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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/25/2010 1:46:44 AM
My friends, tomorrow is Monday and I cannot think of a better reading to start a new week that one of Master Hilarion's weekly messages.

Master Hilarion's Weekly Message

October 24-31, 2010

Beloved Ones,

For most of you, this month has literally flown by. The sense of acceleration continues to be a significant factor in your daily lives. It is a time of doing your very best and allowing yourselves freedom from the stress of “should’s and must do’s”. This requires the ability to go easy on yourselves in every way and to accept that you are in a Human body and not only that, a Human body that is in the process of great transformation and change and that you do have certain limitations because of this. Accept this for the time being and realize that all good things come to those who persevere and that your Soul’s goals ARE being accomplished whether you may think so or not. Your Soul operates in spherical time, not linear time and implacably continues the blossoming forth of your personal and Universal Divine Plan according to God timing rather than Human linear timing.

Be at peace, Beloved Ones, you are all securely on the Path that you have chosen for yourselves. Each of you is doing your part as best you can, given your consciousness and comprehension of what is transpiring in your personal World (micro) and your greater World (macro). The trick at this time is to learn to focus on the moment you are in, with as much of your attention as is possible for you. This will help you to eventually attain Mastery of your life, for the more mindfulness you apply to each moment of your existence, the greater ease is created in your outward manifestations of your inner processes. Truly, we are in awe of the capacity you are showing in creating Mastery within yourselves and the creativity you show in accomplishing this is marvelous to behold.

You are all well on your way to the completion of the issues you have long been grappling with. It is still not clear to most of you the higher purpose of these issues and as with all those living upon the Earth plane, these events and situations are not clearly visible until much later, when you review the events from a different perspective of hindsight. We must say, that from our perspective, you Ones are all much too hard on yourselves and we say to you, the only failure is in ceasing to try! No matter how your “dark night of the Soul” has been manifesting in your everyday life, know that you are never given more than you can handle at any given time. It is also true, that for whom much has been given, much is required and what that means is that as you move up the ladder of Ascension and Mastery of yourselves and you conquer the temptations and the trials that have beset you, you gain in greater power and awareness and this power and awareness must then be used for ever greater and more enlightened purposes and not strictly for personal gain. As that biblical saying goes, from Mark 8:36 “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole World and forfeit his Soul?” Each of you knows this wisdom in your deepest Self and each of you have lived by this precept for many, many lifetimes.

Look for the positive changes within yourselves and that which is manifested in your outer self reality, these changes are discernible and you will find that greater synchronicities of a flow of blessings becomes a constant in your lives. You are becoming more attuned to Creator’s goodness and greatness and this can only manifest as an ever increasing flow of blessings in your personal lives.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff

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Have a great week,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/27/2010 10:52:25 AM
Dear Friends,

I will post now a couple of messages and a video that strongly suggest disclosure might alrady have happened. Thank you Jill and Bogdan!

Here is the first one.

Even a year ago, weeks could go by between major Disclosure events. Now there are multiple signals per week. Are they trying to tell us something? Does a bear sit in the woods?


In the last few months, things have gotten really wonderful for the Disclosure crowd -- to the point where I don't even have enough time to try to track and write about all of it, while juggling my other responsibilities. This includes:

  • Multiple, blatant UFO sightings, some of which shut down entire airports;
  • Major press conferences with multiple eyewitnesses announcing that nuclear missile installations have been powered down by 'flying saucers' which otherwise were not aggressive, and may in fact have our best interests in mind;
  • A huge number of "life is highly abundant in the universe" scientific articles;
  • A raft of movies and television shows either already released or in production, which are dealing with the subject -- both from the present day as well as "Ancient Aliens" who happened to enjoy building massive stone structures.

This is definitely not 'smoke and mirrors.' This is a clear, deliberate and concerted effort. And it's building up to something.


Among all of these various elements, the NBC television show "The Event" stands out as particularly provocative. Here you have a television show about a black President -- who looks and sounds just like Obama -- stumbling into the truth of human ETs soon after he takes office.

In this story, some 97 human-looking ETs crashed in a spaceship in Alaska in the 1940s, and were held hostage at 'Camp Inostranka' ever since. The president learns this truth, meets the people and plans an open Disclosure in a live national press conference.

Right before he discloses these secrets to humanity, he suffers a 9/11-style attack by a hijacked passenger airliner. The plane then pops through a wormhole right before it hits the ground and ends up in a remote desert, apparently by ET influence.

All the passengers onboard the plane initially survive, but they then end up dying -- or so we think. The analysis of the bodies at the crash site shows that they appeared to have been running from something -- perhaps a beam weapon.

The government plans on 'distressing' the bodies to make it look like they all died in a fiery crash, which they intend to fabricate for a cover-up.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/27/2010 10:59:45 AM
Here is the second message, the latest from Sheldan Nidle and the Spititual Hierarchy.

Update from Sheldan Nidle - Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
Selamat Jarin! We return with more to tell you! Over the past few weeks, the last dark cabal has been forced to make a number of concessions. These open the way to new monetary policies, a new financial system, and a much-needed series of regime changes. At present, we are working in step with our Earth allies to manifest what has been agreed to by the dark cabalists, who continue to squabble amongst themselves which further fractures what little unity remains within their ranks. As a result, we can report that the process of transforming your world is once more back on track, and we are expecting the appearance of those events that have taken so long to come about. Our Earth allies are in the process of assembling the various individuals who are to head the numerous departments of the new US government and are putting the final touches to the long-awaited announcements. Barring sudden delays, we expect the changes to begin at any moment and have consequently increased the number of our ships presently flying over several capital cities.

The reason for this is to secure these areas from rogue craft belonging to the secret government. We are on full alert status and have put cloaked defense ships on constant patrol above their bases. So far, our units' patrol schedule has been undisturbed. The last thing we want is for any 'incidents' to mar the smooth procession of the announcements that are to be made by the new caretaker governments. These new regimes have enough to do without contending with a premature display of any of the new technologies that are weeks away from being formally presented to the world. Our role is to keep the lid on any preemptive use of esoteric devices before they are unveiled. These formal unveilings are to include the range of technologies that we wish to provide you with. Until then, our Earth allies wish to concentrate on the more immediate global issues: introducing the new hard currencies; debt forgiveness; abolishing income tax and disbursing income-tax refunds; the reformation of the banking industry and related financial services; and the restructuring of all corporations.

Then there is the introduction of Common Law and, in most cases, reestablishing true de jure constitutional government. These diverse operations are expected to be among the first matters to be tackled by the new governments. Also at the top of the agenda are the cessation of conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan and the signing of agreements enabling the return of armies to their respective homelands. The restoration of many foreign military bases to their original owners also comes under this heading. This is a time to emphasize global peace and cooperation, and in pursuance of this, a full-blown nuclear disarmament is expected of all nations. Once this is in place, we intend to neutralize all nuclear weapons and reactors. This will dovetail with the deployment and activation ofregional zero-point energy generators which will replace all nuclear reactors currently serving electrical power grids. In a matter of months you are to move along your path to full consciousness in a series of great leaps!

Moving your world quickly from its present state to something rather more civilized is a truly gargantuan undertaking. Your society is characterized by illiteracy, dogmatism, xenophobia, and a general disinclination to accept new concepts. As we watch this, we see just how challenging our task really is. We have sent observation groups into your myriad cultures and are well aware of the differences and entrenched hostilities that will need to be overcome. Our medical teams have observed the damage and violence that have been imposed on most of you, and these traumas are used to engender a whole range of perceptions that your former 'masters' have used to control and manipulate you. One of our jobs is to help you heal these assorted wounds as you prepare for the final stages of full consciousness. The Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy, too, envelops you with messages of Grace and Love in order to quicken this transformational process. We greatly look forward to the potential of the post-mass-landing world.

After the mass landings, we can easily work with you one-on-one and get you to focus on those areas that need it. Our counselors are well trained in the special requirements that will get you to full consciousness quickly. The procedures are complex and designed to open your perception to new realities. Right now, a very small number of you exhibit some of the characteristics that are dormant in most of you. We intend to fully explain these abilities to you and then help you bring out similar capabilities that you have long suppressed. The purpose of all this is to begin an awakening that will allow you to at least glimpse what you are capable of. We wish to peel away the layers of suppression that were imposed on you in early childhood, which can hopefully put you on a level where we can begin a dialogue that is to end with your return to full consciousness and the abilities that you abandoned long ago.

Returning to full consciousness is of course the primary reason for first contact. Everything else we do is simply to aid and abet this necessary transformation. In the same vein, Mother Earth wishes to progress beyond the reality she now occupies, and this desire was made clear to us before we formed this special first-contact mission. Spirit, too, dearly wishes to manifest the stipulations of the Divine Plan. For all this to happen, two components are required, of which we are the physical branch. Our task is to use all the resources at our command to get this mission completed successfully within the timeframe given to us. So far, we have achieved most of the protocols required. Everything is in place and we have kept meticulously abreast of the changes each of you is going through. Now what remains is an official contact with you.

We are waiting for the next steps planned by our Earth allies. As stated in last week's message, we have informed them that we are prepared to complete on their behalf whatever is necessary to get new regimes into power and to deliver the prosperity programs to each of you. To this end, moves are being executed according to the stipulations of our Earth allies and us. We wholly intend to carry out whatever can accelerate the necessary changes. Many of the dark-controlled regimes are still cooperating with the dark cabal, and we are expecting some degree of mischief on their part as our plans begin to manifest. This is why we are monitoring their secret underground bases and associated surface facilities so closely. These dark ones still persist in their recalcitrance, but any form of delaying tactics on their side will be preempted by us.

The cabalists know what the consequences of their dirty deeds will be and they do not like what is to happen to them. We have seen signs of their apprehension when discussing certain issues with them. We are constantly scanning their inner thoughts and predilections, and understand just how fractured their formerly solid bulwark has become. This last remaining obstacle is crumbling fast and everything else is pretty much in place. Our Earth allies and their friends have done great work in setting up the structures needed to implement Heaven's decrees. Now we are literally on the brink of realizing something wonderful for you, and within this context we hope that our presence will be seen by you as truly beneficent. This next period in your history will see the revealing of who and what you really are!

Today, we talked about how close you now are to achieving your true destiny. First contact is just one of the 'vehicles' being used to get you there. We are most proud of you and look forward to celebrating this magnificent future with you. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/27/2010 11:11:24 AM
And finally, the astounding video. Here is an interesting comment attached to it on YouTube:

(By 'TheKatekolar')
"The guy in the article who predicted the mass sightings around the globe had said, if you pause and read the article, that the aliens would niether communicate nor land on that date. They are aware from eons of experience with planets in similar conditions, their sudden intervention would cause fear and panic.(can't read the rest) I agree. If you want to help a trapped animal, you let it become aware and comfortable of ur presence first. You don't charge at them shining lights."

More comments soon!
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/28/2010 5:19:19 PM
Now please stop everything and pay attention to a most unusual message from Archangel Michael. Unusual because it addresses a most unusual subject, money, and also because I don't usually post Archangel Michael's messages - in fact, never have. And why not, you may ask? Quite simply, I never had an opportunity - until now.

The Implications of Embracing Wholeness & Money

26 October 2010

Message from the Archangel Michael

Channeled by Meredith Murphy |

Telepathic Transmission 19 October 2010

My beloved ones! I greet you now in an entirely new location in time and space...and in greater awareness of the Unified Field which you are and which is an extension of you. Today I wish to share with you some of the amazing liberty available to you in this innate state of being; wholeness.


During this past year, there has been a huge focus on re-orienting you to your heart. This was necessary for balance in the progressive movement toward wholeness. So many of you had for years lived primarily within your minds that re-orienting you to the heart was critical to facilitating a felt sense of Unity and the desire to BE-love. Now, beyond the 10-10-10 Stargate, we have emerged into a domain of wholeness. Within wholeness, we re-claim the vital and beautiful aspect of the mind, incorparting and aligning it in harmonious balance with the heart!

Mental focus is a requirement for clarity and function. It is not possible to have a productive and happy human life without learning to make peace with your mind. Your mind, and your thinking capabilities give form to your energy! They organize and synthesize your experience. The awareness you experience exists in part through your minds ability to discern what information to share and make present to you. As you cultivate your relationship to your mind, your mind, like a TIVO box on the TV learns what “programs” you prefer and starts to orient around your preferences!

This is the wonderful, adaptive and amazing powers of your mental faculty and your mind!

Thinking is an important and highly creative aspect of the human experience. Now that you have reconnected with an orientation to oneness, to unity and have opened your hearts to expect and flow and BE-love, your mind will participate in your creative life in an entirely new way.


Within your experience many of you “lack” much of what you desire in terms of material things, and the financial resources to choose and create lifestyle experiences which you feel strongly would bring you happiness and peace.

In this enlightening time, it’s important to begin to qualify your sense of lack by questioning how this relates to the innate Oneness you now believe IS.

I challenge you in this way because you are ready.

For in Oneness you are not separated from anything.

Separation exists only as a mindset, an emotional and even a mental habit or pattern. Belief in or living from a perspective of separation makes experiencing financial and material abundance or prosperity difficult to impossible for many of you.

The New Earth is not a place which simply caters to entitlement. Being Lightworkers does not mean that you suddenly become magnetic to things which are not a vibrational match to your emotional beliefs and patterns. You experience what is a match for your energy. You are not “rewarded “ in life for being Lightworkers.

The New Earth will not solve all of this by magically taking away the experience of money, nor by releasing you from the incredibly fun and joyful experience of aligning with that which you desire and discovering your POWER!

That would be insulting to you. And although you may say, “No, Archangel Michael, I would be relieved. Trust me—please just bring it on, that prosperity experience!” It will not come into your experience in this way.

Now that I’ve directly spoken to these lingering illusions, let’s explore wholeness and unity as it relates to money in some depth! I intend to share with you, to remind you ideas to that you may use to allow the true nature of reality to flow freely within your experience and loosen up and release your amazing energy!


First of all, you are free and powerful.

You are one with All-That-Is and live as a particularized aspect of Source Energy or the Unified Field in the focus of this spiritual energy embodied in your human life experience.

To treat you as though you cannot master this is to deny your innate Divinity!

Creating Money and turning the Keys to Abundance on the Earth Plane is a shift which you can experience most easily in small steps. The part of you that embraces and nurtures a scenario in which there is a sudden shift and everything in your life in this way is immediately and suddenly resolved is a debilitating intention for most of you, and ironically puts an enormous amount of pressure on you, rather then improving yoru experience! Very few humans are able to align with such an enormous shift and change. It is far easier to make small changes, see movement, be uplifted and inspired and create again with this momentum, more.

I am here to encourage you to claim your power, which for starters means realizing if you are not yet experiencing material and financial abundance, and you wish to, then you don’t yet know how.

You may have ideas how. You may have heard things and tried things. But essentially, if you aren’t living it, you don’t yet consciously know how to live it. So for starters, what if you realized this, with complete love and affection and instead begin to learn? What if you acknowledged, that no matter how old you are, how enlightened you are, how many lifetimes you’ve lived, how spiritual or “good” you are that perhaps, there are some wonderful and amazing things you might learn (locally) or truthfully remember (the non-local truth!) which would shift all of this financial stuff more toward what you’d enjoy!

I know some of you are already learning and practicing, and those who are have had moments of insight, moments of suddenly having more money, or things come to them effortlessly and freely even. The experience of the floodgates opening when one comes into alignment with what they intend and create immediately in form...So you know what I mean.

I speak for a moment here directly and personally to those who are honestly, deeply tortured by financial experiences in their life. Who experience profound stress, self-hatred and pain even based on their relationship to money. As a result, you often find yourself angry with those who charge money or seemingly “too much money” for that which you want. You feel critical and express negative energy to those who do this. You find yourself looking at wealthy people and finding all kinds of things wrong with them and I tell you my beloved ones: YOU ARE THAT. You are the wealthy person. Innately. So if you criticize them, you criticize you. And then, that part of you cannot come forth freely in your experience. It lurks in your shadow, angry and unexpressed. It comes forth in resentment toward those who are in the flow of prosperity or abundance—to one degree or another—and instead of observing and noticing how these people live as a way of learning what of that might speak to you directly and seeing how you might begin to live with a mindset more like theirs—you create a separation between you and them. And in this separation, you also separate yourself from your own financial abundance.

Years ago there was a great writer who spoke that you were meant to experience EVERYTHING which you were capable of appreciating. This is indeed true. This does not mean that since you have that potential, these experiences will flow to you without you coming into alignment with this truth. This again would rob you of your own power.

So let’s refresh our memory as to what we’ve re-memberd together and celebrated over this past year or so about our beautiful Universe! For hasn’t this past year revealed you and deepened your appreciation of some of the key themes of the Universe and indeed of the present human condition?

Unity. Harmony and Balance. Love. Oneness. Multidimensionalality. Completion. Divinity.

All of these qualities are innately YOU. And as many of your have experienced firsthand—getting into sync with these qualities; allowing them to flow into all aspects of YOU and your experience, has taken some major effort and has been physically, emotionally and mentally challenging.

You have to let go of a great deal to get there, don’t you? And you do this so well.

To extend this, the same is true with the quality of Prosperity. To claim the financial abundance which is yours, you have to let go of issues/contrary ideas you have with wealth. With wealthy people. With money. With charging money. With asking for money for your work. (OH MY!! Yes, I really said that!)

You see? So many of you don’t really like yourselves that much. You don’t realize that first of all money, is just a form of energy. It’s a resource. It’s just energy. And it flows and flows and flows into all kinds of situations and forms, and just like energy sometimes it gets stuck and that creates problems, and sometimes there is resistance to it and that creates problems. And as long as you trust it and use it and love it and play with it, and don’t hold on, but open to receive, and allow yourself to ask for it and want it, and let it flow freely without fear…it will work fine for you.

But you only get as much as you deserve. And guess what? YOU decide what you deserve. So perhaps you ought to do some serious internal inquiry as to why (if you’re not experiencing the prosperity you wish) you think for some reason NOW, RIGHT NOW you don’t deserve it.

And it will likely come down to either not loving yourself enough and/or not believing you’re enough just as you are and/or thinking you have to “do” something to make it happen and that “something” is always out in the future. It’s never now or here.

Well all of this is just getting you nowhere but unhappy.

So I ask you. May I please come forth and simply show you another way?

Open up some doors by making peace with money and everything about it. Make this as important as making peace with Unity. And Love. And Oneness. As sending energy to heal the Gulf of Mexico or support the Earth. I tease you with love my dear ones.

You react to these comments because there is still duality in your belief system! You still have some beliefs and patterns of living which are rooted in the concept of separateness and a “lack” of worthiness. Realize all the value judgement that exists still in your experience. There is a lot of it on Earth and it will take some time and some doing to release the charge of it by including everything in your experience as something you can love and appreciate, and realizing you are not separate from wealth! Or anything!

So for starters, let’s just be beginners.

You’ve just met money for the first time. I am showing it to you. Look! Here is this amazing energy form which you can use to create things in your life! You can use it to pay for lumber for your new dog house. You can use it to buy a pizza. You can use it to create labels for your new essential healing oils. You can use it to buy a new computer monitor so you can write without your eyes getting tired. You can use it to pay for Lasik surgery so you can open your eyes underwater and see when you’re swimming!

Now, let’s consider the another side of the game! What would you like to do and be during the day? Do you want to read? Talk to people. Make things with your hands? Create rituals. Play with your kids. Would you like to learn how to heal broken bones? How to create pastries? How to advise people on making career changes. To help people as they prepare to die? Whatever you would enjoy learning, being, doing--imagine that being a way you receive money. IF you’d like to receive money from this. If not, imagine how you’d like to receive money. But be careful here—take small steps and don’t violate other people’s free choice. For example, decide what you’d like to do for work and if it’s with others in an organized setting, then ask to be guided to it and pay attention. Tell people you know what you’re looking for. Expect it to show up. Find ways to start living and being in that mode already.

Tell money you love it. And if you don’t love it, you’re disconnected from money somehow! All forms of separation I thinking and behavior limit your innate divine creative power! Money is an energy which allows you to exchange, affirm and create experiences you value! Money is another way you express appreciation for that which you value and which gives you joy! Like that beautiful haircut which makes you feel so handsome. Or that spa treatment that turns all of your muscles into noodles. Or that dinner with your daughter to celebrate her piano recital and treat her to a luxurious experience as she enters young adult hood. Or that animal shelter which helps to find homes for dogs--that you love knowing exists and want to make sure is thriving. Money helps you create in the world. It’s energy. Just like focus. Just like attention. It’s just energy.

So for starters. Make peace with money. Then make peace with people who make money. Make peace with people who charge money. And really really really make peace with people who make LOTS AND LOTS of money because it shows you that it’s an option if you want it—be appreciative for the idea! And begin to see if you can embrace the mindset of someone who has money. The freedom to make choices, to do things, to create things, to have experiences, to live with ease and focus on creating and expressing, on loving and learning, on understanding and thinking and inventing and transforming and KNOWING ALIVENESS! The sense of expecting to have the ability to choose freely more and more to your liking.

To take this seriously and begin, accept that learning to master the keys to prosperity, and release all that stands in your way, is gonna take up your focus for a while. And it ought to. To get yourself to a place where that part of life is ironed out a bit is important for it will give you a platform which you all desire from which to create and express yourselves.

The size of this energy flow will vary. Some prefer more some prefer less. But most of you are still learning how to allow in what you prefer. And that, my dear friends, is what I’d like you to claim as the next theme for 2010 that you will master.

So Unity, and Balance, and Harmony, and Oneness, and Love and Alignment, and Expansion and Multidimensionality and Divinity are all extended by Prosperity and Wealth. And the other thing which is very very very helpful is physical well-being.

So you see? The New Human is emerging in a way you perhaps did not anticipate. Ascension is not a one-moment event. Ascension happens continually. It’s an ascending energy arc you want to be riding one, living on, attuned with, as often as possible.

And the New Human has resolved the duality of the past. In the past spiritual pursuits were not very integrated with mastering commerce and money. Spirituality was pursued as though it was separate from money, and Religion was often the path, and yet that often was separate from any concept of energy. So much of the old paradigms involved separating things—sex from holiness, money from spirituality, goodness from financial aspirations. All of these old paradigms were based on separateness.

We’re all about ONENESS now, and inclusiveness and unity. So the new human might meditate, get a facial, work with homeless people, drink martinis, live in a city, be divorced, channel angels, have memories of being abducted (willingly) on a spaceship for upgrades and teachings…the new human is as diverse and beautiful and complex and unique as the Earth is…

And all the ways you hope ascension will remove things that you have not yet mastered is also an old paradigm which says that you don’t have power and need to be rescued by something… and Ascension is not about rescuing you. It’s something you create. It’s entirely about YOUR AMAZING POWER! And finding it and flowing it and enjoying it!

Ascension is about Unity. And the entire experience is about a club which welcomes everyone, everything and all ways of doing it.

It’s a lot to get your head around, isn’t it?
That’s why you have a heart. It opens and lets’ everything in, very naturally. It’s made for it.

I will continue to remind you, support you, challenge you, in any ways in which you ask. I AM available to you in all-ways, and especially at this time, as it relates to work, love, money, health, hope, clarity, and ultimately energy!

The ascending energy will take you everywhere you want to go…but, you gotta ride it. You gotta let it surface things within you to clear the way for the new, really fabulous stuff. And you have to welcome it. Ascension isn’t going to override your own belief system. Your belief system, will simply weigh down the arc a bit, and you’ll look up to see people riding high like you’d like. You can join them at any time if that’s your preference. Just throw a few things out of your “ship.” Lighten the load people. That’s all.

I AM Archangel Michael. You are profoundly loved!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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