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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/29/2010 1:10:05 AM
Another great message from Archangel Michael, this one channeled by Michelle Coutant. Get ready for a beautiful experience where you will unite in Meditation to the Oneness of all Creation, as the title reads. NOTE: to those who read my post on So-ham Meditation, that ancient and most powerful Hindu technique that can connect you with your innermost being and God, with Heaven within you, and offer you a continuous experience of being in the present (see HERE), this message will have a most special meaning.


Message From Archangel Michael, November 2010

Through Rev. Michelle Coutant

“A Meditation: The Oneness Of All Creation”

Dear Ones,

In these magnificent times of great change, always remember that we are here with you. Those of the higher realms are here with you in every Now Moment. We have never left you. It is the illusion of the third dimensional frequency that leads you to believe that you are alone. In each Now Moment, when you stray from the love of your Sacred Heart, breathe deeply and return your consciousness into your Sacred Heart. Return to this love, beloved ones. It is here in your heart that you find your deepest connection to your God Self. It is within your heart that you will find your deepest connection to all of the beings of the higher realms who are here to assist you. Never doubt that we are with you. We are all One. We are the All That Is. Every soul on earth is the All That Is. Let us assist you with a meditation to bring you into this consciousness and this awareness. When you are feeling lost and struggling and disconnected, as many of you are experiencing in these changing times, sit down in meditation and bring yourself to the oneness of your connection with all life, your earth and above all your God Self and the Cosmos, the Cosmic Heartbeat.

Dear ones, prepare yourselves and breathe deeply. You may enjoy lighting a candle and listening to soft music to prepare yourself for the ease and grace of this connection. Breathe deeply and close your eyes. Bring your awareness into your Sacred Heart. Feel this love, feel the beauty, the harmony, the oneness. This is you, dear ones. This is the love of your Sacred Heart. It is the All that Is; it is your God Self and your connection to all Creation. Sit quietly and feel the glory, the wonder of this love….. Now, allow your Sacred Mind to meld and expand and become one with your Sacred Heart. Expand your Sacred Heart until the two are one. There is no separation. It is only an illusion to you dear ones, that they are separate. Blend them into one. Blend your conscious mind, your subconscious mind and your superconscious mind into one, with your Sacred Heart. Breathe and be, simply allowing this oneness of Self to permeate your being…..

And now, dear ones, expand your Sacred Heart and Mind, as one, expand to fill yourself, your field, breathe and take the time you need..… Now breathe and expand your Sacred Heart/Mind, to include, and fill mother earth, and all life forms upon earth….. Your Sacred Heart/ Mind, you, are one consciousness with the earth and all life forms. Your consciousnesses have no separation. All are one, all connected.

Now, as you breathe and take the time to feel the blessedness of this connection, feel the love, as One, with earth, every soul, every life form. All is consciousness, all is love…..

Breathe deeply and expand this awareness. Gently expand this awareness, to include your solar system. You have expanded from your Self on earth to the solar awareness, of your divine Oneness. Sit quietly and be aware of the planetary bodies all around you. Be aware of the sun, be aware of the love, of the consciousness, of the beings who fill your solar system with love, Your solar system is teeming with life dear ones, the love, and the joy and the abundance of the God Source. Feel this love, connect in with your sun, both the etheric and the physical sun, connect in with Helios and Vesta, your Solar Logos….. Connect in with the planetary bodies, and their etheric bodies…..

It is a grand expansion of love, and when you are ready, expand this love into the Galactic core, as Melchior, your Galactic Logos, stands ready to receive you. You are the expansion of all Creation, and we ask you to feel this love, this expansiveness, the Heartbeat of God. Sit quietly and feel the pulse of your heartbeat. Attune to it, begin to feel it pulse with mother earth and all life forms on your planet. Feel this Cosmic Heartbeat attune to your solar system, your planetary bodies, your sun, all consciousness….. Feel this pulse, beat within your galaxy. Attune to the Cosmic Heartbeat, as you expand…. Breathe deeply dear ones, and be this oneness, this attunement to the Cosmos and all Creation. Breathe deeply as you come home to this knowing.

Now breathe deeply and expand into the Universal core, as your beloved Universal Logos Melchizedek greets you, and you begin to attune to the universal pulse. As you attune to this pulse which is now one with your heartbeat, your solar expansion, your galactic expansion, feel this love, the wisdom, the radiation of good will, peace, harmony, abundance….. Feel this expansion of you, feel the oneness with all creation, as you incorporate the universal and now expand into multi universal levels….. All is One. All is the God Source. Breathe and feel this knowing. Be this knowing. Feel the pulse, the heartbeat of the Cosmos, the wisdom of the cosmos….. You are the Cosmos, you are this wisdom, you are one with all consciousness.

Expand once more dear ones, to include all levels of awareness, to include all levels of Source, to include the Mahatma. Feel the light of the Mahatma….. Feel the light of your I Am Presence….. Feel the light of, and the love of the angels, of the Archangels, of the Ascended Masters, the Council of Light….. Reaffirm and strengthen your Oneness, with these beings, that you have felt separated from. Draw your connection, and your understanding and wisdom of these beings, into Your Heart/Sacred Mind. Meld your consciousness, your very being, every aspect and facet of you, with these blessed beings, and the God Source…..

Now, allow the flow of you, to expand, and fill all creation….. This is you. There is no separation; there is only the One, the One Heart, the One Mind, the All That Is, all Creation, the Source. You are Source, as is all Creation….. Fill yourself with this knowing, this light. Draw in strength, courage, perseverance, wisdom, peace, harmony, and above all, unconditional love…..

Draw in the personality of God. Draw in just the right amount of the twelve Rays, for ease and grace, for you. Bask in the light of the Rays, bask in the unconditional love of the Sacred Heart/ Mind, the God Source, bask in the oneness with all Creation…..

Breathe and be home, dear ones….. Right where you are is home. It is Heaven. You agreed to bring Heaven to your beautiful planet earth, Heaven is within you. Expand it, be it, know it, and move into the state of beingness, of the One. Breathe, love, be in joy, and above all, remain in this One consciousness, remain in your Sacred Heart. This One consciousness is within you always, in the love of your Sacred Heart.

We of the higher realms are here to assist you, in the One consciousness, the Cosmic Heartbeat and Wisdom. Go within, and merge with us dear ones. Allow us to assist you.

I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.

You may copy and share, with Love and Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Archangel Michael through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to:

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All my Love and Blessings,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/3/2010 4:02:01 PM

Dear Friends,

And now, an INTERMEZZO

Dont Miss It!

You must be tired of only seeing chanelled messages, right?, the ony thing I have been posting for long now; and really, from time to time it does no harm to take a look at other things just for a change. So I have just copied and pasted the following, once again taken from Jill's Mountain, by a courtesy of my good friend Myrna Ferguson.

Do you remember this:
We didn't start the fire
Whether you are a Billy Joel fan or not, you probably remember his great song, 'We Didn't Start the Fire.'
Here it is, set to pictures.... Groovy
Had to share this one..
It's a neat flashback through the past half century.
I never did know the words.
Turn up volume, sit back and enjoy a review of 50 years of history in less than 3 minutes!
Thanks to Billy Joel and some guy from the University of Chicago with a lot of spare timeand Google
. Top left gives you full screen....
Top right lets you pause. Bottom left shows the year.
The older you are, the more pictures you will recognize.
I am sure that all ya’ll are older than me. Ha!!!
A lot of history in here, just wonder what the meaning is behind it!!!!!!!!! any thoughts?

Love and Big Hugs,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/3/2010 4:24:13 PM
And now, please read carefuly this.

New Reality Transmission

On 11-11, 2010, one million people across the globe will mentally project a unified vision of a new paradigm for our species... a new reality. The very real physics that connects human consciousness with molecular structure will be harnessed en masse during the largest scale simultaneous manifestation transmission in recorded history.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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11/3/2010 4:49:49 PM
Here is the latest from Sheldan Nidle - more powerful than ever! Any minute now!

Update from Sheldan Nidle - the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchy

Selamat Balik! We come again with much to tell you. Our Earth allies are poised for the deliveries of the prosperity programs. Also, those involved in the change of government are ready at a moment's notice to fulfill these vital tasks. Once these two requisites are manifested, the long-awaited announcements can happen. We are preparing our own scenario to ensure that this critical turn of events takes place at the right divine time. As you know only too well, the dark cabalists have hung on to their positions of power and wealth for far too long. Heaven has instructed us, therefore, to back up our Earth allies with a full range of contingency planning, which allows us to make sure that the various components of the plan are carried out as directed by heavenly decree. And so our personnel are now strategically placed to assure one and all that what our Earth allies do is done successfully. Over the past few months, we have monitored the activities of the dark's minions very closely, and this surveillance has revealed a veritable bedlam of mischief making!

In every corner of the globe the dark is busy with plots to delay the successful implementation of the new banking regulations. Its dark agents are working hard to put up obstacles to the reformation of the new banking system and these obstructions have been somewhat successful. However, most of those being roped in to these stratagems are deeply resistant to the dark's overtures. Meanwhile, the present system is approaching a vast currency meltdown. This escalating rate of failure is undermining the way the banking system operates, which in turn triggers the systemic crash that will secure the failure of the worldwide chain of large interlocked banks. Ironically, it is these two coming collapses that will pull the rug out from under the cabal's treacherous activities. Several weeks ago, we extracted a number of grudging agreements from the dark's chief directorates to stand down and permit the grand changes to roll out unhindered. Naturally, these agreements are being reneged upon, and we quite understand their state of panic and the levels of anxiety that now beset them.

Nevertheless, it is high time for an about-face, as the old dark order is on the brink of free fall. Indeed, all aspects of your world are in crisis mode. The ecosystems are losing their biodiversity and a mass extinction is underway. These things have been studied by a number of scientific councils and intergovernmental agencies, such as your UN. So far, the recommendations of these committees have been largely ignored. Sadly, this represents the normal approach to change on the part of the large corporations, but willful clinging to the status quo is unable to sustain your globe over the coming decades. The same modus operandi holds true for the major universities, whose role it is to advise the world about what is occurring. This glacial rate of adaptation to urgent new conditions fosters not only overwhelming crises but sets you on a slippery slope to extinction. Many perceptive groups and thinking individuals realize this and are committed to a wholly new paradigm. Once we explained to them what our Earth allies were doing, they became powerful new adherents to our cause.

Our Earth allies have expanded their inner core on several occasions, and it is this inner core that works directly with our liaison teams and diplomatic corps. We provide assistance that is creating the viable structure for change because despite their many resources and deep commitment to their cause, the Earth allies' success requires our presence. The dark regards the Earth allies as mere do-gooders but truly fears what we are capable of. It is this technological superiority that ensures the Earth allies' success. We know that the cabalists intend to weasel out of everything they sign or agree to, and we have expressed our displeasure at this improbity. When we force them to toe the line, they do so unwillingly, and so we watch them closely to ensure that all goes according to plan. We update our Earth allies continuously and prepare them for what needs to be done next. These tactics have brought the Light to the very brink of victory!

As we work toward new government and full UFO disclosure, we see how your planet's energies are changing: Gaia deeply wishes to transform into a 5-D planet. The same is true of your solar system, into which the Sun is flooding every nook and cranny with new Light. Your scientists are noticing the many anomalies popping up throughout the solar system, like the unusual activity on Mercury and the curious happenings on distant Pluto and Neptune. In addition, a new grid, in which all the planets 'ride', is beginning to manifest. This phenomenon was first widely identified at the start of this decade. Our ever-strengthening presence, too, has alarmed many scientists associated with those governments that run space programs. Many aspects of our mission here have required us to bring in the facilities needed for transforming this solar system into a fully conscious one.

As we often remind you, this particular mission has evolved over time into a most unusual one. We are not only part of your transformation into full consciousness but also a vehicle for altering your entire reality. Normally, these aspects would be left up to your local Spiritual Hierarchies, and we would merely follow the decrees of these sacred organizations. In your case, we have been drawn into actually carrying out the final steps of moving your world and yourselves into full consciousness. This unique undertaking has taught us much about who you are and who we are. This opportunity to gain such wisdom is a joy! Most of what we are learning is being recorded in our sacred texts. These writings are opening up sacred knowledge and new rituals, which are giving us insights on Creation and on the workings that are transforming physicality.

As we approach success, we notice the way the divine plan has set up the coming events. The dark is relinquishing its hold on you most reluctantly as each day sees its power diminishing on various fronts. This decrease is noted by us and explained to our Earth allies. Most of you are too caught up in the drama of daily survival to notice much else, but this diversion makes it easier for our Earth allies to carry out their agenda. We observe the way the power centers are changing, making it harder and harder for the cabal to hew to its original plan. This is not to say that a degree of effectiveness does not still remain, but what is important is that the dark ones realize that their grip has loosened to the point where the Light's agenda is manifesting more and more in every moment of every day. This is why we see our victory as now actually happening.

What is now happening is an ever-accelerating move to the Light, to abundance, to freedom, and to Truth! The old dark ways are falling away and the awakening of Earth's humanity is in full swing. This means that radical new ways of doing things can surge ahead. Events are about to pop which will validate these statements for all to see. We watch over you from our ships, and at night we commune with you while you are in a special, relaxed state of consciousness. The Galactic Federation medical teams responsible for your physical progress are assiduously getting you ready for direct contact with us because once we arrive the move toward completion of full consciousness will be full steam ahead!

Today, we relayed to you what is happening on your world. You are progressing quickly toward full consciousness and we look forward to our coming interactions with you. The time is approaching swiftly for first contact and the events that are to lead up to it. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

11/3/2010 7:51:53 PM

Thanks Miguel to you and your friend Myrna. I downloaded the movie to watch later since I have to be careful of bandwidth usage.

Glad to see you taking an interlude there.



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