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10/28/2012 12:51:17 AM

Toward a World That Works for Everyone

2012 OCTOBER 27
Posted by Steve Beckow

Werner Erhard in 1979

My sense of the goal of all our efforts. Reprinted from Dec. 8 2009.

If we were looking for a phrase that would describe the world we’re headed for, for me, it would be Werner Erhard’s memorable phrase: “a world that works for everyone.”

I now see that Werner was looking through eyes that knew the Fifth-Density world that we’re aiming at. The rest of us blinked when he spoke about “context” and “coming from the whole.” But I now see what he was describing where I didn’t then.

He was describing a world he could see and feel, a world that he lived from in which he did what worked and what he did worked. It was a world in which he felt love and compassion for all without condition or distinction, the same universal love that we are being encouraged to live from today.

Our partners on the spirit side of life like St. Germain and Archangel Michael and on the galactic side like SaLuSa of Sirius and Mira of the Pleiadians are standing in that ascended space and beckoning to us.

“Here is the world you’re looking for, the world that works for everyone, with no one left out.”

What is it that chiefly stands in the way of my experiencing that world?

I’m convinced it can be summarized in one phrase: My “unfinished business” stands in the way – what (Hindu) Vedantists would call “vasanas.”

“Vasana” is a Vedantic term for a persistent reaction pattern triggered by a current upset which resembles a past upset.

All the issues I’m carrying around since forever.

One of my intentions here is to begin mapping the whole business of processing old issues out so that, when the time comes, I can assist people who’re wanting to be free from theirs so they can pass through the eye of the needle of ascension.

I’m a completely innocent and sovereign individual who has, over lifetimes, created issues over various situations that all but mask that innocence and sovereignty from my awareness.

That said, I offer as an initial hypothesis that the two chief tools I see I have to overcome those issues without needing to process each and every one of them would be forgiveness and gratitude.

Forgiveness of myself and others and gratitude to God and everyone around me for what I have, what I’ve learned, what I’ve gained.

I’ll be exploring how forgiveness of everyone who has ever harmed me and asking the forgiveness of all I have ever harmed works. A simple statement of that said once does not seem to do the job. There must be more to the practice.

By the same token, giving thanks to God and the world once for all that I am and have also does not seem to do the job. I must explore the work that gratitude does and see what a “grateful heart” really looks like.

I acknowledge that, without the cooperation of everyone else in this world, I would not be in the position I am today, anticipating ascension and an end to dualistic consciousness for myself and the planet.

Werner’s goal of creating a world that works for everyone is, by the words of the spiritual hierarchy and Galactic Federation, guaranteed. Only by consciously turning our backs on the offer could we not find ourselves, soon enough, in exactly that planetary environment of transformation and abundance that Werner knew and pointed to.

Werner held that dream for millions of people, such was the power granted him by the state of enlightenment he was in. I have a video of him, as it were, burnt into my mind and it serves as my inspiration as I work my way along from a state of incompletion to a state of completion and ascension and then service to others.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/28/2012 11:09:15 AM
WOW! Could this be the beginning of the end of everything negative?

British Engineers Create Gasoline Out Of Thin Air

Create fuel out of thin air? Is that really possible?

Air Fuel Synthesis, a small company located in Stockton-on-Tees, in the north of England, claims they have developed an “air capture” technology allowing them to create synthetic gasoline using only air and electricity.

With the push to lower carbon emissions and our overall carbon footprint, what’s appealing about this technology is that it can produce carbon-neutral gasoline.

The Christian Science Monitor explains how it works:

The process starts by blowing atmospheric air into a tower containing the sodium hydroxide, which binds to the carbon dioxide to form sodium carbonate.

Adding energy to that substance splits out the carbon dioxide specifically, which is then stored for later use.

Next, a dehumidifier removes water vapor from the air, and more energy is added to separate the hydrogen and oxygen molecules.

Mix the hydrogen with the carbon dioxide in the right proportions and you produce a synthetic gaseous hydrocarbon.

That, in turn, can be processed into methanol–which can be further turned into synthetic gasoline.

The resulting gasoline can either be used in vehicles directly or blended with conventionally extracted and refined gasoline.

By clicking here, you can access an interactive diagram that will provide a visual demonstration of how this process works.

According to Air Fuel Synthesis, the resulting fuel can be used in any regular gasoline tank and even better, if renewable energy is used to provide the electricity it could become “completely carbon neutral.”

Company executives hope to build a refinery size operation within the next 15 years.

Well, certainly if that’s true, it’s an amazing breakthrough.

From The Telegraph:

Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) officials admitted that while the described the technology as being “too good to be true but it is true”, it could prove to be a “game-changer” in the battle against climate change.

Stephen Tetlow, the IMechE chief executive, hailed the breakthrough as “truly groundbreaking”.

“It has the potential to become a great British success story, which opens up a crucial opportunity to reduce carbon emissions,” he said.

Developing the technology that can have a real impact on climate change while reducing dependence on foreign oil supplies sounds great, but are there any downsides here?

The biggest one seems to be the question of where the energy for this process will come from, since outside energy is needed to facilitate the technology at a few stages.

New Scientist points out that this will only be truly carbon-neutral gasoline if all that energy comes from renewable sources like solar, wind or water. On the other hand, if the necessary energy comes from burning coal, then the whole process is hardly carbon-neutral.

Indeed, many critics have been skeptical of the technology, questioning how much energy it would take to produce this gasoline.

Stay tuned, while we wait to see if this is truly green gasoline. Can engineers really produce fuel that looks and smells like the real thing, but is much cleaner?

Whatever the answer, this is an exciting prospect!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/28/2012 5:50:49 PM

Jesus: The Illusion is But a Trick of Your Collective Perception, Soon to be Dissolved

2012 OCTOBER 28
Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: The Illusion is But a Trick of Your Collective Perception, Soon to be Dissolved

As channelled by John Smallman – October 27, 2012

Humanity is poised on the edge of the illusion, preparing to move out of it, so that it may collapse back in on itself and into the state of non-existence from which you imagined it.

However real it may seem to you, and some of you see it as far more real than others, it really is but a trick of your collective perception, soon to be dissolved. Collectively gathering together to make it seem real is no longer going to work because so many have realized that it is an illusion and they are no longer prepared to give their power away to the collective to further prolong humanity’s unnecessary suffering within its narrow, unappealing, and illusory confines.

Confinement is not a state in which it is appropriate for God’s beloved children to be held, and He most certainly could never have conceived of such an unloving and restrictive state.

Your decision to build and maintain it has presented you with many difficulties and problems that have grown bigger and seemingly more insoluble despite your increasing assortment of technical tools and devices to assist you in controlling your environment. The reason for this is that you have engaged with fear and closed yourselves off from love.

When you are guided and empowered by love no issues or problems are insoluble, but the state of separation that the illusion upholds, and would have you believe is real, encourages a state of fear so that you can plan for and protect yourselves from the dangers with which it surrounds you. And of course it does not work, as you are constantly discovering — because you are the dangers from which you are striving to protect yourselves!

When you embrace love and trust you cease to be dangers to anyone, but you are at present having a hard time believing that, as you observe disagreement, confrontation, and conflict all around you from which you remain convinced that you need to protect yourselves. The divine field of Love enveloping the planet is encouraging you to change your perceptions, and many of you are allowing it to influence you most positively. One aspect of this is your increasing determination not to accept the dishonesty and corruption that has for so long been endemic all over the world.

For quite a few years many of you truly believed that “your side” was basically honest and that it was those “others” who were causing all the problems. Now that the reality that no one is totally honest – the illusion is itself a dishonest state of being in that it does not really exist – has been recognized and accepted, steps are being taken by many wise and influential Light-holders to encourage and reward honesty and integrity, and as a result great strides have been made in exposing those who attempt to take advantage of their position in the short term, knowing that when their misdeeds are discovered they will have moved on.

Their attempts to avoid being held accountable for inappropriate actions by devious planning and the spreading of disinformation are no longer effective because those with information about such tactics are speaking out and demanding to be heard.

There is a widespread and outspoken uprising against dishonest codes and practices that is growing stronger and more effective daily. The tunnel vision perspective that “my side is right and the other wrong” is being rapidly dispelled as honesty starts to prevail and people begin admitting that they have made mistakes. The next step of course is “we can fix those mistakes.” And that too is happening.

All across the planet people are deciding to behave responsibly and compassionately to address and resolve issues that have been bypassed or ignored because they conflicted with the vested interests of a few. This is a remarkable change of heart that is leading to all sorts of wonderful and unexpected consequences. And you Light-bearers and way-showers are extremely effective in helping this process along as you intend to practice being loving at all times.

Obviously you do not always succeed because your emotions can and do get the better of you from time to time, but the intent remains. You are conscious of and admit to your failings, and therefore the assistance on offer from the spiritual realms can flow powerfully through you, helping you to be strong, loving presences who are changing the world.

Keep up your good work. Do not be discouraged by reports of dishonesty, corruption, and criminal activity, because those reports are an indication that the world is indeed changing as the unruly and selfish behavior of the influential and authoritative few is publicized instead of being discreetly ignored. The world is ready for change, and so it is happening, right before your eyes. Focus on that and take joy in it, because it is going to get even better.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/28/2012 5:55:35 PM

Saul: Whenever You Feel Attacked, You are Allowing the Unreal to Affect Your Mind

2012 OCTOBER 28
Posted by Stephen Cook

Saul: Whenever You Feel Attacked, You are Allowing the Unreal to Affect Your Mind

As channelled by John Smallman – October 28, 2012

One of the many delightful things that you will discover when you awaken from your rather long sleep is how bright, clear, and enthusiastically alive everything appears to be, and this will not just be due to appearances, for those are of the illusion.

And as you become more in alignment with being fully awake, fully conscious, the strength of those sensations will intensify as your ability to experience them grows. It will not be an instantaneous awakening into the full brilliance of God’s Presence because that would be overwhelming for you at first; instead the brilliance will increase gently at the pace that is most suited to your growing abilities to align yourselves with them.

You will know that you are Home because you will know and experience the Reality of creation as part of yourselves, and yourselves as part of creation — eternally inseparable, one with your Creator — and the joy of that is beyond description.

Reality is a truly amazing experience from which you have collectively shut yourselves off for far too long, and that is about to be put permanently to rights. You were created one with God; His Will and yours are eternally in alignment; misunderstandings of any kind are therefore utterly impossible; and your awakening will return you to that magnificent state.

Your path Home has been arduous because with your powerful collective imagination you were able to build into the illusion a vast selection of distracting “attractions.” They only seemed attractive at first, until you began to discover the enormity of the chaos and confusion in which you had decided to envelop yourselves by immersing yourselves within it. Now your collective desire to return Home has become far stronger than the desire to play at being deluded, and so that is where your are headed.

The state of delusion has long been one of the most distracting and confusing conditions that the illusion has imposed upon you. You have all known someone whom you would happily describe as being at times deluded because you observed him behaving in ways that made no sense. But, within the illusion, most of you have spent incredible amounts of time in a deluded frame of mind. Whenever you feel attacked, misjudged, or offended you are allowing the unreal to affect your mind. It is a fact that you are each eternally one with God, utterly inseparable from Him or from each other, but you have become unaware of that because you chose to enter the illusory state, where nothing is as it seems. Being one with God you are perfect divine beings, fully alive in Love, where nothing assails you or could even conceive of doing so. The fact that you do not experience that state demonstrates quite clearly that you must be deluded. And your awakening will put a permanent end to that unhappy condition.

Everything that disturbs your peace and causes you anxiety or fear will be gone because they are all totally unreal. The suffering that you have been experiencing has played a major part in distracting you, and in making the illusion seem so real, because you could for the most part only experience happiness momentarily before some thought broke into your awareness and distracted you. In the illusion you live in an almost constant state of “what if?” and worries and anxieties cloud your every moment and influence your every decision.

If you watch young children playing and completely absorbed in their games you can see that they are at ease and at peace; no anxieties disturb their focus. As they grow, your various cultures impose increasing restrictions on them, leading them also to start worrying. And how often have you told your own children not to worry, that they are worrying unduly, because to you their issues seem so inconsequential and unimportant? Who is fooling whom?

You are divinely loved and cared for. The illusion is just that — and you will awaken. Focus on that truth; remind yourselves of it every time anxiety invades your peace and contentment. When you do, it does bring you some peace because you know it is true. Yes, while you remain within the illusion its distractions will continue to arrest your attention, but by reminding yourselves of its temporary and insubstantial nature you prepare yourselves for your awakening and your energy field has a peaceful and calming influence on those with whom you come in contact. They see you as you are – a warm and loving soul offering comfort and stability in a world gone mad – and to be who you are is your reason for being embodied at this point in humanity’s spiritual evolution. And for this, as you know, you are greatly honored.

With so very much love, Saul.

John Smallman | 10/28/2012 at 12:16 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/29/2012 1:48:02 AM

Poofness 10-28-12…”The Drama of It All”…”It’s a Confirmed Home Run for All of Humanity Across the Planet”


  • We’ve hit the end of the wait so, of course we had bankers throwing themselves on their swords from switzerland, to austria, even denver fed boys. Arrested and locked up.
  • The bad guys have also enlisted more sci fi stuff to try and get control of the white house…Haarp and that’s what’s charging up the east coast right now.
  • These are desperate times for the bad guys so, they are subject to try anything, like a bunch of cornered rats.
  • …the blurbs out here about wall st bankers finally being taken down. Took a while but, the time has come and diarrhea is everywhere.
  • …change is afoot and they are losing their sense of control, thus the abdominal issues.
  • Be prepared to be surprised and well off, steady as she goes.
  • …a lot of smoke and mirrors are being fed to the talkers and ‘magic card tricks’ to keep folks off balance.
  • Freedom is coming shortly, now, be patient (as if you haven’t already) but, they’ve hit a deep drive center field. It’s a confirmed home run for all of humanity across the planet.


Greetings and Salutations;

We’ve hit the end of the wait so, of course we had bankers throwing themselves on their swords from switzerland, to austria, even denver fed boys. Arrested and locked up. One of the problems these clowns have is, they just can’t grasp the technology of the matrix. It’s as alien as any et stuff, comparable to ‘sentient’ computers. Watch the movie again if you don’t get it. It’s more real than you imagine, that’s why these guys get busted so quick. The bad guys have also enlisted more sci fi stuff to try and get control of the white house…Haarp and that’s what’s charging up the east coast right now.

These are desperate times for the bad guys so, they are subject to try anything, like a bunch of cornered rats. Now, what would you do if the sewer rats where trying to take over your house? In this case, they’ve been running it so, extermination is afoot. D con works or like my dad used to use, phosphorous spread on a piece of bread…keep some water close, it sucks the water right out of their body. And it leaves no stink of decaying flesh. They become ‘frisbees’, furry one’s. That’s why you don’t let children chew on match tops. In the art of war, you use all measures to win the war and preserve as much life as you can.

I’m sure you seen the blurbs out here about wall st bankers finally being taken down. Took a while but, the time has come and diarrhea is everywhere. Malox and pepto bismol is selling off the shelves. What’s with the boys jumping off of high places in london? Can’t handle not running stuff anymore. Can’t defeat. What happened to the ‘stiff upper lip’? Reminds me of Shaka Zulu, the movie. Get a little pride about yourselves. All is in order and there’s no reason for panic, just a changing of the guard. It’s Life and life is not a static state. That’s one thing you can bet on, no matter who’s in charge. That’s why all the freaking is going on, people losing their ever lovin’ minds, change is afoot and they are losing their sense of control, thus the abdominal issues.

Be prepared to be surprised and well off, steady as she goes. If you’re reading the internet to get a sense of things, I’ll just say a lot of smoke and mirrors are being fed to the talkers and ‘magic card tricks’ to keep folks off balance. Even Trump is about to have his sense of who he thinks he is, is about to be challenged in the money dept. I bet he doesn’t even see it coming, his ego is too big…goes along with his comb over hair. Freedom is coming shortly, now, be patient (as if you haven’t already) but, they’ve hit a deep drive center field. It’s a confirmed home run for all of humanity across the planet.

If you are looking for a consultation, email

Love and Kisses, Poofness

Sly and the Family Stone, “Life” lyrics
Life .. Life
Clouds and clowns You don’t have to come down
Life .. Life
Tell it like it is You don’t have to die before you live
You might get angry sometimes But don’t let it turn you around All you gotta do Is get your livin’ now
Life .. Life
Clouds and clowns
You don’t have to come down
Life .. Life
Tell it like it is .. You don’t have to die before you live
You might be scared of somethin’ – look at mr stewart
He’s the only person he has to fear
He’d only let himself get near
He don’t trust nobody If he stopped bein’ so shady
He could have a nice young lady
Life Life Clouds and clowns
You don’t have to come down
Life Life
Tell it like it is You don’t have to die before you live
You’re gonna be sad sometimes
You might wake up to find your pet is gone :(
But maybe He’s tired of bein’ alone
Dog gets hip, it has to go
And if you’re lovin’ you can’t be sad no more
Life .. Life ..
Clouds and clowns You don’t have to come down
Life .. Life ..Tell it like it is
You don’t have to die before you live

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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