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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/18/2010 2:00:10 AM

Dear New Age friends,

This great video that you are about to enjoy features the wonderful, mind-blowing art of Nicholas Roerich, a great Russian painter and mystic born in 1874 who died 1947. I might not be presenting it here were it not for the fact that this greatly inspired artist used to paint, during his long travels across the desolate steppes of Asia, precious temperas portraying the Buddha Maitreya, Kalki Avatar and Zoroaster who, according to the main religious traditions from that part of the world, are to arrive soon in this planet to inaugurate the coming Golden Age. The music is also great. More than that, it is from another world, another dimension. At any rate, it makes you think of the sounds that may have inspired such a cosmic-like religion as you would expect to find in ancient India, Tibet, Mongolia...

It was my dear friend Myrna who brought this precious jewel of a video to my 'Great Art of the World' forum, and I will never thank her enough for that. As I told her yesterday in the forum,
the air that Nicholas Roerich, the painter, must have been breathing in daily on those mountains carried such a special, cosmic vibration that it turned him into that highly spiritual human being that he was.

Please forgive me if I take this opportunity to invite you all to visit the thread where I am featuring him right now. I will be so glad if you do.

Here is the link:

Love and Blessings,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

11/20/2010 4:37:14 PM

Miguel, all your writings are very interesting. I hope someday you publish that book.

I am happy you liked the video, I would like to own a DVD with that on it so I could sit and watch on TV.

Blessings always,


Michael Caron

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11/20/2010 7:50:32 PM
Hi Luis,
I thought that I would stop by and say Hi. Watching that video brought a thought to my mind. Imagine how beautiful Earth would be if humans never arrived? I remember a time, long ago, when I walked into the woods deep in thought. I had been working long hours, my ex wife was upset about one thing or another, and my three children were being unruly. This was my day off and I just wanted some much needed rest. I had never ventured into this particular wooded area, but after walking aways on the railroad tracks I decided to investigate. I walked in quite a ways and was amazed that there were no houses, fields, or other structures to take away the beauty. I came across a stream with water so clear I could see the rocks on the bottom. I listened I could hear the faint sound of traffic, almost muffled. I sat and leaned against a tree. As I watched the water streaming past I could hear the rush of water from a nearby waterfall. It wasn't too high, but it cascaded down, sparkling like diamonds. Soon, I could hear birds and chattering chipmunks. I awoke about four hours later to the sounds of a train horn. Nearby, two chipmunks were gathering nuts. I took a deep breath, sighed, and tears rolled down my cheeks. I knew that I had to leave, but knew that I would never forget this place. I listened to the sounds of the train to know which way to go. When I got home, I was happy and listened to my wife's complaints and helped my kids solve their problems. When they asked where I went I just said that I went for a walk. I smiled and I know that my ex wife thought that I had walked to a girls house, so I said "Could be." The mood stayed for a couple of days because I was happy to know that at least for now, there was still a small patch of untouched nature still in existence.
Please visit my new thread
Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
11/20/2010 8:14:33 PM

Miguel and Mike, I came back to post a link to a website that I found very interesting and related to this subject. I have now discovered a new musical artist and would like to own at least one CD. Miguel, I think you will like this also.

Frank Perry

Mike, I read with interest your fascinating story. Now what I see is a very talented person with abilities not put to full use. You should write, you should find a spot like that again and meditate, be sure and take a notebook to write in and poetry will come to you. It does not have to rhyme, just let it flow from your heart onto the paper. Or, if this is meant for you, write a story about all the things you have experienced in those moments of peace.

I am happy I stopped in today. Now, I am going out and enjoy the wilds of Kansas!!



Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/21/2010 2:46:18 AM
Dear Sara and Michael,

Thank you for your greatly inspiring contributions. Mike, your beautiful story has reminded me of a sort of trance or vision I had a couple of months ago in a secluded spot, in a park facing the sea: it also brought tears to my eyes and I too will never forget the experience, though there were important differences such as it was very early in the morning and the place is one that I frequently visit with my dogs. It could be my own special disposition that day, because I had been thinking intensely of how much I long for the new Earth to arrive, or perhaps an angel flew by on our arrival and caused a vibration in the air that changed everything in a matter of seconds around us, from the color of the trees and the grass to that of the lazy clouds in the sky... I agree with Sara, I would need your ability to write if I wanted to describe exactly what I saw and felt at that moment and in the next hours and days.

By the way, I have just read a beautiful dream or "
vision" of the coming New Age at Jill's Mountain and I would like to share it if not with you, who very probably have already read it, then with Sara, with whom I am indebted for many reasons.




Healing of the Nations

I had a Dream of living on Earth, where all was Unconditional Love.
In this dream, I was diagnosed with a Healing virus that was from the Heaven's

As we Realized one by one that we ALL were LOVED from our head to our toe.
This Heavenly Love was obviously ABOVE us and BELOW.....

This Healing virus was spreading one by one, to all of us on Earth.
Oh my, it suddenly became so clear, all the Precious reason's of our Miraculous

In my Dream we were all living in the"Healing of the Nations".
It became more than just a dream in the dream, but became all of our DREAM and

I am waking up to this New Dream...One of Love, Harmony, Healing, and Joy.
Where all are equally LOVED whether you be a girl or boy.

In this New Dream we had no need for cars or gas, for with just a thought, like
the speed of light, we could appear wherever we wanted to go.
All of us were returning to our prime of youth, with such a sparkling beautiful

All that we desired with Love and Kindness was instantly given in the Twinkle of
our Eye's.
We were healing all of Earth and Infinite Universe's, for death was overcome,
with no need for sorrow's or good-byes.

We were filled with a hue of Golden Light and could see colors like never
We all awakened to the Mystery of Love, the quest for Eternal Life had been
given to us forever more.

We all were Very Giving, as Unconditional Love changed us from where we had been
so blind...
Becoming a New Heavenly form of Man...Kind!

We were given ALL the Keys to Heaven.
All it took was the LOVE in our Heart and Soul, Genuine, Sincere Love from

So their existed only a Heavenly Dream....within this Dream...
Where all of Life is a Precious Golden Gleam !

So, Our own Loving Realizations here on Earth, of our Divine Heavenly Birth!
Became the"Healing of the Nations"and our New Heavenly Earth....

It's a Unconditionally Loving Transition....
All it takes is your Heart and Soul to see and feel this Loving vision...

Was this a Dream? Or is it Reality?...I still Remember it as if it just
happened... So Vividly!
Have you ever had a Dream like this?
Martin Luther King said, "I have a DREAM" could it have been"The Healing of the
Nations"? The Realization of the world in Joy, Love, and Bliss!

Was it you? Or was it I? Who had been Dreaming all this Old Life? All the wars
and religious battles never seeming to end.
It's time to WAKE-UP no matter our cultural differences, religion, or color of
skin.... my dear dear friend.

Right, Wrong, Beautiful, Ugly, Fat or Skinny...Rich or Poor...
Non of it mattered.. Oh it's been such a long Dream my friend. Lets open a new

Waking up from the LONG Old Dream, we ALL yawn....saying to ourselves..It is
One by One we understand....The New DREAM of DREAMS called the Healing of the
Nations. Our Golden Age.....Has Begun

Awaken dear friend and open the door to this New Dream of Life....
To the "Healing of The Nations"the ending of all Strife.

Written by,
Tawnya Merry April 2008

If you liked this vision, you'll enjoy others posted at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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