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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/30/2012 11:13:59 PM

Hilarion: You Have Arrived at Your Destination and Are Now Settling In

2012 DECEMBER 30
Posted by Alice C

HilarionHilarion: You Have Arrived at Your Destination and Are Now Settling In

As channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – December 30, 2012

The air is alive with wonderment and magic. There is a pervading feeling of the anticipation of something wonderful coming. You have arrived at your destination and are now settling in. The changes within you and in your personal lives are occurring on the subtle levels of your Being rather than in dramatic shifting into a whole new reality. This is as it should be, in order that those you are traveling this adventure with have time to notice the difference and become aware that something profound has taken place.

These changes are taking place continuously within each of you. There are rhythms and waves to the downloads of energies, so that assimilation can occur before the next onslaught. Become aware of the ebbs and flows of this process as they occur and it will help you to know when to expect the now familiar symptoms of activation and assimilation. Listen to your body elemental during these times and follow the inner promptings. Many of you are experiencing increased drowsiness throughout the day and it will help to honor this feeling by actually lying down or sitting quietly for a short time in order to allow integration to happen with relative ease.

This process you are currently in is likened to the cocoon stage of the life cycle of the butterfly. A greater integration is taking place with the higher aspects of your Divinity and this will require the use of all your senses, most especially your intuitive faculties. You are learning to follow the inner promptings of your heart rather than listening to the incessant chatter of your mind which seeks to maintain control of its domain which has held you in bondage for millennia. There may be periods of great discomfort and unexplained anxiousness that occur. Observe the thoughts that are coming forth and you will understand that your experiences from the past, which has already been experienced and is now gone, are parading in front of you for a final review. (1)

Simply watch and allow and acknowledge that these experiences helped you to get to the point you are now at. It is at this point that you are truly learning who you are. The time honored adage ‘know thyself’ has great significance now. You are all in the process of separating that which you truly are (divine) from all that you are not in order to arrive at a greater harmonization within. This incubation period varies with each individual as awareness comes to each. Every soul is afforded the opportunity to acknowledge all that no longer works for them and to create a new pattern to follow that will take them in the new direction they desire to create.

Give yourselves this experience with no judgments or questioning, for all that you have experienced was a necessary part of your unfolding. Most of all, Dear Ones, love yourselves unconditionally, with all your personal quirks and patterns of expression. There is gift in all that you have experienced, for yourselves and for those around you. Releasing modes of behavior that no longer serve the path you are choosing will accelerate your new journey into the unknown territory that is hanging poignant before you. Love each other as the One loves you, as we love you. It is all good!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.


(1) Perhaps notice, if you will, how many channeled messages mention these experiences from the past which condition and govern our behavioral choices in the present. I’ve called these vasanas: the memories of earlier traumatic incidents in the face of which we’ve reached conclusions, made decisions, and developed strategies and scripts designed to see that we “never” get ourselves in the same position again. See “On Processing Vasanas” at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/30/2012 11:15:12 PM

Matthew’s Message: December 29, 2012

2012 DECEMBER 30
Posted by Stephen Cook

Matthew Ward 222Matthew’s Message: December 29, 2012

Stephen: This is Matthew’s final message for 2012 and he reveals that “something absolutely out of the ordinary didhappen” on December 21. He also advises that we “do not overlook the changes that have been happening for some time”. Read on….

As received by Suzy Ward – December 29, 2012

December 29, 2012

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. December 21st, the date long awaited with excitement and musing about what would occur, has come and gone.

Individual experiences that day were as personal and unique as each soul itself is. Nevertheless, the majority of sensations felt by lightworkers can be described as moments of heightened spiritual attunement for some; a sense of peacefulness and well being for others; and disheartenment for those who expected to see momentous changes. Except for the “doomsday” concept followers, the general reaction of the rest of Earth’s population who gave any thought at all to the Mayan calendar was, I knew nothing out of the ordinary would happen.

Our beloved Earth family, something absolutely out of the ordinary did happen! Everyone in your world would rejoice with us if they knew that the powerful energy that was anchored on Earth during the solstice illuminated many millions of souls. They include those who have no knowledge of Earth’s ascension or are in the “fence-straddler” ranks or have been edging toward dark ways. Albeit unknowingly, all of them have intensified in the collective consciousness the desire and determination to right the wrongs in your world.

You cannot see this from our perspective, of course, but you will be seeing the effects of that massive infusion of love-light energy. More than ever before, people around the world are deeply feeling compassion for those who are in shock and grief after mass or random shootings or are fighting and dying for freedom from tyranny or are homeless and hungry.

Always there have been individuals who stepped up to assist others in whatever ways they could. What is new is, the Oneness of All that is known at soul level is rising into the consciousness, where a sense of connection with all who are suffering is gently emerging.

The recent in-pouring of light created a unified soul-level intention to end violence in your world and uplift the lot of the impoverished masses. As thoughts and actions in line with this intention coalesce into the collective belief that this can be done, firm strides will be taken to achieve it.

You know that in the continuum this is fait accompli. But most of Earth’s peoples have been in varying degrees of third density’s conscious awareness, and at that level possibilities are confined to third density senses, capabilities and what has been taught.

Their heartfelt longing for a world of peace and goodness is real, but the limitations of their beliefs created doubts that it ever could become a reality. It is not widely known that the universal law that belief creates reality affects each and every person’s life, so it is understandable that before now the belief ingrained in most of your civilization was that the multitude of abhorrent situations in your world is far too formidable to be remedied. Now, soul level knowingness is moving thoughts from “it is impossible” to “maybe it is possible— let’s try!”

Earth is passing through the celestial window where the last few wisps of third density are so feeble that they’re barely perceptible alongside the brighter, stronger first wisps of fourth density, where darkness cannot enter. While all light beings are jubilant about this glorious accomplishment, which is unprecedented in universal history, it doesn’t mean that suddenly Earth will be transformed into a paradise.

Just as a violent storm leaves death and destruction in its wake, so too does darkness. But a storm lasts only hours and it doesn’t strike worldwide. Darkness has controlled life on Earth for millennia, and the state of your world today is the aftermath of ages-long devastation wrought by darkness. It left in its wake the damage it has caused to the planet and the influence it had on many minds.

We know that some of you think that clearing away the debris left by darkness can come only after our universal family is on site. As much as they want to bring their technology and work alongside you, even the possibility of such assistance is not strongly registered in the collective consciousness. The positive aspect in this case is that souls on the planet are, and others very soon will be, taking the initiative to change what needs to be changed.

Please do not overlook the changes that have been happening for some time. A great deal of deception and corruption has been exposed and in several countries the citizens have risen up to throw off the yoke of oppression. Where elected governments are failing to meet the needs of the citizens, growing grassroots movements are forcing change. People hard hit by tattered economies have developed ingenious ways not only to cope with hardships, but surmount them.

It is true that extraterrestrials living among you have helped in these achievements, but please give yourselves credit for your part. Your godly actions and steadfastness in the light have been indispensable contributions! The power of your prayers, visualizations of a radiant Earth, sharing with those who are needy, and supporting organizations involved in environmental preservation and other worthy efforts is inestimable!

Indeed a great deal more has to be done, and as endeavors continue and the momentum of the light becomes swifter and wider spread, you shall see plans and intentions coming to fruition. Resistance and belligerence will evolve into negotiations, cooperation and unity of spirit as your new year unfolds in consonance with your desire to live in peace and in harmony with Nature.

There will be “fits and starts” along the way, trial and error and missteps, but rather than deter forward movement, those will strengthen the collective resolve to stay the course toward creating the peaceful, healthy, beautiful world you want.

More of your universal family members will be joining you, to be sure, but it is your world and you are in charge. While some lightworkers are or soon will be in leadership positions, most of you are way-showers for the awakening souls and those who haven’t yet reached that point, and simply living the light you are is enough.

The prevailing vibrations, which are at levels that haven’t been on the planet for eons, have correspondingly raised your vibratory rates, and the light of your very essence is beaming with greater forcefulness than ever before. This beneficially affects the thoughts and feelings of people whose lives you touch and flows on out to help transmute into light the remnants of negativity wherever they are.

Your radiance will uplift your kindred spirits who became disheartened because their expectations on December 21st were not met. That is, world situations didn’t vastly improve that day.

Let us speak about expectations. We come back to the universal law that belief creates reality and we add that the law has a provision: The belief must be realistic within its environment.

For instance, someone may believe that even though he sees a speeding train only yards away, he can safely cross the tracks. He can’t, not in an environment like Earth’s, where the collective consciousness doesn’t include the belief that danger can be averted by dematerialization or translocation. So those are neither a reality nor a capability in your world.

It is the same with those unmet expectations on December 21st. The vast majority of your populace only now is starting to believe that making your world a better place may be possible. Profound changes occurring throughout your world on any specific day is not in their belief system, therefore not strongly in the collective conscious, and the collective consciousness is the creative force of a civilization. So expecting major changes worldwide on any given day is not realistic within Earth’s environment.

As for the beliefs of “doomsday” individuals, those were way “out of sync,” and not only with the collective consciousness. The belief that the planet would self-destruct or be destroyed is the exact opposite of Gaia’s vision of a Golden Age for her planetary body and all of its life forms, and God is honoring her desire.

That is why in previous messages we could state with assurance that the day preceding December 21st would be much like that day itself and so would the following day. In jest, we mentioned that there would be no “ribbon-cutting ceremony” when Earth reached the beginning of fourth density, which was known to be around that date, linearly speaking. [September 9, 2011: As Earth ascends through the “last” wafting energy streamers of third density, which comingle with the “first” streamers of fourth, you won’t notice a dynamic difference from one day to the next. There will be no ribbon-cutting ceremony, so to say.]

There is an additional element to the effects of the collective consciousness on a civilization regarding the arrival of our family from other worlds. You have been eagerly awaiting the landing of spacecrafts and meeting members who are living among you.

However, not only isn’t your excitement about that shared by the vast majority of your society, but the actuality of “aliens” coming to help or already living on the planet isn’t in their belief systems. Furthermore, for the most part, their ideas about extraterrestrials are the monstrous beings invading Earth as depicted in films.

As we mentioned in previous messages, the highest universal council formerly was responsible for arrival and introduction timing and now God is in charge. God relieved the council of the heavy responsibility of deciding when Earth’s peoples are psychologically ready to see spacecrafts landing in numbers and to greet unusual looking beings. God will say GO! when the meeting can be with welcoming, not fear, and He is just as eager for that joyous occasion as are all of us who know it is coming.

God’s taking the helm in this is a change from what we reported in earlier messages. Changes happen at the peak of the universe just as they do in your lives! So it is not that we give you misleading information and later have to retract it—we tell you what is known at the time of our messages, and if later a significant change is made, we report that.

Some of you have asked where we get our information. Some is our soul level knowledge that has emerged through self-discovery, or remembering, and it can be most aptly and succinctly described as “universal knowledge.” We have no more knowledge than does any other soul; simply, through evolving spiritually and consciously, we have had more opportunities to remember what is in that storehouse of knowledge than lesser evolved souls have had.

Our information about what’s happening with Earth and on Earth comes from a number of sources, and when the information from several is in the same ballpark, so to say, we confidently share it with you.

One source is God, who told us what we just stated regarding when He will tell the council to notify fleet commanders GO! The council is another source, and so is our good friend Hatonn, who is an intergalactic fleet commander and director of communications between Earth and the rest of the universe. We also are in contact with individuals in Nirvana who monitor activities on Earth and with civilizations that are so far evolved spiritually, intellectually and technologically that even at this station they seem magical.

We have access to the Akashic records, the mass consciousness of the universe and the collective consciousness of Earth, and we know what is in Earth’s energy field of potential. It is in that field where possibilities become probabilities and probabilities become certainties, depending upon the amount of energy your collective thoughts, feelings and actions put into a particular potential happening.

Now then, Earth’s passage from now on will be smoother than during the past several months, when natural changes in planetary alignment were causing strong energy surges in your solar system. While those surges gave Earth the leaps forward she needed to reach the gateway to fourth density, many of you experienced disconcerting physical, emotional or mental anomalies as your bodies kept adjusting to increasingly higher vibrations.

Henceforth, the combination of crystalline cellular structure and the intensifying light along Earth’s ascension course will enable your bodies to stay on a more even keel. And you will be able to handle with equanimity, self-confidence and innate wisdom whatever situations arise.

With few exceptions, your scientists see light in the context of astrophysics and technology, and religions see love as the province of the soul. It will become known that the light of science and the love of the soul are one and the same energy, and it is the most powerful force in the cosmos. Now that this energy is flowing more abundantly in your world than at any time since Gaia and her planetary body were created in God’s perfection, the wounds of her residents and of Earth herself can be healed.

Enter your year 2013 knowing that lighted beings throughout this universe are, as ever before and evermore, your unseen supporters and assistants. What rejoicing there will be when you can feel the same unconditional love for us that we feel for you!



Suzanne Ward

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/30/2012 11:16:31 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young: Hallelujah

2012 DECEMBER 30
Posted by Alice C

Byzantine painting of Archangel GabrielArchangel Gabriel via Shelley Young: Hallelujah

As channeled by Shelley Young – December 21 (posted December 28)

Greetings, Dear Ones. How pleased and honoured we are to be in your presence today. You have made it. You are here. What a remarkable thing humanity has accomplished! We are so filled with joy, filled with excitement, filled with overwhelming love for each and every one of you because you have created moving into the new age. We are so excited and so, so proud.

We invite you to take a moment to pat yourselves on the back. It has not been an easy journey, and we understand that. You have fought through the density. You have believed. You have waved your faith like a flag. You have been fearless. You have shown courage and tenacity. You have been the wayshowers, the path pavers and the ones who will continue to lead the way through your brilliant examples, and we couldn’t be more happy for you because things are about to change in the most magnificent ways.

Most of humanity has been aware of this pivotal alignment that you are sitting in right now. Many, such as yourselves, have seen it for what it is, for being a brand new beginning, a new cycle. Just as you mark the solstice as being the end of the darkness, and the beginning of the influx of light again, so it is with this age. It is the end of the darkness and the beginning of the light, of The Golden Christed Age. You cannot fathom what that means but you will see soon enough, and it is wonderful, let us assure you.

Many have been aware of this pivotal alignment through doomsday theorists – those who were convinced that your world would cease to be. You had long shifted beyond that potential, but what it served to do was to get people to start thinking, to start asking those larger questions, to think beyond themselves, to think beyond the box. It got people to start considering ancient wisdom, and new thought ideas, the new spirituality (which isn’t all that new at all). Many asked, “Will I survive? If I do survive, what will that look like?” It has united people who now ask, “Here we are, now what do we do?” So many will be moving into creation thoughts, many will be saying, “Okay, I am still here…what do I do next?” And that is where all great creation begins, with thoughts and ideas. You will be supported in moving forward now that the pressure is off, so to speak.

But more important than that, there will be mass healing that occurs due to this alignment. Many of you on the planet are, of course, here to walk a spiritual path. Many of you have not attempted to do so since the fall of Atlantis. Many of you have had past life expressions where your spirituality ended with your early demise. Many of you carry deep wounds from such events and it has been incredibly challenging for you to come in and embrace this spiritual lifetime because many of you had vowed never to do that again. You had been cast out, you had been burned, you had been hung, you had been drowned, you had been stoned to death, you were ridiculed. So many of you carried a deep fear of this very alignment. It seemed that the deck was not stacked in your favour to come in and do a spiritual lifetime, again. Do you see? And now here you are and you are still alive! (Laughter)

You are through the alignment. You have embraced your enlightenment and the world did not end, and that singular fact will result in deep soul healing in masses on your planet. That will be absolutely instrumental in a massive shift of consciousness because the fear will lose its charge and many will embrace their true natures. We cannot express enough what a massive difference that will make on your planet.

And you have all been the marvelous examples that have led the way! The next wave to awaken have many masters on their paths that they can look to for guidance, so moving into their own personal enlightenment will not be the job that you’ve had. So what does this mean for you?

It means enjoying the fruits of your labour. It means looking forward to the shifting of energies that will be more and more supportive for you. It means sitting back and letting new ones do the heavy work. It means giving yourselves permission to BE and be understood in your BEingness. Imagine! It means rapid manifestation of all your hopes and dreams.

Many who have been resistant will be seeing how they are creating for themselves and will choose to finally embrace their creator self and move into a greater mastery of their thoughts and behaviours. And yes, some may need to energetically bottom out, if you will, before they embrace that change but they will figure it out very quickly. You can look forward to living on a planet where every person on it has agreed to grow. It will always be at the pace that is perfect for them. Sometimes people need to grow by experiencing what they are not before they figure out who they are and that is divinely perfect, but you can rest assured that each and every person on your planet is in forward movement.

This is what you have created. This is what you have anchored in. We encourage you to make the time to truly bask in the energies of the next few days, to truly open up and feel the wonder of this alignment. Many of you will have healings within your body and you may feel a sensation of coolness, heat or tingling. Many of you will be experiencing healings in your body because it will be the wounds that you are now healing from your fear and your pastlife memories. They will be spinning out of you energetically and healing to never be felt again as they no longer serve a purpose for you. There is a beautiful opportunity to absorb energies that you have not experienced thus far over the next few days. And then you can look forward to the influx of the Christed energy on your Christmas holidays and then you will be shifting into the new year.

So, we understand that you are sitting there saying this is all fine and wonderful but what happens next? Yes, your planet will continue to shift. Yes, you will continue to learn and grow. But what you will focus upon moving forward is sacred relationship.

Relationships will be where the great focus is now. Your relationships with your beloved Gaia, your relationship with the universe, your relationship with nature and living creatures, your relationship with yourself, your relationship with your loved ones. One of the most wonderful benefits you can look forward to is the creation of divine partnership. The twinflame couples will be coming together in earnest now.

There will be an honouring of the sacred ground of relationships regardless of what kind it is. And as you start to honour the power of love, unconditional love, allowing, accepting, supporting unity in your relationships, it will just be further reflected in a wonderful spiral that moves up and up and up and up.

When you are focused on love, Dear Ones, it is very difficult to create violent acts towards each other. When you are in love, you cannot feel separate. When you sit and bask in the abundance of the unconditional love that is your truth, that is your birthright, that is who you really are, you can only create more and more that expresses that. You have moved beyond the down point of humanity and now you are in the upward spiral of creation and of living blessed lives. You have earned it. You have created it, and we rejoice with you on this blessed day, for all that you have done, all that you have accomplished, and all that you will do moving forward in this new age. Hallelujah! This is what we will leave you with for today. Blessings, Dear ones.

Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young
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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/31/2012 2:24:11 AM

Archangel Michael Through Ron Head: We Have Some Good News for You

2012 DECEMBER 30
Posted by Alice C

DaybreakArchangel Michael Through Ron Head: We Have Some Good News for You

As channeled by Ron Head – December 30, 2012

As we begin our last message for your year of 2012, let us give our deepest appreciation to each of those who have followed our channelings throughout these months for all of their dedication and efforts toward your planet’s ascension.

None of you has had an easy time of it, and yet, here you are, preparing for another year of the same. Well, we have some good news for you. While there is still quite a way for you to go on this journey, you will soon be quite well aware that the most difficult part of this undertaking is behind you.

You are far stronger now and have at your disposal inner resources you have not begun to uncover. The masters that you have been, the leaders that you have been, the healers that you have been, and much more, are now just beneath the surface, and you will bring them forth now.

You have been carefully taught that anything just beneath your surfaces must be evil, scary, and avoided at all cost. You were taught that in order to keep you from discovering where your treasure lies. Well, wait until you find out even the smallest part of what is really there awaiting you. Wait until your ‘How could I ever?’ transforms into your ‘How in the world did I ever?’

Become cheerleaders for yourselves and each other this coming year. You are about to perform some rather miraculous deeds, both personal and otherwise. There is no Santa Claus. There will be hard work to be done. The miracle will be that you find you can do it.

The coming together of soul groups will continue also. It is now the time for which you agreed to come together. You will find more fun, more joy, more love. Nothing will stop you. Begin by being grateful to yourselves for what you have accomplished. If you can’t see it, have enough trust in us to believe what we are telling you.

This time is always a time for you to celebrate. Make it a special time this year. We open our hearts in love to you, as always. Well done, dearest friends. Well done.

There is much to do. Some of it will indeed be no ‘piece of cake’, as you say, but neither are you anywhere near as unprepared as you were even a short time ago.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/31/2012 2:32:02 AM
Dear friends, this looks pretty interesting

Ute Posegga-Rudel: Message from Our God-Self – The Intrinsic Search for Betterment

2012 DECEMBER 29
Posted by Alice C

Ute Posegga-Rudel: Message from Our God-Self – The Intrinsic Search for Betterment

As channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel – December 27, 2012

My Beloved Ones,

Now as the race for the Grand Galactic Alignment is over, what remains in your heart?

I AM your Truth in whatever ways you search for IT. All that you can think and feel is only the beginning of what I AM as your own Divine Self.

Human beings have been limiting themselves for eons, forgetful and not knowing the Very Source of their existence.

You have been therefore searching in the limitations of your narrowed down illusionary appearances, that what you call “world” or even “cosmos”.

You have put blinders on your inner eye of inspiration, you have put on the dullness of an incarcerated mind, incarcerated by the restriction of imagination.

Indeed you seriously believe that you only need the imagination of your mind in order to reach the very outskirts of existence.

In this endeavor you have been lost though many times, some became literally “insane”, by their attempt to find truth with the mind. The mind only measures within the limitations of conceived finitudes.

Please understand. As such the mind is ever evolving through the spirals of creations in its search for betterment, and there is no end to it. In that regard evolution has no end in itself. It has no goal in itself. It IS the infinite movement of unfolding realities in the womb of existence, to become better and better.

Each of these unfolding realities is bound to certain intrinsic laws of doctrine and understanding. There are untold limitless possibilities how these realities, or call them worlds, can manifest. And each one of them establishes itself according to their own set of laws and regulations, so that each being who participates within this world must obey these rules to be congruent and successful in their endeavor. They then are the so-called co-creators of that specific reality or world, who can create according to that specific set of parameters.

In that way there have been created, and there is being created and there will be created innumerable more worlds and realities, each one with their own rules and laws.

I AM explaining this to you, so that you even dare to expand your mind further to understand that in your specific reality or world the rules and laws are just that: specific laws with their own boundaries. What you can think and create is only what is within these laws and boundaries of your own world.

This then should make clear to you the polar nature of the mind, that thinks it is infinite, but is on the other hand limited to the rules of a specific reality, and must be therefore humble in the recognition that it only can function within its own boundaries, knowing that there are endless more realities with completely different laws and parameters, but each with their own limitations, according to the unique creation of such a reality or world.

Do you now start to grasp the nature of the mind and its imprisoning nature?

But I tell you now: you are NOT the mind. You are not the vastness of creations with all their respective chambers of evolving realities.

You are not it, because it is within you! But you have mistakenly identified for eons with that which is in you, rather to Know That Which IS You.

It will now dawn on you, that there must be Something that cannot be thought, but WHICH only IS. What size does it have and what form?

Can you think IT? Now take as measure all what I have explained above! And again, I AM asking you: can you think IT?

Now stress your mind to the farthest and widest. Think beyond what you can imagine. Stretch your mind like a rubber band ad infinitum! Will it tear apart?

And if it tears apart: What now suddenly flashes and swells up now in an explosion of NOW and EVERYWHERE and IS and ALL-AT-ONCE and CLARITY and ONE WITHOUT ANOTHER in your feeling Heart without noise of thought and world and creation and with STILLNESS?

You see: this Stillness comprises ALL the worlds and concepts and creations. It reveals the illusion of time and space, the illusion of finiteness, the illusion of movement, as all IS the Play of ME, of ME-CONSCIOUSNESS, ME-MERELY-BEING, ME-PRESENT, ME-AWARE, ME-WITNESS, – where the idea of betterment does not even exist.

And still: I AM ONE with all the worlds, with all the space and time and movements. I AM ONE with mind, but without ME you are lost in the infinite gardens of vastness of creations.

I AM THE ONE, found in the HEART. If you want to know Me, know My Heart: from your side My Heart starts with your heart and expands beyond your personal limitation of body-mind. Therefore What I AM, My Heart, Is surrounding and yet pervading your body-mind. But I cannot be contained in it, as your body-mind is one of the infinite creations, surrendered to your specific set of laws, regulations and paradigms, which are the constituents of your reality of world.

I AM beyond your reality of world and every stretch of mind you desire to endeavor.

I can only be Felt. In the Domain of Feeling there are no boundaries. Therefore I have Given you the tool of feeling. It coincides, if pure and undisturbed, with the surrender to What cannot be expressed with mind and language, surrendered to What is beyond all worlds and creations, to That Which is even beyond Bliss, but Which is One with Bliss at the same time, and One With Love, and Which is Beyond Love and yet at the same time IS LOVE, completely and fully and exclusively.

Enter the domain of Feeling. It Is Unity with the Divine and only Feeling can understand. On your plane it is the female doorway to the Infinite. Female not to be understood as the opposite of male but as a Quality. Surrender of mind and Receptivity to the Infinite is its characteristic.

Without Me your little play of mind does lead you nowhere, My Beloveds. It has to be all played on MY own Playground, without Me you are a lost dancing leaf in the spiraling winds of endless creation. But with Me the spiraling winds of creation appear as the dreams they are, because you have woken up from the dream, merely enjoying them as wonderful appearances of sparkling joy, while you ARE the Sovereign Enjoyer, rather than the in creation encapsulated experiencer of countless plays in the womb of existence.

One day when I Myself AM tired and Desire to Take Rest from the spiraling course of evolving creations, I will draw them all into Myself. Then there will be only the vastness of Stillness and Being. There will be Only the Source-Ground of all you have enjoyed (and experienced). And you will thoroughly BE JUST ME ONLY, until I Start again to dream for Your sake and for My Own.

I AM always You, even if you do not notice. But for you to become Me, to transcend your limitation of body-mind, you must cease for a moment to think, to let Me draw you out of the encapsulating membrane of your finite nature and allow the Divine Force of My Infinity to baptize and penetrate you, to transform you, to liberate you to Myself.

This must be so because you cannot think Me. I Begin where there IS Feeling of ME. And Feeling in due course, when truly ALL is felt and transcended, all limitations and densities, opens your vehicle to ME, to enter you so that YOU Become ME.

While I Love You, It is You that Is Love.

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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