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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/30/2012 12:53:16 AM
Dear friends, yet more inspiration from this earlier post by Wes Annac (as reposted today by Steve Beckow):

Wes Annac: Infinite Horizon of Potential
2012 DECEMBER 29
Posted by Steve Beckow

Infinite Horizon of Potential

Posted by Wes Annac, Aquarius Channelings, Sept. 24, 2012

Written by Wes Annac

A coordinated yet Divine burst of freedom is making itself known within me. I am feeling at this moment, that nothing is impossible. We have come to this world on a specific and ordained mission and we can and will achieve this mission. While I am beginning to feel and realize this, around me and within much of the Lightworker community I see much external focus.

And I have fed this external focus through my own actions and continual habit patterns that I am now working to transmute within myself, with all of the higher dimensional might I have been gifted from the wonderful realms we are all returning to.

I am feeling so free, so uninhibited, so infinite.

I have played into external focuses all of my Life and I’m beginning to realize how much it has actually been holding me back. While some within the Lightworker community have been focusing externally on which channel to follow and trust or which truthseeker to ‘line up behind’ I am realizing that the best way [and the only true way] we will find ascension is by turning within and, rather than relying solely on any outside source – beginning to rely on and fashion a continual and lasting relationship with the Divine center; with your higher self; with the very essence of YOU.

We are Godly, infinite beings who have allowed ourselves to sink down to the lower depths of the Earth experience to anchor so much Light unto a planet who has needed it. We the Lightworker collective have been called the ‘Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow’ for the lower dimensions we have plunged down into, to uplift all who had formed their own distorted veils that were distracting them from the higher realms while fashioning a way of Living that depends upon external things; for some, to gain or validate enlightenment and for others, simply to get through their experience.

We the Lightworker collective are and have been growing out of lower and former mindsets and veils that will only hold us back, but we are still working through these veils and transmuting every illusory facet of them that keeps us within our lower selves and the ways of Living that drive our lower selves. I certainly have not been perfect upon my journey; rather I have been working through lower vestiges of myself as I gained a purer clarity of the higher realms.

As was displayed during my recent interview on The Light Agenda, I am not finished with my process.

There are still key events needing to play out before my personal journey back to the higher realms and away from the fear that will trap us within lower dimensional mind and heart sets and today, I am realizing that everything that I and we all have set out for ourselves to overcome during our last Lives within the lower dimensions will be much more of a breeze to accomplish than we realize, if we simply make the effort to see that the higher realms are here and that our own personal inner-recognition of the higher realms will transform into the biggest conduit of Source energy that we can use to fuel our unfolding purer perception.

As a part of my necessary lower dimensional experience, I have set out mindsets, lifestyles and habit patterns for myself to transmute during this last Life within the third dimension. While lower parts of myself have feared the most real and significant coming changes because such parts do not resonate with the higher realms that the changes are laying the foundation for, I am beginning to feel in much more of a real way than I ever have within this Life that the higher realms ‘have my back’ as long as I make the effort in myself to recognize them and the fact that they are here, on this world, right now.

This is what we should all be making the effort to see and feel in ourselves. Many of us who are awakening will look outwardly and externally toward channeled sources, toward dates, toward validations that all we have been studying and absorbing truly is real when all along, the only real way we can validate the existence of the higher dimensions and all of the beings who exist within the higher dimensions, is to seek within.

Channels will give us guidance along our personal inner-searches but some within the Lightworker community have taken channels much more seriously than we all should be. They are only meant to give assistance and should not, in my opinion, be looked toward solely for information from the higher realms or for a validation of the energies of the higher realms, as while we are all feeling the energy of the higher dimensional source giving the message; just as our channeled sources have discussed we can only find this energy in its fully-pure forms within ourselves.

The higher realms are almost bursting, waiting for us to realize how prevalent they are all around us. Our guides have our realities brimming with synchronistic and personal messages from them, in an effort to expand our understanding in marvelous ways and to get us to realize that they are with us in much more bold and real ways than we could possibly imagine at this point.

We’ve been employing limited perceptions and realities all around us for some time now and we have let the lower dimensional experience fashion our mindsets about reality, for some, to the point of fashioning a habit pattern, addiction or otherwise employment of an external source to grant a different experience from the lower dimensions that in many cases, can itself be distorted to a certain degree.

Some of the most unhealthy foods are also some of the tastiest ones and unfortunately, many have become ‘hooked’ on the addicting chemicals within much unhealthy food that come with the pleasurable taste. I personally am beginning to see a real and clear difference between higher dimensional bliss and lower dimensional pleasure.

The ‘pleasure’ so to speak of the higher dimensions is one that is reached through pure balance of the Self because if the Self is out of balance than it is not reflecting the balanced and harmonious higher dimensions. Physical, lower dimensional pleasure is usually achieved through a mass imbalance within one and, at least on this Earth, has been given by external sources that do not require balance or even inner-searching for what they have to offer.

There are some pleasure-giving external sources that can serve to trap us within a void that is partly of our own Creation and partly the Creation of the external source we would be employing. In the higher realms, the pure and unbounded bliss that we feel is unequaled and unmatched by anything within the lower dimensions but we must balance ourselves out whilst learning through and growing from our lower dimensional lessons before we find the higher dimensional experience in ourselves.

We truly have to take that first step and analyze all within our Lives that is and has been holding us back. We are very near to the end of 2012 and while many have been looking externally to channeled sources and asking ‘hey, why aren’t things happening?’ – we must look internally within ourselves and find all that is not in resonation with the higher realms that our channeled, higher dimensional sources are doing all they can to bring to us.

They can only do so much!

Some may analyze their Lives and, at first glance, not think that there is anything that should be changed and that they are on a set course to the higher realms. Others may find upon deeply analyzing their Lives and where they are at along this point that there are habit patterns, mindsets and addictions that have not yet been realized but that they have the full ability to work through within themselves.

I personally am staring down an infinite horizon of potential and I’m beginning to realize that, with the higher dimensions by my side, there is truly nothing I can’t do.

All roads are opened, all possibilities a reality. I’ve been Living in a lower matrix of my own design and I am ready to fully exit this matrix and, as I and you all have numerous times before, finally see what the other side has for me. There will be points of vulnerability; ‘testing’ points wherein my commitment to the higher realms is displayed to me so that I can either strengthen it or learn from the perceived vulnerability of it and of myself.

We will all be tested to validate the higher realms within ourselves. Some of us are subconsciously fighting this internal validation by attempting to externally validate ascension and the events leading us toward ascension through channeled sources and even those sources are displaying that it is us who must take the first steps, not them.

Indeed, first steps are already being taken in the public domain but I speak of the personal first steps that we all need to take [and that many of us have begun to take already] to validate and find the higher realms within ourselves.

These realms are waiting to be validated and waiting for us to realize that they are with us now. It is only we who have held ourselves back from them.

Wes Annac – Learning and growing, a thousand catalysts at a time!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/30/2012 1:02:44 AM

Blossom Goodchild: December 28, 2012

2012 DECEMBER 29
Posted by Anthony Morrison

Blossom Goodchild: December 28, 2012

Anthony: Don’t forget to read Blossom’s personal message (below), titled Beyond 2012, in which she talks about her own post- December 21 experience.

The Galactic Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild – December 28, 2012

Blossom Goodchild:Hello my friends. Well, a bit of a journey has been walked since last in communication … which I have written about on my BlogSpot. ( So I guess I would like to hand it straight over to you and see where we go from here?

Galactic Federation: Welcome to you and we are very much ready to speak with you once again. We are aware that one’s journeying … not just yours Blossom … but many, has had its ‘rocky road’ to travel over this last period of time. We are aware too that for many the Light entered their BEING and they were astounded by it. We understand that you personally were awaiting a ‘major show’ and that your heart resisted the joy that was available.

Not on purpose … that’s just the way it went for me.

This we accept. And yet you are also correct in noticing that there were many that needed to transform negative energy through their body so that the ‘disappointment’ was not as HUGE as it could have been.

Yet would you not say that now that is done … you have a FEELING of expectation and hope?

Indeed yes … but not for anything that is to happen … not anymore. Just a feeling inside me of hopefulness that the world is rapidly going to see changes for the good. I still feel there is to be an Event. I still feel we will see Pillars of Light … speaking of which … would you care to comment on the Brazilian Light pillars that took place?

We thank you for bringing that up and we would suggest that the form that the LIGHT took in these shots that were taken were a residue of film (?) that was cast from atmospherics much higher up. When we say ‘film’ we do not mean of the ‘movie’ we mean of the word … ‘layer’.

So are you saying this was a ‘fraction’ of the pillars of Light that you have been talking about?

We are indeed. These pillars must be created as we are sure you appreciate. They do not just appear out of nowhere. Yet from your perspective this is how it shall seem. We have spoken to you of these pillars being filled with knowledge and energy. These therefore, must be accurately devised in order for the correct effect. And yet we say to you …. That although we would ‘suggest’ that this particular Light pillar is ‘of our doing’ … what we intend to ‘project’ out to you will be far more ‘intense’ than that which we are speaking of.

So, just to clarify … This was from you?

We choose to say it was a combination of a gift from us … shared with a gift from Mother Earth. Together we work toward achieving all that has been promised you.

OK. And would you say that the ‘EVENT’ is still to come. The BIG EVENT that no one shall miss?

We speak assuredly of such a happening. Many of you still FEEL of this in your hearts space. It is NOT … we repeat ‘NOT’ of a wishful thinking aspect. It is because your hearts KNOW that this shall take place.

Dearest friends. We would care to add … THE LIGHT … THE LIGHT that you have become is now working towards a certain peak point. You have allowed yourselves to create this ‘level’ for yourselves. You have remained steadfast and your strength has seen you though once again. Does this not say to you … does this not PROVE to you … that you have ‘ASCENDED’?

Whoa! Didn’t expect you to say that. Have we? Have we Ascended …?

Dearest ones. That which you expect does not always become the reality. Expectation is different to each. Each ones thoughts of what ASCENSION is … belongs to the self. Yet we say … although it was not as many of you imagined … or indeed ‘expected’ … there was an ‘occurrence’ that allowed a metamorphosis to take place. Some may still be shedding the old skin, but without doubt, one’s NEW self is emerging. Do you FEEL It Blossom?

Sort of … yes. In good moments I could say ‘of course I do’. In other moments I could say ‘maybe’. What I would say is that my FEELING of LOVE and positivity definitely FEELS different. I can’t quite put into words how.

Then let us try for you. Inside of you, each one of you … is the DIVINE spark of LOVE … GOD … JOY … HAPPINESS … whatever you choose to name it. It is essentially YOU. Everything else that you think is YOU is merely decoration and a means to function. Let us say that we … for explanatory purposes … would liken this spark to that of a light on a gas cooker. One can have this flame low or one can turn it up to its highest capacity in order to ‘do what it does best’. Your flame has been turned up to a much Higher ‘notch’. It is not at full beam yet … but without doubt it has moved up to a degree that is most noticeable if one cares to ‘tune into it’.

How one chooses to conduct themselves from here on in … as of always … will depict exactly how one’s pathway shall unfold. Yet this journey now shall rapidly flow in the direction of your creation. This you shall notice almost immediately.

Allow despondency to cease. Within you is a wiser perspective of ‘how things are/to be’.

Yes, I can say I can go along with that. Is this for just a few though or for all?

We would say that each one has ‘risen’. Each one … should they inquire within … shall be able to notice a difference within themselves and their ‘persona’.


I am amazed how the date 21st that had so much focus throughout time … with people from all walks of understanding predicting ‘something’ , of such a diverse range of thought … came and went as it did . How would you comment on that?

We would say that there HAD to be the expectation of such a date in order for what took place to occur. We state here again that this was not ‘THE EVENT’… THE HAPPENING’ … Yet there was most definitely a VAST CHANGE in your BEING … all around you … in EVERYTHING. We have so often spoke to you of FEELING.

This NEW World which you have now entered through the gates of … is about FEELING … For this is how you discover what is TRUTH and what is not.

We add that when many, many have gathered inside of these gates … the EVENT will take place.

Ask yourselves … WHAT DO I FEEL? HOW DO I FEEL? Some of you may KNOW instantly and say you KNOW of a deeper FEELING of LOVE and UNDERSTANDING. Others may FEEL that they have been let down enormously and perhaps FEEL that never again shall they ‘take on board’ any more messages from those unseen. Yet … whether this be the case or not … they too shall emerge when they are ready and recognise the change within them.

Take time to notice the depth of colour around you.

Take time to FEEL the LOVE that surrounds you.

Take time to BE and appreciate that BEING. Concentrate only on that which you KNOW to be of a world that you desire … for yourself and all.


Not sure I KNOW what you are talking about.

It is with ease that you can FEEL this KNOWING. You do not have all the answers to the most complex questions … not yet. Yet would you not say that you have a KNOWING that you are on track? A FEELING … A KNOWING. They are one and the same. For what you FEEL is telling you that you KNOW.

And YOU KNOW … that all that you have FELT over these last decades has led you to THE KNOWING that you KNOW NOW. You FEEL even more so that your TRUSTING in yourselves and that which you KNOW … SHALL COME ABOUT.

Your so called disappointment has made you even stronger and more powerful and more confident in that which you KNOW. You came through the other side KNOWING THIS.

The other side? Mmm! That made me think of THE BRIDGE. Would you say we have crossed THE BRIDGE then?

Have we not said to you that for many it shall be that you cross back and forth?

Yes, but it was said that we would be doing that to bring others back over to the other side with us. I see no brother on my back.

Again … your interpretation of our words differs greatly from perhaps that which we try to portray.

An ongoing issue! Yet I too was speaking metaphorically! That’s it really isn’t it? That’s where I reckon YOU have been misunderstood. It is our interpretation of your words and that which we create in our minds for it to mean. Then we build on that and indeed focus on that and then blame you for getting it wrong. Yet you have to admit … it is easy for one to get carried away when YOU get all forthright and excited.

Yet this is our TRUTH. HOW anyone of you chooses to interpret our messages is how each one is recognising that which is within themselves. When WE get overzealous … we are TRULY speaking our TRUTH … yet you tend to … and have done so … put a time line on it.

Okeydokey … can’t let this slip by unnoticed! You say ‘we’ put a time line on it. For the 21st? Yes … I can say that you did not mention that date … yet in ‘times’ gone by … was it not you that said the Pillars of Light would appear before the end of 2011 and was it not you who said a ship would appear in the sky for three days on Oct 14th 2008. That last date I can let go of due to your explanation of why it did not happen. The pillars of Light? … Mmm! … something definitely went awry there on the time scale … which you put there.

We would agree with you on that.

Good Lord!

So much … in fact … ALL … that we are working on with you … the plans … the future world … are not trivialities.

No ‘s**t’ Sherlock!

We are all in this together. There are times when we can certainly FEEL the disappointment that YOU FEEL WE have caused. We do understand this from YOUR perspective … yet from ours … we do not see it this way. We simply have tried … if something does not turn out quite as planned then so be it. We KNOW that particular method does not work. Yet we do not blame … we do not scorn. We learn that we must simply try another method. We will always accomplish much in the ‘trying of’.

You asked … where do we go from here?

And your answer would be ‘onward ever onward’.

Let us not forget the ‘up’ … The upward!

Be of great abounding LOVE In your heart space. We are overjoyed at this outcome. We are continually in awe of your resilience when it ‘appears’ that things have not gone according to plan.

WE LOVE YOU. We are ever closer. Ever closer … to each other. This too you can FEEL/KNOW within side of yourselves.

As this remains your TRUTH and more steadfastly … then the nearer we become. Oh! The unexpected wonders that are so unexpected … one should expect!

OK. There we are then. That was the ‘nod’ to end today’s session’. Thanks guys. Catch you later.

Indeed. Shine on NOW brighter than ever in the KNOWING THAT YOU KNOW!

We will. In Love and thanks.

P.S. It struck me when finding the link for the pillars of Light to post here … that The Federation Of Light … before Oct 14th 2008 spoke of snow cones? Just a thought!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/30/2012 1:04:43 AM

A “Beyond 2012″ Personal Message from Blossom Goodchild – December 28, 2012

2012 DECEMBER 28
Posted by Stephen Cook

A “Beyond 2012″ Personal Message from Blossom Goodchild – December 28, 2012

Stephen: I spoke to Blossom in the days following December 21 (well, actually, we sms’d for a day before we spoke because she really couldn’t face talking) and she really was, as she says, down in the dumps. Chocolate was her best friend! So I’m super glad to see she has ‘bounced back’! She also has a new channelling coming today

Happy New Year to you all . I m sure it will be!. To let you know ‘where I am at’ before I started today’s channelling, I have written a blogspot. It just made sense to do so … so as not to go there in the channelling as I felt there was no need…

Beyond 2012

Here we are then!

So … how was it for you? Each account of course shall be different from another’s … yet in a way … that is the beauty of it.

At first on the 21st I could find no beauty to be honest. There I was waiting … as always.

For me … I had hoped the best scenario would be this incredible Light coming in that we would visibly see and as White Cloud and The Federation had said … we would drop to our knees in awe.

I need to firmly state here and make this VERY CLEAR … White Cloud and The Federation at no time gave the date of 21st Dec for something to take place. It was ME … in my assuming that tried to put two and two together and come up with zilch!

Surely something had to happen on that date … something … anything! There had been SO MUCH impressed upon us about it throughout time … that I FELT in my heart that SOMETHING would take place. It was a bit like a wheel of fortune as to which ‘attachment’ the arrow would stop … yet surely to God SOMETHING tangible would occur!

Strangely enough … as with OCT 14th 2008 … an inner KNOWING as I awoke seemed to KNOW that the day would pass by uneventful … one would surely have to FEEL something in the air if a BIG EVENT was to take place.

My depression lasted for three days … unable to speak about it without tears … so chose not to speak. Been there in my life many times … yet very rarely these days. My three days of darkness perhaps? I became vulnerable and susceptible to FEELING the doubts and fears of years gone by. When is enough enough I wondered?

My position in this game seemed to once again be questioned … most of all … by myself. How many more times could we Light Workers be made to look the fool? How many more times could our souls deal with the smirks and the ridicule? Not so much from those we don’t know, but by those sitting on the fence waiting to jump down on their side of it once again … knowing that ‘our’ side simply is a load of twaddle. How many more times … Truly … would we lose face? Indeed Faith?

HOWEVER … I awoke on day four with a song in my heart … well maybe not a song … a bit of a hum perhaps … which was such a joy compared to the funeral march that had got stuck on repeat!! I felt so much better … nothing had changed overnight … or had it?

Looking back I FEEL that perhaps many of us had to go through the darkness not just for ourselves but to transmute the last remnants of much that no longer serves the planet into a final ‘letting go’.

It is now a week later. I cannot say I have transformed. Yet I can say there has been a change. A change that could go unnoticed should I choose to believe that nothing happened on that auspicious date. Yet … there is a more loving FEEING within me. A KNOWING that what I want or don’t want can be manifested so quickly now … so to keep my focus on what I do want!!

I FELT a LOVING community of souls at a gathering at my sisters on Boxing Day. Many generations shared LAUGHTER and chit chat … Babies danced as we ‘elders’ watched on in glee … ‘oohing and ‘aahing’ as we delighted in the little ones delight at the excitement of living .

I have never been one that has been drawn toward community living … I am very much a person that gets ‘peopled out’ very easily … and yet for the first time … I ‘understood’ the community FEEL. The ‘family’ that is a soul family … not necessarily the one that we chose to enter into this world with … as for me, many of them live on the other side of the world …. But a family made up of souls of all ages that have been drawn together over the years and choose to be with each other to celebrate many an occasion. I FELT blessed to be part of that community. I FELT a deep LOVE for the entire affair and all it entailed.

I FELT a deeper LOVE for everyone. That was a good recognition of ‘a change’ … I simply just FELT so much more LOVE … for me and from me. Others aware of the ‘energy coming through’ felt the same way.

There is a creeping awareness that perhaps I put too much onus on that date for personal reasons … so that the ‘change’ would change things. An easy way out? An Easy way in? And here I still was … having to create IT ALL for myself … Yet the dawning once again … That creating ‘it’ for myself … would ripple out to creating it for ALL.

The responsibility of LIFE cannot be brushed off with the hope that an ‘Event’ would make it easier … yet my soul wanted THE LIGHT to make it easier. I thought it would. I thought we would be washed in an energy of Love and Light even just for a short while and our ‘slate would be wiped clean’ … and we would all begin again in a different LIGHT of our world and indeed ourselves.

Over these few days … I am experiencing the KNOWING … that although it is not ‘obvious’ … it is here none the less. That ‘something’ that I was looking for … waiting for … IS HERE … and as I learn to adapt to it /with it … my vibration will keep rising.

My thoughts about ‘The Event’? (The one where we fall to our knees in awe and wonder) … That it is still to come … and it will. The ‘when’ I no longer seek …

This energy that came in (for I feel it did) will show us the way … should we chose to look.

Eventually … when we are TRULY ready … the LIGHT SHOW shall begin.

Maybe it won’t. Maybe I am kidding myself? Maybe I am in denial?

Yet this time … my heart didn’t question the TRUTH of The Federation Of Light and White Cloud … My mind did for sure , yet my heart had a KNOWING OF THEIR TRUTH.

How quickly I allowed the days of old to lure me into my fear. Yet … how quickly I bounced back.


It is in our makeup to do so.

Many may have lost faith over this last week. Yet they too will bounce back. I KNOW they will.

We are here to see this change through and we cannot do our job properly if we become and remain moaning Minnie’s.


Exactly where we are in this moment is where we find ourselves. Do we take an attitude of gratitude for BEING HERE … Or do we choose to give in?

We cannot. I do not think anyone will give in. For this LOVE we have recovered is too strong now to turn around and go back.

We choose to TRUST IN OURSELVES and WE KNOW the path we walk is leading us home. How do we KNOW this? Because we can FEEL it … NOW more than ever.

The Federation of Light have taught me that it is all about FEELING. They have indeed taught me a tremendous amount … or perhaps simply showed me a way to recall this knowledge.

Either way … I KNOW from all the letters received that WE ARE AMAZING!

Many had wonderful LIGHTED experiences through meditation and BEING. Others … like me … watched the jigsaw fall to the floor. Yet … it’s back on the table … not complete … yet a few more pieces in place than before it fell.

Just a few left now. Yet I FEEL it is time to leave the puzzle for a while and get on with other things. When the time is right to place those final pieces together we will KNOW.

I FEEL an excitement about my life most of the time. For I am also having odd moments of the ‘old me’ wanting to make it a struggle. How long I chose to stay in the moments is brief and futile.

What a joy to pull oneself into gear almost immediately. No more wallowing in the ‘but I ‘m too tired to be positive right now’! Tired or full of energy … I shall endeavour to keep my thoughts in LIGHT and in LOVE.

I CHOOSE to take advantage of life’s synchronicities.

I CHOOSE to take advantage of meditation.

I CHOOSE to take advantage of good health and all that is available to assist my body in keeping well and toned and energetic.




I FEEL NOW we can look forward to meeting ones ‘better half’. The integration is happening.


We will recognise ourselves as we blend with ourselves and each other.

We have so very much to look forward to. Our hearts are telling us this.

Keep on skipping … playing … jumping (I got a rebounder from Santa) … laughing … Living in joy and … LOVING. JUST KEEP ON KEEPING ON!

Just watch how brilliantly this plan comes together now … Piece by piece.

Thanks to everyone for their support and LOVE … I thank too … those who felt the need to tell me it’s time to get off the train … They too had their role to play.

Yes … I derailed a little … but still remained on board.

I AM NOW back on track … and looking forward to each and every acceleration forward on this beautiful and eventful journey .

How blessed are we? Truly how blessed are we?

Many thanks to THE ALL … THE ONE … THE US.

Love Light Laughter and Golden Rays

Blossom G.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/30/2012 1:06:28 AM

Archangel Michael Through Ron Head: This Party is Underway, Beloveds

2012 DECEMBER 29
Posted by Alice C
Rainbow orb in sunlight

Photo by Gretchen Wild Iris Hermey

Archangel Michael Through Ron Head: This Party is Underway, Beloveds

As channeled by Ron Head – December 27, 2012

Welcome, dear friends. Welcome to a world into which your birth is proceeding perfectly.

We have asked our channel to include a photograph, taken by a dear, dear one, which illustrates exactly what he is feeling this morning. May each of you open to this feeling.

Some of you are now going to begin to realize the ways in which your places and efforts are contributing to the rise of the whole. Others are about to see huge new opportunities arise for them.

Regardless of which of these categories you find yourself in, please be aware that you are an irreplaceable part of this greatest undertaking. Yes, it would happen without you. No, it would never be the same.

You, who are reading this, or hearing it, are indispensable, and always have been. Nothing which has happened to you has been wasted. Everything you have experienced, and which each of your brothers and sisters have experienced, will contribute to the perfection of the One. Because, dearest ones, that is why you are. This question you have flung onto the heavens uncountable times. WHY? That is why. And now you are nearing the destination for which you have always been bound.

Now many, many more of you are feeling it than were able to feel it just days ago. Perhaps you are one of those, dear heart. Look at the picture above. Do you feel that? If not, you soon will.

Be ready now to answer the question, briefly, briefly, that you will soon begin to hear, “What is going on?” Do not overtax the questioner. As we have mentioned before, rather give enough to tweak his or her interest. You will remember how, in the past, you have disliked unasked for advice. Don’t give it. Give the answer that is asked for and let it be examined. The questioner is on the way and will not be turned aside, just as you were not.

This party is underway, beloveds. Enjoy to the fullest the parts which you have been destined by your own efforts to play. We dance beside you and will provide all the support possible. Simply ask.

Our loving thoughts are with you each moment, as always they have been. It delights us that many of you are beginning to feel that. A new year is about to begin for you. We will speak prior to that day. Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/30/2012 1:44:32 AM
Dear friends,

I am so glad to bring
to these pages Silvia Mamani and her message of peace. Note her frequent expression, 'Aho', is a Native American saying similar to that of 'Amen' - according to Wikipedia. Something that in her message immediately resonated with me was her saying that the Dawning of this New World takes place now as a birthing of golden light within us which then transmits our presence to others. And that if animals and flowers have always known who we are, now perhaps we know this more - which is precisely my case with my dogs at present!

Silvia Mamani: The 5th World Prophecy Is Fulfilled, 27 Dec. 2012
2012 DECEMBER 29
Posted by Steve Beckow

407874_4051559763201_2096500079_nThanks to Deva.

Silvia Mamani – The 5th World Prophecy Is Fulfilled – 27 December 2012

Lucas, Lucas2012infos, Dec. 27, 2012

* Message from the Lakota Ancestors, through Seashell Moon Woman, Stillness and movement engage in their endless dance.

The inner knowing is that which guides you now; you know you and you listen.

The way of honoring your heart is being reborn within you. The ancestors and those you have been and are, are coming forth within your energy field informing this point of focus in time and space. It is this homecoming which signals to you the attunement of your focus to the New Earth energies. It is when you vibration elevates to a certain point that these other versions of you can connect with you, meet you.

So realize that as you begin to know and be informed by the vastness of that which you are, it is a landmark on your way. It is something you can smile at, realizing that you are moving in the direction of this shared, Utopian dream of Oneness, Love and the New Beginnings of the 5th World of Peace.

The Dawning of this New World takes place as a birthing within you of golden light. It is this light which then transmits your presence to others. The animals and the flowers have always known who you are. Now perhaps you feel this more? There is a telepathic exchange which occurs between your energy body and others with whom you share this beautiful green and blue planet. It is a dynamic unfolding of enlightenment and enthusiasm, a dance of harmonics bringing forth greater resonance and expression of the One I AM, the Great Central Sun, the Source Energies from which you all are a vibrant and essential emanation.

Go forth into this newness.

Realize that the 2012 prophecy is NOW.

It is here. AHO.

The communities of old that understood how to live in harmony, live within you.

You are those communities and you are being re-membered, re-assembled and there is a freshening of the energy right now­ a cosmic and earthly alchemy of what has resonated at this frequency before, informed by the many insights and the inspiration that is of this present moment.

And so you will find that you are drawn to things which are both old and new at the same time. That you will be updating and harkening back to all you have been while simultaneously creating who you are and your new life now. The cosmic unfolding is spiraling now, it is not linear and in the new world no one knows more than anyone else; everyone knows what they turn toward and that which they have eyes to see and ears to hear and the heart to feel. And within the collective is all wisdom of all times.

So that in this time of time, there will be great epic collaboration and amazingly fluid ways of being. More movement and greater periods of intense focus followed by rest and then change and new periods of intense focus. You will accomplish more, doing less, choosing and focusing more, being in harmony with and then there will be greater ease and more time spent recognizing one another, celebrating, appreciating and just being in harmony with the beauty of life and the essential nature of Oneness which is your identity now.

As this One, the quality of life is infinite. You will gradually resolve the remaining duality within you and as you do your ability to energetically integrate and access the infinite, limitless potential available will increase. You will, if you choose, live longer, and experience great phases of creativity that surpass your wildest dreams for self-expression. You will learn to imagine bolder and more expansive ideas. You will startle yourself as you stop scaling down on your ideals and values and instead create from the deepest most precious ideals and dreams you hold.

As you increasingly resolve your own self in balance and harmony, you see with innocent eyes. You learn to feel the cosmic nature of your being, while remaining grounded and of this beautiful planet. You will not be concerned with food, sustenance, shelter or community for these things will simply come forth in all ways to support your thriving and you will experience greater and greater affinity with this bliss again, as you resolve the duality remaining within you, enfolding all of your self in the soft loving gaze that is Source looking through you at the beauty you are.

So you see, it is here.

The great work has been accomplished and the prophecy has been fulfilled. You are now beginning amidst this immense chaos of the dissolving old world, the new beginnings of peace. The 5th world has been born. It is here. If you look within you and you are capable of feeling an affinity with it, you will know this is true.

It will take some time for all that live on this planet to walk their own path, resolving the existing duality of their own energy and some will not feel up to wading through this and will exit. Many are already doing so and some are coming right back again as children; the desire is so strong to be part of this amazing re-birth of joy.

It is quiet, this new beginning. You may wish to sing and dance. Do so. {Smile.} Realize that those who cannot yet tune themselves to the new frequency cannot feel it, and be very very gentle with them, for the frequency they are tuned to, is broadcasting the demise, the unraveling of what was and this can be very scary and at the very least even for those who feel somewhat insulated or stable­ disturbing.

Familiarize yourself with ways to stay tuned into the New Earth frequency. Cultivate the light that you are. We have now an amazing journey in front of us ­your Families of Light and each other­ to re-imagine everything.

There is greatness dawning; and you are present.

I speak for the ancestors of the Lakota Nation. I AM Seashell Moon Woman. We are here too, as are many others. We are within you and have always been with you. We never left. You just could not see or feel us anymore, and so like other cultures and civilizations we seemed to vanish or disappear. The time has come round and now in the new land, the seeds we plant will feed all of us.

This is the prophecy of peace. And the time is here, now. AHO.

~ Silvia Mamani

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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