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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/27/2012 1:16:52 AM

Ron Paul Slams NRA Plan Recommending Armed Officers In Schools

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Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) came out against the National Rifle Association’s recommendation for armed officers in all schools in the wake of the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

“While I certainly agree that more guns equals less crime and that private gun ownership prevents many shootings, I don’t agree that conservatives and libertarians should view government legislation, especially at the federal level, as the solution to violence,” Paul wrote in a statement posted on his website. “Real change can happen only when we commit ourselves to rebuilding civil society in America, meaning a society based on family, religion, civic and social institutions, and peaceful cooperation through markets. We cannot reverse decades of moral and intellectual decline by snapping our fingers and passing laws.”

The retiring libertarian lawmaker explained, “Let’s not forget that our own government policies often undermine civil society, cheapen life, and encourage immorality. The president and other government officials denounce school violence, yet still advocate for endless undeclared wars abroad and easy abortion at home. U.S. drone strikes kill thousands, but nobody in America holds vigils or devotes much news coverage to those victims, many of which are children, albeit, of a different color.” He added, “Obviously I don’t want to conflate complex issues of foreign policy and war with the Sandy Hook shooting, but it is important to make the broader point that our federal government has zero moral authority to legislate against violence.”

Paul also slammed the response to the shooting from the “political left,” saying he found “emotional calls for increased gun control” to be “misguided.”

During an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday, Wayne LaPierre, head of the NRA, stood by the idea of armed guards in schools.

“If it’s crazy to call for armed officers in our schools to protect our children, then call me crazy,” he
said. “I think the American people think it’s crazy not to do it. It’s the one thing that would keep people safe.”

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/27/2012 5:22:52 PM

Ascension is Both Gradual and Sudden – Part 1/2

2012 DECEMBER 27
Posted by Steve Beckow

There is said to be an intellectual battle that goes on among adherents in enlightenment circles that see two schools: a “gradual” and a “sudden” school. Of course the debate is probably not a valid one because enlightenment is both gradual and sudden.

A monk might meditate gradually for twenty years before having a sudden experience of enlightenment. The only exceptions might be those seekers who did much work in previous lifetimes and suddenly awoke without preparation in this one and Sri Ramana Maharshi would be an excellent example of this type of individual.

While Adyashanti cannot be construed here as recognizing that all enlightenment has a gradual and a sudden component, he does recognize that some people awaken gradually and some suddenly.

“There are viewpoints that awakening is sudden and total, and there are schools of gradual awakening. In my experience, both occur. For some people the awakening out of their personal identity is going to happen all at once and instantly.

“For others, it sort of creeps up on them until at some point they notice they are no longer exclusively identified with their ‘me-ness,’ their personality. It can really run the gamut on how the awakening displays itself.” (1)

I say as an aside that Ascension experiences are also said to run the gamut.

Even Sri Ramana himself acknowledged that sahaja samadhi is gradually acquired as the result of long practice:

“By repeated practice one can become accustomed to turning inwards and finding the Self. One must always and constantly make an effort, until one has permanently realized. Once the effort ceases, the state becomes natural and the Supreme takes possession of the person with an unbroken current. Until it has become permanently natural and your habitual state, know that you have not realized the Self, only glimpsed it.” (2)

But the acquisition of sahaja samadhi itself is sudden. It occurs when the heart opens permanently, as Sri Ramana describes here:

“[The] Heart [hridayam] is the seat of Jnanam [wisdom] as well as of the granthi (knot of ignorance). It is represented in the physical body by a hole smaller than the smallest pin-point, which is always shut. When the mind drops down in Kevalya Nirvikalpa [Samadhi], it opens but shuts again after it. When Sahaja [Nirvikalpa Samadhi] is attained it opens for good.” (3)

I imported the notion into Ascension circles and characterized Matthew’s approach as gradual and Archangel Michael’s and SaLuSa’s as sudden. In doing so I acknowledge that Archangel Michael himself never acknowledged his approach as sudden. When I tried to pin him down he chided me:

Archangel Michael: But I can hear your anxiety and your fear and your desire to pin me down.

Now, have you ever really tried to pin down an archangel?

SB: No! Never! [laughing]

AAM: But I love to tease you. (4)

I chided him as well by appending Rainer Maria Rilke’s poem, The Man Watching, about wrestling with an angel to the bottom of that transcript. Rather than reproduce that here, I add it again to the end of this article, because I love it so much. (5)

I remember feeling chagrined that he did not want to be pinned down into a definite statement about 21/12/12. Why was he hedging? Well, of course, now I know. That date was never the end-all and be-all. And he even stated that at the time:

“There is an influx of supreme energy that will light and ignite your planet during this period. Now, it began on 12/12 and it is growing. So what you are saying is, ‘Will we get the full fireworks display on December 21st, 2012?’ And I say, yes, there will be fireworks, and they will continue through the rest of the year. This is a-building.” (6)

Yes, we got the full burst of light energy and, yes, many people did not feel a difference, and many did not, and, yes, it continues to build. And in fact now he has said that it will continue for a few more months so that many more humans, who need that amount of time, can ascend.

But Archangel Michael was espousing a gradual view even then, with sudden bursts of energy, and I was not seeing it. The final mass Ascension will be sudden, if I understand him correctly, but this part of the process is gradual.

Actually I vaguely saw it but could not understand it. I knew he was hedging but did not know why. And then again I don’t know if even now I fully understand it. I most probably don’t.

In the growth movement it’s said that being wrong is like death to the ego. But you also recall in the Light Stewards’ documents that we’ve asked for people to call themselves when they’re mistaken, rather than waiting for others to call them. Things work better when people call themselves rather than needing to be ferreted out.

I don’t mind being wrong. And I don’t mind calling myself. I was mistaken in my appraisal of Archangel Michael’s viewpoint. And I very well may be mistaken in the future. I see now that I undoubtedly don’t have the range of vision to appreciate the whole plan as he does.

Why would I? It would be utterly amazing if I did and utterly unrealistic of me to think that I would or could. My view was unnuanced. It wasn’t large enough to take in what the truth actually was, not like I know that that much of it now. Probably it will always remain unnuanced, viewed from an archangel’s vantage point.

I don’t mind being defeated, decisively by greater and greater beings. But I do want to acknowledge my mistake. And I am chastened from my attempt to capture an archangel’s knowledge in simple terms.

Do I know why he waited till after 21/12/12 to give us more details of this process? No, I don’t. And I can’t just ring him up and ask him this additional question. So it’ll have to wait along with many other questions.

Instead Archangel Michael has said that we are at the midpoint. But before I reproduce that discussion please keep in mind that some people are not at the midpoint but at the endpoint. Ascension times vary for individuals. AAM is talking about the collective as a whole. Here is that conversation.

S: Has Ascension happened or are we working towards Ascension?

AAM: You are in the middle of Ascension.

S: Now how would you describe the beginning and how would you describe the middle and how would you describe the end?

AAM: I would describe the beginning over a year ago as we began these conversations, as people began the clearing, as they were riding the troughs and the waves. That was the beginning of this journey. The middle has been the opening of what you think of in human dates as 11/11/12 – 21/12/12. This is the middle. It is the opening of the floodgates.

And you are being flooded. That is why you are feeling so much. The end is the when the full restoration, the complete restoration and the jubilation, the full restoration of vision and the knowing of your interdimensional self is full there. Now it is already there for some of you. It is coming by degrees. (7)

(Continued in Part 2.)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/27/2012 5:24:06 PM

Ascension is Both Gradual and Sudden – Part 2/2

2012 DECEMBER 27
Posted by Steve Beckow

(Continued from Part 1.)

Aisha North’s recent column implicitly recognizes the ongoingness or gradualness of the process that is underway:

“It has already started to become lighter, and we do not mean that just in the sense of the lengthening of the days in the northern hemisphere. The light quotient on your planet has increased manyfold these last few days, as the portal that you were all instrumental in opening on the days surrounding December 21. has already been successful in delivering enormous amounts of energy down to your little planet.

“It has been likened to an enormous waterfall, and rightly so, as this incessant stream of light is just like those gigantic waterfalls you can witness out in the nature on your beautiful little planet. And just like those waterfalls, so too will this stream of light continue to replenish you all incessantly and abundantly in the times ahead.

“For now, you have all been connected to this unending stream of light, and even if the information carried within all of this light cannot yet be detected clearly, it has already started to work its magic. Not only on you, but on your whole planet, and as such, it can be likened to a second coming to use a phrase many of you are familiar with. We do not refer to any single entity here, quite the opposite, as what has arrived on your shores is for all, no exclusions will be made. For this force is an indiscriminate one, for this is from the source of love, and love knows no boundaries.” (8)

And Gaia through Susanne Lie also relates to the process as gradual:

“Patience is normal for a planet but difficult for a human. Many humans feel that they have waited a lifetime for this change. However, please remember that I am waiting too. I am waiting for you! If I were to suddenly transmute into the fifth dimension, my third dimension would no longer be habitable. Therefore, I will be patient.

“I have the option to move slowly because many of my humans have directly confronted their own darkness and dis-allowed it to rule their lives. Therefore, they can hold the Light to guide those still finding their way up from the bottom of the well. Also, I can transmute at a safe pace for my inhabitants because my Galactic Family has contained those who would damage my form in order that they might have more things and more power over others.” (9)

Thus, we will move into our New Age of New Earth slowly and patiently. In this manner, some can rush ahead to clear the way for others. Some can stay behind to assist the Lost Ones, some can continue their work of sharing the truth that shall set humanity free, and some can initiate the worldwide social and governmental changes. (10)

Notice Gaia’s validation of the notion of containment.

And finally if I can add onto this discussion that of the pause that we are in which is referred to Archangel Michael but also by Susanne’s sources.

Here is Archangel Michael describing the pushing of the pause button.

AAM: The score is this. … Think of it as a family decision, saying, slow down, because we all want to come. The plan has still need to go forward with great rapidity, by the way. But we will slow down because we want to accommodate everybody [who wants to ascend, that is.]

S: OK.

AAM: So what you are doing is literally holding the door open. So that is exactly what has transpired.

So rather than [confidential info on number] ascending, many going to a holographic Earth, a few going to an alternate universe, think of it as pushing the pause button, but even as you know, that even as the pause button is pushed, there is still recording activity. It is not that you enter no time.

So what has taken place in this what you can think of as pause, is the old third has taken its form fully as a holograph, on the outer rim, rather than separate from Gaia, she has allowed this, many are still looking outward at that holograph. It is just that, although much of life is a holograph, as you have pointed out.

And the collection is being made so that all may shift into the new form and this is being made possible not only by us who have pushed the pause button, but by each of you. You say but we are not conscious of this. But your soul is most certainly conscious of this and that is why you are so anxious. (11)

And here is Gaia through Susanne describing “active waiting” in the pause and the reason for it.

“Fortunately, the erratic progress of time will assist you during this period of active waiting.

“I say active waiting, as I must call upon your assistance. Your Unity Consciousness is a vital component of our safe transition into a higher frequency of resonance. If you, my humans, can slowly and steadily expand your perceptual field to include the higher frequencies of my planet, you can adhere your essence to that higher frequency of reality with your High Heart.

“I ask you to perceive the vision that you are climbing out of a deep well. See the ladder that travels up the inside of the well and be aware that the well is collapsing beneath you. The well is collapsing from its depths because I, Gaia, need to allow the lower dimensional frequencies to collapse into oblivion. However, I want everyone to move beyond that resonance before I close that frequency of the Matrix.

“Therefore, as you climb each rung of the ladder, you feel the collapse below you. However, I will wait as long as I can to collapse that lower frequency of Matrix. In this manner, those who wish to join our new frequency can still be adhered to my Earth body/reality. I realize that many of you have been ‘climbing this ladder’ for many years, and taking as many with you as you can. To all of you I say, Thank You!” (12)

So I was mistaken in representing Archangel Michael’s view as sudden. It is sudden and gradual. The streaming of energy on 21/12/12 was sudden but the slow ascent of all of us – or most of us – is gradual. And in the course of that ascent, we pause or enter a period of active waiting so that all can ascend together who are in the process and others who are just waking up can join the process.

And both Archangel Michael and Gaia have described a part of that gradual process, one calling it a pause and the other calling it active waiting.

I know. I know. I said I would take a vacation. But do you see how hard it is to sit still? But I amgoing. I am trying.


(1) Adyashanti, “Spontaneous Awakening, an Interview,” downloaded from, 12 March 2006.

(2) Ramana Maharshi in Paul Brunton and Munagala Venkataramaiah. Conscious Immortality. Conversations with Sri Ramana Maharshi. Rev. ed. 1996, n.p.

(3) Ramana Maharshi in S.S. Cohen, Guru Ramana. Memories and Notes. 6th edition. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1993, 96.

(4) “Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 19, 2012, at

(5) Rainer Maria Rilke, The Man Watching

What we choose to fight is so tiny!
What fights with us is so great!
If only we would let ourselves be dominated
as things do by some immense storm,
we would become strong too, and not need names.

When we win it’s with small things,
and the triumph itself makes us small.
What is extraordinary and eternal
does not want to be bent by us.
I mean the Angel who appeared
to the wrestlers of the Old Testament:
when the wrestler’s sinews
grew long like metal strings,
he felt them under his fingers
like chords of deep music.

Whoever was beaten by this Angel
(who often simply declined the fight)
went away proud and strengthened
and great from that harsh hand,
that kneaded him as if to change his shape.
Winning does not tempt that man.
This is how he grows: by being defeated, decisively,
by constantly greater beings.

(6) Loc. cit.

(7) “Archangel Michael on 21/12/12 and Other Ascension-Related Matters – Part 2/2,” Dec. 26, 2012, at

(8) Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 243,” as channeled by Aisha North, December 26, 2012, at<P>

(9) Gaia in Suzanne Lie, “The Fourth Day – Gaia and the Arcturians,” December 26, 2012, at

(10) Loc. cit.

(11) “Archangel Michael on 21/12/12,” ibid.

(12) Gaia, ibid.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/28/2012 4:19:47 PM
A NOTE FROM MIKE QUINSEY: Please note that from today SaLuSa’s messages will go out weekly, every Friday. SaLuSa has “told” me that in time the messages will be unnecessary as events will have taken over.

SaLuSa 12-28-12…”The Way Ahead is Now Virtually Clear”

salusa_star72Note: Mike has also included a statement that said future messages from SaLuSa would appear weekly, each Friday. See the following post. [Posted above]


  • …we are telling you that what you experienced [on 12-21-12] was what you created, but for those of you expecting more evidence of Ascension it was disappointing.
  • Ascension took place but to your surprise souls of the lower vibrations are still with you. That is because many were able to absorb the energy and their vibrations lifted sufficiently for them to rise up…
  • From hereon you will find a much more positive outcome, as it is you who are now in charge of your own future. Your personal cleansing of still unwanted energies can go ahead with all speed…
  • As a result of receiving the energies of the 21st. December, you have moved more into the “Now” and that means you will experience less of time and space.
  • As you move within the 5th. dimension so you will realize that time is no longer linear, and you will sometimes lose all perspective of where you are or how you got there.
  • Your present government along with others largely in your Western World are near to being replaced…
  • You are no longer prepared to accept “more of the same”, and are demanding a new approach to life that honors everyone’s sovereignty and peace and abundance.
  • The 21st. December alignment took place, and you have commenced the New Age with a higher level of consciousness. It will enable you to accelerate the process of Ascension, and you will see changes taking place in quick succession.
  • Be assured that no time has been lost because little progress appears to have been made. Behind the scenes our allies continue to be busy, and are close to bringing about the governmental changes.
  • As each day passes the prospects of a greater show of our craft will also dramatically increase.
  • it will not be long before many of you look back at this time, and find the proof of your Ascension by recognizing the changes in yourself.


SaLuSa 28-December-2012

It does not matter how many predictions are made because as given they are all possibilities, dependent on the extent of your creative powers as to whether they materialize. So we are telling you that what you experienced [on 12-21-12] was what you created, but for those of you expecting more evidence of Ascension it was disappointing. We understand your feelings, but the process of the awakening Ascension energies has not stopped and will proceed even more quickly than previously. The upliftment of energies in your Solar System, took place through the alignment of your Sun and the great Central Sun of the Galaxy, and as many souls experienced some evidence of it, as did not.

Ascension took place but to your surprise souls of the lower vibrations are still with you. That is because many were able to absorb the energy and their vibrations lifted sufficiently for them to rise up, but they will need to raise them at a faster rate if they are to remain with you. Also bear in mind that many souls were unaware of the importance of the 21st. December, so not all of them who did experience something would have known what caused it. It is so to say, their last opportunity to stay in the process of Ascension and avoid having to be taken off Earth if it proves to be in their best interests. All along it has been hoped that as many souls as possible would be able to accept the new energies. So we feel that when you acknowledge the positive outcome, you will be pleased that more of your family of souls have remained.

The New Age has commenced and time will show that nothing has been lost by the nature of your experience. From hereon you will find a much more positive outcome, as it is you who are now in charge of your own future. Your personal cleansing of still unwanted energies can go ahead with all speed, and you should not find any difficulty in being successful. You are now at a new level of happiness and joy for just being alive, and know that you can now proceed to live a new life with more freedom than ever before. As a result of receiving the energies of the 21st. December, you have moved more into the “Now” and that means you will experience less of time and space. As you move within the 5th. dimension so you will realize that time is no longer linear, and you will sometimes lose all perspective of where you are or how you got there. Do not be afraid however, as you will be able to “think” yourself back to where you were. In time you will begin to perceive other dimensions and realities, and even see other entities that have their being in them.

Your present government along with others largely in your Western World are near to being replaced, and it is an important move that will enable so many other things to go forward. They cannot handle the present crisis brought about by the collapse of a number of banks, and the corrupt systems used by them to bolster their own profits through false trading. The answers are already known to us, and the new ways are prepared and ready for implementation at very short notice. Day by day every soul will continue to grow in awareness, and the net result is that as a civilization you will find yourselves less interested in what the past had to offer you. You are becoming wiser and more astute in discovering how you have been mislead for centuries of time. You are no longer prepared to accept “more of the same”, and are demanding a new approach to life that honors everyone’s sovereignty and peace and abundance. You need to be able to freely express yourself and relate to all others as One, as unity is what we wish to see you achieving.

We fully understand why some of you are disheartened at the passing of Ascension in a rather quiet manner, but look at the positive aspects. We have tried to guide you to reach the highest perception you have of yourself, and of what you could expect in the New Age, and that encouragement will still continue. The 21st. December alignment took place, and you have commenced the New Age with a higher level of consciousness. It will enable you to accelerate the process of Ascension, and you will see changes taking place in quick succession. Everything you have been led to expect to herald the New Age in will still occur with a greater backing than before, as the way ahead is now virtually clear. You have had great patience so far and we are most grateful for your dedication to the Light and all other souls.. Events will now flow much more smoothly, and we can assure you that the work you have put in to bring the Light and Love to people, has had tremendous results.

Naturally Mother Earth has also ascended, and will go ahead and work with you to bring the New Age into being. There have been few incidents of people having to leave the Earth, and that is a credit to the Lightworkers who have worked so hard to bring all souls into the Light. We are pleased to note that it has released the tension and doubts that some people held, because they were so concerned about friends or family. It holds great hope for those souls who have hitherto, been unaware of the importance of the new period that you have moved into. We know that some of you will look back and question why the impression was given that so much could gave been achieved prior to Ascension. We would say that our motivation has been to place before you every opportunity to advance, through your own creative powers.

We know that the Lightworkers put a lot of time and effort into achieving success, and the apparent failure is no criticism of them. Indeed, there is absolutely no fault in their dedication to their task. It is simply that the circumstances did not meet the criterion for full manifestation of the initial changes that you expected. Yes, there were times when you were so close to seeing your efforts rewarded, but often it was the dark Ones who posed a threat or delay that we could not ignore. Bear in mind that we do not have the authority to force issues unless it is divinely decreed, as it is you who are guiding the outcome and responsible for it.

Be assured that no time has been lost because little progress appears to have been made. Behind the scenes our allies continue to be busy, and are close to bringing about the governmental changes. These are so essential in putting the remains of the old 3D politics behind you, and appointing leaders in power that are aware of the need for immense changes to establish the New Age. You will shortly notice a wave of love sweep the Earth, that will show that your civilization has taken a quantum leap forward. That being so it will bring a strong unity of purpose that will help the establishment of world peace. If you continue to focus on areas of the world that are still experiencing conflict, your intent will soon bring a positive result. When world peace has been achieved we will make sure that war will not return, and will enforce that edict if necessary.

As each day passes the prospects of a greater show of our craft will also dramatically increase. Many eyes will soon be turned towards the poverty and need in the Middle East and far Eastern countries, as compassion and understanding will place the focus where the greatest needs exist. It will force Governments to seriously look at such issues, and take some action. The efforts of our allies will also bring forward the re-distribution of wealth, that has been illegally obtained. So much is at the point of coming out, and with the lower vibrations disappearing more quickly there is less chance of delays taking place.

Dear Ones, consider that you have not lost anything at all by not having your dreams fulfilled, in fact you have gained more than you had before. The way has become clearer and more certain, and our help can begin to be more open. It is why we are eager for disclosure to come as quickly as possible. then we can really get going without any hindrance. The whole outlook has changed for the better, and your efforts will in time be more productive. We are of course close to you most of the time but rarely show ourselves, but that will also change in time. There is to be a coming together, and eventually you will be joined by us, the Masters and your family from the Inner Earth. It will be quite a time of celebration, and the whole world will know we have arrived.

Nothing ever happens by chance, but will follow each divine edict. There are powerful Beings that carry out the word of God without question, but we do understand your doubts and difficulties when things do not seem to go to plan. Yet all events will come to be and fulfill the promises that have been made. It is known to be so as all exists in the Now and simply waits for the right time to manifest. Meaning that when it is going to be of the maximum benefit to your civilization. What is to occur is clearly not just for those who have already awakened, but perhaps in some ways is directed even more strongly at those who still slumber. Now that the lower vibrations are disappearing, they are being given a gentle push and reminder that they are at their own crossroads. They must make a firm decision as to what they want to do, otherwise they will be unable to make progress into the New Age. It is their choice and on a higher level they subconsciously know what is at stake.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and let me say that it will not be long before many of you look back at this time, and find the proof of your Ascension by recognizing the changes in yourself. You will also see it in your friends and family, and realize that they are creating a more peaceful aura around them. As the higher energies continue to arrive on Earth their affect will be there for all to see, as Humanity will reach out in Love and bring powerful energies of Light to bear upon those who are still held in the darkness. The Ascension process still proceeds as powerful as ever, and our love will be with you all of the way.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/29/2012 1:56:52 PM
Thousands Of L.A. Citizens Choose Groceries Over Handguns

Written by Hayes Brown

Thousands of Los Angeles’ citizens lined parking lots Wednesday in a chance to exchange their guns for groceries in a city-organized buyback program. The event, normally an annual Mother’s Day event, was pushed up to Wednesday by L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa in the aftermath of the tragic shooting in Newtown, CT.

City officials offered up to $100 in gift cards to a local grocery chain for rifles, handguns, and shotguns, with assault weapons fetching more, up to $200 in cards. Despite moving the date, turnout was extremely high, with the two parking lots where the buybacks took place finding themselves overcrowded at times by eager sellers. In fact, the city found itself surpassing last year’s total of 1,673 guns by yesterday afternoon:

Many came bearing more than one gun. They pulled 22 pistols from the trunk of one white Honda, a haul that earned the driver $1,000.

Two men in a pickup truck with two children in the back seat handed over a rifle, a pistol and a MAC-12, altered with a silencer.

While the majority of the guns retrieved were handguns and other small-scale weapons, at least “a few dozen” assault weapons were taken off the streets as well. One of the first guns purchased in the buyback was a Bushmaster rifle of the same model as those used in the Conneticut shooting and a planned attack in New York where two firefighters were targeted and killed.

Since its inauguration in 2009, the gun buyback program has purchased over 8,000 guns from L.A. citizens, according to Mayor Villaraigosa. While gun buyback programs are not the most effectiveway to lower gun violence, they do reduce the supply of firearms in a community. Several other communities will be running their own in the near future, including Newtown’s neighboring cityBridgeport.

This post was originally published by ThinkProgress.

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Photo: Antonio Villaraigosa/flickr

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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