The Total Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is especially important for those who belong to the Signs of the Cardinal Cross (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), and especially those who are born between March 23 – 27, June 24 – 28, September 26 – 30, and December 24 – 28. Also to those having personal planets or their Ascendant near the 02° – 06° degrees of these Signs.
A total solar eclipse, takes place on the 25th or 26th of December, depending on where on the globe you will be on Christmas night.
This is not only the last eclipse of the year but also the last eclipse of the decade. An eclipse that I call “The Gift Unwrapping for the Upcoming Year 2020”.
Fittingly with the Christmas and festive spirit of the holidays season, it is an eclipse that brings Jupiterian gifts and surprised smiles to many. But please keep in mind, that the fact that something is wrapped in a glossy or luxury paper, does not necessarily mean that when we open the package, the gift revealed is always liked, well – suited, or really needed. Some presents may be, some others… are not.
This eclipse belongs to a series of eclipses on the Cancer – Capricorn axis. The series began with the Solar Eclipse in Cancer, on July 13th 2018, continued throughout 2019, and concludes in the summer of 2020.
This cycle of eclipses in the Cancer – Capricorn axis coincides with the gradual approach of Saturn towards Pluto and their conjunction in the Sign of Capricorn on the 12th of January 2020.
It is a cycle which for the past 18 months has already brought, and for the most part of the next year will continue to bring, significant changes and events to Capricorn, Cancer, Libra and Aries Signs, since the effect of the eclipses combined with the conjunction of the two planets is stronger for them.
Let us remember though, that eclipses are important Astrological events and affect all of us without exception, some less and some more, and depending on the aspects they make on our personal natal chart.
Request your Astrology or Eclipse Reading by Andrew Ifandis
The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn occurs at 04° 06’ of the Sign, and it has an exuberant, positive and accomplishing energy.
The Sun and the Moon are in a tight conjunction with Jupiter. This is the joy of the unwrapping of the gift. We smile and we feel good. We are optimistic, we have enthusiasm, the hopes are high. Ready to conquer the world as we unwrap the package.
There is excitement in the eyes of the small girl as she is holding the gift in her hands, standing by the Christmas tree.
All this positive energy is manifested from within the practical and earthy Sign of Capricorn, and that is why this eclipse has the potential to bring luck and success in matters that have to do with professional accomplishments. It is an eclipse that can boost our small business or to present opportunities for career advancement.
There is a Stellium in Capricorn.
Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, the South Node, and the two Lights, all are in the Sign of Capricorn.
It is like the meeting of the executive board of the big company. Pluto is the representative of the main share-holders. He has the most influencing power. Saturn is the executive officer, the person with the responsibility for results. The South Node is the know – how of the company and the reliability its products have. Jupiter is the high spirits on the table, since the results of the year are very good and can support the company’s strategy and the goals for the New Year. The eclipse is the timing and the formulation of these goals.
Yes. This eclipse has a pivotal role for our future and advancement. It places an important seed. It is also an eclipse that happens just four days after the Winter Solstice, and it is in a sense linked with the energy of the solstice chart that describes the unfolding of events for the next three months.

The powerful Mars
Another aspect in the eclipse chart, is the sextile between Mars in Scorpio and the Saturn – Pluto conjunction.Mars in Scorpio is extremely strategic and the sextiles with the conjunction represent tremendous opportunities for empowerment.
In business words:
- decision making can be acute,
- perception is heightened
- and strategy is aligned with the goals.
In simple words… this eclipse supports very positively the setting of new goals and the taking of decisions.
The surprise element
There is excitement in the energy of this eclipse.
The Sun and the Moon are trine to the planet Uranus. This eclipse will bring awakenings that will be of crucial importance to new beginnings and new endeavors. It will bring surprises also.
Jupiter is also trine to the Planet Uranus. This is a separating aspect that culminated nearly two weeks before the eclipse. This aspect brings luck, favors expansion and allows for positive change.
Can you now see the excitement in the eyes of the girl by the Christmas tree?
There is also a Venus square Uranus aspect in the chart of the eclipse that mainly affects those that have personal planets or angles between 6° and 8° degrees of the Fixed Signs. This is an aspect of squandering.
Outflow of money.
So… the executive board meeting has to be more realistic with projecting the figures for 2020 because future plans may cost more than anticipated.
Those of us that are near the above degrees, we have to be cautious with our finances for the next 3 months.
While this eclipse will give an immediate boost in the financial markets, gains will be short-termed, so be aware of investments.
Be prudent and do not take risks. Invest on new plans but keep some money aside.
Do not waste love, also. It’s the most valuable currency.
The opening of the gift – What is inside?
Eclipses do not work alone. They work in pairs. This particular total Solar Eclipse is linked to the Lunar Eclipse that takes place on the 10th of January 2020.
That is why this eclipse is like the gift unwrapping and the next one is the actual opening of the box that contains the “presents” of 2020.
This is why, as we shall begin to feel the energy of this eclipse, we shall expect positive things and we shall feel optimistic. Yes, this is a very positive eclipse but there is a small catch that we have to be aware of.
As we open the tall box of the gift, what is inside might be what we wanted! Ski boards of the most expensive brand… The gift is perfect.
But we have to be cautious as we slide with these swift new boards that we haven’t yet mastered, because we do not want to fall and break a leg.
Or what if in the following months we get a promotion and move to the south and sunny? The boards will be put to the closet.
What I am saying, is that the Jupiterian influence has to be moderated. Do not take high risks because the following 6 months, and the next eclipses are more difficult. 2020 has many surprises, some of them good and some of them difficult.
Request your Astrology or Eclipse Reading by Andrew Ifandis
This is a positive eclipse, that helps many of us with our plans and professional advancement. It works favorably for career, for general recognition and for accomplishing new things that are planted now.
All these will not come easily and will not come free. From within Capricorn all Jupiterian favor goes hand in hand with hard work, ethics and responsibility.
Be optimistic, start new things, take decisive actions, make these changes you have in mind and set goals. But be cautious and be prudent.
I wish everyone to enjoy the benefits of this eclipse.
Have a Merry Christmas and most importantly have a positive, rewarding and evolving New Year, 2020!
Eclipse Type: Total Solar Eclipse
Eclipse Saros: 132