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11/13/2012 12:03:45 AM

Benjamin Fulford 11-12-12…”World intervention saves Obama, prevents World War 3″

At the moment, I have not read this fully. However, I suggest using Higher Discernment when reading this. I’m not getting that the “Obama is simply a teleprompter-reading stooge” type message is correct, at all. Anyway, “Higher Discernment, come on in!”


World intervention saves Obama, prevents World War 3
by Benjamin Fulford 11-12-12

The Dragon family and governments of the non-Western world acted decisively to get Barak Obama re-elected as president because a Romney victory would have meant World War 3, according to multiple sources.

Obama was cut off of his election finances by the Pope and the Queen three weeks before the election and would have lost if the Dragon family and others did not step in and finance him, according to CIA and Asian government sources. Obama returned the favor by complying to a request to purge Bush/Nazi operatives from the government and the military, the sources say.

That is why Timothy Geithner, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder and other bush operatives were fired. The purge at the pentagon and agencies included CIA Chief David Petraeus, Rear Admiral Charles M.

Gaouette, US Army General Carter Ham, Brigadier General Jeffery A. Sinclair, and US Navy Commander Joseph E. Darlak, according to CIA and other agency sources.

Obama now has a totally different set of handlers and teleprompter script writers than he did in his first term. The agenda he is expected to follow is…

…to set the stage for a swords to plowshares transition of the military industrial complex.
He is also expected to oversee the dismantling of the Federal Reserve Board.

The voting patterns for Obama reflected the fact that he was elected thanks to non-Europeans. He got over 70% of Hispanic, Asian and Jewish votes, close to 100% of African American votes and only 39% of European American votes. There was also massive support from the 180 nations of the world that are sick and tired of never ending American and European war-mongering.

Obama is now a high priority assassination target of the Nazi/Bush faction, according various sources.

The situation may actually lead to civil war against the Bush Texas stronghold. Since Obama got only a bit more than 30% of the European American male vote you can be sure there are lot of upset white men, many of whom belong to militias, who might fight with the Nazis, creating a potentially volatile situation.

The White Dragon Society was not involved in the decision to back Obama but agrees with it, with some reservation, because the alternative was WW3.

The overwhelming Jewish support for Obama, despite Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s support for Romney, makes it pretty clear the Jews are sick and tired of being manipulated into fear and war by neo-Nazi Zionist thugs. The Israeli military and intelligence establishment has also finally figured out that they have been fooled into working as proxies for Nazi American and European tycoons and are no longer following the program. Netanyahu, who had his psychiatrist murdered, and was part of the 311 nuclear terror attack on Japan, will probably end up in jail when this is all over.

The Bush faction CIA agent “ambassador Stevens” was definitely behind the nuclear and tsunami mass terror attack against Japan on 311, according to MI6 and gnostic illuminati sources. He was tortured for 8 hours after his capture in Libya and spilled the beans on the plot to start WW3 with a false flag attack against US forces in the Persian Gulf. While he was hung out like a worm on a hook he reached out to various places asking for help which also helped reveal the network he was working for, they say.

Admiral Gaoutte, who wanted to help Stevens, was taken away in handcuffs and has not appeared in public since his arrest, meaning he is probably undergoing intense interrogation, pentagon sources say. Gaouette was planning to attack his own fleet and blame it on Iran in order to start a war, according to these sources.

The White Dragon Society also received a direct call from a senior pentagon general warning that Hurricane Sandy was just a foretaste of what would happen in Romney was not elected. Now we shall see what retaliation the Bush Nazi faction carries out now that their people are being purged following Obama’s victory.

There are also mass clouds of disinformation being put out now and it will take some time for it to clear up and reveal more about what is really going on.

For example many sources say George Bush Senior is senile and in a wheel chair and that Jeb Bush now runs the clan. However, Neil Keenan says Bush recently got a $5 million rejuvenation treatment in Hong Kong and is still fully in control.

This sounds far-fetched but Japanese military intelligence sources say former Japanese Prime Minister Nakasone recently appeared at a funeral looking far younger than his 94 years making many speculate he had been “replaced.” Other well-known gerontocrats like David Rockefeller also occasionally appear rejuvenated as if they had undergone some sort of treatment.

The other disinformation surrounds what CIA Chief Petraeus was up to. Some pentagon sources say he was planning to install himself as a Roman style emperor after killing Obama and staging a coup.

Others say he was a patriot who was fired to prevent him from testifying about what really happened to Stevens.

What is clear though is that the mass firings announced by Obama mark a major change in the US power structure.

A lot of Japanese power-brokers have been deeply upset by the Romney defeat, notably Junichiro Koizumi’s and Yasuhiro Nakasone’s people. That means that well-financed attempts to set up a new Nazi puppet regime in Japan are now doomed.

This is already becoming visible. Tokyo Governor and well-known China baiter Shintaro Ishihara resigned to start a new national political party after his son was defeated in his effort to take over the resurgent Liberal Democratic Party. However, Ishihara is not finding any followers and has committed political suicide. The moves to place charismatic Osaka major Toru Hashimoto, an Ishihara friend, as a new leader of Japan are also now being put to an end.

Instead it is now looking likely that the Liberal Democratic Party and ruling Democratic parties will merge and choose a new leader through an open and fair election.

The Chinese leadership transition is also still underway but the emerging consensus is that democratic and other reforms that the new generation carry out will resemble the Singapore model more than they resemble the US or European models.

The Europeans, for their part, still do not have access to printing presses for new money and the result is a slow implosion of government function and society in many of their countries. Money will flow again when the wars and terror are stopped.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/13/2012 12:05:52 AM

Poofness 11-11-12…”Global Reset”

Greetings and Salutations;

The time has finally arrived, the folks who live in the rafters have met and put an end to this long wait for this world to be made right. To put our behinds to work doing what needs being done. Talk about being able to do their jobs without a lot of ego, many of these folks have been totally unknown by most, living humbly and seeking no attention as to the true purpose of their existence. Even now they seek no attention for what they have done. No public bows and rah rahs from the crowd. Much personal sacrifice and trying times for whatever reason, they have done their jobs. As I have said many times, this was not run by the us, the us had to go along with the big picture, after all. To curb a big nation with such a focus on ‘might makes right’, they had to be hit in the money dept to make the point. Keep borrowing and not paying back makes the foreclosure people, very active to bring it all into control. No one in the world wanted to see the us go down because of a few greedy people so, all attention was put on the folks that caused it and those blowing smoke up american tail, pumping up the egos so, you wouldn’t look behind the curtain and find their dastardly deeds.

Time has run out and very shortly you find out what’s been going on for over 100 yrs in america. Butts are puckering right now….if I know, so do they. The Raid is already being sprayed to rid the earth of the cockroaches. I’m sure commander cockroach is apoplectic by now, I know karl rove was tues night. Romney was ‘gobsmacked’ at the results. Best advice, never think you can plumb the depths of an infinite mind and out think it. Your opinion counts for nothing in such an exercise especially if your opinion is based on ‘religious thought’ laid out by the power brokers of this planet. Remember this, ‘in the last days, every knee will bend’.

They got kirby vacuums running at the us treasury since friday as some are being pulled out and being replaced. This is being done because the constitutional treasury is being readied to go active. Banks are certainly getting their faxes on changes they need to kick in. No more us corporation running the the country. Their charter hit ground in the world court, broke and foreclosed upon. China has already started to revamp the yuan so it covers more than china….as countries in asia decouple from the peg to us dollars. The world’s going metal and the us must follow suit or become the roman empire.

Related Link

Have fun you all, consider your self and your future. There is Much before us to do.

Consultations until I can’t.

Love and Kisses,


“If I Can Dream”

(Words & music by brown)

There must be lights burning brighter somewhere, Got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue

If I can dream of a better land, Where all my brothers walk hand in hand, Tell me why, oh why, oh why can’t my dream come true

Oh why, There must be peace and understanding sometime, Strong winds of promise that will blow away, All the doubt and fear, If I can dream of a warmer sun, Where hope keeps shining on everyone

Tell me why, oh why, oh why wont that sun appear

Were lost in a cloud, With too much rain, Were trapped in a world, That’s troubled with pain, But as long as a man, Has the strength to dream, He can redeem his soul and fly

Deep in my heart there’s a tremblin question, Still I am sure that the answer gonna come somehow, Out there in the dark, there’s a beckoning candle, yeah, And while I can think, while I can talk, While I can stand, while I can walk, While I can dream, please let my dream, Come true, ohhhhh, right now
Let it come true right now

Oh yeah, If I Can Dream

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/13/2012 11:06:51 AM

Urine-powered generator unveiled at international exhibition

Three of the four inventors of the urine-powered generator (Eric Hersman)

Four African girls have created a generator that produces electricity for six hours using a single liter of urine as fuel.

The generator was unveiled at last week's Maker Faire in Lagos, Nigeria, by the four teens Duro-Aina Adebola, Akindele Abiola, and Faleke Oluwatoyin, all age 14, and Bello Eniola, 15.

So how exactly does the urine-powered generator work?

  • Urine is put into an electrolytic cell, which separates out the hydrogen.
  • The hydrogen goes into a water filter for purification, which then gets pushed into the gas cylinder.
  • The gas cylinder pushes hydrogen into a cylinder of liquid borax, which is used to remove the moisture from the hydrogen gas.
  • This purified hydrogen gas is pushed into the generator.

And as for delivering the fuel itself? Well, we'll leave that up to the consumer.

The Maker Faire is a popular event across the African continent, drawing thousands of participants who travel to Lagos to show their inventions and other practical creations.

As the Next Web describes it, the Maker Faire is intended to highlight creations "that solve immediate challenges and problems, and then works to support and propagate them. Put another way, this isn't just a bunch of rich people talking about how their apps are going to change the world."

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Myrna Ferguson

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11/13/2012 3:47:09 PM
This to me is quit an invention. And the female too. Yep, let it up to the woman to make something work. lol All kidding aside, this is super cool invention.


Urine-powered generator unveiled at international exhibition

Three of the four inventors of the urine-powered generator (Eric Hersman)

Four African girls have created a generator that produces electricity for six hours using a single liter of urine as fuel.

The generator was unveiled at last week's Maker Faire in Lagos, Nigeria, by the four teens Duro-Aina Adebola, Akindele Abiola, and Faleke Oluwatoyin, all age 14, and Bello Eniola, 15.

So how exactly does the urine-powered generator work?

  • Urine is put into an electrolytic cell, which separates out the hydrogen.
  • The hydrogen goes into a water filter for purification, which then gets pushed into the gas cylinder.
  • The gas cylinder pushes hydrogen into a cylinder of liquid borax, which is used to remove the moisture from the hydrogen gas.
  • This purified hydrogen gas is pushed into the generator.

And as for delivering the fuel itself? Well, we'll leave that up to the consumer.

The Maker Faire is a popular event across the African continent, drawing thousands of participants who travel to Lagos to show their inventions and other practical creations.

As the Next Web describes it, the Maker Faire is intended to highlight creations "that solve immediate challenges and problems, and then works to support and propagate them. Put another way, this isn't just a bunch of rich people talking about how their apps are going to change the world."
Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
11/14/2012 12:22:58 AM
I agree with you, Myrna; more and more women are making things work across the world these days.
Now, what will they come up with next, I wonder...?

This to me is quit an invention. And the female too. Yep, let it up to the woman to make something work. lol All kidding aside, this is super cool invention.


Urine-powered generator unveiled at international exhibition

Three of the four inventors of the urine-powered generator (Eric Hersman)

Four African girls have created a generator that produces electricity for six hours using a single liter of urine as fuel.

The generator was unveiled at last week's Maker Faire in Lagos, Nigeria, by the four teens Duro-Aina Adebola, Akindele Abiola, and Faleke Oluwatoyin, all age 14, and Bello Eniola, 15.

So how exactly does the urine-powered generator work?

  • Urine is put into an electrolytic cell, which separates out the hydrogen.
  • The hydrogen goes into a water filter for purification, which then gets pushed into the gas cylinder.
  • The gas cylinder pushes hydrogen into a cylinder of liquid borax, which is used to remove the moisture from the hydrogen gas.
  • This purified hydrogen gas is pushed into the generator.

And as for delivering the fuel itself? Well, we'll leave that up to the consumer.

The Maker Faire is a popular event across the African continent, drawing thousands of participants who travel to Lagos to show their inventions and other practical creations.

As the Next Web describes it, the Maker Faire is intended to highlight creations "that solve immediate challenges and problems, and then works to support and propagate them. Put another way, this isn't just a bunch of rich people talking about how their apps are going to change the world."

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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