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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/7/2020 11:29:26 PM

Keep Your Faith

Galactic Free Press's picture

The Universe often hears your musings on why you experience what you do. What appears to be a let-down or challenging situation can certainly knock you back on your heels! But if you look closely enough you will notice things falling into place just as they should. Remember your faith, dearest one and know all will be well. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/8/2020 12:29:39 AM
Twin soul ascension report: 11.1 astrological master portal.. disclosure is imminent

January 5, 2020 I

Jenji and the white wolf tribe

Dearest Beloveds,

Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this sacred moment of your time with very exciting news to share with you all dearest ones.

Currently there are many many transformational shifts taking place behind the scenes so to speak and here we are referring to the vast and complex handover of power from the “powers that were” to the “forces of light”.

Please know that none of your mainstream Media will be reporting on the truth about what is really going on behind the scenes at the moment, suffice to say that those who have initiated extraordinary atrocities and trauma to humanity are now being gathered up and justice is being served.

Please know that this which we speak of is intimately connected to the solar flash event.

The solar flash event is being meticulously guarded over by our galactic brothers and sisters, many of whom have specific jobs in:

1. Preparing humanities consciousness for the profound transformation that is imminently aligning.

2. To prevent the solar flash event happening Too Soon before the vast majority of humanities vessels are prepared to carry this level of light frequencies.

The solar flash event is aligning as we just shared and this is largely due to the work that many in the starseed community are doing on themselves fervently at this time. Here we are referring to the integration and standing under of one's own shadow self in order to experience the alchemy of the soul and the transmutation of the egoic led consciousness back into the gold of the Christed self.

These truly are the most exciting times that we could all be living in and 2020 promises to be a year whereby profound shifts take place on the earthly realm for all to see.

We would like to now take a moment to speak about the Twin soul portal that was opened on New Years Eve in Avalon.

Dear ones an extremely Potent twin soul portal was opened in Avalon on the 31st of december 2019. This portal was a by-product of divine intervention that took place on that day and this divine intervention has now been activated as a way of sending forth a profound level of support to all the twin Souls who are destined to come into Union in this year of 2020.

This portal was specifically connected to the inner realms of agartha and connected with the galactic beings who reside in agartha. What actually occurred was - a pillar of light descended from the heavens and anchored in Avalon on that date and the pillar of light penetrated into the core of the Earth, stirring and activating the rainbow dragons who live in inner earth and informing them that it was time for them to fully come on board with assisting the twin Soul Collective to transition from etheric 5d union to physical Union.

Many many of you will be aware that there are forces in this universe that have had an agenda to keep true twin Souls in separation, as when genuine twin Souls come into union on all planes of consciousness the frequency that is activated between them is the highest and most Potent frequency in the universe and is enough to radically shift the density of the lower dimensional Realms, therefore it has served the powers that were to keep twins in physical separation as that way they have been able to control the Frequency output of gaia and keep it at a controlled lower vibratory frequency.

We are being guided now to work with the benevolence of the powerful twin soul portal that was opened on New Years Eve which is now serving to gather up all of the energy that is opposed to the twin soul unions and send it into a silver violet transmutational black hole, never ever to be experienced again on any level or in any realm.

Dearest beloveds, we would like to personally invite all of you who are reading theses words to come forward for the extremely potent and auspicious global ceremony taking place on the 11:1. In this transmisssion we are being guided to clear this dark energy that has been opposing genuine twin reunions, and which is also intricately connected to the timeline of mass disclosure.. please know that both of these issues are intricately connected, and in many ways energetically dependent on each other.... We cannot stress how important this is beloveds, and this will assist many many of you to come into physical Union with your twin Souls in this powerful year of en mass twin soul unions- 2020.

Dearest ones important work like this requires us to come together in large groups in order to intensify our collective intentional field, as we send for these brand new instructions into the 4d etheric Realms whereby this clearing is destined to take place.

Dearest Brothers and Sisters, the energies are hugely building for the upcoming 11:1 portal which is aligned with some extremely powerful astrological Transits.

This is a highly auspicious time to come together in our Ascension groups to unify our sacred intentions on powerful portal dates such as this.

In the 11:1 transmission we are being guided to work with our galactic elder brothers and sisters who are assisting us personally and collectively to anchor and ground the "disclosure" timeline.

It is absolutely imperative for humanity's evolution going forward that we are finally granted access to technologies that have been made available to us from off planet, that will support us to align with our most healed and magnificent versions of ourselves.

Please know that 2020 will be the year of mass Disclosure but it can't happen in one big go there will have to be an element of trickling down. This is due to the vast amount of atrocities that have been inflicted upon humanity by the Old archaic powers that were. it is important for the collective mental spiritual and emotional well-being that the information is released in a way that is not going to cause trauma and overwhelm for the mass population.

We are so excited to be Gathering with you on this powerful astrological and numerological portal date.

Going forward brothers and sisters it is essential that we starseeds are unwavering in our trust and Faith in god's plan and God's timing. The more that we individually and collectively can remain vigilantly aligned with these faith codes the Swifter all of our prayers will be materialized on the earthly realm.

This is an extremely auspicious blessing to receive and all those who take part in this ceremony will be the receivers of this blessing.

please see the link below to join the group and meet your star tribe

In love and eternal light

Jenji and the white wolf tribe

The 11:1 transmission

The 11.1 transmission will take place at 8.08 pm uk time uk time on sat the 11th january 2020 in a secret group on facebook

In the 11:1 transmission we are being guided to come together as a soul group in order to clear away any galactic interference energy that has been implemented in order to keep genuine twin Souls in separation.

This is extremely important work that we are being guided to do….. we have been called to gather together as a soul group to activate this intention into the etheric field as collectively we are so extremely Powerful.

In the 11:1 transmission we are being guided to work with our galactic elder brothers and sisters who are assisting us personally and collectively to anchor and ground the "disclosure" timeline.

It is absolutely imperative for humanity's evolution going forward that we are finally granted access to technologies that have been made available to us from off planet, that will support us to align with our most healed and magnificent versions of ourselves.

Please know that 2020 will be the year of mass Disclosure but it can't happen in one big go there will have to be an element of trickling down. This is due to the vast amount of atrocities that have been inflicted upon humanity by the Old archaic powers that were. it is important for the collective mental spiritual and emotional well-being that the information is released in a way that is not going to cause trauma and overwhelm for the mass population.

We are so excited to be Gathering with you on this powerful astrological and numerological portal date.

Again this is an extraordinarily profound blessing to receive and will assist all of us in the assimilation of the integration of theses light frequencies into our physical vessels.

If you are reading this on a mobile device please use this link to book onto the transmission

it is just as powerful to tune in after the live event

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/8/2020 1:12:01 AM

Editor’s Note: Yes, Yes, Yes…GREAT moments are upon us each in our NOW! FEEL the energies of the moment lift you up in a swell of love as cellular components change? Remember…the tide of Love will lift all souls regardless of thier level of awareness! Thank You, our Pleiadian Brethren for you Love, care and concern as humanity evolves NOW, as we evolve into BEing…



Beloved ones we greet you, Open up to this pure wave of light, which is flowing from the heavenly bodies down to you to support you on your unique journey. There is a changing frequency as these divine shifts continue to anchor, opening up your potential for a higher consciousness connection.

This happening on Earth is part of the original prophecy from the ‘New Dawning’ energy set in motion by us, the Pleiadians. The Grids have begun their transmutation process and they are transmitting a series of realignment cycles that support you with this reconnection.

Veils have lifted giving you access to Doorways of understanding and Truth.

The Timelines have begun to dissolve which allow the old perceptions of illusion to be released. The illusion of limitations that have been previously set in place will no longer impact you.

Through these series of shifts there is a quickening that is transforming the energetic within your Heart cells, so you are energetically playing a part in this changing energetic on your planet.

You need to open up your awareness to being part of this happening, and not feeling separate from these changes. As you choose to say yes to your process you are able to align more completely within your multidimensional Heart.

You have been launched, reconnected and aligned to these new frequency settings that continue to build and evolve on Earth. Your Heart cells have been reopened into another multidimensional framework. This entire process within Earth allows for a complete shift of your consciousness.

Be in your Heart and remember! We witness you.


The Pleiadians

Christine Day Online Blog

Christine Day brings the latest teachings and messages from the Pleiadians. She holds the platform for us to move into our enlightenment in this lifetime. This is our destiny. The key to this is accepting our humanness; embracing ourselves as ‘perfectly imperfect’. Christine channels and shares her experiences to assist us in moving towards our own self acceptance and awakening.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/8/2020 2:28:12 AM

Feel for the Spark of Divinity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

feel the spark of divinity - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been interested in tracking the evolution of your consciousness for many reasons, not the least of which is that we know your evolution is reflection of our own. We understand the interconnectedness of all beings in the universe, and therefore, we know that you are us, and that we are you. We get to see ourselves in you, in the same way that a parent sees themselves in their child.

We are very excited to witness your evolution because it is so challenging to all of you to grow, to move past where you have been before. It is easy to keep things the way they are in your lives and in your minds. It is easy to hold to the same perception of reality, but when you ask yourselves to stretch that perception out, that’s when it gets a bit more tricky. That’s when you have to shake loose of some of what you’ve been holding on to like a security blanket.

When you stretch your physical body, you sometimes endure the pain of that stretching, and because you are making such giant leaps forward in this lifetime, the evolution of your consciousness is often painful. But being in pain and seeing others in pain is what amplifies your compassion and unconditional love. Therefore, you experience growing pains in becoming more of who you really are. That is one of the main differences between the way you experience yourselves and your lives and the way we experience ourselves and our lives.

And so, we do the best that we can to relate to your experiences, and again, we can always find that spark, that aspect of ourselves within you. When you feel challenged by something in your life, that is the moment when you want to stop everything and go within to feel for more. Feel for more of the Divinity that exists within you. Feel for more of the strength and the power, because it’s there, and if you have discovered the ability to feel our energy as we come through this channel, then you can feel for the aspect of you that is us. And we guarantee you that doing so will help you in facing whatever life is throwing at you in the moment.

We have so much to give you, and we are just getting started. We are also benefitting so much from getting to know all of you, and this relationship will continue to evolve as well.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/8/2020 6:03:21 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/7/2020

will's picture

The heart has to be the master and the head the servant. But people are upside down: the head has become the master and the heart has become the servant.

Logic rules, love is not even heeded. Personality has become more important than individuality. Personality is that which is conferred on you by others, individuality is that which is given to you by God. Personality is just a mask, persona; individuality is your uniqueness.

The society wants you to have beautiful personalities; the society wants you to have personalities which are comfortable for the society, convenient for the society. But the person is not the real thing, the individual is the real thing. The individual is not necessarily always comfortable to the society -- in fact he is very inconvenient.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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