, the EU, and its allies,” was how one Pentagon source summed up the situation.

However, British Intelligence got a very different story from their U.S. counterparts, who told them Soleimani was killed because “he was going to set off nuclear weapons in an attempt to start WWIII and bring on the Mahdi or Messiah.” The British don’t believe this excuse and note that “It was highly unusual the Pentagon did not forewarn Great Britain,” according to MI6 sources.

Regardless, despite the incredible Zionist beating of war drums, the Pentagon, Russian, and Chinese sources agree that this incident will not be allowed to escalate into WWIII.

“As Einstein said, ‘I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.’ We need to make sure the Iran situation does not threaten modern civilization,” was how an Asian Secret Society source described China’s view of this engineered crisis.

“…Eliminating officials of another UN member state…blatantly violates the principles of international law and should be condemned,” was Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s response to the incident. The world community will support Iranian war crime charges against Trump and he will eventually end up in jail for this crime, Russian FSB sources promise.

Veteran’s Today is reporting that the U.S. government committed a war crime by officially inviting Soleimani, under the promise of diplomatic immunity and the lifting of sanctions on Iran, only to ambush and kill him.

Pentagon sources say that because Trump was “tricked into ordering the hit [on Soleimani] with false Israeli Intelligence,” he now has cause and may fire…

…“Eliminating officials of another UN member state…blatantly violates the principles of international law and should be condemned,” was Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s response to the incident. The world community will support Iranian war crime charges against Trump and he will eventually end up in jail for this crime, Russian FSB sources promise.

Veteran’s Today is reporting that the U.S. government committed a war crime by officially inviting Soleimani, under the promise of diplomatic immunity and the lifting of sanctions on Iran, only to ambush and kill him.

Pentagon sources say that because Trump was “tricked into ordering the hit [on Soleimani] with false Israeli Intelligence,” he now has cause and may fire …
… Zionist agents [Secretary of State Mike] Pompeo, [Defense Secretary Mark] Esper, [CIA head Gina] Haspel, and even javanka [Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump].

“The red flag of jihad has been declared on Israel and Saudi Arabia, as Iran has been given casus belli and global approval, while Trump has political cover to pull U.S. troops and U.S. citizens out of harm’s way,” the sources say.

Also, “U.S. Special Forces may even hunt Israelis in Kurdish Iraq, Syria, or elsewhere before leaving, and may execute International Criminal Court arrest warrants on Israeli war criminals,” the sources predict.

“As sealed indictments approach the biblical number of 144,000, kinetic warfare may be combined with lawfare through the ICC and military tribunals to wage total war against the Zionists,” they continue. “The ICC may also prosecute Israel and Saudi Arabia for war crimes in Yemen, crimes against humanity in Syria, Iraq and Libya, and any Zionists or deep state agents aiding or abetting ISIS [Daesh],” they say.

The Zionists may have made this desperate attempt to start war against Iran because of the dragnet that’s closing in on them. For example, evidence is appearing in the mainstream press that chemical weapons attacks on Syria were faked by the Zionist-controlled Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. This means their information control grid is collapsing.

In any case, the attempt to start WWIII with Iran is definitely connected to the ongoing bankruptcy negotiations of the U.S. Corporation, agree various secret society sources. So far, the U.S. Corporation has not found funding to continue its operations past January 31st, and that may be the real reason why they played their war card yet again, one Asian secret society source noted.

Certainly the media hysteria over Iran has distracted people from the fact that the U.S. economy is in a free-fall worse than the Lehman crisis of 2008. Here are a few recent signs of this.

The Baltic Dry Index has plunged 64% in the past three months as the world stops trading with the U.S.

U.S. used truck prices fell 50% year on year in December, while rail freight dropped 11.5%.

U.S. factory output has fallen to its lowest level since 2009 immediately after Lehman.

Another indication the U.S. Corporation is desperate for funds is the fact that NASA (Not A Space Agency) is seeking survival money from Japan.

The U.S. Corporation was able to fool China and get funding to keep its operations going after the Lehman crisis by promising a black communist president—Barack Obama.

This time may be different, because so far only the Federal Reserve Board is buying U.S. stocks and U.S. Treasuries.

However, FRB funny money is not acceptable for the U.S. Corporation’s international payments that are due January 31st.

The fact is that U.S. debt is soaring, while population bombs and denying reality with funny money are not going to solve the problem.

What the American people need to understand is that the world is trying to free them from the U.S. Corporation’s Babylonian debt slavery and restore the Republic of the United States of America. This will lead to a huge jump in U.S. living standards, similar to the near doubling of Russian living standards that was seen after Vladimir Putin kicked the Khazarian mafia out of his country.

Even if the U.S. Corporation is funded past January 31st, the world is headed for extreme turbulence and a major purge as the Zionist beast is put down, Pentagon sources say.

The situation in Iran has distracted from many radical events taking place elsewhere in the world. For example, the Zionist press is ignoring the news that their Venezuelan opposition leader and self-proclaimed “president” Juan Guaidó has been removed from his post as chief of the National Assembly, as multiple Venezuelan media outlets have reported. This means they will not be able to use Venezuelan oil to pay their bills.

Meanwhile, the massive wildfires threatening Australia are now being labeled by Australian police and military sources as a deliberate attack on that country. This arson is being accompanied by a huge corporate media campaign aimed at trying to force the Australian government to pay a carbon tax to cabalists, Australian secret intelligence service sources report. Police say most of the fires have been caused by arsonists and not by “global warming.”

Also, as in California, some of the Australian fires look unnatural. Why are only the vehicles burned, as seen in the picture at the link below?

France, for its part, is facing a revolution as the Zionists try to keep themselves afloat by stealing French pension money just like they already stole Japan’s pension funds. The massive strikes and year of demonstrations are only intensifying as French living standards continue to plunge under the regime of Rothschild-slave president Emmanuel Macron.

P3 Freemason sources say France will experience regime change in 2020. “It’s a good time to invest in guillotine futures,” one source joked morbidly.

The P3 have also revealed a bit more about themselves. They say the P1 was created two centuries ago and was replaced by the P2 sixty years ago. The P2 has been replaced by the P3 in 2020. The biggest difference between P3 and P2 is that the P3 has no Mafiosi in its membership, they say.

The P3 are saying the Germans under Angela Merkel are now the main obstacle to world peace and the creation of a future planning agency. This means Merkel will be under great pressure to resign in 2020, one of the sources says. This will be seen in the form of an increasingly destabilized EU, they say.

The other underreported but drastic event taking place is secret warfare between the Chinese and the Khazarian satanists. China’s food supply is being hit with “pig ebola” and “army worms,” and now Chinese people are coming down with a SARS-like disease.

Also, Taiwan’s top military general was killed in a helicopter crash that was almost certainly a murder.

The Chinese are responding to these attacks by using scalar weapons technology to hit certain Americans, according to British Intelligence reports.

The Zionists are also now rattling their nuclear sabre as satanist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accidentally on purpose says Israel is a “nuclear power.”

They have also been making multiple threats against Japan recently, claim Japanese right-wing and other sources. The latest is a renewed threat to use directed energy weapons to cause Mt. Fuji to erupt.

The Gnostic Illuminati and others threaten to retaliate against any new attack on Japan by blowing up Washington, D.C., Rome, and Jerusalem with 500-megaton nuclear bombs. Also, the Khazarian mob was reminded that hundreds of earthquakes were reported in the Island of La Palma immediately after the March 11, 2011 attack on Fukushima. If La Palma’s precarious rock formation falls into the sea, the East Coast of the U.S. and Southern Europe will be hit with a 100-meter tsunami.

Despite all these threats and counter-threats, we must not forget the reality that world peace is far more likely than world war. The people of the world overwhelmingly reject the attempt by the Zionists and their counterparts in Iran to provoke WWIII. The U.S. military and European allies are rejecting calls for war with Iran. The Chinese and Russians are also telling Iranian hardliners they will not be fooled into WWIII.

Iran’s government has been in peace talks with Saudi Arabia and the U.S. That’s why Iranian President Hassan Rouhani recently visited Japan. After the attack on Soleimani, the Gulf States including Saudi Arabia called for peace.

Certainly there may be more provocations by the Zionists as their satanic project collapses around them. However, they have lost the ability to fool and manipulate the world’s military forces into a world war. This means the writing is on the wall for the Zionists, and it reads “Peace on earth, goodwill to men.”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/7/2020 12:33:53 AM

A Gift from Gaia

And down we come from that short but expansive stream of solar winds.

Settling down and sleeping will ease for those open to the energies, however the whizzing and movement continues where density or unconscious programming is held.

Pain is restriction asking to be seen, validated and loved through the transition.

Tomorrow moon is in opposition to Mars and the balance will show aggression and edginess on one side with the other fully aligned to the plan, action and opportunities arise from following the heart guidance.

This is after all the time for the Divine Union to be realised.

The union is simple, very simple, there are no need for workshops, healers, folk telling you about you, about your past life.. SCRAP it all.

The feminine is the guidance from within, the whispers ignored, all those times you kicked yourself because you "knew".

The wounded Masculine is the programmed human who doesn't listen, doesn't feel into the vibrations, disconnected and the Divine Masculine follows the guidance, trusting fully, reading the language of the field, the physical everything to ensure all is continuing to align.

The Divine Masculine knows the feel, is what we follow, and the feel does not come from fear, there is no lack, there is no need, it's simply a continuous caring sharing, building frequency that begins to transform the physical reality with a life of peace, despite the shifts, we know, because the union enables the guidance to flow and show up the greater map we are following.

The feminine was never wounded, it retreated back into the heart space and waited, for the masculine to come home, wounded but ready to listen, ready to pay attention.

This is the deprogramming, this is the first step onto the path of light,

The union together holds a field of love, Divine love.

If you would like to learn how simple this process is then this is the next key to be released in the SOUL-AR Alignment Group, the 10th key of 12 that I share that simplifies this process, highlights the programming, and supports the removal.

It is a space in which the essential mirrors required for those committed to their path are reflected with love and assistance to shift, and expand the awareness, learning how to make the unconscious conscious, which believe me, everyone within the space, including myself never ceases to be amazed at how it all works and what runs so stealthily that without the high frequency reflection can go undetected for a lifetime.

The final key is the alignment, where I share exactly how solar and cosmic energy is so important and yet very few understand, the process, the first 9 keys bring you to your sacred field, guiding you how to hold, stabilise and begin to build beautiful light structures, the NewBuild of our future and beyond this, the keys will bring you into a full solar alignment where you will be able to read the energy just as I do, clearly, felt and translated to share and assist others too, until they too learn what is in fact one of the most natural things for us to do, translate what we sense.

The keys I have ground into this time and space are simply a remembering, of the Aquarian kind.

What have we seen so far? Well as you know I'm riding a miracle with my son able to walk in no time, I had to figure it all out more deeply but you see this is how my journey works, this is how I learn, and then it is shared
There have been people using the keys who like me have and are getting over a lifetime of anxiety, depression, habits and addictions, abuse and so much more.

But let me tell you, that the keys are for those most committed as they guide you to the path of the initiate. They demand the highest of respect and responsibility.

Every person committed to using the keys has fast tracked into fields of peace that had been sought for years, it is simply a magical space that has to be experienced to fully understand.

Now, things are changing, but due to the intensity of the energy I am happy to open the doors for those who wish to come in earlier, before the big shift and the changes here at A Gift from Gaia, I will announce on the website once it's up and running, but for those wishing to join now will receive extra benefits for the short time.

So if you wish to join us, to see what this is all about then please send an email over to

I am looking forward to getting to know more of you and surfing together as we move through what is set to be the most incredible energies


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/7/2020 1:04:31 AM

Jesus through John

Guidance from an elder brother

You are far, far more than your ego would have you believe.
January 4, 2020 by John Smallman

The changes essential for humanity’s awakening have been ongoing for a number of years now, and they will climax in 2020. There were many changes in 2019 that were quite astounding for large portions of humanity who were deeply asleep, and which led them forwards to question many of their enculturated but frequently unseen beliefs. These beliefs, which they held unknowingly, directed their thoughts, words, and actions, often with less than totally positive results. Now people are choosing to investigate those long-held beliefs and opinions in order to check their validity for them now as they choose to move forward spiritually. Many of those beliefs and opinions, formed early in childhood, and modified as they matured into adulthood, have been used mainly to establish a false egoic sense of self-confidence – the “I’m right, therefore you’re wrong,” type – that seems to make life as a human feel safer and more predictable.

However, true self-confidence comes from knowing that one is an eternal being, divinely created, and from engaging with life with love, honesty, and integrity so that one’s thoughts, words, and actions are always guided by loving intent. Because you are, each and every sentient being, One with Source, then you are Love, Love is your true nature.

However, as a human in form, your awareness of that has been forgotten, you experience yourself as a small insignificant being adrift in a vast universe that is apparently completely unaware of you, and this is very frightening. But that sense of self is provided by your ego, which identifies totally and completely with your body, and which therefore encourages you to live in fear of suffering and death. Your ego does its best to convince you to rely on it for your safety and survival, and it is very vociferous as it attempts to convince you that you are only your body with its thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and nothing more! This manner of self identity is totally invalid! You are far, far more than your ego would have you believe.

There is an ancient saying that you have all doubtless heard numerous times, and have perhaps even worked with: “Know thyself!” It does not refer to your identity as a human, it refers to your true identity as One with Source, and to uncover that Self and know that it is you is what that saying is asking you to do. You cannot uncover that Self unless you make a regular practice of going within, and of letting your thoughts flow past without engaging with them. Then, after you have spent time in this way, they slow down or quieten enough to allow your real Self, your true Self to connect most lovingly with you as intuitive guidance, and as a deep inner knowing of the wonder that is your life fills you with gratitude, the awareness that you are indeed One with Source arises within you. That uncovering of your true Self, when it occurs – as it will if you truly surrender to the Divine within you by ceasing in your attempts to analyze or explain yourself to yourself – is a life changing and unforgettable experience of the most amazing and uplifting nature. You do not have to do anything to access this inner knowing, you just have to be, by relaxing into that vast, quiet space within yourself where Love resides eternally.

Just being is very difficult for you because you are so deeply enculturated with the need to do! Your human survival appears to depend on it. And of course, as a human in form, there is your daily life in form where you meet with and interact with others as you go about the business of being human. It does seem all consuming, and it does seem to demand practically all of your attention – partners, family, friends, traveling to and from work, paying bills – so that to set time aside purely for yourself to do NOTHING can appear to be a total waste of your severely limited time, and selfishly self-indulgent as well.

I cannot impress upon you strongly enough your need to change that opinion if you are to move powerfully forwards towards your awakening. You incarnated to assist others to awaken, but you cannot do that unless you start to awaken yourself, because your own awakening is your main task, and as you start to become aware of this and make the necessary life changes to allow this to happen, you assist others to do likewise. Remember, You are all One, therefore as you start to awaken so will others and thus you will be fulfilling the intent with which you incarnated.

There is absolutely no way that you can fail! You are One with Source, therefore your will – even as you struggle with the severe limitations that being a human in form presents you with moment to moment – is the divine Will, it has just slipped your memory. By taking quiet time alone at least once daily, at a time you set and know you can maintain, as well as at odd moments between your human tasks – waiting in line, at traffic lights, in the shower, brushing your teeth – you will find that life ceases to be such an impossible rush to get everything done. By giving yourself time out you will find that you have moretime than when you didn’t.

Time spent quietly within, at your holy inner sanctuary, is the most important time in your human life. As you become accustomed to following a daily practice you will start to recognize this, and you will find it almost impossible not to take that daily time for yourself. It does not have to be long, just ten or fifteen minutes, and as you become used to making the space for it you will find that things or situations that used to irritate you become far less intrusive, you will find that you have a readily available sense of peace that you can access at any time just by standing back a moment as a negative emotion arises or one of your buttons gets pushed.

You all, every sentient being in form, long for peace and love, and by setting and maintaining a practice of going quietly within you will find within you, waiting to embrace you in every moment, the peace and love to satisfy that longing. You are not alone, you are fully supported in every moment of your eternal existence, and while, as a human in form, it often seems that you are alone, that no one understands you, that no one appreciates you, this is most definitely not the case. You are all doing tremendous work on Earth at this time, and you are most positively affecting many others as you move through life having set the intention to be only loving whatever arises. So even if you do not get a sense of being loved, appreciated, or valued in your daily lives, know that what you are being and doing is essential for humanity’s awakening, and that no one but you can be it and do it.

When you feel down, overwhelmed, unable to cope, then go within and call on your wonderful and amazing support team in the spiritual realms for a loving hug. It will be delivered instantly. Do not look at the saints and mystics, or at the ones who are known for the intensely loving service that they offered while in form, and decide that you are not good enough because you are unable to do what they did. Instead know that you are on the path that you chose with divine guidance in order to assist in humanity’s awakening process, and that you are doing it perfectly! Your doubts and negative self judgments are utterly invalid, futile attempts by your ego to undermine your self-confidence, your sense of Self, and to thus distract you from your brilliant path, the only path for you, the path on which no one else can possibly replace you. You are precisely where you are meant to be in every moment, and your presence there is essential for humanity’s awakening – that is why you are following it so perfectly and so beautifully – so let go of your doubts and allow peace, joy, and confidence in your purpose to fill your heart.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/7/2020 9:16:14 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 7, 2020

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Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/7/2020 9:20:47 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/6/2020

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If you are totally sad, you are just on the verge of a discovery: sadness will evaporate. At a certain intensity, at a certain point, it simply evaporates as dewdrops evaporate in the morning sun. Once the heat has reached a certain intensity, the dewdrops disappear. Exactly like that the sadness will disappear, and suddenly, out of nowhere, joy has arrived, the guest has arrived. Now be a host to it. Now meditate on it, again be one with it. Now be joy. Don't stand aloof again. Don't start thinking, "Such a beautiful experience is happening, I am having the experience of joy." Don't start creating a distance between you and the joy. Be the joy. Dance it, sing it. Manifest it, be it!


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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