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11/12/2012 1:24:56 AM

Jesus: Release Your Baggage and Prepare to Float Away Up Out of the Illusion

2012 NOVEMBER 11
Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: Release Your Baggage and Prepare to Float Away Up Out of the Illusion

Stephen: I hope Anthony and I will be doing exactly this, today at 11.11am!

As channelled by John Smallman – November 11, 2012

All the loose ends from the essential disentangling of negative emotional energy threads that have plagued humanity for eons are being tidied away, and the clearing up of the debris of old emotional attachments that no longer serve you is almost complete.

The forcefield of the dark energies that have ensnared you in the illusion — by maintaining and supporting the veil that hides Reality from you — is being steadily dissolved. A clean and fresh environment to embrace and support the new age is being firmly established.

The Light of divine Love is blazing through the darkness, allowing openness and transparency to prevail, and positively empowering all discussions and negotiations to resolve all the issues that have been holding back your moment of awakening.

The Light that envelops Earth is brilliant and powerfully focused, ensuring that awakening takes place as planned. And this Light can be seen from throughout your Milky Way Galaxy as the peace and Love that It signifies is transmitted far and wide to signal the dawning of this new divine era for humanity and Mother Earth. The momentous significance of this amazing awakening into awareness by humanity of its eternal relationship with God will astound you.

Most of humanity has a belief in God, but it is mostly a belief in a God Who keeps precise records of the sins of each and every one of you, and Who, at the moment immediately following your bodily death, makes uncompromising judgments of your failings; a God Who then demands that restitution for those failings be made by sacrifice, suffering, pain, and tears.

However, on awakening, the realization that this is not so, but instead, that God holds you in an eternal embrace of Love, Acceptance, and Joy which He shares with all His children, without judgment or exception of any kind, will fill you with untold happiness.

God’s happiness is to see you happy. That is His Will. He created you in Love, to be carefree and joyous, and it is into that state that you are to awaken, leaving behind the nightmare of the illusion that has caused you all so much pain and suffering. Deep within yourselves you have never forgotten this.

However, within the illusion, you have built and maintained barriers and defenses against attack, and to awaken you must dismantle them all — for they block your view of Reality. And these barriers are the negative attitudes and beliefs you hold, including the belief that you are sinners who must be punished before you can enter the divine realms.

While you cling to those beliefs — mostly as a kind of humble penitence and because you have an underlying sense of unworthiness — you are effectively closing yourselves off from the field of Love with which your Father surrounds you at all times. You have heard of the need to surrender yourselves to the divine Will, and many of you have interpreted that in the sense of a defeated enemy surrendering to an imperious victor, who desires the defeated to humble themselves before him, offer him obeisance, and make him lord and master of their possessions.

That is an utterly unreal concept that you invented to justify your own behavior as you fought and mistreated one another in numerous wars over the eons.

Release those judgmental attitudes and the belief that you deserve restitution, and the notion that those whom you see as far worse sinners than yourselves must be punished as a condition of your just and honorable recompense. Everyone experiencing life in the illusion has been mistreated by others; and equally, has been the instrument of others’ pain and suffering — because it is all part of the illusory experience you invented for yourselves.

And it is because you have been playing these games for so long that the need for restitution and to see others punished has become a deeply ingrained part of all your cultural belief systems. It often seems to you that you cannot be happy unless those who have mistreated you are severely punished in a way that enables you, and all who observe them, to gloat over their pain, suffering, and disgrace.

Those beliefs cannot enter into the Light of Heaven! There is no place for them there, and no one there could understand such feelings. As an analogy: Heaven is high above the Earth, and to reach It you have to be light enough to float up there with ease. Your negative attitudes and beliefs – in judgment, punishment, pain, guilt, and humiliation . . . of yourself or of others – are like lead weights that prevent you from rising upwards.

In these final moments before your awakening, focus on releasing all that useless and inappropriate baggage. You cannot take it forward with you into Reality. Really look at your issues: especially injustices that have been committed against you that you absolutely cannot believe it is right to forgive; or your own unworthiness or shortfalls that you also feel unable to forgive; and anything else on which you have a negative emotional charge. Acknowledge them, admit to owning them — and let them go! You will feel very much lighter when you do so.

You have enormous quantities of spiritual assistance right there beside you, awaiting your request for help. Ask for it! You are a bit like long-distance hikers, loaded up with rucksacks, tents, and other camping gear, and you have just arrived at a magnificent resort and spa where you no longer need all this stuff, but you do not have the strength to unload it all by yourselves.

Your spiritual assistants are like the resort staff who come rushing to greet you, to help you unload, and show you to your rooms, where the adjoining Jacuzzi is filled with hot, bubbling, fragrant water, waiting for you to sink into its soothing embrace.

Release your baggage — the accumulated emotions of eons of earthly journeys — and prepare yourselves to float away, up out of the illusion and into Heaven where you are expected, and where a most glorious welcome awaits you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

{Don’t forget the Global Meditation on Sunday November 11th 2012}

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/12/2012 1:26:55 AM

How Peace Will be Restored to Earth – Part 1/2

2012 NOVEMBER 11
Posted by Steve Beckow

Given Archangel Michael’s description of the 11/11 portal as “a declaration of universal peace,” we repost this series today.

Reposted from April 19, 2012

Looking at the world today, it’s hard to imagine how peace will be brought to the planet. And yet not only does the Company of Heaven declare it will, but that it’ll be stable and permanent. Let’s review how they say war will end on the planet.

Saul summarizes the circumstances that have led to more or less perpetual war in the world.

“For eons, conflict, distrust, and betrayal have been the standard modes of behavior for the vast majority of those living on Planet Earth, and for that majority it is almost impossible to conceive of any other way because it appears to be standard and normal, and to actually trust anyone would seem to invite betrayal and would therefore be insane.

“Instead of trusting, you invest in defense, believing that that is the most effective way to ensure your safety, and from there you come to the next logical conclusion, namely, that the best form of defense is attack. Wars are started and suffering is your constant companion.” (1)

SaLuSa tells us that the cabal used war as part of its policy to enrich itself and enslave the world’s population. He says that “wars have been perpetuated as a deliberate means of keeping you in fear, and lining the coffers of those who always make fortunes from them. Now you know why there is no serious intent to bring world peace into being.” (2) He states that we permitted the dark ones to assume control over us.

“Dear Ones you have allowed the dark Ones to take your power from you for their own gain and world control. Their aims are now known, and people power is returning to help bring sanity and peace to a troubled planet. We know you are fully capable of overcoming the obstacles placed in front of you, and will turn your energies towards establishing a peaceful co-existence with the whole of civilization.” (3)

Saul reminds us that the very channelled literature we consult here has been a major factor in waking us up.

“Guides and teachers have been constantly pointing out to you the fallacy of this belief system for a very long time. Now, at last, their wisdom is being heard and understood by enough of you to enable great changes in the ways that you interact and communicate with each other – whether within families or nation to nation – to be put into operation for the benefit of all on the planet.” (4)

I personally don’t think we’d have been able to achieve peace in the world without the aid of the galactics. SaLuSa reminds us that “the Galactic Federation are the peace keepers of the Universe.” (5) They represent “the civilizations that have outgrown war and the use of force, and seek to bring total peace to the Universe.” (6)

In the past, according to Diane of Sirius, the galactics’ appeals to the world’s governments brought no response.

“Successive world governments have rejected our help. We have offered to bring peace to the people on numerous occasions. Sadly those who have been reluctant to give up their power over you have turned it down. We have had to stand aside and allow you to decide your own future, but now the voice of the people has risen above that of those who have falsely maintained their power by covert actions and deceit.” (7)

But now the galactics have told the various governments of the world that they must abandon war or face the consequences, SaLuSa says: “Already the different countries and their governments have been made to understand that aggression must stop, and that we are authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure there is peace.” (8)

The galactics stand guard as countries attempt to provoke each other into war.

“We continue to monitor what is happening between the different countries, that are constantly provoking each other to near warlike responses.

“That, Dear Ones, is what has been wrong for as long as your history has been recorded. It is nearly always because of greed, and it has been prompted by the dark Ones who took control of different countries to rob them of their resources.

“Wars have created a constant condition of fear, and you were never intended to permanently live that way.” (9)

The chief concern of many people today is the situation that prevails in the Middle East, but SaLuSa told us back in January and again in February of 2012 that the galactics would see that war does not break out there.

“The Middle East continues to cause concern, as the negative energies are deep rooted as the result of centuries of warfare. Our brief is to ensure that problems do not escalate or bring about war, and we shall prevent one breaking out. The dark Ones would naturally like to exploit any such situation, but reckon without the Galactic Federation. We know their plans and are therefore able to control what takes place, and we have already shown them what we can do.” (10)

“In light of what we have told you about peace being established, please do not get caught up in fear as a result of the Middle East problems. There will be a sudden end to all confrontations, and those involved will see an event that allows for peace all round. There is no place any longer for nuclear weapons, and they have already been earmarked for destruction. The message is finally getting home that they will not be allowed to be used in any circumstances. Your governments have known about us and the ban on such devices for many years, and are finally realising that we mean what we say.” (11)

SaLuSa reveals that there have actually been “many attempts … to start a Third World War,” but “they have been dealt with and as we have promised you all along, there will not be another war.” (12) On Feb, 20, 2012, SaLuSa also stated that “there have been “a number of false flag incidents that have been controlled by us, so as to prevent the likelihood of a major confrontation. Some have been too big to be fully concealed, and some details do leak out. Be observant and you will undoubtedly pick up on some unusual reports.” (13)

He informs us that the Divine wishes the cycle to end in peace, in preparation for our Ascension. To that end, the galactics are authorized to end war on our world once and for all.

“We have the authority to act on your behalf to protect you. You have indicated your desire to enter a new era where war no longer takes place, and call for world peace. It will be ensured and enforced if necessary, until those responsible for such heinous acts as war are no longer able to exercise such power. It is a Divine Decree that your cycle of duality ends with war having been totally eradicated, and peace having been firmly established.” (14)

In the past, according to SaLuSa, the galactics have been required to stay within certain limits because of karmic situations: “Hitherto, our intervention on your behalf was curtailed for karmic reasons, but now by Divine decree we are able to enforce the plan for your spiritual evolution.” (15) The authority given to them has been extended as divine deadlines are passed.

“We have ever increasing authority to intervene on any attempts to start a Third World War, and you need not fear the threats that are being uttered by those who have such an agenda. … Keep going and do not be distracted by the fear that some dark Ones are trying to generate, through their desire to start another conflict. It will not be allowed under any circumstances.” (16)

God has willed that war shall end on this planet.

“It is a Divine Decree that your cycle of duality ends with war having been totally eradicated, and peace having been firmly established. For too long your rights have been taken away, and the time has been reached for them to be totally restored. The old paradigm is now defunct, and will draw no more energy to sustain it any longer. A new day has commenced that will bloom into its magnificence with Ascension.” (17)

This being the case, he says, the rules of the game have changed.

“Our mission has recently changed from passive roles to ones that directly engage the dark forces.” (18)

“We are pressing ahead and know that it is now the turn of the Light to take charge, and commence to set up a society that can express its freedom to create a new peaceful way forward.” (19)

Tomorrow we’ll hear how the galactics will still the guns of war and the rising energies will imbue the people with an overwhelming desire to live peaceably together. When the energies reach the levels that bring Ascension, no negativity will be found remaining on Planet Earth.


(1) Saul, Jan. 18, 2012, at

(2) SaLuSa, April 17, 2009, at

(3) SaLuSa, Feb. 15, 2010.

(4) Saul, Jan. 18, 2012.

(5) SaLuSa, Feb. 20, 2012.

(6) SaLuSa, Nov. 17, 2010.

(7) Diane of Sirius, Jan. 16, 2009, at

(8) SaLuSa, April 4, 2012.

(9) SaLuSa, April 2, 2012.

(10) SaLuSa, Jan. 18, 2012.

(11) SaLuSa, Feb. 20, 2012.

(12) Loc. cit.

(13) Loc. cit.

(14) Loc. cit.

(15) SaLuSa, April 4, 2012.

(16) SaLuSa, Feb. 22, 2012.

(17) SaLuSa, Feb. 20, 2012.

(18) SaLuSa, April 16, 2012.

(19) SaLuSa, April 4, 2012.

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11/12/2012 1:29:20 AM

How Peace Will be Restored to Earth – Part 2/2

2012 NOVEMBER 11
Posted by Steve Beckow

(Continued from here)

The Company of Heaven does not tell us in as much detail as we might like how they will accomplish peace, but they do block out for us the major moves. SaLuSa informs us that “peace will come to you when the big powers stop interfering in other countries affairs.” (1) That time will be hastened by the dismantling of all military weapons, he says: “You will soon have to dismantle all weapons of war.” (2)

The galactics could easily cause all weapons to cease working, he reveals: “We could stifle the guns of war if so required by divine instruction, and at some stage that may be necessary.” (3) And now in 2012, he tells us that that time is close to arriving.

“We are paving the way for a declaration of world peace, from which point the use of any weaponry will be banned.” (4)

“At last we can tell you that the basis for world wide peace has been established, and quickly shall the weapons of war be withdrawn and immobilized.

“However, that will come when we join you and use our technology to ensure that once an agreement has been reached, that all countries obey it.” (5)

He informs us that war will not longer be a feature of terrestrial life and so there is no need for armies: “War has absolutely no place in the future, and for that reason there will be no need for defensive employment.” (6)

Ker-on told us some time ago that many soldiers don’t want to fight any more.

“Many of the personnel in your armed forces are honest souls dedicated to freedom, and they shall quickly turn their attention to help making peace throughout the world.

“Many of those who have experienced death and destruction around them have had their fill, and learnt lessons that will enable them to change direction. All are welcome into the Light and Love that heals all scars and injuries through the experiences of life.” (7)

When fighting stops, Matthew Ward says, all troops will return to their home nations: “All warring will end incrementally and troops in foreign countries, whether in combat, occupation forces or simply because military bases exist, will return to their own countries.” (8)

According to SaLuSa, peace has already been declared but world leaders refuse to announce it.

“Presently we are occupied with the confrontations in the Middle East, and although it is threatening to lead to war, we state again that it will not be allowed to happen. The New World Order will not be allowed to take advantage of any situation that might lead to one, as we can in any event disable weapons if we so wish.

“You could say that by our very actions, peace has been declared and an end to war in this cycle. It would delight us if your leaders would acknowledge this development, and announce it to the world.” (9)

Of all world leaders, probably President Obama is the closest to acknowledging world peace publicly, he informs us.

“President Obama is probably the first one to make a major announcement that clearly indicates his place as a peacekeeper. He is much maligned and blamed for activities beyond his control, but that will all change very soon.” (10)

Peace is coming because we demanded it, he tells us. Those who propagate war will find themselves prevented from ascending:

“The times you are in are wonderful, because you have made it quite clear that you want nothing more to do with the mentality that focuses on war and confrontation.” (11)

“At last you are quite rightly demanding an end to war, and that call has been answered by God. It is now decreed by God that war is ended, and our place is to ensure that it is so.

“That elusive peace you sought for eons of time is soon to be yours, and all forms of aggression will also be denied to those who would ignore the Divine Decree. Those souls who still harbor thoughts of this kind, will find that their vibrations are such that they will not be allowed to enter the higher vibrations of the ascended.” (12)

Our prayers for peace, SaLuSa says, “are being answered by Beings of Light from the highest realms, and they support us in our work by empowering us to help you to achieve lasting peace on Earth.” (13) Along with our demands, leaders wait in the wings to translate our rising clamor for peace into action, SaLuSa says.

“You are quite positive in demanding world peace and if your present leaders are unable to respond, you are not prepared to see them just step down but insist that new leaders that can do so are appointed in their place.

“Dear Ones, such leaders are amongst you and when we have removed the obstacles and opposition to them, they will lead you to the peaceful and happy era that you not only seek but deserve.” (14)

Aside from the galactics’ actions and our clamor, what other factors are ensuring that peace will descend on Earth? Saul mentions one: the impact of the rising energies.

“As the year progresses and the higher vibrations are dominant, peace will descend upon Earth. Already there are noticeable changes in the mass consciousness levels that can be registered by us, and more souls than ever are being lifted up.” (15)

Matthew Ward tells us that these energies cannot be halted. They will do their work.

“The higher energies engulfing the planet cannot be weakened much less halted, and these energies are awakening minds to search for truth and opening hearts to actively work for peace for all humankind and respect for all life.” (16)

Upon our arrival in the higher dimensions, there won’t be the slightest trace of discord, SaLuSa reveals.

“What a difference you will find when you arrive in the higher dimensions where there is harmony and peace, such a gentle energy that you can feel it totally embracing you. Each soul you meet will surround you in their love, and you could hardly imagine such a beautiful peaceful feeling. You will feel as if you are floating around on a cloud of gossamer.

“There is not the slightest presence of discord or negativity, and the joy of being there is an ecstatic experience. Whereas the Earth has become your living Hell, so the higher dimensions will be your Heaven. What you can be assured of is that every soul you meet, is there through having raised their vibrations to those higher levels. You cannot therefore meet with Beings of a lesser vibration, who will have found their own levels elsewhere.” (17)

Thus our yearning for peace is well known and will be granted with a suddenness that will astonish us, SaLuSa assures us.

“We … know that you tire of the constant battles that take place in your lives, and yearn for peace and the opportunity to live your life as you choose. That dream will come true and the suddenness of your transformation will be quite astonishing. Your future is in the Golden Age, and beyond your present imagination.” (18)

The galactics thus tell us that peace is unstoppable in the period leading up to Ascension. Guns will no longer operate and our governments will be forced to declare peace. The Divine Plan, our clamor and the rising energies will see to the inevitable return of peace, harmony and balance to the Earth.


(1) SaLuSa, March 31, 2102, at

(2) SaLuSa, May 21, 2010.

(3) SaLuSa, July 27, 2011.

(4) SaLuSa, April 16, 2012.

(5) SaLuSa, April 2, 2012.

(6) SaLuSa, Oct. 4, 2010.

(7) Ker-On of Venus, Sept. 8, 2008, at

(8) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 11, 2011, at

(9) SaLuSa, March 9, 2012.

(10) Loc. cit.

(11) SaLuSa, Nov. 30, 2011.

(12) SaLuSa, March 14, 2012.

(13) SaLuSa, Nov. 30, 2011.

(14) Loc. cit.

(15) Saul, Jan. 18, 2012, at

(16) Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2008.

(17) SaLuSa, Jan. 19, 2011.

(18) SaLuSa, July 1, 2009.

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11/12/2012 1:31:19 AM

Examples of Pre-NESARA Forgiveness?

2012 NOVEMBER 11
Posted by sage

Examples of Pre-NESARA Forgiveness?

sage: Below are three stories from three different countries illustrating attempts at financial reform: from the humanity of cancelling evictions through debt forgiveness to providing funds for families. Could this be pre-NESARA happening?

Story 1: Spain’s Politicians Pledge To Stop Evictions After Suicide

By Iciar Reinlein, Reuters – November 10, 2012

(Reuters) – Spain’s conservative prime minister and the leader of the opposition aim to agree measures on Monday to stop banks evicting homeowners after a woman’s suicide before her property was repossessed caused public outrage.

“No one should be without a home for not being able to pay,” Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, leader of the opposition Socialist Party said on Saturday.

Northern Spanish mortgage lender Kutxabank said it was suspending repossessions after 53-year-old former Socialist councillor Amaia Egana threw herself out of her fourth-storey apartment window in Barakaldo in the Basque Country as court officials came up the stairs to evict her on Friday.

Egana’s death, the second eviction-related suicide in Spain in recent weeks, added urgency to an agreement reached on Wednesday between the ruling conservative People’s Party and the Socialists to seek a bipartisan deal over repossessions.

Graffiti accusing bankers of murder and calling for an end to evictions appeared on some bank branches in the Basque Country on Saturday, Spanish media reported.

“We are living through things that no one likes to see, situations that are competely inhumane,” Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy told a political meeting hours after Egana’s death. “I hope that on Monday we’ll be able to talk about a temporary suspension of evictions for the most vulnerable families.”

One measure would be to grant grace periods, Spanish media reported. Rajoy said the rules would not be retroactive, while Rubalcaba called for previous evictions to be included.

There have been nearly 400,000 evictions in Spain since a property bubble burst in 2008. Unemployment hit 25 percent in the third quarter, a record high and the European Commission expects the economy to contract 1.4 percent this year and next as the second recession since the end of 2009 drags on.

Last week, European Union Advocate General Juliane Kokott issued a non-binding report concluding that Spanish legislation on evictions contradicts European norms for protecting consumer rights. Europe’s highest court will now have to deliver an opinion.

Jose Miguel Domingo, a newsstand owner in Granada, in southern Spain, hung himself on October 25, before he was due to lose his home, local media reported.

The same week an unemployed man in Burjassot, a town in the eastern region of Valencia, threw himself off a balcony on the day his family was to be evicted from their apartment. Reports said the man survived the fall.

Story 2: UAE Frees Hundreds of Emirati Debtors From Jail

By Amena Bakr, Reuters – November 10, 2012

(Reuters) – The United Arab Emirates has released from prison around 290 people convicted of bouncing cheques, the state news agency said on Saturday, the latest step by one of the world’s richest countries to help its citizens deal with their debts.

The drive to help debtors underlines moves by the government to expand its support to the population, as the UAE and other countries across the region boost welfare spending in the wake of last year’s Arab Spring uprisings in the Middle East.

Signing cheques without sufficient funds to back them is a criminal offence under UAE law and the order to release citizens who had defaulted on cheque payments was given last month by President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahayan.

In May, the president allocated around 5 million dirhams ($1.4 million) to settle defaulted loans for each indebted Emirati.

The UAE central bank told commercial banks in August to extend maturities on certain personal loans held by UAE citizens by more than four years.

The state news agency said on Saturday authorities have given certificates to those released from jail protecting them from future criminal prosecution over their cases.

However, an official quoted by the agency said creditors could still try to recover debts through civil courts.

The latest amnesty does not extend to all debtors. A number of foreigners, most of them real estate developers and businessmen who worked in Dubai during its economic boom several years ago, remain in prison after being convicted and sentenced over bounced cheques.

Story 3: Pakistan Marks “Malala Day”, Poor Children to Get Cash For School

By Katharine Houreld, Reuters – November 10, 2012

(Reuters) – The families of more than 3 million poor children in Pakistan will receive cash stipends if their children go to school, the government said as officials prepared to mark “Malala Day” on Saturday in support of a schoolgirl shot by the Taliban.

U.N. officials declared Malala Day one month after 15-year-old Malala Yousufzai and two of her classmates were shot by the Pakistan Taliban. She had been targeted for speaking out against the insurgency.

In the days following the shooting, Yousufzai became an international icon and world leaders pledged to support her campaign for girls’ education. She is now recovering in a British hospital.

On Friday, Pakistani president Asif Zardari added his signature to petitions signed by more than a million people urging Pakistan to pay stipends to families who put their girls in school in honor of Malala.

“Malala’s dreams represent what is best about Pakistan,” said former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown as he presented the petitions to President Zardari.

Tens of thousands of Britons have called on the government to nominate Malala Yousufzai for a Nobel Peace Prize for her work promoting girls’ education.

On Friday, the government announced that poor families will now receive $2 a month per child in primary school.

The program will be funded by the World Bank and Britain and distributed through the government’s Benazir Income Support Program, designed to give small cash payments to needy families. The families in the program already receive $10 a month for basic expenditure.

After a stipend program was put in place in Pakistan’s Punjab province, a World Bank study found a nine percent increase in girls’ enrolment over two years, said Alaphia Zoyab, the South Asia campaigner for internet activist group Avaaz.

Pakistan is struggling to overcome widespread poverty, a Taliban insurgency and massive, endemic corruption. Less than 0.57 percent of Pakistan’s 180 million citizens pay income tax, money that the government could use to educate poor children.

Instead, the Pakistani government relies on foreign donors to fund many social programs. Britain is due to spend around $1 billion on helping Pakistan educate poor children by 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/13/2012 12:02:12 AM

SaLuSa: November 12, 2012

2012 NOVEMBER 12
Posted by Andrew Eardley

SaLuSa: November 12, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

Andrew: SaLuSa continues today to look at the near future leading up to, and following Ascension. The opening of the 11/11 portal has allowed much Light to pass through resulting in the raising of both personal and planetary vibrations. He reminds us that nothing is more important than our preparations for Ascension, and that all we need – and more – will be available to us.

He tells us that our present marriages or partnerships will no longer be constrained by 3D vows and we will be free to continue with these – or not – as we choose. In the higher dimensions the love of other souls is an exchange of energy, however we can “join” energies at an even higher level and such a union is far beyond our previous experiences.

Earth, because of our previous low vibrations, has been referred to as a “prison planet” which we have been prevented from leaving and we have been kept in quarantine as a result. However, the raising of vibrations in recent years has attracted the attention of more evolved civilizations who we will meet. We will leave duality as far greater Beings than when we entered it. SaLuSa suggests that we relax and enjoy the coming weeks which will bring us many of the expected changes.

Dear Ones, matters have really taken off with the coming of 11/11 which has opened a portal through which much Light has passed through you and into the Earth. Those of you who set the time aside to work with the Light have not only raised your own vibrations, but those of the planet.

It is likely that as a result you felt uplifted and light-headed, but it will settle down. Perhaps the most noticeable change within you will be your recognition of a deeper sense of calmness and peace. As you partake in further upliftments, so you will become even more at One, and others will “feel” the powerful energies that you are sending out.

You are now in the time you have been waiting for and, as you look around, you will see changes taking place everywhere. It will bring joy and happiness into being, and that again will lift the vibrations.

On a personal level nothing is more important than your preparations for Ascension. Whatever form you expect it to take, you will ascend and then all else will follow in quick order. Do not concern yourselves with material things, as all you need will be available to you, and indeed more.

The plan for your well-being has considered all aspects of your needs, and there will be a smooth transition from your present dimension to the 5th dimension. Set out to enjoy the experience as it is unique and you are privileged to be one chosen for it.

There is absolutely nothing to fear, and every soul will be loved and cared for at every stage. We will be accompanying you, ensuring that the process passes smoothly, and welcoming you into the higher realms.

Because your minds are otherwise occupied, there is one aspect of your future lives that does not seem to have received much consideration. We refer to your marriages or partnerships as they will relate to the higher dimensions. You will no longer be bound by 3D vows and it will be up to each individual as to whether you wish to continue on the same basis, and you will find that you have much more freedom.

Also unlike Earth where attraction is largely of a physical nature, the love of other souls is an exchange of energy that will be quite normal, as those you will be in the presence of will all have a vibration that will be in harmony with yours.

However, you can “join” energies at an even higher level and for whatever purpose become as One. It may for example be to serve the Light together, and even introduce another soul into your world. Such a union is far beyond anything you will have already experienced.

As we have told you before, almost every aspect of your life as you understand it now will change. You will quickly adapt to a new expanded way of life that will offer you so many opportunities to travel, whereas previously you have been confined to Earth. Not only that, but also into the higher dimensions where some souls are ready to take their place.

Your Earth has been referred to as a “prison planet” and it is an accurate description as, because of your low vibration, you have been prevented from leaving it. It is also why the Earth’s energies have been contained to prevent them polluting space beyond it.

For similar reasons you have also been kept in quarantine, so as to ensure that the experiment of experiencing duality was able to go ahead without outside interference. The only exception has been where certain Extraterrestrials have been given permission to contact you, because they have a similar low vibration to yours.

Naturally as your vibrations have risen up, which they have done so quite substantially over the last 30 years, you have attracted the attention of those who are more evolved. So you will in fact meet other civilizations of which you have little or no knowledge at present. We of the Galactic Federation of Light are of course already known to you, and are friends and family of long standing.

The Earth will always hold fond memories for you in spite of the trauma and misery of many lives that have been severe challenges for you. This can be offset by the rapid spiritual growth that has resulted from such experiences. Nowhere else in the Universe can offer similar opportunities for growth, and it one of the main reasons that you took on such challenges.

Eventually your memories of this period will fade into the background, but you will always benefit from the growth in your levels of consciousness. You will leave duality a far greater Being than when you first entered it, eons of time ago. So enjoy the coming weeks that are about to spring into action and bring you many of the changes you have been expecting.

The old paradigm is collapsing beyond the point where it can be re-established, and we are ready to help you bring the new one into being. Indeed, behind the scenes much has been going on to this end and has advanced quite quickly. We continue to make more appearances in your skies than ever before, and when we can finally commence our flyovers we know they will be well received.

We feel that at last you are beginning to relax and accept things as they happen, knowing that all is in order and you will benefit from our assistance which will speed matters up. Whatever is required to take place this side of Ascension will come about as intended.

We wish that your media was released from the grip of those who adulterate your news, often deliberately distorting the facts to mislead you. Also, so many laws have been introduced that will be changed so that you have more freedom of information, and no longer will secrecy be allowed as an excuse to hide the truth.

The extent to which you have been kept in the dark is way beyond what you suspect, and you will be astonished at what has been developed for your Space programs. With the help of Extraterrestrials amazing advancements have been made in Space travel, as you will learn. Presently quite a few craft you see in your skies are your own that you have been prevented from knowing about.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and looking forward to the occasion when we can meet you and exchange friendly greetings. You will easily take to us as we are you from a higher level of consciousness. We have so much to share with you, and it will be a wonderful time. Our love freely flows to you at all times.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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