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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/18/2015 1:28:27 AM

Daily Message ~ Thursday September 17, 2015

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Dear Ones, you are creators, each and every one of you, and you create by intention (deciding what is wanted) and holding the energetic essence of that desire in order to magnetize it to you. All creation begins within first. A very simple way to understand this is to think of the expression, “Build it and they will come.” Are you building the energetic framework of what you wish to experience? ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/18/2015 1:39:40 AM


Jamye Price ~ Weekly LightBlast ~ Freeing the Heart

Visit Crystalline Soul Healing

Dear One, having a free and open heart on the Earth plane is not always easy. As you open, you feel great joy and bliss. Then the pain of the self and humanity becomes evident and you feel great sorrow. The sorrow is not always obvious. Sometimes it becomes disguised as anger, revulsion, indignation or righteousness. There is a time to feel sorrow and there is a time to observe if you have allowed sorrow, in its many forms, to saturate your hope. Hope is the impulse of the heart to keep reaching toward change. Hope is a form of expectation, a beginning of knowing that change will occur. When the heart is free, hope is natural and grows into trust and then knowing.

A Free Heart is a heart that is strong enough to experience deeply and still have hope, trust and knowing. A Free Heart will understand the invisible strength that is trying to grow through the crack in the concrete vulnerability of a being. Knowing When it is time to assist through action is a skill of understanding beyond the moment into what will empower all involved. Sometimes that means lending a hand, sometimes that means walking away as you lead the way to a new potential.

Freeing the Heart means letting go of obligation based in fear and opening to the service that supports empowerment. It means looking beyond the moment and hearing the strength that is seeking growth through a vulnerability. It means nurturing hope in the self and another even while seeking a path of new potential. It means trusting that life is benevolently supporting each being in ways that show them they have human support, independent support and the support of time, leading them to a new self. Is that self you?

As we sit to Blast Freeing the Heart, we are perceiving humanity in the light of hope as each being is growing through the support of our knowing that they are magnificent. We are choosing the greatest support in a moment of change that embodies Love’s grace of Knowing When. We are finding the path of least resistance and allowing its flow to gently erode the barriers that keep humanity from knowing the current of Love moving them forward. We are the hope that is seeding the future as the waves of Love wash (k)new strength ashore. Our Love Lights the way(ve). Blast on!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/18/2015 1:53:58 AM

Clear the Mind and Discover True Love


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

If you read my work, you probably know that I think love is the most important and powerful force in existence. Love connects us with our higher consciousness in a way that nothing else really can, but as we’ll learn here, we have to step out of our mental conditioning to rediscover it in its pure, untainted form.

It’s available to everyone who calls on it, but its purity depends on our state of consciousness and the extent to which we can untangle the mind’s conditioning and use the mind as an open, clear, unbiased portal into our higher consciousness.

I’ve struggled to understand what love truly is, and until recently, I was convinced that the limited mind is supposed to be a part of it. If we can bring the mind with all its conditioning under the direction and guidance of the heart, I figured it’d be just as effective or enlightening.

Now, I’m learning that the mind’s conditioning – not the mind itself, which we could never leave or escape like some spiritual seekers think – forms a cloud or barrier over our true spiritual awareness, which is our understanding of ourselves as God. Once we understand we’re our own creator, all of the pain, sadness and limitation we’ve convinced ourselves are real will be understood as illusions of the clouded mind.

Our struggles will longer bring us down, because we’ll have love (and the understanding that we created all of this) and we’ll know that love and our unclouded, undistorted presence are all we need. To reach this point requires us to clear away the aspects of the mind that keep us from receiving or understanding true love, and once we get past these obstacles, we can access it and reap its many creative and spiritual fruits.

I might resume writing reports with guidance from spiritual teachers like Jiddu Krishnamurti, who we’ll hear from here, because now more than ever, they’re enlightening me about our true nature and the mind games we create that keep us from understanding our godhood.


Understanding the tricks of the limited, conditioned mind will help us get past them and access the wisdom of the heart, and from my experience, clearing the mind and subsequently filling the heart with love (without letting the mind become rigid again) is one of the best things we can do. The best thing we can do is realize that we don’t actually need to do anything at all.

Our existence is enough, and we created this reality to roam around, have adventures and create even more things while we’re here. We’re supposed to have fun, and some of us choose creative outlets like writing to have our fun. We don’t need to seek or strive for anything, and the moment we stop seeking is the moment everything falls back into place. We just have to understand this so we can get the most out of our organic connection with ourselves and the Most High.

I’d like to share some words from Jiddu Krishnamurti about love. He spoke about true love – not the conditioned love the mind has convinced us to embrace – and the best (and really only) way to access it is to stop trying and let it naturally express itself. When we do, we’ll be awash in higher vibrations and spiritual insights that’ll not only amaze us, but enhance our creativity and help us awaken the world.

Jiddu Krishnamurti. Credit:

First, Krishnamurti compares love to a burning flame.

“Love is so rare in this world, that flame without smoke; the smoke is overpowering, all-suffocating, bringing anguish and tears. Through the smoke, the flame is rarely seen; and when the smoke becomes all-important, the flame dies. Without that flame of love, life has no meaning, it becomes dull and weary; but the flame cannot be in the darkening smoke.

“The two cannot exist together; the smoke must cease for the clear flame to be. The flame is not a rival of the smoke; it has no rival. The smoke is not the flame, it cannot contain the flame; nor does the smoke indicate the presence of the flame, for the flame is free of smoke.” (1)

He uses the same comparison to tell us that love exists independently of ideas (namely, ideas of what it should be like).

“Love is not related to idea, and so idea cannot commune with love. Love is a flame without smoke.” (2)

When we fill the mind with ‘smoke’, he tells us, we cover up true love and slowly become unhappy.

“Love is a strange thing, and how easily we lose the warm flame of it! The flame is lost, and the smoke remains. The smoke fills our hearts and minds, and our days are spent in tears and bitterness. … We never know how to keep the flame clear of smoke, and the smoke always smothers the flame. But love is not of the mind, it is not in the net of thought, it cannot be sought out, cultivated, cherished; it is there when the mind is silent and the heart is empty of the things of the mind.” (3)

I’m just starting to grasp what Krishnamurti and so many other teachers have tried to tell us, which is that it’s time to stop searching for love and spiritual awareness and let them flow naturally, with no effort or mental ‘smoke’ involved. It’s time to stop trying so hard, because we’ve blocked ourselves from the spiritual reality we crave by creating all of these philosophies, disciplines and organized belief systems around something that can only be felt and witnessed, not known by the limited mind.

This is all the work of the mind, which always feels the need to organize, categorize, number, and keep things in order. The true Mind, which I capitalized for added pizazz, is freedom, creativity, and passion that isn’t controlled or contained by the monkey mind. The true mind is united with the heart and does its ‘work’ out of love for all creation, and this work is more like play. Again, it all comes down to the fact that we’re here – on earth and in every higher dimension, where we live simultaneous lives – to play, have fun, and show the beings around us love and compassion.

We aren’t here to be miserable, but misery is all the limited mind has for us.

Credit: Kush and Wisdom

As Krishnamurti tells us, sensations, which are products of the limited mind, give the false appearance of love. True love exists independently of sensations or anything the mind can grasp, and it amazes us and fills us with transcendent bliss when we tap into it.

“Love is not sensation. Sensations give birth to thought through words and symbols. Sensations and thought replace love; they become the substitute for love. Sensations are of the mind, as sexual appetites are. The mind breeds the appetite, the passion, through remembrance, from which it derives gratifying sensations. …

“Love is not of the mind; but when the mind takes over there is sensation, which it then calls love. It is this love of the mind that can be thought about, that can be clothed and identified. … Within the field of the mind, love cannot be. Mind is the area of fear and calculation, envy and domination, comparison and denial, and so love is not. … Love and the processes of the mind cannot be bridged over, cannot be made one. When sensations predominate, there is no space for love; so the things of the mind fill the heart.

“Thus love becomes the unknown, to be pursued and worshipped; it is made into an ideal, to be used and believed in, and the ideals are always self-projected. So the mind takes over completely, and love becomes a word, a sensation. Then love is made comparative, ‘I love you more and you love less.’ But love is neither personal nor impersonal; love is a state of being in which sensation as thought is wholly absent.” (4)

Keep in mind that when Krishnamurti refers to the ‘mind’ (i.e. when saying “love is not of the mind”), he refers to what I call the limited mind.

The limited mind is the one he ceaselessly encouraged the world to understand and clear away so the true Mind could make itself known, and some of you might not think I have any reason make the distinction in the first place. You might be right, but I feel like it’s important for those of you who believe the mind goes on in higher states of consciousness. I think it does, but it’s much different from the dense mind we’re used to.

I’ll wrap our report up here for now, but I might have more to share from Krishnamurti about love in future reports.


Like I mentioned, I’m opening back up to spiritual teachers after a hiatus that was caused because I realized that independent thought and a personal connection with the divine are more important than listening to a spiritual teacher. However, I’m remembering that the most genuine teachers (like Krishnamurti) tried to help people escape the limited, mind-dominated reality that I still get stuck in despite my best non-effort.

This is rekindling some of my trust, and while I’m still approaching spiritual teachers cautiously, I know most of them have something helpful to offer. I still think maintaining our own spiritual and intuitive connection without the need for external guidance should be a top priority, but there’s nothing wrong with getting some spiritual help. In fact, it might allow us to find that missing link between where we are now in terms of spirituality and where we want to be.

I can say with a fair amount of certainty that love and open-mindedness will reintroduce us to the higher consciousness we’ve unknowingly covered up. We just have to move beyond our thoughts, which requires us to understand them and accept their presence rather than renouncing them, and everything we thought we’d find in scriptures and strict religious practices (or even habits or indulgences we use spirituality to justify) will be right here, ready to enlighten us about our true nature as God.


  1. J. Krishnamurti, Commentaries on Living. First Series. Bombay, etc.: B.I. Publications, 1972; c1974, 131.
  2. Ibid,. 133.
  3. J. Krishnamurti,Commentaries on Living. Second Series. Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1967; c1958, 38.
  4. J. Krishnamurti, Commentaries on Living. First Series. Ibid., 102.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/18/2015 1:56:19 AM

GFP Newsletter - 9/16/2015

will's picture

...traditional religion is not created by enlightened people. It is created by priests, as ignorant as everybody else.

Jesus was killed by the priests, and then again priests gathered around Jesus' words; they created another tradition: Christianity.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/18/2015 6:29:00 PM

Moored in Love

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God said:

When there is love, how can there be conflict as well?

What can conflict be but fear of love? Perhaps fear in the form of holding tight to imagined ownership of even yourself. Beloveds, if you desire to sail, you have to untie yourself from the anchor. Know that you need no anchor. Be moored in love. Love, and be not tied.

The fact is that you are tied to nothing. You fight windmills. You fight freedom. Surrender to love instead. Let love take you by the hand. You don’t have to proclaim love. Be it.

Love yourself enough to love. Love yourself to pieces, and love will fall from the sky like confetti.

Get out of the details. You are not to be moored in a crush of details. Let go of the details. You don’t have to be caught up in them. Let details take care of themselves.

This means to let life be. Caught up in details, you tend to get caught up in difficulties.

Of course, I understand that life on Earth is made of details. The fact is, however, that you are to be caught up in the Greatness of Life. This is not a luxury. This is a necessity.

Unless you are caught up in love and revelation, you are caught up in the details, and this is where friction enters in. Details are minor. Love is major. It could be through friction, you cut love in half.

Perhaps somewhere hidden from yourself, you see love as limiting, perhaps cutting yourself off from yourself, as if love were denying you and your importance. Perhaps you have the fractured idea that love makes you less and friction makes you more. Perhaps you feel stepped on. Perhaps you don’t know how to speak for yourself and another at the same time.

You fight for your sequestered individuality when individuality is far from Oneness. Perhaps you are trying to stake a claim, yet ownership in the world is a barrier. There is no possession, and you try to possess. In trying to possess, you forgo peace. Perhaps you are at war with yourself. All war is within and is falsified with opponents to lash out at. Maybe you just need an opponent at hand to pretend you have not isolated yourself. Perhaps opponents are closer to you than friends. Perhaps you favor the oomph of anti-closeness rather than closeness.

Perhaps you give away too much of yourself with friendship, or perhaps you exclude yourself from the responsibility of closeness by perpetuating shadows of enemies to fight.

Perhaps you seek perfection in others so, when they fall short, you have cause for complaint. Perhaps you favor complaint over agreement. Perhaps you see agreement as compliance. Perhaps you are more settled into complaint. Perhaps you make a mountain out of a molehill. Perhaps you run away from life. In any case, with enmity, you fritter life away. You chip away at it.

You may seek love at the same time as you foreclose on it.

You put a shield up, and you back away from love. You denounce it. You don’t really see love as a friend. You object to love. You see love as a betrayer, and yourself the victim, bound hand and foot. You can’t stay long. You won’t. You have somewhere else to go. You may prefer appetizers to the main meal.

It is hard for you to enter into the long haul. You get nervous. You don’t know how to love and stay free, so you find cause to object.

All that you hold others responsible for, you are responsible for. When you are petulant, you are the one petulant. When you are angry, you are the one angry. When you are disappointed, you have disappointed yourself.

Whether you like it or not, you are the one responsible for your thoughts. You are the one responsible for your emotions. You are the one responsible for your happiness and unhappiness. You are responsible. You hold life too high at the same time as you hold it too low. You duel with yourself, beloveds. There is no one here but you - and I - so you make up some characters to belie who you are. You may transfer yourself into the guise of someone else. So long as you are separate, you battle yourself. You refrain from Oneness.

Get over here to Me. Disband your army of defense.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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