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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/26/2019 8:59:32 PM

2020 – The Year You Tap In ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

2020 the year humanity taps in - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very tempted to tell you everything that we think is going to occur in your next calendar year, however, we understand how much you all put your faith in us, and we would never want to limit you in any way. We want you to create the reality you want to experience, not the one that we told you was going to happen. It’s that part of ourselves that wants to be the hero of your story that would like to give away all of the probabilities that we see. However, we have a non-interference policy, and we do feel that giving you every single prediction as we read the energies right now would be interference.

What we can do and will do is to continue to empower you to create the version of the New Year that you want to experience. Here are some facts that you can utilize to bolster your confidence in your ability to experience life on Earth the way you want to experience it. You have just received a wave of energy from Source, and that came on the heels of the solstice energies. Right now, you are in a moment when the Christ Consciousness is more prevalent on your world than at any other time, and you have also been doing so much work on yourselves over the past seven years that you are in fact much more masterful creators than you ever have been before.

What happened seven years ago, you might wonder? You shifted to the fourth dimension, and in this fourth dimensional frequency range that you are in, you have less limitation, more freedom, and you have access to fifth-dimensional energies. There is absolutely no reason why you should believe in any sort of limitation about yourselves in this moment. What we see those of you who are awake needing more than anything else is patience and a willingness to relax and let in all of those creations that you have summoned through this universe. You are powerful now and more powerful than you have ever been in physical bodies on planet Earth.

Part of the reason for that is the number of lifetimes that you’ve led prior to this one and the number of people on the planet right now. Because of those two factors alone, you have access to a tremendous amount of energy and a tremendous amount of momentum, and we encourage you to make 2020 the year that you tap in to both. We also encourage you to create a world for everyone to thrive in, because when you are seeking to create that world, you are not only gathering the energy of everyone else who wants to live in that world, but you are also aligning yourselves with higher frequency beings like us who are working on behalf of all humans.

Celebrate the New Year by celebrating how much power, energy, and momentum you have at your disposal, and make this upcoming year the best one that humanity has ever seen.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/26/2019 11:29:22 PM

December 24 at 6:41·

Solar Eclipse in Capricorn- The Most Positive Eclipse of the Decade, A Change Is A Comin, Twists of Fate + Luck Built on Solid Ground

On December 25th/26th, the Moon, which represents: the emotions, intuition and our inner core becomes new at 4 degrees of Capricorn. This isn't just any regular ol' New Moon. We have now entered into the fated and destined eclipse time. Solar Eclipses are new moons on steroids and herald: major new beginnings, starts and initiations. Capricorn, the 10th zodiac sign, deals with: authority, structure, obligation, responsibility and destiny. The days leading up to any New Moon/Solar Eclipse are always dark and tense. It's as though we can feel the momentum building but cannot see the light. Release is necessary and we could feel quite lost and perhaps heavy with sadness and confusion. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Prepare yourself; this Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is one of the most positive and encouraging astrological events of the decade.

The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is here to awaken and give life to our dreams. These new massive beginnings will deal with the tangible, tried and true in our lives. Being an earth sign, Capricorn energy focuses on the material and practical realms of existence. This re-set button will encourage our ultimate responsibility and integrity to what truly matters in our lives. No mucking around with this powerful eclipse. Each eclipse either meets up with the North Node or South Node. The Nodes are elliptical points of fate and karma on the moon's axis line. This Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is greeting the South Node also in Capricorn. The South Node deals with: the past, lessons and karma. We must let something go at this time, and it could feel rather isolating or uncomfortable. The astrological gods are asking us to give up something and step into a new phase of our lives. It is time to rise up and meet our fate with a determined attitude of hope and renewal.

The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn will demand us to get real, VERY REAL, about what structures, obligations and duties are working in our lives and which ones are not constructive. Major twists of fate are possible as Eclipses bring surprises and shocks. If things have been breaking down or falling away, it is imperative to trust divine in her plan. As humans, we can be very comfort driven and want to stay safely in our cocoon. This Eclipse is encouraging us to step forward, even if we are afraid and skeptical. The time has come to reclaim our power and purpose. This is an excellent time to begin to focus on our mission and life purpose. The universe is giving the green light for massive action and the strength and willpower to face our darkest shadows and fears.

This Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is in fact the most positive one of the decade. This is due to the fact that the Sun is being positively aspected by both Jupiter and Uranus. Jupiter, is the planet of: hope, optimism, expansion and wisdom. Uranus, is the planet of: invention, surprise, evolution and enlightenment. The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn will add a silver lining of hope and expansion to this powerful new moon. Lucky breaks will manifest and this will be a testament to all the hard work and sacrifice we have experienced. Educational and teaching pursuits are favored with the Solar Eclipse conjunct Jupiter. The Solar Eclipse trine Uranus in Taurus, will bring forth a genius stroke of invention and enterprise. We will want to try something new and at the same time be very grounded and practical among st these new discoveries. Major deals surrounding investments and business will be the highlight of this aspect. Everyone will benefit from these positive alignments with the Solar Eclipse but especially those born with early degree Earth placements( Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). Hence, why I titled the article one of the most positive eclipse's of the decade. We are all ready for a powerful and positive change and this Eclipse won't disappoint.

The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is here to renew your tired spirit and infuse your soul with a powerful new beginning of faith. Eclipses are always change agents and this one is chock full of positivity and promise. We are ready to begin again and this Solar Eclipse promises major starts that are built on solid foundation. No other sign can "make it rain" quite like a Capricorn. This sign also rules karma, so this is the time where you will reap what you have sewn. We are being asked to release what no longer serves our highest good and trust that new doors will open that lead to prosperity and peace of mind.

The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn wants to bring you a new chapter of immense strength and conviction of character. La Luna a new in the sign of the mountain goat promises: exciting new ventures of hope, solid foundations, and renewal of our greatest hopes and dreams. Eclipses tend to manifest events in and around the actual dates but can effect folks a few weeks prior to 6 months to 1 year later. If you have personal planets, points or angles in/around 4 degrees of Capricorn( or any of the Cardinal signs- Aries, Cancer and Libra) then this eclipse will be more potent and life changing for you. We will be under the effects of the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn until the Lunar Eclipse in Cancer on January 10th.

For this powerful Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, I have created extended horoscopes for each sign on my Patreon page: These predictions give practical + profound guidance on navigating this intense astrological event. I also channel a special mantra for each sign. Happy holidays to all of you! I appreciate your support and lovely feedback on these extended horoscopes.

More here

(Image: Vladimir Kush)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/27/2019 12:12:43 AM

A call for transparancy by Sanat Kumara

No individual being carries the secret, nor the truth.

You are on the threshold to a new world order of transparency where no more secrecy is tolerated by the law itself, which is the pure undistorted light. Secrecy creates division and segregation and are driven by a drive for power "over".
Transparancy on the other hand creates One-ness and is built on the pillars of love, trust and equality and is coherrent in frequency with the nature and law of creation, that all is connected and intertwined.

No more hierachies can exist in the new earth energies, as it creates separation, no more single leaders, but sovereign co-creators, that will function as instruments of divine will in sacred colloboration and honor of the law of One, which is the highest supreme I Am that I Am Source of ALL.

The new earth governments, will be replaced by interplanetary as well as intergalactic councils of light with no individual leaders. There will spokes persons, that speak the voice of the one in all and the all in the many on behalf of the council. How will this be ensured? Thru the rise in frequency and the final blast of collective awakening the global external internet (which is an unsupervised entity with its own agenda) will become replaced by a global telepathic internet heart-to-heart network, that will ensure full transparency to avoid any mis-use of power or disclosing of information, as it happened during the Atlantean era to thIs day of liberation from the karmic debt and exit of the karmic wheel of suffering for good.

You have learnt and grown from the mistakes of the past and misuse of free will, it has finally elevated your consciousness of the universal laws sufficiently enough to return to the light octave, where you once were and this time begin a new circle in honor of the law of One. You have all individually as well as collectively gathered many insights and the choice is now offered to each of you to make the wrong right, to choose love over power, transparancy over secrecy to create an
I-Am-that-I-Am-powered new world of love, prosperity and joy beyond fear of not belonging, not being worthy, not being good enough.

Secrecy and sectarism leads to fear, fear leads to war, inner war of mind and heart, inner battles between the masculine and feminine aspect and outer wars of me against them distortions. The goddess loves her children equally, she does not select nor divide... no lower no higher, no withholding of love or information... but full transparancy as all else would be seclusion of any one of her children. The much anticipated full disclosure will not happen until you are willing to see these patterns iwithin self. Use these last days of this last era of the piscian rage of separation to examine your inner commitment to being fully transparant, is there any need to not place all your cards openly on the table and if so, why not. What are you fearing to loose.... what is your secret (unconscious) agenda...

No indidividual being is carrying the secret, nor the truth, only the One in All and the All in the One, which can only exist and vibrate in full transparency undistorted light, where all secrets evaporize.

Be naked, be authentic, be transparent that is what makes you a genuine undistorted expression and embodiment of truth´s 1st light.

(Revered Sanat Kumara with Grace Solaris)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/27/2019 5:32:36 PM

GFP Newsletter - 12/26/2019

will's picture

One who is ready to go on the exploration called truth has to be ready also to commit many errors, mistakes, has to be able to risk. One may go astray, but that is how one arrives. Going many many times astray, one learns how not to go astray. Committing many mistakes one learns what is a mistake, and how not to commit it. Knowing what is error, one comes closer and closer to what is truth. It is an individual exploration; you cannot depend on others' conclusions.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/27/2019 5:34:01 PM

Do What Is Best

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dearest child; boundaries are going to be a critical part of your new existence. If you participate in an experience/situation that feels uncomfortable from the beginning, it may always be that way. Yes, you are able to change your energy but others are responsible for themselves. You are in the process of creating a new reality/world for yourself. Listen to and follow your heart…do what is best for you. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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