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Michael Caron

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11/21/2010 6:11:50 PM
Thank you Sara and Roger,

I may have a subject for a new poem shortly. Shirley always joins me on Thanksgiving when we go to my son's house which is 50 miles away. My son does not keep his house warm and last year Shirley spent the entire time with her coat on and a blanket wrapped around her. My son joked about it, but before the day was over, Shirley had at least two seizures. I spoke to my son about it, however he passed it off as a joke. When I am visiting someone elses house, I do not like to tell them how to control the temperature, however when two or more people are wrapped up in blankets it should not take a Rocket Scientist to figure out that something is wrong. The weather is suppose to be colder this year than last and Shirley feels that it will be safer for her to stay home. She insists that I go. They are family and I don't see them that often. I will go, however it is not going to be the same without Shirley. There are times in our lives when we have to make decisions that are neither right nor wrong, but necessary.

So that we do not stray too far away from the topic at hand, it has been very difficult to discuss the New Age agenda with Shirley because she, like many that don't fully understand the transition that we are going through, fear the worse. She is trying not to believe any of it, however whenever there is news about an Earthquake, Volcanic eruption, or other natural disaster, it affects her terribly. I do believe that, although she is suffering physically, she is suffering more emotionally. I often have to remind her that there are good and bad elements in everything and that our world is not going to be destroyed. As long as we prepare for the unknown by learning how to harness the energy around us, we can help others move into the new transition without fear. This is not to say that we have to leap headfirst into a vortex
but rather learn as much as we can about it so we will know what decision is right. In order to help her understand a little more about it, I rubbed a baloon on my arm and pointed to the hairs on my arm standing straight up. I than pressed my arm against the wall for a couple of minutes and had her hold my arm. When she did, my arm moved anyway. I explained that we provide our own self contained energy and once we learn how to use it properly there will be no limits to what we can do. Kinetic energy, coupled with the power of our minds, can help us in so many ways.
Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/24/2010 1:08:22 AM
My friends,

An enlightening update from SaLuSa, channeled by Mike.

SaLuSa 22-November-2010

What a lot of activity has taken place over the last few days, and it has certainly been a time of introspection. Humans generally act first and think about it afterwards, and a little controversy is good at bringing the best or worst out of people. I do not intend to preach at you, as my role as the energy of a group of Beings from the Galactic Federation is to set the truth before you. I am also part of a massive Brotherhood of Light that is approaching the subject of your Ascension. We are to do our utmost to ensure that you have every opportunity to ascend. In the course of our program, we try to lift you higher in your understanding of how the spiritual side of your life is so important to the final outcome. Of course it is also necessary that you are acquainted with the process of Ascension, and understand how you can incorporate into your life, whatever you need to succeed.

Along the way you have been presented with many challenges, and some have required a great deal of faith on your part. The path was never going to be smooth, as for eons of time through many lives you have fallen into the pattern of the lower vibrations. There is no judgement connected with it, as in truth you could not avoid such an outcome. The vibrations attracted many lower entities and they proceeded to use you for their own ends. However, everything is of a cyclic nature and you know fully well that your present one is about to end. You are also aware that it is a chaotic time as the old ways try to cling on, and the dark Ones go to extremes to prevent the changes but to no avail. What has been decreed will pass even if it is uncomfortable, and you will in the future marvel at what took place and feel privileged to have been part of it. Be sure to understand that many, many souls would have gladly taken your place, but you have all been chosen because of your potential to bring to each other the experiences you need. The end times are a perfect end to your time in duality, and again when you look back you will see how it has lifted you into a higher state of understanding and advanced your levels of spiritual understanding.

In the full nature of everything you have experienced, you have tried all manner of incarnations and you have been through all the different religions and spiritual groups. To extend your understanding you have also spent time with the dark Ones, so that you could understand the different energies that motivated their ways of expression. That has been a feature of your many lives, and it is why we warn against being judgmental, because there are few situations that you have not experienced yourself. What you see around you today is in part your creation, and as a civilization approaching the changes you are required to play your part in bringing back the Light that has been lacking.

Now I come to the part that you are particularly interested in relating to the last message and the consternation and controversy it caused. It was intended to highlight the fact that we are continually acting against the dark Ones, and their attempts to cause a major upset as you go into the final stages of Ascension. If they had their way it would be prevented and they would proceed with their agenda for your total enslavement. We have as you might say, clipped their wings and apart from having to allow freewill to still operate, have the authority to stop any action that would seriously affect your Ascension. There was always the chance that some of you would home in on the comments directed at Obama and be upset. However you have had to deal with the views of others who have a different understanding of the end times, and if you see the long term implications you will realize that they will have no affect on the outcome at all. It is a fact that there are so many different beliefs held regarding the manner in which the final days of this cycle are played out. We do not interfere with them, and according to your expectations that is what you will experience as part of your personal journey. In other words souls must be allowed to experience what they have created for themselves, and their personal understanding in all matters.

The result of the last message was not intentional, but there are always liable to be a number of ways that they can be interpreted. We certainly did not intend that you should conclude that we were suddenly supporting the adverse comments against Obama. Our support of him has been total at all times, and he is a most special soul that together receives our full protection. There have already been a number of attempts on his life, and why Dear Ones – because he is seen for what he really is as a great Being of Light. He will when able to fully express and act on his plan, bring peace to the world. We know that there are campaigns to undermine Obama and have him removed, as the dark Ones were expecting to get their choice for President into the White House. That was not to be, and your expanding consciousness and successful attempts to bring Light and Love to the planet was in part responsible. The Law of Attraction is perfect, and when the Light becomes the dominant force there is no place for the lower energies. In that respect you are to be complimented for your untiring work to bring Light to the Earth.

In conclusion let me say that you must stand strong in your beliefs, and see further than the attempts of the dark Ones to distract you. They are here, there and everywhere making as much mayhem as they can, and using anyone that will fall for their negative thoughts and actions. Be sure that once you are well into the Light you will not fall for their attempts to distract you. Our channel Mike was not put out by the views of Colleen who has her own strong beliefs, and the reactions of some of you were to say the least a surprise to him. However, it has made many of you reflect on your own response, and that can only lead to a greater understanding of yourself.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and love you all as you are as great souls of Light. See that in all those you meet, see the perfection that is there and not the outer skin of duality that will soon be transmuted.

Dear Friends,

On a personal note I must tell you that yesterday I received over another 170 Emails, and virtually everyone was in support of my work and me. I really cannot find the time to reply to them all as much as I would have liked to, so I will once again tell you much your support means to me.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/25/2010 1:25:45 AM
And this is Salusa again only two days later. Don't miss it.

SaLuSa 24-November-2010

Day to day events all around the world are showing that changes are necessary, as the old paradigm plays out its last attempt to direct the course of peoples lives. However the new energies are creating a new way that is being birthed in spite of the difficulties. It is the power of thought that is molding them into a new paradigm, that promises to fulfill what is needed to break away from all that is failing and no longer serves your best interests. The leadership of many countries is unable to resist change, and will find that it cannot proceed any further unless it responds to what is needed. There is a powerful movement within the people that can see the urgent need for a new approach to life, and is pressing for the introduction of changes that will allow it to happen.

Those of you who are aware of the potential for change, are leading the movements that are destined to help them manifest. It is essential that you call for a move into the right direction, so that your energy and resources are not wasted. As always, whatever is focused upon is what will be manifested. In other words simply see in your minds eye the results you seek, and leave the Light to achieve them in the best way possible regardless of the circumstances. That will allow us and other sources of Light a free hand to help you without seeming to interfere with your freewill. That is so important, although we do plan it with the divine guidance we have been given. At the forefront is the path to Ascension, and any action we take is to open it up so that there is a greater awareness of it. It will not be too long before it will be seen that the end is not to be a disaster such as some envisage. It will be a wonderful opportunity to step up and out of the chaos, into a period of relative peace and calm. That will enable the plan for new Man to be started, with an enlightened consciousness and awareness of what is required. By that time we will have made open contact with you, and the opposition to our presence will have been muted through an understanding of our divine mission.

Whatever view is taken of the future, there will come a time when the truth will be revealed and it will be up to the individual as to how they receive it. The facts will be undeniable but we will not force them upon you. If people still reject them they will still be able to follow a different path of their choice. However the fact remains that all around they will see and experience the changes like everyone else. What will be different for them is the manner in which they see the “end” take place. However, what cannot be altered by any other group is your Ascension along with Mother Earth. That is divinely decreed and will take place as planned, and will continue long after the cycle of duality has finished. Evolution is ongoing and in reality you are only just beginning your journey back to the Source of All That Is.

In the whole picture what you are about to experience is a memorable occasion, which will lift you up out of the conflicts and turmoil that inevitably comes with duality. You might say that it was indeed its purpose as you joined the battle between the dark and Light. Subconsciously you always knew that the Light would be victorious, but in the midst of it all you lost touch with your true self. At times the Light was hard to find, but it has emerged in time to take control of the destiny of your planet. It was always planned in this way, but as you are beginning to understand, with your gift of freewill it could have been different. Fortunately you have excelled in your tasks to bring the Light to Earth, and yet another failure has been avoided. You will be the first civilization to ultimately overcome the darkness. All that remains now is for us to all come together and complete the final changes, which will rapidly remove the last vestiges of the dark’s empire. Be assured that no outside source other than the Light will be able to interfere with your destiny.

There are tough times ahead but they will be short lived, as the leaders of the world realize that it is in yours and their interest to join forces with us to deal with your mounting problems. As you are aware the plan to deal with them has long been in place, and it is ready to solve all of your needs. Our resources are unlimited, and even now millions of craft are at our call. You will therefore understand that the time aspect does not present us with any difficulty. Clearly we would like to commence our joint approach to get the various projects underway, and rely upon our allies on Earth to first carry out their tasks. They have acted upon our behalf and set up what is needed to go ahead. One way or another, we will soon be ready to take a major step forward but ask you once again to be patient, as the occasion demands that the timing is absolutely right.

Go about your daily tasks with the assurance that whatever is happening is part of the collapse of the old ways. Also be assured that you will not be asked to wait much longer, before the changes are announced. We certainly do not wish to prolong the agony some of you are experiencing, but take it in your stride knowing that it will soon end. You cannot yet truly imagine how far reaching the changes will be, and in next to no time all upon your Earth will be totally different. Naturally the final changes will not occur until you have ascended and entered the higher dimensions, and we have indicated that what you are looking forward to is an ongoing process. Change you must as you cross over to the path of Light and leave duality behind. It cannot be done without your participation, and it is to be a unique and glorious experience.

Life of course goes on as always, and your contribution to it as you spread the Light around will ease the problems of many of your fellow travelers. You can give comfort where it is needed, and anything you can do to dispel fear will strengthen the Light and deny the dark such energy. They promote it and use it against you, as it is their most powerful weapon. Remember it is the Love and Light that is bringing an end to the rule of the Illuminati, and all of you can help in this respect. Wherever you come across the dark energies, send out your Light and bless those souls who are caught up in it. Everyone responds to the energy of love, and it can eventually get through to the most hardened ones.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and most delighted yet not surprised that in adversity you have shown such determination and strength. Bless you all.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Jill Bachman

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11/26/2010 2:00:24 AM
Hi Luis,

This forum is a paradise - I love what you have done and please forgive me for being so tardy in getting here. I just keep peddling and sooner or later I will be out of the tunnel. I think that is what we call ascension??? LOL

I invite you to celebrate Thanksgiving with all of us USA'ers. We definitely have a beautiful world and abundant friendships for which to be grateful.

In JOYFUL Gratitude
We are so GRATEFUL
For our Friends and Family
For God and Mother Earth's Abundant Gifts

Enjoy a visit to our
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Blessings, Jill and Cal
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Every Thought is Priceless

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/29/2010 3:54:51 AM
SaLuSa 26-November-2010

The anger and discontent at the problems of the world is understandable, as you have been led into the planned chaos and failure scripted by the Illuminati. For many years they have eased you into the conditions, which have brought about the demise of your civilization for their plan to rule the world. In doing so they have created the need for change, and thought to use the opportunity to introduce a world government. It would of course have been formed with their hand picked representatives, and given them total control and your enslavement. However, the opportunity for change has also opened the door to our own agenda for your release from them. As matters have grown out of their control, so we have prepared ourselves for the re-instatement of your freedom and sovereign rights.

When the Illuminati have tried to escalate your problems and bring martial law into being, we together with our allies have stepped in and prevented it. We have stemmed the tide of their advancement, whilst at the same time your consciousness levels have increased. This has effectively focused your sights on what was hidden from you, and you are able to see through the subterfuge that has been taking place. Not only that, you have realized what you have been denied and learnt about us and our divine plan for Ascension. The future is no longer a mystery thanks to the many channels of truth that exist on Earth. However, there are varying degrees of clarity and you need to be extra careful when deciding which ones are reliable. It is often a case of individual channels having a subconscious desire for a certain ending to the cycle, and attracting entities that resonate with that vibration. By and large your attention will be taken by those whose messages concentrate on love and Light. Those who talk of punishment and the wrath of God, are working from a different level that is often the result of orthodox teachings.

As in all matters that affect you personally, we will always recommend that you follow your own intuition. It will lead you to what is right for you at this time. Sometimes you have lessons to learn, which will occasionally take you on a detour and back again to the correct path. Do not concern yourself if you realize that you have followed teachings that are laced with misleading information. The important aspect is that you rise above them and advance in your evolution. In truth there is no hurry except you are desirous of ascending. However, you will need to put into practice your highest version of what it is necessary to follow when you are working towards your Christ Consciousness. It can be summed up by “doing for others what you would have done for yourself” and seeing that all souls are One.

Human Beings are surrounded by people that are in judgement of each other, and it is even promoted as entertainment in your media programs. It is not the way of those who are enlightened, although we do not mean that you should stop your reasoning or have opinions. It is the deliberate targeting of people with a view to pulling them down that is negative and damaging. It is often in the form of bullying that plays upon that which is different to what is considered normal. It can become racial, and creates the very separation that the dark Ones play upon to create disharmony. As we often tell you, each of you are a godspark and One with each other. Therefore when experiences are chosen for each lifetime, they will invariably move you from one race to another. At this particular time as the end of the cycle approaches, you may be sure that you have lived in every major country of the world. You would therefore almost certainly have followed the customs and religion associated with them. It is the way in which your understanding grows and your awakening occurs.

We members of the Galactic Federation may have been on Earth, or another planet where a different form of evolution exists. However, regardless of where it takes place, it ultimately means progressing to the higher dimensions. All souls are of the Light, and in the highest dimensions take the form of Light Beings. I am SaLuSa and come from Sirius, and you are probably aware that our Federation consists of all different civilizations that have ascended. In the past you will have read of the Venusians, Arcturians, Pleiadians and Andromedans who serve with us, are mostly associated with past contact with Earth. There are of course others, but they are not necessarily connected with us. All of our members have for example long given up the barbaric practice of war. We represent love and Light and maintain peace in the Universe, and as in your case help those who are ready to ascend and join us.

Bear in mind that your freewill has operated all through your experiences. Even now there is no forcing of Ascension upon any soul, but because of the importance of these times it will be placed before you. It is then your decision as to whether you accept it, and if you do every help will be given to ensure you succeed. We cannot sufficiently emphasize what a unique opportunity you have to leave the cycle of rebirth, and rise up to the higher levels of beauty and sheer happiness. If you could but visit them as some souls have, the feeling of utter contentment and peace would overawe you. Once you have known the joy of such a level, it is with reluctance that you return to Earth. Of course you can experience happiness on Earth, but it is usually short lived before your life is disrupted. Relationships are often the root of your unhappiness, but that is part of your learning to overcome such obstacles. In this respect be aware that you are experiencing exactly what you planned, and it is just as well to try and understand the lesson that it is meant to bring to you. Once learnt, you will not normally be expected to pass that way again.

Matters on Earth are coming to a head, and before much longer something must happen to provide us with the opportunity to come out into the open. There may be signs of where it is all leading before the year-end, but in any event we are totally ready to take off. It has been so for quite a long time and we upgrade our program according to what is happening on Earth. There are stirrings of what is required to enable us to proceed, and some of you have picked it up. We can say that we are in charge of earthly matters inasmuch that as far as we are allowed, we are in control, and will soon be with you.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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