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11/14/2012 12:34:15 AM

New opposition head gives renewed hope to Syrians

Associated Press/Osama Faisal - In this Sunday, Nov. 11, 2012 file photo, Syrian opposition figure and prominent Syrian human rights activist Haytham al-Maleh, left, congratulates Muslim cleric Mouaz al-Khatib after he was elected president of the newly formed Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces, in Doha, Qatar. While lacking in political experience, Al-Khatib, the 52-year-old preacher-turned-activist is described by Syrians as a man of the people--a modest, unifying figure who commands wide respect among the country’s various opposition groups and rebels. (AP Photo/Osama Faisal)

BEIRUT (AP) — Syria's political opposition has struggled to prove its relevance amid the civil war under a leadership largely made up of academics and exiled politicians. With its relaunch as a new organization, it has taken a different tack: choosing as its head a popular Muslim cleric who preaches sectarian unity and can fire up a crowd.

The selection of a moderate religious figure, Mouaz al-Khatib, to head the Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces is also an attempt to counter the growing influence of Islamic extremists in the rebellion against President Bashar Assad.

While lacking in political experience, the 52-year-old preacher-turned-activist is described by Syrians as a man of the people — a modest, unifying figure who commands wide respect among the country's various opposition groups and rebels.

A Sunni Muslim former preacher at Damascus' historic Ummayad Mosque, al-Khatib warned against the militarization of the Syrian uprising and the pitfalls of sectarianism very early in the conflict.

"My brothers, we lived all our lives, Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites and Druse as a one- hearted community, and with us lived our dear brothers who follow Jesus peace be upon him," he told a crowd of supporters in a Damascus suburb in April 2011, only one month into the uprising.

"We should adhere to this bond between us and protect it at all times," he added, drawing in excited cries of "One, one, one! The Syrian people are one!"

Twenty months into the conflict — as Syria sinks deeper in a civil war with increasingly deadly sectarian overtones — it is this message of unity and moderation that many inside and outside the country are hoping the new leaders can help convey.

Under intense international pressure to form an opposition that includes representatives from the country's disparate factions fighting to topple Assad, the anti-government groups struck a deal Sunday to form the coalition headed by al-Khatib.

The coalition includes representatives from the main opposition group, the Syrian National Council, which was harshly criticized by many, including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, for being cut off from rebels fighting the war on the ground and for failing to forge a cohesive and more representative leadership.

The SNC itself elected a new head on Saturday — George Sabra, a Christian dissident who was repeatedly imprisoned by the Assad regime. His group holds 22 of the 60 seats in the coalition.

The opposition has been deeply divided for months despite the relentless bloodshed and repeated calls from Western and Arab supporters to create a cohesive and representative leadership that could present a single conduit for foreign aid. The agreement, reached after more than a week of meetings in the Qatari capital of Doha, could boost efforts to secure international backing — and possibly weapons — that will be needed to oust Assad.

Al-Khatib has appealed to foreign countries to supply military aid to the rebels, but unlike otheropposition leader, he opposes foreign military intervention, saying Syrians should topple Assad on their own.

Born in Damascus in 1960 to a well-known Sunni family, al-Khatib took the same road as his father,Sheikh Mohammed Abu al-Faraj al-Khatib, a former preacher and prominent Islamic affairs scholar.

He studied applied geophysics and worked as an engineer for nearly six years at the state-run Al-Furat Petroleum Co. before becoming the imam of the Ummayad Mosque. In the 1990s, he was banned by Assad's father and predecessor, Hafez, for sermons that were perceived to be against the regime.

Unlike many of Syria's exiled opposition leaders who have been seen as out-of-touch, jet-setting academics, al-Khatib is an activist who often criticized the regime even before the uprising began. Once it started, he was arrested and jailed four times on charges of supporting anti-government groups, before he finally fled the country in the summer of 2011.

"He is a man of the people, a very popular figure who is close to the young and knows how to talk to them," said Maath al-Shami, a Damascus-based activist who said he spent a lot of time talking to al-Khatib before and after the uprising began.

"Al-Khatib has an open mind and he comes from a respected family. He is not a politician, but I think he is someone that all Syrians can rally around and trust," he added.

At first glance, the soft-spoken, somewhat professorial al-Khatib may not come across as a commanding figure. In interviews and speeches, he uses language full of metaphors and flowery images. Unlike many clerics who wear flowing robes, he wears a suit and sports a short, graying beard.

But at anti-government rallies, al-Khatib has proved to be a fiery orator.

At a protest in the Damascus suburb of Douma in April 2011, he climbed a podium, grabbed a microphone and urged demonstrators to repeat after him: "Peaceful, peaceful, peaceful!"

The protest was organized by a crowd mourning Sunni demonstrators who were said to have been killed by pro-Assad militiamen from the president's Alawite minority sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam. Al-Khatib stressed unity among Syrians and preached against hatred and sectarianism. Standing next to him were two prominent Alawite and Christian regime opponents.

"I say to you that Alawites are closer to me than many other people I know," he said. "When we talk about freedom, we mean freedom for every single person in this country."

Omar al-Rami, a student and rights activist who left Syria earlier this year, fearing arrest, said al-Khatib's election gave him renewed hope after months of frustration at the ineffectiveness of the opposition.

"He is also someone who can influence and help rein in extremist groups who have hijacked our revolution," al-Rami said.

Foreign fighters and Islamic extremists, including the al-Qaida inspired Jabhat al-Nusra group, are gaining influence in Syria, which has discouraged the West from giving military aid to rebels, fearing the weapons will end up in the wrong hands.

But some opposition figures believe Washington could give its tacit support to others funneling weapons if the new broad-based rebel coalition holds together and gains international legitimacy, winning recognition from the Arab League and other groups.

In an interview with broadcaster Al-Jazeera aired Tuesday, al-Khatib said the international community has a "moral and legal" obligation to side with the united opposition leadership.

He declined to say whether Qatar or Gulf allies would begin shipping heavy weapons to the rebels, but made clear that efforts to increase the rebel arsenal is a top priority. He suggested that rebel forces could impose their own no-fly zone if given heavy weapons.

"Give them the means to defend themselves, and they will create their own no-fly zone," he said in fluent English.

Al-Khatib also said he supports a tolerant, Islamic state that respects everyone including secular Syrians.

"Any garden is so nice if full of flowers of all kinds," he added.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/14/2012 12:49:33 AM
Friends, here is Blossom Goodchild again; it's been a while since I last posted her, but I find her chanelling so refreshing, I hope you do too

Blossom Goodchild – November 12, 2012

2012 NOVEMBER 13

Blossom Goodchild – November 12, 2012

The Galactic Federation as received by Blossom Goodchild, November 12, 2012

Blossom: Well hello there. I’m back and may I say what a joy it was to have you speak through me at the 2012 Scenario Conference in Sedona. That was quite something. Thank you. So … where to from here?

Galactic Federation: Onwards to a place within yourselves that enlightens the spirit. Moving forward to a coexistence with all that is of the purest vibration of Love. You offer of yourselves now a freedom that can be complimented alongside with your determination to make sure that you ‘get this right’. You have for so long continued on in faith and yet we say to you that in days that lie ahead … ‘faith’ will not be the order of the day … ‘proof’ will.

Proof of what exactly?

Proof of not just that which you see with your eyes open wide … Proof also of that which you FEEL with inside of yourselves. You have laid question upon question before us and yet it is to be KNOWN that ALL answers shall be satisfied. Allow yourselves NOW within each moment to BE OF JOY. Should you choose to do so you will experience a New Wave of Love that is entering in. It shall help you to understand that which you are about to encounter. For you see dearest souls … we who have come to give assistance in the progress of this transformation are now at a juncture when we are simply waiting for the go ahead … in order for us to go ahead.

Yes … but to go ahead doing what?

Doing that which we came to do.

Which is?

Be of assistance. Maintain a constant rapport with you so that you may KNOW WHO YOU ARE … as we remind you of that.

I have to say then … you are doing a good job for I am sure you are aware of the Love that was experienced between all during my time away

And did not many say that this is how it should be at all times? Yet, who created such a level of Love? Each one of you. All you need to do is keep being of that level.

I might say that it is not so easy when not in that environment.

Yet that is your task is it not?


Inside of your Being you are as a blossoming flower. You have nurtured the seed and felt it grow. It is now to be the summer of your growth. The beauty of the flower that you are is to be in full bloom. You shall FEEL the difference within you. It is done. Yet … shall we put it … that although it is now in fullness of itself … it is awaiting the Light of the sun to portray it in its full beauty. Once that Light shines upon it … it will be displayed in such a different hue.


FEEL THIS within your hearts.

We are doing our best. For me … like many … I still ponder on what is to come at the end of this year. When we get to it, we will know. I met many people that are so SURE that something major will take place on Dec 21st … they just KNOW. I don’t! I Truly hope Light of High Love energy will infuse our planet and make a difference to all /in all things

Yet you have doubts .

Do you?

We do not experience the energy of doubt. Yet we say to you that long have we travelled this journey. We have committed our Beings to be of service in order to allow this change to take place. We have given 100% of our KNOWING and our LOVE to this project for we see it as a worthy one. There is not one issue that concerns its progress any longer. However we would say to you also … that it is wise to remove all expectancy … for what is to come … in the way it is to come … you are unable to conceive.


Due to the magnitudinal effect that it shall have. It is not within your creative awareness at this time. And yet once ‘The Happening’ has been offered to all … then shall each one in their own way … at their own pace … make decisions that shall move the planet onwards into its rightful awaited position .

I know I shouldn’t keep asking questions … because to do so lowers the vibration upon the matter … yet … can you not just tell us at least if life shall be pretty much as always yet of a Lighter FEEL … if you get what I am trying to say ?

Life cannot and will not be the same after The Event.

So … will we for instance still be doing the things that maybe booked in our diary for next year?

Oh yes … For life will not stop. Things will not suddenly ‘not be’. Yet there shall be a vast difference in your demeanour and this may make you want to change things that are in your diary!

It would be so much easier if we could know. Yet I will leave it there, for there is no point in going over old ground. I have to say though … just in this last week there seems to be a lot of resignations of top notch folk and although I don’t ‘get’ all that side of things … it does feel right and as if finally preparation is taking place to have the wrong things removed!

We come before you in knowledge of all that is to be. We have sat quietly and subtly behind the scenes bringing about change in a way that is undeniable yet at the same time very much unnoticed. This is the way it has had to be . Yet in the time that is coming we shall not be so ‘unseen’. Our contribution to the Divine Plan shall be made perfectly clear to all. There are many of you that shall choose to walk another way for a time for the sheer recognising of the TRUTH shall set many in a whirl.

Yet … delays can no longer be delayed! Moving into this new space of the self shall allow one the opportunities to step up in alignment with all that is. The choice is yours. So many of you are complete and in readiness to receive this New Wave … which in turn shall bring alongside new beginnings … new understandings … new levels of perception.

By this GRAND upliftment of the soul and all that is … one shall be able to merge with energies that were once out of reach. Through these new eyes one shall be able to see all that one has longed to see for as long as they can remember.

I guess there really isn’t long to wait. Will I still be communicating with you in this way?

To a certain degree. Yet the level of communication shall be of an easier disposition. This shall progress into quite a different form of communication as ones energy adjusts to the Higher level and a ‘togetherness’ shall bond with ease.

I know many are so eagerly awaiting to communicate with you first hand so to speak. Will this too be possible?

For those who know of us in their hearts … they shall indeed be side by side with us in days to come. It is said that many of us walk amongst you … we say … that many of you shall be able to walk amongst us in the same way.

But this won’t be … like in March or thereabouts will it? I am assuming this kind of ‘merging’ will take quite a time to perfect.

It will depend entirely upon ‘the world reaction! The more that choose to accept THE TRUTH the quicker changes shall transpire. It will all depend on the level of energy that continues to arise when this New Energy visits. Once integrated with the soul self there will be a majorly significant change that takes place within … allowing this to change much without.

It is so intriguing … one can hardly wait to BE IN IT. Yet there is still a part of me that thinks perhaps I am falling into one big fairy tale … for it is quite hard for me to imagine that of which you speak. I can sort of grasp what you are saying and yet … here I am sitting here as ‘normal’ just weeks before this so called change is to take place and things don’t really FEEL that different.

We would ask you to question that last statement. Can you honestly say you FEEL the same as you did this time last year?

This time last year I told you to take a hike!!

Yet look now at your level of Trust within all things. Keep in mind that from our point of view we have no time . We just take on board the development … the progress being made … The scale of accomplishment within the GREAT DIVINE PLAN.

For us we are almost there … and it is the same for you .

Yet with all respect I believe it was a few years ago at least when you said ‘All systems go’ and we all got very excited … And …

And we meant what we said. With all respect to you also dear Blossom as we have said to you many times before … when you are in a position … a vibration to understand us fully … you will appreciate that never once have we ‘egged’ you along. Our journey with you all has been in TRUTH for we are of it. Things that you ‘misinterpreted’ shall be laughed at with us at your side saying ‘Now do you see’?

I look forward to that. A good old laugh with you will go down a treat. I wonder how you tolerate my ignorance sometimes.

We do not consider it ignorant … perhaps just a little naive. Yet that is simply where you are … where many of you are … or assume you are. Yet like the flower in bloom with inside of you … it is already in its fullness … all is known … you just need to KNOW that.

So will we ‘know that’ … when this Light energy comes … instantly?

That is not a simple yes /no answer. For it will all depend on the individual. Your world as you know it NOW has many souls living in it … yet each is resonating at their own level of understanding . This they have chosen and shall continue to choose. Therefore … it shall not be that everyone suddenly ‘gets it all’ … some may. Yet some may get ’more than where they were at before’… yet nowhere near as advanced as those who have chosen to wake many moons ago.

There is no judgement on this. There cannot be … for each soul in their own personal upliftment level shall be more than happy and alert to the level they are to move into … and with the knowledge also that this shall continue on .

I think for me … I could just do with the clarity of what’s going on and I’ll take it from there .How different it will be if you were able to ‘let us in on it’ before time.

How different indeed … this is why we cannot do so.

Go inside of your hearts dearest ones. FEEL THAT KNOWING WITHIN. When you FEEL it … you know there is no doubt. It is only when you allow the thoughts to interfere that the confusion sets in. Take control of your thoughts and send them to your heart space so that they may settle there and recognise the TRUTH that your heart is emanating. No words necessary with a thought … just PEACE. A Peaceful Peace that can only be FELT in the quietness of the souls knowing that all is indeed well and ones struggles and tribulations are soon to cease as one unites in LOVE with LOVE.

Thank you as always for your time … I am not sure what I have learned new from that until I read it back. Yet I do thank you from my heart for your patience and understanding … and your guidance and upliftment. In Love and thanks.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/14/2012 1:26:48 AM
America's New Mandate on Climate Change

Written by Richard Schiffman for the Guardian

For Americans concerned about the environment, disaster was avoided on Tuesday. President Obama – with his somewhat lackluster record, if decidedly more exalted rhetoric, on global warming – defeated the Republican challenger who had vowed to gut federal emissions standards, and kill loan programs and tax breaks for green energy companies.

But activists say that it would be wrong to read the election as a stamp of approval for four more years of business as usual. They argue that voters have sent a clear signal that they want more aggressive action on the environment during the president’s second term.

The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) cites the defeat of three members of their “Flat Earth Five” – Anne Marie Buerlke (Republican, New York), Francisco Canseco (Republican, Texas) and Joe Walsh (Republican, Illinois) – Republican representatives who were outspoken for their anti-science stance on climate change. (One race remains too close to call.) And ten of the League’s “dirty dozen” candidates – targeted for “consistently voting against clean energy and conservation” – lost their election bids.

Meanwhile, 11 out of 12 of the office-seekers dubbed “climate heroes” by a coalition led by environmental activist Bill McKibben, prevailed in Tuesday’s vote. The 12th “hero”, Jay Inslee, a gubernatorial candidate in Washington state who wants to jump-start the state’s lagging economy by transforming it into a national green-tech hub, continues to hold a small lead over Republican Rob McKenna and looks poised to win that race.

The election results overturn the conventional wisdom that voters don’t care about green issues,according to LCV’s spokesperson Jeff Gohringer:

We went into this election cycle and the notion was that environmental champions were going to be wiped off the map. We did $3m-worth of advertising on climate change in places like Texas, and we won.

This sentiment was echoed by Frances Beinecke, the president of the Natural Resources Defense Council who wrote to her members on Wednesday that:

By rejecting Big Oil’s candidates, voters sent a message loud and clear that they want more clean energy, less climate denial and an end to the $4bn in taxpayer subsidies for fossil fuels.

Some environmentalists have characterized Obama’s very re-election as a mandate for strong action on climate change. This is a hard argument to make given that the topic scarcely came up during the presidential race. Obama, who frequently expressed concern about the climate during his first run for the presidency in 2008, failed to talk about it on the stump this time around. The president’s campaign advisers apparently calculated that there were few votes to be won, and potentially many to be lost, if Obama were to appear to advocate tougher regulations on industry at a time of low economic growth and high unemployment in America.

Romney attacked Obama in TV ads broadcast in the swing state of Ohio for what he characterized as “job-killing” regulations on coal, which is a big player in mining and electricity production in much of the midwest. But the president’s bailout of the auto industry turned out to have been more persuasive to voters in the “rust belt” states, which went solidly for Obama on Tuesday.

With the candidate’s relentless focus on the economy, climate change was a non-issue – until Nature herself brought it savagely into focus with Hurricane Sandy, the largest and most destructive weather event on record for the mid-Atlantic states. Climate scientists have been saying for years that warmer ocean temperatures, together with rising sea levels, would lead to an increase in punishing hurricanes. This prediction has tragically proved accurate ever sinceHurricane Katrina, which killed over 1,800 people in New Orleans in 2005.

Many political observers called the latest storm, Sandy, “a game-changer” in Tuesday’s election. It gave Obama a chance to “act presidential”, touring the coast of New Jersey with the state’s grateful Republican governor, Chris Christie, at a critical moment just days before the vote. It alsoearned the president a timely endorsement from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who applauded Obama for acting to stem climate change, taking steps to raise the fuel-efficiency standards on cars and tighten pollution rules on power plants.

Americans’ views on global warming shifted markedly during the past summer, which saw record heat waves and drought in over two-thirds of the nation. As I reported in the Guardian last month, a Brookings survey conducted in July indicated that over 70% of Americans believed that climate change is happening, up from the 52% who held that view in 2010.

The number of climate-change believers has undoubtedly risen still further since Superstorm Sandy, which powerfully demonstrated that global warming is not a theory about the indeterminate future, but a snowballing catastrophe that is with us right now. A study by insurance giant Munich, released days before Sandy struck, reported that North America has suffered $1.06tn in extreme weather damage since 1980. That mind-boggling number is five times the average loss in prior decades.

It is perhaps no coincidence that six of the critical swing states which President Obama won – Colorado, Iowa, Ohio, Virginia, New Mexico and Wisconsin – all suffered an uptick of extreme weather events, including massive tornados and crop-destroying drought, within the past year. ThinkProgress reports that oil and gas companies, and political PACs poured in $270m to pay for TV ads in support of Mitt Romney and other, mostly Republican candidates. Billionaire oil magnates, the Koch brothers, added $400m of their own funds to the GOP kitty. With so many of its favorites going down in defeat, however, these fossil-fuel advocates have virtually nothing to show for their whopping investment.

Environmental activists are urging President Obama to harness his victory at the polls to enact stringent new limits on CO2 emissions, and to push hard for concerted global action on the climate. In one of his first references to the threat of climate change since the convention, the president warned of “the destructive power of a warming planet” in his victory speech in Chicago.

But Obama will, undoubtedly, face the same opposition in Congress in the next four years as he did in the last. Republicans in Congress last year voted no fewer than 247 times (nearly once a day for every day the House was in session) to weaken EPA protections that have been in place for decades, and to defeat proposed new climate legislation. This led Representatives Henry Waxman and Edward Markey to issue a report in June that called the 112th Congress the most anti-environment in history.

That is the bad news. The good news is that, if the election results are to be trusted, the public’s patience for Republican obstructionism on the environment may have just run out.

This post was republished from the Guardian, with permission from the author.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/14/2012 10:36:43 AM

Montague Keen, November 11, 2012 – Hear! Hear!

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These words express the importance of what you choose to believe. You can no longer turn a blind eye to what is obviously happening all around you. The Cabal has plans that would shock you to the core. They have followed a carefully planned path to bring about the destruction of your world as you know it. They no longer want or need you. This is why they flood your air with aluminium particles and put fluoride in your water, causing illnesses and much suffering. Why do you stand idly by and allow you and yours to be disposed of in such a manner? It is time you took action to protect humanity. You were told, my dear, that fifty years ago, humanity was ready for the transition. To prevent this, the Cabal brought in GM food, chemtrails, etc., which prevented this natural process. Now you are struggling to complete this most necessary process. Are you going to allow this opportunity to step out of third density to fail as well?


This is a critical time for humanity. You do not have the luxury of time. You need to take responsibility and act now. There are so many avenues that will lead you to the TRUTH. Do not look to religion for it, you will not find it there. Look within your heart. It will guide you to the right path. They blocked your transition fifty years ago. Will you allow them to do it again?

The Andromedans tried to make themselves known to you, in order to assist you, about fourteen years ago, but the fear of stepping into the unknown prevented this. Are you prepared to be brave: confident in the knowledge that you stand for truth and light and will no longer support a corrupt regime that was designed to destroy you?

They do not hide their plans. They are confident that you are so blinded by trivialities that you will not look at what they are doing. You have so much to look forward to. It is your decision when to take the plunge. Please do not stand by and watch your planet being ruined by greed. Every soul has the divine right to breathe clean air, to drink pure water, and to eat food as nature intended.

Many of you are being interfered with, to cause you distress and fear. It just goes to show how desperate they are. Support each other. Let others know that they are not alone and that they can survive. You need each other at this time. Anything can be frightening when you do not understand it or where it is coming from.

Rediscover your own innate strength. You can do it. You just need to ask. Humanity has survived so much in times past. When you learn your true history, you will see this for yourselves. Those who are responsible for changing your world’s history will soon answer for their crimes against humanity. Their edifice of control will crumble into dust as they fade from the history of your world. In future, it will be known only as a bad episode in mankind’s evolution. The sun will shine brightly again, giving out its healing rays, and its warmth will embrace and comfort humanity as it was meant to do.

Most countries are waking up, seeing the light of truth, and following it. There will be no need for wars or armies, so the killing will stop. You are being bombarded by war propaganda, but you are aware of the futility of it all. It just happens over and over again, only the names of the countries changes. They need the blood to flow and the energy of the fear which is created by war.

Come together and ignore the false differences of race and creed. Learn who you are and from where you originate.

“Know who you are.”

It is time to speak out. The corruption that has taken over everything in your world must stop. They can no longer hide behind their MASKS. They become more exposed each day.

We are holding out strongly against World War III. Good people do not want it. There never was, nor will there ever be, a reason to declare war. Iran is a peaceful country. Many of its people are descended from the ancient Irish, and in many other countries also, they can rightly claim the blood connection. DNA does not lie, it actually exposes the REAL TRUTH. How wonderful it will be in the future, when all those who are descended from the ancient Irish will visit Ireland to explore their roots and learn their true history.

You have been told the timescale for the completion of the Transition and what must be done before it happens. The right people have come forward to help you. More help is needed. We will endeavour to bring it to you and the finance to see it through. It is a great burden for you, but you now have someone you can trust totally to work alongside you. We chose well, my dear. He is one in a billion. You are right: he returned to Earth specifically for this mission. You have worked together in the past. You understand what must be done. You have come a long way already.

THE GEO-ENGINEERING, THE UNDERGROUND CITIES, and THE GENETIC ENGINEERING, IS ALL BEING EXPOSED. Please research this for yourselves. It will explain so much. It is important to know what you are up against. What sort of scientists would plan and produce such things to be used against their own kind?

Do wish Prudence a happy 21st birthday for me. Tell her that I will be there in Spirit ! Enjoy being with your family and friends. I am always with you, as we continue to complete our work on Earth. Be happy, my dear. Nothing happens without my approval.

Your adoring, Monty.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/14/2012 10:38:27 AM

Hold On Here We Go! – from Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

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Fasten your seat belts. We have ALL been preparing for this Cosmic Moment for Lifetimes. Know that the end result of this amazing ride is going to be glorious.

Remember, you already have within you everything you need to fulfill your part of this Divine Plan. Enter your heart and from within the sacred place of the Most High Living God, ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you the magnitude of the opportunities unfolding on Earth at this time that will allow YOU to add to the Light of the world.

During the next six weeks, we will experience several powerful influxes of Light that have the capability of moving the Earth and all Life abiding on this planet forward in the Light a quantum leap. In order for this to be accomplished God Victoriously, this Light must be drawn into physical manifestation through the Heart Flames of people abiding in the physical plane. That means you and me!

The success of these events will create the necessary catalyst that will result in the birthing of the New Earth in all her resplendent glory. This birth will take place in the Realms of CAUSE during Earth’s alignment with the galactic core of the Milky Way, which will happen during the days of the Solstice, December 21-22, 2012. Even though we will not experience all of the perfection of the New Earth in our daily lives on December 23, 2012, the Company of Heaven want us to understand that once something has occurred in the Realms of CAUSE nothing can prevent it from eventually manifesting in the world of EFFECTS. The only variable is how long that will take and that is up to you and me and every other person existing on Earth.

The patterns of perfection for the New Earth must be drawn into the physical plane, the world of Effects, through the thoughts, words, feelings, actions, and beliefs of the Sons and Daughters of God abiding on Earth. These patterns include the archetypes for both our New Planetary Cause of Divine Love and our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love. The paradigm for the New Earth reflects the profound Truth that “We are One with ALL Life” and that there is no separation. It also contains the viable solutions that will allow Humanity to respond to every situation on Earth with Reverence for ALL Life.

I will briefly share with you the Divine Intent of the various influxes of Light, and the opportunity we will have to add to the Light of the world during these events, as revealed to us by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. In addition to this information your I AM Presence will reveal to you the part of the plan YOU have been prepared to fulfill during this unprecedented moment on Earth. In order for you to be the Open Door for this influx of Light, which you are destined to be, it is critical that you remain in a state of Listening Grace and respond according to your inner guidance.

The first step of this 40-day process begins today with the influx of Light that occurs every year on November 11th, 11:11. This year we are experiencing an exponential expansion of the Light that was anchored last year, in the core of purity, in every electron of precious Life energy on Earth. That occurred during the 11:11:11 celebrations of November 11, 2011. That influx of Light activated Humanity’s pineal glands and began the initial impulse of Earth’s Ascension into her new 5th-Dimensional Solar Reality. That event greatly expanded our new Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love. The success of that facet of the Divine Plan paved the way for the Birth of a Renaissance of Divine Love which occurred during the 25th Anniversary of Harmonic Convergence in August.

Eleven is the master number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. Every man, woman, and child embodied on Earth has the sacred geometry of 11 and 11:11 and 11:11:11 encoded within the Divine Potential of our RNA and DNA structures. These codes are activated by our I AM Presence when we move through various phases of our Ascension process. During the next six weeks, our I AM Presence will activate these codes in new and profound ways. This will accelerate the Divine Alchemy of Humanity’s transformation from carbon-based planetary Beings into crystalline-based Solar Light Beings. This activation will be greatly intensified by the Solar and Lunar Eclipses that will take place this month.

On November 13, 2012, we will experience a very powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse. The Light flowing into the Earth through this celestial alignment will enhance Earth’s Ascension into her new Solar Reality. The Solar Record Keeper Crystals that were placed throughout Earth’s Crystal Grid System during the influx of Light on 11:11:11, and the new frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection that Saint Germain and his Legions of the Violet Flame secured on Earth in May 2012, will be amplified a thousandfold during this Solar Eclipse. This will allow the necessary purging of the Earth and the cleansing process that is being accomplished by the Elemental Kingdom to move forward in more gentle ways.

The devastation that took place in the United States of America during Hurricane Sandy was heartbreaking, but the number of people who survived that powerful purging process was an act of Divine Grace. The positive thing that seems to always happen when this kind of tragedy takes place in the world is that people everywhere revert to the inner knowing that We are One and that there is no separation. Even the least likely people open their hearts and with love, compassion, and genuine caring as they reach out to help their sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity. In these painful situations people around the world invoke the Light of God on behalf of those who are suffering, which gives the Company of Heaven permission to intervene in awesome ways. It is a great benefit, and not by chance, that we are entering this important phase of the Divine Plan with the hearts of people everywhere open to full breadth.

After the Solar Eclipse the Light will build in momentum until we experience the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 28, 2012. In the midst of that building momentum of Light, on November 22nd, we will celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the USA. When millions of people simultaneously turn their attention to the people, places, conditions, and things they are grateful for in their lives, it creates a collective cup of consciousness that allows the Divine Quality of Gratitude to expand, expand, and expand through all Life on this sweet Earth. That expansion of Gratitude will greatly intensify the positive effects of the Lunar Eclipse.

The Lunar Eclipse on November 28th, will expand the Open Heart energy of both Humanity and Mother Earth. This will allow the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to magnetize the patterns of perfection from our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love more effectively from the Realms of Cause. This will pave the way for the powerful activities of Light that will occur in December.

On December 12, 2012, 12:12:12, our Mother God—the Holy Spirit, and the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout all Creation, will breathe into the Earth’s Crystal Grid System the highest frequencies of God’s Transfiguring Divine Love that Life on this planet is capable of withstanding. Due to the monumental influxes of Light that have occurred over the past several decades, and especially since the Dawn of the New Millennium, this will be the greatest influx of Divine Love Humanity has ever experienced.

For over 500 years, December 12th has been celebrated in Mexico and throughout Central and South America as the Feast Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe. For millions of people this aspect of Mother Mary has symbolized the return of the Divine Feminine, our Mother God. On 12-12-12, our Mother God, and Her exponents representing the Divine Feminine throughout all Creation, will cocreate a Forcefield of Divine Love that will envelop every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth, and all of the spaces in-between the particles and waves of Life. This forcefield will reinforce a multidimensional and multifaceted Womb of Divine Love and a Birth Canal of Divine Love that will assure Earth’s safe passage up the Spiral of Evolution, and the Birth of the New Earth in the Realms of Cause.

The Beings of Light are aware that in most instances this information is beyond the comprehension of our finite minds. But they assure us that the I AM Presence of each and every one of us clearly understands the bigger picture of what is happening on this planet. They said that adding to the Light of the world during this miracle of the Shift of the Ages and the Birth of the New Earth in all her splendor, is exactly why we volunteered to embody on Earth at this time.

It will help to remember the reality that the Company of Heaven has reiterated to us over and over again. They have told us that as Sons and Daughters of God we are multidimensional Beings existing in many levels of consciousness simultaneously. They said the physical plane that we think is so tangible and real is actually the least real of all of the dimensions we abide in, and that the physical plane of Earth is the very last dimension to reflect the changes that Humanity is cocreating in the Realms of Cause.

The events of 12-12-2012 will be the final steps of preparation leading up to the December Solstice and the Birth of the New Earth on 12-21-2012. These two dates reverberate with the master number 11, 1+2+1+2+2+0+1+2=11 and 1+2+2+1+2+0+1+2=11, the numerical frequency of the transformation of the physical into the Divine. Isn’t God fun?

On December 21-22, 2012, the Earth will align with the Galactic Core of the Milky Way. This will open a portal of Light that will extend from the very Heart of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God—the Cosmic I AM—All That Is, into the Divine Momentum pulsating in the center of the Earth. This influx of Light will flow through God’s all-encompassing Divine Matrix to bless every particle of Life on this planet. This Divine Matrix is the Body of our Father-Mother God within which all Creation lives, moves, breathes, and has its Being. This influx of Light will begin the process that will Birth the New Earth in the Realms of Cause. This will be Earth’s New Beginning. From that moment forth, the patterns of our Planetary Cause of Divine Love and our Renaissance of Divine Love will easily flow into the mental and emotional strata of Earth. Humanity will be able to easily tap into these patterns of perfection and through our thoughts, words, feelings, actions and beliefs we will bring them into manifest form. These patterns contain the viable solutions to every humanly-created malady existing on Earth.

The Birth of the New Earth will accelerate the awakening of even the most recalcitrant souls, thus causing a shift that will take place in the energy, vibration, and consciousness of each and every one. This shift will reflect a new level of understanding that all Life is interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent. These precious souls will begin to realize that what affects one part of Life affects all Life. From this new awareness people will be inspired to work together to find win-win solutions that will benefit every person and enhance the existence of every facet of Life on Earth.

The Company of Heaven has given us an activity of Light that will greatly assist in preparing Humanity and the Earth for the influxes of Light that will take place during the next six weeks. Please participate in this opportunity according to your Heart’s Call. This is our moment. Our time is at hand.

Divine Love Visualization

Now in Oneness with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth and the entire Company of Heaven, I AM the Cup, The Holy Grail, through which the Love of God now lifts every particle of Life evolving on this precious planet.

I AM my I AM Presence, and I invoke my Father-Mother God to release the Love of God flowing through the Divine Matrix. Beloved Ones, project this Love into the Heart Flame of every person on Earth, and direct every person’s I AM Presence to expand this Love until it envelops the entire Planet Earth. (pause)

The Earth is now a blazing Sun of Divine Love pulsating in our Solar System. On the Holy Breath, our Father-Mother God and the Aspects of the Divine Feminine throughout Infinity expand the Love of God that is flowing through the Divine Matrix and breathe it into the Sun of Even Pressure in the center of the Earth. As the Love of God merges with the Divine Momentum pulsating in the Heart of Mother Earth, she breathes this unfathomable influx of Love into her Crystal Grid System to bless all Life.

Now our Father-Mother God invoke the Angels of Transfiguring Divine Love from the very Core of Creation and direct them to traverse the planet north, south, east, and west. In response to our God Parent’s Heart Call, these selfless messengers of God enter the aura of every man, woman, and child on Earth in preparation for an Activity of Light that will bathe the planet in 5th-Dimensional Crystalline frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love. This frequency of Love is beyond anything Humanity has ever been able to receive.

Now as One Breath, One Heartbeat, One Voice, and One Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness of pure Divine Love the Angels of Transfiguring Divine Love breathe into the Heart Flame of the I AM Presence of every person on Earth, the most intensified frequencies of Love Humanity is capable of receiving.

This wondrous Love penetrates into my Crystalline Threefold Flame, which is now enveloping my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. On the Holy Breath, this influx of Love expands through my Heart Chakra and flows into the Heart Chakra of every person on Earth.

Through this amazing influx of Love, the I AM Presence of every person becomes a power point of Divine Love unified in consciousness with the I AM Presence of every other person, inbreathing, assimilating, expanding, and projecting this forcefield of Love throughout the Earth to bless Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, the Angelic Kingdom, and All Creation.

The I AM Presence within every person is now the Open Door for this resplendent Love. We are collectively changing the core vibration of the primal Light substance, which has gone into creating the present negative conditions that are surfacing all over the world to be healed and transmuted into Light.

Through the Love of our Father-Mother God, through the Angels of Transfiguring Divine Love who have selflessly volunteered to remain within the aura of every person on Earth, and through the I AM Presence of every Human Being, we are the CAUSE of this Forcefield of Divine Love anchored on Earth.

On this sacred and holy day, we have set in place the basic spiritual forces of Divine Love over which Humanity will now Ascend out of our long exile in darkness into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light. Every person on Earth is now being raised into a profound awakening of supreme Love consciousness—we are, here and now, the Masters of Love we were always destined to be. We are Beings of Love, fully accepting responsibility for Loving this sweet Earth and all her Life FREE. We are One with this blessed planet, and the planet is One with us.

In deep humility and gratitude, every person’s I AM Presence now affirms:

I AM a forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. The Love of God is now thriving on Earth through me, and through the I AM Presence of every person on the planet. The blazing Sun of Transfiguring Divine Love that is now enveloping the Earth is transforming into Light every frequency of energy, vibration, and consciousness that is less than God’s Divine Love.

The dedicated Lightworkers who are serving Humanity and the Earth through this Activity of Light are selflessly paving the way for the Birth of the New Earth, and the patterns of perfection for our Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love, and our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love.

Through this Activity of Light, the I AM Presence of every person on Earth permanently sets this sweet Earth on the Path of Divine Love. And so it is. Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.

©2012 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles – Patricia Diane Cota-Robles New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, Inc. a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization E-mail:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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