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10/11/2012 2:39:18 AM

Barclays Bank Wins Inaugural 2012 Libor Manipulation ‘Award’

2012 OCTOBER 10
Posted by Stephen Cook

Barclays Bank Wins Inaugural 2012 Libor Manipulation ‘Award’

Stephen: American Kabuki posted this and Kauilapele sent it on to me. I needed a good laugh.

And while this is a rather serious topic, the ‘intrusion’ of the annual UK Investment Banking Awards by the activist group The Intruders is worth watching just for the astonished look on some of the bankers’ faces – although there is one fellow who find this new ‘award’ rather amusing. Like me.

Interestingly, while they have been fooling as many of us as they can for so many years; none of them knows quite what to do when they are fooled themselves.

Published by WeAreTheIntruders – October 8, 2012


The Investment Banking Awards are the Oscars of the financial world. Dished out for so-called ‘innovation’, some of the world’s richest bankers gather together to congratulate each other on devising ever more creative ways to make obscene sums of money.

One of 2012′s most profitable scams was the bankers’ ‘innovative’ approach to a key interest rate called LIBOR. Virtually every bank at the event was involved in illegally colluding to rig LIBOR, ensuring that they would always be the winners in the multi-million pound bets they were making on the markets.

When we noticed that this money-spinner had been overlooked in the ceremony, we decided to show up and make sure the LIBOR-riggers got the recognition they deserve.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/11/2012 2:43:47 AM

SaLuSa 10-10-12…”It Is Relatively Plain Sailing Now”

As I am otherwise occupied for the next two days, I am not commenting or highlighting this SaLuSa. Have not yet read it, but I’m sure there is something here for some of you.


SaLuSa 10-October-2012

It is relatively plain sailing now, although you will have difficult periods to cope with. However, they will be short lived and having anticipated them we will ensure that they cause the minimum of inconvenience to you. Our allies are aware of how near they are to accomplishing their objectives, and as always we are behind them. You might reflect on the fact that the physical changes on Earth have been nowhere near as catastrophic as was prophesied. Some may point at the Fukushima incident, but that was not natural but a false flag attack. In fact although there have been numerous earthquakes which is quite normal, none have had what you would call really serious consequences. We have all along closely monitored such occurrences, and have minimized the after effects.

We are still very much involved with Disclosure, and already this year you have seen much more proof of our presence than previously. It is opening the way for full Disclosure, and it will come about before the end of the year. That will mark a massive change in your collective consciousness, and take you into the New Age. As you know, we have much to share with you that will move you ahead in leaps and bounds. It will be an exciting time for us all, and the illusions that you have been living under will be swept away. From various contacts with your people over the last 60 years or so, we have gradually got you to become more aware of us. Now our presence is widely known, and there can be few people that have not heard about our craft visiting your Earth.

When it is seen that we come in peace and to help you, the last obstacle to accepting us will have been removed. The frightening images of us deliberately conveyed to you to leave you in fear, will no longer carry any power. We already know which world Leaders can be trusted, and Barack Obama will lead the way. It seems we cannot say it enough times to convince some people, but he is a highly spiritual soul simply waiting his opportunity to begin his real mission. He will re-unite the world in peace, and set the scene for our coming. The doubters will not have long to see that what we say is true. Once we can address you and explain our tasks to get on track for the benefits of Ascension, your dreams will come true. Duality will become history and a wonderful new life will be yours where peace and harmony reign.

So you are now in the time of great expectations, and these will be fulfilled as you have been promised. Your present governments still stick to the usual policies that deny what you know to be true, and the media still follow suit. However, that will all change before very long, and the truth will come out. Many have sold their souls to hold onto their jobs and simply do as they are told. You should really be able to enjoy free expression, and not be subject to unfair laws that are used to keep you quiet. In the near future there will be a reappraisal of your laws and those that are unjust and outside of your rights will be removed.

As you can imagine there is so much to be done, but we are fully prepared for it all. We already know where the action needs to be taken, and there will be no delay in getting things moving. You of course will be very much involved in our joint activities, and be assured that we know who we can call upon for help. By that time the dark Ones will have been removed, and the work can go ahead unhindered. Different languages present no difficulty to us as we read you telepathically, and that is our normal form of contact with our people. In time you will also became efficient at telepathy, and the spoken language will disappear. Past evidence will show that we have known your questions as they formed in your mind, and answered them before they were spoken.

Your future is to be like us, and you will become Galactic Beings with all of the attributes that we now display. For example we do not experience tiredness as you do, because we are in the higher vibrations. However, we can take measures to rejuvenate ourselves if so desired. We also have drinks that are a source of energy, although we do take it from the energy source around us. In fact, in a lighter body you will have no need for the intake of heavy foods, and eat quite lightly as much for relaxation as anything else. We have what you might consider to be fruit drinks that are very nourishing, but no alcohol. We see it as a poison and you will not find it in our level of existence. In fact you will have no requirement for heavy foods at all, and we certainly do not eat animals.

As in the higher dimensions you will enjoy total health, you will understand that you will not need drugs or medicines, or even surgery as our methods are so more far advanced than yours. We use color and sound to heal which is much more effective and without the side affects your treatments often involve. Wait until your Cities of Light appear on Earth, and you shall experience for yourself exactly what we have described, and even more. We are so excited for you and what you shall enjoy as we make our technologies available to you. Life will be vastly different from what you have now, and it awaits you now.

We would naturally have liked to have been much further forward than we are now, and would use one of your expressions that “the best things in life are worth waiting for”. On Earth you experience so much stress due to the obligations placed upon you, and the pace at which life progresses. All that will disappear and just does not exist in vibrations that bring constant peace and harmony. There are no “jobs” such as you describe your occupations, but more of doing what you enjoy to contribute to the benefit of everyone else. You will find that you have even more freedom to decide what to do with your lives, and because of your higher levels of consciousness will choose responsibly.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and speak for all of our members of the Galactic Federation of Light, when I wish you all a happy transition and a wonderful experience through the process of Ascension. The whole Universe will be watching and sending you immense love to help you on your journey. In time you will meet your friends and families from afar for a great re-union.

Thank you SaLuSa,

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/11/2012 2:54:02 AM
In this and the next post we are bringing most inspirational messages. They are both channeled by John Smallman

Saul: It Demands a Great Deal of Strength Not to be Drawn into the Game of Egoic Ambitions

2012 OCTOBER 10
Posted by Anthony Morrison

Saul: It Demands a Great Deal of Strength Not to be Drawn into the Game of Egoic Ambitions

As channelled by John Smallman – October 10, 2012

The divine energies enveloping the planet continue to strengthen and intensify as increasing numbers of humans start opening their hearts to receive what they have been seeking for eons, namely a sense or awareness of the fact that they are eternally loved by their infinitely kind and generous Father.

As you open your hearts further and further this awareness, this certainty grows, and the divine energies respond by expanding and extending. Your determined intent to be aware of God’s Love for you is recognized by Him, and so He strengthens and intensifies the energy field enveloping you, and it is this that is moving you forwards towards your inevitable awakening.

He has always desired that you dissolve the illusion by awakening into the glory of His Presence where you belong and where you have your eternal existence; It is your Home. But you — having the free will that He gave you and constantly honors — collectively chose to hide yourselves from Him while you played your games of separation, abandonment, and suffering.

A few have always sought Him out, keeping alive a faint awareness of His Presence in your memories. Now those few have grown enormously in number, and by their love, devotion, and intent to share their love have succeeded in having it permeate and mingle with the energy fields of all who had made the choice to experience life in the illusion.

There is now no one among you whose energy field has not been affected and influenced by the divine energies enveloping the planet. All are being drawn irresistibly into it because it is what they truly desire. For many it is very confusing because, after eons in which trust has time and again been destroyed by betrayal, they are now feeling intuitively guided to behave lovingly and to trust.

This is very much at odds with their experience, and so they are proceeding slowly and cautiously, ready at a moment’s notice to embrace their old ways.

The task of you Light-bearers and way-showers is to meet them lovingly and show them that their trust will be honored in every respect. They are like delicate plants breaking through the earth in spring, which need to be protected from frost and drought.

If they are, then they will flourish and produce the most beautiful blossoms. You have the ability, the responsibility, and the honor to provide this protection, and you have all the assistance from those in the spiritual realms that is necessary to ensure success.

It is because of your choice to be on earth at this time in her evolution that it is essential that you understand and honor your divine commitment to be emissaries from the heavenly realms by offering love, compassion, and acceptance at all times to all with whom you interact in any fashion.

It is a monumental task, but it is also one for which you are perfectly fitted, because your Father would never have asked you to engage in it without knowing that you had the competence to carry it through, and without providing you with all the support you required to ensure your success.

As you have been informed many times, you are highly honored for the task you have undertaken. To enter the world of the unawakened it was necessary for you as well to join in the state of collective slumber that prevailed, and consequently you experience the pain and suffering endemic in that state.

It is unreal, but when you are there it seems very real indeed, and it demands great strength and determination on your part not to become drawn into the constant drama of egoic ambitions that you see all around you.

At times you may well have allowed yourselves to stumble, to be drawn in, but in your hearts you knew that this was a grave mistake and so, when that happened, you rallied your strength and called to us for help – do not forget that because you have free will (sometimes it does not seem very free!) you must ask for help before we can provide it, and then we respond instantly every time.

Sometimes, for some of you, your slumber got so deep that you became lost, forgot your task, and drifted listlessly amongst those whom you were meant to be assisting in the awakening process.

Consequently, some of you have friends or relatives whom you feel sure are Light-bearers and way-showers, but they do not respond as such. Do not worry about them. Every one of you who has undertaken to assist in this immense task of bringing humanity out of its slumber is honored whether or not it seems that you individually succeed.

The intensity of the energies of the illusion are very powerful when you are apparently contained within it, and it was inevitable that some would become lost for a lifetime or so. There are very few of you who have not undergone this kind of experience in previous lifetimes

Any Light-bearer or way-shower presently in this situation will awaken just like everyone else, and there will be absolutely no judgment or stigma attached to the fact that they were temporarily unable to fulfill the tasks that they had set for themselves in this current lifetime.

Awakening is a collective endeavor; you really are all assisting one another, although, with your limited perceptive abilities this often does not seem to be the case. Therefore it is essential that you neither judge nor blame others for their behavior, because you have no way of knowing what their path is, and you certainly have no way of assessing whether or not they are following it.

Offer love and compassion at all times, and know that when you do so you are doing exactly what you came to do and that you are always divinely honored.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/11/2012 2:56:59 AM

Jesus: What Awaits Your Awakening is Utter Joy

2012 OCTOBER 10
Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: What Awaits Your Awakening is Utter Joy

Channelled by John Smallman – October 10, 2012

We are all rooting for you here in the spiritual realms – which truly are not a series of mythical realms set apart from yours in some alternate universe or energy field – as we watch you heading firmly and vigorously towards the moment of your awakening.

As you have often been told, there is only Reality, in which all of creation (which includes humanity) has its eternal existence. You have just temporarily closed your eyes to this truth and therefore to your awareness of it. But eternal sleep is not part of the divine plan for anyone, so you will awaken into the joy that is your birthright. And the moment for that awakening is almost upon you.

Holding on to doubts and anxieties slows you down, so release them; you have no need of them. In the illusion they are constantly disturbing and unsettling you, because there your experience has been of suffering and betrayal — by you and of you.

But what awaits your awakening is utter joy, as divinely promised by your loving Father, and because it is His Will for you, and because He has promised you that He will deliver on His promise, no other outcome is remotely possible.

You are heading directly for Home, after eons spent wandering through the illusion in a state of aimless confusion. You thought you were seeking God and Heaven, but mostly you were occupied with your own individual beliefs and prejudices which encouraged you to judge, condemn, and punish others angrily for beliefs or behaviors that did not align with your own. But God is found in the peace and quietness within, when you set aside time to relax alone, undisturbed by the noisy external world which is driven by ambition to inordinate levels of egoic thinking and planning; and for eons only a very few of you sought that inner path.

The illusion encourages the egoic way, and it has been humanity’s choice over the eons to place its focus there. The world, as you have been experiencing it, has always been a place filled with either winners or losers, and when you have had a choice you always attempted to side with those whom you thought would win. Of course, often there was no choice at all; you were born into an environment, an area of the world, from which you were for the most part unable to move, and so you unavoidably became involved in the conflicts going on there. And that could be and has been a very embittering experience for many.

Over the last few decades the desire to achieve global peace and abundance for all has spread far and wide, and the impossibility of achieving those ends by cajoling, threatening, punishing, or going to war has become increasingly apparent. Much creative thought has been expended on seeking solutions that work for all of humanity, as opposed to the old ideas of just looking after those “on your side.” An energy of compassion and caring has been building right across the planet, and there are now many groups cooperating to put into effect the necessary processes to achieve these essential aims.

Those groups are communicating with each other, becoming more efficiently organized, and making their creative concepts available to all who wish to join with them — to make winners of you all. Governments are having to take notice and formulate new policies that appeal to this new breed of compassionate and highly intelligent constituent. It is apparent almost everywhere that the citizens of the world will no longer accept decisions made by their governments to engage in warfare, because all have become fully aware of what a disastrous course of action that is.

Countries engaged in war are at last working to withdraw from those calamitous situations and bring their armies, freedom fighters, and other military operatives home from all such areas of conflict. There remains opposition from the obstinate hardliners whose motto has always been “when the going gets tough, get tougher” — an insane response in insane situations. They will be overruled and sidelined because their beliefs and attitudes are totally unacceptable to civilized peoples.

Peace and abundance for all can be achieved right now on Earth, as is well understood, if the inordinate amounts of military spending were reduced to only that necessary to run and maintain a small well-trained and well-disciplined force of high moral integrity, which could, without resorting to violence, prevent local hooligans from causing trouble and disturbing the peace of the majority.

People want peace and a reasonable standard of living, and that can be provided worldwide when selfish, greedy, egoic ambitions are reined in and the wealth that the planet offers is fairly shared. There is absolutely no need for poverty anywhere and many of you are working hard to eradicate it. And as governments begin to understand their true purpose – to treat all citizens fairly and honestly and ensure that poverty becomes a distant memory – and harness a degree of beneficent political will, amazing results can and will be achieved very rapidly.

The divine energies enveloping the planet are affecting all, by integrating and melding with the collective human energy field, as well as with individuals, causing major changes in attitudes that are beginning to benefit you all. It may not yet be clearly visible to you, but if you consider all the places where peaceful demonstrations by a few have awakened compassionate awareness in the hearts of many, you will realize that enormous progress is being made.

The stage has been reached where there is no option but for peace and abundance to replace poverty and oppression worldwide. The energy to make it happen is available to you, so reach out and grasp it and make it happen — because you can. And from the other realms of creation which are showering you with Love, enormous and limitless assistance will ensure your complete success.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/11/2012 10:55:16 AM
October 10, 2012

No Longer Comfortable Numb

The Tide is Turning. The 99 per cent are waking up—and it feels good! Here’s a hug—pass it around!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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