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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/11/2010 9:53:59 PM
Dear Friends,
This is so beautiful that I could not wait to post it here. It was in Jill's Mountain of Love forum. I am leaving it 'as is'.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

by Suzy Star
Dear Ones,
In the Fifth Dimension or the New World, there will be a new drive and a motivation. This will be a driving force of an entirely new economic system from what the earth has seen.
In the New World there will be a new economic system that will be just the opposite of all the principles of good economics as the world sees economics today. This new system will be motivated not by greed or the love of money, butwill flourish by being open, honest, sharing, loving others and friendship. No longer will there be power struggles of any kind.
With the elimination of greed and hostility, there will no longer be any need for military defense systems, security of any type, or police forces we now see prominent through out the whole earth. As we move to the consciousness of love, there will be no more wars, and all will receive support, healing and equal opportunity for all.
There will no longer be the love of money and the accumulation of wealth that has caused the destructive forces we now see upon the earth. Economic growth will no longer be controlled by the raising of interest rates and the constant rise in inflation will be turned to one of deflation.
All the Starseeds and Lightworkers that have come here to assist in ushering in the New World (or Garden of Eden or Fifth Dimension) will be the givers of their selves as well as the givers of all their personal knowledge and assets. They will understand the values and the laws of giving until everyone is abundant and there will be no more illness or lack of anything. Free energy will be available to all.
In fact the Starseeds and Lightworkers will have everything, but will have no private possessions or private ownership. They will have no savings and they will withhold nothing for themselves. This lifestyle will make them the people of greatest influence, wisdom, and prestige. They will be admired and truly loved by all those living in the new world. They will have no self agenda but will be teachers and givers striving to be the best Starseeds and Lightworkers upon the earth.. These Starseeds and Lightworkers heart and love of giving will make them great among the teachers in the new world. No matter how much they give, they will never be able to give all that they have coming in. They will not be able to decrease their possessions no matter how much they manage to give away. The wealth will always be increasing to the giver, and they will always receive more than they are able to give.
The reason is that everyone in the New World will realize and recognize the laws of giving and will be giving to others, before one is able to give away what he has, there will be many others who see that a need has been created by the one giving. They will want to fulfill his need even before he has a need.
There will be no hoarding of knowledge, wealth or assets. Abundance will flow like a river without any dam or obstructions. It will be as if giving is the great watering system that makes everything grow and flourish. We may visualize a huge field made up of the finest trees of every kind into a garden orchard. Each tree is being nurtured by the abundance of water coming from everywhere, from the canals, from the wells, springs, from the sprinkling system, and from the rain. Every tree has such an abundance that they want to give away water to avoid a flood they cannot contain, so the entire tree population of the entire field is sharing and giving to others equally.
In addition the healing and supporting, the flowing of knowledge and services to one another will flow equally among the New World. Whenever there is any duty or chore to be done there will be many wanting to perform each service or duty. Everyone will work together, helping and supporting those who have chosen to make the transition to adjust to theirNew World.
The result will be total trust and faith of everyone for each other without any exceptions. Everyone will want to share all their joy and happiness with all the others. There will be a continual party atmosphere of sharing and giving to fulfill the others wants and desires. Everyone will become telepathic as all lying, cheating and deceit will become a thing of the past.
There will be such a sense of sharing, everyone will be more than welcome anywhere within the entire New World. We will have no need of private vehicles as our thoughts will be able to take us wherever we wish to be in the blink of an eye.
Creative Communities will be built where everyone can live free of debt and any financial worries and training will be furnished to assist them in adjusting to our new world of abundance. Healing centers will be in each community along with orphanages for the children without parents where they can live in a nurturing atmosphere and receive all the education and support they need as they grow into their adult hood and take their place in our society. Everyone will have schooling available to them so they can be trained to fit into their new world and be the sovereign individuals that God wanted for all.
Libraries, Art Galleries, Museums and Performing Art Centers, providing music and cultural events will be in each community so their history and the beauty of their roots can be preserved and appreciated by all. Relief Shelters will be constructed in each community to provide for those who have been displaced and are making the transition into our New World. Our Starseeds and Lightworkers will be available to work with them to provide the healing and counselingnecessary for them to take their place in our communities.
Everyone will be honored and recognized as the God that they are by all the others. Everyone will be loving and totally trustworthy. The person with the least will always be the one with the most. Everyone in the New World will be equal andwill always be rushing to fill the others need.
We will be abiding and living within the glory of God as the love and the spirit of each of us has total freedom to move and express himself in every individual in the entirety of the New World all at the same time and all at once. And that my dear ones, is my vision of the Fifth Dimension. Thank you for allowing me to share it with you. TOGETHER WE HAVE CHANGED OUR WORLD WITH OUR UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, COMPASSION & INTENT!
Love, blessings & peace,
Suzy Star
PS; Check out my website for additional information

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Roger Macdivitt .

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11/14/2010 11:04:16 PM


Beautiful message.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/16/2010 6:19:08 PM


Beautiful message.


Yes Roger, it is most beautiful. It makes you dream of a whole new world, is it not?, with new trees and birds and people, and everything different from what we have to endure nowadays. A world where God´s love is first and foremost and where you can live and breath like the blessed, blissful being of light that you really are.

Blessings too,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/17/2010 6:43:44 PM
According to this message from the Galactic Federation, we are on the brink of transcendental developments. Time for great celebrations?

Sheldan Nidle Update from the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchy

Selamat Balik! We return with more to discuss with you! Currently, we are watching what promises to be the resolution of the struggle between the last dark cabal and our Earth allies. We see that the dark is extremely troubled by what our Earth allies have in store for them. We have intervened and intervened, and helped both sides to create the conditions for a new reality to begin to manifest on your world. The crucial element was to convince both sides that what was to finally come about was a series of events that were to mark formally the change in power and the transmuting of a karmic cycle of life and death that began over 13 millennia ago. These alterations to this reality's landscape were made possible by some concessions introduced by the Anunnaki and then agreed to by both sides. What is transpiring is more than a mere change in how you do business or how you live your lives; these changes are monumental in scope. For the first time you have been set truly free and are able to live your lives in peace, abundance, and true sovereignty.

These reforms are a natural reaction against the darkness inculcated by the Anunnaki into their former earth minions. That group, the dark cabal, is characterized by hubris, misused knowledge, and erroneous beliefs that have long since been intrinsic to this reality. Nearly a half century ago, a point was reached where you were to be given some of the technologies you are now enjoying. At that time the dark chose to deny you these benefits and assassinated or drove from power those who were on the verge of forging a world quite different from what then ensued. This process of repression was marked by several vicious wars and economies taken, at times, to the point of collapse. The present world is a result of what occurred over those decades. These harsh events gave rise to our Earth allies and a determination by the Light to transform your world and bring you to the very brink of full consciousness. These points led Heaven, at the end of 1980, to call for a full-scale first contact mission. These decrees sent us to your shore in vast numbers and we began to intervene in your affairs shortly after our arrival.

We soon joined up with the Agarthans to forge a path for the Light's victory. This victory was to be made possible by the centuries of hard legal and spiritual work that those dedicated to the Light had so diligently carried out. We are most grateful for their devoted efforts, for it laid the foundation for the present success of our Earth allies. We have used what Heaven permits to aid these noble causes and continue to use our good offices to ensure that the dark cabal and its various allies are unable to achieve success of any kind. We are determined to see you become fully conscious and a proper member of the Galactic Federation of Light! These goals are achieved by our joint labors and a true dedication to the Light. We have watched as a mostly unreported global movement dedicated to equality, abundance, and cooperation has moved stealthily to the most primitive and ignored parts of your world. This broad movement has shown how wealth can be created from almost nothing and how a feeling of mutual Spirituality can be shared with most of your realm.

First contact takes what you have so lovingly brought together and expands it instantly into something very different from the present reality. First contact takes your recent humanitarian upsurges and turns them into something special: a way to alter your society in a radical and sacred way. Each of you is related to each other; and each of you is related to every one of us. We come to renew these relationships and bring a set of truths that can link you back up to full consciousness. Your world has spent the past three decades on the verge of a vast paradigm shift in science, the arts, and even philosophy. This now-interlinked underground movement is ready to see the light of day. The physics behind these changes has been used by the secret government to produce antigravity craft, teleportation, and even time travel. These wonders can be used by youto end your dependence on fossil fuels and create a whole new series of insightful truths on how the living universe actually operates.

Your new transitional governments are simply to be instruments of change. After thegrand pronouncements that bring in your abundance, there is a need to move beyond your present reality and embrace aspects of your True Self. This path leads directly to us. We come to fill in the blanks of who you really are and what extraterrestrials like you are doing, seemingly alone on the surface of Mother Earth. Gaia wishes you to solve these mysteries and reconnect with your space kin. We are that space kin! We have come from all parts of this galaxy to see you and start a dialogue that can permit all of us to learn from each other. Embedded in you is a vast store of knowledge that is needed by us all to ensure a great galactic peace. This peace is the great fruit of the Anchara-Michael pronouncements that brought galactic peace in the mid-1990s. What is occurring on your world is to become the cement that glues this peace together!

First contact is therefore a massive watershed in your recent recorded history. We have watched you develop for millennia. We have watched you become a Being who desires dearly to move away from the dark reality put forth by the Anunnaki some 13 millennia ago. Heaven heard your prayers, and the divine plan has decreed that the darkness covering your surface world in tears, blood, and sorrow now be lifted. This solemn pledge is another reason for our presence. You are special Beings who came in joy to live in the realm of the Anunnaki. They and their minions have been quite harsh in their manner of treating you. This treatment is to end and end now! We can assure you that a new reality is manifesting around you. So far this new reality is found mostly in the sidelines, but now it is to emerge from the shadows and be publicly proclaimed.

When you reluctantly gave away your power to the Anunnaki and their ilk, you sent yourselves on an odyssey that at times made no sense to you. This strange artificial ream was to be your home. Its rulers were arrogant, selfish, and prone to great bouts of self-proclaimed delusions. These rogues kept sending you either to your death or foisted a primitive and brutish life upon you. Yet you persevered. Generation upon generation of you survived and learned enough to teach these skills to your children. Inside each of you were a strong will and an urge to carry out what was so brilliantly stated in the US Declaration of Independence. The striving for these ideals reached fever pitch in the latter part of your 20th century. Then a rising spiritual movement allowed Heaven to decree a first contact.

We came, and in a flash realized what was expected of us. You needed a special unit capable of expressing your viewpoints to those in power as well as providing a means to permit your ascension to full consciousness. This process was something we needed to go through with you. The past two decades have forged a link between us, and our diplomatic corps has gladly informed those of influence and power of this. We now approach the part that most excites us: disclosure and first contact! Disclosure is an idea whose time had come. Nation after nation has stated to its citizens that we are real and benign. We have even had a series of long-standing, friendly interactions with a number of countries. The next step is formal disclosure and more open and direct contact between us. The time for great celebrations is upon us!

Today, we carried on with our discussion of what is happening on your world. Ahead lies a period of growing interaction between us, which will very shortly lead to first contact. The amount of technology and knowledge that we are giving you is only a prelude to your return to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/17/2010 6:49:41 PM
I am afraid this channeled message from SaLuSa is arriving at this forum with a two day delay. Sorry about that.

SaLuSa 15-November-2010

Let no one take you from the path you have decided is correct for you. You planned your life with all major decisions made in advance, and your spiritual experiences laid out for you so that your evolution advances. Clearly as you are all at different stages of understanding, it would follow that your life would follow a plan that would specifically fulfill your needs. Therefore although many souls may have Ascension as their goal, there could not be just the one path leading to it. By all means enrich your knowledge by learning about the various beliefs, but in the final reckoning follow your own intuitive feelings. You may not always be right but it will be your path for better or worse. Sometimes you may attract undesirable experiences, yet they are meant to be steps that give you the strength and motivation to continue your quest for knowledge.

You are gifted the opportunity to evolve at a pace that suits you, and no one is pushing you to move faster. However, if you are intent on ascending you cannot wait for it to come to you, so work towards completion by living life to your highest ideals. Walk in love and Light as the serene and peaceful Being you really are, and spread the joy and happiness you are capable of and you will be successful. At the same time because your vibrations are increasing, you will attract yet more Light to yourself. The challenge to hold your Light is not easy when all around you the lower vibrations are encountered. However, because of who you are, you have the power to focus upon your heart centre and surround yourself with powerful love energies. That is all you need for your protection, as it will deflect or transmute the dark energies.

Ascension is but one major step on your evolutionary path, and it will always continue as you rise up through the dimensions. In fact it will become easier as never again will you encounter such massive opposition, as you have faced upon Earth. What you have done by dropping into the lower dimensions is seen as a most courageous act, yet you knew it would enrich your knowledge and understanding of life much quicker than the higher ones you left behind you. By holding onto the faith you had when that took place, it will carry you to the end of the cycle safely and successfully. As you look back to the beginning of this century, you will no doubt agree that time has been accelerating and it seems to have passed in a flash, and it will continue to do so. The dark Ones are also feeling the same affect, and together with the restrictions we have placed upon them realize that their cause is lost. Their reluctance to withdraw and allow the changes to commence makes no difference, as what is planned will proceed as intended.

We know that some of you have tired of the delay, and many are in great need of material help. Have no fear that they will not be attended to, as we are looking at the bigger picture and once things begin to happen there will be worldwide changes. It really will not take long to establish a fair distribution of wealth and material benefits. Bear in mind that such changes are only the start of an immense program that will continue after Ascension. It will not be until after you have ascended, that you will experience the beauty and harmony of the higher dimension. In your present one it just cannot come into being, but nevertheless you will move into a greater degree of prosperity and happiness than previously. Moving out of the physical vibrations into those of Light will reveal a wonderful beautiful existence, which is constant where nothing discordant can materialize. Only those souls of Light will inhabit such levels, and on a personal basis it will reflect what you achieved over the period you have been in duality.

We are already in those higher dimensions, and at times some of you have been allowed to visit us. Your lasting impression is how uplifting the energies are, and the gentle light that seems to emanate from all objects. The whole atmosphere is one of peace, and all Beings that you meet can be clearly felt as giving out the love vibration. Is it no wonder that visitors want to remain in the Light, as by comparison they realize how the Earth’s energies are heavy and cloying. Well Dear Ones, you do not have too long now before it all becomes your reality. The first steps will be to lift you out of the low vibrations you presently exist in, and our actions will do so by removing the cause of you being imprisoned on your own planet. Most important will be the taking away of the power the dark Ones still have over you. They will have to resign in the face of the divine decree, that if necessary authorizes us to forcibly remove them. We do not mean physical force, but nevertheless technology that will prevent them from resisting our demands.

What you will notice more than in the past few years, is that your own feelings and expression of them has become more gentle and caring. The aggressiveness and sharpness of people’s attitude to each other has softened, and anything else seems to be so out of place and even unnecessary. This is to be encouraged as the dark Ones have used the media to cloud your mind to your true Self, into believing that you need to be strong and assertive by dominating each other. In fact the trend has been to heighten the differences and instead of bringing you together, and to cause reasons for separation. Attitudes must change and the sovereignty of each person acknowledged and respected. It is your godly duty to care for each other; such as we are doing within the Galactic Federation where your civilization is concerned. We do not judge your actions, as we do understand that you are continually being pulled into the lower vibrations by what is occurring around you.

It is indeed the challenge of duality that is strengthening your resolve to overcome it, and you are helped once you express the intent to do so. As you clear your old karmic debt so you will gravitate more to the Light, and have less baggage to carry forward into the final period of duality. It must be cleared in one way or another, and that was your undertaking when you entered this lifetime. However, as we have mentioned before, the Law of Grace can operate to draw a line under it.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and send my love and blessings to all of you dear souls.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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