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10/11/2012 9:55:29 PM

Nigerian villagers sue Shell in landmark pollution case

Reuters/Reuters - A view of the shore of the Atlantic ocean at Orobiri village,days after Royal Dutch Shell's Bonga off-shore oil spill, in Nigeria's delta state December 31, 2011.REUTERS/Akintunde Akinleye

THE HAGUE (Reuters) - Four Nigerian villagers took Royal Dutch Shell to court on Thursday in a landmark pollution case that campaigners said could open the door to morecompensation claims against international companies.

The fishermen and farmers, together with the Friends of the Earth campaign group, accuse the oil major of polluting land and waterways around their homes in the Niger Delta region of Africa's top energy producer.

Shell has denied responsibility, saying the leaks were caused by sabotage.

The villagers launched their claim in a civil court in The Hague, where Shell has its joint global headquarters.

It was the first time a Dutch-registered company had been sued in a Dutch court for offences allegedly carried out by a foreign subsidiary.

Friends of the Earth said the claim, if successful, could open up a new way for plaintiffs to take on multinationals - by suing their parent companies in their home countries.

The villagers, who appeared in court, want unspecified damages saying Shell and other corporations were responsible for pollution from three oil spills between 2004 and 2007.

"My community is a ghost land as a result of the devastation. We had good vegetation. Today people have respiratory problems and are getting sick," said one of the plaintiffs Eric Dooh, from the Goi community, which lives between two pipelines.

"Shell is aware of the whole devastation. I want them to pay compensation, to clean up the pollution so we can grow our crops and fish again," the 44-year-old told Reuters before the hearing.

Shell says the pollution was caused by thieves breaking into pipelines to steal the oil, and believes it has played its part in cleaning it up.

"The matter has been resolved as far as we are concerned and we do not properly understand why Friends of the Earth has submitted the case," Allard Castelein, Shell's vice president for environment, told Reuters before the hearing.

The biggest pollution problem in the Niger Delta was caused by thieves who steal oil from Shell's installations, he said. Around 150,000 barrels of oil are stolen every day in the Delta. That is worth about $6 billion a year.

Friends of the Earth said other companies could face similar claims in European Union cities if it won the case.

"It opens up a range of possibilities for people from poor countries to use the legal system to seek compensation from companies," said Geert Ritsema, international affairs coordinator at the environmental group during a break in the proceedings.


The Nigerians' lawyer Channa Samkalden told the court Shell had failed to maintain pipelines, clean up leaks and prevent pollution.

"It was insufficient maintenance, not sabotage, that was responsible for the leaks ... Shell did not operate as a conscientious oil company," she said.

With around 31 million inhabitants, the Niger Delta is one of the world's most important wetland and coastal marine ecosystems. It is an important source of food for the poor, rural population.

Last year, the United Nations said in a report the government and multinational oil companies, particularly Shell, were responsible for 50 years of oil pollution that had devastated the Ogoniland region, part of the Niger Delta.

The government and oil firms have pledged to clean up the region and other parts of the Delta, but residents say they have seen little action.

Shell Petroleum Development Co (SPDC) is the largest oil and gas company in Nigeria, with production capacity of more than 1 million barrels of oil equivalent per day.

It operates a joint venture in which state owned Nigerian National Petroleum Corp has a majority share. Total SA subsidiary Elf Petroleum Nigeria Ltd. also has a stake.

Three judges are expected to deliver their verdict on the Hague case in the new year.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/11/2012 10:03:51 PM
Friends, what a Truth Teller this is. From the economic to the spiritual field, probably the most comprehensive article I have ever seen.

Everything is rigged - health, politics, finance and more - but here's how to beat the system

Thursday, October 11, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)

(NaturalNews) I've been pondering this topic for weeks, trying to find the words to communicate the full impact of this realization to which we are all increasingly awakening. Everything is rigged... the stock market, the news, the food, your taxes, public schools, the health care system, and on and on. Even Lance Armstrong's cycling victories were all apparently rigged (with doping), we're now finding out.

But what do I mean by "rigged" specifically? All these systems and industries are rigged to cheat you, to suppress you, and ultimately to suppress your human potential.

Think about it. The sick-care system is intentionally engineered to give you cancer, keep you sick, and keep you locked into a medical system that enriches powerful corporations while sacrificing human life.

The financial system is rigged to quietly steal the value of your money through endless monetary creation also known as "quantitative easing." The more money the Fed prints, the less valuable the money you worked so hard to earn is left remaining.

The political system is utterly rigged to give you the illusion of choice while parading in front of you two puppets of different skin colors who both serve the same masters (the banksters).

The food system is rigged with GMOs that actually poison you while spreading genetic pollution across farms and fields everywhere.

The news is utterly and comprehensively rigged, and this was highlighted yet again by former CNN star reporter Amber Lyon who just went public with scathing accusations about how CNN allowed foreign terror regimes to actually BUY positive coverage on CNN's broadcasts! This story is absolutely astonishing, and the very best interview of Amber Lyon exposing all this was conducted by Alex Jones and is found on (Must-see video.) See Amber Lyon's website at:

The justice system is ridiculously rigged. A woman was arrested a few weeks ago and charged with a felony crime for drawing on the sidewalk with chalk. Meanwhile, absolute evil-minded criminals like Jon Corzine and Eric Holder go free with no prosecution whatsoever. The criminals run free while the innocent are persecuted.

"Science" is largely rigged. Science journals are all dominated by Big Pharma advertising money, and nearly all the so-called science you see in the news anymore is just a regurgitation of fabricated research from corporate science whores who have sold their integrity for a paycheck. Much of the effort behind "science" today is spent reinforcing a monopoly over medicine by pushing deadly vaccines while disparaging healing plants and nutrients.

Government regulators are completely rigged. The FDA looks out primarily for the interests of Monsanto and drug companies, not the safety of the American people. The USDA is completely beholden to the biotech industry and the meat factory giants, routinely betraying Americans with its decisions.

Private property is rigged. Thanks to unconstitutional property taxes, you never really "own" your land. Instead, you lease it from the government. Don't believe me? Try not paying property taxes and see what happens. Your property will soon be seized at gunpoint and taken over by the government.

Even WAR is completely rigged. Wars are started with false flag attacks engineered by the imperialist USA, then all the reporting on war is completely censored to shield the American public from the truth of how horrifying it really is. The entire experience of war is sanitized, processed, homogenized... just like the processed cow's milk you're (hopefully not) drinking.

How do you beat a rigged system? Don't play!

With all these systems rigged against you, how do you stand a chance of getting ahead? As every Vegas gambler knows deep down, the only way to beat the house is to not play against the house. Don't play their game, in other words.

Instead of sending your children to government-run indoctrination centers known as public schools, home school them.

Instead of watching cable news propaganda, turn off the TV and get your news from independent online media like Natural News or one of our fan sites such as Natural News tracker.

Instead of being victimized by toxic GMO food, buy organic and avoid the GMOs.

Instead of falling for vaccines and prescription drugs, say NO to vaccines and dangerous drugs. Turn to nutrition and superfoods instead!

Instead of putting all your savings and investments in the fiat currency known as the dollar,diversify your holdings into precious metals, non-U.S. currencies, farm land and other stores of real value.

Instead of voting for the next presidential puppet, simply don't vote for any president! The mere act of voting for a presidential candidate legitimizes the corrupt system. (Yes, it's definitely important to vote for local candidates and ballot measures like Proposition 37 in California.)

The point of all this is that you can't beat a rigged system. That's why it's rigged, of course: to make sure you never come out on top. So stop playing in the rigged system! The house always wins, didn't you know? That's how casinos make money, and it's how nearly everything else works, too.

Levels of awakening

The path to true freedom begins with recognizing just how completely all the systems are rigged against you. Only from there can you withdraw your consent from all the rigged systems that are insidiously working to keep you sick, suppressed, impoverished and ignorant.

From there, focus your power and your effort inward, asking self-empowering questions like how can I become better informed and educated? How can I gain new skills? How can I improve my
health and set myself free from the medical enslavement system? In time, these questions will transform to more broad questions such as: How can I contribute something meaningful to the world? What can I do to serve in the defense of life and truth?

These are levels of awareness / awakening. I describe them like this:

Level 0 - "Zombie"
This is the default level of total ignorance at which 90% of the population operates. They have no clue about anything that matters such as how fiat currency systems operate, natural cures for cancer, the true dangers of vaccines, how television manipulates their behavior and so on. (These people are often experts in sports and TV sitcoms, however.)

Level 1 - "Awakened"
This level is achieved when a person realizes something along the lines of "Hey, I'm living in a dream world. I'm being told lies at every turn. What is real? How can I know what is real?" This is where people start asking questions.

Level 2 - "Informed"
A level 2 person is someone who has taught themselves a significant amount of real history and the way the world really works. This person will have knowledge of politics, psychology, world history, economics, natural health, the natural world (water, ecosystems, soils, etc.), basic anatomy, basic science and so on. Not even 1% of the population today qualifies as level 2. Most people operate in a state of wild ignorance of the world around them.

Level 3 - "Mastery"
A level 3 person not only understands a great deal about the real world around them, they have also grasped ways to navigate through that world with great accomplishment and influence. They are innovators, creators and often communicators. Financial achievement is not the purpose here. Rather, it is achieving relevance in a world largely populated by utterly irrelevant people.

Level 4 - "Enlightenment"
This level is only achieved by those of the highest dedication to spiritual awakening. You would typically only find this level of understanding in people who pursue a lifetime practice of prayer, or transcendental meditation, or a similar spiritual practice. At this level of awareness, individuals become withdrawn from the material world and really have no interest in interacting with individuals of lower levels of awareness. Far less than one in a million human beings will ever achieve level 4 "Enlightenment."

Just to review these levels again, here are some of the keywords and concepts that typically relate to people of each level:

Level 0 - "Zombie" - Football, sports scores, TV sitcoms, processed junk food, vaccinations, playing the lotto, following doctors' orders, submitting to apparent authority, going along with the status quo.

Level 1 - "Awakened" - Asks questions. Reads ingredients on foods. Questions their doctor. Watches documentaries instead of sports. Attempts to assess information and think rationally. Questions false authority.

Level 2 - "Informed" - Reads books. Explores alternative information. Invests in self-education. Participates in activism. Seeks to make changes in the world around them. Speaks out with friends. Challenges people's beliefs. Reflects on their own beliefs and is capable of adaptation.

Level 3 - "Mastery" - Has great influence. Creates things. Innovates. Provides solutions. Invents new things. No television. No vaccines. No junk food. Has a very long-term perspective. Understands the "big picture." Seeks to help others. Has compassion for living things. Recognizes the web of life on our planet.

Level 4 - "Enlightenment" - Realizes the great illusion of life. Embraces immortality of consciousness and the human spirit. Expresses compassion for others but not intervention. Never seeks to "change" others, only to invite them to expand their awareness. Recognizes interconnectedness of all life systems. Sees the human life experience in a humorous light. Is able to tap into higher consciousness. Rarely seeks fame and not interested in financial success. Often abandons all material wealth.

Remember: The rigged systems in place today want to suppress your rise from Level 0 to Level 4. They wish to keep you as dumbed-down as possible so that you never become fully aware of what's really happening around you. Only by refusing to participate in those systems do you have a real opportunity to move up the levels and achieve the only thing that really matters: High-level consciousness.

If you'd like to learn more on this subject, check out my related website

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/13/2012 1:08:35 AM

“As People’s Consciousness Expands…”

2012 OCTOBER 12
Posted by Steve Beckow

Apparently, channeling is going to be one of the gifts we all may have access to as we head into the new times. AAM has asked me to spend a few minutes a day channeling him.

Here’s what developed for me today. Not like I’ll be posting these regularly unless there seems to be a need to. But this was the first…

As people’s consciousness expands, the time arrives for a global conversation. But not a conversation necessarily in councils and congresses, but a conversation between people on an everyday level. There approaches a time when people will speak to each other including the whole world in their embrace and understanding.

You see this in us and it’s one of the qualities that attracts you to us. When we speak, it’s as if we were speaking to the whole world. Soon that same quality will arise in you. And it cannot come to soon for the succor of the Earth and all beings who live upon it.

Your destiny is to travel the stars and bring to other worlds an understanding of the process of Ascension. Not just the process of Ascension to the Fifth Dimension but of Ascension itself as the means of journeying back to the Source. For all are destined to return to the Source one day. And then to issue forth anew in a constant cycle of becoming.

So now the time arrives to speak to each other taking all of it, all of life, into consideration. Doing so is not a conscious act; it doesn’t require effort or even concentration. It requires expansion and depth. And soon you’ll expand and go deep, deeper than you can possibly imagine.

Relax more deeply into who you are each day and a day will come when a door will open and you’ll know that great secret. And that day is not far off.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/13/2012 1:10:48 AM

SaLuSa: October 12, 2012

2012 OCTOBER 12
Posted by Andrew Eardley

Andrew: SaLuSa’s message today focuses on the events of the last few weeks before Ascension. Despite the delays, our own efforts have helped to speed up the inevitable end of the Cabal who are about to be given a final push into oblivion, and which will be the signal for the Galactics to speed ahead with their mission. The imminent collapse of the economy cannot be avoided, and those governments not already co-operating with the changes will have no alternative but to take part.

The changes and the cessation of wars will bring a wonderful peace to the Earth. The Arms industry and military forces will be dismantled and replaced with a Peace Force for defensive only reasons. SaLuSa reminds us that we need not worry about threats of war, and that nuclear weapon use will not be allowed.

Some difficult times still lie ahead, but the dark Ones will under no circumstances be allowed to prevent Ascension and all who wish to ascend have every opportunity to do so. SaLuSa says that for the dark Ones their game is up, their time is up, and that their inevitable destiny and detention calls for them to answer for their crimes against Humanity.

SaLuSa: October 12, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

We, like you, have had to experience delays, but as long as we can still complete our tasks as planned it does not cause us much concern. We can easily adjust to the different situations we confront, but for you it means more frustration because we cannot necessarily give you anything other than the bare details of what is happening.

Viewing your activities we see so many groups grasping the mantle of freedom and doing good work that is speeding up the inevitable end of the last Cabal. We shall be there to give them a final push into oblivion, so that they will no longer pose a threat to you or us.

That will be the signal for us to go speeding ahead with our mission. With the best will in the world the collapse of the economy is imminent and cannot be avoided. What you are seeing is the last desperate attempts of the dark Ones to hang on to what they still have, but their power is dwindling very quickly.

Some governments that we have contacted are alive to the changes and ready to co-operate, whilst others are reluctant and try to maintain the old system. The truth is no matter what they do to prevent it, the changes are coming and they will be unable to avoid having to take part. It does not matter what political persuasion is involved, like every other country they will have no alternative but to change.

The solutions that we offer to overcome your problems are the only answers that will enable a fairly quick result. They will keep the inconvenience to you down to a minimum, and understanding the necessity for them will ensure the plans are well supported.

The changes will draw people much more together and, with the cessation of wars, will bring a wonderful peace to the Earth. That will also help create trust between the different countries, and the barriers that exist between some of them will come down. Once you get that degree of co-operation the remaining changes will fall into place very quickly.

The Arms Industry and all other aspects of military forces will be dismantled, but in time a Peace Force will replace them that will act purely for defensive reasons. At present the military and their bases around the world pose threats that can incite war, and that also will change. In the future no country will have foreign troops on their soil, and people will be left in no doubt that peace is going to be permanent and upheld by us.

So as you can see the plans for your freedom and return of your sovereignty are well in hand, and it means that you have no need to be worried about threats of war. It will not be allowed and we have made it quite clear that nuclear weapons are not to be used, and we will enforce that order.

The way to Ascension grows bigger and is attracting even more souls who have found the trust and belief in what we and our allies are working for. Simply, our Dear Ones, there is no other way and believe us that all of the issues concerning your Ascension have been thoroughly discussed and we have reached the optimum conclusion. We are doing what is best for everyone without infringing people’s freewill to move onto a different path if that is their choice.

It had never been our brief to impose our views upon you, but to ensure that those wishing to ascend have every opportunity to do so. The changes are what you have sought but have been denied by the Illuminati to prevent your upliftment. So acceptance of them seems quite natural as they were already planned as part of your life experience.

Few souls can recall their life plan, and indeed it is best that you deal with your challenges as they come up, as otherwise you try to pre-empt them and alter the outcome. Sometimes you take clairvoyant-given readings that explain situations to you, and that kind of help is permissible, but the final decision and action taken is totally up to you. In the same way no one else can take on your Karma, but some souls will by arrangement work with you to help you.

Some souls will find it hard to believe that they volunteered to experience in Duality. Yet each and everyone one of you did so, knowing that you would be speeding up your own evolution and adding to the pool of knowledge. Subconsciously all of this is known to you, together with the promise from those on high who have closely followed your progress for millennia of time to assist you.

They serve God and also serve you and carry out the plan for your Ascension. The word has been given that under no circumstances will the dark Ones be allowed to succeed in preventing your Ascension, and that is why you should seize this marvellous opportunity to ascend together with Mother Earth.

There are some difficult times ahead but you will survive them, and the outcome will see you rising even higher into the Light. Time flies by and the changes draw nearer than ever, and without anyone making predictions it is quite clear that the end times are about to take off.

Can you believe that the Millennium was 13 years ago, and when you look back at your progress it is particularly evident where your consciousness levels are concerned. The energy of Light and Love has spread like a forest fire and the Phoenix of its higher expression is about to rise again from the ashes. It has the power to transmute all of the lower energies that shall no longer exist at the new level you are moving into.

The apparent lack of activity does not mean that very little is happening, when in fact we are becoming busier than ever putting down attempts to stall progress. The dark Ones are masters at stirring up trouble, but we know their intentions and keep them very much in check.

They do not take the initiative every time as we can anticipate their moves and stop them achieving the results they seek, and it is sapping their morale which is already at a low point. Their game is up, and their time is up, and they would do well to withdraw and allow the game to be played out as planned. However, they remain obstinate to try and put off their inevitable destiny and detention that calls for them to answer for their crimes against Humanity.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Galactic Federation of Light has never been on a greater alert than now, and is ready to jump into action. A few weeks in your time is just but seconds as we experience time, so the end time seems upon us already, and for you it is also speeding up.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/13/2012 1:18:19 AM
Friends, a most interesting approach for the times we are moving into right now

Aisha North: Balance in the New Way

2012 OCTOBER 12
Posted by Vina

Balance in the New Way

Manuscript of Survival: Pt 207 – October 11, 2012

Constant Companions through Aisha North

As you have noticed, these swirls of energy that are enveloping you have become more and more tangible to you all in so many ways. Both your physical body and your mental body have become almost battlefields it seems at times, because there is such an ebb and flow going through your whole system that is constantly changing.

Keeping your balance and your focus will seem almost impossible at times, at least if you go about it in the ”old fashioned” way. Let us explain.

As we have talked about earlier, you have certainly entered the flux now, and with it, all concepts of stability and certainty must be left by the wayside. For if you expect to find true balance, in the sense of keeping yourselves standing rigid and unmoving throughout all of this, you will literally break into pieces. That is because you have to adapt to a new sort of fluidity that will entail being in balance even when everything both around you and inside you is wildly fluctuating. And that is no mean feat, because it will literally go against so much of what you have taken for granted before. But that is just it, as the old ”truths” do not any longer apply, not even in this. You see, as everything is speeding up, so too are your abilities to maintain balance even if you seem to be tottering to and fro with no set pattern.

That is, if you understand what we mean by ”balance” now. Balance used to be described as keeping a stable equilibrium, like the eye of a storm, where everything seems to be motionless while everything else is in constant motion. Well, that used to be the right way of describing balance, but now, it is actually something else completely. The best way we can describe it to you now, is by using the image of someone balancing on small segments of ice floating on the surface of a lake. If you stand still for too long, you will literally fall into the water, but if you keep moving in a fluid motion, you will be able to keep your balance.

This will probably be a difficult notion to wrap your head around, as we have used the image of a tree so many times. But now, being as hunkered down as a tree will not serve you any good, as then you will in many ways be wrenched away from your roots and end up toppling to the ground or splintering into pieces because the pull of the forward movement will be too strong.

Do not get us wrong here, we are not talking about giving up your equilibrium and your grounding in any way, we are just talking about finding a way to keep that whilst not being bogged down by it in a way that will stop you moving with these incoming energies. For as you all have noticed by now, they do not pause any more, they just keep on coming, and so, you will hardly have any time to stop and take a breath before the next one hits you and starts to propel you forward again.

So yes, the challenges keep mounting, as you need to take this on in a very different way than before. Whereas it used to be the case that you would get a period for assimilating and adjusting to the new levels of energy in between these bouts, now they keep coming at you like an incessant flow of waves that just rolls in without any pause between them.

Hence, the increased pressure you all feel that seems to take forever to get used to. In all of this action, you have mayhaps not noticed the fact that you are in fact becoming very adept at this, and that your physical body, albeit somewhat battered and bruised by now, actually have the ability to keep going forwards anyway. That is because you have been well trained by now, and you would not be exposed to this seemingly relentless barrage of energy if we were not absolutely sure that you could take them.

We know that for many, this will seem to be very far from the truth, but believe us when we say that you are so much stronger than you can actually fathom yourselves. And even if your physical body keeps up the choir of moans and groans, aches and pains it is only for show, as it too has become more adept at taking in whatever it is exposed to. So all of these physical complaints and mental downturns are actually mostly for ”show”, if we can use such a word. Because you are all thoroughly readied for all of this change, and so all of these ”symptoms” are much like the phantom pains we have discussed earlier.

In other words, your body still thinks it has to protest loudly whenever it is hit by one of these magnificent waves if energy, so it will comply and do it’s best to tell you that it is not very happy at the moment. But in fact, it is happy to comply each and every time and start to readjust itself once more, because you do not any longer have those physical and mental barriers set into place in order to restrict you.

So take these complaints for what they really are, a mere echo from the past, when you were a much frailer person. And learn to stay in balance in the new way, where you flex and bend and keep moving with the flow, without losing your focus or your inner strength. It may sound like a tall order, but you are already doing this unconsciously.

It is only a matter of becoming conscious of this whole process, and then you will start to relish all of this movement, as you will see that it is taking you faster and faster towards that ultimate goal you are all dreaming of.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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