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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/29/2015 7:38:12 PM


Transmitted Through Ronna, LM-10-2015

Beloved masters, the collective consciousness of humanity is striving to acknowledge the extreme duality that permeates the Earth. Each and every person, at some level, is fighting the battle to attain greater Self-awareness, which must include embracing both the Light and shadow side of Self while endeavoring to return to an accepted range of duality and polarity. Each of you must recognize and claim your shadow side, your symbolic demons within, so that they, too, may embrace the Light of transformation. Human suffering is the result of rigid thinking, a sense of superiority and judgment of others, which lead to separation rather than unity and tolerance for opposing viewpoints. Can you accept the premise that your negative thought forms are also seeking release? They are rising to the surface of your consciousness, seeking illumination and truth, just as you are. You must take responsibility for what you create, moment to moment. Negative thoughts and actions result in distorted creations and chaos.

It is important for you to understand that your physical vessel was encoded for the return to the higher vibrational, more rarified realms of Light from the inception of your earthly embodiment experiences. Also, as humanity evolves, growing in wisdom and becoming more aware of the science and the intricacies of Ascension, there have been many adjustments to the process over the past several hundred years. Some initial Ascension procedures have been discarded and others, more advanced requirements, have been added.

In the past, Ascension was possible for just a select few. Only those who came to Earth to be examples and wayshowers, and who were spiritually advanced, were allowed into the inner sanctums of the mystery schools. The secret doctrine was only given to those who were considered to be the strongest and most dedicated disciples. The lessons, tests and challenges were strenuous, and many perished during the process or did not attain their goal for many lifetimes. That has now changed, for time is running out for the Ascension of the Earth and humanity into the next level of awareness, and many Divine dispensations and much assistance are being offered to those who are striving to meet the challenges and tests of Ascension.

We have explained that each Soul, before incarnating into a physical vessel, is given an allotment of Adamantine Particles of Life for personal use throughout their lifetime. If a person’s allotment is used with loving intention for the greatest good, then the flow of Full-Spectrum Light will continue throughout his/her lifetime. However, when a person becomes unloving, negative and embittered, the access to the Sacred Heart and the God Particles of Life is no longer available. Thereafter, he/she can only access the Half-Spectrum Light, or the Primal Life Force substance, which can be re-qualified and used in either a positive or negative way. Remember, Adamantine Particles of Creator Light can only be activated and used with loving intention for the highest good.

A young child’s heart center is open wide and the God Particles flow freely, unimpeded. However, how long the child’s heart center stays open depends on the love and nurturing they receive from their parents and those around them. Many dear Souls have placed an etheric shield of protection over their heart center so that the pain and suffering will not affect them so drastically. Thereby, they close the door to their Sacred Inner Sanctum where their God Particles of Creation are stored.

Along with the allotment of Adamantine Particles that were placed in each person’s Sacred Heart Center, a smaller allotment was also placed within each of the major chakra centers of the physical body. The largest portion was placed at the Root Chakra, which the ancients called the Kundalini, the coiled serpent of fire, or the Sacred Fire.

There is an accelerated planetary initiation now in progress, and it is affecting everything on the Earth Plane, especially sentient Beings. There are much fear and trepidation as the collective consciousness of humanity undergoes the dramatic changes that occur at the closing of one Age and the beginning of a more advanced era. Especially, when much of what was considered to be of vast importance on the earthly plane slowly changes or disappears. As these drastic evolutionary changes take place, they will not affect you if your Energetic Signature is of a higher, more balanced frequency. There is also a great sense of anticipation and excitement for those who have learned to stay centered within the Sacred Heart. There are many probable futures before each of you, and it is important that you stay centered in the Still Point of the present moment. You may be led to change course several times as you slowly move into the fluidity of the Higher Dimensions; however, if you allow your Sacred Heart and your Higher Self to Light the way, you will never be led astray. The time lines of the future lead to higher, more stable ground, away from the imbalanced spectrum of duality and the distorted reality of separation.

You are in the process of integrating the many Fragments of Self you have created while in physical embodiment. in preparation for a reunion with the many Facets of your Soul family, both on the Earth and in the many Dimensions throughout the solar system and galaxy, and eventually throughout this Sub-Universe and beyond. There must be a reunification with Self, and a return to your center of power, which resides within your Sacred Heart. Once you make the connection with your OverSoul/Higher Self, and begin the process of reuniting with all the Facets of your God Self (I AM Presence), the urge to reunite becomes a magnetic force that cannot be denied.

Your Soul, which is composed of Creator Essence, is your conscious guide and companion while in the physical vessel. For a long time the Soul has been only a faint whisper for most people, for the ego-desire personality is very strong and has held a dominant position within. The initiation process begins when you slowly make way for the Soul to assume its proper place as director of your life, which eventually allows the Higher Self to take charge of your journey back into the realms of Light. Gradually, the Column of Light, which contains your Life Line to the Creator, begins to widen until eventually it is the width of the crown of your head. That is when you tap into the flow of your Divine I AM presence, and the Creator Particles of Love/Life begin to flow through and from you. This wondrous, luminescent Sacred Fire gives you access to yourtreasures stored in heaven—an unlimited source of Creator Light as long as it is charged with your Love Light and used for the greatest good.

The River of Life has a multitude of tributaries throughout this Sub-Universe, and many of you, as you tap into your Sacred Mind and learn to stay centered within the Sacred Heart, are becoming conduits for the Adamantine Particles of Creator Consciousness. First, you must attune the Pineal and Pituitary Glands to your Higher Self, which begins the process of dissolving the membranes of Light that guard the Sacred Mind. Your Sacred Mind makes the connection with your Sacred Heart, and once the activated Adamantine Particles of God Consciousness begin to flow from the Sacred Heart to the Sacred Mind; the process of illumination accelerates. The Creator Light flows through the Crown Chakra and enters the Pineal Gland, promoting cellular awareness as it activates the Pituitary and Hypothalamus Glands and courses through the brain structure into your Sacred Mind. It then flows down into the Sacred Heart where the particles of Creator Light are further activated through your loving intention. These activated God Particles of Light are now ready to assist you in creating anything you desire as long as your intention is for the greatest good. The voice of your Higher Self becomes clearer, and the nudgings of your Sacred Heart, called your intuitionbecome stronger.

INTUITION is the ability to understand a concept or certain information immediately, without conscious reasoning. Your Higher Self speaks to you via your intuition and, eventually, clears the pathway to your God Self and the wisdom stored within the cosmic records. Your intuition also gives you signals via a feeling of something being right or your truth, or a feeling of dread or discomfort when something is wrong or not in alignment with the Light / truth.

INSPIRATION is the process or quality of being inspired, such as when a sudden timely or unusual idea, sometimes about something that you were not aware of before, pops into your mind. Channeling or messages from your angelic guides and teachers often lead to inspired concepts or awareness of things beyond the realm of your knowing. Intuition is validated via the mind first and then through the heart, whereas inspiration is validated through the heart first and then through the reasoning processes of the mind.

Your perception of time and space is rapidly changing as you learn to focus more on the moment instead of vacillating between the past and the future, with only moments of concentrated awareness of the present. Feelings of separation, isolation and judgment are being replaced by a sense of unity consciousness, which will eventually lead to a sense of oneness with all Creation. As time accelerates and the frequencies of Divine Light become stronger and more compelling, it is important that you reflect on what has taken place, the challenges you have met and overcome, the gains you have made, and the obstacles that you must surmount in the future. As the boundaries of your reality become more defined, and you allow much of what you thought was important to slowly change or fade into the past, you must become wiser and more discerning in your choices. When you cling to people or things which no longer fit in your new reality, the sense of being out of harmony becomes more pronounced. By stating, “Thy will be done,” gives your Higher Self permission to increase your intuitive abilities, which include knowing almost instantly when you have made right or wrong choices. By doing so, you can quickly rectify any actions that veer you off the straight and narrow Path of Ascension. You, as faithful followers of the Light, must be ever vigilant in your thoughts and actions to be sure that you are always in alignment with your new, upgraded Divine Blueprint.

As the Vanguard Sentinels of Light, you have the ability to overcome or neutralize the negative thought forms of many thousands of people who are still functioning within the restraints of the Third- and lower-Fourth-Dimensional illusion. You are in the process of building a firm foundation for the future of all humanity. Your inner strength and wisdom will serve you well if you stay centered within your Sacred Heart as you become a master of Self and a conveyer of the rarified particles of God Consciousness.

Believe it or not, there were some advantages in the withdrawal of a major portion of your manifestation abilities in the past. We have told you that the Red (exoteric or physical plane color) of the First Ray of Divine Will and Power to create was mostly withdrawn after the Earth and humanity sank into the density of the Third- and lower-Fourth-Dimensional environment. That was done so that humanity would not destroy itself during the age of extreme duality. That period is swiftly coming to a close as humanity awakens, and regains the ability to integrate more Spiritual Light. As you move forward into the upper Fourth and the lower Fifth Dimension, your physical body will become more radiant as the Creator Light begins to shine forth more strongly from within. Remember, you were brought forth from the Sacred Heart Core of the Supreme Creator as a White Fire Seed Atom conscious Being, from which comes the saying, “made in the image and likeness of God.” The Light of the Creator contains energy, intelligence and everything necessary to create worlds without end, in order to fulfill the Divine plan for Creation. You are being given an opportunity to become a cocreator of the highest order; however, you must step out of your comfort zone and reclaim your birthright.

SHINE ON, my faithful Ones, and as your circle of influence radiates farther and farther out into the world, one day the circles of Light will overlap and your combined illumination will burst into pure God Light and surround the world. Follow the path of Light, beloveds; the time of the grand reunion is at hand. You are loved profoundly.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna *STAR*QUEST* 775-856-3654 * * * Email:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2015 5:27:53 PM

The Oracle Report, Wednesday, September 30, 2015


I jumped the gun and picked up today’s date, but yesterday’s oracle report.
I personally think it was an accident meant to happen :)

Here is today’s full report :)


PS I will leave my ‘mistake’ up as a post :)



Full Moon Phase: enlightenment, realization

Moon in Taurus

Goddess of Wisdom: All – led today Shodashi (Goddess of Beauty) and Matangi (Goddess of the Wind)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of the South, God of Waves)

Skill: emblaze the inner fire (connect with spiritual source through the heart); open to new ways, things, ideas related to existing ways, things, or ideas

Catalysts for Change: insincerity, racism, issues of morality, propaganda to sway masses, surrendering one’s will, held back or held in the past, not preparing, overshadowing others or others’ feelings, homelessness, isolation and loneliness, sabotage, forcing people out, selfish, bitter

True Alignments: reserves, endurance, integration of different elements or components, the fellowship of humanity, confidence, self-reliant, success, completion, spiritual awakening, inspiration, ancient Eastern philosophies and practices, ability to adjust. shift in perception, overcoming, safe and secure

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a girls basketball team” (unifying)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (the complete re-tuning or re-calibrating of consciousness)

At 10:50 am ET/2:50 pm UT, the Sun and Mercury will be in exact conjunction (meet at the same place in the sky). Mercury is currently moving retrograde (backward), which causes the ways we think and communicate to change. We come to startling revelations about outgrown beliefs about ourselves and the world.

We also happen to still be in the Full Moon phase of this lunar cycle, which is the time of the month when we have full light for revelation – full light by which to see.

But with the Sun’s conjunction with Mercury today, we have the most light of all. The Sun empowers or “charges” whatever energetic comes into contact with it. The Sabian symbol for the degree of the conjunction gives us the inside scoop on the nature of the electro-magnetic dynamic being supercharged. The Sun and Mercury make conjunction at the Sabian symbol of “a blazing fireplace in a deserted home.”

Mercury is The Messenger, so the home is not deserted (or not in the same state as it was before everyone left) because Mercury has left us a message there. This message has to do with:

NEW METHODS OF THOUGHT AND ACTION – Issues or problems that have surfaced (particularly since September 17) find resolution through the integration of elements that were separated or cordoned off. Mercury retrograde re-works the way we think about and approach things – our mindset. This results in things coming together or back together in new ways. This change in thinking is also what causes “revolutions of evolutions” – leaps of consciousness are made.

RESOLTUION OR RELIEF WITHIN RELATIONSHIPS- Situations and conditions that developed (or finally surfaced) in relationships on July 7-8, July 19-23, and August 10-11 are at the last stage of transformation. These are things that Venus’ retrograde over the summer brought into action, particularly changes in relationships. The Sabian symbol with this today is “a large camel crossing a vast and forbidding desert.” It may have been quite a tough journey, but it is coming to its end. The path will be clear by Thursday, October 8. (Venus will once again reach the degree where it stationed retrograde, setting the re-working of relationships in effect.)

Note the repeat of the word desert in “a blazing fireplace in a deserted home” and “a large camel crossing a vast and forbidding desert.” It may seem or feel like we’ve been deserted in the wastelands of a desert. But wisdom tells us that what is tired and dry and forbiddenis being blown away like…

A WOMAN’S HAT WITH STREAMERS BLOWN BY THE EAST WIND – The Earth is located at the degree of this Sabian symbol today. Generally this is a softer breeze, but it always brings the new – the dawn – because it is the East. This helps us release or bring relief to the past. Any part of it can blow away with the wind. New space for new experience is then created. Deep breaths certainly help with this energetic.

SHIFTS IN THE BALANCES OF POWER – This may be quite noticeable today, and includes balances of power within interpersonal relationships and the world at large. The geopolitical chessboard is changing, and ultimately it realigns with goodness because this is our true nature. That which has depth triumphs over that which is merely superficial today.

But, as we “come home” and read all of the “messages” Mercury has left for us today, we do so next to a blazing fireplace lit by the power of the Sun. We remember that even when we leave “the house” there is always something there that sustains us. To get there, we need only to turn our mind’s eye inside to the fires of the heart.

What is there, revealing itself to you today?

(Note: The 5th episode of “Parliament of Wise Owls” was recorded last night. This was a special edition, with special guest wise owl Logan McCulloch of trekfortruth, who completes his cross-county walk/cycle across the United States to bring awareness of the myriad diseases hoisted upon humanity, including the “Lyme” epidemic, this Saturday, October 3 at noon in San Francisco. Thanks to a wise owl who donated airline points, I will be there to greet Logan at the finish line. All wise owls in the Bay area are welcome to join me at 10 am there on the beach. I would love to meet you! We can chat about all things Gnostic while we wait for Logan to arrive. Public beach access is located next to Nick’s Restaurant, 100 Rockaway Beach Avenue, Pacifica, California, 94044. Hope you can make it!

Note re-posted from yesterday: I do not have words to fully describe how grateful and touched I was for the well-wishes and donations to get me back online during this time. The Sabian symbols always say it best. It was like a “blazing fireplace in a deserted home,” the symbol of the Sun-Mercury conjunction tomorrow. This symbol is always about the constant heart fires of home – our true home – and the constant link we have with that. We are always together and at home through the inner heart fire. I am deeply appreciative. Much love to all.)

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The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2015 6:00:23 PM


A post from Matt Kahn

While yesterday ‘s expansion of energy acted as a “ribbon-cutting ceremony” to welcome 5D consciousness into collective awareness, today represents a marker intime, where palpable waves of unity consciousness anchor into Earth’s grid to create a new zero point for each human being.

The degree to which each being becomes aware of this shift, whether felt today or in the days, weeks, or month’s to come occurs intentionally to provide the most essential journey of evolution for each individual. As this new zero point is anchored, the expansive energy of 5D consciousness can be noticed as life’s natural state of being, instead of felt as heightened states that come and go.

As a way of ushering in a new paradigm of spiritual renaissance, on an individual and global level, I invite you to help anchor this new energy into Mother Earth by repeating the following words at 11:11 in whatever time zone you’re in:

“I welcome the light. I enter the light. I am the light. I am the light. The light I am.”

If inspired, feel free to repeat these words as often as you wish to assist in the expansion of the whole.

Please forward this message along to all members of your soul family to allow our individual contributions to align and magnify a miraculous shift in consciousness for the wellbeing, transformation, awakening, and ascension of all.

May all be blessed in your almighty presence and remember who they are as a love that has no end.

Om shanti. Shanti Om.

Matt Kahn

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2015 6:07:47 PM

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Stereoscopes have illumined the Fields of View.

Partners of contrastings keep faith-centers.

Heaviness of the Land Lords passes inspection no more.

Harbingers of the Hue-Light come to the fore.

Celebrations are viewed in the distance.

“The distance” is here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2015 6:12:48 PM

Taking Back the Agenda

iUn 2It’s alleged that Agenda 2030 is an Illuminati plot to create a world government and then forget about the promises in the document.

This is what I think Pope Francis meant by referring to “declarational nominalists.” They make fine declarations but they do nothing about them. In fact the Illuminati would use these fine declarations as a screen behind which they work out their plan for world domination.

But you and I also know that the Illuminati will never get to that place. We can begin taking back our world now and the first thing we should take back, I think, is control of our agenda.

Nevertheless it doesn’t hurt, I believe, to borrow from the best that’s out there, to do that. So I’m saying to the Illuminati, we’re making Agenda 2030 our own.

You had a role in expressing it. You probably intended to use it for your own ends. Now we’ll take the work that’s been done by well-intentional global activists and deliver on those promises. We willbuild a world that works for everyone. Even you.

Agenda 2030 gives us lightworkers the opportunity to adopt goals acceptable to us that have already gained worldwide support and so are easily recognized.

The advantage for us with our Reval money is that we don’t have to talk about sources unknown to the general public if we refer to Agenda 2030. We can work according to a blueprint that society has already adopted.

So I urge financial wayshowers who are looking for arenas in which to contribute to building Nova Earth to consider these lists as an executive summary of what there is to do. If it isn’t the complete list, it’s a wonderful starter.

Perhaps begun funding groups who are already at work in these areas. Consult your heart to receive guidance on which groups are special interests allied with the cabal.

Or perhaps begin totally new work in fields like the provision of clean water, micro-loans or free-energy development.

I’m going to post excerpts from other sections of Agenda 2030 over the next two weeks. Today, here are its goals and targets.

[These] goals and targets will stimulate action over the next fifteen years in areas of critical importance for humanity and the planet:


We are determined to end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can fulfil their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment.


We are determined to protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change, so that it can support the needs of the present and future generations.


We are determined to ensure that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature.


We are determined to foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence. There can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development.


We are determined to mobilize the means required to implement this Agenda through a revitalised Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, based on a spirit of strengthened global solidarity, focussed in particular on the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable and with the participation of all countries, all stakeholders and all people.

Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries

Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*

Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and haltbiodiversity loss

Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development (1)


(1) “Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” United Nations, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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