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11/14/2012 10:39:40 AM

The Lightworker’s Manifesto

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Uploaded on Dec 29, 2009

When we make a positive affirmation, we begin with the words I AM. These two words invoke our Mighty I AM Presence and connect us directly to our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Father-Mother God, All That Is. This all encompassing Presence of God is the Universal Source of All Life.

Everything in the Universe is comprised of electronic Light substance vibrating at different frequencies with various densities. The words I AM reflect the all-encompassing Oneness of all Life. “I” represents Alpha, the beginning, “AM” represents Omega or the ending, meaning our Father-Mother God, the Universal Source of All Life, is the beginning and the ending of all that exists.

When we invoke the Light of God by using the words” I AM” the Light automatically responds. It flows through our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings and obeys our affirmations. I decided to create a video using a series of positive affirmations beginning with I AM. When you say these affirmations, pls. say them with feelings and believe them to be true and happening in the here and now. The Universe responds to our vibration and our radiatng field.

Perhaps you’d like to create your own manifesto and read them out loud at the start of each day to set the day ‘right’ and at the end of each day right before you go to sleep, to reprogram your subconscious mind. And remember to “radiate, radiate, radiate” and visualize yourself radiating from your heart center out to your auric field. Imagine and feel. Be open to infinie possibilities.


Credits: The original Information taken from article written by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles has been editted for the purpose of creating this video.

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11/14/2012 10:21:01 PM

SaLuSa: November 14, 2012

2012 NOVEMBER 14
Posted by Andrew Eardley

SaLuSa: November 14, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

Andrew: SaLuSa reflects on our Ascension in the light of the exponential growth of love and peace encompassing the world. He says that knowledge of the Ascension process is not necessary to take part and that every encouragement has been given to Humanity to turn to the Light. No pressure is put on souls who turn down Ascension at this time as they will continue their chosen path and have further opportunities to ascend.

He reminds us of the need to release “baggage” such as addictive substances, as these have no place in the higher dimensions. We have only to ask and assistance will be given. He outlines the difference between physical love and soul love and explains that in the higher dimensions we see each soul as they really are. Twin flames and Twin souls will come to know each other and usually come together to further their evolution.

SaLuSa says that the Motherships will be open to us following Ascension for further learning. The Galactics want us to become acquainted with their technologies and we will meet different Beings from other civilizations who work side by side with those of the Galactic Federation of Light. He acknowledges how patient we have been as the saga of defeating the dark Ones has dragged on, but reminds us that with Obama once more at the helm matters can be speeded up and that nothing will stop progress.

The love and peace being established on Earth is growing exponentially and, as each day now passes, it is encompassing the whole world. To a greater or lesser degree every soul is being affected by it, and some find it more easy to take into their being than others. So each soul is given the same opportunity for growth into the Light and to take part in Ascension.

However, knowledge of the Ascension process is not necessary to be assured of rising up with it. There are many, many souls that are kind, loving and compassionate who are also ready for such an upliftment. In fact they may have quite a different view of the future, but that does not matter as they will soon adapt to the coming changes.

As you know, every encouragement has been given to Humanity for a considerable time to turn to the Light as we desire that as many souls as possible are lifted up. Some souls turn down point blank any approach made to acquaint them with Ascension. In those circumstances they are provided for, so that they can continue on their chosen path that will give them further opportunities to ascend.

There is no pressure put upon such souls, as life is infinite and you have as much time as you like to evolve. Although your coming Ascension is a high point in your growth you will continue to follow a path of soul evolution, but it will never be as tough or demanding as the period you have just gone through.

If you are well along the path of Light you will have determined what “baggage” you are carrying that is best released to fully prepare you for Ascension. You are often tied to habitual practices that you attribute to the needs of your physical body.

It could be addictive substances such as nicotine or drugs in general. Be assured that once you put your mind to giving them up, you will find it easier than you might have expected. Such pleasures of the body have no place in the higher dimensions, and the higher your own vibrations the less dependent you will be on them.

So know that the answer is in your own hands, although you will get assistance from our side of the veil. You are never alone in your endeavors to lift yourselves up, so call upon your helpers to work with you.

With your upliftment, what you are discovering is that there is a distinct difference between physical love and soul love. One is for the satisfaction of the physical senses, whilst the other is Universal Love for all life everywhere. On Earth you tend to be led by physical attraction and often take up partnerships without really knowing the person.

In the higher dimensions you see each soul as they really are and there is no hiding of the truth. Being of a higher vibration you can see each others auric colours, and with an understanding of their meaning you will know their soul path and energies that they are using. Twin flames and Twin souls will come to know each other and usually decide to come together to further their evolution. There is so much for you to learn about your future opportunities, but there will be many of us on hand to help you.

Some of your learning will take place on board our ships, which will be open to you after Ascension. It excites us to think of your joy and surprise when you can experience what it is like to be on a Mothership. There is much that you have not yet heard of or will be able to understand.

However, we want you to become acquainted with our technologies, as some of you are ready to use them now. As you will probably know already, many of you have visited our ships in your sleep state but few of you retain the memories of it. It means that when you do visit us again, you will have subconscious memories of such visits and you will realize that it is familiar to you.

You will find that many different types of Beings from other civilizations work side by side for the Galactic Federation of Light. We enjoy the knowledge and differences that other Extraterrestrials bring with them that we can all share. Sharing is the operative word that expresses everything that we do, and it is done for the good of all.

On Earth you have learnt to fight for possessions and talk of ownership as a right. That has largely been due to the dark Ones who have systematically kept you in constant need, even for the basic items that are needed to exist. In the future you will experience abundance and never again want for anything.

God provided, and it is Man who divided so that there were two classes of people, the rich and the poor. The so-called shortages have been the result of control and manipulation to enslave you to the big corporations. It has also meant that you have been denied advances that would have immediately given you a better quality of life such as, for example, free energy. It will be given to you very soon, and at a stroke change the quality of your lives.

We know how patient you have been as the saga of defeating the dark Ones has dragged on. We are satisfied that they have little power left and we are in the throes of curtailing it now. With Obama at the helm once more matters can be speeded up and he will become a very busy person in short time. We have planned this time with him and nothing or no one will be able to stop progress.

It is, as you might say, written in the stars and he has received our protection at all times. Indeed every Light worker is protected, although we are bound by their life plan if they are intending to sacrifice their life for the greater good of all.

You have many great Beings in your history who have done just that, and the manner of their going is no accident, it is planned. Perhaps your most loved President John F Kennedy is a typical example of one in your recent times.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and pleased to continue my messages, intended to prepare you for the New Age. Looking back it is quite extraordinary that we have been in contact with you for some 70 years, and look where you all are today. You are familiar with our presence, and in general accept that we are your family.

We feel that we have achieved so much in a relatively short time, and here we are so near to being able to openly visit you. We look forward to those times when we can share many things with you.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/14/2012 10:22:48 PM

Sheldan Nidle: Update November 13, 2012

2012 NOVEMBER 14
Posted by Stephen Cook

Sheldan Nidle: Update November 13, 2012

The Spiritual Hierachy and the Galactic Federation

As Received by Sheldan Nidle – November 13, 2012

Selamat Jarin! We return with some interesting news. Recently, a flurry of legal activity and agreements concerning the new governance has set the stage for asking our heavenly advisers for a final go-ahead to start manifesting your new reality.

Those who have run your world for so long continue to lead your realm toward a series of massive economic and diplomatic disasters. To us, this inevitability is a sure sign that the moment has come for more significant intercession on our part.

To this end we have instructed our liaison teams to inform their earthly counterparts about the amount of time remaining before we are compelled to engage extensively with your global situation to prevent a meltdown.

Your forms of government and the characteristics of your economic and financial systems lie at the heart of your overwhelming difficulties, and it is clear that these spheres of activity need to be upgraded in a hurry. Europe is near the point of a collapse that is to take down most of the First and Second World’s economies. There is no answer to this prospect, as things now stand, except an unspeakable worldwide economic disaster. This alone validates our direct intervention.We are deeply concerned that the amount of time needed to implement the necessary measures will continue to overrun the suggested deadlines. Our experience with your world has shown that ‘unexpected’ problems always pop up suddenly to delay the projected forecast of events given to all of you. We went along with this only because of the positive results ascribed to these holdups by our heavenly advisers and we understand their wisdom and excellent reasoning.

Nevertheless, the intensifying severity of your circumstances now indicates a more assertive approach. Your world deserves better. Our mandated goal is a first contact with you, and there are moral and legal implications surrounding this event for which we are responsible. We come not to usurp your prerogatives but to promote your return to freedom, personal sovereignty, and most of all, full consciousness.

This means we will act only after we are fully cognizant of the impact and consequences of these actions on your world. For this reason, intervention on our part will be undertaken in an atmosphere of easygoing and calm elucidation of our every move and intention.

A very special moment in your history is approaching rapidly, which is of course the completion of the collapse of the temporal aspect of your reality. This should be accompanied by a whole new level of comprehension about the nature of the reality you live in. Your rise in consciousness also demands an expanded perspective on the nature of this living reality.

Indeed, your scientific paradigm is as challenged as [is] your financial one! This in part explains the recent spate of quandaries that haunt those who cannot understand the nature and the scale of the ‘anomalous’ change they see happening around your world.

A new reality construct is taking over from your old, rapidly fading paradigm, and your experts are increasingly at a loss. In late December these changes to your reality construct begin in earnest. This is a good reason to get our sacred allies’ agenda manifested well before this date. The extent to which your world totters on the brink of disaster cannot be overstated and this naturally concerns us. We are watching this unfold and we wish to be released forthwith from our temporary, heavenly constraints.

As a collective you are just beginning to comprehend the severity of your predicaments. Your world’s economies are preparing for a house of cards-type collapse, which can plunge you into an unthinkable abyss with dire consequences for all. We wish to establish conditions that obviate this impending crash and which give our Earth allies a chance to succeed at what they have been working toward for so long.

Their plans are ready to go and will enhance your lives by means of a new economy, new governance, and disclosure. In this more open and abundant environment we can begin to enlighten you on many fronts, including new perspectives on your history, your understanding of Spirit, and its relationship to a more relevant interpretation of science. You are encumbered with concepts that need either revision or to be ditched outright. An incredible new world of freedom and ideas is waiting for you, and it constitutes an important part of our pre-first-contact announcements.

Blessings! We are your Ascended masters! We come to bring you some wonderful news! We are a step closer to finishing our part of a vast multifaceted event scenario that is to bring you a new reality.

Our sacred associates are busily laying the groundwork for the arrest and trial of tens of thousands of those whose responsibility it is to daily run the dark cabal’s financial and corporate-governmental machine. It is a well-oiled global juggernaut and is set up to maintain you in servitude. These arrests are to thoroughly dismantle this illegally begotten global labyrinth and permit the new system to literally slide into place, as much of it is already in place and waiting.

We extend our blessings to Heaven and to our many associates for their gracious assistance on our behalf. We intend to establish on this surface world a place where Light can shine forth again and where everyone can bask in the sacred truths of the Creator and the precepts of the blessed, divine plan.

Our primary sacred task over the millennia has been to keep the Light alive and, when possible, bring the wondrous power of the Light to all. This mission is ready to pierce the darkness engulfing this beloved realm and bring forth a new way that is to guide you to the point where you can clearly discern for yourselves your next steps on the path that is returning you to the magnificence of full consciousness.

Our prayers have delivered, with Heaven’s approval, a great fleet of ships which have come to complete what our associates and we have done to free you from the invading darkness that was launched upon you by the Anunnaki and their earthly minions some 13,000 years ago. Shortly you are to complete your time as people of this world and return to the beautiful lands of Agartha! Here you are to regain your natural powers and, with your Agarthan cousins, forge a new star-nation together.

Your new star-nation is to be blessed by the local Spiritual Hierarchy and given a number of divine missions by AEON. You are to be honored for your hard-earned wisdom, and your wondrous abilities are to reunite and heal a fragmented and war-weary galaxy. Our task is to assist in your ongoing mentoring and use our own blessed wisdom to guide you as you configure your new star realm.

We are in joy that our present task of keeping a path open to the Light through the millennia has finally reached the threshold where our new mission can begin! Long ago we asked Heaven to be granted this special task and were honored with our present status. Each of us is dedicated to bringing each of you to the portals of full consciousness and assisting our spiritual and space families in the sacred tasks of transforming the very essence of your dark realm.

Today we talked about some of the situations that affect us all. Grand events are settling into place which will transfigure your world and, in so doing, turn it away from the horrors of the dark and toward the joys and graciousness of the Light.

Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/15/2012 10:50:32 AM

Calif. panel rejects quake study near nuke plant

Associated Press/Damian Dovarganes - Environmentalists and supporters of Greenpeace hold their hands up to express their support for fellow speakers during a California Coastal Commission meeting in Santa Monica, Calif. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. The California Coastal Commission is weighing whether to grant a permit to the Pacific Gas & Electric Co. to conduct seismic imaging off the coast of the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pacific Gas & Electric Co. State Agency Relations Director Mark Krausse explains his company's contentious plan to map offshore earthquake faults near the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant by blasting loud air cannons, during a meeting in Santa Monica, Calif. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Environmentalists, fishermen and even the California Coastal Commission's staff have lined up against the project, fearing the high-decibel sounds would disturb sensitive marine mammals. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)
Environmentalist Jim Brown, right, uses a bear's inability to speak to exemplify "animals rights,"; as he addresses the California Coastal Commission meeting in Santa Monica, Calif. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. The California Coastal Commission is weighing whether to grant a permit to the Pacific Gas & Electric Co. to conduct seismic imaging off the coast of the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Citing harm to marine life, California coastal regulators on Wednesday soundly rejected a utility's plan to map offshore earthquake faults near a nuclear power plant by blasting loud air cannons.

The unanimous vote by the California Coastal Commission came after an hours-long public hearing attended by environmentalists, fishermen and residents who were overwhelmingly opposed to theseismic testing.

The proposed survey by Pacific Gas & Electric Co. involves firing sonic pulses into the ocean. Sensors on the seafloor would pick up the echoes to create 3-D maps of geologic faults that the utility said are needed to understand the seismic hazards around the Diablo Canyon facility.

"If you live near a nuclear plant, wouldn't you want more certainty in the assumptions that are being made?" asked Mark Krausse, a PG&E director.

But commissioners said the impact to sensitive marine mammalsalong the Central Coast would be too great, and they felt PG&E did not make the case that such testing was necessary.

In a statement, PG&E said it was disappointed with the decision and will evaluate its next move. It could reapply for a permit, but several commissioners indicated they would be hard-pressed to change their minds if the issue came up again.

The commission's staff had urged the panel to reject the plan. In a report this month, the staff said sonic blasts would cause "significant and unavoidable impacts to marine resources." More than 7,000 sea mammals would be disturbed by the ear-piercing noise, including fin whales, blue whales, humpback whales, and harbor porpoises.

PG&E acknowledged that the noise could cause short-term disruption to animals, but said similar research has been done around the world without long-term harm.

The damage that strong shaking can cause to nuclear reactors came under scrutiny after the 9.0-magnitude earthquake off Japan's coast triggered tsunami waves, which swamped the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant last year.

Even before the Fukushima disaster, state law mandated that utilities conduct extensive seismic studies of nuclear facilities, but did not specify the type of research.

Perched on an 85-foot bluff above the Pacific, Diablo Canyon sits within three miles of two underwater earthquake faults, including one that was discovered in 2008.

PG&E came up with a four-pronged approach that includes the use of high-energy seismic imaging technology. Under the ratepayer-funded study, a research boat would tow 18 air guns that would emit sonic blasts into the ocean every 10 to 20 seconds for several days. The utility had hoped to conduct the study between November and December to avoid peak breeding and migration seasons.

In August, a State Lands Commission environmental impact study determined there would be unavoidable consequences to marine life during the testing. But the panel ultimately decided the project's benefits outweighed the environmental risks.

Scores of conservation groups and other parties sent letters to the coastal commission opposing the project and turned out in force at Wednesday's meeting in Santa Monica. Some wore "Stop Ocean Blasting" T-shirts, and others held signs.

Michael Jasny with the Natural Resources Defense Council testified that the air guns would inflict "severe and profound insult" on sea life.

Representatives from the Northern Chumash Tribal Council said their ancestors have inhabited the coastline for thousands of years. They urged the panel to protect the ecosystem.

"We cannot let this happen," tribal administrator Fred Collins said. "Please do not let this project go forward."

Mandy Davis, spokeswoman for a newly formed group called the Citizens Opposing Acoustic Seismic Testing, said the Pacific would become an "acoustic prison" if the project went forward.

Many claimed the utility had done too little to explore other, less damaging options and said it should analyze data it collected from previous studies before embarking on a new one. Krausse of PG&E countered that different studies provide different information.

To minimize impact to sea life, PG&E proposed starting off with one air cannon at a low decibel before ramping up to full power. It also planned to have spotters on the vessel and in an aircraft to alert operators of marine mammals in the region. Air guns would be silenced and work would cease if an animal strays too close.

The twin-reactor Diablo Canyon generates enough electricity to power more than 3 million homes in Central and Northern California. After the Japanese nuclear crisis, the utility asked federal nuclear regulators to delay issuing extended operating permits until thorough seismic studies are completed. The permits expire in 2024 and 2025.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission does not require 3-D fault mapping for license renewal.


Alicia Chang can be reached at:

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11/16/2012 12:35:45 AM

Archangel Michael Through Ron Head: We Will Take Care of the Rest

2012 NOVEMBER 15
Posted by Alice C

Florida BayArchangel Michael Through Ron Head: We Will Take Care of the Rest

As channeled by Ron Head – November 15, 201234

We are happy to find you today in a rising state of peace and confidence. You are beginning to put the pieces of the puzzle together in much more understanding ways. Some slight changes in the wordings of some of your favorite sources are showing you that there is really quite a bit of agreement regarding your near future that you had not previously perceived.

Add to this the magnificent step upward you have taken within the last week and we see a quantum jump in the light shining on and from your planet.

We urge you to place your focus upon that rising light and remove your attention as far as possible from the old concerns around you. Walk through your days with the intent to remain connected with your highest selves, your highest dreams, and your highest intents, and your state of being will make upward strides which you will hardly have imagined. In part this will be possible because you will have begun to see outward signs of change which have not been evident until now. But mostly it will be due to your growing sensitivity to the immense love energies into which you and your entire world have become immersed.

This is compounded by each of you as your life is freed from its old bonds of fear and begins to feel its own power. Do not fail to reach out whenever possible and join with those around you in love and friendship. In so doing, nurture the changes in each other. You will even find it possible to love the beings of those whose actions and ideas you do not particularly like.

As you discover that you are not your ideas nor actions, you will be more able to discern that difference in others, as well. You each are, in fact, unique and necessary facets of the collective consciousness. Who you are, in a sense, has come about because of who everyone else is, just as the life of the cells in your finger is dependent upon the life of the cells in your heart.

Your consciousness is expanding to the point of seeing this and far, far more. You are on the verge of regaining the awareness you lost many millennia ago. You are also moving out of the ‘awareness’ of the passing of linear time. Right now it seems to you that time is speeding up and even out of control for you. That elusive quality, patience, will be much easier to maintain when the indescribable state of ‘no time’ is reached.

There is so much that is about to change for you. Yet no one has truly perceived the whole of it at this time. It is almost upon you though, so just maintain your progress, your intent, and your loving care for yourselves and we will take care of the rest.

We love you dearly and continue to walk with you. We will speak again soon. Good day.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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