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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/28/2015 6:36:15 PM


Bob Fickes ~ Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse


Today is a very powerful blood moon eclipse just around the autumn equinox. This is the forth eclipse in a row (six lunar months apart). That makes this day a very powerful life changer. It seems that this year we are being challenged to make important changes in our life. Changes that normally we might resist. If you have resisted making the changes you know you need to make, this weekend will be very challenging. Don’t worry! It is all for your own good. These are changes that will help your life to be lifted to a higher level of consciousness and positive shifts in the way you feel.
The moon always brings internal changes. It pushes us from the inside rather than challenging us through external events. Although sometimes when we have resisted making the change to our life, the universe will push us from the outside to make sure we get the message!

Relax and tune in. Remember that you asked the universe to help you to change your life and get on with actualizing your spiritual realizations. Remember what you asked for and take the steps to fulfill it. When you sit to meditate, ask the universe to help you to let go of what ever you have resisted and move into your new life by opening your heart to your next level of consciousness. More love and more happiness is coming. You only have to take a step and the door will open.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/29/2015 5:25:06 PM

The Oracle Report, Tuesday, September 28, 2015

Perhaps this is as good a place as any to state what I am now observing about President Putin:

He is following a great spiritual law: We cannot direct the lives of others. We can only live our own lives and let our light shine. Others may see it and want to follow, or they may choose not to.

By all that his diplomatic efforts, he is allowing us to see there is another way through this bit of fourth dimension we must experience, but he is not directing us to follow. It is our choice. We do not have to tolerate the Vatican’s enslavement of us. We do not have to endure the scolding of Obama at the United Nations, but it is up to us to break this trance we have fallen into. We have been told there are enough of us now on the planet to do this, and I believe we will do it.

Yes, Putin might be able to do it for us, but what would we have learned? We would still live as children, expecting someone to save us. We must save ourselves, one person at a time. Let’s get to it.

My efforts here are not to continue to delve deeply into the dark, but simply to convey their ongoing efforts to enslave us. I believe we must not accept these efforts, and we must be very specific about this in our statements. Instead, let’s try to phrase our thoughts/prayers in a positive way. Take what we are learning and turn it around: Instead of saying I do not accept, say I desire/want/wish for a world . . . the specific opposite of what they are trying to force upon us. For example: I want honest, mature leadership in my country. I want freedom to be creative, to create my own life. I want the children of the world to grow up in peace. I want the old people of the world to live/die without fear. There is plenty for everyone on this planet because we will share. . . and so on.




Full Moon Phase:
realization, experience

Moon in Aries/Taurus (2:57 pm ET/6:57 pm UT)

Goddess of Wisdom: All – Led today by Shodashi, Goddess Who Aligns With the Highest and Best and Matangi, Goddess of the Soft Breeze

God of Will/Desire: Kathe, God of the South, God of Senses/Experiences

Skill: shift focus; see and feel the comfort of the inner home fire

Catalysts for Change: scattered, difficulty coping with life stressors. sabotage and self-sabotage, feeling lost/ lonely by forgetting spiritual connection, over-protective, trying to be all things for all people, neglecting physical body and needs, attached to only one way or one’s own way, withering from lack of nurturance, fears about security/financial security, divide and conquer through racism

True Alignments: welcoming others, comforts of home, assistance with stress or indecision, seeing truth in the projections, form and function, shifting focus from one thing to another, versatile, diverse, seeing the importance of everyone involved/valuing the roles of everyone, taking care of loved ones, taking care of the physical body, expressing self in two ways/two worlds/two levels, the building of inner strength, information channeling through

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a girls basketball team” (unifying)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (complete re-tuning or re-calibrating consciousness)

Please rely on the True Alignments and Catalysts for Change above for specific themes with today’s energetics. We are guided by “two angels bringing protection” today, the position of Mars, and higher forces are putting things on a new course or back on a proper course.

For a bigger analysis, read on.

COMMENTARY OF RECENT ENERGY: Just after midnight Eastern Time/4:00 am Universal Time overnight, the Moon moved to the Eris Point, and the response (of the Mahavidyas, for long-time readers) to the energetics of the past week began. A “Sonic Boom” (Shodashi’s Wave, for long-time readers) was released.

A shift of focused is proffered by the Sacred Feminine (the aeon Sophia – Gaia Sophia). Today, things begin to unfold that put things into proper alignment — out of the fear of the mind and into comfort and safety of the heart.

Since the energetics of the Gibbous Moon phase last week and the first day of the Full Moon yesterday were almost unprecedented in their potential to affect the future (through the electro-magnetic dynamics of the planets), the counter-effort of spiritual forces is just as precisely timed. When the Moon moved to 21 Aries – the degree of action by the sacred feminine – all of the fear and negativity that was induced within and harvested from the fellowship of humanity is now reflected backfrom whence it came.

You could say it was sent backward in time, and thus, has no effect on the future. The past week’s energetics were both experienced and then pre-empted, hard as that is to understand. It was intense and built to great heights, and now a proportional level of light bounces it back.

All nefarious efforts and intentions/seeds/spells to capture and control the hearts and minds of humanity with the start of the Libra New Moon (October 12, 2015) are being disempowered. October 12 is the true day of power – the day all of the cabal’s ceremonies and rituals were funneling toward. October 12 is the New Moon in Libra at the Sabian symbol (electromagnetic signature) of 20 degrees of Libra and “a Jewish rabbi performing his duties.”

The exact location of the New Moon in Libra is 19 Libra 20. This is only 1 degree and 13 minutes from exact opposition with the Eris Point – again, the degree of action of the sacred feminine. The spiritual array of the fellowship of humanity around the world, now stronger than ever, directs its focus and attention toward the growth and construction of its ideals — toward experiencing heaven on earth, assured of the wisdom that truth and love prevail.

Outstanding job, wise owls! While this player on the “girls basketball team” was “benched,” the Parliament of the Attendants of Wisdom – of Sophia – engaged and knew exactly what to do: enact the skill of the wise owl inside the tree peering out and observing, out of the fray, holding the line. This was a great act of power and showed that there is no dependency here – only the like-minded effort to navigate changing energies and respond accordingly, independently, but linked.

It was not pleasant, but it is over, and it is disempowered.

I do not have words to fully describe how grateful and touched I was for the well-wishes and donations to get me back online during this time. The Sabian symbols always say it best. It was like a “blazing fireplace in a deserted home,” the symbol of the Sun-Mercury conjunction tomorrow. This symbol is always about the constant heart fires of home – our true home – and the constant link we have with that. We are always together and at home through the inner heart fire. I am deeply appreciative. Much love to all.

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The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/29/2015 6:07:01 PM

Montague Keen, Sunday, September 27, 2015

[Veronica was away this past weekend; thus Monty’s message is a bit late :) ~J ]

The false statements, the false promises, the false impression, that those who now meet in America care about humanity, is difficult to observe. They do not care one jot about humanity. All the evidence shows quite clearly that this is so. Many of you still cling to the notion that the Pope is a good man; all I can say to you is, time will tell! The Vatican supports and finances WAR. I again remind you, that it was the Jesuits who planned and carried out the holocaust in Ireland. The Jesuits are heavily involved in the Satanic Ritual Killing of children. Look at their history, not their words. The Mass itself is an expression of this: drinking the blood, eating the body; these things should raise a few eyebrows. They actually show you, as well as tell you, what they stand for. The Vatican has ensured that life on Earth is both difficult and divisive.

They have hidden Tesla’s research from you, and they have used it only for evil purposes, like HAARP, etc. Humanity should be enjoying FREE ENERGY, but the Vatican has instead, kept it hidden in its vaults. They believe that it is easier to control humanity if survival is a struggle. Their real plans do not include you. They, too, want to CULL the population. All the Heads of State who are in the U.S. now, are part of this Big Plan, their New World Order.

Do not allow yourselves to be CONNED into accepting their proposals. THEY NEVER CARRY OUT THEIR PROMISES. You owe it to yourselves, and to future generations, to make the right decisions at this time. Do your own research. Only then will you find the truth. Your controllers have been systematically LYING to you for years; as to them, it is all part of their take-over plan. You have allowed them to get where they are today, through apathy; the “I’m alright, Jack ” attitude. That’s okay, until it’s your turn to suffer their attention. Look with open and honest eyes at what they did to Germany, twice. They now plan to bring down Germany’s banks. This will leave Germany and the whole of Europe in dire straights. To them, it’s all part of their GAME. They are not like you. What is more, THEY DO NOT LIKE YOU.

Wake Up. You are running out of time. They will take all you have. You need to stand together for justice for all. Please, stop acting like SHEEP, following orders, believing the LIE that you have no power at all. I ask you, how can 99% not have POWER !

Ireland is keeping up the pressure on its banks and its Government. The people have stated that they withdraw their consent from the Government. Without this consent, a government cannot legitimately function. You have all got the power to withdraw consent. This should be done peacefully and with dignity. The timing is right for this to happen. The OLD CORRUPT POWER STRUCTURE must be removed. Then, with a clean slate, a new start can be made. This time, with humanity making the decisions, you will find that without the outside influence of AIs, humanity can live in peace.

The future is in your hands. You can do it. This is a time of change, so ensure that you make the right decisions. Remove your consent from all religions, as they hold the keys to the chains that bind you. Freedom is yours when you do this. You have never had truth from religion, history, or education. Be prepared, as the moment someone is brave enough to speak out, the heavy mob arrives, promising a wonderful future if you play their game. Be careful whom you trust, as some individuals may not have the strength to withstand the pressure that comes in many guises.

You need help and support to get through these difficult times. Remember: you are many, they are few. They may hold the purse strings, but without you, their wealth is worthless to them. They could not survive even one week without the help of the rest of humanity. They need you!

I implore you to think very carefully before you accept or reject any proposals coming from the United States regarding the Pope’s visit, and his meetings with heads of state, etc. If it is not in the interests of humanity as a whole, no matter how they dress it up, it is still a CON. They are desperate. Do not allow yourselves to be rushed into anything. Know that THEY are not who they appear to be!

My dear, I will be at your side, every step of the way. I made this commitment to you when I passed to Spirit. Things are moving fast now. So be prepared for all eventualities.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Message from Veronica

Thank you, Mark. I appreciate your gesture, I will keep it by me.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/29/2015 6:10:57 PM

Touch Base with Your Desires

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

This is how life is meant to be: Easy.

Have even the slightest desire, and the next thing you know, your desire fulfilled appears right before you. Just know that all is taken care of. Touch base with a mild desire, and then you let go of the desire. Let go of it. Let go of it nice and easy, and this is how it comes to you.

Let’s clarify, however, before you loll around in a hammock waiting to have your desire served to you. If you want a college education, get out there, apply, and, once accepted, study. Perhaps if you are a great athlete, a college will come after you. Regardless, you make tracks.

At the same time as you take responsibility for your life, you are easy with it. Studying can be easy. Understanding can be easy.

When you focus on life’s being difficult, what are you expecting?

Letting go doesn’t mean letting go of responsibility. Worry and fear are not the same as responsibility. They are irresponsible. Let go of them.

In everything you think and do, you are going in a direction. You make motions. You take one kind of book out of the library and not another.

Everything that occurs is not by dint of your hard work. I will go as far as to say: You attract the fulfillment of your desires to you, yet there is also a larger view, and that is that there is always a Higher Power at work. You have that Higher Power at your service.

The fine point here is that that you go in a direction that makes it easy for Me to serve your desires. How about that!

We are not talking about a decision that I, God, seen as separate from you, make. I do not decide to help you or not help you. Your way of thinking and your way of living pave the way for your life. We could say you send signals to Me. You do not yell in a loud voice. Nor do you tiptoe around. You send Me clear messages. You clear the path. You make way for Me.

If you desire to be an opera singer, it’s unlikely that it will be up to Me to make you an opera singer just like that. And so you sing. And if you desire to be a writer, you write. Embrace what you desire. Desiring is not meant to be a strain. So you apply yourself, and you enjoy what you are working toward.

You know that there is more here than personal credit to you. You are the receiver. All is given to you. Even as you also give your whole life to what you receive, you are a receiver.

With something like Godwriting, it is clear that you are receiving it. It is delivered to you. It is not yours. You are an instrument that receives. All miracles that you see happening in your life are delivered to you.

When I say to you that everything is a gift to you, you might say: “Yeah, sure, what about a headache, God?”

You would swear that you did not invite a headache, yet, within the oak tree is the seed. Life may seem random yet not so random as you like to think. There is something worthwhile at work whether you see it or not. Nor is it valuable to wrack your brain as to how you might have merited what is seen as a difficulty. There is a whole lot of analyzing in the world.

I have an expression you may have noticed. It is: “So be it.” And that’s an expression for My children to use as well. It is not a passive statement.

Let Me hear you say: “So be it that I am at the juncture of life I am presently in. So be it, what I do next depends upon me. God succors me, yet I embrace God. I meet God at least half way."

For this moment you accept. And then you take it from here. You accept, yet you are not a bump on a log. Keep your eye on what you are going for. Go forward. No wasting time on whys and wherefores. Just move on. Come closer to your Self.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/29/2015 6:15:03 PM

Increased solar activity continues with multiple M-class flares on September 29

Posted by Adonai on

Solar activity started increasing on September 27 with M1.9 flare from geoeffective Region 2422 and continued on September 28 with several impulsive flares from Region 2422 (M7.6) and 2423 (M3.6).

During the early morning hours of September 29th (by 06:43 UTC) those two regions managed to produce 6 M-class solar flares. However, no Earth-directed Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) have been observed so far.

Sunspots on September 29, 2015. Image credit: ESA PROBA2/SWAP

Region 2422 has slowed its growth but it still has 'Beta-Gamma-Delta' magnetic configuration. It is capable of producing strong and major eruptions on the Sun and is still in geoeffective position. So far, it seems it failed to produce a CME.

'Beta-Gamma' classified Region 2423 is now located on the west limb and is starting its farside rotation. This region did manage to produce a CME during the M3.6 flare at 03:55 UTC on September 28, but initial analysis of the available coronagraph imagery indicates a non-Earth directed component.

CME produced by the M3.6 solar flare from Region 2423 on September 28, 2015. Credit: NASA SDO/AIA 304

Additionally, a filament from near the southeast limb became active after 06:30 UTC on September 28 and erupted by 11:30 UTC. SWPC analysis done by 00:30 UTC on September 29 indicates any associated CME would be non-Earth directed. However, analysis continues as more coronagraph imagery becomes available.

Below is a list of manually verified M-class solar flares produced on September 29 (data source SWPC, all times UTC):


SWX overview September 27 - 29, 2015. Image credit: NOAA/SWPC.

Solar activity is likely to be moderate (R1-R2, Minor-Moderate), with a chance for X-class (R3, Strong or greater) flares through October 1 due to the enhanced flare potential from several of the active regions, in particular, Region 2423 and 2422. NOAA SWPC forecasters estimate 70% chance for M-class and 25% chance for X-class solar flares over the next three days.

Featured image: NOAA SWPC X-ray graph for September 27 - 29 with NASA SDO/AIA 304 image captured at 03:57 UTC on September 28. Edit: TW.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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