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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/25/2019 12:06:46 AM

Sue Lie and the Arcturians: “We Come to You, via your Higher Selves! We Come to Each and All of You!”

December 23, 2019 by Sue Lie and the Arcturian, Dec. 23, 2019 via email

Sue Lie

We, The members of your Galactic Family, come to YOU because we need the assistance of all the humanoids who are aware of their fourth and fifth dimensional expressions of SELF. We, the members of your Galactic Family, wish to remind you that it is the NOW for your, the members of humanity, to calibrate your personal frequencies of consciousness and remembering into the fifth dimensional frequency of the ever-expanding Planet Earth!

These fifth dimensional frequencies of reality are becoming more and more occupied by the “Ones Who Have Remembered!” Who are these “Ones Who Have Remembered?” we hear you ask. Our answer is that the “Ones Who Have Remembered,” are the humans who have “Awakened” and/or are “Awakening” to the inner call of their fourth/fifth dimensional expression of SELF.

Many “awakened ones” are being reminded that, “It is the NOW for humanity to WAKE UP to the fifth dimensional frequencies of Gai’s Earth.” In fact, it is the NOW when more and more of you are in the process of consciously becoming aware of the different frequencies of Gaia’s reality.

Therefore, it is the NOW for you to become more and more aware that the higher and higher frequencies of reality are entering your “imagination.” However, your “imagination” is actually your own fifth dimensional thoughts and emotions.

Therefore, as your “imagination”increases, so does your ability to consciously experience the “feel” of your fifth dimensional experiences, dreams, memories, stories, etc. As you remember, to “tune into,” “listen for,” and/or “practice your own, innate, fifth dimensional thinking, remembering and creating, you will also begin to remember more and more about a reality that you have always thought was “just your imagination.”

But is the fifth dimensional frequency of reality “just your imagination?” If you think of your imagination much like you think about your dreams, you will begin to realize, and remember, your dreams and thoughts about another reality that is “not quite real,” but is also “very real” within your own imagination.

What your “imagination” is beginning to remember is that there is a “something” in your thoughts, creative moments and dreams” that returns to your awareness again and again. You may not totally understand this “something,” but you really enjoy how you feel when this “something” enters your consciousness.

What we, your Galactic Family, wish to remind you is that there has always been higher dimensional beings. And, these higher dimensional beings are allowing you, and assisting you, to remember the YOU that is actually a member of your own “Galactic Family.”
More and more, your innate “multidimensional consciousness,” has been quietly reminding you that they are always with you! However, many of you are resonating to the frequency which is just BEFORE your higher dimensional perceptual field. Therefore, these grounded ones will need to meditate and practice communicating with us, your higher expression of SELF.

The challenges of your third dimensional reality often distract you from what the higher dimensional messages that you have been receiving from your own Higher SELF. However, if you keep on trying remember, you will begin to have “unusual dreams” and “inner messages” that come into you awareness as soon as you relax and allow your consciousness to expand into the higher frequencies of reality.

Many of you now resonate to a portion of reality that is just beyond the limitations of your prior third/fourth dimensional thoughts, feelings and perceptions. Because the sensation of “receiving a higher dimensional message” is new to you, you will need to allow yourself to remember the “dreams” and “fantasies” that often started as a child, but stayed with you, even after you had become an adult.

If you can allow your self to remember the “weird” or “interesting” experiences and drams that you have had since you were young, you will eventually remember how to accept and use your ever expanding ability to “think,” “remember,” and “activate” the feelings” of your own fifth dimensional thoughts, conversations, experiences and actions.

“What are these fifth dimensional “dreams, thoughts, memories, and visions,” that seem to be as “real” as your daily, third dimensional world. As you begin the habit of writing down or typing your significant meditations and/or dreams, you will gradually begin to remember something that is just beyond you daily life.

Therefore, you will likely feel drawn to read something unique and/or spiritual, and to write down dreams and/or meditations in which you feel like you are “someplace different” from your daily 3D life. We say the word “different” rather than “better,” as there will be no versions of “better or worse” while you are engaged in a fifth dimensional experience.

Within the frequency of the fifth dimension, there is the HERE and NOW that will keep you thinking and feeling via your own Inner Guidance. This Inner Guidance will likely feel quite different from any of your third dimensional, daily thoughts and feeling because YOU will fell different from the person that you were before you began the dream, and/or meditation, that guided you into a higher frequency of reality.

These higher frequencies of reality are always all around you, but your third/fourth dimensional states of consciousness are of too low of a resonance for your physical self to realize what is happened. However, if you were to meditate and alter your consciousness into the higher frequencies, you will be able to see and hear what was always there.

This experience of “sudden knowing” is much like someone turning on the light in a room that was too dark for you to see clearly. Since you did not realize before that this rather strange experience of seeing and also not seeing, will begin to make sense because your “knowing” reminds you of a higher dimensional version of your SELF.

As soon as you allow your self to think about your Higher Dimensional SELF, you open a portal into the fourth, fifth and beyond frequencies of reality. When you allow your SELF to conceive of your own higher frequency of your SELF, you can begin to remember the many moments of your life in which you had a “weird” experience in which you felt as thought an unseen being was guiding and protecting you.

You may have thought that the concept of “guiding and protecting” was too “weird or out there,” but you secretly deeply enjoy the feeling that you were no longer alone. You could not see what else or who else, was with you, but you so enjoyed the “feeling” of Unconditional Love flowing through and from this “being,” that you “went along with the experience–just incase it was possible to perceive a higher frequency being.

And then, these “higher dimensional” beings seemed so very loving and kind, that you WANTED to believe that this feeling was coming from a being that you could not see. Then again, maybe this being was “just a higher part of your own self?”

Yes, yes, you are getting closer and closer to some inner, hidden truth, when you start to think in that manner. For one thing, when you think of these beings as your own Higher Self, the fear instantly washes away.

These are not just strange experiences in which some unknown being, or beings, come into your awareness. No, now you are beginning to realize the maybe, just maybe, something new and special could be happening in your life. But is this really in your life. If you cannot see it like you see your physical world, and you can’t really talk about it with your friends, many you did “just make it up.”

“NO!” you stop yourself! “If is OK for me to have problems and doubts and issues, why is it NOT OK for me to have communications with a being that cannot be seen or heard in a regular fashion. If something, or someone is different, does not make them NOT real?
Yes, you are right, just because you have not had some of these experiences before, does NOT mean that they are not real. There is a first time for everything–RIGHT?
Suddenly you hear a voice, not above you or around you. This voice is WITHIN YOU!

“Could this experience be real?” you ask your self. “Could I have a “Higher SELF? And, could I allow my self to believe that I deserve to have a Higher SELF? Now there is the key word of “deserve.” Our question to the awakening ones is, “Can you allow your self to listen to your Higher SELF, and believe, first that you have a Higher SELF, and second that YOU can actually communicate with this Higher Dimensional SELF.

How could you, just an ordinary person, have a Higher SELF? This question will be answered with the question of, “Can you love yourself enough to believe that YOU have an expression of your human, daily life on Earth self, who is “simultaneously” resonating to the fifth dimensional expression of Gaia’s Ascended Planetary SELF?

To answer that question, you would also need to believe that there is a fifth dimensional reality which resonate to the frequencies of Unconditional Love and the Power Within to assist Gaia in the moment of Her great Planetary Need?

Of course, only YOU could answer that question. That is if you even dare to ask it!

Blessings to all you brave ones who are ready to move into your own Higher Dimensional SELF!

We, the members of your Galactic Family, are ALWAYS with you and will ALWAYS assist you!

However, since Gaia is a Free Will Planer, you will need to remember to
ask for assistance from your own Higher Dimensional SELF,
as well as all the many Awakened Ones who have chosen
to take a third dimensional body to


Your Galactic Family

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/25/2019 1:22:12 AM

Shanta Gabriel ~ Walk in Beauty and Live in Trust
We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messagesto provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.
This message from Archangel Gabriel inspires us to remember that there is a more graceful way to live in this changing world.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week:

Walk in Beauty, Live in Trust and Know
the Benevolent Love of God Guides Your Way.

Shanta Gabriel

There has been a long road stretching from the time I first received this message from Archangel Gabriel in 1995 to making this message into my way of life.

I was going to teach my first class in another state and was nervous about the prospect ahead of me. At that time, and even now in certain situations, it is difficult to admit in public that I have been listening to an Archangel speak to me. When I asked what it was I needed to remember most about the upcoming journey, I received this message. It remains one of my favorites to this day.

When I remember to walk in Beauty, it means to honor the gifts of this amazing Earth and see that Beauty is everywhere I look. It is all in the perspective of the eyes with which I see the world. When I walk in Beauty, I feel blessed and radiate this beautiful blessing all around me. This raises my vibrational frequency enough so that I attract even more Beauty into my life.

Beauty is one of those words that has gained power since we have moved into the 4th and 5th dimensions after 2012. Just asking to see Beauty is a powerful prayer. When I create Beauty in my immediate surroundings, it never fails to uplift me. I can do this by the simple act of bringing one flower into my home. We need Beauty in our lives to feel more whole, and it helps us to live in Well-being as we learn to shift in these new frequencies.

Living in Trust has been more of a challenge for me. Sometimes it means that I need to stay neutral in the face of what appears to be happening in front of my eyes and rely on the truth of my heart. The appearance of disharmony is not the true reality when the Infinite Intelligence is involved, and since this divine aspect is always a part of everything, we can trust that what we see is only an appearance.

Living in Trust also means that I need to love and trust myself more and remember that I am not alone, that I am guided and inspired in every moment. There are times when I need to ask for proof of this fact. I have asked for signs when I really needed to know that I was being guided and that my small self was not making the plans. That has created amazing results.

At a pivotal time in my life in the late 1990's, I felt that I was being guided to take some radical steps. I had prayed very deeply and felt as though I received clear instructions that even included the date. Before implementing this plan, I asked for a sign to make sure that it was coming from a pure place of Wisdom, and not my mind. To my amazement, in less than a minute I was covered in butterflies. Hundreds of beautiful winged beings were landing on me, wandering over my arms, chest and head. I was stunned and stood in awe at the power of Beauty in that moment. Shortly, they were gone, with no evidence that they had even been there.

Would you have trusted that a flock of butterflies was enough evidence to be sure of your decision? I wanted to do that, I really did, but still that little voice in me doubted. I told the Universe, "That was really good, but I just need one more sign to make sure." In Its infinite compassion, the blessings of the Divine continued, because in that moment a yellow butterfly and two blue butterflies landed in a little puddle right at my feet. I have never seen a blue butterfly before or since that time, but there were two amazing blue ones and a pretty yellow butterfly right at my feet where I would take the first step into new life. I had to surrender.

Living in Trust in that situation was not easy, nor was the outcome of that decision. Now 20 years later I can remember the importance of asking for a sign, and see how perfect it was for me to follow that guidance, no matter how difficult it was to do. The happiness in my life now more than makes up for the upheaval that decision created at the time.

We are given beautiful messages from the Divine to change the way we perceive our lives and the world. Often they seem so simple, even simplistic and hard to believe. Only the test of time has made it possible for me to know that when I trust in myself and the Angelic energy working through me, miracles are commonplace and life takes on a Beauty that keeps me inspired with a sense of wonder.

When this happens, there is no doubt anywhere in my being that the benevolent love of God guides my way. I feel the presence of Angels and know that I am truly cared for in every moment. You too have this Grace in your life.

Divine Presence,

With every breath I take, may I remember that I AM a beloved child of the benevolent and creative Source of All That Is. Help me to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I AM blessed and loved beyond my capacity to understand.

May all humanity trust in the beautiful, unfolding process of Life. May we know that all our needs are met with Grace and Ease, and we are truly cared for eternally.

May Beauty and Trust bless the heart of all beings in the world. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
December 22, 2019

Shanta Gabriel
December 22, 2019
The Gabriel Messages Book #46
Walk in Beauty, live in Trust, and know the benevolent Love of God guides your way.

Dear One,

These words clarify the way to a carefree, joy-filled and peaceful life. Walking in Beauty means to look at all you see with your heart and mind. This might mean to see beyond the surface appearance of disharmony and know there is perfection and beauty within a situation. There is beauty all around you and sometimes it takes a prayer such as “let me see the beauty here, Angels,” to make this apparent.

Walking in Beauty also means to allow the awareness that there is beauty in this world to bubble to the surface, so you can be conscious of the great beauty of God’s creation. One flower holds as much of the key to universal knowledge as does a whole field of flowers.

Do all you can to be aware of the beauty around you and to bring more beauty into your world. Bringing that one flower into your home can brighten the day, as the spiritual essence in that flower permeates your world. Look for beauty every day and be grateful for all that you find.

Living in Trust means that deep within there is an inner knowing that you are never alone, and that the Angels are working for you in your life. As you give your life to God and pray that Divine will be done, you can trust in the appropriate outworking in every situation for the highest good of all concerned. Living in Trust means accepting what is apparent in your life, and making a claim for the Divine Order inherent in every situation. Living in Trust allows the Angels to comfort and inspire you so you can receive support in every area of your life.

When you know the benevolent love of God guides your way, there is a beacon of light to follow. This love is the most powerful force for good in the universe. This love creates Peace and Harmony in the heart and soul of each person who remembers. Allow Faith in this statement to permeate every cell of your being. You are always guided by God’s love and you are never alone. You can call on this love at any time and know truly it is there for you.

So allow this message from Archangel Gabriel to become your way of life. Belief will create more Love, Joy and Peace for you in every way.

Again dear one we say to you:

A Christmas Gift for You

Please enjoy this beautiful guided meditation from Archangel Gabriel and Shanta that celebrates the birth of the Christ spirit within you.

Also, you're invited to read our Celebration of the 12 Holy Nightsseries. Available here.

May the blessings of Peace and Good Will be sparked in your hearts during this precious time of Christmas and shine forth into the world.

You are the Light the world needs now. I am grateful for your presence. God bless you. Have a beautiful Christmas in whatever way you celebrate.

In Peace,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/25/2019 5:45:47 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 25, 2019

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Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/25/2019 5:51:37 PM

GFP Newsletter - 12/24/2019

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Somebody can start his journey into love by studying about love, by going to the library, by looking in the Encyclopedia Britannica to learn what love is. This is an intellectual inquiry. He may gather much information, he may write a treatise, and some foolish university may give him a Ph.D. but he knows nothing of love. Whatsoever he is writing is only intellectual, it is not experiential. And if it is not experiential, it is not true.

Truth is an experience, not a belief. Truth never comes by studying about it: truth has to be encountered, truth has to be faced. The person who studies about love is like the person who studies about the Himalayas by looking at the map of the mountains. The map is not the mountain! And if you start believing in the map, you will go on missing the mountain. If you become too much obsessed with the map, the mountain may be there just in front of you, but still you will not be able to see it.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/25/2019 6:44:49 PM

The Creator Writings - Dec 24th 2019

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Create with love and loving creations will come to you. ~ Creator

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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