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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/27/2015 7:48:15 PM


Méline Portia Lafont ~ The Pleiadians ~ The Blood Moon portal transmission ~ Audio + transcript

Conveyed through Méline Portia Lafont

Awaken Spirit from Within

The Blood Moon portal transmission

Audio Version free to download HERE
Voice and chanting by Méline Lafont
Music by Michael Hammer ~ Ancient days ~

Created and facilitated by the Pleiadian constellation of Light and conveyed through the heart vehicle of Méline Portia Lafont

We are gathering here in this momentum to come forth in unity. Unity is what creates this portal to BE in the first place and so do we invite you all to partake in this beautiful co-creation. Beautiful ones, you are all an intrinsic part of the whole gathering forth in unity. As you apply the great Mastery within yourselves you are enlarging a great facilitation for all to convey the Cosmic energies of a super Galactic cluster with ineffable units and eons of Light power to come and be anchored through all of your vehicles of Light.

You lend yourselves to the great wisdom and the eternal light of your Source supreme which is the essential and primordial light and blueprint of your Divine SELF. One lending himself to convey all the powers from within to this collective reality creates a momentum of peace and serenity with the understanding of all creation being a nature of the whole. One on itself can change the whole world, for one represents the complete and whole SELF as in the Oneness of ALL within the Divine Blueprint of its human nature.

Therefore we now will gather in this momentum of God speed Light to unite all of our spheres and energy fields as a Divine Being in Human form. Gathering, we amplify what One can bring forth as change and as an awakening, breaking through the many fields of illusion and creating a web and external field of consciousness to deliver the truth of one's own nature and Divine Self.

All of you, who are now reading and listening to this message are uniting yourselves as Higher selves in the spheres of Shambhala, for you open your heart gates at this time to receive the Cosmic nudges to connect your hearts together and unite your heart fields.

Now let us move through the spheres of illusion and connect your beautiful hearts in the spheres of Shambhala. Be present in the heart, beautiful ones, and breathe into this moment with all your heart, soul and Spirit. Your consciousness and your awareness are amplifying the strength within you as you all participate in this momentum consciously and willingly,

We want you to be open, relaxed and at ease with yourselves and go within your heart. We want you to be in silence to integrate all of the beautiful radiance that is now available to you all within this stillness. Be at peace with yourself and have this overall serene sensation of unity within. Smell your flavor of SELF-Expression, feel your inner vibration, sense the waves of integration, see your SELF in all colors and geometry. Be one in this moment and allow as it is.

You are now moving deeper into the Magical sphere within Shambhala. You unite with the Akasha of yourself which is a part of the librarian web of creation. A silver sphere of Light now moves through you as you connect with your Akasha. The librarian web of creation sends you pulsations of destined manifestations as possible creations and opportunities. You allow these to enter, merge within you as you experience the blending of this. Being in connection with your Akasha you can now allow these destined opportunities to come forth in this Now on your Earth, seeding a whole new reality by intent.

Being one within the moment with all, sets all free to Be as it Is. Beautiful ones, now you all unite with each others' Akasha and increase the momentum of creation and unity. See all the Silver lines of Light within your Beings to now unite and blend together in the heart of Shambhala.

Heaven on Earth is created and seeded, so shall you strengthen this seeded creation in each and every one of you to come forth and re-blend in the material world of this Earth. Now others can opt for this experience as well as you unify yourselves in this momentum and wave of Cosmic Love and creation.

Be in yourself ~ in the heart space, beautiful ones. There is no other place to BE than where you are right now. You are where you are to BE and that is within you, being all of you. As you are at peace with this understanding, you now open the gateway within your crown and higher heart. A flood and stream of Cosmic energy enters your human vehicle and fills you with the experience of Cosmic tones. These High vibrational waves and tones are moving and restructuring all that is not in order or out of balance, restoring the Divine nature within you on the highest octave of your own vibration.

A Golden illuminating stream enters your reality of Being and illuminates all that is held within you. You are sentient beings who are aware and open. You will become super sentient beings who will be all knowing and will be creation itself. That is what this Cosmic wave brings about, in lapses of your time. But now is this Gateway and Final Blood Moon portal the beginning of that knowing, that understanding and particularly that essential Being.

It is the start of an even greater reality and momentum, not seen before. An open heart illuminates all to the light it is. The brighter your light the higher your understanding is of the Cosmic nature of Being as you move from understanding to Being itself. Your flow is essential in this all and so is your heart. Be in your hearts and allow the flow to stream through you, through all and through Earth, as it enters the Solar system and unifies all in this Cosmic vibration.

You are the Human gateway of Divine intent.

Shaty yonkalo emau srati
We are the Pleiadians

Méline offers skype sessions, channeled readings, energy work and Tools that can assist you on your path. Are you having questions or are you seeking for more guidance on particular parts of your journey, check out the Reading formats Méline offers and the audio Tools. The remote energy healings are now on discount.

For those who are more into the deep diving into SELF, Méline's " Channeling Course" or Course for connecting to SELF is a recommendation for all whom are willing to do the Self work!

Copyright © 2012-2015 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/27/2015 7:50:27 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday September 27, 2015

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, we encourage you to think of yourselves within these shifting times as being part of an orchestra. There are so many different notes and vibrations coming together to create the vibrational masterpiece that is the ascension of you and your beloved planet. Just like you could not say one instrument makes the orchestra, there is no one energy that is responsible for the amazing times you are experiencing, rather, the delightful melding of the energetic whole.

You are all pivotal and adding immeasurably to the beauty of the shift, and the entire universe is responding with loving support. It is a model of unity consciousness far beyond what you can imagine, but hear us when we say that you have already been playing in those energies far longer than you have realized. It is all happening because of you – the fearless wayshowers, the tender, mindful and courageous human beings, who dare to dream and allow their divine truth and beauty to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/27/2015 7:54:03 PM

The Shift within a Shift

sacred union 44The shift in consciousness that the peak energies of Sept. 27-28 facilitate will see, I think, many changes occur on the planet. I can certainly see the changes that are happening in me.

I sincerely hope that they’ll facilitate what I regard as the most important change for this planet: the balancing of the female and male energies or the balancing within and without of the divine feminine and divine masculine.

The bedrock, the sine qua non or indispensable part of this shift within a shift is the ending of all forms of gender inequality and gender persecution on the planet.

The vibrational upgrade this X-wave, Event or Ascension energy brings may be what’s needed to begin a pan-human response to this form of suffering.

That responsive movement eventually must and will encircle the globe, to end what I consider the most pernicious of hierarchical patterns: the presumptuous pattern of male superiority.

That pattern must and will end everywhere on the planet – down to the smallest village in South Asia whose panchayat sentences a woman to be judicially raped (do those two words ever belong together?) to the most isolated town that sentences a woman to death by stoning for alleged adultery.


A stoning

Closer to home, the glass ceiling, the undervaluing of women’s labor, the lack of aid to single mothers, and all other forms of institutional inequality as well as all forms of violence against women – domestic violence, abuse, rape, sexual harrassment, etc. – must and will end as well.

One of the most powerful tools that we have is to give a voice to those who’ve been abused and allow them to tell their story and be heard. It then takes incredible courage for the victims of abuse to come forward and actually share how it has been for them.

Over the past three years, I’ve heard stories of incredible abuse. I don’t know how people survived with their personalities intact after the horrors visited upon them. And I’ve heard stories of victims meeting their abusers with only love. You know that I met my father’s physical abuse with only hatred, so I cannot claim the stuffing it must take to meet abuse with love. I wish I had it.

I’m committed to seeing the end of gender violence, gender inequality, and gender persecution on this planet by Jan. 1, 2018. (1) I say that on my own say-so as a sovereign citizen of planet Earth.

I’m in the planning stages of organizing a charitable foundation which I’ll be calling the Michaelangelo Fund to distribute resources to women’s groups around the world to work on all aspects of ending gender inequality and gender persecution.

No, I’m not asking for funds. I’ve been told that we’ll have plenty. I’d recommend that you send your donations to the Hope Chest instead, for the relief of lightworkers.

But I do ask for your alignment. If you search your own character and find any traces of gender inequality or gender disrespect, please let that go now. Begin to sensitize yourself to how the message of gender inequality and violence is spread.

Begin to notice the “Beauty Trap” that we have women in. Notice how, whenever a woman is described, it’s mandatory to use the word “beautiful.” Start to see how we box women in, what tools we use to do that, and how we excuse ourselves for doing it.Womens Rights 32

See how we allot to women the role of being what one sociologist called the cynosure of gaze, (2) the “thing” of beauty, causing women to dress up, be abnormally concerned with appearance, etc., all to “make it” in society.

Then see how we turn around and reserve for women the menial tasks in life.

What does all this serve? And whom does it serve? Those are questions, I think, that need to be answered, without emotion and with accuracy and detail.

None of us like to be confined by roles. But women have been confined to roles that have excluded them from full (and sometimes any) participation in society and that circumstance now needs to end.

It can only end if we approach it from love. Anything else will leave residue and simply prolong the ordeal – for men and women. Love is the beginning and end of everything – social activism, relationships, building Nova Earth. It’s the origin and destination, the alpha and omega of life in its entirety.

No matter what dimension you find yourself in, it’s love that you can come back to to orient yourself and acclimatize. Love is beyond all dimensions.

We need to come together as lightworkers and as a planet in love and gratitude to pledge our commitment that we ourselves will no longer contribute to gender inequality and persecution and that we hold the space for them to end throughout the world. This needs to become a planet of equality, kindness, and respect again, as it was in the beginning.


(2) Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1966.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/27/2015 7:55:10 PM

Matt Kahn: Energy Update September 2015 ~ Entering the 5th Dimension

Matt KahnAs we enter 5D consciousness, we have reached a new horizon of possibility, where all previous reference points cannot assist us in dissecting reality into separate categories of polarity.

Instead of feeling sad while hoping to be happy, or even feeling happy, while hoping not to avoid any further sadness, we are neither sad nor happy. In the absence of sensing a high or noticing a low, we have returned to zero point, but without a defining sign of arrival.

Perhaps for you, your entry point has left you without a sense of who you are, including the melting away of each spiritual identity or attribute that your ego spent so much time striving to embody or desperately capture. Maybe there is no sense of where you are in time and space, which can cause you to imagine how you are somewhere far behind wherever you’ve been anticipating to go.

As your experience of emptiness acts a definitive sign that you have exited 3D reality and entered the doorway of unity consciousness, while it may seem underwhelming to some, it is a crucial stage of spiritual growth to help ground you into alignment with your highest spiritual maturity. Instead of fearing being left out or left behind some sort of window of opportunity, it is important to know the true gift that such a shift in consciousness provides.

12036700_584840608314281_4034318039514433015_nWhile many have spent the last 7 years being turned upside down, shaken to your core, and unraveled, the emptying process occurs to clear out your energy field, so you may enter this brand-new frontier of experience completely empty of any previous assumption, belief, or conclusion. It’s as if the Universe is making sure you cannot obscure your view of what is and will continue to unfold. The emptying out, in and of itself, reveals a fiercely compassionate Universe.

It’s an omnipresent reality that will do whatever is required to empty your vessel, ensuring that you will not miss a moment of miraculous grace by having the ammunition to misperceive what will be seen as the most miraculous time in human history.

If you are sitting back with your arms folded, waiting for a cosmic lightshow to prove itself to you, you might find yourself in a stand-off with time, battling the grace of existence with arrows of frustration, confusion, and expectation. For any being inhabiting a body, this particular lifetime is an open-ended opportunity to release the chains of victimhood and not just experience the perfection of life’s Divine plan, but to live out each moment of ascension with the joy, faith, and enthusiasm that so many are reserving to express, once something impressive happens.

While many understand the term “reincarnation” to indicate the journey of a soul through various bodies of incarnation, I’d like to provide another term to help you remember the significance of why we are here during a time of planetary expansion. A few years ago, the Universe taught me a word called “meta-incarnation”. It refers to the quantum understanding that not only have we incarnated many times before, but to also acknowledge how this isn’t the first time each of us have lived out this exact lifetime, as the characters we view ourselves to be.

It’s as if the ascension lifetime is one of the soul’s favorite movies in its cosmic Netflix account. When souls watch movies of lifetimes, they go along for the journey of a main character by incarnating into their world of evolution.

The more times a soul lives out a particular incarnation, the faster they wake up within it. The objective is to be as liberated, boundless, infinite, and immortal as the soul experiences itself within the domain of heaven, while incarnated in form. The deeper a soul wakes up in form, the more the world in view transforms into higher frequencies of light. This may shed greater perspective on why some are so adamant on not wanting to come back.

It is a deep-rooted declaration emanating from the soul, indicating that it has learned and grown from this meta-incarnation, to the point of being ready to move onto greater adventures.

And yet, for those who feel quite done with this ever-looping scenario, I invite you to release yourself from the grip of self-imposed beliefs and declare the absolute Truth of your immortal existence, so you may complete this lifetime as the highest self you’ve always been.

To open up the floodgates to your highest experience throughout a lifetime you’ve successfully completed so many times before, please repeat the following words:

“No matter how I think, feel, act, or perceive reality, I hereby accept that I am the ultimate reality dwelling in the hearts of all that is. I am the light through which all things come to be, as well as the aliveness of being that is already so liberated, I am choosing to experience life as this character, only for the purposes of awakening to transform reality for the well-being of all.

“I no longer wait for anything within or throughout my experience to change, in order to confirm the eternal truth that I AM, I have always been, and shall always be. Despite how I think, feel, or act, I am the immortal reality within it.

“While this body provides me an experience of being the main character within the movie of incarnation, I hereby declare the Truth of my infinite nature and command my reality to confirm this Truth to me now. I am healthy. I am happy. I am abundant. I am free. I am the light. The light I am. May all beings be uplifted, healed, and reborn by the power of my immaculate declaration. And so it is.”

I invite you to take a moment and feel the power within these words. In doing so, you enter the revolutionary part of the love revolution by no longer holding yourself hostage, while waiting for life to rescue you. Instead, you declare the absolute Truth of who you are, as the ultimate reality of all that is, and free yourself through the infinite power of your spoken word.

When I was given the date 9-27-15, it was for the purposes of assigning a marker in time, where the purging and purifying that so many have endured would transition into a period of integration. As this date was given, it was mixed into the other interpretations of ascension to become something else to project anticipate, doubt, hope, and assumptions upon. Soon, many began to wonder if this was the date they’d be leaving the planet, or if it was a confirmation of something catastrophic.

Others used it as opportunities to cast doubt and skepticism, when so many widely-anticipated dates in history have left many scratching their heads instead of opening their hearts.

The truth is, both sides are actually right to a certain degree.

Is there a spiritual significance to this time in history?

Yes. It is a time when awakening individuals hold space for a spiritual evolution unfolding on a global level.

Will something powerful happen on 9-27-15?

Yes. The expansive energies of 5D consciousness that have already entered the atmosphere of the collective consciousness reaches a point of crescendo on 9-27-15 and integrates into the Earth the following day on 9-28-15.

Is 9-27-15 the moment of Ascension?

Ascension is not one moment in time, but a period of spiritual renaissance, where beings that have evolved in consciousness are catapulted into new horizons of experience.

Will all my symptoms and problems instantly dissolve on that day?

As always, life only takes shape and form to provide you with experiences to ensure the evolution of your soul, as you continue to complete this lifetime, but from a higher timeline of perception than any other time of meta-incarnation.

If wishing to accelerate the storyline of incarnation, it is a matter of releasing attachment to outcome and daring to be more loving toward yourself and others. In essence, your evolution accelerates when it no longer matters what happens to you, but only how rooted in your heart you happen to be.

For those who yearn to be rooted in their heart, but fail to act as loving, joyful, and kind as they wish to be, the willingness to relax your body and offer greater emotional support to your less desirable qualities and characteristics releases deep-rooted judgments to allow all aspects of shadow to be as worthy of receiving your light as your most admirable qualities and characteristics.

What can I expect in 5D consciousness?

By its very nature, your entry point into 5D reality is void of any idea, belief, or expectation collected or developed along the way. When in 3D reality, making your way through the 4th dimension and toward the 5th, there are many signs and symptoms you are taught as a way of ensuring you are making your way.

Because 3D and 4D consciousness are rooted in personal will instead of Universal will, faith is given to the expectation of outcome, if without an awareness of the silent eternal force within you that guides your every move and ensures the completion of a journey you have already lived out many times before. This is also why intuition exists. It is the remembrance of what you’ve already played out so many other times that allows an inner knowing to guide you into making decisions contrary to however you lived this lifetime out before.

It’s as if your higher intelligence remembers the decisions you’ve made in the past and encourages you to select more powerful and courageous options, so this adventure of incarnation can be as fresh, unique, and exciting as you’ve intended it to be.

As you evolve in consciousness, your inner knowing replaces a tendency to cling to expectations as an imaginary form of security. In the absence of using any sort of future pending promise to ensure your safety, an awakened being finds safety in being completely open to the equality of all possibilities.

To an awakened being – the notion of “Will I be okay?” isn’t a question or a concern. It’s just an innocent thought passing through the beauty of time and space like the uniqueness of a snowflake drifting through the air.

For those who wish to reclaim their power from the mirage of expectation, and no longer fall victim to the dissatisfying allure of outcomes, it is essential to be as open and empty as possible. This doesn’t mean to get rid of anything or try to hold your body and mind in any particular position.

Instead, it is merely an invitation to breathe in and out as thought, feeling, interactions, and circumstances come to be. When and if the simplicity of this way of being seems overwhelming, it is merely an opportunity to offer greater loving support to your innocence, as you adjust to being empty throughout a world of seemingly endless hunger and desires for gain.

A mantra that can assist you in making peace with the emptying out process of entering 5D consciousness is simple but effective:

“When in doubt – go without.”

No matter how often your ego seems to freak out by not having a passion to pursue, a direction to forge, a battle to win, or an obstacle to overcome, you can best serve the evolution of your consciousness by making your inner and outer realities as simple as possible. This is a time to listen deeply, move softly, speak with gentleness, while greeting each moment as a precious gift of divinity, no matter how hardened, callous, sarcastic, or insensitive anyone seems to be.

In celebration of entering 5D as empty as possible, your external reality is no longer an indication of your evolving consciousness. If anything, the way in which characters behave reflect a way of being that you have outgrown, as you forge a path in an exciting new direction that you cannot fathom, anticipate, avoid, or deny. As you enter 5D consciousness more open, vulnerable, and empty than ever before, you release judgments that resting in nothing means you are deficient or left out in some way.

Soon, you may see that resting as nothing or no one in particular, not even settling for spiritual identities such as “witness” or “self”, allows you to make peace with the spacious aliveness of your infinite eternal being. As you become comfortable and at ease with your natural state of emptiness, which may in the beginning feel flat, desolate, hopeless, and depressing, the faster you advance into stages where joy, passion, synchronicity, abundance, wellness, love, and fulfillment return to your life.

The more heart-centered support and authentic encouragement you offer yourself as emptying out occurs, whether you feel the love or not, invites you through the doorway of unity consciousness to discover a new frontier of reality, while rooted in the most optimal perspective of spiritual maturity.

As 9-27-15 dawns, I invite you to welcome the dawning of 5D consciousness with the peace, simplicity, emptiness, and ease of each passing breath.

May the disappointments of unfulfilled expectations awaken the brightness of your being, where once and for all, you can rejoice in the ecstasy of breathing — with everything to welcome, and nothing to avoid. From one moment to the next, you will always know exactly what needs to be known, but only when it needs to be known. Not sooner, never later, but always at the perfect moment in time.

We’ve already played out the ascension timeline so many times before, and yet, the one thing we have never done is rejoice and celebrate our eternal victory before the final act unfolds. Knowing this, may we explore the adventure of ascension as never before, and allow each step forward to be taken with a heart blown wide open to fate of life’s highest possibility.

It’s already meant to unfold in grand perfection. The question is, are you going to hold your breath and wait, or will you join the cosmic party already in progress.

While a 7-year cycle of healing crisis and tumultuous spiritual growth comes to an end, it ushers in a new paradigm of heart-centered consciousness for those who incarnated to play at full capacity.

Since you are reading these words, it confirms that you are among the courageous and faithful souls who are leading humanity into the unknown only to discover the light of one dancing as the uniqueness of every heart.

As always, it is an honor to serve the evolution of your journey, as we continue our adventure into the most exciting chapters of spiritual evolution. I rejoice in the brightness of your being that now more than ever before has the power to transform all who enter the light of your eternal presence.

Congratulations radiant One. Welcome Home.

Matt Kahn

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/28/2015 12:21:36 AM

NorthPoint ASTROLOGY JOURNAL: Your Guide to Planetary Energies for September 28 – October 4, 2015, by Pam Younghans

Photo: Moonrise on the day of the Lunar Eclipse, as seen from Freital, Saxony, Germany, on September 27, 2015 (credit: Heiko Ulbricht, posted on

THE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE occurs today (Sunday, September 27) at 7:50pm PDT. Although we have at least a pair of eclipses every six months, some are more powerful than others, based on the involvement of other planets or astrological points.

Our eclipse today finds the Sun and Moon in close proximity to the North and South Nodes. These points in a chart are often strongly involved in helping us clear and resolve old (karmic) issues and offering a new, higher vibrational road for us to travel.

Adding to the impact of this Lunar Eclipse is the fact that this is a “supermoon,” meaning that the Moon is closer to the Earth than usual, bringing its lessons closer to home. It is also a Total Eclipse, adding to the drama both visually and energetically.

IN OTHER WORDS, this is a powerful time for us to choose a new way of being. With the Nodes to guide us, we can conceive of what that “new way” might be. As signposts, the North Node points us in the direction of growth, whereas the South Node reminds us of what we must put behind us if we are to evolve.

The South Node is in Aries, indicating that our challenge is to move beyond survival mode, the belief that we must do everything by ourselves, and the fight-or-flight response. The North Node in Libra tells us that our next evolutionary step involves finding a new balance and harmony through internal and external cooperation and allowing ourselves to both extend and receive support.

ON PAPER (or screen), this all sounds well and good. After all, who wouldn’t choose balance and harmony over a fight for survival? And yet, many of us are still in the process of clearing and resolving the karmic patterns, the ancient agreements and beliefs that keep us walking down the same old, often painful path.

The good news is that today’s Lunar Eclipse wants to help us do the necessary clearing and choose a new road. Our incentive to make the change is strong — it comes from being acutely aware of old feelings and situations that we want to be free of. Our inspiration comes from those times — even if only brief moments — when we can tap into the feeling of peace and connection and find renewal.

REMEMBER the Sabian symbol we mentioned in last week’s Journal, that encapsulates the intentions of the Moon during today’s eclipse?:

“A triangle with wings: The capacity for self-transcending.”

That image resonates even more deeply today, as we work directly with the eclipse energies and consciously ponder exactly what aspects of our previous self we want to transcend.

We can also consider the Sabian symbol for the Sun’s location at the time of eclipse, as another guiding light for our process:

“A man revealing to his students the foundation of an inner knowledge upon which a ‘new world’ could be built.”

Perhaps you, like me, have recently been introduced to new concepts or techniques that have the potential to be that foundation for building a ‘new world’ for yourself. If so, this is the time to embrace, explore, and engage those ideas and beliefs that increase your ability to heal the past and gain greater inner peace.

AND THE REST of the week? The astrological weather is fairly calm, although we will be dealing with some Mercury retrograde moments on Tuesday and Wednesday, so do your best to stay in good humor and don’t let confusion or communication difficulties derail you from the evolutionary path you have chosen.

Wednesday and Thursday may also feel a bit unpredictable and unstable, given a minor — but potentially irritating — Mars-Uranus aspect that is exact in the wee hours of Thursday morning. With Mars in Virgo, the road we will choose going forward may not quite meet our previous definition of the “perfect way.” But, if we can be flexible and courageous, it will, indeed, be the better way.

In peace,


How to subscribe to the NorthPoint Journal: If you have been forwarded this issue of the NorthPoint Journal and would like to receive it by email every week, please fill out the subscription form on the “Journal” page of Pam’s website.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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