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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/6/2020 12:58:37 AM


Astromomma Special - The Fires in Australia - An Astrological Perspective + What Is to Come

Hey Astromomma fam! I was called by spirit to write an article on the astrological perspective of the current crisis of wild fires across Australia. The news of such devastation and agony of these fires has been so prolific and heart breaking. I haven't been able to stop thinking about what was going on with Australia's birth chart and could astrology lend a clue to why or how these fires showed up?

I have a special affinity with Australia, even though I was born in the US. I was given the opportunity to live in Melbourne from 2011-2012, and the land of OZ, has always been a second home to me. It was this tie, that prompted me to look at the astrology of Australia, my home away from home, and see if I could lend some astrological insight on what is currently happening and what the future holds.

Australia, itself has many birth charts, as do many countries. Without getting into an argument, I decided to look at the most recognized date of Australia's natal chart, which is the date of Australia Day and according to Astrotheme, is set for January 26, 1788, at 6pm in Sydney, Australia. This gives Australia: a Sun at 6 degrees of Aquarius, Moon at 20 degrees of Virgo and ascendant at 17 degrees of Cancer. There are many factors to look at when analyzing a natal chart against the current astrological transits, but a couple things stood out right away. Again, I won't analyze the whole birth chart( or this article would be too long) but let's look into a couple of interesting points I noticed right away.

The first is the Ascendant at 17 degrees of Cancer. Cancer, the 4th zodiac sign, deals with: home, the mother, safety, security and nourishment. Australia's physical attribute lend's a very motherly and supportive vibe. This Cancer ascendant happens to be opposing the current stellium of Capricorn energy, with Saturn, Pluto and the South Node, all within the sign of the goat. Oppositions( or 180 degree aspects) bring tension and often action or destruction. While oppositions aren't inherently negative( no aspect is) there is a clue here. The tug of war on how the country's identity, Ascendant, is being expressed is bumping up with limitation and restructuring of Saturn and the destruction and power of Pluto.The South Node, a karmic and destined point on the moon's axis, represents: the past, what needs to be released and karma. The South Node in Capricorn opposing Australia's Cancer ascendant would give such karma and release to the identity of the country, along with immense burden and limitation.

The second factor I see is Australia's, Uranus, the planet of: shocks, sudden events and surprises, also sits in the country's first house at 27 degrees of Cancer. Again, we can see the opposition of Uranus to both transit Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, respectively. Uranus opposing Saturn is all about break down of the status quo and immense amounts of tension. Uranus opposing Pluto creates a massive eruption of power and often it comes with little to no warning and can be quite destructive and full on. I often see major occurrences happen when outer planets( in this case Saturn and Pluto) come to make difficult aspects with planets in one's first house of: the self, identity, and outlook.

So, from an astrological perspective, do I see relief in sight? As both Saturn and Pluto continue to move forward, there will be more separation from the opposition to Australia's Cancer ascendant. The heavy Cancer/Capricorn energies, are particularly strong right now as we just had the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn and are preparing for the upcoming Lunar Eclipse in Cancer. The upcoming Lunar Eclipse at 20 degrees of Cancer on January 10th, happens to conjunct Australia's ascendant. Lunar Eclipses are full moon's with 10x the amount of power and prowess as regular full moons. They signal major and final: endings, completions and manifestations. Is this when relief could manifest? It certainly looks hopeful and promising. As mentioned, there are so many factors to look at and this is just one aspect(although a big one).

I hope you found this article interesting and perhaps learned a thing or two about the power of astro-cartography. Astro-cartography, the analysis of a location's birth chart, is one of my new services, I will be adding on to my site. Stay tuned as I will be writing more articles explaining other locations and my guidance/predictions.

Please share this article with your community if you feel inclined to do so. I created it to educate and empower folks understanding and to validate astrology's powerful guidance. Your support and love mean the world to me!

Finally, my heart and prayers goes out to all those currently affected by the wildfires. Sending you all so much love and care during this difficult time!


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/6/2020 1:21:13 AM

How You are Freeing Humanity from Enslavement ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

How You are Freeing Humanity from Enslavement ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton - channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been calculating the estimated arrival time for the evolution of your consciousness to get you to the point where you don’t have to take so many actions just in order to survive, and we have determined that you are only about five years away from being free of all of the tedious chores that you have to do in order to maintain your physicality. When you no longer need to work and do all of the little things that you need to do in order to maintain your bodies, your vehicles, and your homes, you will be freed up for more lofty pursuits.

Those of you who have always wanted to paint will have the freedom to paint. Those of you who have always wanted to sing will have the freedom to sing. Those of you who have always wanted to write will have the freedom to write. You will have more free time for spiritual pursuits. You will be able to take the time to connect to beings in other dimensions.

The lack of free time that some people experience makes it challenging for them to even take fifteen minutes out of their day to meditate. And so, the hamster wheel that you have all been on has kept you from really exploring who you are and being able to express that. Now, not everyone who has an enormous amount of free time has been using it for spiritual and artistic pursuits, but there is also a level of consciousness that needs to be reached by humanity before you are freed from the enslavement that you have been taking part in for so long.

When you reach that level of consciousness, then of course more individuals are going to awaken to the truth that there is more to life than going to parties and accumulating stuff. That level of consciousness is something that those of you who are awake are adding to every day, as you make time for your spirituality and for your artistic pursuits. You express yourselves. You talk about your feelings. You connect with Mother Nature, Mother Earth, and the animal kingdom.

You are helping all of humanity to evolve and to get to that place, and you’re doing it not through political action, not through creating a new economic system, and not through defeating those who are seeking to keep things as they are. You are shifting the consciousness of humanity by listening to that little voice inside of you, honoring your intuition. You are taking humanity to the next level of its evolution by being yourselves fully and expressing who and what you are to as many people who will pay attention. And that is not egoic. That is you letting your higher self through to reach as many people as possible. And of course, your higher self is your fifth dimensional self. We just love to see you progressing so nicely.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/6/2020 7:41:30 PM

Daily Message ~ Monday January 6, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture
Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/6/2020 11:14:16 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/5/2020

will's picture

While you are meditating on any specific subject -- for example, sadness -- then be it and forget everything else, as if nothing else exists. Just be totally sad. Savor it, taste it, let it sink in you, soak in it; just be a sponge.

That's what meditation is all about: just be a sponge. And when this mood is there, soak in it to your total capacity, to the optimum. Meditating on sadness, be it. Meditating simply means dropping the distinction between the observer and the observed; let the observer become the observed. Drop that old dichotomy of object and subject; disappear into the object of your meditation. Don't stand aloof, don't be a spectator. Secrets are not revealed to the spectators; secrets are revealed only to those who take a jump, who dive deep into something, people who don't hold themselves back.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/6/2020 11:37:03 PM

Archangel Michael - This Year Will Present Powerful Transformations

January 3, 2020

Greetings everyone. This is Michael.

Each of you have now entered a new year as defined by your calendars. This year will present powerful transformations–on your planet, between nations, and individually. This is occurring because of the continual energy increase that is now happening. You will find that there will be very little space now between each wave of energy influx. The waves have increased exponentially in their frequency and it will feel more like a continual infusion than an ebbing and flowing of light.

As Metatron has spoken of in the past, much transformation will be occurring on your planet now and in the future. This can and will at times feel very tumultuous and distressing for those of you who live near or in dramatically shifting areas. A current example of this is Australia and the large amount of fire that is now occurring there.

From a personal point of view, large volatile events such as this fire will feel horrific and frightening. It will appeared to wreck devastating havoc in the areas that it touches and can cause much personal and animal kingdom loss. It is important that each of you learn to listen within and follow any guidance that you receive in order to be in the right place at the right time. Although you may lose personal property during tumultuous events, if you can listen to inner guidance, you will be led to safety.

Please remember that any humans who lose their lives at this time are actually leaving because they planned this to happen prior to manifesting as human. Many souls have no interest in living on earth during such powerful transformative times and may wish to continue their education in another way. By all means, reach out and help if you are able, but silently maintain the higher awareness of what is actually happening right now.

Just as each of you are going through a powerful period of inner purification and upliftment, so is your planet itself. As the energy continues to increase, your earth will undergo more and more dramatic purges in the form of fire, storms, earthquakes, dramatic temperature shifts, etc. Each of you who originally agreed to stay during this enormous transformative process, will continually be guided so that you remain safe. This is why it is so important that each of you learn to flow with the light and your inner guidance.

Trust that you are safe. Remember that each of you are being watched over. And also know that if you lose a loved one during this time, it is part of their plan and yours. Always remember that no matter how bereft you may feel at a loss, truly speaking you have never lost anything or anyone. In this very real-feeling dream that you are experiencing, it may appear that you have lost something or someone very dear to you. If that occurs, remember to raise your consciousness so that you can experience that you are still completely with what you have lost.

The turbulence that is currently happening in Australia will move at times throughout your world. Just as your inner purification moves through various parts of your being, transforming whatever it touches, the same is occurring on your planet Earth. The fires, the storms, the earthquakes and mudslides that are and will continue to occur are outer expressions of the powerful purification of your planet.

Of course this knowledge is not enough in a worldly sense if you are one of those who has lost your home, your pets and/or family members. You will still have to grieve but holding onto a higher level of understanding can help you to remember to reconnect with those that you have lost. It is part of human nature to experience grief when there is loss. This can occur simultaneously with having a conscious higher understanding. So if this is your situation, allow yourself to grieve. But as each wave of grief subsides, then reach higher to reestablish your awareness of union and peace.

It is more important than ever, to learn to become established in the inner state of contentment, love, and peace even when the appearance of the world around you is very turbulent. These are the moments when you can most deeply test yourself to see how firmly established you are in this state. Continually practice resting deep within your own heart. Focus on your inner light and allow yourself to become immersed in it.

Always remember that you are deeply loved and are surrounded by many beings who love you and are cheering you on as you continue to grow and evolve. The more open your heart is, the more you will begin to experience how much love they are constantly sending you.

We love you and send our blessings,


Image used with permission from Artist Glenyss Bourne:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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