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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2010 5:55:13 PM
Dear Friends,

As you may know, I have come to appreciate John Smallman's work to a high degree. In fact, I seem to perceive a close coincidence between his messages and my own life. It is like he, or rather Saul, is confirming what I feel is happening in general in relation with ascension and the coming New Age and, on the other hand, what I experience in those matters myself - that is, in my own body and soul. Here is his last message.

You have been doing lots of preparatory work

As you know, because many channels have been telling you for quite some time, enormous changes in the way you live and experience life are shortly to occur. You have been doing lots of preparatory work below the level of your conscious human awareness, and a very large number of you are now ready to embrace enthusiastically these, in your terms, amazing changes.

Your experiences of hardship and suffering have been intense and have been ongoing for far too long. While you have been living those experiences in your physical bodies, other aspects of yourselves have been cooperatively planning, with great efficacy and competence, to build a new and magnificently hospitable environment through which you can depart from the illusion into your eternal Home. It will be a kind of staging-post to enable you to adjust safely and comfortably to the realization that you are the beloved children of the sublime Intelligence that created you in Love to experience eternal bliss.

Many of you have been conditioned to believe in a fierce, judgmental god, who finds you sinful and unworthy of his affection, and who requires that you be harshly punished to cleanse you of the hideous marks and deformities with which your sins have stained you. This collective belief in your unworthiness has been quite disastrous, as it has suggested to you that some of you are far more unworthy, in fact irredeemably so, than others, and this has encouraged you to compete against one another to prove that you do not belong to that class of irredeemable ones — the eternally damned. This fiercely competitive holier-than-thou attitude, which people have frequently attempted, very ineffectively, to conceal beneath a cloak of false, pious spirituality, compassion, and “good works” fools no one, and those who engage in it often join together in groups attempting to convince themselves of their god-fearing righteousness while refuting their blatant hypocrisy, which is so obvious to others.

But God is Love, infinite, unconditional Love, and He judges no one. He wants you to awaken and recognize your true beauty in the glory of eternal Oneness with Him — and so you will. Those who have ingrained within themselves a sense of sinful unworthiness will indeed have it cleansed, not harshly by a critical and intolerant god, but by the soothing balm of unconditional, divine Love offered freely and indiscriminately to all in every moment.

The relief and untold happiness of all who have believed in their own unworthiness, and in the unworthiness of others, will be wondrous to behold, as the dark clouds of gloom, depression, and judgment, with the inevitable suffering that they contain, just dissipate to reveal the brilliant light of Reality.

Those who have judged and condemned and those who have been judged and condemned will once more know each other as beloved and inseparable sisters and brothers, at one with each other and with God, as the stress, anxiety, hate, and fear that have apparently controlled and driven them for so long dissolves with those dark clouds, leaving them in a state of peace and exhilaration which, at present, they cannot possibly imagine.

Your Father’s Love for you is infinite, boundless, all pervasive, and irresistible, and you will be uplifted into that state and enveloped therein for His and your everlasting ecstasy.

With so very much love, Saul.


Hugs and Blessings,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/9/2010 2:17:48 AM
My dear friend and contributor in this forum, Roger Macdivitt, recently sent me this message:

Hello Luis,

I would not post negative about what I don't understand.

When people bring channelled messages or directly bring news from other entities how do we know to trust the source.

Are we being fed WHAT WE WANT TO HEAR?

When do we know whether genuine or not


Are their people profitting from these messages and their followings?


As you can see, Roger was asking me precisely the most important
question in all this, a question that I have asked myself long ago: is there anything that you can say about the credibility of the messages and their channels?
Here is my reply to him, and I sincerely hope it may be enlightening to whoever happens to read this.

Hi Roger,
Thanks for being considerate. You are right and have every reason to mistrust. I too have thought many times whether they are not feeding us with what we want to hear.
I am afraid there is no proven way to answer that. Even if there is a reliable source, sometimes I have perceived like he/she is sometimes channeled by someone else who is unreliable and the messages feel different, like this one is cheating. Then there are those who I feel like they are getting profits from it and I have discarded them.
I only talk for myself, and will tell you this: there are some of them that are cheating everyone. I have no way to know for sure, it is only my instinct that tells me that. Some messages are simply grotesque and I have never read these sources again. Unfortunately many people fall for them. This is terrible but I can do nothing. In this regard I am like you and cannot post anything negative about them, not even tell anyone what I think of those sources or their own attitude at them. That would be inconsiderate.
All in all, I try to use discernment where applicable and other times I can only trust in my intuition to know.
Finally, there is the possibility that a source is legitimate but has evil purposes. That is still more terrible.
I will tell you what, I will make a short list with who is what in my opinion, I mean source and channels. But give me some time.

That was it. I also mentioned that I could post both his question and my answer on this forum, and that I might even post a list of reliable sources and channels and some warnings when needed. I offered him to remain incognito if he so liked, but he did not mind about this.
I would like to add that I immensely appreciate Roger's initiative in sending the message.
Finally, my offer remains true and I will prepare a list as promised.

Love and Blessings,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Roger Macdivitt .

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10/9/2010 9:04:53 AM


Thank you.

Every now and then it is necessary to put your head up above the parrapet and risk being shot.

I feel so much for those who might one day find themselves duped. I know the strength of evidence regarding the New Golden Age and my own research on brain function points to an evolution of the brain that gives support to the theories of how great we really are capable of being.

Luis, a brave reply to a tentative question.

I look forward to your list.


Bogdan Fiedur

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10/9/2010 8:31:43 PM
Hi Luis and Roger,

Here are some guidelines in regards to channeling messages.
If you follow them, nothing bad can ever happen to you.

GUIDELINES FOR DISCERNMENT - New Realities Magazine - July 1987


1. There will always be useful information for everyone. Beware of the channel that gives you useful information for only a few, or tells you that it's only for a special group or a sequestered number. It must be useful for ALL humanity, every single Human. This is an area of discernment allowing you to know you are hearing the truth.
2. The message should be uplifting. Watch for an empowering message - NOT ONE OF FEAR, not one that drags you down - not one that makes you want to take fearful action or hide - but an enabling message! This is a staple of God energy. It must be there. It should inspire the listener and reader. Every recorded angel appearance before a Human Being has begun with "Fear not!"
3. Spirit (God) will never, ever channel a message that asks you to give up your free will. Never! For your free will is what your experience on Earth is all about as you sit in your "chairs of gold" (a metaphor created in Kryon Book Six). Free will! FREE CHOICE is what drives your future.
4. Spirit will never give you a message - ever - that asks you to violate the integrity of what you believe. You are honored in your thought processes. Spirit will never trick you or "talk you" into anything. The message must never violate your integrity. You must feel comfortable with it, and it must ring true to your heart.
5. Spirit will never represent a channeller as being the only source. Watch for this, for there are many channels of Spirit and they all coordinate their information to create a bigger picture, especially in this New Age. They will NEVER represent themselves as the ONLY source of information.
6. Watch for the fact that the information is normally new information. Beware of the channel that simply re-hashes the old, for they are not channelling anything but the ego of the Human Being. New information is necessary, combined with "core information," it is the entire reason for the channel. Think about it.
7. Watch for the fact that channelled information should have spiritual solutions presented. Solutions to life challenges on Earth, via new information, is the purpose of channelling.

10/9/2010 8:51:49 PM

Miguel and Roger, both of you have stated many of my reservations about this subject.

I appreciate the questions asked by Roger and your reply to them Miguel.

I realize the research that has gone into this forum and each of us will just have to follow our own hearts and minds.




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