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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/31/2012 2:36:00 AM
This new post is from Wes Annac's personal blog:

Internal or External Focus? It is a Balance
[30th Dec, 2012]

Thanks to Konstantinos for his picture “Contact during Meditation”

A reader sends in a great question about where exactly we should put our focus in these changing times. I have said before in previous articles that it is now pertinent for us to put all of our focus within and toward our ascension, rather than solely looking outwardly toward our channeled sources or toward physical events we’ve been told will manifest.

I’ve felt before that a lot of people are putting way too much focus into external events manifesting and into the channeled sources helping us to evolve, and that the ever-important inner-connection has been forgotten.

However, our reader offers a very good question which is essentially: does such a perspective invalidate the help we are being by the Galactics and Celestials? Were we to turn our focus completely inwardly, then should we even follow the impressions of the Galactics or care one bit about external events on our world?

Many of us are here to lift this world up and help impoverished peoples to find abundance and comfort; does solely turning within invalidate this work or somehow take our focus away from it?

Essentially, we are exploring the results of where we put our focus. To discuss both sides of the dualistic pole – were we to keep all of our focus on the external and physical events playing out, we would have less time and energy to focus upon our inner growth; the growth of the soul. We would be constantly scanning material from the next channeled or Earthly source and we would continue to fashion an outer-dependence on channels and external news.

This is something our channeled sources do not want, as they do not want to be painted as “savior” figures and have stated endlessly that it is we who must do the bulk of the work to help our planet rise out of the lower vibrations. Again, our reader’s question was of the nature of such work becoming invalidated if we were to always turn within, which I will discuss as well.

I do feel that it’s more important to be focused and attuned within than without.

As I have not stated in previous writings, however, that does not necessarily mean we should not put any focus in our external reality as indeed, there is a lot that needs to be done and the help we’ll be given will focus on repairing the damage wrought in our physical reality. So I do recognize that staying constantly attuned within could take our focus away from external matters of importance, and I insert the opinion that, as with many subjects that have been written about, a necessary balance should be employed.

I do not feel you should hang on every word said by the Pleiadians, the Hathors, SaLuSa, Hilarion, etc. and if you want to skip reading a few channeled communications so that you can turn within, meditate, and feel much of what is being said by such sources yourselves; that is not only honored but is in fact important.

I’ve seen a lot of people put all of their focus and attention in a certain few (or many) channeled sources, and I’ve watched many hinge all of themselves on the words spoken by a channeled entity. I strongly feel that the communications of the Galactics and Celestials are not intended to be used in such a manner and rather, are intended to give us advice along our ascension processes as well as updates about our external reality.

These are matters that the Lightworker public will greatly benefit from knowing about, but the problem has been the amount of focus we put in the “channeled sources” aspect of this movement. I’ve discussed this in the past and perhaps allowed myself to play into the dualistic other side, by claiming we should put every last bit of our focus into our inner-world.

I do feel we should put the majority of our focus into our inner-world. We should focus inwardly as much as is possible while still attuning to events playing out in the physical and, if you are one who reads and appreciates channeled material, still reading such updates. Our very definition of what channeled sources are meant to be or are supposed to do, however, should perhaps be changed.

Channeled sources will continue to tell us of external events playing-out in our reality, as will they give general predictions as to where our world is headed. I’ve recently communicated with the Pleiadians in a manner that reinforces this notion. They will continue to give us the outward help we desire while keeping us informed about Earthy matters from their vantage point, but it is we the Lightworker public who must change the amount of energy and focus we put into what we’re being given.

I’ve read so many channeled sources who’ve stated that they can be found within and that it’s important for us to attune inwardly, because how can we find ascension if we have not even found our inner-Selves?

Obviously, this does not invalidate the help they’re giving us or their updates about our external reality, and what I wish to express is that we must find a healthy balance of absorbing channeled material/focusing on external events, and turning within and placing our attention where it needs to be placed the most; in our developing inner-realms.

When the Galactics are here, they will help us repair our world and hopefully, the majority of us will have learned to turn within and will have treated the communications of the Galactics and Celestials as they were meant to be treated; as appreciated help along a path that is ours entirely to Create and experience, but not as a “holy doctrine” we should follow with every bit of ourselves.

This, of course, also does not invalidate the work that so many have done to introduce us to channeled material or discuss such material in writings, and we have in fact benefitted from such things. Just as with channels, the spiritual writings are helpful and necessary but should not be solely focused upon. They should be appreciated though.

Our experiences will naturally be out of balance if we have not properly turned within, and this is so for those who may rely solely on outside sources. However, we should not throw the help we’re being given out the door, because there is indeed much we can benefit from by receiving continual updates from ascended souls with a greater vantage point.

I would suggest putting one’s inner-realms and inner-experiences at the absolute forefront of one’s perception, and allowing the channeled or written spiritual material to take a backseat. Taking a backseat doesn’t mean exiting the car – it just means taking a backseat. Eventually, we will be rebuilding this world and will be focused with much of ourselves on the external but by then, I have a feeling that we’ll all have developed internally and will be able to keep the balance employed.

I should mention as well, of course, that our external and internal realities are merging. So by the time we’re repairing our world, we could be placing focus not on an internal/external reality, but in One merged reality.

For now, in my view the inner-connection is more important than external focus. This doesn’t invalidate external focus, per se, but does make allowance for the fact that some have perhaps sought externally a tad too much, and could be doing an injustice to their personal ascension processes.

Remember – we’re here to help the Earth which entails external focus, but we’re also here to find a personal and collective ascension and we cannot do that by solely reading or following channeled sources.

The balance of inner and outer focus is most important, as without this balance we could find ourselves tipping toward either respective end and I will admit to having done so in a previous writing. Truly, remaining only focused within will not hurt is spiritually, but will see us not possessing the outer knowledge of contemporary events that some place importance in and that will be important when repairing our world.

I hope I’ve been able to answer this inquiry in as precise of a manner as possible, and I thank our reader for a stimulating question.

Wes Annac – Happy to help, but not to lead. You must lead yourselves!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/31/2012 3:54:16 PM

The Arcturian Group Message – December 30, 2012

2012 DECEMBER 30
Posted by Stephen Cook

arcturian groupThe Arcturian Group Message – December 30, 2012

As channelled by Marilyn Raffaele – December 30, 2012

Greetings to all who are drawn to the Arcturian messages for we welcome you with great love and light, dear ones.

We see your disappointment that all did not change on the day you had determined was to be a day of much manifestation. You must realize however, that much of what you expected was of your own creation. Many of the predictions from pure channels will indeed manifest, but only as mankind embraces more truth and light.

Much has and still is happening, but on a third dimensional level you are as of yet unable to see it. Many are feeling these higher frequencies but do not fully understand what they are feeling. Some are experiencing unusual physical issues at this time that are actually massive clearings of old energy, preparing the physical to become crystalline and lighter. Change is gradual, but is definitely taking place.

You may find yourselves becoming aware of subtle changes in the attitudes others– many of whom you thought of as being very stoic and rigid in their beliefs and you will say; “How did this happen?”. Well those changes in an individual’s thinking are the result of new energies now silently and gradually penetrating world consciousness, dear ones. New and higher frequencies of Light energies are pouring in and if you open yourselves to receive, you will.

You may find that much you always held dear, simply doesn’t seem important any longer. This is a sign that your consciousness is changing and you are no longer resonating with those events, people, things, foods, etc. that heretofore seemed very important. Many experienced this with the recent Christmas holiday. It did not seem the same as you remembered–the lights not so lovely and festive, the gifts not quite so important, and activities felt somewhat boring. These are signs that you are shifting dear ones, shifting into new awareness’s and new energies. Recognize these experiences as signs that indeed much is happening.

Try not to keep alive those things you have outgrown simply because the world tells you they are important. Many tried and true world beliefs are simply that, concepts and beliefs with no basis in reality. Trying to keep alive traditions and ceremony out of habit or guilt is indeed keeping yourselves locked into all is old and finished and will not serve to help you evolve. Trust your intuition, trust that you are being guided, and trust that you are indeed one with Source and therefore must continue in your journey of awakening however long you choose it will take. The child must at some point put away the treasures childhood and embrace the treasures of the adult.

We would like to speak to you of love dear ones. Of that connection between all living things. We have often spoken of love, but feel that it is important to again emphasize that all are in and of the One Divine Consciousness and this connecting energy is what you have termed love. Depending upon the state of consciousness of the individual, this connection will be interpreted and take on many meanings. For some love is limited only to family, friends, and those who believe the same as they do. For others, love is sexual attraction and nothing else.

For some love is nonexistent, they feel no connection at all to other living things, and in being so cut off from reality, these poor souls lash out at all other living things. They know something is missing, for the spark of the Divine is forever within each one, and yet having so deeply buried it, they cannot understand what it is they are missing. These are the dear ones that do horrendous acts of violence, for they have allowed themselves through choice, drugs, beliefs, past life experiences, etc. to become totally cut off from truth. These too, will eventually awaken for all are in and of the Divine, but it will take many lifetimes and much help for them to climb out of the hell they have created for themselves.

Love, pure and simple, is the connection within ONE, of all things. That is why the gross misuse of mother earth and all her parts is old and un-evolved energy. Gaia is a living being. Plants are living beings, animals are living beings– all within the One omnipresent life. As you evolve you begin to more clearly see and understand this connection and it gradually (or suddenly) becomes your state of consciousness. This is why so many are being drawn to no longer eat meat and are trying to help animals by bringing attention to the horrendous and greedy practices of factory farming.

Those who reside within a consciousness of duality and separation, see all other life forms as separate from themselves and this is what makes war and cruelty possible. As mankind awakens to the true nature of life, these things will no longer be tolerated or even considered to be options. Instead they will be thought of as being in and of a very primitive belief system much as you now think of cave men going about with clubs.

Regardless of what an un-awakened society pushes upon you through your news, magazines, films etc., always use your own intuition when judging the validity of any topic being discussed. View the messages through your highest awareness of truth, and feel the energy.

Trust your intuition which is being guided by your awareness of your Divine nature.

Trust, listen to, connect with, and move ever more deeply into that which is.

I am that I am, always have been , always will be.

But remember…so is every other living thing.

We are the Arcturian Group 12/30/12

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/31/2012 4:30:56 PM

So many of you are hurting, whether it is through illness, emotional, or financial problems, you are being bombarded by dark energies and you are finding it difficult to rise above them. It will not last. It is being done to try to prevent you waking up, and seeing all the information that has been suppressed for years. Do not allow yourselves to be distracted, no matter how bad you feel. Because you are hurting, it does not give you permission to lash out and hurt others, whose intentions are honorable. You are all in this battle together; all fighting on the same side, with one goal in sight – the removal of the Dark Cabal. The Cabal uses the same formula every time in order to achieve its aims. Do you not see that by killing your children, they hope to remove your rights, so that they can make laws that would leave you at their mercy. Think carefully on this one, as you have everything to lose. Infiltrators are positioned to appeal to the masses, to make it seem that you do not care if you do not do as they demand. Learn from these terrible tragedies. Recognise the formula and look for the real culprits. They do not give up easily. You need to be awake and alert to look behind the official story. Knee jerk reactions lead to disastrous decisions. You are not being told the truth. Stand firm. Do not be pushed into agreeing to something that you will most certainly regret. The truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. Those in the Cabal are laughing at you. They play games with you. They actually show you, in advance, what they intend to do, and you still do not see it. They feel they do not need to hide their plans. They are confident that you are sufficiently asleep that you will not notice them. How they relish the fact that they have got away with so much for so long. It is up to all of you, now, to read all that was hidden from sight. Brave people are now coming forward with it, to enable you to understand the real truth.

You saw, my dear, that the portals to Inner Earth were revealed. You asked, “Who created the NO FLY ZONES?” [over the north and south poles]. Why was it so important to them to prevent you from knowing about them? There is so much more for you to learn about your planet. You need to know why your world is in the state it is today, and why the control is in so few hands. Religions have done more to control the masses than anything else, yet people still cling to them because of the fear they have instilled in people about places that do not exist.

Go forward into 2013 with eyes wide open and with love in your hearts, in the sure knowledge that you are on the right path, where truth is paramount. There is sufficient information out there in the public domain, to convince you that you have been constantly lied to, by those who make the decisions. Stop being victims. It takes courage to stop being the helpless victim but you must step into your own power. Ancient history has all the answers. Yes, you do need to go back that far in order to understand why the world is in such chaos now. That is when the big take-over began. You have been lied to and controlled like sheep, ever since.

“Love changes everything”. That is so true. When mankind learns to love, instead of fearing each other as you were taught, then the killing will stop and there will be peace for all mankind. The more love you give, the more you will receive. Every creature on Earth needs to be loved and cherished. Send LOVE to situations that seem hopeless, then wait to see the energy change. Let love be your weapon. Use it to bring about the changes that are needed. Many of you do not understand that you must first love and accept yourself before you can love another, or use the power of love to bring about peace and harmony. You are the knights in shining armour who will rescue your planet from the hands of the infidel. Everything will fall into place when the timing is right. You just need to be open to it. Those who only strive for financial gain will be left by the wayside. It is time to reassess your values, as this creates such fear and stress that it takes over your life completely and you fail to see the full picture and your part in it.

Many of you are targeted individuals because of your work for justice and truth. You must recognise this fact and invoke protection and guidance. Take responsibility for your life and well-being. Close all doors to possible attacks and constantly ground yourself and ask for protection. Protection cannot be given unless requested. You learned this fact the hard way, my dear. You assume it is all bad luck, but when your eyes are open, you see clearly that you have been selected for attack, to try to prevent you from carrying out your mission. Once you recognise this fact, you can deal with it. This goes to show the alertness of those in the Cabal: they know who everyone is, and they know their role in bringing about the Transition. Those of the Cabal FEAR YOU and this is why they attack you. They consider your role important, so you must accept THAT IT MUST BE SO. It is up to you, to use every means at your disposal, to protect yourself. You have nothing to fear, except fear itself. Surround yourself with love and light.

Veronica, my dear, life continues to be a struggle for you. Trying to keep everyone on track and protected is not an easy task. You need the support of those around you. You are a team and should act as such. The obstacles and blockages are sent to try you, and indeed they do. Continue to work in the sure knowledge that we will succeed. I walk this lonely path with you, my dear. We have loved each other in many lifetimes. Past love is powerful, it cannot die. It is to be valued as it is priceless. When you find it, treasure it.

Let us go forward, my dear, in love and light.

Your adoring, Monty.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/31/2012 5:26:06 PM

Poofness 12-30-12… “Always Darkest Before the Dawn”

poofness_matura_font_blue49One point that has become clear to me over the past few weeks, is that they who are responsible for carrying out the details of transferring the wealth of this planet back to its people, they know who we are. Call them Dragons, St. Germain’s Helpers, or Santa’s Elves, they know who we are. Might as well get used to it. And enjoy the process. Ever since “the Poof ‘Interview’” came and went, it was clear from what he said, that this is coming “into our hands”, and they know who is to get what, and how it is to be distributed.

Then I get this email last Wednesday from HATJ, and lo and behold, someone DID know who I was, and that cemented that deal. I knew I was a pat of this whole thing, and that I had my part.

I also have never felt that there was any need to “sign up on a list” to receive what will be coming to my hands. Poof reiterates that in this message. Hey, they know who’s on the list. That includes you, and that includes me.

So see what you get from this. I’m looking forward to what’s transpiring… right beneath our wings.


  • …as cocky and arrogant that these folks have been, they are headed for places unknown for some reason.
  • Sometimes the ‘facts’ are just accepted opinions and opinions are like fly crap.
  • …you can be sure they knew and were given many chances, to get on the right side. They chose the dark side, an impossible position to win from.
  • Each of us has a job and most already know what’s in their hearts to do, all folks need is the resources to participate and he whose job it is, is large and in charge, is making it happen, no matter the opposition.
  • People say to me, I don’t ‘see’ any changes, the folks in charge didn’t want anyone to see the lead up to the change, you don’t telegraph the movements of your troops.
  • When the door is opened for the masses, the messes which have been created will be cleaned up, the atmosphere, so we have clean air to breathe free of chemicals, pure water brought to the surface, and free energy to power your homes.
  • The lid has already been partially, lifted as I told you last week, now the total reset approaches, don’t be surprised at How things get done.
  • The folks in charge, know where you are and what you’re doing not necessary to get on somebodys’ list to get an invite to the party.
  • That’s work that’s already been done by the right people.


Greetings and Salutations; the Kingdom of ‘Reap what you Sow’. The Indians call this the law of karma. The crap you put out always comes home to roost. Humans have never been able to get away from it. No amount of physical denial can disconnect the connection between thoughts and deeds and its’ return to its source. So, as cocky and arrogant that these folks have been, they are headed for places unknown for some reason.

LINK ["Ex-Feds & Wall Street Execs Are Going Into Hiding-Why?"]

There are some bones in this stew so let your gut push you to the truth. Sometimes the ‘facts’ are just accepted opinions and opinions are like fly crap. It is everywhere, forming specks on the clearest glass. Tho the masses have had no idea of what was up for the the global thieves, you can be sure they knew and were given many chances, to get on the right side. They chose the dark side, an impossible position to win from. This no place to negotiate from, they were always destined to lose. As I understand it, there will be no half measure, we’re not bumbling into the future, doing constant skirmishes, that’s not how you clean up a planet. Each of us has a job and most already know what’s in their hearts to do, all folks need is the resources to participate and he whose job it is, is large and in charge, is making it happen, no matter the opposition. People say to me, I don’t ‘see’ any changes, the folks in charge didn’t want anyone to see the lead up to the change, you don’t telegraph the movements of your troops. They have a habit of killing the innocent to make a point. the closer they get to utter defeat.

When the door is opened for the masses, the messes which have been created will be cleaned up, the atmosphere, so we have clean air to breathe free of chemicals, pure water brought to the surface, and free energy to power your homes. It’ll be better than the Jetson’s world. Many things have been sitting on shelves in various places, that research and development is not necessary. We’re not talking about anything long term here, just getting busy and ‘doing’ it. ‘The doing gets done in the being it’. Change your mind and your ##### will follow, think about it. lololol I suggest, be prepared to have long held beliefs challenged. Some of them are like the dog that don’t hunt.

I’m ready, are you? All things end and begin, in this world. The lid has already been partially, lifted as I told you last week, now the total reset approaches, don’t be surprised at How things get done. Many are talking on the net with pieces of the puzzle so, they assume things which have no basis in actuality, but they sound good. The truth is stranger than fiction. So stay loose. Your personal business is your’s so, watch the ‘sharing’. The folks in charge, know where you are and what you’re doing not necessary to get on somebodys’ list to get an invite to the party. That’s work that’s already been done by the right people.

In closing, I wish everyone a happy new year and a fantastic future.

Consultations until the knock on the door.

Love and Kisses,


When The Ship Comes In Lyrics, Bob Dylan

Oh the time will come up
When the winds will stop
And the breeze will cease to be breathin’
Like the stillness in the wind
‘Fore the hurricane begins
The hours when the ship comes in

And the seas will split

And the ship will hit
And the sands on the shoreline will be shaking
Then the tide will sound
And the wind will pound
And the morning will be breaking.

Oh the fishes will laugh

As they swim out of the path
And the seagulls they’ll be smiling
And the rocks on the sand
Will proudly stand
The hour that the ship comes in.

And the words that are used

For to get the ship confused
Will not be understood as they’re spoken
For the chains of the sea
Will have busted in the night
And will be buried at the bottom of the ocean.

A song will lift

As the mainsail shifts
And the boat drifts on to the shoreline
And the sun will respect
Every face on the deck
The hour that the ship comes in.

Then the sands will roll

Out a carpet of gold
For your weary toes to be a-touchin’
And the ship’s wise men
Will remind you once again
That the whole wide world is watchin’.

Oh the foes will rise

With the sleep in their eyes
And they’ll jerk from their beds and think they’re dreamin’
But they’ll pinch themselves and squeal
And know that it’s for real
The hour that the ship comes in.

Then they’ll raise their hands

Sayin’ we’ll meet all your demands
But we’ll shout from the bow your days are numbered
And like Pharaoh’s tribe
They’ll be drownded in the tide

And like Goliath, they’ll be conquered.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/31/2012 5:33:30 PM

The Song of 2013 – from astrologer, Jon Waldrup . . . a favorite of mine. . . ~J

The life of each living thing is a song, and every song is a prayer. Taken together, we-of-the-Earth are singing a song to the Creator. Life itself is a prayer.

Carrizo Plain Raven '10

Carrizo Plain Raven ’10 (Photo credit: flythebirdpath~}~}~})

The gift of hearing the song of life, of contemplating it and learning from it, is uniquely human. We can hear the song of the Raven, the song of the Cottonwood, the song of the Moon. Our bodies (of which our minds are a part) are designed to receive the feelings of all these songs. As we do, we can harmonize with any other living being. That is our purpose.

It is up to us to hear each song, to know each person as learning to sing. No one sings their song perfectly. Yet we have the capacity to give each other the gift of our heart, to choose to accept each imperfect song. And as we do, we create harmony. That is our purpose.

Our songs are not always easy to hear, and for some of us there are these crescendos of chaos that turn others away. Can you hear your own chaos and discord? Can you think of times that your song was all brass and drums without harmony?

When you are willing to think of yourself as a song-sung-imperfectly, then you are able to start hearing others. The function of community is to pay attention to those who are trying the hardest to be heard. May this year be the year that you choose to listen to those who are crying the loudest.

The Theme of the Song of 2012 was to crack open our hearts, to let our songs come through. The Theme of the Song of 2013 is to learn to love something in every song. The act of living is worth seeing – may this year be the year you choose to see each person who is alive as learning their song.

The more willing you are to see this learning process, the more you can help it along. It is no longer necessary to fight against those we disagree with – we simply choose to love them for trying in their own imperfect way, and immediately through that choice, we have increased the harmony in the song of life.

A lot of the Song of 2012 had to do with building a mountain of chords which peaked on 12.21.12. For most of the year, many people gave all their creative power to a date.

That date has come and gone, and there will never be another like it in your lifetime. It had glamour, it was fabulous. And yet it was an aria in the middle of the opera.

The music now is more gentle – we are in a minor key now. If this were a Truman Capote play, we’d be laying back having a smoke, a little sweaty. But it’s not. The 20th century, thank God, is over.


In the 21st century, we are picking up the grand themes again. Pluto is in Capricorn again.

Portrait Ludwig van Beethoven when composing t...

The last time Pluto was in Capricorn, Beethoven was born. From here, we are building not towards something trite or contrived. We are building again towards expressing the true grandeur of creation. And it takes mastery to let such a theme develop. May this year be the year that you choose to play your part in the quietude that precedes the true climax. If you have cracked open and have become aware of how bare all these other hearts are, perhaps you can spend your energy in service of harmony.

For those who can do this, I am grateful. For those who can sense this work being done, I am grateful. You were born to help the song of our lives become more beautiful again.

Let this year be the year of the gentle song.



To get details on the astrology of 2013, or to sign up for a reading to help you understand your own song, please visit my website,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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