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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/26/2015 6:50:55 PM

The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild: September 24, 2015

blossom goodchildBlossom: Hello there, my friends. Well, we are in the throes of Wave X about to hit us in it’s fullest capacity … although, I am aware you have not given a date , yet you say we shall notice great changes by the end of the year. I am excited to channel today … wondering what message you shall bring through.

And you are aware instantly, that the Energy coming through is telling you we would prefer once again to bring our message through via your voice channel … providing this is agreeable with you?

Of course … and probably agreeable with the birds outside, who usually add harmony to the piece. Many thanks.

Thank you so much … The Energy coming through was so BEAUTIFUL … I was struggling not to dissolve into tears! THANK YOU. I KNOW I speak for us all when I say WE LOVE YOU.

The Transcript

Greetings once again, Dearest souls of Planet Earth … who have chosen to listen to these messages via the lady Blossom … that we have chosen to use as ‘Our Voice’ in this manner … And we have chosen well … we would say.

So, we would inquire as to your well-being these days? Is it … as the lady Blossom suggested at another time … of a flatness within your Being? A lack of enthusiasm? A lack of lustre for the awakening morning? Is that how your Being is FEELING?

Or, is it Dearest Ones … that your heart beat is connecting with a Higher Energy that is entering into your Planet Earth in these very moments that you are listening to our communication?

Either way … either way, Dearest Ones, we ask you to accept that you are connected to this Higher Wave of Energy that is passing through. You may FEEL it on a particular level … depending on the level of Vibration that you are resonating with at the time.

Yet, we do not wish you to misunderstand our wording. For some that have been on their Awakening journey for many a year … and yet now … at this time … maybe FEELING particularly flat … This does not mean that you shall miss out on the Higher levels being able to penetrate into your Being … to be absorbed by your Being .

For the level that you have reached within your spiritual self … remains upon that level always. You cannot drop down a level … and then another. You remain within the level you have reached … and you reside within that level for as long as it takes.

The lady Blossom … is asking us ‘For as long as what takes?’ And we say ‘For as long as it takes your Being to understand ALL that resonates within that level … for there are many levels within that level.’

We have spoken of this before … And only when you feel that your head … the crown of your head … is pushing through … pushing through the ceiling … in order to break through … because you are ready to move into the next level … Only then … shall you be able to do so.

Yet, Dearest Ones … this Energy … this profound Energy … that is pouring through into your Planet as we speak … shall enable many to push through … to allow themselves to lift into … not one level Higher, but for some of you … three or four or five.

So, do not despair that one’s heart is FEELING a little despondent at these times and has been for a while … because, as the lady Blossom inquired … also in another communication … the emptiness that one has been FEELING has indeed emptied one out … allowing this Higher Energy to fill your Being … through and through.

Do you see? Do you understand? To fill your Being with a much HIGHER PURER ENERGY OF LOVE THAT YOU ARE.

The difference you shall FEEL as your days continue … through to the end of the year and onwards … shall give your heart the KNOWING that the journey you have been walking for so very long … was worth every step.

It was worth the times when you could skip and hop and jump in the sunshine … in leaps and bounds, it felt at times. Laughing in joy … in Love.

It was worth every step … where you felt you had to drag your feet … encumbered by a ball and chain through the mire … through the thickness of the mud and yet, Dearest Souls … you marched on … You bravely soldiered on … because the KNOWING OF WHO YOU ARE … made you continue. Because that KNOWING OF WHO YOU ARE … bought you into these times … that you KNEW were waiting here for you.

Do you see? You walked into these times … You came to meet them. They could not come down to meet you … for their level of frequency could not reach such a depth … should we say. Yet, you … in your steadfastness of faith … within ALL … have lifted your Beings High enough to join … to merge … with this Newness … this Higher strength of Love which shall walk with you … into your New Golden Age of Glory.

As we speak … do you not FEEL it within your heart? Within every particle of your BEing … that we speak Truth?

Yes, you do … For IT IS.

We honour ALL of you. Each One of you … that has come to this junction. There is no right or left. There is only straight ahead. Shining Golden Light down upon you … into your Beings. Into every cell that works with Love within your body.

And for those of you that are already FEELING as High as a kite … then we would say you have reached some of those Higher levels and shall continue to move up … but maybe only one or two … for you have already moved into Higher levels … of a few more than you were before.

Rejoice … Rejoice … Re- joyous … Reuniting with Joy … With Peace.

In as through of LOVE … LOVE … LOVE …








EVERYTHING IN EXISTENCE OF ENERGY IS LOVE … Playing with itself … experiencing itself … within different frequencies OF itself … Enabling itself to BE itself.


Lift your BEings via your heart’s FEELINGS … as you listen to the Vibration of the sound of our words.

Put a smile upon your face.

Shine Diamond Light through your eyes … so that ALL you look upon … sparkles with LOVE.

ALL that you look upon … sparkles with LOVE from the LIGHT that shines through your eyes. From the LOVELIGHT that flows from the beat of your heart … that is connected to this Higher Energy flowing into the Dearest Deepest part of Mother Earth … That NURTURES YOU … That LOVES YOU.

And in return … you give of yourself. You receive of Each other … You connect as ONE … as LOVE.

Prepare your Beings … as you have been doing since you arrived on this Planet … for these glorious days ahead.


WE THANK EACH ONE OF YOU … FOR TRUSTING IN YOURSELVES … and through that TRUSTING … comes the KNOWING … through the FEELING … that YOU … YOU alone … have accomplished that which you came here to do … and from now on … it is plain sailing … as you would say. As you allow the breeze to catch your sails and move you ever forward … continuing on … always … into a Higher Brighter part of yourselves … a Higher Brighter part of it ALL.

Many thanks.

The Federation of Light: September 24, 2015, channeled by Blossom Goodchild at

Source Link: Blossom Goodchild: Federation of Light

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/26/2015 6:55:33 PM

Life on Earth Is a Gift from God

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God said:

You have the opportunity of life on Earth. It is a gift I give to you. This life I give to you is not a penance. It is an opportunity. It is an opportunity of all possibilities. It is not to be taken for granted. This gift of life is not given to you to be an imposed sentence. Have you somewhere along the line had the idea that you are in servitude to a difficult life?

How different your life would be if you will carry the idea that life is a blessing. Keep this idea close to you, and you will reap benefits. For one thing, you will receive life differently. You will become a boon to your life and exhilarated about it.

Life in the world is a treasure. Life is to your advantage. Have respect for your God-given life. Disregard what you see as impediments. Your purpose here on Earth is not to grumble at its disparities. True, life on Earth may not always be your cup of tea. You may see life as bitter. Dear ones, drink the Goblet of Your Life as a champion downs his delicious protein drink. You are not meant to deny yourself.

I cast you as a leader. Show the way to yourself, and you will show the way to others. You were never intended to be downtrodden. When life doesn’t give you what you want, shrug your shoulders if you must, and then lightly keep going toward the sun. You cannot dispute that the sun also shines. Bask in it. Bask in the sun. Drink the rain, and bask in the sun.

Move through the hay fields.

Life is not to be endured. It is to be lived. Live it then. Whatever you do, honor the gift of life. Make your life your own. Thank your lucky stars for life. Bless your life.

Look, you did not arrive on Earth randomly. I did not close My eyes and chose you with my eyes closed. No, I said, Come, My beloved. Come to Earth for the good of the world. Be an angel on Earth and serve. Don’t mind so much the clouds, for they also serve. Obstacles are in the mind.

You may have responded:

“But, God, obstacles will injure my heart. They will be hard for me to withstand. Not everything can be right with the world, and I will not always know how to make my way in it. God, You have never worked for a living. You have not experienced stress. You, on Your mountain, do not know what life on Earth as a human being is while I have some recollection.”

And I say to you with My hand on your budding shoulder:

I send you onto a new journey in the world. I will be with you every moment and follow you, and you will follow Me. I am a Guide to you, and yet you are your own diviner. Sometimes you may trip up, or life trips you up. At the same time, the same life as you see it, you can see it differently. You ride a tour bus, and sometimes the bus you ride on gets stuck in the mud or gets a flat tire, or is too hot or too cold, or even goes in a direction you thought was not for you.

And, sometimes, it is as if the bus flies, and you find yourself the pilot, and you tip the wings, or the bus sails and cuts neatly through the seas. Sometimes, life as a boat leaks, and you bail water. You give service to the Universe. You serve. You will serve well.

You are a good sport. There is always something to love around the corner. And, if not this corner, the next.

Yet, let Me remind you, that you have a choice of what you make of what you see. In life in the world, there is more than the this and the that. Choose. Take your pick.

Will you do this for Me? Will you make your Free Will fully Good Will?

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/26/2015 7:07:05 PM

Friday, September 25, 2015

Gaia Portal - “Hostilities” have ceased

Openings for Higher Galactics are cleared.

Effective “landings” now approved.

Sentience is recognized for “observations”.

Hominids and Galactics, in Unison, uplift humanity

Stars of Silence flash.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/26/2015 7:10:35 PM

Lady Quan Yin via Natalie Glasson: The Shift at the Core of the Earth

ladymasterquanyin2Upon the Earth when in existence in human form, there are certain qualities which are required to be continuously present within your being, to support the wellbeing and happiness of your reality. The greatest of these qualities is trust in the Creator.

You exist within a reality which is challenging for you to grasp and understand. Many things occur within the universe of the Creator and upon the Earth without your influence, input or understanding.

It seems as if there is a continuous, almost automatic energy, which ensures everything continues to exist, grow and flow both within your physical body upon the Earth, and within the Universe of the Creator.

You can most easily recognise this within your physical body which continues to live, breath, think and move, it would seem automatically, without any major input from you. Whether you realise it or not, you as a soul and spirit trust your physical body to continue to exist until it is no longer required.

Yes, sometimes the physical body is hindered through illness, injury or disease, and yet, this was not created by the physical body – more so by your mind and emotions retaining painful memories or beliefs which attack the physical body and obstruct its natural rhythm and harmony. However, there is a continuous nature to your physical body which you believe in, this is the same for the Universe of the Creator.

Although you cannot completely understand the workings and purpose of the Earth and the inner planes, there is a knowingness within you of trust, which recognises that as we all move through energetic shifts, harmony and equilibrium will be maintained and all will be safe and cared for. This is a profoundly powerful energy within you which is required to be enhanced and empowered at this time of ascension.

Fear is the opposite of the energy of trust, created from lack of understanding and an attachment to insecurity. This is born from the illusion that you have to know about everything in order for it to continue to work smoothly. You can never understand how balance is maintained within the Universe of the Creator, how the Earth receives the appropriate energy upgrades, and how your body continues to live day after day.

Even without your understanding these things continue to occur. In many ways there is a need to detach, realising that whether you are present or not everything within the Universe of the Creator continues and yet you have the power to imprint, activate and expand energies to enhance the experiences for yourself and all. The only way to enhance the energies of the Creator is to first enhance your trust in the Creator to take care of everything.

‘Lady Quan Yin and the loving Universe of the Creator, I invite you to empower the natural presence of trust within my being and soul. I trust in myself, my abilities and the wellness of my reality. I trust in the Creator that all is appropriate and perfect upon the Earth and the inner planes.

‘Please empower my trust. Even when fear and insecurities rise from within me and situations on the Earth encourage me to not believe in the presence of the all loving Creator, I invite my inner trust in the perfection of all things to be enhanced, empowered and energized.

‘Please support me in easily healing/releasing all fears and insecurities, so that the vibration of trust in the Creator can pulsate vividly throughout my entire being and be projected into my experiences and reality. I allow this healing to take place with trust and faith in my heart. Thank you.’

Take a moment to observe your body and the healing energy flowing into your being. Place your hands at your heart chakra to feel the presence of trust growing. Imagine it as a magical energy flowing throughout your body and aura, empowering, cleansing and harmonising your being with the Creator.

I, Lady Quan Yin, wanted to remind you of your natural vibration of trust in order to encourage you to surrender your entire being to the Creator. When trust is recognised and enhanced it is far easier to surrender, or in other words to unify yourself, with the Creator. Surrendering is to let go of all obstacles and boundaries you are holding onto which may hinder your unity with the Creator, in order to set yourself free to harmonise more fully with the Creator.

This itself is a healing and deep awakening process. It is to bare yourself before the Creator detaching from any objects, ideas, concepts, wants or past experiences. You do not physically need to cast them aside. It is an energetic surrendering which allows you to see the reflection of the Creator within yourself. The Creator can always see the truth of your being. However there is a need for you to recognise the truth of the Creator within your being which can take place through energetic surrendering.

Now is the time for surrendering to the Creator as great beams of light from the core of the Creator intensify and climax their grounding into your being, the core of the Earth, and humanity. The energy of the Goddess supported by the Crystalline Consciousness and Light has been anchoring for a few months. Now it comes to a climax and the true energy and consciousness which is required to be imprinted and activated within you, the Earth and humanity, is present.

When an energy anchors from the Creator it first sends energies of cleansing and purification as preparation. Then the energy required to anchor begins to flow. Finally, after you have aligned consciously or unconsciously with the energy, the core and sacred truth of the energy is able to anchor.

Now is the time that the core and sacred truth of the energy you have been consciously or unconsciously working with for several months is anchoring. This is why I invite you to empower your trust and to focus upon surrendering to the Creator as a healing can take place which will accelerate your trust and freedom from fear. The Goddess energies are anchoring to bring forth greater love, nourishment of the soul and further creative conscious expression of the Creator.

‘Lady Quan Yin and the Universe of the Creator, during these times of high light and Creator consciousness impact upon the Earth and my being, I invite you to support me in surrendering all that I am to the Creator. I free myself from all burdens and boundaries, from all fears and insecurities, so I may allow myself to harmonise and unify my energies with the Creator.

‘I am ready to allow my inner Creator truth to rise from within me. To recognise the Creator within my own being, as I meet and connect with the Creator’s energies on a deeper and in a more expansive way. I am ready to heal and to allow the energies of the Goddess to touch the very core of my being and soul, activating supreme Goddess vibrations from within me simultaneously.

‘I accept myself as a greater love, I accept my soul and allow it to be nourished, I choose to accept and actively experience creative conscious expression of the Creator. I allow a shift to take place at the core of my being knowing and trusting that this shift is healing, transformational, inspiring and guided perfectly by the Creator. Thank you. And so it is.’

As a core shift is taking place within your being, this is also reflected in all other areas of your reality and throughout the universe of the Creator. Therefore, within the core of Mother Earth a similar shift is taking place, a climax of energies Mother Earth has been patiently waiting to receive.

For Mother Earth, who holds the creation energies of the Goddess, as she was formed supported by these energies, amongst others, and is present to carry Goddess encoding from the Universe of the Creator. This is a very powerful activation which moves her energies to connect with new dimensions. It unlocks sacred wisdom and information from the core of the Earth which may take several years to be downloaded and accepted by humanity.

It is as if Mother Earth is inhaling, and as she exhales she is showering the Earth and humanity with treasured sacred gifts for all who are ready and willing to receive. Mother Earth through this process is also dissolving many fears and insecurities which have gathered in her consciousness and body, previously anchored by humanity. This is a beautiful process for Mother Earth of healing, as it is a chance for unneeded energies to be dissolved and the truth of the Creator to be further embedded and activated.

It is time to receive the benefits of all the effort and dedication you have placed upon your healing, spiritual evolution and ascension, as a shift is occurring within the core of your being and the core of the Earth. A shift which removes a shadow of fear and showers you in blessings of the Goddess. The Goddess Beings only ask that you are open, ready and willing to receive.

From the core of the Creator, the core of the Earth and the core of your being, the Goddess Consciousness will begin a recoding of your being to align you with the Creator and to further allow the Goddess energies to transmit through your being. The Goddess beings have much to share, anchor and transmit in the future of our ascension, as they begin to recode all to further create the Era of Love upon the Earth.

The recoding of the Goddess Consciousness at this time offers a greater sense of freedom spiritually, which can be experienced as expansion, ease of flow, the manifestation of perfection, realization of self, or greater trust in abilities.

‘Lady Quan Yin and the Universe of the Creator, I wish to support the shift occurring now within the Core of the Earth. I send my healing energy and support to Mother Earth at this time. I am present to support in any way you feel is appropriate, so please guide me through my soul and intuition.

‘I am ready and open to receive the blessings, Goddess Consciousness and Goddess recoding from the core of Mother Earth to support my ascension and the spiritual evolution of all. Lady Quan Yin and the Universe of the Creator, please support the core of my being in its activation and shift as I reflect the shifts occurring within Mother Earth within my own being.

‘I allow the Goddess Consciousness and recoding from the core of the Creator to activate from within my being to nurture my soul, release the shadow of fear, encourage conscious creative expression, greater communion with love and a new sense of freedom. I am ready to surrender to the shift taking place upon the Earth and within my being, I trust in the Creator to manifest perfection in my reality. Thank you.’

Every moment is a period of great spiritual evolution, these are experiences to cherish.

Lady Quan Yin

“Lady Quan Yin: The Shift at the Core of the Earth,” Channelled through Natalie Glasson, September 24, 2015, at

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/26/2015 7:11:57 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday September 26, 2015

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Dear Ones, your true essence, your beingness, is the greatest gift you can give yourself, others, and your planet. It is through embracing your divinity, your truth, that you support and anchor the beautiful alignment between Source energy and earth. That creates a stabilization and balance that serves the whole. Do you see? It has never been about doing, it has always been about being, and your beingness is so spectacular, so authentically powerful, that it is driving the profound shift on your planet in these right Now moments. That is how magnificent you are. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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