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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/6/2015 5:55:11 PM

Cosmic Awareness: Riding the New Plateau of Energies

cosmic-awarenessThat this Awareness is now available, please proceed.

Thank you and welcome Awareness for being with us today for the Rainbow-Phoenix membership session of October 3, 2015. Will Berlinghof, the Voice of Cosmic Awareness; Joan Mills, the energizer and questioner. The Law of Light, the Law of Love, the Law of Unity, and the Law of Gratitude have been invoked.

Is there an opening message or any event you would like to discuss please at this time?
Thank you.

That this Awareness does have a small opening message, this in regard to that event that occurred around the time of Super Moon, the Harvest Blood Moon, that coordinated with the eclipse, the Lunar Eclipse, and took in the Equinox energies.

That this Wave, that which many are calling Wave X, was amplified during this period, did reach a peak, but that the energies are still flowing. A plateau has been reached if you will, and many have been elevated to this new plateau, and that it is now important simply to become aware of the new rarefied air to be taken in at this higher plateau, the energies of this new level of experience.

That the energy of the month will be to balance yourself, to find your own stability in this new energy. That for many, it will not be noticed at all except more chaos in the world and in their lives. But for those who have anticipated this event, have followed it, have flowed with it, that they are now at that level, this new plateau level where integration is necessary.

The energies are not ramping up any further, in fact, in some ways the Wave will recede, but over the next several weeks, it is still this new level. That when the energies recede, it is more akin to the ocean. That when a wave rolls in the ocean draws back before the next wave rolls in again. There will be other waves above the peak level that this Wave X presented.

This is part of the ongoing process of Divine Consciousness, Divine Source Consciousness and Spirit bringing humanity to new levels, and it is also unfortunately, if one wishes to look at it negatively, that those in power are also trying to use the energy to create the opposite, but they are not effective for they cannot come to those higher frequencies that the many who are focused on this, who have been open to this, who have worked with this, are at.

It is as if they see what has happened and they are taking snipe shots from below trying to disturb the effect of this Wave and its continuing effect. But these snipe shots are largely ineffective. They will do it by trying to refocus humanity’s attention on false flag events over the next several weeks, and particularly strong events that are meant to truly discombobulate the human psyche and the collective mindset and energies of humanity.

But this combobulation can be sidestepped, overcome, allowed to simply be a distraction for many, but not necessarily for the individual who is at this new level. To be aware of what is occurring around you in this world is one thing, to give into it, to be dragged down into the negative energies that are disruptive and chaotic, is another matter altogether.

The importance of this time is that you equate the energies that you are in with a heightened state of consciousness and awareness. That it will begin to consolidate for you more and more in the weeks, months, and years ahead.

Equally, it might fracture more and more, if one disregards the energies and allows oneself rather to be drawn down into the negative energies that are being displayed on the planet by those in charge who are in their desperation and are trying to do anything they can to disrupt the ongoing process of Divine Source Consciousness, making Itself felt in human consciousness, in the assistance of Mother Earth as she progresses forward.

Remember, it is always a choice of whether you, the individual, will choose to go with the flow and allow it to integrate, finding the balance that is needed to allow this integration to occur, or to spin like a top in a sideways or downwards manner into the negative energies of confusion, distraction and deception.

That this Awareness says at this time: allow yourself that sense of being not affected by the negative. Allow yourself the time to relax and to balance and to integrate, and to know that the Wave that hit has carried you to a heightened plateau of consciousness, and that the ocean of consciousness that is Divine Source Consciousness is continuing to flow, the ebb and flow of the cycles continuing.

That you have at this time, to integrate it and to find the internal balance and to find the internal peace with the situation of your life and with the situation on the planet, knowing that as those who are desperate now throw many, many rocks at you and try to disrupt the advancement of Divine Source as It truly brings human consciousness to a higher level, that it is doomed to failure.

That it is seen that that which is their intent cannot be achieved among those who view a different future, hold a different future and a different timeline to that which is being presented. They may proceed into those planet B scenarios this Awareness has so often talked about, and if they do that it would be their right to have these experiences, but it is not so that you, the individual, need to be dragged down with them.

This occurs only when one either chooses to be so because they enjoy such negative energies, or because in ignorance they do not understand and therefore do not attempt to wedge themselves out, draw themselves out of such negativity.

This is of course very encouraged on the planet and you will see many who are in such energies. But you, as an enlightened being, first for yourself, can prevent yourself from dropping into these energies by the choice you make of staying in the higher energies.

Second of all, as the world spins crazily, that you become a bedrock, not only for yourself, but for others who are also seeking, and that you may become a beacon to them because of the light you hold and the energy levels you are at.

That this is an important time to realize that this energy is there, you are in it, it is being integrated, you are finding the new balance and the new way of it. That this Awareness is complete with Its opening message.

That was beautiful and very inspiring. Thank you Awareness.

“Cosmic Awareness: Riding the New Plateau of Energies,” channeled by Will Berlinghof, October 3, 2015, at

Source Link: Rainbow Phoenix: Rising To Ascension

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/6/2015 5:57:41 PM

Doubt Leaves You in the Middle of a Forest

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God said:

A great nagger in the world is Doubt. Doubt wears many faces. Doubt brings a whole array with it. Insecurity. Confusion. Conviction of whatever. Fatigue. Anger. Dismay. Dissatisfaction. Worry!

Beloveds, there may be no right decision. There also may be no wrong decision. Life is an experiment, remember?

What is doubt but wishy-washiness? Doubt likes to see you under its spell.

Doubt pummels you. Doubt is a wrestler, a boxer, a bully. Doubt undercuts you. Doubt ties your shoelaces together. It ties you up in knots. Doubt as a way of life is an error.

Not knowing is not exactly the same as doubt. Doubt tells you not to make up your mind. Doubt tells you to take forever.

Doubt dangles you. It diddles you. It runs circles around you.

Doubt niggles you. It is a tease, yet doubt is heavy-handed. We can’t call doubt a flim-flam because doubt is dead-serious about its self-imposed mission. I did not, definitely, did not choose doubt for you. Doubt will foist himself on you any day. Hey, doubt doubt.

Doubt will pursue you. It will run you ragged.

Doubt prevents you from taking a direction. Rather, you allow doubt to prevent you from taking a direction. Doubt says you are lost in a forest and don’t know which way to turn – can’t know which way to turn. What a fatalist doubt is.

Dear Ones, so what if you choose a direction today and change it next week? You went for something. Better to go for something than to chew your nails trying to decide which door to open. Look, sooner or later, you have to open a door to find out what is behind it. The Lady or the Tiger? Hey, both doors could have beautiful ladies behind them.

Choices are not like bones to chew and bury and then dig up and chew some more. Do not mix up the words chew and choose. Choices are not bubble gum.

Yes, doubt is a nag, and nags are hard to satisfy. That’s what the word nag means. A nag in the sense I speak now is someone hard to satisfy. Otherwise, nags wouldn’t be nags. They would be something else. A baseball player is not a football player. A nag is a nag is a nag. And doubt has been a nag forever.

What was the first doubt? To eat the apple or not? To listen to the snake or not? To trust or not?

The thing to do with doubts is to get away from them. Doubts, no matter how doubting, are so sure of themselves. Doubts are tireless in convincing you to stay with them. Whatever faculty a particular doubt represents, it won’t let you go. It will toss you backwards and forwards. Once a doubt gets its teeth into you, it’s doubtful you will get free.

Yet anything is possible. If someone can be debt-free, someone can be doubt-free. You can toss doubt aside.

I am not saying that you will be positive about every decision. I have seen you fiddle so much over decisions. You don't have to stay on the see-saw so long. You will get on, or you will get off. Or you will put a decision aside for a while without stewing over it. You will come to lean more toward making decisions than going back and forth and back again.

You don’t have to take a stand. You don’t have to be quick, yet you certainly don’t have to be slow. You are not under pressure to make up your mind, yet you are asked to stop standing on the fence and jumping from one leg to another. No longer haggle with doubt.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/6/2015 6:01:32 PM

Mira of the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner: October 3, 2015

pleiadians3-270x330Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council serving on the Earth Council.

First I want you to know that you are loved and that you are surrounded by a vast quantity of Beings that care about you and the Earth. We are fully dedicated to your world. We want only the best for you. We love the Earth.

The configuration of your planet is changing along with the rest of the solar system, galaxy and universe. All of creation is going through change and is having its own Ascension process. The Earth is pivotal in this process and that is why we are so closely focused. We each have different roles and work to do in this process. We know the upheaval on the Earth is of concern to you. It takes strong personal resources of the Ground Crew to continue to anchor and transduce the occurrences. We could not do this without you.

There is an experimental process going on right now. We have to evaluate strategies and see which ones work the best. We use some of these with the Lightworkers as we test society in its preparedness. Each time we try a new tool we move forward with more creativity and action. The strategies are well discussed and thought out before they are put into play.

You are going to be expanding your roles as a part of the Light Alliance. This is who you are – and what you will be doing will be compelling in your lives. It will be rewarding and the results will be well worth your energy. Your hearts will be filled with even more purpose. You will begin to feel the co-operation and unification process. This has to start with you since competition on the Earth is not one of the new energies. You are testing the waters along with the rest of us.

While these efforts can sometimes seem monumental please understand that you are fully capable of performing what is necessary. Upheaval is a part of this but it won’t last for long. Each change will be built upon another. It is a part of creating a new foundation and structure for the new way you will be living on the Earth.

I recommend that you fully become a part of your Galactic Self. Merge with it. Set this as an intention in your work and your meditations. This will activate your DNA more and will allow even more of the Light to penetrate your Being. It will help us communicate with you telepathically so that we can effectively and efficiently work together.

Please be stalwart in your journey. We need you and rely upon your Light, Love and service as we co-create the New Earth together.

We surround the Earth with legions of ships. We learn from you and you are learning from us. This will continue until we can officially meet you in person. Then we will truly get to know each other. We are as excited about this as you.

Until we speak next time, I am Mira.

Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. Channelled by Valerie Donner. October 3, 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/6/2015 6:02:37 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 6, 2015

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How much time do you spend in tender self care? So many of you are beautifully loving and caring towards others and leave yourselves last.

Listening to your body is self love. Eating food your body is asking for when it needs it is self love. Giving yourself rest is self love. Meditation is self love. Exercise is self love. Taking part in activities that bring you joy is an act of self love. Making choices that support your comfort and wellness rather than sacrifice is an act of self love.

Can you see how none of the above are selfish? You are all so mindful, you fear that to love yourselves will make you selfish or take away from others. We are not asking you to give to yourselves as an act of exclusion to others. Far from it!

We are simply encouraging you to make yourselves equally important as everyone else. We are asking you to include yourselves in the unconditional love and unity consciousness you are here to anchor, support, and experience. We are asking you to love all, fairly and indiscriminately, and that, Dear Ones, begins within. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/6/2015 6:10:56 PM

GaiaPortal 10-6-15… “Effectiveness is manifested in stillness”

gaiaportal_logo162There is a message here for some.


Effectiveness is manifested in stillness

Effectiveness is manifested in stillness.

Reciprocity paradigms come into play.

Inner compliance is valued.

Flashbacks are dissolved.

Stabilizations of Higher Light in progress.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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