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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/20/2015 7:28:11 PM

We All Struggle


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I wrote the following for the one hundred and sixty-fifth issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, a paid weekly newsletter I offer for $11.11 a month.

Income from the newsletter helps me get by, and every subscription ensures I can continue to offer free content on the blog. You’ll find the option to subscribe via PayPal at the bottom of this post, and you can head hereto learn about subscribing with a check or cash.

When I look around, I can’t help but see that everyone’s hurting. Everyone’s struggling to get by in this often cold and heartless world, and as much as we all try to put on a happy face for the people around us, we still feel the need to communicate our struggles in hopes that someone will hear us and show us some compassion.

Nobody’s exempt from the pain and heartache that come with living in this world, and heartache is here in abundance. As much as I hate to say it, it doesn’t seem like the pain is going away any time soon and the best thing we can do is try to be there for the people who are hurting even more than us. We’re all hurting, but some people’s struggles are worse than ours and they need compassion as much as we do, if not more.

I wish I could offer a remedy for the world’s pain, and as a spiritual writer with an interest in helping humanity evolve, it hurts deeply to not be able to help people see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes, that light is all I can see because it’s all I allow myself to see. If it weren’t, I might not be able to keep doing the things I’m doing. I might not be so enthusiastic about working for the light, and I definitely wouldn’t be inspired enough to go to all this effort to write every day.

I want more than anything to help the world wake up from this endless struggle and see that there’s so much love here, but most of the world is still cut off from this love, along with the higher realms that contain it in abundance which are nonetheless merging with this reality. I wish I could show people that while life on earth is undoubtedly heartbreaking, pain and heartbreak aren’t the only things this life has for us.

If we try, we can access incredible states of consciousness that remind us that life doesn’t have to be so painful. The purpose of life is for us to (a not take it so seriously, (b enjoy it because we don’t take it so seriously, and (c make the climb back to God and our higher consciousness. While life on earth has been hijacked by people who want to make us work like financial slaves just to get by, which automatically takes away most of its joy, this isn’t its intention.

We aren’t here to struggle and fight with each other. We aren’t here to have so many problems with each other that we can hardly get together without some kind of drama being involved. We aren’t here to be rooted in all of these hateful qualities that are breaking people’s hearts, and we’re caught up in an intricate and convincing illusion that, little do we know, is slowly draining our love and starving us of the light and joy we require.

Somehow, you and I need to restore love in the hearts of humanity. I don’t know how we can do it beyond using love as a tool for personal and planetary transformation, which is easier said than done, but I do know that the world needs us.

Even if people don’t realize or communicate it at the surface, they need our love and compassion. They need someone to listen to their pain and their struggles, and it helps more than we think to lend an ear. We have to become the loving, compassionate force we know is missing from this world, but we can’t do too much in this area because we don’t want it to take too much of a toll on our emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

One of the ways this work takes a toll is when the people we want to help start to make us subconsciously think that our goals, our work and our general outlook on life are too naïve.

Society wants us to think we’re naïve for being so passionate about love and spirituality or thinking we can actually change the world, and maybe we are. Maybe the world needs people who are willing to stick their necks out and be naïve enough to actually make a difference, because the rest of society isn’t about to try.

I’ve had my fair share of emotional blows throughout all of this, and I’m sure I’ll continue to have them. Being in this world and mingling with people whose love, positivity and spiritual awareness seem nonexistent has taken its toll on me, and I often feel like I’m more apart of other people’s darker realities than they are my reality, which is mainly driven by love, spiritual awareness and compassion to the point of self-martyrdom.

I feel forced to go along with what other people say and think simply because I feel so much compassion for them that I don’t want to force my beliefs, my knowledge or my viewpoints onto them, and this leaves me feeling like I don’t have any positive spiritual ground to stand on. Again, it’s all a part of the mission, but it doesn’t make the struggle any easier.

The optimism I approached this work with as an awakening teen is being replaced with the understanding that this is a dark world and most of its people are in unimaginable pain, but despite this, I continue to devote myself to love.

In fact, this ‘new’ understanding of life leads me to embrace love more, because it’s the obvious solution to all of these seemingly unsolvable problems. It’s also what causes us to hurt so much for the people around us who struggle, and my empathy has led to inescapable sadness on more than one occasion.

This mission has caused me a lot of emotional pain lately, and most of it comes from the fact that everyone around me (and again, the world as a whole) is hurting. If they aren’t mad about whatever little things life makes them deal with, they’re in massive pain over the things life has taken from them. Most of them just seem stuck in a negative loop, and no matter how much love I give, they suck it up and convert it right back into the anger and sadness I’d like to help them transcend.

When you realize you can only do so much, you can give yourself permission to back off a little for your own sake. We’re here to uplift people, but we don’t always have to let their pain or negativity drain our love. I think the best way to help the world is with some kind of work (writing, music, etc.) that reaches the people it’s meant to reach, and the people around us will find it if they want. It either will or won’t help them, and we can’t concern ourselves with helping them if they don’t really want our help.

I sincerely want to help the world wake up, rediscover true love and remember that their problems don’t have to be so overwhelming, but when it comes down do it, I can only help so much. At a certain point, I have to walk away, detach from the situation(s) and return to my easel, which happens to be Microsoft Word and/or a piece of notebook paper, for the real work.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t be there for the people who need us, but we have to keep our emotional and spiritual health in mind as we do. This world is downright vitriolic, and I regret that my positive perspective is being slowly replaced by this understanding. It’s based on the things I’ve witnessed and been a part of lately, but if there’s anything good to say about pain or sadness, is that they’re beautiful.

Happiness is beautiful in its own way, but sadness is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever felt and experienced in others. I don’t know how to explain it, but sadness carries its own resonance that, if you can appreciate without being caught up in, you’ll realize is extremely heartwarming. Sadness is like an inverted form of love that contains so much raw emotion that it can’t help but affect you deeply, and it makes us aware of our love.

We wouldn’t be so sad if we didn’t have so much love, and perhaps this is why it’s so beautiful. It illuminates our love and reminds us that it’s there, and it’s been responsible for some amazing creative work throughout history. Despite all of this, I want to help the world get away from its endless sadness by showing the way back to true love, and since pain and sadness are shades of love, maybe humanity is closer to it than we realize.

Let’s keep going and remember to be there for people when they need us, but let’s also remember not to sacrifice our emotional wellbeing in the process. Some sacrifices are inevitable, but we don’t want to lose our openhearted perspective the world or our knowledge of the vibrant states of consciousness that are available in abundance if we can open up.

We’re here to help people, but we don’t want to be emotionally crucified in the process. I don’t, at least, which is why I’m learning to accept the world’s pain and darkness without letting it affect my resolve to work for the light. The mission’s getting harder than ever, but I suppose it’s just so we can learn and achieve even more.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/21/2015 1:23:55 AM

Kill Anxiety And Radically Improve Your Life With Conscious Breathing

Posted ago by
Source: | Original Post Date: April 4, 2015 –


We all must breathe in order to live, but not many of us know how to really breathe.

It’s a bit of a conundrum. Breathing is an automatic bodily process, so most people naturally believe it should be left alone to take care of itself.

It seems counterintuitive and even ludicrous to think that something as simple as breathing could, in fact, dramatically change your day-to-day experience.

But, honestly, it can.

Overcoming Anxiety and Negative Thoughts

I’m someone who occasionally suffers from bouts of anxiety, irrational guilt, and other forms of self-defeating thoughts. I think of these thought processes as psychological trapdoors — they so often spring from nowhere and lead to dark spaces.

If there’s one thing I’ve realized from living inside my mind, it’s that these psychological trapdoors lead to nothing but crippling insecurity and needless suffering.

See, for a long time, I subconsciously believed what many people believe: that worrying a lot about something can actually help the situation. It seems crazy, but most of us engage in this type of activity. We try to think of everything that could go wrong, or we try to analyze and rationalizepast actions or things we perceive to be negative in our lives to justify who we are to ourselves.

It’s possible to spend the majority of your life — years upon years — thinking this way. Doing so, though, is placing yourself in a very literal form of hell on Earth. Over-analyzing and self-criticizing are two enormous burdens. It’s hard to notice how much they weigh you down until you’re able to overcome them, or at least get a handle on them.

The Conscious Breathing Method

What has worked wonders for me in overcoming anxiety and other negative thoughts is learning to be aware of my mind. I actively notice when the first signs of these trains of thought begin to creep in. We all have trigger thoughts — a first thought that leads to a lot of worrying or analyzing — that send our minds on a well-worn route to no-man’s land. I’ve learned mine and recognize them. Try to do the same.

One thing to realize is that these poisonous trains of thought are just begging to be indulged. Unconsciously, we assume that it won’t hurt to analyze the upcoming speech or wonder about the lost love for a little while. However, devoting just a little thought to something gives it much more psychic energy. The more you focus on something, the more it takes root in the mind. Pretty soon, a sapling becomes a Sequoia and you’ve lost your ability to perceive the situation clearly.

So, what I’ve been able to learn to do is to notice as soon as a self-defeating thought-seed enters my mind, and squash it out before it’s able to take hold. Sometimes, I do this by diverting my thoughts to something else, but more often, I simply focus on my breathing.

So, the process looks something like this:

1) Negative trigger idea enters mind.
2) I choose not to devote further thought to it.
3) I choose instead to focus on my breathing.

After focusing on my breathing for, say, 20-30 seconds, the thoughts tend to recede and I can move on with my day, feeling fine.

How to Breathe Consciously

Breathing consciously is surprisingly easy to learn, but it takes practice to be able to do it well. In essence, it means concentrating on nothing but the breath entering and exiting your body.

The mind will fight against this. It wants to think of the thousands of other things we think about every day, so you’ll notice other thoughts creeping in. Just try to push them away — let them fade, dissipate — and return to your breathing.

Here are a few tips:

1) Breathe through your nose – This is the standard in Buddhism and many other schools of meditation.

2) Focus on the outer edges of your nostrils – Also a standard suggestion. Focus on the air moving through the nostrils and filling the body. Focus on it rushing out.

3) Breathe deeply and slowly – When breathing is automatic, our breath is shallow. When breathing deeply and slowly, the effect is more relaxing. This also gives you more to focus on.

4) Breathe from the diaphragm, not the upper chest – Your diaphragm is a muscle located between your chest cavity and stomach cavity. When breathing from the diaphragm, the stomach expands and contracts. This is typically recommended in deep breathing exercises.

5) Imagine something complimentary – I usually imagine positive energy flowing into me when I breathe in, and negative energy leaving when I breathe out. I also sometimes picture an ocean rising when I inhale and falling when I exhale. This is calming for me and may work for you too.

6) Close your eyes and be still – This helps me block everything else out more easily.

A Word on Mindfulness

Another stellar benefit of conscious breathing is that it allows you to be more mindful. Mindfulness is essentially a type of meditation that can be done at any time in everyday life. It entails being wholly and completely present in the here and now, the present moment.

A Facebook friend of mine posted this poignant quote on mindfulness a couple of weeks ago. I don’t know who wrote it, but I think it’s an apt description:

“As to what mindfulness is like, as is often said, there can be no direct description of it, but it can be analogized.

Do you remember what it was like when you first traveled to a foreign country? Say it was Rome. Every experience on that trip felt like Rome itself. The airport itself was Rome saying welcome. Every interaction, from the cafe waiter, to the hotel desk clerk, to the museum guides, they were all expressions of Rome. The smell of traffic exhaust was uniquely Roman, as was the trash on the ground, the humidity after the rainstorm. All of these things were as Roman as the Coliseum. Rome was not a place, not a city, but a living experience. This is what happens when you see the world without the veil of identity and thoughts, and you are just a wanderer with no role to play.

When you go back home, the airport is just a bore. Traffic exhaust just smells like exhaust. Trash is an eyesore. Humidity is just unpleasant. The cab driver is rude. Even the landmarks are unremarkable. This is what happens when you see the world through your identity, the role you are obliged to play.”

Put simply, mindfulness means forgetting yourself in the experience of the present moment. One way to be in the present is to focus on your breathing. Another is to focus on your bodily sensations, the various background noises happening all the time, the smell of the air, the caress of the wind, the shape of the clouds.

Like conscious breathing, mindfulness take practice, but I can’t express the value it has brought to my life. Many times every day, I remind myself to snap out of my reverie of thought and just be here. It’s wonderful. For more on mindfulness, check out this article I wrote. Regular sitting meditation also makes it much easier to breathe consciously and be mindful, so you may want to read my guide to meditation.

Let Your Breath be Your Anchor

It’s comforting and empowering to know that your breath is always there for you. Like a mother to her child, it will not forsake you. For me, my breathing has truly become a haven, an oasis to which I can always retreat when thought-demons infiltrate my mental castle.

I hope it can become the same for you. I encourage you to adopt it as a habit. Start very small, and practice at it little by little. Best wishes to you all, and I’ll leave you with a few sage words from a fellow writer and blogger, Leo Babauta, who once taught me about breathing:


If you feel overwhelmed, breathe. It will calm you and release the tensions.

If you are worried about something coming up, or caught up in something that already happened, breathe. It will bring you back to the present.

If you are moving too fast, breathe. It will remind you to slow down, and enjoy life more.

Breathe, and enjoy each moment of this life. They’re too fleeting and few to waste.”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/21/2015 6:58:17 PM

The Oracle Report, Monday, September 21, 2015

There is not much news of significance today, but as the focus shifts to what will take place at the end of the week, this is not surprising.
I’m taking this time to give myself a little break so that I am ready for what is coming at us so very soon.




First Quarter Moon Phase: step out, take action

Moon in Capricorn

Goddess of Wisdom: All (led by Shodashi, Goddess of Beauty/Goddess Who Fulfills Our Highest and Best and Matangi, The Administrator)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of the South)

Skill: break it down

Catalysts for Change: over-analyzing, fooling people with things that are false, losing touch with reality, not using common sense, disrespect or dishonor of the “old,” losing direction, going around and around/going nowhere, confusion, impaired, debilitated

True Alignments: analyzing the spectrum, attuning to cosmic rhythms/cycles, reading sources of inspiration, using common sense, taking things out of their norm or comfort zone, enjoying the process, taking one thing and multiplying it into many things

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a girls basketball team” (unifying)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The Sun released another CME yesterday, this one at 2:03 pm ET/6:03 pm UT at the degree of the symbolic energy of “a child and a dog wearing borrowed eyeglasses.” An amplification of energy to shift consciousness — to evolve our outlook, perspective, mindset, understanding — was enacted. Did you change your mind about something or come to a different place with it? If not, today’s energetics echo the theme of the CME, giving us more opportunity.

The totality of today’s energy involves themes of confusion, overwhelm, perplexity, and repetition of behavior patterns. The Sun is discharging the energy of “a man gaining secret knowledge from an ancient scroll he is reading.” Wisdom teaches us that the way to handle things today is to break them down in to steps, parts, elements or components. With this, we endeavor to be patient and steady.

Since Mercury (in retrograde) is located at the degree of the Sabian symbol of “circular paths,” we have a tendency to feel like we are back where we started. Old feelings, situations, and beliefs re-surface to give us an opportunity to recognize that we are not really back at the beginning, doing the same things or making the same mistakes, because we have learned. We learn each day. Our journey may feel like we are doing the same things over and over again, but today we have the chance to put on a different set of “eyeglasses” and “gain knowledge.”

The Sun’s spike in activity is intensifying things, especially communications. Mars completes the degree of “many little birds on the limb of a large tree.” This energy always brings lots of chatter and often too much information. We remember that everything that shows up today is about shifting perspective, so even though we may want to turn off the “noise,” there is likely something very important for us to see or learn from it. Wise owls (my name for Oracle Report readers) like serenity, and this energy is not exactly serene. It is easy for sensitive people to feel scattered under these energetic dynamics. But we know the Electric Universe is our friend. We can practice the skill of being like a wise owl in a tree — peering out, taking it all in, and seeing future options — to manage sensory overload.

Keep in mind that things (or feelings) may seem like they are unstructured (or falling apart) or coming detached from reality. Things are actually quite secure; they are just undergoing transformation into something greater. The Sabian symbol of the degree where the Earth is located is “light breaking through into many colors as it passes through a prism.” We are breaking through into many colors as we learn how to become a “gem.”

Today, our efforts to bring heaven to earth come from steadiness, openness, and willingness to shift our consciousness. This is the “secret knowledge” we gain from our co-creation with the great forces of the cosmos.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/21/2015 7:28:01 PM

Archangel Michael on Ascension – Part 1/3

archangel-michael-desktop1Over the years, Archangel Michael and I have had discussions in my personal readings about some general features of Ascension, which now become relevant as the Ascension energies increase in the month of September 2015.

I’d like to share those with you here.

Pre-Ascension Exhaustion

Before we turn to Ascension itself, many of us have been exhausted a good deal of the time over the last year or so. I asked Archangel Michael about it and he said it was part of the process of letting go of the old Third. It included baggage from all other lifetimes.

Soon the discussion became much broader than simple exhaustion and all of what he said is relevant to this pre-Ascension time.

Steve Beckow: I need to ask you about the exhaustion I’ve felt lately.

Archangel Michael: Yes. It is the feeling of releasing what you have carried around for centuries and centuries and thousands of years. It’s the sense of being so exhausted with the old reality that it simply feels, at times, overwhelming. And it is a feeling that you have need to simply ― you cannot fight it any longer. You cannot top off your wellspring, as it were. It is a matter of surrendering the old and then gently, softly, embracing the new.

SB: How long will this process take, Lord?

AAM: Do you mean how long will it take until you feel anchored in the new?

You will be going through a feeling of euphoria. You will be going through a feeling that perhaps you are not fully anchored. You will be going through even some feelings of disassociation, of not knowing or really caring about what is going on around you. But that will not be a permanent state of being. Already you are feeling more deeply within your body. So, it is simply a period of adjustment. It’ll take about a month.

Allow it to take place. As we say, it is not something you can really physically, emotionally or mentally ― or spiritually, for that matter ― fight. It is something that you have invited in to begin to allow this process of engagement, as it were.

So, when you are exhausted, rest; when you are blissful, enjoy it; when you are feeling full of energy to do, then do. But this adjustment will not be difficult, it will just be different than what you have experienced to date.

SB: All right. And how will I know that the process has ended? What significant milestone will I be able to recognize that says, okay, this part now is over; time to get back to work and the rest?

AAM: The feeling that you wake up not only rested, but blissful; that the, what you have thought of as challenges, as troubles ― it is not that they disappear, but they do not weigh you down; that you have the energy to take on whatever tasks at hand you choose, but that you do not feel burdened, that you simply feel that you are doing almost without doing. It does not feel like a sense of disengagement, but rather higher engagement. (1)

I have moments like these but I cannot say that the state is stable. However I’m sure it will be after Ascension.

Let’s turn now to look at Ascension itself.

Ignition is First

Last year at this time, he discussed the stages of Ascension.

First comes what he calls ignition or the snap, which we now are hearing will happen on Sept. 28, 2015.

Then, in 2017, comes a mass enlightenment which he agreed was equivalent of seventh-chakra enlightenment, called Brahmajnana by Easterners and God-Realization by Westerners.
Some time later comes the liberating experience of consciousness in Sahaja Samadhi. This is the stage that translates into freedom from birth and death, moksha, etc.

Brahmajnana is a temporary heart opening; Sahaja is a permanent.

The discussion began with me asking him when Ascension would happen.

Archangel Michael: It is already under way. You are feeling it. You are asking for the snap?

SB: Yes, the ignition.

AAM: The humans are not yet fully ready.

SB: Okay. That’s good. But Matthew seemed to imply it wasn’t going to happen until 2017. Is that the case?

AAM: That will be what you can think of as phase two, when the full awareness is anchored within everybody.

SB: So, now, the full awareness is Sahaja Samadhi.

AAM: Well, it won’t be that extreme. But it will be what you think of as your golden age.

SB: Right. Is it an enlightenment…

AAM: Yes.

SB: So is it Brahmajnana?

AAM: Yes.

SB: Oh! 2017 will be Brahmajnana. When will Sahaja occur?

AAM: Shortly thereafter.

SB: Aha! Well, I’ll be darned. So ignition is going to be fairly soon. Is that correct?

AAM: Ignition is well underway. Think of it, you are on the launchpad.

SB: Okay. Very good. (2)

So Ascension has three stages: (1) ignition, which is entry into the first subplane of the Fifth Dimension but is not as extensive an experience of enlightenment as Brahmajnana is; (2) Brahmajnana in 2017; and (3) Sahaja Samadhi “shortly thereafter.”

(Continued in Part 2.)


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 14, 2012. Used with permission.

(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 28, 2014.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/21/2015 7:30:54 PM

Archangel Michael on Ascension – Part 2/3

Archangel Michael

(Continued from Part 1.)

Sahaja Comes Later

In 2013 Archangel Michael told me that lightworkers were already Fifth Dimensional. I confess I have no evidence of it.

I asked him how that could be if we were not in Sahaja. This was the first discussion in which he distinguished the subplanes of the Fifth Dimension and the fact that Sahaja did not occur as soon as we entered the first subplane of the Fifth Dimension, which I call the “vestibule.”

Steve Beckow: Well, Lord, how could I be Fifth Dimensional and not have had Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi?

Archangel Michael: You are looking to the Fifth Dimension as simply being one place or another….

As I have said there are many levels to each dimension, and it is impossible really for you – and when we say you we mean you personally and also all of humanity – to be anywhere else at this time other than the Fifth Dimension.

So you are in preparation for your opening for your bliss. …

As you know what you are doing is becoming the fully awakened, aware and integrated wholeness of your being. (1)

The Divine Mother also described Ascension for us and confirmed that Sahaja Samadhi comes later, some time after our initial Ascension or ignition.

Steve Beckow: Can you talk a little bit more about the sudden aspect of Ascension, please?

Divine Mother: [Ascension] is that feeling — well, it is more than a feeling; it is a knowing. It is ignition — it is that feeling that you have been switched on to a different frequency, and it happens suddenly. …

SB: But that is not Sahaja Samadhi, Mother, is it? When does Sahaja Samadhi occur?

DM: It occurs with a more gradual awakening and lifting up. So there is the abrupt “I am not the same,” then there is the working and the anchoring, the integration, then there is another jump, and another jump, and another jump. And you don’t know it — well, some of you do — but you are leap-frogging. And then you will be there.

SB: Now, are those jumps equivalent to sub-planes?

DM: You can think of it as sub-planes, dimensional sub-planes, yes. (2)

So there may be people who believe that upon ignition and entry into the Fifth Dimension, we’ll have escaped from the wheel of birth and death, be liberated, etc.

Well, no, just as, on the other side of life, true residence in the Mental Plane (the equivalent of the Fifth Dimension) does not come upon immediate entry into the first subplane, so here true residence (with the advent of Sahaja Samadhi) in the Fifth does not come until one or more subplanes into it.

After Ascension

Now if we shift out focus to after Ascension, apparently we’ll need time to orient, assimilate and integrate. For one thing, we’ll feel so vibrant that we may overlook the physical body’s continuing need for at least a modicum of rest and sleep.

Archangel Michael: It is important to take the time to adjust yourself, to get used to a different sense of being. And then to be refreshed.

Now, I have to tell you, and, yes, you can share this with your readers as well, the sense of physicality and being in the physical body, when you are in the Fifth Dimension, is very different insofar as so many of you have been exhausted. And it is because you have been getting used to holding these vibrations and frequencies. …

But when you are in the Fifth, you will feel… so full of vibrant energy. You will feel that you could go for days without sleeping, and just go on sheer energy.
There will be a greater sense of well-being, that your body is humming. Every person is progressing at a different rate. This is an individual process. But the general statement is your organs, your brain, your functions, your bodily functions, your circulation begin to function in alignment with the perfection of your design.

Now, if you were to take [the chemical] Speed, you would think, “Oh, I can go for days, and I don’t need to sleep.”

What we are offering is brotherly advice. When we said you need a holiday, we meant it. So take time to sleep, to rest, because what you also will experience in a rest state and in dream state is very conscious sleeping and expansion and what we would call exaltation.

So don’t skip sleep. As your body is adjusting, even though you think you are in the fifth, you are home, your new home, and you can go forever, be gentle with your bodies.

So take time to rest. Take time to lie — yes, even at this time – bring a blanket, lie on the beach, stare at the stars, feel the sun on your face and the magnificence of the blue sky. (4)

(Concluded in Part 3.)


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 16, 2013. Used with permission.

(2) “The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans,” channeled by Linda Dillon, July 10, 2014, at

(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 18, 2012.

(4) Loc. cit.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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