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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
10/2/2010 12:49:43 AM
Dear Friends,
Below is a taste of what may await us in this last 2010 quarter.


This year moves us past the midpoint of an 9-year cycle of integrating soul potential (2004-2012). It is a year of resolving duality, in preparation for soul consciousness. In other words, resolving all that is in opposition inside our own bodies and energy.

(NOTE: To get a greater sense of how these months fit into a bigger picture, we strongly
encourage you to read the OVERVIEW of 2010 first. We have included a great deal of
information in that article that is important to understand each segment of the year. We
will not repeat that information below.)

This is a time of ending the separation of matter, as you prepare to activate the Soul / Christed Consciousness. You are now preparing the physical form for this to even be possible.

The last four months of the year 2010 are a part of that preparation process. At this time you have already had the beginning movements of the 7th chakra moving down into the lower body (Jan - April), the 6th chakra moving down (May - August) and now in the last four months the 5th chakra will begin to move down.

This is so that the imprints of the Divine Plan can prepare the soul to integrate itself into the physical... which will affect each individual according to each individual's soul level of development. That is because each person will be able to handle different amounts of soul light. So at this time each person is having their body evaluated for that process on a higher level of consciousness than you are able to perceive.

Keep in mind that you have chosen your specific body for what is perfect for you, to sound your specific Soul note into the universe. That vehicle must now be able to evolve without damaging it.

However, the potential of this time is tremendous as you prepare to be able to radiate forth the soul light as a mass consciousness for the first time in the history of your planet! We mention this specifically, because this is what is being done as the Divine Plan penetrates the physical world in a more direct way.

You must develop a clear vehicle, so that you can interpret the information clearly and accurately as it penetrates from soul consciousness. For that to happen, you need to learn to work WITH these energies... and will therefore be able to interpret the Divine Plan as it applies to you specifically, so that you can take your perfect place.

The records of your soul cycles are being explored, so that you can grow into a conscious fit in the Divine Plan on the planet. This is being done in an attempt to help you assimilate as much as possible.

The 7th chakra is working to raise the physical body, specifically the lower chakras which help you balance life in the physical form. Those chakras also interpret Divine consciousness into action, activity and commitments in the physical. You then begin to see the precise vision that is behind you, supporting you, in the purpose of the Divine Plan.

That Plan is attempting to awaken in every living thing, but it requires that no living thing remain in separation. This is quite a challenge for the personality, which has for the most part attempted to separate itself (due to the memories of pain, shame and conflict that are imprinted at this level of your learning curve).

The choices that you make within this divine energy will be used in the clearest ways as you go through this preparation process. The Divine Plan guides each soul, and is seeking to inform how you can be be served, as well as how you can best serve the whole.

The Divine Plan has access to the Akashic Record, the record of all souls and their journeys and all that you have come to know and learn. It is time to begin to take ownership of life on those levels, knowing yourselves as sacred vessels of the light. Each of you has been created as a special link in the planet Earth's history.

This planet is a unique vessel that supports 12 distinct life forces that come from 12 different star systems... all of which have integrated one aspect of the Godmind in your soul histories. Now you have the chance to integrate all 12 aspects for the first time in creation!

This will expand your levels of learning and knowing in unfathomable ways, as you move through this process in the next 2000 years on your planet. Each of the 12 star systems that is participating in this experiment of consciousness will become a part of a gift of breaking into new levels of reality.

You are all "chosen ones" to be at the forefront of this movement into light, simply by having chosen to be here at this time. You are also the first group of souls in all the human experience (not just special, selected individuals as it has been in the past) to go through this awakening - IF you work with the energies and prepare. This is what has been promised.

As the 7th chakra has moved down, it has helped the body to be able to begin interpreting a language of light for the development of the physical form, as it begins to discern and translate the divine comprehension of the Godmind. This is possible at various levels of integration for each individual on the planet.

Prior to this time, you had not reached a stage of preparation even on a physical level... and certainly not on an emotional level... to begin to discern the still small voice of intuition of the Soul. Resolving your emotional wounding is VITAL at this time, as this is the only way to activate and uplevel the emotional body to become an intuitional vehicle, which is how the soul will communicate with the physical form.

We strongly suggest that you seek help to get the education and tools for this process. These energies are powerful and if you habitually resist in the subconscious, you will come into greater and greater friction with life. The opportunity is great, for now is the time when you will begin to be taught as the chosen people in the chosen time.

The second coming of the Christ is now, making itself known as a consciousness moving into the womb of matter. This is the privilege that you have been given. It is important that you prepare the physical, so that you can ground these levels of light. Only then can you add to the profound experience of life as it is intended to be.

It is only through experience and the practice of choosing the activities of the Divine Plan through the force of love that you can know this potential. The force of LOVE is awakening for the first time in mass consciousness. And you must prepare the body in very real ways. Only then can you know that you and your Creator are One. Many of you have felt lost... and you have been living at HOME.

But you have not known how to become intimate with your home, as you have not even become intimate with your selves for the most part. In the next four months, these are some of the symptoms and shifts that you can expect.

As the Divine Plan begins to download into your planetary physical grids in a more direct way, it will be placed into a sacred physical space on the planet as a macrocosm, with 13 dimensional access points. In this coming month, there will be a new level of learning and desire. This will activate the experiential desire for the soul.

This four months is very important for making sure that all of the information reaches its destination clearly and without mishap. This is a vast source of multi-dimensional consciousness that needs to be downloaded into a single dimension for experience. It has NEVER been done before on any star system.

This is why all other star systems have lost their physical form as this awakening into Ascension took place. They had not worked out HOW to make this a physical experience that was going to be clear and understandable. And these were only SINGLE cycles of the Godmind. At this time, you have a very ambitious plan - integrating all 12 of the Archetypes of the Godmind, all translated into experience and expression and action of being through a fully-awakened soul.

This is a rare vibrational level to reach. The human body has been created to be able to assimilate these differences. This has been done in a way that is harmonious for all 12 systems. As this plan for your particular soul fragment downloads in the coming months, it will move directly into the HEART, the mind of the soul.

This will be what is perfect for each person, so that you will each be ready to take your places in service for the good of the whole. Those who are able to awaken their souls fully will be those who are at a higher soul level of development and have volunteered to be here to do this very thing.

This is so there would be enough participants on the planet, to move from the density of separation into the sophisticated multi-dimensional awareness and intelligence that is now becoming possible. The souls will now educate the body and personality, to become capable of understanding everything, masters at understanding life in a new way. You will learn to use the inspired creativity of the soul light through the heart.

The intuition will become a direct communication of divine light, giving you instructions that serve you and the whole. Not a moment is being wasted. Because the excitement behind the scenes with the souls that have reached this stage of evolution - to be the servants of the whole of humanity is a privilege and a responsibility that you many never experience again.

There is no way we can convey this level of energy and anticipation. When you are ready, you are given the opportunity. All of you will become ready as you take your forward steps in the next 2000 years. We inform you now to encourage you to begin taking clear and conscious steps into healing your wounded lower selves.

Learning about the unknown is very exciting. As you reveal it to yourselves, you will begin to feel the transformations on the spot, without delay. As you open to this experience, you will know that you have never been separate from the Divine Creator energy. They have merely not let their presence known when you were trapped solely in an ego.

You will come to experience moments in the next month, as this energy begins to download into the heart, that you move into truth in a new way. In the future, this will become known as the soul beginning to speak to you in its own casual level. You will imbibe it and begin to feel a new connection in your heart.

There will be a growing sense of "knowing," less and less the observer of life, separate and listening to some authority outside of yourself. At other times, you will begin to remember early lifetimes when you chose to be a part of this experiment. You will start to feel on a new "page" energetically.

The energy of the lifeforce is what you will recognize as it gets stronger and stronger in the coming months. At the same time, you will be distracted by sudden jolts from old things that you have experienced, that will now be seen in a different light. You will start to understand that your past experiences have provided symbols that have been important for your teachings.

These teachings were conveyed in ways that could be understood for each group at each level. You may become surprised at how you have evolved unconsciously, as you begin to awaken to who you actually ARE.

You will start to feel a new trust in the process of life, as you develop the necessities that are inherent at each level. It is alright to know that you are beginning to know yourselves as ONE with the creative force. It has "got your back" at all times, even though you haven't had the kind of understanding that would allow you to know that or to communicate through that. You will eventually KNOW that you are a part of the energy and consciousness of God.

It would not be wise to share this with people who are at levels of consciousness that are much more fundamental. This may create more fear than healing. Just let it be your truth, as you are ready to move into it and know it.

However, as the body becomes prepared, you will develop a mainline of communication, which will start to be put into a process of primitive experience - which will at first intrigue and pull you more fully INWARD.

Each group will be given specific tasks, which will allow the assimilation of different parts of the Plan. This will involve tremendous levels of integrity. You will know if you are being a part of these tests. You will be having experiences that are disguised through archetypes in your daily experiences, which will reveal the archetypes that are necessary for you to face, resolve and become.

Your initial responses will determine where you are and what you are ready to handle. This is how very clearly each one of you is being honored within the Plan. Each person is very sacred and of specific use at every level!

They are honoring the depth of the Divine Plan by considering each person in the unfoldment of what may seem like a fantasy or impossible dream. It will be like a "training manual" for the soul, as it is downloading into the lower chakras/energy centers of the subconscious.

The soul can then become the "teacher" for your individual nervous system, guided through your developed intuition. The language of sacred geometrics will be translated into your consciousness. The time will come when you will no longer even use the primitive tools that you now use. This is all being developed by the soul as it comes into conscious awareness.

During this time you may have some shake up in the throat and heart. You may have throat symptoms as you assimilate and clear blockages. You may also be very emotional as these high energies bring up the lower unresolved energies that need to be expressed and neutralized. You will go through phases in these four months. In the heart, it will move through the seven gateways of the heart.

These give you the ability to be able to translate the Divine Plan into a cycle of learning that is perfect for you. You may see lights during this time. You will feel things that are new, but feel pleasurable to you. To some of you, it will seem like "this is the way that it always should have been."

The good news is that you no longer have to remain separate from this potential. The pineal and pituitary glands will continue to be activated during this time, as you go through your testing. This is to activate a new vision for your life. What you may experience is symptoms like having your cell phones stop working.

This is because there are more interferences energetically, affecting your connections. This will be revealed layer by layer over time. It will not be the same for everyone, keep in mind.


The 5th chakra will begin to move down into the heart (4th chakra in this month). This energy deals mainly with the creative force, the expression of individuality. This will be a time that encourages you all to become self-contained as individuals.

This month will be a time to focus on what is in balance and what is out of balance. Giving and receiving. Experiencing duality and attempting to bring that into more balance.

In the 4th chakra (heart), it will reveal where the extremes of giving and receiving are out of balance at first. It may bring up the extremes of dramas between the positive and negative sides of things exist.

You will see the extreme of your capacity to experience the positive, as the extreme of the negative rises to the surface. It is much the same as the darkness reveals the light of day.

It is also the time where you will see in the world around you a general malaise or uncertainty in various groups. Even politicians may make decisions that are caught in indecision and being unsure about new directions or how to create solutions. There may be many contradictions that come to the surface for you all.

In the contradiction, you will eventually find the truth that is inherent in it all. However, at first you face the questions and uncertainty. This will certainly be the case with things that are very important. That is only the surface of the process that will allow you to transform.

There will also be some heartfelt revelations, with a light in the head and heart that inspire you into new experiences, as things start to align. Ahah!

It is a time when a lot of light that has been waiting to establish itself in the physical sense begins to reveal itself through ideas, concepts, experiences and creativity. Experience is the key to revelation. You will find yourself experiencing less as an idea, but how the feeling and mental come together as a new type of experience.

It is a place where the gateways of the heart begin to activate in a more powerful way, as an energy at first... not so consciously at first. In the coming months, you will begin to download them as new perspectives in your conscious reality.

It will be a time to look for deeper truths. And it will be hard to stand in denial of deeper truths any longer. This will only add to the confusion of the old, survival approach to life.


In this second month, the 5th chakra will move you into the 3rd... identity and power connected to the higher will. This will awaken the passion for life and for truth that will awaken more and more.

Since the 3rd chakra is the area of manifestation and the lower mental body (ideas, concepts and beliefs), it will be a time when old beliefs will rise and you will begin to see the illusion to some of your old perceptions.

You will find that in the world there will be a sudden struggle to hold onto old forms and traditions. It may become a focus for many, which will create conflict with others.

The experience and expression of identity will be triggered here. So there may be a lot of conflict with identification of self, who you have known yourself to be. Co-dependent relationships with life will no longer feel like truth. The illusion of it will become more important.

These higher energies are revealing deeper truths in these lower chakras, running into conflicts with the illusions. And this month will include the lower will, which is where you have looked outside to the world as the "source" of your fulfillment. It can never be.

So it will be a time of revealing a level of attachment, so that you can begin to let go. This will take place as you become more aware of deeper truths. It can be a month of many power struggles, within and without.

It is also a time where you will begin to create a fusion or connection between the outer and inner, in a relationship that is unique to what you have known. You will see it less as an opposition of one with the other, but more and more how they serve each other. You will begin to understand that the outer is nothing more than a mirror that reflects what is taking place in the inner world.

You will begin to see the power that is available to you, but only as you become conscious and make decisions from the inner truth of your being. You will see how cause and effect and the repetition of feelings creates a constant reflection in the outer world of form. This will reveal deeper truths.

You may also see some of your major fears surfacing, in very strong timelines. In other words, you will see how these patterns have come from the accumulated experiences of this lifetime, as well as the influence (for some) of past lives that have brought you to these moments and opportunities.

This is the beginning of contemplation, the subconscious penetrating into the conscious awareness more fully. This will open you to the beginnings of multi-dimensionality and how things interconnect more than you have known.

An example would be when a certain trauma takes place in your present reality and you see how it relates to your past in a pattern and unfoldment of that cycle. You will then see more clearly how it is all held together. This may have a domino effect of revelation for many of you.

Physically and energetically there may be some strange sensations. Examples include feeling the revelation of consciousness as a wave of energy moving in certain parts of the body. This is because these memories have been held in various places in your body and are being released and revealed.

As you get to the origins of these timelines and releases, you may feel movements left and right, up and down, undulations, etc. You may get a wave of feelings or images that move as well.

In the world, it will be a time of some increase in negotiations. The relationship between countries may move into deeper negotiation. There will also be more corruption revealed in this time. This will happen for individuals, companies and on some grander scales. The new energies are committed to revealing the truth of things.

Many illusions and secrets will be revealed.


In this month you will move the 5th chakra down to the 2nd chakra. This will begin to create a level of emotional truth that knows no compromise.

The truth of how you feel will begin to gnaw and nag in new ways, to new degrees. There will be confusion for some, particularly people who have not been in touch with their emotional bodies. They will find themselves thrown into emotional chaos as the truth of their feelings rises.

The way people in resistance have identified themselves will be called into question. You will hear a lot about the divorce rate increasing, based on how people are finding less and less they can trust what their illusions have perpetuated.

People have been attracted to illusions in many ways. This chakra is all about attraction and sexual energy. It will start to be connected to different truths. You may perceive all people in your life from new perspectives.

You may find yourself losing your sexual energy to certain things and people as it is transformed. Remember that you are inspired to relate to all things through sexual energy. There will be upheavals across the board in relationships that are not based on truth.

You will also find that the sexual force of attraction will begin to change. What has attracted you within certain conditioning of the family system will be waning more and more. It is not the deepest truth. It has been through interpretations of a child, projections at a certain level of being that no longer resonates.

The reality of things will also move you into stages of a loss of desire, not only through attraction, but in your passion for things in your life. You may have flagging interest, which will concern the old way of being. The values of these new energies will at first interrupt what has been, prior to the new truths revealing a new way of relating.

As you allow this, you will find new levels of meaning and awareness of what truly has no meaning for you. In some ways, it may feel like a chasm inside at first. Many will try to fill that hold, whether it be through food, alcohol, activities, etc.

The emptiness will build if you fight it. However, it is a space that is waiting to be filled and claimed in the deeper truth of who you are and what you need. If you allow this, you will experience a much deeper authentic ability to connect, where you exchange with others in truer value.

It may feel as though someone lifted a veil that was hanging over your reality. It will be in some ways like going through adolescence all over again. Your conditioning has been held into place from early adolescence where you had extreme emotional attachments and reactions.

As that reveals itself, the answers will be found somewhere in the middle of your extremes. You may then begin to see the wondrous truth of things and how that will have a ripple effect and inspiration of other parts of your life.

You may find yourself more neutral about things as well, with more neutral responses.


This will be a month to begin building up new structures, as the 5th chakra moves into the 1st at the base of the spine.

The 7th Ray and the 2nd Ray will help to move the Divine Plan into more of the structure and form of your lives.

You may have impatience with certain old formats and patterns and behaviors that have mostly been to distract or avoid or delay life. As you become more aware of the truth, you will be more inspired to act and move into the manifestation of those truths. What is out of order will irritate in many ways.

As you get clear about what serves you and what does not, you will tend towards these new truths in your choices and commitments. Decisions will become more finely tuned. And you will experience more fruits of your labors and investments.

The gift of clarity and focus will become more embodied. You will appreciate knowing more of what is real and what is not, what you want to invest in and what you do not. You will see more clearly with a newfound inspiration to act upon the truth.

This may create a depth of peace and joy on the inside as these levels of light begin to hint and give glimpses. it is a month that can be very beneficial, revelatory, with many things potentially accomplished.

You will see the benefits of the inner investments you have made.

These are some of the things you can experience and expect in the last four months of 2010. There are wonderful possibilities, as well as some deeper challenges. Face them with as much willingness as you can muster. Learn to love yourself is the primary key, for it will be reflected in the life around you.



Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Myrna Ferguson

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10/2/2010 6:28:43 PM
Hi Luis,

Wow, to things that are coming. Like Jill says "it will knock your socks off"
I know some of the things have been happening to me. I don't care about a lot of things that I use to think were so important. But with all the changes coming, why even think of the things on this earth right now, because I feel so much is going to change and I want to wait for the new things coming. By that I mean, new gadgets, clothes, and all the other stuff I use to want. I don't have any desire to buy anything new, because I know what is coming is going to be so much better. I think we are in for a great ride. It maybe painful at times, but oh so well worth it.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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10/3/2010 2:44:26 AM

Yes you are right Myrna, and more and more I am feeling like we are entering a new golden phase in our lives with everything lovingly provided for us too. My thoughts go along the same lines as yours in this regard. No more scarcity, no more having to choose what I can and what I cannot afford; but it is not that I now need many things, on the contrary, I need less and less everyday.

On the other hand, I feel like I am becoming mad with love for God and with passion for my work and everything I do.

Thanks for coming by and posting,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
10/4/2010 4:40:26 PM
My friends, I hope you like this. Not only is it elating, it is so strangely attractive, has a sort of magical quality as well. I also recommend you try the links listed at the end.

The Above Picture was Taken In Crestone, Colorado By Will Harader

We in Spirit have such wonderful plans for the future of Mankind.

When the TRUTH is out there for all to see,

and the controllers are exposed,

when INFINITE LOVE is the only TRUTH,

thus exposing the Dreamworld you believe is real.

Montague Keen Message: Sunday, October 3, 2010

Channeller: Veronica Montague Keen

Though you may not realise it just now, last week was important, you took our work forward to the next level. It essential that you discussed face to face with David Icke and Mike Lambert the plans that we have for the future. Your visit to Mike's Clinic, (The Shen Clinic) was to open your eyes as to what can be done without the use of Drug-based Medicine. It is our intention to bring all these people to your attention so that when we have our Foundation Building, they will become part of our plans.

As we warned you the Dark Cabal would try to create FEAR and PANIC so as to put greater restrictions on all of you. Always remember they will not hesitate to create situations where many will be killed to further their agenda. They do not know how to deal with the AWAKENING of Humanity to their SECRET CONTROL of your world. Your information is correct, they will meet in Vienna soon to discuss how to re-assert their CONTROL. They intend to fight and fight hard, they have had it all their own way for so long, they thought it would go on forever. Your Planet will proceed out of this Dark Period of Control. You have nothing to loose except the shackles of Control that made prisoners of all of you. Open your eyes to what is really going on, research it for yourself, trust me, its all there, you will be shocked when you see how controlled you have been, how contrived so much has been so that you foolishly believed you had choices when in fact you are all slaves, all of you to those who hold the Power. Listen to David Icke and Michael Tsarion and all those who are in the Light and whose only wish is to guide you to the Light. David is speaking in many parts of the world, do take the opportunity to hear what he has to say, he works tirelessly to help create a better world for all the people of the world.

We in Spirit have such wonderful plans for the future of Mankind. When the TRUTH is out there for all to see, and the controllers are exposed, when INFINITE LOVE is the only TRUTH, thus exposing the Dreamworld you believe is real. You have been taught from cradle to grave to accept this control, to accept that some people are better than you, to believe History that is far from the Truth. All that you were taught was true is fabricated to create the world of Control and Slavery you now find yourselves in, absolutely everything has been controlled and engineered so as to create the Illusion you believe is real. It is time for them to step aside and for Mankind to step forward to the real World that awaits him. Do not give in to the Fear of Attack that they are forecasting, they alone will attack to try to retain their power.

So sorry my dear, you had a stressful journey back from The Isle of Wight, the boat being cancelled was a problem making you late getting home to write with me. Remember time does not exist in the world of Spirit, I am always there, it is not set in stone that we write at 3pm, people will understand. The right people are at your side and will be there for you. As I have always assured you we will succeed, it is time to go forward into the Light.

You have achieved much, now relax as we prepare to take it to the next level. Know that I am always at your side guiding you. I am so proud to be your Husband, your adoring, Monty.


Original and translations of the Galactic Messages available on

Cloudships In Ctestone, Colorado, coming in for a Landing, Tken By Will Harader

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
10/4/2010 4:46:22 PM
I picked this video below from one of the links at the previous post. Highly impressive even from an artistic view.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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