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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/22/2012 5:39:13 PM
What an important development on 9/11! I guess this article belongs here and not only in my other thread, "Are We Now In The End Times?" where I posted it earlier (see here).

Sep-19-2012 10:21

9/11 Doubts Seep into the Mainstream as Evidence Accumulates

The most significant expert may turn out to be Judge Ferdinando Imposimato, the widely respected honorary president of the Italian Supreme Court and legendary mafia hunter who lost his brother in a revenge attack.


(LONDON) - As the annual 9/11 remembrance draws to a close, the world is as split as ever. Not only on whether the Afghan and Iraq invasions were justified, but between those who accept Washington's official 9/11 story and those who do not.

Under the mainstream media radar, the number of those who do not is steadily increasing, forming substantial majorities in places like Pakistan and Egypt and significant minorities even in NATO's heartland countries, France, the UK and the US itself. The issue is not whether, despite his denials, Osama Bin Laden might have wanted to organise the 9/11 attacks but whether Al Qaeda actually had the capability to infiltrate 19 terrorists into the US, including some very well known to the CIA, and the four highly skilled pilots necessary to pull off the spectacular coup. Up to then Al Qaeda's biggest success was setting off two truck bombs in East Africa. (1)

The stereotype promoted by the corporate media of a 9/11 sceptic, a badly educated redneck watching Fox News in a trailer park, could hardly be further from the truth. The website Patriot's Question 9/11 lists hundreds of University Professors, over a thousand architects and engineers and hundreds of aviation professionals who have spoken out against the official 9/11 story. (8)

The most significant expert may turn out to be Judge Ferdinando Imposimato, the widely respected honorary president of the Italian Supreme Court and legendary mafia hunter who lost his brother in a revenge attack. Imposimato has written to the Journal of 9/11 Studies announcing his intention to bring a case before the International Criminal Court citing key figures in the US administration for involvement in the execution of the 9/11 attacks. (2)

Imposimato's take has received indirect support from people close to the heart of Washington's power elite. Richard Clarke, White House anti-terror czar at the time, has confirmed what researcher Kevin Fenton has established based on a meticulous examination of recently released official reports. Someone at the top of the CIA "made a decision" to stand down the FBI and the CIA, allowing the alleged hijackers a free run in the US when they would otherwise have been arrested and the plot foiled. (9)

Meanwhile the 9/11 truth movement continues with a drip, drip of new research. This year we have seen nothing on the scale of the revelations of iron spheres and uncombusted nanothermite in the dust at Ground Zero, strong indicators that the Twin Towers' spectacular collapses on live TV were caused by something a lot hotter than diesel fuel fires. But there are significant developments nonetheless.

Scientist Kevin Ryan was fired from work some time ago after he went public saying his employer Underwriters Laboratories, the company which had certified the quality of the steel used in the World Trade Centre, was involved in creating fake computer simulations to help support the official story that the fires were sufficiently hot to cause the disastrous collapse of three skyscrapers. He has since been beavering away at various aspects of the 9/11 story.

This year Ryan has released an analysis of the changes that the 9/11 events have brought to the US building industry. If the official story is to be believed, 9/11 was an architectural and engineering disaster. Buildings expressly designed to withstand a high speed jet impact and subsequent fire failed spectacularly. This disaster should have led to an urgent and exhaustive inquiry with many action points for other buildings of the same construction. Instead, says Ryan, nothing like that happened.The US engineering community has acted as though it does not believe the official 9/11 story any more than the alleged conspiracy theorists in their trailer parks. (3)

Meanwhile the US Public Broadcasting System became the conduit for the latest film from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth: Explosive Evidence - The Experts Speak Out, with downloads nationally pushing Bill Clinton's Convention Speech into third place, an astonishing success for a topic the mainstream media as usual were entirely deaf to (4). The film has a section in which psychologists and counsellors explain why the media and sections of the public are so reluctant to doubt an official story that might, from another government, seem highly unlikely if not absurd. The reasons come down to trauma, belief in authority and a phenomenon psychologists call cognitive dissonance. For every trailer park dissident there are several other citizens with a very strong desire to believe in authority, especially after the terrifying circumstances and unprecedented media barrage of 9/11. Confronted with contradictory evidence some time later, such people suffer from painful cognitive dissonance and often resort to denial.

An example of cognitive dissonance occurred last week on CNN when Piers Morgan tried to dismiss Jesse Ventura, a maverick politician and broadcaster. Morgan clearly knew little about the issue and could only say the suggestion of an inside job was "preposterous". The studio audience applauded Ventura. (10)

Another 9/11 researcher who goes by the name of Shoestring has presented a very detailed analysis of the various emergency offices that failed on the morning of 9/11. Probably the most shocking was the FBI's emergency management office in Washington, designed to cope with up to five major emergencies at one time, which knew nothing more than the TV channels. In the light of so much other bizarre activity - at the CIA, on the building investigation, the failure of Washington's Andrews Airbase to scramble any of its fighters for nearly two hours - the official 9/11 story of coincidence, surprise and cock-up begins to look less likely than some of the alternatives. (5)

But surely the post 9/11 war against Al Qaeda has produced a network of detainees, led by Khalid Sheik Mohammed, who have corroborated the official 9/11 story of a plot hatched in the caves of Afghanistan? Even the supine 911 Commission was disturbed by the CIA's refusal to allow them any contact with KSM or even his interrogators. As suspicions of systematic torture were confirmed in media leaks, the CIA illegally destroyed most of its own records, presumably to save its officers the worry of future prosecution. This ugly picture of detainees tortured into corroborating the official 9/11 story has been enhanced by another recent revelation from the Defence Department Inspector General: detainees were given truth drugs, or to put it in official language were drugged with powerful antipsychotic and other medications that “could impair an individual’s ability to provide accurate information". (6)

Last year's bombshell from the White House anti-terror czar at the time has produced a sequel. Richard Clarke has focused on the role of the CIA saying the then boss George Tenet must have known about the shocking unexplained decision to block three FBI field offices from acting against several 9/11 hijackers. Most researchers agree that the CIA's dedicated Osama Bin Laden Unit, kept secret until some years after 9/11, is the best place to start asking questions. Up to now they have focused on Bush favorite and torture advocate Cofer Black who oversaw the unit before moving on to make money as a principal in Blackwater, the mercenary company in Iraq.

Recently another CIA official has come into the frame: Black's deputy in the CIA's counter terror center, Enrique “Ricky” Prado. A book based on sources in the Miami Vice Squad describes Prado's apparent double life as CIA official and a member of Florida's Cuban mafia. The story was ignored by much of the mainstream media but carried in detail in Wired magazine, the Daily Beast and the UK's Daily Mail, which operates under stringent libel laws. (7)

When will the truth be known? Many agree that the planet's intelligence services probably already know. Iran's President Ahmedinajad's UN General Assembly speech calling for a new investigation into 9/11 was greeted with predictable outrage and the corporate media applauded when the NATO countries angrily walked out. But most countries did not walk out and with global opinion ever more sceptical as time goes by, this could prove a bad omen for Washington.

(1) In the UK a poll by ICM taken last year showed only seven percent were fully confident they had been told the whole story of the attacks, while in France a large minority thought the US government was involved in the attacks. Middle East experts as diverse as Alan Hart and Mohamed Heykal have both said that any Al Qaeda plot would have immediately been known to the many intelligence services who had agents in the ramshackle setup.


(3) Note: the media have featured someone claiming to be from the original engineers team who has said that planners never imagined a plane crash into the WTC but this is contradicted by the written record and there is scant evidence that this individual was in the role he claims.





(8) For an interesting review of some of the questions raised see

(9) Fenton's book is "Disconnecting the Dots", published by Trine Day


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/23/2012 2:19:27 AM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Spare Yourself Being Distracted by Any Playground Bullies

Posted by Stephen Cook

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Spare Yourself Being Distracted at This Point by Any Playground Bullies

Stephen: Archangel Michael, through Linda Dillon, has said that he also communicates clearly through Ron. This is Archangel Michael’s message for this weekend’s equinox, which falls on Saturday the 22nd or Sunday the 23rd, depending on where you live.

As channeled by Ron Head – September 20, 2012

Today let us not forget to mention the impending equinox.

“Oh no!”, thinks our channel. “We are going to get the light and energy stuff again.”

OK. We will spare you that… after we point out that not only will you receive it stronger than ever, but there will be subtle changes as you move into this last quarter of your solar year and also into new abilities to sustain higher and higher volumes and frequencies.

We also need not point out that the crazies are seemingly becoming contagious all around you. Many of you are wondering at yourselves for not becoming at least a little alarmed at what is happening and what is rumored to be about to happen. Congratulations on your newfound ability to stay anchored in your centers and focused on your intended self-improvement. Perhaps that is not the best thing to call it, but then, that is what you are doing.

There will be, and indeed are now attempts being made to throw the world into another full-blown war. This does not surprise you, nor does it surprise us. But there are just three months left in this momentous year, and a new world-wide war is not on the Divine Agenda. A very great deal will happen in this three months, and much of it will be very disconcerting to many people, but you will emerge into your new year in better shape than you are now. As we have said before, the world will not end and the sky is not falling.

What is happening is that you amazing creations of Mother/Father God, Creator of All That Is, are about the business of discovering and remembering who you are and what you are capable of. For that eventuality, dear hearts, we suggest you hold onto your hats and fasten your seatbelts. Even at this late date, there are relatively few of you who truly have any inkling of where you are heading.

You have heard us use many beautiful words and descriptions, but that is a far cry from the experience you are to begin very soon. It is as if we had told you about chocolate ice cream for many years and now you are about to get your first real taste of it.

We have told you it is cold. We have told you it is creamy, delicious, and wonderful. But until you have actually tasted it, you have no idea the treat you are in for. If I hold the ice cream cone out in front you, all you need to do is reach out and take it. That, dear friends, is a very good metaphor for where you stand right now. And the best part is that there is enough for you and all of your friends and all of their friends. There is absolutely no lack of enough for everyone.

We will take care of distributing the ice cream cones. You make sure that you are ready, polite, patient, and careful not to drop yours on the playground. Well, actually, you couldn’t do that. But spare yourself being distracted at this point by any playground bullies.

We once again applaud you all for your efforts and your success. Stay this last short part of the course and we will continue to support you in all you do.

And if you are one of those who have said “Hi” to us when you noticed our presence or little nudges lately, we say “Hi” back to you. We love you. Good day, dear ones.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/23/2012 2:23:28 AM

Wes Annac: The Pleiadian Council of Nine – All of Creation is a Mirror of Itself (Part 1/2)

Posted by Alice C

TreeWes Annac: The Pleiadian Council of Nine – All of Creation is a Mirror of Itself (Part 1/2)

Channelled through Wes Annac – September 20, 2012

Alice C: Part 2 of this message is below.

We have taken to inhabiting the beautiful Pleiades Star System, and the planet in which many of us take home on whenever we do not exist and Live upon our dear Motherships is the planet Erra.

This planet is a communications-hub throughout much of the Universe, and is one main ascended planet that the Federation of Light keeps many ‘bases’ and transportation centers on.

We have numerous ascended and enlightened cities on Erra and in a perfect match of resonance, we have as well areas upon our dear planet that many have noted as some of the most beautiful places of nature throughout this dear Galaxy. You dear souls are increasingly becoming exposed to the prevalent beauty of your world and we say that our Erra is very close to your dear Earth, in more ways than you would perhaps realize.

There are stargates linking your dear Earth to Erra that are to be opening [for all to see] in the time ahead and you will all be offered free ‘passes’ and trips to our world as you will be given the option to explore it and the many features that our dear world Erra has to offer. You will be given the option as well to travel to any other ascended planet that you wish and you will be able to travel to every object within our Star System.

Our planet Erra could indeed be compared to the [not-so] fictional ‘world of the future’ that you dear souls have so heard about and read through what have been fictional stories. While our societies on Erra are quite advanced and have branched-out to other Star Systems and Galaxies while assisting and being a part of the Galactic Federation, you will find an overall happy and ascended nature about this world and all other bodies within our dear Star System, as we have evolved as a collective to the realms of full consciousness.

Upon our world, there are Ambassador-centers for other worlds and other Galaxies that our technology sees us able to access [the Galaxies] quite instantaneously.

We are able to aide in the ascension of various civilizations as they evolve and reach the strides along their growth plans that see them ready for contact with an advanced society outside the perimeters of their world, and we are routinely making ambassador-efforts to many awakening worlds such as yours, who will begin to become open to our presence and to the presence of an entire Federation of Loving and benevolent Galactic races who have been assisting in the evolution of each undeveloped planet as such planets are meant to evolve.

Earth is one such planet who has had many opportunities to experience an ascension and many dear souls upon the surface of Earth have experienced individual ascension while on your world, though the opportunity for a collective ascension does not come along very often which is why our efforts and your efforts especially, have been more than needed for quite some time.

We are traveling happily all throughout the Galaxy and helping many developing planets to find the pure states of consciousness that we have been helped to reach by this wonderful Federation in which we are now a part of, and you are to realize in the time ahead as your dear world is initiated as a collective into purer states of consciousness that will see no cap or filter on the information you are able to absorb at any given time, that our Federation has been one out of many leading Lighted Organizations who are assisting in the inevitable ascension of this entire Universe.

We are coming to you now and issuing updates and communications through willing hosts and scribes in an effort to help you to open up your metaphysical and ‘paranormal’ energies which will lead to awareness and an opening of the chakras [that] need to be opened for you to attain your individual and collective ascension. We are as well utilizing different and unique methods to connect with many planets as such dear awakened worlds begin to find higher states of consciousness and perception that see them breaking away from and transmuting the lower dimensional experience.

You dear souls are making such incredible strides and as has been expressed, the ascension of your world is to lead to the ascension of so many dear planets and many of such planets are eagerly awaiting the ascension of your world, so that they can receive the needed boost of energies to help them attain their own ascension.

The Earth has been a beacon of Light and as well, a hub for darkness and dense activities bred from the negative actions of other Galactic races who had controlling interests for you and your world.

Such races have long been banned from the vicinity of your beautiful, ascending world as the damage that has already been done by such souls has sewn itself into your collective roots as many dear souls upon your world continue to feed the very density and the lower dimensional mindsets that are holding many back from realizing the higher and purer states of consciousness and perception that lay beyond the dense and outdated mindsets bred from separation, fear and hate.

We eagerly await your presence on our world and within our ships, as we have so very much to show you dear souls about the advanced nature of our dear Star and Motherships and about the ascended nature of Erra as well. You are to find the thickest yet most beautiful of jungles upon Erra wherein little Pleiadian or otherwise human societies seem to exist, and yet such areas will be quite beautiful, harmonious and peaceful as you find animals native to our world and to our Star System that would seem to you at present to be quite exotic and outside of your perceptions.

Our animals are not limited to the genes that those on your dear Earth are, and are able to transform and take different bodies and structures as they are experiencing consciousness and while this seems an impossibility to your world at present, it is quite a routine process performed by many of our animals on Erra.

You will find as well that since Erra is an ascended world, the animals as well as us Humans [Pleiadians] and the higher dimensional [discarnate] forms of energy on Erra as well are peaceful by nature and not a one of us would ever wish to hurt even a fly. Imagine being united with creatures similar to those of your lions and tigers, and knowing that such souls would never wish to hurt you, just as you would never wish to hurt them. The survivalist and defense genes are not prevalent among ascended souls on our world who have chosen to take the form of animals.

There will be many concepts about reality which have been fed on your world that will need to be cleared up as it is explained that there is no impossibility throughout Creation, and literally everything that one can imagine already exists.

Whenever you have a thought or seem to discover something new, you are shining your beautiful perceptive Light upon something which has been Created, experienced and re-experienced numerous times throughout Creation. We tell you of some of the features of our world in an effort to help expand your perceptions and to explain as well what an ascended fifth dimensional world is like, as you are all growing toward perceptions that are infinite in scope and in purity of the information that you are able to discover in relation to any given subject.

Besides the use of Star and Motherships, you dear souls will find yourselves able to travel anywhere throughout Creation by the sheer thought of your beautiful, opened minds, and you will find as well the technology that will aide in your more leisurely travel or, in the case of our Motherships, will serve as very large command centers and hubs for benevolent races to convene together and help this beautiful Universe to ascend.

Whenever any of us may get particularly homesick for our homes within the Pleiades, we are able to replicate entirely such environments and quite literally pull the exact energy in from such environments and have them manifested in an infinite, endless ‘room’ through our holographic technology.

We note that whenever holographic technology of any kind is mentioned, many of you dear souls automatically take to imagining a kind of transparent energy that can only be seen and not felt or experienced, and we say that this notion is a bit off in comparison to our technology as we are able to literally Create and feel any and all environments that we wish to, within one of our rooms made especially for holographic projection of any environment.

If we wish to, we can experience parts of your Inner Earth or realms on the surface of your world that are ascending and beginning to match our resonance and indeed, the only factor that keeps us from manifesting any area of Creation with our technology is the vibration of the area we wish to find ourselves within.

For example, we could not manifest ourselves from our ships in the environment of a trash landfill or any other dense environment that your dear world would have to offer. We can however, find and feel ourselves whilst within the rooms that grant us these manifestations with our technology, areas of your oceans which are being prepared to host the rising of colonies which were once enlightened and ascended in nature but that have since been lost to your time.

Continued below..

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/23/2012 2:25:19 AM

Wes Annac: The Pleiadian Council of Nine – All of Creation is a Mirror of Itself (Part 2/2)

Posted by Alice C

TreeWes Annac: The Pleiadian Council of Nine – All of Creation is a Mirror of Itself (Part 2/2)

Channelled through Wes Annac – September 20, 2012

Alice C: Part 1 of this message is above.

These colonies of which we speak will be arising because you will be interacting with fifth dimensional energies and merged timelines, in which these colonies did not war with each other and instead ascended. We speak, of course, of the colonies of Atlantis and Lemuria.

These two colonies have been prospering quite well in other Earthly timelines and this is to become quite apparent as your Earthly timelines merge and you find a resulting remembrance and collective experience of Atlantis and Lemuria.

You are to find as well, the Lemuria which has went underground and ascended within your world, as the Agarthans and many other souls within your world in ascended realms will be happily showing themselves to you after the initial disclosures and giving of technology.

You will be introduced to the ascended liaison teams of Agartha who have been working very hard on the fabled announcements and on the aspects of such announcements that will cover the Inner-Earth, how the souls within the Inner-Earth came to be who and where they are at this very moment, and how close they have been with many of you; most notably those of you who took Lives in Atlantis, as they have been watching your civilizations develop, war and find enlightenment all through your history, including the history which you have not yet been told of.

The existence of Atlantis and Lemuria is quite left out of your current history today, as is the quite-discovered truth of advanced and Loving entities existing with your dear Earth. Many of these souls have issued routine communications with humanity and [beyond this] they have been doing so very much to help initiate you into a state of understanding their presence and their wish to help you to ascend.

We feel such a wish as well and while we have been with many of you in your recent and previous civilizations, we have grown quite close to the ascension of this world and we eagerly await finding you in the wonderful ascended ‘timeline’ so to speak wherein you are all experiencing a wonderful unity with yourselves, with us and with the souls within your dear Earth.

Suffice to say, while there is a Central Sun existing with your Earth which has been interpreted by many as a ‘core’, your Earth is indeed hollow on the inside and there have been [and are] entire civilizations who exist within the inner-structure(s) of your Earth. This is so because this is how our Creator has initiated the experience of consciousness upon various Life-hosting reality structures in general; an outer experience is always paired with an inner.

All of Creation is a mirror of itself, and the souls existing within your Earth are a testament to being the ascended reflection of humanity.

Upon entering the inner Earth, the most advanced of the Lemurians began rebuilding their society in a new way that would call for less defensive structures and command centers, as all would be and has been aimed more specifically toward peace and a sustainable harmony throughout every area of Agartha.

Indeed, there are different civilizations existing within your Inner Earth and while the ‘shadow realms’ of the Inner Earth had previously hosted beings of a lower intent who have been working with your Earthly cabals, these souls are being cleansed from such realms, as such realms are being prepared and pumped with the energy of Source which is soon to become quite apparent on your dear surface, as you are all reaching the points along your calendar that are initiating you into the fifth dimensional states of consciousness as a collective.

Dear souls, while there will be many shift-points and quite intense ones to come in the immediate time ahead, you will all be adjusting continually to these energies as they are given to you and you are all to find yourselves experiencing ascension on your own levels as you undergo various rapid stages along your growth, that are seeing no more blocks or inhibition in your experience of the realms of the fifth dimension.

You are beginning to find very clear and pure perceptions of the realms of the fifth dimension, as you are all working through the worst of what you had set out for yourselves and some of you are just beginning the most difficult aspects of these transmutations while others are reaching the final conclusions of the lessons you had set out for yourselves to learn.

To those of you who are experiencing the latter, we tell you to remain strong and determined in your unending quest to hold the balance of Light and emotion that is seeing you surpass and excel in the [transmutation of] the worst of what you have set out for yourselves to experience. You are undergoing lessons that have tested you to your very core and while the most difficult of what you dear souls have set out for yourselves is indeed being [worked-through] by you in every moment, we ask you to continue to remain vigilant as you still have some work to be done.

You are now reaching entirely new phases and levels along your growth and as you are doing this, you are seeing yourselves exist within sub-planes of consciousness that are ever-increasing in purity as your very mindsets are seeing you reach these levels in accordance with your growth experience. There is still a bit of heavy lifting to be done but for the most part, you should all congratulate yourselves for the levels of growth that you find yourselves along for you are all bringing forth the realms of the fifth dimension as they are flowing increasingly through your reality with the needed actions that each and every one of you are making at all times.

We see and feel the actions that you are committing which are bringing you ever-more into alignment with the higher realms and as [some of] you dear souls are still feeding density in certain avenues of your Lives, you are finding the mindsets that expose to you the falsities of much of the Earth experience as it has been fabricated, and such fabrications have been fed by the collective of Earth for so very long but we tell you that your will and intent is quite powerful and will see the collective energies boosted in big ways, whenever you make an intent to bring the new paradigm through yourselves in any ways possible.

It has been discussed before, the strong and interconnected nature of your dear collective consciousness and the strong energetic bonds that you all maintain with each other, as the collective network on your world is quite literally one of an entanglement of you dear souls within each other’s auric fields and mental and emotional energies, through your thoughts and feelings toward and about one another.

Any time that you think of a fellow soul, you are aiming your vibrations at them in a specific way; in whichever way you are thinking about such souls. You are doing this with us and the rest of the ascended collective as well, dear souls.

For example, whenever you dear souls choose to think toward us or another in a positive or happy way, you are sending pure vibrations and [those who they are sent to] are experiencing a resulting upliftment from such vibrations, even if they do not consciously realize that they are receiving such an upliftment.

If you have any type of negative thoughts toward us or toward another, than your vibrations are aimed in such a manner though it would do no good for any souls to attempt to send us negative vibrations, as they are instantly transmuted into the happiest and Lightest of pure Source energy upon reaching even the outermost sections of our auric energies.

We are performing simple and natural transmutations of the energies of the Earth collective at any given moment, as are you dear Lightworkers and starseeds who are experiencing the most difficult of the collective density as it is exposed to you and in many cases, as it comes through you or is fed by you.

While we have taken our share of [attempted] negative energy from cabal members or souls on your world who have not accepted our presence for a plethora of reasons, you dear souls who are putting yourselves out there and expressing the truths that you have known within are taking the boldest leaps and strongest measures to get the truth of the Light and of us souls happily and actively working for the Light, out there on your world and this truth is increasingly seeping into your collective consciousness and unconscious, and it is beginning to become accepted and known for the truth that it is by many on your world.

There will forever be those who do not yet believe or who do not wish to believe and we ask you dear souls not to be dismayed by the opinions of others, as all are on their own wonderful and marvelous paths back to Source and no matter which specific ways you dear souls find awareness, each and every one of you who are involved in the ongoing ascension movement on your world and who are making your honest and continued intents to ascend; you are all going to find the pure states of consciousness that you have been evolving toward.

You are all Loved infinitely, and we temporarily depart this line of communication as we leave you dear soul to absorb our energies and the encodements given that ultimately help you to integrate our energies and the truths that we wish to give, in easier ways while many of you find an upliftment by reading any channeled communications which are pure in intent and of the Light.

We say that our energies are not by far the purest source of Light that you will find, as such purity of Light will be found within yourselves though we give our energies in a very full purity through our communications to the best extents that we can, in an effort to give you the ‘previews ‘of sorts of energies that you will find by searching and turning within.

You all have these pure abilities to turn within and it has been a continued Joy for us to watch you do so. You are beginning to feel the chains and bonds that the lower dimensional realities have trapped you into [as you transmute them] and we ask you with Love and admiration, to ‘keep on keeping on’.

Thank you to the Pleiadian Council of Nine.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/23/2012 11:05:11 AM

The Mayan Countdown


by Chautauqua

It won’t be long now. Just over 90 days until the end of the Mayan calendar arrives. Normally such well publicized “apocalyptic” dates come and go without much serious notice from me. My friends all warned me not to buy a ten thousand dollar computer software program in 1999, but I did; just wasn’t too worried about Y2K, and was, by that time, immune to the media hype which always swarms around such events.

It’s different this time The Mayans were all about TIME, hence the infamous calendar getting so much press lately. I began studying the Mayan calendar some 15 years or so ago, by reading the works of JoseArguelles, especially a book called “The Mayan Factor”. Over the years Arguelles and other Mayan experts have added greatly to our understanding of this lost culture. The one thing I brought away from these studies was that all the chaos and destruction were side effects, and not the whole deal…which is all about the evolution of humankind from childhood to adolescence…not the end ofmankind, but rather the end of doing all the wrong things for the wrong reasons; the end of greed! A new great Age.

The calendar speaks to the ending of one cosmic era, and the beginning of the next, and all the changes, including earth changes that will result from it. This era change has been going on for some decades now, with the last 25 years seeing most of the eye-popping stuff, a time known as “The Quickening”. Now the lamestream media knows one thing better than anything else, and that is how to sell fear…and the 2012 Mayan Calendar is like Christmas to them. As is their style, they will milk it for all it’s worth, and then some. What they won’t tell you however are two things. First that it isn’t at all about the end ofeverything…and second; the year 2012 is the year the calendar ends, not us. The year 2012 was marked as the time when all these changes that have been happening for decades would culminate, not begin.

So, the calendar is all about the evolution of mankind, a time when humanities spiritualvibration hits critical mass, and we are on our way to the next step, the next phase of our evolution as a species. The problem is that the psychopaths in power have spent the last 25 years or so tirelessly coming up with various nasty ways to “arrest” humanities collective vibration, preventing us from reaching that threshold of evolution; and keeping us as their economic slaves on a prison planet. Chemtrails, GWEN towers, HAARP, and at least a dozen other DARPA programs all designed for that one goal. (Then came the news that DARPA wanted to assimilate Google.)

If you only look with attention span of the average news cycle, you naturally will come to the conclusion that yes the world is about to end. (Isn’t it always?) Only when we look with new eyes, taking in the broad landscape of time, do we see all this escalating chaos in proper perspective. You’re gonna need that to deal with what all this chaos is leading up to. An entire paradigm is collapsing under the weight of its own corruption, and unfortunately most of us are more dependent than we like upon its decaying infrastructure. The trick, I suppose, if there is one ~ is thru awareness; don’t be there when the heavy stuff comes down.

The Mayans were onto something

The Mayans were obsessed with time. They charted the heavens for countless generations to arrive at mathematical solutions as accurate as any modern technology. They knew what they were doing. Being able to accurately predict the current state of the human condition wasn’t really so difficult when you understand as they did, that such chaos, violence and upheaval always occurs at the end of every long count, like clockwork. Cycles and patterns: Creation ~ Chaos ~ Renewal.

It’s quite likely that they also knew something else that we have only recently come to realize. Five times in the last 500 million years one catastrophic event or another has wiped out the dominant species on Earth. Like a cosmic shuffling of the deck, to give other life forms a shot at the big chair. Roughly every 100 million years or so, the Earth is hit with some form of extinction level event. The most recent of which conveniently wiped out the dinosaurs, leaving the way clear for us mammals to get a foothold, then a stranglehold on this planet.

That was 65 million years ago

The first five of these great extinctions were all naturally occurring events. There is mounting evidence and concern that the sixth extinction will be man made, and thus could manifest any time after the tipping point is reached. (Does anyone have a tipping point app for their iphone?) The thing is, and this is key…”It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature”, and as we learned in ‘Jurassic Park’, Nature will find a way….a way to facilitate humanities spiritual evolution despite all that is being done to stop it.

Enter Fukushima!

The accumulated radiation and fallout from that still erupting nuclear volcano is going to have its worst & longest lasting effects on our children, and their children, and their grand children many times over. There will be cancers, leukemia, and God only knows what other insidious diseases in near epidemic numbers as the years go by. There will also be birth defects, deformities, and genetic mutations. Infinite diversity with infinite complexity. Then there is the impact on the global food chain to consider after the untold millions upon millions of gallons of radioactive waste water being dumped directly into the Pacific Ocean for 18 months now.

Consider what the future of Japan will look like as the health care costs start piling up and the cost of caring for the deformed, mutated children further burdens an already crippled national economy. It is an economy which can no longer feed itself from the sea, nor export radioactive goods and products.

Now, extrapolate these effects to the rest of the world, because what melts down in Japan doesn’t stay in Japan. The computer models for the global distribution of just the airborne radiation are frightening…which is precisely why they are always scrubbed from the net, sometimes within minutes, (no doubt by DARPA and Google.) I doubt if we’re going to see a real life “Godzilla” as Fukushima radiation permeates the ecosystem we live in, but I’d give good odds that “Nature will find a way…” and somewhere, sometime, the cosmic dice are gonna hit, allowing humanities DNA to adapt, overcome, and evolve ~ maybe.

So here we are 90 some days out from the end of the mysterious Mayan calendar, andthe end of The great Age of Pisces ~ the time referred to by the Hindu as the Kali Yuga, Translated as “The Age of the Demon” & “The Age of Vice.”

Personally that sounds pretty good to me, the end of demons and vice at precisely the point where all the really cool things associated with the Age of Aquarius are supposed to begin. This is the show I signed up for, and I managed to get a really good seat. What is about to happen is epic in the original sense of the word. All these powerful forces of the universe showing up on the same stage at the same time. Yeah I know, its gonna get noisy, some fights will break out, and there’ll be a hell of a mess afterward; but things are going to work out alright. You may ask “How do I know that?” Well …Nostradamus said so!

More from Chautauqua HERE

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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