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10/13/2012 1:23:55 AM

Jesus: The Most Significant Event Ever to Occur in Your Space-Time Continuum

2012 OCTOBER 12
Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: The Most Significant Event Ever to Occur in Your Space-Time Continuum

As channelled by by John Smallman – October 12, 2012

The excitement mounts as the moment for your awakening draws ever closer. It seems that you have been waiting a long time and that there have been many delays and disappointments, but this is not really the case.

Time is illusory, as you well know, and so although it appears to you that dates for various events have come and gone without anything of note occurring, enormous changes have been happening on humanity’s inner or spiritual levels in preparation for the most significant event ever to occur in your space-time continuum.

On Earth it may well seem that all is going on as usual: populations growing inexorably, also suffering, poverty, violence, greed, financial crises, and corruption – and the mainstream media confirms this for you, enthusiastically. But what is going on in your hearts and minds is very, very different.

The divine field of Love is infiltrating every human heart and bringing about the most wonderful changes that are enabling and encouraging you to look for and perceive that all are one, that you are all beings of love and compassion. You are starting to recognize yourselves in one another, loving beings that you are, with increasing frequency and ease, and that is indeed an uplifting and inspiring experience. It is what happens when you stop judging!

The love that you are, that you are offering and sharing, and that you intend shall sweep through the hearts of all humanity is extremely effective – yes, you truly do intend that, even if you are not immediately consciously aware of it. You are the Light-bearers and way-showers, which means that your task is to love everyone with whom you interact unconditionally. You incarnated on Earth to show, to share, and to extend the Light and the Love that your heavenly Father instilled in you at the moment of your creation.

With His help and with the help of your spiritual guides you planned a life path that would inevitably lead to your doing this, but on the way you had your own lessons to learn, some of which have been very demanding, bringing down upon you crises that often appeared to be hopeless, incomprehensible, and even catastrophic.

At first it was very difficult because you all had personal issues concerning suffering that you had experienced and for which you sought acknowledgment and restitution: the egoic mind asserting itself. However, the personal lessons or crises you experienced were the triggers that widened your perspective and enabled you to understand that your anger and need for restitution would not bring you any peace. That was a shocking realization.

But you were also spiritually aware, or became so as a result of the lessons or crises, and you turned inwards for guidance and found it. Many of you then remembered that you had always had an indescribable yearning, a sense that you had a mission apart from the mundane earthly task of growing up and earning a living, and so you accepted the inevitable and allowed your hearts to start awakening in love. Doing so brought you to a place of peace within that is always available to you, although often you do have difficulty in accessing it.

This was the point at which you realized that earthly tasks and ambitions, while to a certain extent necessary for survival, were not your main reason for living and that you had a much higher calling. It was indeed a moment of great import for you because it put to rest an anxiety, a strange doubt that used to seep into your mind when your life was apparently going well: “Is this really all there is to life?” At the time it made no sense, but it was unsettling. Now, you understood.

The waking of your hearts gave you a new sense of purpose along with a sense of responsibility that you had never felt before. You were not alone, you were one with all of humanity, and yet the majority of them seemed totally unaware of this – as you had been. You began to understand that love had been missing from your lives. Yes, you had parents, friends, loved ones, children whom you cared for, but the love that was awakening in your hearts was so much more than this. It was the divine spark within that was starting to glow.

Despite the challenges of living on Earth among so many unaware and unawakened people, you found that your hearts were expanding in love for them. You were now able to see that their anger and fear were cries for love, and you could identify with those feelings, having experienced them yourselves so many times. The larger meaning of your own lessons and personal experiences became far clearer to you. You have learned; you understand that each has her own path, and you know that your task is just to love and to demonstrate love by allowing, accepting, and listening.

This is what ever-increasing numbers of you have been doing for the last few decades, at first with little apparent effect, but now the effects of multitudes of you living like this are rapidly changing the whole world, and the results are beginning to show. You are truly enormously honored and respected for your wondrous achievements as you continue showing the way and bearing the Light in preparation for and in expectation of the moment of awakening. The Light enveloping Earth and all of humanity grows ever brighter.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/14/2012 12:00:22 AM

Philippine peace deal seen as blow to terrorists

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Hunted by U.S.-backed Filipino troops in 2005, Abu Sayyafchieftain Khadaffy Janjalani and other al-Qaida-linked militants sought refuge in the mountainous stronghold of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the largest Muslim rebel group in the southern Philippines.

But the rebels turned them away, afraid that harboring extremists would scuttle their peace talks with the government. The following year, Janjalani — among the most-wanted terrorist suspects in Southeast Asia — was killed by troops in another jungle area.

The rebels' rejection of Janjalani, which was reported at the time by military and police intelligence officials, shows the potential of harnessing the main Moro insurgents in fighting extremism and preventing their vast strongholds from serving as one of the last remaining refuges of al-Qaida-affiliated militants, who have been clobbered by years of crackdowns across Southeast Asia.

Philippine officials hope a preliminary peace deal the government recently clinched with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front will eventually turn the 11,000-strong insurgent group into a formidable force against the remnants of the Abu Sayyaf and other radicals, including several Indonesian and Malaysian militants believed to be taking cover in the southern Mindanao region.

"We can wage battle with the MILF," Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin said. "This will really isolate groups like the Abu Sayyaf."

The United States, Britain and Australia, aware of the emerging peace agreement's potential counterterrorism dividends, were among the first to praise the framework accord with the rebels announced Oct. 7 by President Benigno Aquino III. It will be formally signed in Manila on Monday.

"Foreign governments have supported the peace process partly because of counterterrorism policies," Bryony Lau of the Brussels-based International Crisis Group said. They also worried about poor governance and high levels of poverty that have plagued the insurgency-affected regions, he said.

While the Moro rebel group has cut ties with foreign extremists to safeguard peace talks, "there may well still be individual ... commanders with continuing ties," Lau said, adding that "the framework agreement increases the incentives for the MILF leadership to ensure that their members are not harboring such people."

Under the deal, the Moro rebel group committed to deactivate its armed guerrilla units "beyond use" when both sides have finalized an agreement on Muslim autonomy.

A final pact could be reached in three years, officials and the rebels say. One option is to integrate qualified guerrillas into a police force that would secure the new Muslim autonomous region, to be called Bangsamoro. The rest of the insurgents, they say, could return to civilian life once they lay down their firearms.

The Malaysian-brokered talks, aiming to wean the Moro guerrillas from foreign and local extremists and outlaws, led to a 2002 agreement on a government-rebel joint action group that was designed for the insurgents to help interdict and capture terrorists in their areas. Under the agreement, the rebels have fed information and helped solve several ransom kidnappings in the south.

Still, military and police intelligence reports have showed that some Moro rebel commanders continued to provide refuge or clandestinely supported foreign militants linked to extremist groups.

Ameril Umbra Kato, commander of one of the Moro group's largest guerrilla units, had long been suspected of supporting Indonesian and Malaysian extremists even before he broke off from the main group last year, partly due to his rejection of the peace talks. Among his known followers is Abdul Basit Usman, a Filipino bomb maker and trainer with links to the Indonesian-based Jemaah Islamiyah militant network and a suspect in several deadly bomb attacks in the south.

Washington has offered a $1 million bounty for Usman's capture or killing.

Kato's forces attacked several army camps and outposts in August in two southern provinces. As army troops bombarded Kato's forces, Moro Islamic Liberation Front guerrillas stayed within their community-like encampments — marked by green flags to prevent them from accidentally being drawn in the fighting.

Later, about 3,000 Moro insurgents surrounded their breakaway colleagues and forced the hard-line leaders to sign a pledge to indefinitely stop attacks and give the talks a chance, according to Muslim rebel negotiator Mohagher Iqbal.

Abu Mujahid, a former key Abu Sayyaf commander, said he had joined combat training organized by Moro Islamic Liberation Front commanders in their rural strongholds in the late 1980, along with Jemaah Islamiyah and Arab militants. Mujahid was captured years ago and has been helping authorities pursue Abu Sayyaf gunmen.

"Some MILF commanders have worked with foreign jihadists, so if they become the authority someday, that's clearly a big operational setback for the jihadists," Mujahid said, referring to Indonesian and other extremists. "This will limit where they can go, who they can talk with. It will almost be like back to zero."

But untangling the four-decade Muslim insurgency is fraught with a recent history of failures.

A 1996 autonomy deal the government signed with the largest rebel group at the time, theMoro National Liberation Front, led to the integration of 7,500 of an estimated 30,000 guerrillas into the Philippine army and police.

The integrated former rebels played key roles in successful army and police counterterrorism assaults. But the other rebels did not disarm and, while many laid low, they were still a threat. An unspecified number joined the Abu Sayyaf and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, which broke off in 1984 from the Moro National Liberation Front.

In a region that has long grappled with a volatile mix of crushing poverty, huge numbers of illegal firearms, clan wars and weak law enforcement, Muslim unrest and extremists continue to be a concern.

Shifting the Moro Islamic Liberation Front from a major national security problem to a strategic ally would be the biggest boost in efforts to tame the insurgency.

"There are a lot of problems we must face," Moro front's vice chairman, Ghadzali Jaafar, said Saturday, adding that concerns include securing the new Muslim-administered region to allow development.

"Before we were like sailing in a vast ocean without seeing the port," he said. "Now we can see where to dock."

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/14/2012 12:03:48 AM
Not a bad step for sure for whatever reason it is taken

Report: Iran says ready for nuclear flexibility

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/14/2012 1:31:41 AM

Early Risers

2012 OCTOBER 13
Posted by Steve Beckow

I believe that I’ve been misinterpreting some things that Archangel Michael has said in the past. The major one centers around something he said on Aug. 1, 2011:

Archangel Michael: Do we say that the dates that have been given are accurate and significant? Yes. If you were paralyzed, and let us suggest that in many ways the collective has been paralyzed, if you were paralyzed, and you were praying and praying and doing your sacred practice, and meditating for healing, and you were given the date of December 2012, would you be upset, dear friend, if it arrived in September? I think not.

So look to your dates, but at the same time we are asking deeply of you, keep an open mind to early arrival.

Steve Beckow: So, so the shift that we’re expecting could happen before December 21, 2012?

AAM: That is correct. (1)

Until now I assumed that he was saying that the mass Ascension that we’re expecting could come earlier than Dec. 21, 2012. It could come, say, by September 2012.

But I now believe he was saying something entirely different. I now believe that he was pointing to what has been called the “Return of the Masters.” That is to say, I believe he was hinting at the early Ascension of lightworkers who’ve done their work, so as to return as ascended masters and model Ascension for the rest of the population.

On Oct. 8, 2012, in An Hour with an Angel, I asked AAM to comment on this mix-up in my own thinking:

Steve Beckow: You’ve said that there’ll be waves of people ascending, going first and being the wayshowers for others. You’ve called these Gatekeepers. You’ve said that these ones who go first can exhibit, that is to come back here, to reach back and bring others through. And you’ve actually said that this is a great part of the return of the Masters. Can you talk about that whole subject that I’ve just related, please? (2)

Archangel Michael gave a very full answer to that question, saying at the outset that “the return of the Masters is twofold.”

Archangel Michael: Part of what we have not talked about in great depth in terms of the return of the Masters is each of you assuming your role. When you volunteered, when you turned to me and to the Mother and to your guides and you said, “Yes, I will go, and I will be part of this transformation and unfoldment,” we did not take or recruit, or even accept, if you can think of it that way, souls who were not having the potential to reach this state of being. They aren’t here on your planet.

So that is the first part.” (3)

So the first part is indeed our return and the second part is the return of what we think of formally as the Ascended Masters – world teachers like Jesus, the Buddha, Lao Tzu, Kuthumi, Djhwal Khul, etc.

“Then there is the second part of the return of the Masters, of many of what you think of as the Ascended Ones, that can walk with you as friends, as teachers, as allies, as family. Because the vibration and the frequency that Gaia, and each of you who choose to come, who choose to accept that invitation in the fullness of what it really is — they will walk with you. They will be with you.” (4)

He then added that “you, each of you, are necessarily the masters. It is the awakening — and believe you me the alarm clock has rung already — it is the awakening of the human collective.”

Our early Ascension then is to be the occasion – or one of the occasions – of the awakening of humanity.

AAM told us that “many of you have and are already through the greater part of your Ascension process. [But] what you do is you step back and you minimize, you downplay, where you are and how you are in this process of Ascension.”

He then went on to delineate what he meant by that and it concerns events that we went through some months ago – the Transition, the Absorption, and the Recalibration.

“Most of you have gone through the transition, through the reconstruction, through the disconnection. You have traveled the waves and the troughs. And some of you still are.” (5)

He then went on to describe the Ascension process, after which he said:

“The truth is that you are the sign. You are the catalyst. You are the outcome. It is that surrender into the beingness of love, and nothing else. And from that emerges, like the phoenix from the ashes, the master, the co-creator, the catalyst who is ready to assist with the birthing of others.” (6)

So we lightworkers are the sign. We are to be the early risers who come back as returned masters and “assist with the birthing of others.”

AAM did refer to these events last year, and I did for a moment make the connection between the return of the masters and us lightworkers. But I did not realize the extent of lightworkers that might ascend early or return. I was thinking it was a very few. But I now think it will be a far larger number. On Oct. 11, 2011, he said:

Archangel Michael: We have also spoken of the waves of Ascension.

Steve Beckow: Yes.

AAM: So there will be a period of time when there will be a window, shall we say, that those who have already gone through the door can peek back or reach back, or what we call “exhibit,” so that they are also helping those who are in preparation for the next wave.

Steve Beckow: Is that what is meant by the Return of the Masters?

AAM: Yes. Only you always think of the masters as the ascended ones. But, of course they will be. [Laughter] So, yes. Think of them as Gatekeepers. (7)

He also laid out what it would take to be what he called a “Gatekeeper,” early riser, or returned master:

“What it takes is a heartfelt commitment, and an energetic boost. Like jumping a car. That is what it takes – if you have done your work. We are not suggesting that if you have lived a life completely outside the understanding of your spirit or your heart that you will be amongst that first wave. That is very unlikely to happen.” (8)

So I believe that starting in the post-NESARA period coming soon, after what Cobra calls “the Event,” SaLuSa “the signal” and AAM himself called the demarcation line between the old and the new, there will be early Ascensions of lightworkers who are ready, willing and able to ascend early and model Ascension for the rest of humanity.

As with all spiritual endeavors we have to knock for the door to open, ask to receive. If we want to be Gatekeepers, we have to make that wish known. We also have to have assimilated sufficient light to be able to hold the space of Ascension without suffering from the refined vibrations.

And we shall see in the ensuing weeks if I’m right or wrong. But that’s my best take on the matter at this moment.


(1) “Reading with Archangel Michael, August 1, 2011,” at .

(2) “Archangel Michael: The Returning Masters are You – Part ½,” at

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) Loc. cit.

(5) Loc. cit.

(6) Loc. cit.

(7) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Oct. 1, 2011 – Part 2/3,” at

(8) Loc. cit.

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10/14/2012 1:34:27 AM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: You Did Not Come Here to Suffer

2012 OCTOBER 13
Posted by Alice C

BeachArchangel Michael via Ron Head: You Did Not Come Here to Suffer

Alice C – Ron Head will feature on The Light Agenda with Stephen Cook on Wednesday November 7.

As channeled by Ron Head – October 13, 2012

Good morning, dear friend. We are happy to confirm for you that the subjects, clarity, and recall of your dreaming consciousness have changed dramatically over the last days, as they have for many. This will continue as long as you make it a priority. Congratulations.

We urge all those who read the messages and writings of lightworkers to realize that they are merely showing what is possible for everyone. As you feel your awareness changing, do not hesitate to try new things that seem attractive to you. That attraction and intent, coupled with your trust, will enable wonderful things for you. This is what the shift in awareness is all about.

Look again at all of your I-wish-I-coulds and I-would-love-to-be-able-tos and pick your favorite ones. Perhaps they are what you think of as spiritual. Perhaps they are not. Of course, since you are a spiritual being, everything you do is spiritual. But give those things new interest and effort, dear friends.

Perhaps a little wonder at why they seem attractive to you could be in order. Skills and abilities which you have spent many lifetimes developing can be recovered easily for you at this time. Your contribution may be something which you have already discovered, but it may also be hiding just below the surface waiting for you to look for it. You will know it when the joy of it fills your heart.

You are here now because this piece of the puzzle of humanity could only have been brought by you. Nurture it. Love it. And share it freely. There will be those who hold similar gifts to share with you. It is time now, my friends, to discover who you are beneath all the coulds, woulds, and shoulds that have been collected throughout your lives. Who are you, really? Mr. Accountant, are you a farmer? Mrs. Housewife, are you a baker? A gardener? A writer? Or, if all of the stresses and strains of today’s world were lifted, are you already doing something that you love?

It is time now to find that which you love and begin to give it the attention it deserves. It is your time. Allow it to come forth naturally. Do you know one who does this now? You will discover that nothing pleases them more than explaining it to you.

You may not change things overnight. Unless, of course, you do. But it is time for you to begin a life of fun. You did not come here to suffer.

There are other changes which the next weeks will bring to you, but we will discuss them in due time. For now, have fun with this. Good day, dearest friends.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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