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Michael Caron

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11/21/2010 4:38:12 AM
Hi Sara,
I did in fact write a poem about that experience. When I find it, I will bring it in. I have related in the past of the troublesome time that I had when married to my second wife who is now deceased. {I didn't do it.}When I left and moved to Indianapolis, she threw out a lot of my belongings. Among them, several pictures of me and my parents in different stages of my life. She also threw out four thick notebooks with all of my original poems. I had written one poem that was four pages long, front and back. It was about a sad young man sitting alone on the edge of his bed with tears running down his cheeks. He could hear his parents down stairs arguing once again. He wished that he could find a place where no one argued or slapped one another, and a place where no one blamed one another for bringing him into the world. As he wiped his tears, one teardrop swelled into a large bubble, lifted him up and swept him into the air. His window was open and he began a fantastic journey. He saw wondrous sights, heard beautiful music and after awhile he came across a beautiful beach. He was outside the bubble now and had the urge to run upon the beach and scoop up the sand. Suddenly he stopped. He noticed that the beach was pristine, not a thing out of place, and although he could see the shadows of people in the distance, there was not a single foot step. Man had not yet travelled this way. He froze and would not step further. A soft voice asked him why he would not walk upon the beach and his answer was, "Because, Man has not been here yet to ruin this beauty and I will not be the first."
I wish that I could remember the rest of it, but it ended with the boy being returned to his room. He went downstairs to where his mother and father were still arguing. He addressed them by saying, "Stop!! You are wasting your time. Each night you argue about bringing me into the world. Neither of you brought me here. GOD did. You think that it takes money to raise me, but it does not. It takes the Love that you once knew. When you find that love once again, you may be able to raise me like you want to. Dad, put down your beer. Mom, stop calling your friends and telling them that you don't know what to do. You both hate the fact that I came into this world, but it doesn't matter. I am here, and I love you. Start learning how to love yourself." With that, the young man turned and started back to his room. Both parents said "Wait. Don't go. We need you."
I saw my ex-wife read it one time, and she had tears in her eyes. I understand that the book containing that poem was not just tossed in the trash and burned. What people do not understand is that you can not destroy the truth. Truth is not just words that are etched on paper, but rather lives in our hearts. If you know something to be truthful it gives you a good feeling inside, however if you know that what you are saying is a lie, your stomach feels queezy, even if you do not want it to.
For the longest time, I resented the way she was. Toward the end of her days on Earth, we became friends. Shirley invited her to join the holiday celebrations with us, which I thought was the worst thing in the world until we started laughing together. Tears of happiness far outway the tears of sorrow. Shortly before she died, Shirley took her aside and asked her what she was doing about her legs. They were in bad shape and Shirley knew that they had to be cared for. My ex told Shirley that she was seeing a dictor about them, but she wasn't. She died when blood clots from her legs lodged in her lungs {The very same thing that happened to Shirley three years ago.} My ex died, Shirley still lives. Shirley cared about someone that others paid little attention to. GODhonestly does watch out for those that care for others.
Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Michael Caron

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11/21/2010 5:09:04 AM
Hello my wonderful friend Luis,
I apologize for going on so long in my last reply. I had not seen that poem before but it was very inspiring indeed. It almost makes me want to take pen in hand and try my hand at new poetry. If I lived in your beautiful country I could find some interesting inspirations to spur me on like your Lavender nights with stars shining like celestrial Diamonds in the skies to your oceans with waves splashing on to rocks spewing milky suds upon the beach, releasing droplets of pearls along the beaches. Majestic mountain peaks reacing towards the heavens above and the Emerald green Forests stretching for miles hiding tiny villages along the way. No one seems to have the time to stop and look around to see what a beautiful World thatGOD has gifted us with. When they do, they envision a modern city where the cascading waterfalls flow. It is so sad what we have done and it is too late to make it right again. Perhaps, when we make it to our next plain of existence, we can stop the destruction before it begins. From space, our planet looks like a Blue Marble, however on a closer view it looks like a battle scarred warriour who has lost his will to fight. Soon there will be more scars upon our surface with empending Earthquakes, Szunamiis, Volcanic eruptions, and plaques that have already begun. Will GOD ever forgive us for what we have done? He already has. For as bad as we have been on Earth he is already put his trust in us for what lies ahead. Having Full conciousness is a scary thing. We will know much more than we ever have known, and we will know how to control the elements. Even so, I believe that I will wait awhile before sticking my finger in a light socket. I'll get someone else to do it first.

{P.S. Remember the song "You Light Up My Life"? Boy, is that going to have a new meaning.}
Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Roger Macdivitt .

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11/21/2010 10:40:30 AM


I am really enjoying just reading your exchanges.

Dreams and experiences shared. Wonderful.


11/21/2010 4:00:42 PM

Thank you Miguel, it is a lovely poem. I would have missed it had you not posted here.



11/21/2010 4:12:43 PM

Hi Sara,
I did in fact write a poem about that experience. When I find it, I will bring it in. I have related in the past of the troublesome time that I had when married to my second wife who is now deceased. {I didn't do it.}When I left and moved to Indianapolis, she threw out a lot of my belongings. Among them, several pictures of me and my parents in different stages of my life. She also threw out four thick notebooks with all of my original poems. I had written one poem that was four pages long, front and back. It was about a sad young man sitting alone on the edge of his bed with tears running down his cheeks. He could hear his parents down stairs arguing once again. He wished that he could find a place where no one argued or slapped one another, and a place where no one blamed one another for bringing him into the world. As he wiped his tears, one teardrop swelled into a large bubble, lifted him up and swept him into the air. His window was open and he began a fantastic journey. He saw wondrous sights, heard beautiful music and after awhile he came across a beautiful beach. He was outside the bubble now and had the urge to run upon the beach and scoop up the sand. Suddenly he stopped. He noticed that the beach was pristine, not a thing out of place, and although he could see the shadows of people in the distance, there was not a single foot step. Man had not yet travelled this way. He froze and would not step further. A soft voice asked him why he would not walk upon the beach and his answer was, "Because, Man has not been here yet to ruin this beauty and I will not be the first."
I wish that I could remember the rest of it, but it ended with the boy being returned to his room. He went downstairs to where his mother and father were still arguing. He addressed them by saying, "Stop!! You are wasting your time. Each night you argue about bringing me into the world. Neither of you brought me here. GOD did. You think that it takes money to raise me, but it does not. It takes the Love that you once knew. When you find that love once again, you may be able to raise me like you want to. Dad, put down your beer. Mom, stop calling your friends and telling them that you don't know what to do. You both hate the fact that I came into this world, but it doesn't matter. I am here, and I love you. Start learning how to love yourself." With that, the young man turned and started back to his room. Both parents said "Wait. Don't go. We need you."
I saw my ex-wife read it one time, and she had tears in her eyes. I understand that the book containing that poem was not just tossed in the trash and burned. What people do not understand is that you can not destroy the truth. Truth is not just words that are etched on paper, but rather lives in our hearts. If you know something to be truthful it gives you a good feeling inside, however if you know that what you are saying is a lie, your stomach feels queezy, even if you do not want it to.
For the longest time, I resented the way she was. Toward the end of her days on Earth, we became friends. Shirley invited her to join the holiday celebrations with us, which I thought was the worst thing in the world until we started laughing together. Tears of happiness far outway the tears of sorrow. Shortly before she died, Shirley took her aside and asked her what she was doing about her legs. They were in bad shape and Shirley knew that they had to be cared for. My ex told Shirley that she was seeing a dictor about them, but she wasn't. She died when blood clots from her legs lodged in her lungs {The very same thing that happened to Shirley three years ago.} My ex died, Shirley still lives. Shirley cared about someone that others paid little attention to. GODhonestly does watch out for those that care for others.

Mike, an outstanding story (both of them!). Thank you for sharing. When we hurt the most God can bring beauty and treasures through us.

Shirley is a warm and loving person, glad you two found each other.




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