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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/8/2010 4:25:22 PM
My Friends, things seem to define better as first contact looms in the horizon. From what is stated below, expect the best any time now.

Update from Sheldan Nidle - the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchy

Selamat Jarin! We return to tell you about some interesting developments! At present, we are working with our Earth allies to secure the formal release of the deliveries. We have also set up the final procedures for the switch from the present corporate de facto US regime to the new caretaker one. This particular scenario has been revised to accommodate many among the Earth allies who feel that a slightly different type of government change is essential, as a result of a series of final discussions with the dark cabal. We are "considering" these developments within the context of our preparations for our first global announcements, as these last-minute changes may be much more lengthy than expected. The purpose of these final diplomatic exchanges is to toughen up the accords to ensure that the government changeover goes smoothly and without major hitches. These agreements include several separate financial packages that are also receiving some final adjustments. An initial four-month segment is being added to the banking accords that lead to the break-up of the world's largest banking institutions.

These additions in no way alter what is to happen. What they represent is the need for this financial package to be a true indicator of the Earth allies' determination to establish a universally prosperous, hard currency financial system. The precise logistics of this are something that the new President and his new cabinet are to discuss at length with the American people and the peoples of your world. It is to be a decentralized, regional system and will be partially reliant on the spread of the abundance funds that are to be issued on the same day as the temporary regime takes over the reins of power. The exigencies of this timing make it essential that we do what is necessary to ensure that the deliveries go off as planned, and so we have initiated a series of actions using our technology and the expertise of our technical personnel. Hence, these critical disbursements, when finally okayed by our Earth allies, will be done swiftly and easily by our designated personnel. This task is receiving its final prerequisites even as we speak. The drive behind all this is to complete these pivotal tasks as quickly as possible.

This first-contact mission has become fully tasked with setting up global governments that are qualified to receive our contact, although we have already had much interaction with several major and minor governments throughout your world. These diplomatic pursuits have given us a comprehensive understanding of how your global power structure operates. This construct has spawned regimes that are deeply entwined in the wealth creation process of this global structure, and the only solution to our dilemma is to procure basic changes to the very foundation of this power construct. To this end we have recruited powerful groups and individuals seriously committed to an entirely new way of putting wealth and power together. Our growing mutual friendships with these people have resulted in what is about to happen, rendering the dark cabal and its dogged obstinacy expendable. This first-contact mission is about returning you to full consciousness, not assuaging a pampered and hubristic few! This objective was made more difficult by the appearance here of members of the Anchara Alliance.

Members of the Orion Alliance were able to obtain a series of formal working relationships with a number of your major governments. These led to technology exchanges as well as the means to retrieve numerous craft, together with their personnel, which crashed on your world. These accords also included training programs in which members of your military traveled to other worlds to discover how time travel and teleportation operate. Consequently, several missions by your secret military were undertaken to alter your history vis-à-vis Atlantis. These missions ultimately failed. The timeline that you are on has been altered by Heaven and the divine plan, and will shortly deliver you to the great changes we have long been telling you about. The inability of the dark cabal to change this new Heaven-bound timeline is what set off their initial panic. At this point, the cabal is fully cognizant of the fact that a positive first contact by the Galactic Federation is inevitable and underway!

As we have stated, these are the last few moments of this present reality. It is being divinely transformed, along with your planet, your solar system, and you. Many aspects of this reality can be seen to be changing. Signs of this include the rather 'odd' placement of the moon in the night sky and the strange perturbations of many stars and nearby worlds. These are portents of the immense changes that every part of your reality is now going through, and our role is to be a catalyst for these changes. The former Anchara Alliance members who were once in relationship with the dark cabal are assisting us in the preparations for carrying out a successful first contact with you. Know that this is the time when all of this is slated to manifest. A series of astonishing events is unfolding before you!

These events set the stage for what we intend to accomplish next. Your present societies are obligated to mere de facto regimes, orchestrated by the whims of the dark elites who wish to control you as before. These intentions run counter to the decrees of the Light! Therefore has the Light sent us to reorder your world and move you into full consciousness, and we can report that the first part of this remit is being carried out. The governmental and economic structures set up by the dark at the end of the Roman Empire have come to the end of their usefulness as tools for expressing its power. The dark knows this and is trying in vain to create suitable replacements. These machinations lie behind all that has happened from the beginning of this century onwards, and as anyone can see, these attempts have all met with failure!

The cabal's trials and tribulations will not cease until it relinquishes the power now so manifestly lost to them. We have worked diligently with our Earth allies to ensure that this transition continues to manifest as Heaven so decrees. Lord Surea has pronounced that these transformations are to happen now! We, in turn, have stepped up our unswerving determination to justly resolve the whole issue of the dark and their minions. A great deal of subtle change is underway, provoking much upheaval and trepidation in the ranks of the cabal. You need to have the deliveries and a true change in governance. This is happening on many levels, and the final, most dramatic part of this transformation is ready to pop! Our diplomatic and liaison corps is succeeding in preparing the way for this to happen. Their actions are making possible a first series of truly wonderful announcements.

With this done, we can formally end the UFO cover-up and begin to announce our presence to all of you. This starts the rush to first contact. Your world urgently needs these changes, as Gaia can no longer hold your present reality together. Her only recourse is a series of stepped-up natural catastrophes that can only imperil your existence as primary residents of the surface realm. Moreover, the very diversity that enables life on your surface world to exist is on the verge of extinction. In previous eras, Gaia used surface 'remodeling', like the one you face, to reset the life clock and reestablish the essential diversity. You are critical to what she envisions. This growing dilemma needs a divine intervention, and we are it! We come to reset your consciousness clock and prepare you for your much-needed, new responsibilities.

Today, we brought you up-to-date with some important points regarding first contact. The much-needed events we discussed are underway and we await their imminent conclusion together with the opportunity to roll out your prosperity deliveries and regimes changes. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/12/2010 12:09:33 AM

(Taken from Jill Bachman's 'Mountain of Love' forum)

Barbara Hand Clow: Excellent commentary. TSA, WikiLeaks, National Mood...

9-Dec-2010 10:55:50

It is the New Moon in Sagittarius, our annual fiery awakening. Higher perspectives pierce the mundane world and we can see the truth. Emerging from the deep challenge of Scorpio, we seek meaning in the knowledge we've attained while considering the dark side of life. During Sagittarius, seeing the truth about the dark side can free us from getting caught in the humdrum world. This especially important this year because the previous Moon in Scorpio was just so intense: Pluto, the ruling planet of Scorpio, was conjunct the lunar North Node, and the New Moon was in the middle degrees of Scorpio. And we also entered day Seven of the Galactic Underworld right after the New Moon. Now, this Sagittarius lunation has just the right elements for manifesting the valuable discoveries we've just made to attain the critical leap of Day Seven.

Going back to the reading for last month's New Moon, our challenge was to achieve emotional clarity so that we could fulfill our spring intentions by fall's completion. Global ceremonies for our entry into Day Seven were conducted to help us begin to function within groups now, not so much as individuals. Our personal emotional clarity seems to be suggesting it is time to really know how we feel about what's happening to everybody. For example, suddenly many people are strenuously objecting to how they are being examined by the TSA at US airports.

This budding protest peaked during the Full Moon on November 21, making it a very noticeable example of our struggle to attain Oneness. Then, on November 27, the world was stunned by the second release of diplomatic files by WikiLeaks.
The Full Moon in 29 Taurus was right on the Pleiades, and Mercury, Mars, and the asteroid Athene (Pallas) were exactly conjunct and approaching the mid-heaven in Washington, DC. Athene is the goddess from the Pleiades who protects wisdom, and the Full Moon awakened her; her back is up in concert with Mercury (awareness) and Mars (personal power).

So, on November 27 when Mercury came to the Galactic Center and squared Uranus in 27 Pisces, WikiLeaks released more files creating a collective wave of political scandals amidst the personal struggle over travel. There also was a significant geomagnetic storm on the Sun (G-2 Class) on November 27.
Planes represent our freedom to travel yet the government mainly uses the TSA to propagate its 9/11-inspired fear program!

The TSA is threatening Americans with visual sexual invasion (scanning nudity) and outright sexual abuse (via aggressive pat-downs). Since Sagittarius rules travel, especially flying, this New Moon will intensify the resentment against this bold attempt to steal American dignity. During the previous New Moon in Scorpio, Pluto on the North Node with the New Moon in the middle degrees of Scorpio forced the lingering resentment against the TSA to the surface. Then through the lunar cycle, as Saturn moved into the middle degrees of Libra, people stood up and demanded fairness.

Regarding the entry into Day Seven, those of us working with Carl Calleman's Mayan Calendar hypothesis expect to see the building Oneness of our species happening through technological maturation. Since the issues with flying are coming up by means of scanners and the diplomatic scandals are occurring by email leaks, I see these events as proof of Calleman's hypothesis! During my ceremony at Wise Awakening in Bellingham, I suggested that good images for this idea might be synchronized flocks of birds and schools of fish.

Routing planes by radar systems is a wonderful metaphor for synchronous flocks of flying birds, and our personal flying experiences are grouped as we flow along. We all want to know that those who fly with us do not intend to harm us, and we expect to be treated humanely for a service that we pay for. We want to be grouped, not groped!

Meanwhile, the diplomatic exposures could cause some people to wonder: would ending the Western attack on the East be the way to regain our security? Terrorist organizations have publicly stated that they are tricking the West into spending its resources on security. Who is winning the E/W struggle? The TSA was created immediately after 9/11, and many passengers resent it because they sense that it has little to do with their protection. TSA boldly militarizes the US while lining the pockets of security companies.

There should be a Congressional investigation into who is making money on airline security. Underlying all these suspicions is the fact that the real story about who created 9/11 has been suppressed, and many Americans want the truth to be revealed. Without processing that watershed event, the US is losing its freedom because people are paralyzed by fear. The hideous shots of nude bodies on the scanners remind some people of Jews being marched into gas chambers during WWII.

With this fiery Moon in Sagittarius, the lid is coming off government intimidation in general. This issue is global because much of the world looks to the US to be a light of liberty. Ironically, the New York Times has already run an editorial that suggests that the leaks make Obama look good as a leader, but, generally, the leaks are transforming many world leaders into Disney-like cartoon characters, who enjoy playing games while the people suffer. The disturbances over the TSA and WikiLeaks will spread globally into anger over other issues, such as: being forced to pay taxes for adventuresome wars while jobs and homes disappear at home; frustration with banker profiteering; and dismay over the glaring deterioration of people in public office.

The no-win quality of these issues is causing many to think of themselves as members of abused groups, which is the first stage of revolution. Threatening to take away our right to fly unless we first submit to sexual abuse is getting people to band together, since this outrageous abuse of power resonates with all the other sexual abuse acts so recently committed by people we trusted.

These core breakthroughs are hot right now with Chiron (clearing the core wound) conjunct Neptune (melting our boundaries). Most people feel terribly vulnerable right now. Think of it! Just when the conjunction has been the tightest over a the last few months, thousands if not millions of people who have not yet cleared their own hidden sexual abuse issues find themselves going nuts when the TSA goes after their genitals! The airports are now more dangerous than the rectories and confessionals!

The New Moon in Sagittarius describes how we will discover ourselves within our main group: the human species. So, I will read the chart looking for how the planets can inspire us to move into Oneness by means of technology, even including the TSA scanners and the diplomatic emails! The New Moon is in 13 Sagittarius in a tight sextile to Saturn in 15 Libra, so our highest perspective on freedom is disciplined and very harmonious. Saturn's sextile to the New Moon announces we are free beings-for example, free to fly and free to control our own lives when we are ready.

Saturn in 15 Libra is conjunct the USA Saturn in 15 Libra, so we are experiencing the eighth USA Saturn Return; it is no accident the scanners are being pushed first in the US. The conflict over them will probably mean other countries will not be stupid enough to buy into them. As more countries go bankrupt, there will be more pressure to stop the fear program and to return to sanity.

Since fiery liberty is our issue right now, we turn to Uranus, the ruler of transformation and freedom. Uranus-conjunct-Jupiter squares Mars on the Galactic Center in the tenth house cast for Washington, DC. This square to Mars indicates great tension with America's "enemies." Uranus conjunct Jupiter is exact for the last time on January 4, 2011, so this energy is building and peaking. It involves stretching and expanding our transformations, and it causes people to stretch themselves so that they can change and grow. Jupiter's ruling planet is Sagittarius, so now that we come to the final phase of this conjunction, we can see that it is about transforming ourselves by means of travel, especially flying, and about seeing the truth about our global world.

So, the battle over government intrusion of our rights is huge, and with the square to Mars in Sagittarius on the ultimate freedom gate-the Galactic Center-this battle is very transformative. Mars on the Galactic Center wants us to take our cosmic powers, and the square to Jupiter/Uranus says we have to transform beyond silly limitations, such as having a few Elite power brokers run the whole world.

The freedom movement will not be backing off with Pluto conjunct Mercury in Capricorn on the lunar North Node, which means people will see the truth about the structures that rule their lives. They will act on the truths they see because the lunar North Node is finishing its karmic phase of changing structures before the North Node moves into Sagittarius in February 2011. The North Node in Sagittarius will inspire total evolutionary advancement during the end of the Mayan Calendar. The North Node will be on the Galactic Center during March/April 2011, just when the Universal Underworld time acceleration begins! Wow!

Mars on the Galactic Center sextile Venus in early Scorpio favors balance between males and females as we become more group conscious. Venus in Scorpio pushes us to be honest because when we lie to ourselves, things crash around us, such as the economic basis of world powers. This is a good month to take these collapses very seriously, since they say something about how we're really feeling. As for what the TSA is trying to foist on the public, I've noticed that men are appalled to see the women's exposure by the scanners, and women are appalled by the male exposure.

Well, Venus in Scorpio exactly sextiles the North Node close to Mercury/Pluto, so we see things by feminine intuition, which exposes the dark. Of course, Venus in Scorpio sextiling Mars/North Node/Mercury/Pluto favors more exposure of the diplomatic abuses. This aspect even may flush out a few more abusers in the Roman Catholic system. Or, maybe this aspect will spark a protest movement of married Catholic women who want permission to use condoms for birth control, since now the Pope says male prostitutes can use condoms to avoid AIDS!

Lastly, Neptune and Chiron are still traveling close together in 26 Aquarius, so the core wounds just keep on being exposed; we all are dissolving and surrendering. The core wound for America is 9/11, so I often wonder if these last days of Chiron/Neptune will flush out the truth. A third release of Elite secrets is coming soon from WikiLeaks, so perhaps this is when we will find out the truth about 9/11? As far as I can see into the quality of Day Seven, we can handle our deep pain more easily when we realize that most everybody else feels it too. We have grown a lot under the influence of Chiron conjunct Neptune since 2008.
Gemini Lunar Eclipse: December 21 (Short Reading)

I expect this whole lunar cycle to be totally unforgettable because this New Moon seed bears fruit during the 29-degree Gemini Lunar Eclipse on December 21. This total eclipse occurs about fifteen hours before the Winter Solstice, so its energy pours right into the winter season. During this eclipse of the Moon, the Sun in 29 Sagittarius is close to the Galactic Center, and Mercury retrograde is combust the Galactic Center. This is awareness!!! It will be totally visible in the US, especially on the West Coast around midnight.

As many of you know, global ceremonies focused on achieving male/female harmony at the start of Day Seven, and this eclipse indicates we are going to be downloaded with cosmic knowledge about how to return to gender balance. I can feel that using the primary asteroids-Ceres, Juno, Athene, Vesta-will illuminate how we can find Oneness this year.

During the Lunar Eclipse, Juno exactly opposes Jupiter/Uranus in Pisces. Juno rules deep pain over inner separation from our own sex, which is then reflected outside us. We see this angst when women envy other women and men try to keep other men from their women. This is primary jealousy, an emotion that causes many people to stop doing the important things in their lives while they wallow in jealousy. Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Pisces has been expanding and transforming us into compassionate humans, with the last conjunction in 27 degrees of Pisces on January 4.

Next, as Jupiter and Uranus move into Aries, our experiences with expansion and transformation will be bold, challenging, and difficult. So, Juno's exact opposition to Jupiter/Uranus just before their conjunction must be important. Maybe, this Juno complex is the main reason the Elite gets away with leading the people like flocks of sheep; it seems to insidiously sap the personal power of most individuals.

The opposition of Juno to Jupiter-conjunct-Uranus highlights our problems with separation from our primal selves and forms a grand square to the eclipse line right on the Galactic Center. This suggests that during the potent lunar eclipse, our attainment of compassion could be achieved by healing our own inner sexual identity separation complexes. I ask the men; is your inner male guilt-ridden, sneaky, promiscuous, and mean? Or, are you proud, clear, integral, and kind inside? Women, is your inner woman abused, greedy, jealous, and spiteful? Or, are you free, generous, heart-felt, and kind? Of course, you can determine a lot of the answers by observing your own significant partner.

The issue I'm bringing up is a perennial one, and this amazing eclipse spotlights the inner healing we need to attain Oneness. Chiron/Neptune are separating because they have done their part, and now we must heal male/female inner separation. Then, mothers and daughters will love each other freely, and fathers and sons will identify with each other and learn skills together. In the fourth dimension (4D), Pluto will release the captured daughters from the Underworld, and Uranus will liberate our sons from wars.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/12/2010 1:44:39 AM
My friends, be prepared for one of the most informative messages ever on the upcoming Golden Age!

Message from Matthew

December 5, 2010

This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. This season when various faiths traditionally celebrate their holy days and enjoy festivities with family and friends is an especially emotional time. This year it is even more so. The vibrations Earth has reached in her ascension have intensified all feelings, and the two extremes of joy and sadness, in accordance with personal circumstances, are stronger than ever before.

We wish that every soul had reason to feel only joy, and within a comparatively short time, all who are light-filled shall. Your world’s abundance of resources will be fairly allocated; souls on Earth can visit their loved ones in Nirvana and vice versa; and happiness, health and fulfilling lives will be the lot of all who continue their physical journey with Earth.

But in this moment, many, many souls are suffering. Please reach out with caring to those who are sick or are grieving the loss of beloved persons, with compassion and aid to those who are homeless or hungry, with prayers for all who are in misery in distant lands. To those who are fearful about the state of the world, offer assurance that in the not too distant future, all peoples will live in peace and in harmony with Nature.

This season also is a time of giving thanks for the blessings in your lives. Many of you will be hearing or singing Christmas carols that refer to angels, and while that music is indeed stirring, it places angels at a specific time of the year and in a long-ago setting, far removed from your daily life. Nothing could be further from the truth! Foremost in your thankfulness should be the angels, whom you can rightfully think of as God’s arms forever gently enfolding you.

These collective energies of light have the mission of safeguarding, assisting and comforting you, and they are ever vigilant so they can instantly respond to your needs. A guardian angel, or gatekeeper, is assigned as your primary constant unseen and silent protector, helper and guide; but most angels are free agents, always available as reinforcements for the guardian angel whenever the need arises. You can call upon the angels for assistance at any time, but even if you don’t believe in them or don’t think to ask them for help, the energy of your anticipated need reaches God; and in the divine communication system, His emissaries immediately know how to respond.

Many people in life-threatening situations have been saved by angels’ intervention, but if the consequences of dire circumstances are within the souls' pre-birth chosen experiencing, the angels cannot interfere. They are, however, permitted to relieve extreme mental or emotional anguish. Without that angelic buffer between clear thought and desperation, wise behavior and irrational action, or miscalculation and its results, many physical lifetimes would be much shorter than soul contract choices.

Contrary to common opinion and depiction in art, angels do not have wings. They have the ability to manifest them if they wish and sometimes they do. However, in life-threatening situations the energy is so intense that some individuals can see the angels' etheric bodies; if they believe that angels have wings, they perceive wings even though none exist—that is how strongly your beliefs create your reality.

At times angels may appear to be as solid as your bodies seem. They can work through entities in a human form but with suprahuman capabilities, and souls in the lower angelic realms can spend a lifetime in Earth’s density. They manifest a human form and, with great diligence and tenderness, serve wherever they see the need—if you think of someone as being an angel, you may be absolutely right.

Another extraordinary angelic service is making the music that is referred to as “the sounds of the spheres” or “choirs of angels.” The vibrations of their majestic tones reach you at soul level and uplift weary spirits and help heal broken hearts.

Although angels are not your only unseen helpers—spirit guides and other souls in spirit or physical realms also are God’s emissaries at your beck and call—they are exalted by all the others, and rightly so. As co-creations of the archangels and Creator, they are the only souls who never separated spiritually from the Oneness. They are of a purity that is rare outside their own realms and their love for humankind is unconditional. So when this season of holy days and festivities ends and the new year begins, be aware of and grateful for the constant presence of angels in your life.

Now we move on to address inquiries related to the Golden Age.

Will all the beneficial changes in our lives be accomplished by the time Earth reaches fourth density or will there be more changes in the Golden Age? All the changes until Earth enters fourth density will indeed be beneficial, but soul evolvement, and thus your multiple lifetimes, will continue “throughout eternity,” it is safe to say. The soul’s journey of self-discovery will continue unfolding throughout the Golden Age and far, far beyond, until each returns to Creator Source. We can promise you, the wondrous adventure gets more and more exciting!

Why is everything that you say is essential for Earth’s ascension into the Golden Age, a scant two years from now, moving so slowly? What will happen if everything isn’t completed by the end of 2012? Ascension is an evolutionary process, not a revolution, and the transitional stages require meticulous preparation so that all reforms are handled within legal systems that are just, and nothing is minimized or overlooked. Be assured that everything that is essentialwill be completed!

As we have mentioned in prior messages, the tenacity of the Illuminati has kept hidden the truths that must become publicly known so that major changes going on “back stage” can be brought out into the open. Therefore, instead of the original master plan, which was to introduce the truths and reforms incrementally so that peoples could adjust to each before encountering the next, the pace must be swift. Because third density mentality cannot easily assimilate new beliefs or willingly accept great differences, the months ahead will be tumultuous as even many “good” but unenlightened people will resist the coming changes.

That is why we have urged you who know what is happening and why to tell all who are receptive—your steadfastness in the light will touch them and can ease their fears. If persons especially dear to you cannot accept the truths, honor their free will choice without sadness or regret. Not only will they have other opportunities to overcome third density’s limitations and move forward in soul evolvement, but your love bonds are eternal and will reunite you at soul level in all compatible energy planes.

What will happen with present day empiric science? Just as it has for centuries, science will continue to evolve. The great difference will be that without hesitation or resistance, your scientists will embrace the reality of the universe and the laws that govern life within it.

A reader questioned the discovery of huge “bubbles of energy” in the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Your telescopes and scientists don’t have the capability to correctly identify most of the marvels that exist in the universe, where everything is energy fluctuating at one frequency or another. Indeed celestial matter may appear in a bubble form, but energy doesn’t simply float around like soap bubbles.

What is the difference between marriage in third dimension and soul mates in higher dimensions? A great deal! Marriages on Earth do not always come from love, but rather for pragmatic reasons such as parental arrangements for their children, unplanned pregnancies, solidifying fortunes, keeping families “royal,” young people escaping from unhappy family life, and pure lust. None of those kinds of conditions exist in more highly evolved civilizations, where only deep friendship, compatibility, mutual respect and love lead to a long term commitment, which is honored by all who know the couple. Legalities play no part at all in those unions.

Can pets accompany their families who qualify light-wise to live in the Golden Age? The answer is a qualified “yes.” First we say that light is not the only qualification to go along with Earth into her Golden Age—many light-filled individuals chose in their soul contracts to end physical lifetimes prior to the end of 2012. That same provision applies to the higher orders of animals. The innocence of animals—including those you consider predators, who kill only for food and will become the vegetarians they once were—automatically gives them passage if their soul contracts call for that length of time in a body. So family members and their beloved pets who chose lifetimes that extend into the Golden Age will enter that glorious era together.

Some have expressed concern that feeling heaviness of heart about world affairs will dim their light to the extent that they won’t be able to live in fourth density vibrations. It is natural to feel compassion for all who are suffering—people, animals, Mother Earth herself—and while that emotion can make a heart feel heavy, within compassion there is light. Self-pity is quite another thing, however, so do not fall into that dark trap. To lighten heavy hearts, send forth healing light to all the world; remember that millions who are suffering are completing chosen karmic experiencing; feel grateful, not guilty, for all the blessings in your lives; and visualize Earth’s Golden Age where only peace, love, cooperation and joy exist—that world is coming closer and closer!

How will unemployment and underemployment be managed in fourth density?Neither is part of fourth density life. You are accustomed to thinking of employment as a job with salary or wages whereas that word means the use of time, tools or services advantageously, and that is what you will be doing in fourth density.

Many types of work that are common in third density do not exist in fourth. There are no industries associated with war, for example, and none in chemical production, oil or natural gas extraction, logging, or mills or mining as you know them. Multinational corporations don’t exist in those higher vibrations and neither do diseases, so there is no need for medical surgeries, psychiatric counseling, pharmaceuticals or funeral establishments. There are no tedious, monotonous jobs or paper shuffling; no 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or weekend workdays or swing-shifts; no long commutes to workplaces or traffic jams; no concerns about loss of jobs.

If your experience and expertise is in a field that is not part of life in fourth density, please do not fret! There is a wide variety of employment as well as academic studies and training at all levels. You can choose to work in any field that interests you, such as communication, education, travel planning, clothing design, entertainment, sports, architecture, construction, landscaping, farming, food service, animal care, libraries, all forms of artistic and cultural pursuits, events, publication, commerce and administration. Leisure activities include everything that you enjoy now with the exception of killing animals for sport or competitions that cause bodily harm.

You will not miss those kinds of employment and leisure time exclusions, or anything else that is harmful to life and the environment, because fourth density offers so much more! The vibrations permit greater usage of brain power, longer and healthier lives, more satisfying productivity, more meaningful relationships, and higher aspirations and achievements than you can imagine. You will learn to master manifesting whatever you wish by visualization, thus eliminating the need to repair or replace apparatuses that break down. There are no financial binds, no need for insurance of any type, and no mortgages or any other indebtedness.

Many question how NESARA fits into the picture. The abundance of deliberately false information and innocently incorrect information about NESARA has created much confusion. Succinctly stated, this is a God-mandated cooperative effort between members of your civilization and spiritually evolved civilizations to bring about world transformation and spiritual renewal, and its fulfillment is Earth’s Golden Age. At soul level you know this, and being a part of these sweeping global changes is why you wanted to embody there at this time. Mother, please add a note about the message that comprehensively explains NESARA. [Special NESARA Edition is below the message dated September 11, 2006.]

Thank you. And now responses to an assortment of topics that I have been requested to comment on.

What impact will the documents released by Wikileaks have on whatever progress “behind the scenes” has been made toward world peace? Not a whit!

Others also expressed interest in the effects of Wikileaks, but many more are concerned that instead of seeing peaceful stabilization efforts within and between nations, evidence is to the contrary, citing the renewal of violence by the Irish who want to be free of British influence, North Korea’s foray into South Korea, elections keeping ruthless regimes in control, Israel’s continuing oppression of Palestinians, continuing or greater unrest within African nations, Iran’s belligerence, and does Pakistan pose a nuclear threat? Those situations and all others whereby wars, government oppression, “black ops” actions, incarceration of protesters and assassinations occur are exemplifying the dark side of the duality within humankind that is playing itself out.

Others asked about government control of the Internet, offensive airport security measures, FDA regulation of natural remedies and nutritional supplements, “fracking” process to obtain natural gas, sale of public waters, the condition of the Gulf of Mexico, stalemates in partisan politics, toxins in chemtrails, drug wars in Mexico, biowarfare, destruction of rainforests, wanton killing of sea and land animals, and genetically modified foods and seeds. There will be satisfying resolutions to those proposed or ongoing situations and all others that are by dark intent to adversely affect health, the environment and freedoms.

Yet, when you see senseless violence, legal injustices, multinational corporations influencing governments, pollution, and the massive misery caused by war and impoverishment, being told “All of that will end” begs the question “WHEN?!” And we cannot give exact times because Earth’s energy field of potential is in an uproar, but we can promise that you shall see positive changes as the light keeps intensifying. Staying steadfast in the light will help keep your energy balanced as well as hasten the day when the reign of darkness on the planet is completely over.

Don’t the many languages we speak contribute significantly to the world’s problems? How will this barrier to understanding each other be handled in the Golden Age? Indeed your many languages cause problems—this was the intention of the dark forces that manipulated human genetic make-up. They eliminated the awareness of every soul’s capacity for telepathic communication and instilled in thought patterns the divergent means of expression that became your many languages. The result has been in accordance with that dark plan—flawedcommunication that causes misunderstandings at best, and at worst, a fertile field for self-serving deliberate translation errors.

The spoken word will continue to be important to you, and with greatly expanded brain usage in fourth density, you can easily learn new languages if you wish. However, you will appreciate the spontaneity, clarity and absolute honesty of soul-to-soul conversations and often choose that mode of communication. An inherent aspect of this communication form is an automatic system that translates two languages or a hundred simultaneously into the universal language that is understood by every soul. The multiple language capability would be used for international gatherings, for instance, where now individual translators are needed. We hasten to reassure you that in addition to that extensive capacity, telepathy also has a feature that insures complete privacy in conversations between two people and the same in conference calls where several parties are participating.

We add here a note of caution. Telepathic connections are opening, and you must be aware that dark entities are just as eager to reach you as light beings are. Ask for Christed light protection and demand that only light beings may speak to you. Please do not feel that “Christed” is an inappropriate word for you to use because you think it pertains to Christian religions. It doesn’t. Christed light, which is the same as love, is the pure essence of Creator and the most powerful force in the cosmos. It emanates from the Christed realm, Creator’s first expression of Itself into souls—this realm closest to Creator is the origin of the archangels. Once you are in fourth density, you will be able to communicate telepathically without any intrusion by dark entities as their dense energy cannot reach those high frequencies.

Were Roswell ETs future humans traveling back in time to adjust the future? No. The four crew members of one of the civilizations that are helping Earth were in a small spacecraft on a reconnaissance mission in that area. Two were killed in the crash; one lived briefly; the other, who was not seriously injured, was taken by an Air Force general to a base hospital and soon afterwards, was flown to a base in the Midwest where he lived for over a year. Although never abused, he knew that never again would he see his family or homeland, and it can be said that he died of a broken heart.

Even mainstream media reported that flu vaccines inadvertently carried live viruses. Were they destroyed as reported and are new vaccines safer? No and no. The Illuminati could have prohibited the reporting of that contamination, which was deliberate; but in light of growing resistance to all inoculations, admission better served their purpose—beguile the public into believing that new oversight has made all vaccines safe. And, totally against the dark ones’ intention—that vaccines infect, not protect—the technologies of our space brotherhood have rendered harmless live viruses and other toxins insofar as possible; however, they still pose risk to persons with severely compromised immune systems. At one time vaccines were pure and well-intentioned, but like everything else that was developed for goodness, the darkness stepped in and turned instruments designed for benevolent purposes into instruments for their malevolence.

If there is a home I left thousands of years ago, does anybody there still remember me? “Thousands of years” is linear time, which exists only on Earth. The reality is, the universe is in constant motion in the timeless continuum, where your past, present and future are a series of events happening simultaneously. So “anybody there” doesn’t need to “remember” you, they know you and you know them. It isn’t possible to comprehend these ongoing relationships because you have no conscious memory of them and no current frame of reference for understanding life in the continuum, but in fourth density you will.

Soon you will be toasting the last hours of 2010 and greeting the first day of 2011. As you witness the great revelations that will be coming forth in this new year, remember your interconnectedness with all other souls in the Oneness and let unconditional love be a beacon to those who are foundering, that they may see your light and find safety in the power of truth and love.

The light has won, victory is yours! As you are discovering this for yourselves, all lighted souls in this universe will be with you, cheering your magnificent triumph.



Suzanne Ward

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/12/2010 2:24:59 AM
SaLuSa 10-December-2010

The truth comes out in the most unexpected ways, and it is a feature of the changing times you are now in. It does not matter how many times those with something to hide try to plug the holes, the truth will come out. The final answers will come when the time arrives that we can talk directly with you. Opinions and judgments have no bearing where the truth is concerned, but when we approach such subjects we will be able to back it up with undeniable proof. We can go back in time and reveal exactly what has taken place, and not only that can prove who was involved. The dark Ones know this to be true, but fight the obvious conclusion that they will answer for what they have done, and no one and by no means will avoid justice. In fact you have no need to spend too much energy seeking the truth, as in its own good time it will be there for all to see. We would rather that you focused instead on the changes, and visualized them taking place with the minimum of danger to life.

We have continually reminded you of how powerful you are, and as you come together in a common purpose you can change your reality. Many of you already give of your time to bring peace to your planet, and help Mother Earth. As more of you awaken it all gathers pace and so it will continue right up to Ascension. There are no ways to stop the free flow of information, or permanently hide the truth. The future is to be built upon Truth, Love and Light and there will be absolutely no place for anything less. It is the foundation for a peaceful and joyful existence that will be there for every soul that ascends.

As you get closer to the festive celebrations, the feeling of joy will overcome the worries and concern that result from your daily responsibilities. That is to be desired so as to give you relief from the otherwise stressful circumstances that many of you live under. Focusing on the positive side of live will carry you through the challenges that remain, until you experience a regime change and realize that a new energy is being introduced. One that brings people up to a higher vibration that promises to overcome the difficult situations, which have placed you in less than you need to live a happy life. Nothing that presently keeps you down will remain for much longer, and we of the Galactic Federation are ready to take the necessary action to change your circumstances. We will start at the top and remove those who control your lives, and have subjected you to “imprisonment” when you should by rights be a free soul to experience as you choose.

Your beautiful Earth is the focus of much attention from all around your Galaxy, and the event of Ascension is closely followed because of its uniqueness. It is a rare event when a civilization is able to ascend, as in your case with Mother Earth. You are both assisting each other, although the greater input comes from outside. Powerful energies are increasingly being beamed to Earth, and changes within you are speeding up. As you become greater Beings of Light so you attract even more Light and will eventually have cleansed yourself of the lower vibrations. You have the most wonderful opportunity to clear any remaining karma, and much of it concerns where you place your focus. Thoughts are energy and given sufficient power will manifest, so it is a challenge for you to keep them on all that is of the Light.

The dark Ones play around with the Stargates, but will if not careful activate them and allow through entities of a lower vibration. They are a way in or out of your Earth, and hitherto we have protected you from direct interference. We have a barrier of protection around your Earth, so that visitors can only enter your atmosphere through us and if we allow it. That is necessary as other advanced civilizations explore the Universe and are curious about you and your planet. There are others that are rebels who would seek to gain from your slumbers and lack of knowledge. Such interference is not allowed where a civilization is just lifting up its awareness, and is about to move into the Light. Freewill does have its limitations in some circumstances, and you have indicated your readiness to ascend and that is a sacred decision. So you can see that we are multi-functioning where you are all concerned, and our mission is to safely see you complete this cycle.

Remember Dear Ones that we are spiritual Beings and are One with you. The fact that you call us Space Beings, is simply an indication that we are far more advanced than what you are at present. There are Laws of the Universe that we obey, and we act in all circumstances as your mentors and for your protection. We want to see your sovereignty returned which is yours by right, and it shall be so. Over many centuries you have gradually been limited, so much so that you have not noticed how you have had your freedom taken away. Fortunately, you are now waking up and see possibly for the first time, how heavily you have been controlled and restricted in your movements. Terrorism has been created to allow for all kinds of draconian laws, and would not exist in a civilization that had found its peace. Wars have kept you in a state of need and stress, and created enemies unnecessarily. However, that is all about to end, and you will experience total peace and happiness before the end of this cycle.

You have everything to look forward to and our promises to you will be fulfilled. Each day you get nearer to the first acts that will reveal how far we have gone, to ensure that your captors are no longer able to exercise the power that they had over you. Their evil tentacles have stretched far, and have influenced almost every aspect of your lives. However, their reign is all but over and already they run scared of the possibility that they cannot escape retribution. They are as responsible for their actions as any soul that has erred from the Light. God is not mocked, and although the dark Ones go against God’s Laws they are still held in the Love and Light. One day they will have another opportunity to overcome their karma, and commence a journey back to the Light. No soul is abandoned or condemned to purgatory, except that they refuse to acknowledge the Light within and create it themselves.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and feel privileged to serve you dear souls when you need a helping hand. The tasks ahead will be quickly completed, as we will team together with a single purpose to achieve your Ascension.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

12/12/2010 10:45:58 PM
It seems to me that we have to keep talking, as long as we all interact in some fashion, thats a start. Breaking down barriers takes Godspeed not biological imperative time sense. For God so LOVED the world,HE gave HIS only begotten Son for whosoever believeth in HIM shall not perish. Pretty strong statement and now can also see the sense of urgency and time already called in light codes to those that hear. The not so obvious, obviously amongst us all now.You know now, as you always have now to come back to holistic awareness , connectiveness one and all.Fusion,embracing cultures and respecting sustainability of all tribes and cultures.Everybody ghas a song untainted by the whoremongers ,haters of life,love.Do we not all have choice? to either hate or love.Pick wisly.
Technology becomes humanized, harmless, a friend and never a master to unleash hell on earth such as HARRP. Nikola Tesla and his work has brought us AC electricity and whatever the US has been working on, electromagnetic warfare, weather control,ripping holes in stratoshere and whoever knows what else experiments for many decades.Can you say DUPED, yes you can and thats what most are.
So lets relearn how to say NO. No macdonalds on the moon,no more ugly chain stores, no more social planning, no more fake food, no more diabetes,ADD,no more children left behind. It is time to reconstuct from grassroots , some here remember the Greening of America over 30 years ago? Think about it, we are in our fifties now and the message is clear now as it was back then during earth day symposiums held in New York.Ask a native what he thinks of our so called culture and he will tell you to treat your Mother better.
I feel sick right now maybe I continue this later,maybe not
Gregg Andely

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