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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/27/2019 5:48:53 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday December 27, 2019

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/27/2019 10:34:50 PM

A Message to Lightworkers - December 27, 2019

Caroline Oceana Ryan

Happy New Year, Amazing One!

Blessings for an amazing and fulfilling 2020!

Many have noticed that that number sounds like we've all suddenly got very clear vision -- and that's exactly what's evolving, this very moment.

To assist us on this journey, this week's Mess
age answers another question by a Light Bringer, asking for guidance on how to deal with painful moments, whether they seem to come from within or without.

So much is coming up now that is still unhealed within us. So much is clamoring for our attention, in our environment and outer lives, and in our inner lives.

The Collective will say more about the new year of 2020 in their next Message, and in their next video, which will be out soon.

Until then I hope you will remember to be kind and supportive of yourself at all times, dear one.

I hope you'll drop all judgments of yourself and others, and celebrate any good that you created this past year -- that you'll remember the great strides you've taken, and how much more powerful you are now.

They see our strengths, those in the higher realms, even when you and I don't see them. And they celebrate, desiring us to be Joyful as well.

I send much Love and huge New Year's Blessings!

May the Source Be With You!


P S All of the Collective's books -- on relationships, on money & Abundance, on dealing with challenging or traumatic situations -- are now on sale on Amazon (40% to 50% off) now thru January 1st.

Go here to have a look, to gift yourself or a loved one. It might just be the encouragement you need.


A Message to Lightworkers -
December 27, 2019

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.

Again today we answer a question from a Light Bringer who asks:

“I was wondering how to call in Divine Light to transmute energy or emotions, in a practical way.

Do you have some examples of what to say, or what to do in a concrete way, when in the middle of a challenging moment or situation, whether an external or internal one (like deep grief surfacing)?”

This is another excellent question that strikes straight at the heart of what is troubling so many now, as they ask how to assist themselves and loved ones in dealing with the tremendous inner change that has flowed into your lives over these past few years.

Know that when outer situations feel to be challenging, it is because they are leaning on an old wound.

This is why they have occurred—so you may heal them and finally move on from an issue that may have troubled you over any number of Earth lives.

It is old emotional residue, energy patterns, Earth identities, and learned responses that are leaving you now, as well as much shadow picked up in lives in which you clung to any false hope that seemed to promise a way out of trauma and loss.

There were also lives in which you made agreements with sources of knowledge and information that would grant you more power, more strength, more of what your will demanded.

Your ego-mind is panicked at the thought of losing that which, comfortable or uncomfortable, has helped define it for thousands of years of Earth time.

It panics at the thought of being left behind in this new construct you are taking on now
. . .


Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post.

Thank you.

Heal and Renew . . .

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/27/2019 11:02:20 PM

The final eclipse of 2019 has begun, the final data dump of this incredible year that will resemble the death of many cycles hence why we are feeling the power building within our core, deep within our bellies there is a feeling growing, a knowing something is soon to show as an entirely new timeline to experience.

Personally what I am finding tricky to translate is how this may look, I realise I have no reference points for this power force of change coming in, unless I recall the patterns experienced in far away lives.

The change point, a place in time, a marker I am familiar with, I know its power I just can't see it's form, each time it has rolled around the world quantum leap's.
My words known as a young girl, I come at change points, feels only now fully activated and ready, for service.

Today the Ring of Fire will request the complete attention of our Masculine within, a pause, whilst we receive the full guidance of this incredible feminine energy as our moon steps in front of the Son.

A state of non action, for a while, long enough for the truth to be whispered within as to what must fully be released and moved into for the next phase of this Sea Goats wave, and then we release, the action phase, the dutiful masculine within taking the thoughts and feelings of our feminine guidance and moving those into action, those thoughts and feelings that yearn for peace, that is what we follow.

The energy of Capricorn is now, all must learn to surf, it is the energy of balance, teaching us how to leave the karmic spin, it teaches us about time and how we are transitioning from the old human time into Divine time, it teaches us about tradition and the attachments we hold, it teaches us about Earth, about Laws, Rules and Rulers, and this journey of Capricorn begins at the foot of the mountain, our foundations, and it will at some point see each on the mountain top, how many cycles of reincarnation is always a choice.

So whilst this is a very doing energy the key to unlock an expansive path in this moment is to take this Eclipse energy within, as I like to call it the Buddha wave, energetically taken deep inside the forest within, no want or need to be filled or distracted by anything external, just to be still and receive the direction for the next course, and from there, from that space of connection and receiving, that is where we action from, that is where we create from.

An immediate contradiction has been seen, our traditions being celebrated now are encouraging feasting, drinking and yet this Eclipse requires high vibrational eating, drinking, breathing, speaking, receiving, all feeds must be light to pass the portal.
Those passing through will find the want to feast will be more like a want to fast as we move through, opting for frequency enhanced water, supporting and cleansing herbs with light food, this contradiction will highlight to those seeking the path of light how important it is and the commitment required to break free of social norms and traditions.

I'll begin after Christmas being the ultimate Christmas self sacrifice spell and an immediate karmic deficit to begin the year.

This eclipse sits almost on the south node, this is the removal phase in which walkers of light often go through powerful SoulAr flares from within, flashes of heat radiating from the spine as each begins to move or spin faster, creating such a force that the remnants of old realised programming can dissolve, previously there would be resistance and the process would then manifest as a purge or perceived as sickness.
However, each are working on different aspects, we are all moving through the same pattern even though that pattern responds differently to each frequency held, in other words the theme stays the same but how it presents is very different, but the point is the unconscious residue will begin to rumble and create the required release, some minds begin to get super busy, some realties get super busy and some experience super busy energy coursing within....I can vouch for the latter, as I said, being something I don't yet have the reference points too, I cannot compare, I cannot yet see, but I can use words like ground shaking as my feet are beyond vibration and more like quaking!

What I did see as I woke, wasn't too pleasing if you were to take the codes literally, my dream was of dead bees, everywhere, and the words is done. Don't panic these dreams are not to be taken literally, I am a quantum code master and the bees represented so many things, that what we are moving through will bring closure of the old to all, this shift will be seen by all, the bees represented the importance and how vast this will stretch and impact.

And this is hardly surprising as the Eclipse aligns with Jupiter, offering the path of expansion for those choosing to align to their new higher frequency and acting like a sonic boom to all that is unconscious.

Sun is also trine Uranus, to bring forth the plot twist.

These times are such a gift, to be here, to be present on Earth during this time is simply the greatest blessing, our dimensional world's opening up into full availability for those who choose to experience the true secret this planet promised, the very thing man has been seeking since it's creation was right under its nose all along, there was no mystery, the poison was greed and gain, the son of man showing us in its inability to share and care, throwing war heads out of prams, and we, the sons have continued this pattern and allowed it to become more and more fragmented, through our blindness to the Divine patterns, we have forgotten, that we are a part of that pattern, we are responsible for the course it takes.

Set your coordinates and let's surf

/andrea cutlan/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/27/2019 11:18:46 PM

The Higher Vibrational Approach ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

the higher vibrational approach - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied, as always, with the progress that we see humanity making at this time, and we are very encouraged by the way that you have been able to resolve issues with the other important people in your lives. We see more acceptance, more understanding, and more unconditional love than ever before on your planet. We see you rising above disputes from your past, offering forgiveness, and releasing resistance to those individuals in your lives that have given you the most reasons to push against them.

And now that you are taking the high road in these relationships, you can expect to receive more from the higher realms. That is one of the bonuses of moving past those disputes that you have, or even just the hurt feelings that you’ve suffered over the years as a result of being close to those that you are closest to. You have made it your mission to use what you have created to evolve, expand, and become better versions of yourselves.

Now, of course, there are still those on your world who are not doing this, and you are their teachers. You are the ones who will be shining your light even brighter than you have been, and they will be noticing you and noticing the lives that you are living. They will want to know what your secret is, and you will tell them. You will let them know that letting go of that bitterness and resentment felt a lot better than holding on to it over a need to be right, or even a need to maintain a status as a victim.

You are rising above the disputes that you have with others because it is the higher vibrational approach, and you are always going to be attracted to that which is of a higher vibration. That is simply what you signed up for and what you signed up to do in this lifetime. We are happy to say that many of you who are awakened have been taking the high road, doing what is necessary to move past your pasts, and you are forging ahead into a better future as a result. You are the ones who have created better futures, and you will be the first ones to benefit from all of that work that you are doing there as the ground crew.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/28/2019 6:16:20 PM

GFP Newsletter - 12/27/2019

will's picture

Let your life be as multidimensional as possible, don't live one- dimensionally. Monks, nuns and the so-called priests have all lived, down the ages, one- dimensionally. They live a very narrow life; they move as trains move, on fixed rails.

They go on doing the same ritual, the same prayer, day in, day out, year in, year out, life in, life out; they go on repeating. Their whole life moves in circles. And they are not rich, they cannot be -- richness comes by living life in all its dimensions.

A religious person should explore in every possible way, should try to experience life in all its tastes, sweet and bitter, good and bad. The really religious person will be very experimental. He will experiment with music, he will experiment with dance, he will experiment with poetry, with painting, with sculpture, with architecture. He will go on experimenting with everything, everything that becomes available; he will be a child exploring everything. And that makes your inner life rich.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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