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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/5/2020 12:29:06 AM

The Easier Path to the Fifth Dimension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

the easier path to the fifth dimension - the 9d arcturian council channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have so much compassion for humanity and for how challenging this particular lifetime has been for you. You chose a much harder path in your ascension than we did in ours. Ascension in our system was like walking up a flight of stairs in comparison to what you are all enduring to ready yourselves for the energies that will sweep you up into a fifth dimensional frequency state. You are very much reinventing the wheel as far as we are concerned, and we are not alone in that assessment. This is a universal shift in consciousness, and that means all beings in all dimensions are making the shift with you, and you are at the core. You are at the center of it all.

Earth is a place where you not only have to deal with the darkness that is present there, but also darkness from your paths throughout the galaxy. You’ve endured the Orion Wars, and you also have had plenty of instances where e.t.s have interfered with your natural evolutionary process. And so, humanity has really stacked the deck against itself. It’s no wonder why there are so many stories about what will happen when you ascend. It’s not wonder there are so many predictions about chaos, cataclysms, and massive numbers of deaths.

We want you to know that we are working with you, who are awakened, to make the ride easier. You would still be ascending even if we had never intervened in any way, but when you are ninth dimensional, and therefore non-physical, there’s not a lot to do. Helping those who are still physical is a natural and logical choice. Seeing you all as extensions of us also makes a lot of sense. And so, we know we are just helping ourselves, and you must know that we are a part of you and that listening to a part of you is a big part of your journey.

In your evolution, you have to get quiet and listen to what’s going on inside of you, and the ninth dimension is not out there, somewhere, far, far away in the heavens. The ninth dimension is within you, as are all dimensions. So as we offer our help, do not think for a second it is because we are looking down upon you or that we feel you must need our help to get the ascension moving along. We just want to show you the easier way to get to where you are inevitably going, and that easier way is always to choose the path of love, the path of forgiveness, and the path of compassion. It is the path of letting go that gets you to the fifth dimension with the greatest amount of ease and joy.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/5/2020 9:15:03 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday January 5, 2020

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Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/5/2020 9:26:14 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/4/2020

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The world is the negative pole of God. You need not renounce it, you have simply to be meditative in it. And one day you will see the world has disappeared and there is God and only God.

Bayazid of Bistam, a Sufi mystic, used to say in his later years, "First I used to ask people, 'Where is God?' And then one day it happened, I started asking people where God is NOT. One day there was no God and I was asking where he is; the next day there was only God, and I was asking 'Is there a place where he is not?'" The same world, but your eyes are different now; you are not the same.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/5/2020 9:34:59 PM

Learn From Your Experiences

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Sometimes it will feel like everything is going sideways. Good intentions go awry, and you just cannot seem to say or do the right thing no matter how hard you try. Guess what? That is what being human is about! (Smiling) You arrived on your Earth plane to learn, grow and discover (on a very personal level) what is right/wrong for you. Mistakes will be made; feelings may be hurt and there will be times when you feel one more human interaction will break you. But there will also be joy, love, connections and beauty every day! Learn from your experiences and know you are loved unconditionally. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/6/2020 12:17:31 AM

Heart/Mind Balance

Let us first talk of labels, categories. This is what your mind does when it controls your heart; labels, categorizes, organizes. In balance, all of these are powerful enhancers.

Too little of these functions and the heart can not magnetize its needs and desires, too much of these functions and the heart does not have a voice and therefore the needs and desires of your true beingness are not manifested.

Therefore we balance the feeling place with the thinking place, the action place with the reaction place, the yin with the yang, the masculine with the feminine. It is a human pursuit, a valiant pursuit and one that at this time and this place presents an unprecedented opportunity within humanity’s conscious memory.

The thinking and the feeling are not able to be separated, though humans try in so many different and creative ways. It is common in this time and place to honor only that which can be grasped by the mind, “proved” as it would be accepted; though that in itself means nothing except for the value that you give it.

It is common to attempt to command the feelings, conquer the feelings, disempower the feelings. This leads to action action action, and yang becomes out of balance, masculine becomes out of balance, no matter what the sex of the body. Remember we speak of yang out of balance, not to denigrate yang itself.

To discover, to discern, to define is human.

Action, yang and masculinity, is human. This is perfect as it is. But one must discover with the entirety of their being or lack the perspective needed to perceive the wholeness. Without the interaction of the entire being, heart and mind, yin and yang, the soul will react to the partial vibration of that which you have offered. Just as the taste reacts to a partially cooked meat, so the soul reacts to a partially accepted vibration.

The heart is the transducer of the soul, therefore, action must originate from the ‘heart vibration’ to connect with the source of all that you are. When the heart is allowed to express and reveal the full vibration to the mind so the action can begin, the interweaving of the two will be markedly inspiring, joyful, dynamic, easy and yes, even logical, but not as you have been abused by that word.

Then the labels and categories and organization of the mind will encompass the full information of the experience and the interaction will proceed with grace and ease. In the energy of all that you encompass within your individuality (which includes all levels of you, mother, daughter, woman, American, metaphysician, etc.) you hold all that you have ever experienced, as well as all the potentials of what you will be within this physical vibration.

The Heart and Soul by Jamye Price

This is an oversimplification of the interaction of your energy field that is so vast and so intertwined that the thought can be overwhelming. Suffice to know that you are the master of your field, and within that weave of connection, resides the power to loom your own fabric across all time and all space.

You are expanding exponentially within these times; a quickening that calls forth the removal of the discordant in order to assist your highest potential.

From our perspective, this control factor, the mind-lead factor slows your progress greatly. But like the human with a problem with food, the solution cannot be to abolish it from your life, but to integrate a balance within the interaction of it. Accept the beauty of the mind and disallow the control that it wields to stifle your full expression.

Note the placement of the expression vibration, the throat chakra, the voice between the heart and mind. Very cleverly placed. Notice the placement of the perception center. The third eye. Shining forth from the center of the mind. Not merely a coincidence.

Look to your extrasensory perception and notice the correlation of your physical expression. Look to your physical to correspond to your spiritual. There is no organ in your body that is untouched by the action of the heart. It is the heart that feeds the brain the nutrients that it needs through the interaction with the blood.

Much importance is placed upon the ‘seeing.’ In balance, yes a beautiful gift. Who would choose blindness when the full scope of experience is fuller? But clairvoyance alone would leave the mind to its own devices to interpret a picture with no understanding of the feelings and expression of that which it contains.

Again, the importance of allowing the heart, the feeling center to interpret becomes paramount in these times. We will trace a simplified version of energy as it interacts with your highly capable processors of energy, your senses. They are so intertwined that to separate them is impossible, but we will try in order to engage and satisfy your mind.

A crossing with a person that makes you feel angry results in many feelings, but your mind takes over and assesses the situation as ‘wrong’ thereby categorizing you as ‘victim.’ Powerless, a receiver of bad things happening to you. You process information so quickly and on so many levels, that most are undetectable to you.

That one experience will imprint information regarding smell, location, how your body is feeling, standing or moving, the location, the season, the sounds, the memories that it relates to come into process such as ‘my father made me feel this way,’ it is all processed and assembled by the physical body, including the mind.

As you experience, you imprint the physical space, the grid systems within, on and around the Earth.

It is far reaching. Do not panic. All is as it should be and it operates in perfection. Now bring the heart into the equation and view it from a feeling point and you will realize that you have felt these feelings before and though it may not be socially acceptable, we assure you that you drew it to you. Not because you deserve punishment, as you are a blessed GodBeing.

You drew it to you as a gift, a gift of healing, offering your soul experience and freedom. After all, that is why you are here. To experience. To offer Your gift – your soul experience. That is the freedom.

Perspective of Endings
The Power of Forgiveness

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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