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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/19/2015 6:04:11 PM

No First Wave, No Snap, Sanat Kumara Says

sanat-kumaraFolks, this subject is of such general significance that I’m going to leave this post up over the weekend.

I interviewed Sanat Kumara through Linda Dillon this week on An Hour with an Angeland asked him to confirm or deny the date of Sept. 28 for the “first wave” of Ascension. He denied both that notion and the notion that there would be a “snap” on that day either.

The energies are higher now than they’ve ever been and more and more of us will be ascending but we can do that on Sept. 28 or Sept. 17 or November 8. There’s nothing written in stone about the date of Sept. 28.

Apparently more than a third of the planet have already been flying through the Ascension portal and then returning to our “normal” consciousness. Even if we ascended, we don’t disappear from Gaia, Sanat says.

* * *

Steve: Sept. 28 is being said to be the date of the first wave of Ascension even though that probably happened some time ago. Is there going to be something like a discrete snap or ignition on Sept. 28, Raj? …

Sanat Kumara: No, this is not the first wave of Ascension. Many of you have been flying in and out of this portal.

And even if it were the first wave of Ascension, those who go through that portal do not disappear.

The Ascension process is the ability to access, enjoy, manifest, experience the numerically-higher-dimensional realities beyond what you have thought of as linear existence.

The energies that have been penetrating your planet, sweet Gaia, particularly in September but with a very big buildup in August, and many of you will point to events – astrological events, the tsunami of love, it matters not – as we have said, the masters, your star family, the Mother herself, conjoined with the Father, the Archangelics, the Seraphim, the Elohim, all of us have been sending a level of energy to each and every one of you that has been unsurpassed (period). And this has been growing.

Now you as human beings love dates. You do not love disappointment when dates come and go and so from our perspective there are times when dates are given.

The most recent in fact had been Michael’s peace initiative. [This current date] was a message to humanity that on or around that time your frequencies are of an elevated nature, that you may fully engage in the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh Dimension.

And so you may think of it, because people love to mark occasion, that Sept. 28 is as good a date as ever. But let us also say that Sept. 17 is as good a date as ever. November 8 is as good a date as ever. It is a frame, a time frame which you are moving within and the energies are there.

They have been given to all of you. Now this reference to a third will ascend, well, might I even suggest that a third of you – at least a third of you – have already been flowing in and out of the Ascension portal.

So it is to those who are awake, aware and ready, they can say, “Alright, I have my party dress on or my party slacks on. I can go forward.” But let me be clear. You aren’t going anywhere. You’re upon Gaia for the Ascension process. You’re ascending within your form.

Now what we guide you to pay attention, my sweet ascenders, to the expansion of your awareness, of your heart, of the knowing of love, the knowing and understanding of wisdom, of how things truly work and proceed. So it is an opening within that also expresses in the without, in the collective and in your very life.

So is it a moment in time when there is a snap? We would suggest not. The ignition has already been turned on but the value – because we do not wish to nay-say in any form these wonderful channels who have brought this information forward, in their guidance – is to give human beings that indicator that they so long (1)

This material is copyright by Linda Dillon and the Council of Love 2015, Inc., and is used with permission.


(1) “An Hour With An Angel ~ Sanat Kumara on the Process of Ascension,” Sept. 17, 2015, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/19/2015 6:06:19 PM

The Lion and the Mouse

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God said:

You may be a very High Being who has habits and mannerisms and ideas that do not reflect you as the High Being you are. This is how it can be said that the beggar at your door could be Christ. Outside phenomenon do not tell you the whole story. This is one very good reason why to be neither persuaded nor dissuaded by looks or by wealth or poverty or by anything at all.

Information may be one thing or another, may be valid or invalid. Appearances may be one thing or another. Good manners or poor manners may vary. We are speaking of your concepts and your percepts and what they mean to you.

The poorest may be the wealthiest. The wealthiest may be the poorest. Where are you looking, and what is it that you look for?

The most ordinary-seeming personage could be extraordinary. The most extraordinary-seeming personage could be a flash in the pan.

The wisest could be the most foolish. The most foolish could be the wisest, as seen in fairy tales where the know-nothing youngest son is the wisest of all and wins the day because he is innocent and truly sees what is before him. And so it is said: “Out of the mouths of babes.”

A most avid reader could be less aware than someone who does not know how to read. Someone who does not know to read may be better able to see for himself.

Yes, be very careful about getting caught up in judgment. Too often judgment – the conclusions judgment comes to – deny you the great favor of expanded awareness.

It has been said that nothing is what it seems. Hmm, I don’t go that far. Sometimes things are exactly what they seem. What I am doing is making a case for open-mindedness over closed-mindedness.

Truly there are many possibilities between truth and consequences. Be leery of too few choices. The concept of either/or lowers your chances. Be careful of being so sure of what constitutes goodness or what constitutes anything at all.

Remember the fable wherein the lion was about to eat the mouse? The mouse squeaked: “Some day I could be valuable to you.”

The lion roared: “How can a mouse be useful to a lion?”

While the lion roared, the mouse escaped.

Sometime later, the lion was caught in a hunter’s snare. Bound by rope, the lion couldn’t get away. The lion’s helpless roar echoed through the jungle.

The little mouse heard the roar and ran to help the lion. With the mouse’s tiny teeth, he ate through the ropes and freed the lion. Even the tiniest can help the mightiest.

No one knows everything. No one can be sure he is right in every instance. It is possible in the world to be too sure. Who is the lion in the story? He is you.

It is more than the mouse’s teeth that freed the lion. The mouse believed he was not too small to save a mighty lion.

Had the mouse believed he was too small, he might not have run to save the lion. And, of course, had the mouse not escaped the lion, he would not have been alive to save the lion.

Stranger things have happened in life in the world, have they not?

What is not possible in this world when you are open to the possibility? What is not possible even when you may not be open to the possibility?

You do not even know what miracles you may have been part of heretofore. How do you know with certainty that you have not walked on water? Everyone can be a miracle-worker with or without belief.

My human children are very quick to notice their size and to go by it. In fact, animals may not even consider the concept of big or little in the same way as they do not think of wealthy or poor.

Open your heart and mind to greater, and then, guess what, you are greater.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/19/2015 6:08:06 PM

Archangel Michael on Sept. 28, the Ascension Portal, Pillars, and the New Domain

ArchangelMichael Ron HeadI talked to Archangel Michael about September 28 as the date of the first wave of Ascension. He said that people have been ascending and returning for some time now so this is not the first wave. He said that some people like to mark occasion and feel the need for dates so this date was given. But people are ascending all the time now in this heightened energy.

He discusses the situation for pillars and the newness of the domain we’re “going” to (I may need to cease using the metaphor of “going to” because we don’t “go” anywhere).

My mission is to go up with everyone else and write about my experience of it as I go. I therefore usually share more than the next person. I do so in the interests of pushing the ball forward but also in alignment with the requirements of the awareness path for as much transparency as is prudent and possible. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.

* * *

Steve Beckow: Is September 28th the day of the first wave of Ascension?

Archangel Michael: You know that we do not talk about dates. Is the beginning of the “exhale” (1) already started? The answer is yes. So when people wish to choose dates, then this is a good date.

Steve: I am promoting it because so many other people have said it: Matt Kahn, Patricia Diane Cota Robles, SaLuSa. Was Michael Love’s channeling of you credible?

AAM: Yes, it was.

Steve: Oh! Well, you gave a date there!

AAM: Let us say that there are people that are asking and dying for dates. That is not our preference, as you well know.

Steve: I do. I’m just trying to understand it.

AAM: It is the human obsession with, “tell us the date and time.” They would be very happy if we could say 11:11 [p.m.]. It does not serve as well as it might. Let us put it that way.

But because many people will say, “On this day, I will feel better and am prepared to go through,” then we will give a date. But there will just as many who will be saying, “The date came and went and I don’t feel anything”. So it will be a 50-50 split

Steve: As a pillar, do I ascend in the early waves or do I ascend at the end?

AAM: Now let us say to you that you have been flying in and out of this Ascension Portal for some time. There have been various attunements and increases in your frequency and vibrations. This has been the transformative love that you have felt. (2)

As to the pillar, you have an expression, “last man standing.” That is it.

Steve: What does that mean, Lord?

AAM: It means that you wait until the last, until everyone has gone through and you turn out the lights, so to speak.

Steve: Some people are thinking that if a person ascends they don’t come back. If they go to the Fifth, then they’re in the Fifth. They’re not in the Fourth so they don’t have anything more to do. They’re gone.

AAM: That is incorrect.

Steve: Maybe you could address that? I’m sure there are people who want to know about that.

AAM: First of all, many, many of you are already in the Fifth Dimension and have been for some time. Some of you are in the Seventh. Many of you are in the Sixth. You are in the process of shifting.

What you want it to be is a new room, a new closed door. But the reality is that you are flowing back and forth, that you are in movement because you have committed to assist all of humanity.

So are you in a different, what you would think of, as mindset, heart set? Existing in a different dimensional reality that allows clearer flow? Yes.

But it does not eliminate the other dimensions. That would be [restrictive]. And that is not the intention of the Mother’s creation of this planet. It is that you do experience all of the dimensions.

You anchor with Gaia. 
 And many of you are already there. But it does not mean that you have forgotten or you choose never to visit the other realities. It does not mean that you are not aware of the beings of humanity that are still clinging to the old Third that has long since evaporated.

You are thinking of yourselves as unidimensional [rather than multidimensional]. And you are still thinking of it in terms of a hierarchy [rather than a circle]. That is incorrect.

Steve: So it is different environments like Beauty (Tenth Dimension) and Mastery (Eleventh Dimension) and Unity (Twelfth Dimension) …

AAM: That is correct.

Steve: … And different experiences.

AAM: … Different experiences, certainly a broader realm of talents and capacities because the energy is not restricted. But it does not mean that you are stuck anywhere!

Steve: Well, on the other side [i.e., the afterlife], a person that resonates in the Astral Plane cannot go to the Buddhic Plane, for instance, without protection. You just don’t walk onto the Causal Plane or the Mental Plane. Now isn’t it the same case here that a Fourth-Dimensional person cannot just go to the Seventh Dimension and reside there for any length of time?

AAM: That is correct but what you are doing is preparing yourself, expanding your reality, expanding your transformative heart, expanding your understanding of unity, of joy, of bliss, to truly be able to hold and absorb and experience the energies of the other dimensions. So you are expanding and growing into it.

Steve: Is this new? Is the realm that we’re building and taking our physical bodies with us to altogether new?

AAM: Yes, it is brand new.

Steve: … Brand new, and the rules have changed?

AAM: That is correct.

Steve: Okay, we must have another discussion about that on another occasion. I wonder if it will be appropriate to talk to Sanat about that on An Hour with an Angel.

AAM: Yes, it will be very appropriate. …

Let us confuse you a little more. You have already been [through the Ascension Portal]. You see everyone is looking to this wonderful September date as the first wave. It is not the first wave. …

So you have already gone through the Ascension portal with the very first wave.

Steve: I will tell him that [thinking he was speaking of a friend, whose question he was answering].

AAM: You have.

Steve: Steve?

AAM: Steve, X, Y… You have all done it already.

And you did it about 16 months ago. (3)

Now you have come back holding that critical energy, that expanded awareness, each [of the three] in a different expression. But you know very clearly that you have much clearer, broader, deeper, more loving energy field than you did say a year and a half ago.

Steve: Yes.

AAM: So you have flown through, come back, anchored deeply as a pillar holding the energy for the back of the line so that you can move them, move them, move them along.

Then when you feel depleted, you fly back through the Ascension portal because it is wide open to you and then you come back and you anchor again, even more expanded as an anchor, a pillar again, and so on because that has been your soul agreement. That is the nature of your mission and purpose. …

The old Steve does not exist [any more]. Is he in there somewhere? Yes. But have you experienced the add-on, add-on, add-on, add-on [of multidimensionality]…? Yes. (4)

This material is copyright by Linda Dillon and the Council of Love 2015, Inc., and is used with permission.


(1) I apologize that I was not quick enough to ask him what the “exhale” means. Obviously it’s this phase of Ascension.

(2) The experience of transformative love became prominent after a heart opening on March 13, 2015. I assume that was one of the “various attunements and increases in your frequency and vibrations.”

(3) After a rough bump in my life in Feb. 2015, I was in so much of a slump that Archangel Michael says he pulled me through the Ascension Portal for healing and restoration. It happened during my sleep so I have no recollection of it.

(4) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 16, 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/19/2015 6:24:10 PM



Greetings Divine Friends,

The Equinox alignment approaches and you are already feeling the immense possibilities of this energy. Your Divine Self is already facilitating your divine unfolding, in accord with these energies, making use of all that is beneficial for you. Today we share a status update with you, reflecting on Life on Earth as we see it.

First, take a moment now and let yourself orient within to all that you are. Let yourself relax. Close your eyes for a moment and telepathically call upon your Divine Self, the fullness of your being. Invite your Divine Self to be with you as you read this message. Ask your Divine Self to give you a clear and strong sense of inner knowing, letting what is true for you, ring out and strengthen your sense of self and clarity.

The time is unfolding for those of you awakening on Earth when you will live increasingly in accord with the higher realms of your being. This promise of ascension is being furthered by your awakening and your lineage participating with your invitation and attention, in your embodied evolution.

The light that is you knows how to do all of this and is further supported by the planetary Logos — the Buddha, and his cohorts in supporting Earth, the Gautama Buddha, and Sanat Kumara. These benevolent fields of loving energy are devoted to Earth’s return to Oneness and with this allegiance, they continually emanate waves of expanding and enlightening energies to Earth. These transmissions are circulated in the crystalline Earth grid and available via collective consciousness as they are grounded in human energy systems. You can further expand the access of these liberating energies by consciously connecting with the planetary logos and the crystalline Earth grid and intending to receive, integrate, emanate and ground the ascension transmissions.

Life on Earth is accelerating. It is accelerating because the frequency fields of the planet and more and more human beings are increasing. As you build your capacity to hold and emanate more light, you enlarge the potential for life on Earth.

The Divine Self that is the Source of your being here is guiding this entire process. More and more of you have awoken and grown in self-love and so with this, you are more and more aware of the immense value of your expanded self. This shift in self-love that is taking place as more and more people value and cherish their ability to love themselves is a pivotal change. This change in the way you and many others are relating to themselves — with more love — is making the possibilities for expanded consciousness in human form, a reality.

Life on Earth is also expanding. This means that the energy fields of each being are taking up more space. Isn’t that interesting? The sense of Oneness is becoming more available to you as more people are allowing their energy field to expand and in essence, open up. We’re not speaking here of releasing your sovereign, concentrated presence; we’re speaking here to the quality of a human energy field when one is becoming more love-filled. As one becomes more love-filled the quality of this unconditional presence eliminates ideas of safety or protection, fear or need to push others away. With this increasing confidence in one’s inner connection, humans are recovering their capacity to be sovereignly present and open. This is a big shift in your world.

Life on Earth is meant to be experienced as free and with a tremendous sense of adventure. You came here knowing that you would encounter great diversity and that you would be endowed with vast liberties. As you reclaim your inner connection, you learn how to give yourself permission to live with more freedom.

There is tremendous freedom available in your world, and yet most of you have not experienced this. It is your inner ideas and beliefs that have interfered with your capacity to enjoy this freedom. We are overjoyed to witness the release of these limiting ideas and the replacement of them, with more positive and even unlimited thought-forms.

Many of you still have memories within you of the immense love and light you have experienced in higher dimensional experiences and from childhood when these other aspects within the hierarchy of your own consciousness were still accessible. These memories are beginning to return. There is a sense of reconnection occurring between your early life on Earth and your current presence. This is a powerful establishing of your own flow. It is a unifying of your own energy field that is facilitated by your Divine Self and by your expansion.

You are increasingly inclusive and increasingly learning to be unconditional in relationship to your past. You are here to transform the lineage from which your physical form was created and this is beginning to occur as more and more of you are clearing limiting beliefs and seeing the way they ripple throughout your family lineage. As you love yourself, you are transmitting compassion, kindness and loving energy throughout your family lineage. This is revising past points of focus in Earth’s collective timelines and with this resolution Earth’s ascension progress is further accelerating.

As you can tell from what we are sharing, there is great momentum here and all is well. Life on Earth is exquisite, and it is becoming increasingly magnificent. Kudos to those of you orienting to the emerging expressions that demonstrate the truth of your being and the beauty of your inner knowing. You are furthering the life on the leading edge that will expand possibilities for Earth and human beings now and in the future.

During this potent cycle of Eclipses and the Equinox, we invite you to work closely, regularly and with great openness and trust, with your Divine Self. Stay in a state of receptivity and peace. Smooth out any challenging emotions and remind yourself of the temporary nature of things. Any discomfort can be eased by your attitude. How you approach and view your experiences as you well know, is significant. Choose to empower your exploration of the potentials in play, with an elevated, positive mindset, as much as possible.

Lastly, and most importantly, regardless of how life has been for you up until now and even if you are experiencing a lot of wonderful things, choose more good things. Choose and draw to you mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually — all that you wish to experience. Generate a sense of capacity around your ability to imagine and create. Practice this until it feels natural. Practice turning inward and feeling good. Practice thinking about what you want to experience and what you love and what you find beautiful and what you want to receive and feeling your way into alignment with it all.

You are a powerful and amazing being.

All you need is available to you. The world around you is filled with love and knowing in response to your presence. Make yourself available to this level of experience and you will light up with love.

Acknowledge all you have created and received with love. Cultivate feelings of self-appreciation and know as you love yourself you will be able to love all that is.

To your return to Oneness and your birth into light.

I AM Archangel Michael

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/19/2015 6:35:35 PM


Sandra Walter ~ Gatekeepers: Highest Potentials, Highest Outcomes Sep 18, 2015

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
The completion of our two-year project of Equinox – Blood Moon Eclipse Gateways is upon us.Gatekeepers, we have a collective unified opening on Saturday, September 19 and will stay open through the Blood Moon eclipse on the 27th. Every aligned HUman heart is welcome to participate in this Divine Intent of Service. Crystals on the ground, vertical Gateways open wide; including the one in your Solar Cosmic Christed Heart center (the most important for personal activations).
The activations/accelerations are sublimely transcendent (grounding the New). Rays of the wave come through my consciousness (frozen-in-my-tracks moments of *Wow*) and flow liquid light into my fields, stimulating the merge (consistent revelations; how vast we are!) Sharing our stories can wait; focus is key to Highest Outcomes.
I truly Love this phase and the potential it holds for our embodiment. Stay true to the HUman Heart grid as we unleash our best efforts over the next week. The Higher Realms say we are*ready to drop the payload* … as always, it is up to the collective to be prepared, participating, and capable of receiving this Light on behalf of the highest interests of all concerned. On the ground, we create the maximum potential for anchoring this Light. Vibration = Vibration.
Reminder from the last message:
While it is by no means a final gateway, it is interesting to see so many awakened to this project as it reaches completion. This tetrad of Gateways activated the embodiment phase of Christ Consciousness, and for many of you the reality of the Golden Race upon Gaia has become quite vivid.
It is important to stay focused as anxieties – and rampant sensationalism – attempt to distract from this project’s true purpose. Many of you remember the beginning of this tetrad in early 2014; the entrance of energies which would accelerate the Shift for those choosing to Ascend. The completion of this tetrad sends us into a new phase of service work, while simultaneously supporting embodiment of the new consciousness. We are creating something brand new which supports the evolution of consciousness, as well as the dissolvement of that which does not serve a new Universal agenda of uncompromised Peace.
Consistent alignment, adjustment, and flexibility are needed to navigate these unique frequencies entering our Solar system. Understand that the outcome of these more intense passages are dependent upon the foundation you have laid, and your commitment to holding New Light in your consciousness, fields and body vehicle. You have created platforms for those pure I AM Oversoul qualities to stand on. As the amplification grows stronger, it is complimentary to consistently reset your perspective, fields, and activities to keep up with the deluge of New Light.
More direction on the protocol is provided in the last article. Be sure to keep focused, quiet, offline during the Gateway. Balanced meditation will assist with integration and clarity: utilize both passive/receptive meditation (perceiving true revelation) and active visualization style (pure intent/template merge). It is a reap what has been sown passage, and your intentions will be amplified with the New Light influx. Enter the Gate with Divine Intent for Pure Service.
It will be a joy to share our experiences after the work is complete; I AM offline until then. Kindwhile, let us put our Highest Hearts forward! Blessings for a beautiful completion of the tetrad of Equinox-Blood Moon Gateways. I hold you in my Heart.
In Love, Light and Service,Sandra

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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