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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/19/2015 6:39:16 PM

Find Your Purpose and Help the World


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

We have a purpose for being in this world, and it has nothing do with working our lives away for money. The rat race keeps us from our purpose, because our jobs keep us too busy to pursue a life of meaning unless we want to be extremely busy. If we’re led away from what we’re supposed to be doing, we’ll never contribute to the world in a big way and the controllers will have the distracted society they want.

Our purpose is unique to us, and it involves our talents and passions. To discover it, we only need to look to the things we enjoy and the things we’re good at and figure out how we can use them to inspire change, inform people about spirituality, etc. It isn’t difficult, and we’ll make it harder than it needs to be if we fail to see what’s right in front of us.

Have Fun with It

For most of us, our purpose is to do something we enjoy, have fun with it, and use it to inspire change in some way. You can inspire change however you want, and it doesn’t have to be specific to any movement, political opinion or belief system. It can be a simple as showing love and kindness to everyone you meet (which can still be done if you work a nine-to-five), and while it doesn’t sound like much, the world is in desperate need of unconditional love.

If there’s something you’re passionate about, you can use it to help the world in one way or another. Everything we do in life either helps or hurts the world, and no matter where we focus our attention – writing, music, politics, spirituality – we can use it in a positive or negative way. We can use it to inspire love, compassion and open-mindedness, or we can use it to spread greed and hatred.

We might be inspired to use our talents to help others when we understand this, and it’s liberating to think that we can bring light to the world in any way we want.

Take Some Risks


Discovering our passion makes us want to live with a sense of purpose, but it requires us to take risks. One of the biggest risks is the threat to our finances that our pursuit of our purpose could pose, and we take a gamble in the beginning because we aren’t sure if we’ll financially succeed. We’ll be glad we took the risk if we do succeed, because we’ll live in a way that most people only dream of.

We’ll be able to pay our bills with work we enjoy, and this’ll give us more of a reason to use it to help others. We’ll be infinitely grateful for the opportunity, and we’ll never forget that we gave ourselves this opportunity by taking a risk and going for it. Once we gain a fair degree of financial success and we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our work will support us, we can start saying things that really matter.

There’s a chance that society might recognize us in some way by this point, and we can use whatever fame we’ve accumulated to wake people up, inspire them to use their voice, and most importantly, focus more on our work and what we want to do in life. I write out of a sense of purpose, and my role is to share my feelings about spirituality and a new way of life (along with what I hope to be a positive vibe) in the form of writing.

I write to uplift and hopefully awaken people, and I can’t imagine a life that isn’t lived with purpose. The most notable spiritual revolutionaries from the past and present were on a mission from day one, and they saw success as a sign that it was time to kick their work into high gear. It’s easy to be inspired when we know we’re only reaching a few hundred or thousand people, but if years go by and our popularity increases, we’ll need to understand that despite what we’ve done up to that point, this is where the real work begins.

We’ll be in an increasingly significant position to wake the world up when we start to reach more people, and if we continue to live with the sense of purpose we had when we started, our reach will expand as we hit our true creative sweet spot and uplift the masses with our inspired work and the love and awareness that drive it.

Expect Setbacks


Working with a sense of purpose is great, but it also has its setbacks. Beyond requiring us to take risks, it can also make us push ourselves or even burn ourselves out because of our drive to do as much as we can in our short time in this world. We shouldn’t push ourselves too hard or put so much of ourselves into our work that we don’t have any energy left for other aspects of life, and while it might sound noble, it causes us to neglect our needs.

Don’t get me wrong – we should push ourselves a little so we can get better and reach more people, and it’s healthy to see how far we can take something. In doing so, however, we shouldn’t overdo it or make ourselves miserable because our work means little if we don’t have fun while we do it. If we don’t remember to enjoy ourselves, our work will become dull, hollow and inspired by little more than our self-appointed responsibility to do it.

Even if our intent is genuine, people won’t respond well if we slowly become bitter because we pushed ourselves too much. We don’t want to live that kind of life anyway, and most of us want a life of love, passion and fulfillment. The best way to find this fulfillment, in my opinion, is to find work we enjoy that feels more like meditation so we can replenish ourselves while we do it.

Look Within


Our purpose is here, waiting to be sought, and we only need to look within to find it. We’ll know what it is when we discover our passions, and as long or hard as the road could be, we’ll know we need to dedicate ourselves to it if we want to contribute to this new world. We don’t have to try too hard in the beginning, and we can slowly approach the work of our choice and gradually get better at it before going public with it.

If we have love, we genuinely want to help the world and we can persevere in the hardest times (the times that drain our self-confidence and make us want to give up), we’ll get through all of the hardship and find success. It won’t be easy, but this life isn’t worth much if we don’t challenge ourselves and remember to have fun with our work.

Let’s figure out our purpose and pursue it, along with anything else we feel inspired to do, because the world’s getting ready to wake up and we can all be there to encourage the masses to arise. The world needs people who are dedicated to sharing love and raising awareness, and finding our favorite way to contribute will excite us to wake up every day and help humanity.

Not to mention that we’ll inspire others, and before we know it, a significant portion of the world will be awake and ready to work toward a positive future.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/19/2015 6:44:44 PM


Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A message to lightworkers ~ September 18, 2015

The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends!

We are glad to have the opportunity to speak with you again today.
You are noticing the powerful energies now flowing to the Earth, and feeling the changes on every level of your being.

This sounds perhaps a bit cliché. And yet look at your lives.

Notice the areas of your everyday living where you are no longer so hard on yourself.

Notice where you are more easily able to give thanks for the abundance that so constantly flows to you, regardless of your outer circumstances.

Notice how you no longer desire to be in an ego-based struggle with others. How you release judgment of others and yourself.

And how you wish only to fulfill your purpose, to laugh more, to love fully, to eat purer foods, to sleep restfully.

Certainly these have not been your main concerns in past lives, excepting only those lives where you were granted the chance to concentrate on these, and those have been few indeed.

In other words, you have begun to create your life from the inside to the out, rather than the reverse, which you were taught from the cradle onward.

You see now the thorough truth of the matter—that there is no “matter,” whether physical object or outer circumstance.

All is energy, in the sense that all belongs to an endless stream of Life and living. All belongs to the ongoing experience of the soul and its desire to see more, experience more, and be more.

Unending expansion—this is why you came, and what you are here to celebrate.


And now these energies are giving you the wave of forward movement to ride upon, so that you are able to do that very thing.

Are there still areas of your life where you feel to be struggling?
Where you worry that the bills will not be paid, the children will not behave wisely, the politicians will never “come clean”?

Are there still times when you see the images of the refugees on your television, and hear of natural disasters or other calamities, and despair that the Earth shall ever be free?

You have waited long enough, you feel—and so where is this great change?

And we will not surprise you by saying that this great theatre that is playing out all around you, this beautiful illusion that is physical life, was not written by someone else.

You are the one to rewrite it, if you are not happy with the script or the story as it plays out now.

And indeed you are rewriting it. We see daily that you require clarity, truth, honesty, and an end to the violence, in ways that would have been unthinkable fifty or 100 years ago.


We see you creating with these empowering energies not only a new Earth, but a new life and a higher consciousness within you.

And we see you remaking the very material of which your physical bodies are made.

For it is the crystalline structure you take on now, moving out of the carbon-based matter humankind has for so long existed in.

What is it, to become made of Light?

It is to be release the belief in separation. To release the need for survival and all that fear engenders within you.

It is to take on the characteristics of the higher self—to release ego in the sense not of forgetting the individual self, but of releasing the fear and pride of the lower self.

For millennia, you have sought merely to survive.

You have lived in communities where community or family locked their door against all others.

And you will perhaps have compassion for the belief in the need for separation, in the need for belief in lack and the impermanence of life, as during those many centuries, your Earth was a place of very low density.

You lived as you felt you had to live in those times, and still those survival instincts, fears, worries, and separations exist in you, believing they are needed, and that they serve the purpose of keeping you alive.


And yet we would say, there has now come a time when you have chosen to release this survival form of living, which is found even amongst those of you who have many millions of dollars.

Survival is an energy more than a lifestyle, and it is one you are releasing now, in the midst of these very high and fine vibrations coming to the Earth plane.

She receives such gladly, even knowing the sudden movements and disturbances that Her land, air and seas experience as they release the toxicity of the old Earth, in favor of a higher form of living.

You as well have felt these disturbances—not to be swallowed up by them, but only to allow them to bring you to a time of cleansing the old toxicity and the old lower vibrations out of your own hearts, minds, and bodies.

And so as you view these changes, and feel them powerfully running through you, know that these strange electric frequencies are not here to engulf you, to harm you, or to take you from what has in the past kept you safe and well.

They are here to open the door to your heart of hearts, and say, “Allow us to show you how you look, living in Joy. Living in Peace. Living in the Love of your Divine aspect.”

“Allow us to show you what you are capable of building, of experiencing, of being. And know that your Angels and guides are with you at every moment, and that many trillions of higher beings cheer you on in this extraordinary Ascension moment.”


For it is so, that even the smallest child refugee, seemingly frightened at what they are experiencing, is a great and higher Being of Light, caught up in the whirlwind that is a planet Ascending.

And so look up, and know we are with you.

Look up, and see your soul and Divine Self, pouring out their Love for you.
For how could it be that you would travel this path alone? You never have, and you never shall.

Namaste, friends! Know that you do not merely walk the Rainbow bridge to Ascension.

Your beautiful energies are the Bridge itself.

Copyright 2015, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/19/2015 6:54:46 PM

Celestial White Beings and Archangel Michael via Natalie Glasson: The Journey of the Divine Human

BuddhaUnderTreeCelestial White Beings: All periods of Ascension upon the Earth are both beautiful and magnificent. However, the point of Ascension which has been reached by humanity currently is intriguing and interesting, for both souls on the Earth and the inner planes, to observe and witness.

As you know, the Crystalline energies are creating a surge of light, which they are linking into the Earth and all of humanity to create powerful purification and processes of release, where habits, patterns and lessons of growth which have been present throughout numerous lifetimes are being erased and completed, in order to bring forth new energies from within your being.

The new awakening of energy from within your being and soul signifies a new phase of existence for all upon the Earth. In truth, the creation of a new reality.

It is important to remember that your reality is not outside of you. It is created from within your being from your consciousness, beliefs and perspectives.

The creation of a new reality doesn’t mean that the world around you will suddenly be transformed and new. It signifies that your consciousness, beliefs and perspectives will alter and shift, giving the impression, as well as allowing you, to recreate and recognise your reality outside of you in new ways.

While the Crystalline energy is paving the way for transformation, the Goddess energy is more fully awakening within the universe of the Creator and within your own being, bringing forth Her creativity and wisdom to inspire healing and the new awakening of energy from within. The Goddess energy is encouraging you to recognise yourself with new fresh eyes as a greater manifestation and expression of the Creator.

It is your purpose on the Earth to express the Creator. It is a mission which fills all with joy and fulfilment because it is your natural existence to be in unison and oneness with the Creator, whatever label you use to define the Creator. The Goddess energies are encouraging you to remember the beauty of the Creator so it may reform in your consciousness and being, therefore being projected into your reality.

With these two sacred energies and the support of the Universe of the Creator, the time of the Divine Human is dawning and manifesting upon the Earth from the souls of many. It is time to recognise yourself as a Divine Human, which signifies that your physical body is transforming to be unified with all aspect of your soul and the Creator.

Most importantly you are being invited, and are already letting go of, the human aspect and consciousness of your being. This is not to let go of the physical body. More so, it is to release the human consciousness, perspective and awareness, to replace it with a divine consciousness which will manifest in harmony with your physical body. Your physical body in the coming years will alter dramatically as it takes on more light and merges extensively with your soul and the Creator.

This can be labelled Ascension or Enlightenment and yet it is something which has very rarely been experienced on the Earth before – the merging and marriage of the physical body with the divine essence. You are already experiencing this. You know you are a soul in a physical body. However, greater aspects of the soul will download into your physical body causing your body to advance, becoming its greatest potential. This means your body will no longer be restricted developing new abilities, skills and freedom.

Archangel Michael now wishes to share with you a story which highlights the transitions you may have made in the past and how these are still relevant. Archangel Michael is also sharing with you the journey which is being taken by all to become a Divine Human upon the Earth; the marriage of the Divine Consciousness with the physical body, which is transforming into a divine physical body. There are many messages of growth within Archangel Michael’s story so please enjoy.

Archangel Michael: A soul so beautiful, powerful and radiant manifests into a physical body on the Earth. We will label the soul Joseph, allowing the soul to take a physical male form. Joseph is now a fully grown adult and has spent much time discovering and learning about the world that exists on the Earth.

The light that was so bright at his birth still remains, but Joseph is no longer aware of this aspect of his being; his mind and aura have been filled with other ideas, distractions and desires. Joseph feels that there is something missing from his reality. He longs for something, but cannot pin point what it is that he misses so much. He feels sadness inside of him even when he is happy and his life is going well.

Joseph decides that he must allow himself to escape and to embark on a journey. He doesn’t know where he will go or what he will do, but the freedom gives him a feeling of exhilaration and excitement. He decides that although he wishes to travel, he will walk everywhere so that he can be reliant only on himself.

Joseph begins to pack some bags, unaware of how long he will be gone or where he will go. He packs many items of clothing and tools to help him survive, and even books to amuse him on his journey. He leaves his home laden down with bags, but he cannot feel their weight.

His enthusiasm is carrying him forward, and his knowingness that he will need all of these items allows the bags to feel extremely light. He begins to walk with a spring in his step. He is not sure where he is going but decides to be creative in his decisions.

Gradually the bags begin to become a burden, his enthusiasm has waned and he begins to curse the bags, and himself for bringing them. He no longer feels free, but tied down, just as he had felt before he left.

He sits down and begins to rummage through his bags, throwing out unnecessary things until he has one small bag that holds the basics of what he will need to survive. He leaves his unneeded items at the foot of someone’s door with a note telling them to take what they wish and share the rest.

Again his enthusiasm has risen. After a long day of creative decisions he finds himself by a river and decides to rest against a tree. He brings out his book and begins to read, completely entering into the fantasy world of the book. The wind begins to weave through the trees at the river side, blowing his book across the ground. He leaves the book and huddles into his clothes for warmth.

Joseph has very few belonging and the day is growing dark. He begins to wonder why he wanted to escape his reality, and why he thought that the reality he has created for himself now would be any better than his previous reality. He still felt as if he was carrying so many bags, so many burdens, and wondered if there was any beauty, freedom and excitement in the Earth’s reality for him to experience.

The wind continued to weave roughly through the trees as Joseph held tightly to his body and clothes for warmth and comfort. He felt as if the wind was speaking to him although he heard no voice.

The wind was demonstrating to him that he needed to let all his burdens be blown away from him. Joseph began to think about all the things he had done which he felt ashamed about, and just let them be blown away by the wind. Then he contemplated all the times he had experienced pain and sadness allowing all these emotions and energetic wounds to be carried away on the wave of the wind.

He wondered what else there was for him to let go and realised that he must send his forgiveness on the wave of the wind to the people he blamed for hurting him or doing wrong to him in the past, when he had allowed himself to be hurt. Already he felt his body was so much lighter, and he could feel the sadness that had been with him always being eased and yet the wind still blew with vigour around him. He challenged himself as to what was left to let go.

He realised he had already detached from the people around him by even embarking on this journey, he still loved them deeply but knew now that if he had to be on his own, he would be perfectly happy and could look after himself.

Still holding tightly to his body he realised something that needed his attention. He had to let go of himself. He had to let the wind carry away all his perceptions of himself, the ideas he had formed about himself, good or bad, the way in which he spoke to himself, the things that he loved and hated about himself, as well as his dreams and desires for the future which he had built in his mind from the influences of his personality and of other people.

He slowly began to release his tight grip on himself physically and energetically. He was happy for big chunks of himself to be carried away from him and waited eagerly to see what would remain.

He broke down into floods of tears. It was hurting so much to release certain ideas of himself, but he was also filled with so much joy and freedom. He realised that he had been waiting all his life to achieve this and knew that it was something he would continue to achieve in his future.

Falling asleep he drifted into a dream of a tree shooting from the soil of the Earth. He watched as the tree grew and grew in strength and character. The tree was tied to one spot for its life and yet it held such freedom within its reality.

He then felt himself as a tree shooting from the Earth’s soil right next to the first tree. He could feel worry in his body that he was growing too close to the other tree. He became taller and taller and his anxiety built. Then the wind blew once more and reminded him to let go of his anxiety and to just observe. Joseph allowed the wind to carry his anxiety and worry away. To his amazement, as a tree, he began to merge with the first taller tree.

As he slipped into the tree’s energy and consciousness he realised he had accepted a tremendous freedom within his being. Although he couldn’t move from his location he felt strong and free from burdens. He felt clear inside his mind, heart and emotions. Nothing bothered him anymore. He understood he didn’t have to be like other people. He didn’t need to have what others created. He could just be himself and be happy in the reality he creates for himself.

He knew if any energies, thoughts or emotions rose within him to challenge the freedom and peace he had created, he could just ask the wind to carry them away as long as he was ready to give them to the wind. He appreciated he could live happily with many things around him or he could live basically.

Joseph also grasped that if it started to rain, hail or snow, then he would still be happy and outside experiences couldn’t destroy the peace, strength and freedom he had manifested within him. The freedom brought about tremendous joy which only filled him with even more courage in his convictions.

A bright sun shone down on him as he existed as a tree. He had taken on all the consciousness of the first tree and now felt a tremendous unity and connection to everything. The sun seemed to continue to shine brighter; it was as if thousands of lights were dancing around him. He imagined himself opening his chest up to the light and allowing the light to flood into his being.

He woke suddenly from his dream. It was morning and he had been asleep all night with his back up against the trunk of the tree. His body felt electrified, buzzing with light. He wondered if it had all been a dream, but remembered the pain as he explored his energy.

A knowingness came from inside of him, ‘You have cut yourself free from the influence of Humanity’s Consciousness! You have given yourself freedom to think and feel as you wish, not from your personality or the influence of others but from your soul.

I am your soul and I am here to guide you forward. My mission is to merge with your physical body so completely that we represent the Creator upon the Earth in a sacred physical body, with divine emotions and consciousness. We are manifesting the Divine Incarnate so we may inspire all to remember their truth, thus achieving the same for themselves.

Let us now embark on the real journey together. In your dream you merged with a greater tree, that was me, your soul, we are one Joseph.

Observe your body, it is charged with light and transforming beyond your imagination. Observe your heart and mind, they are open and clear, as the consciousness of the Creator penetrates. My energy is here always to guide you. Remember nothing on the Earth can create an identity for you; your true identity is your soul and the Creator. You know this in your mind, now is the time to experience it!’

Joseph stood up tall and stretched his body, he felt different. What shall we do he asked himself and the answer came instantly.

With divine support,

Celestial White Beings and Archangel Michael

“Celestial White Beings and Archangel Michael: The Journey of the Divine Human,” Channelled through Natalie Glasson. September 18, 2015.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/20/2015 5:33:11 PM

Time Sensitive: Portal 2012 – Sunday Meditation for European Refugees

EuropeFrom Portal 2012 comes an important group meditation on Sunday, September 20th.

There has been a recent development in Europe that needs our urgent attention. The refugee crisis in Europe has escalated:

Therefore it has been requested by the Light forces that as many people as possible support the people in Europe with our meditation. This is time-sensitive and needs to go viral! We need to reach masses of people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. It is time for us to unite in purpose so that Light will be victorious.

Please post this on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can share it with your iphone. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually save human lives in Europe and worldwide:

We will be doing this meditation on Sunday, September 20th at 7:00 pm Central European Summer Time (CEST). This equals 7:00 pm EET in Cairo, 6:00 pm BST in London, 1:00 pm EDT in New York, 12:00 pm (noon) CDT in Chicago, 11:00 am MDT in Denver and 10:00 am PDT in Los Angeles.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to bring peace and healing to the situation in Europe.

Soul Star

3. Visualize a beam of Light emanating from your Soul Star chakra (8 inches / 20 centimeters above your head) into the Soul Star chakras of everybody meditating.

4. Visualize the now collective beam of Light expanding into the Earth energy grid and reaching Europe, connecting with Soul Star chakras of everyone involved in the situation in there, harmonizing them and inspiring them to find a peaceful solution.

Visualize all refugees receiving food, water, shelter, medical assistance and humane treatment. Visualize all refugees and policemen that might turn violent calming down and choosing peaceful solutions. Visualize all members of the dark forces who are trying to infiltrate into Europe posing as refugees, to be recognized as such and detained by law enforcement. Visualize Europe keeping peace and stability that she has achieved in the last 70 years.

It is very important for people involved in situation in Europe to be aware that we will be supporting them with this meditation so that the energy of Light we send will be received and will be able to heal the situation. Therefore it has been requested by the Light forces that you inform your contacts in Europe that we will be helping them with this meditation, using email, Facebook, Twitter and other means of communication. It has also been requested that people in Europe distribute this information within their networks.

Youtube video has already been created for this meditation in English:

And German:

Translations into other languages are needed as soon as possible. Please send your translations to and they will be made into Youtube videos and posted at here.

Updates about Meditation for Europe:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/20/2015 6:13:42 PM

I Have Been Longing for You, God

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Our relationship, yours and Mine, began way back. We did not erupt in this century, although I must also remind you that relative time does not exist except in the mind of man. Time is merely a backdrop to the world. Of course, inasmuch as We exist in Eternity and Infinity, We have been together Eternally and Infinitely.

Our acquaintance is not new. It is more true to say that you become reacquainted with Me. I have an inalterable memory. Your memory flashes on and off, yet you are regaining your memory. Sometimes your memory comes in a flash, and sometimes your memory recollects itself in bits and pieces. I am reminding you that your memory is not new. Your memory is not a flash in the pan. It is immemorial.

For some it may seem as though We have never met. The truth is that We have never NOT met. We have been together always. We have never been apart. We meet every day – no, rather - Our meeting is a constant. We always reverberate.

Yes, however, you are a good forgetter. In the same way as you can’t get some things out of your mind, you also have not been able to let some aspects of life enter your mind. Perhaps you think it would be too much for you, or that you might lose your identity, and you feel that you cannot live without it.

Dear Ones, without Our Identity as One, without your memory of Us, you have been missing out on a great deal of the Preciousness of Life on Earth. Our memory is the memory of count.

Of course, I tell you to let go of the past. I do not, however, tell you to let go of the very Essence of Life. The memory I speak of is not static. It is not of the past. It is, indeed, the Very Present. This is Entirety that you forget. It is your Very Being that you forget. This memory is in your DNA. It is Ever-Present. I exist, and I also exist within your DNA.

DNA is not this mere physical presence. We go deeper than that. You are deeper than skin-deep. You are deeper than your fingerprints. Your DNA also has a poetic aspect, a mystical metaphorical aspect. We go way back, you and I. You know Me very well. Look up. Look up into My eyes. You don't see Me by looking down.

Now, at the same time as you are to seek Me, don’t worry, I am drawing you to Me. I do not leave you there hanging. I will get your attention. I dance before you. I announce Myself to you. Your apparent attendance Me may be gradual, may almost certainly be gradual, yet, suddenly, all at once, you spot Me out of the corner of your eye, and then there is no going back. I, Who have always been in your heart, suddenly appear before you. I, Who have always been here, take center stage. We gaze into each others’ eyes. It is like love at first sight, yet Our love is a love renewed. We have always been close. We have always been One United Heart. You have never been out of My sight, not even once.

And now, as you rediscover Me, your heart says:

“Ah, yes, this is God, the love of my heart and my life. I have been longing for You, God, You, Who were always deep in my heart. Now You are over-powering me with Your Love. You are filling me with Your Love. You, Who tell me not to possess, have possessed my heart. My heart was always Yours. Now Your Heart is mine in my awareness. My consciousness is God's Consciousness. My heart is filled with You, God. Now I take Your heart for my own. Yours, mine, no difference. One Heart beats in the Universe. Thank You, God.”

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: - Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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