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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/16/2015 7:14:09 PM

Three Stages of Ascension (Repost)

Michael 23Reposted from Sept. 29, 2014.

I need to review Archangel Michael’s recent remarks about Ascension. Because they’re important.

I think it works to have the clearest possible notion of what’s coming down the pike to avoid disappointment and discouragement.

We have enough on our plates. We’re all tired. Let’s get on with it already.

If you feel that way, let me review what he said here because it explains a lot about our future and may reassure you.

What I got from my discussions with him and the Divine Mother over the past weeks is that there seem to be three stages of Ascension.

First Stage

The first stage of Ascension is what AAM humorously calls “the snap” or “ignition.” I believe that’s the activation of our lightbodies. Turning on the light, so to speak.

It marks our entry into the Fifth Dimension – mass, physical Ascension as One. That is an historic event for Earth.

Ascension in our lightbodies is equivalent to your guests having entered your house and they’re taking off their coats in the vestibule. They’ve just arrived.

We’ll all have entered the vestibule of the Fifth Dimension together, to be received with great celebration, I’m sure.

Yes, we’ll have entered the Golden Age, but, no, we won’t be creating with thought just yet. Using replicators perhaps. We’re in the vestibule, the first sub-plane of the Fifth.

Second Stage

The achievement of the higher stages comes in around 2017, as Matthew Ward intimated.

My model for this analysis is the subplanes of the Mental Plane on the other side of life. (1) Ascent there too is a gradual process similar to our Ascension.

As Archangel Michael explained it to me, there will be two advanced states of enlightenment we’ll pass through in 2017. They form the second and third stages of Ascension.

The second stage of Ascension occurs when the kundalini reaches the crown chakra. It’s called Brahmajnana or God Realization.

It’s being “halfway up the mountain.” We arrive at the knowledge that “I am God.”

This marks our entry into the second sub-plane of the Fifth Dimension. But there’s more.

Third Stage

Shortly after comes Sahaja Samadhi, the energy doubling back on the heart to create a permanent heart opening, moksha or liberation. We now know that “God is everything.”

This is the third stage of our gradual Ascension. Let us call it the third sub-plane of the Fifth Dimension and it brings moksha.

It marks the completion of our journey of Ascension on Planet Earth. Job done. Throw our hats in the air.

Think of this as a road map of the three stages of Ascension, as related to me by Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother.

Why Know This?

Why know this? To ward off disappointment and discouragement when people find that we’ve entered the Fifth Dimension and they didn’t experience Sahaja Samadhi.

No, no, no, that comes later. Three more years for that.

We’re going up in a gradual manner so as not to wear out our physical bodies. We’re ascending together. And we’re approaching the first significant date. I have no idea what it’ll be like.

We’ve all done it many times before, but I can’t remember. (joke)

We’re here as the leaven in the loaf, waiters at the banquet of Ascension.

We’re already on the launchpad now, he said to me. We’re more or less underway. Life ahead is a series of events lasting from 2014 to 2017, in between which we build Nova Earth.

Use Your Imagination

To review: First our lightbodies are awakened. And then our Crown Chakra. And shortly after that we have a permanent heart opening and liberation.

All three are causes for celebration. It’s one majestic advance after another as we head home.

Can I say one last thing? All the work I’ve been doing lately on the imagination is tying in with things I’ve learned over the years (the file is being updated, the knowledge integrated).

And I’m feeling more and more drawn to saying to you: Just imagine the future. Just think about it. Craft it in your mind.

Because whatever you craft in your mind is what you’re being given and I’d say what you’re intended to build.

Creative thought is a Fifth-Dimensional use of the imagination. So use your imagination.

Imagine our lightbodies. Imagine moksha. Imagine Ascension. Picture them in your mind.

By now I’m aboard the train to Sacramento, and then on to Tahoe.


(1) Start here:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/16/2015 7:22:37 PM


Bob Fickes ~ Waves of Love


We talk about waves of love emanating from the heart but can’t imagine that this can be a tangible experience rippling from our heart in powerful waves of energy. During the Love Mantra Course in Minneapolis many people felt very strong waves of energy peacefully moving from their heart through their body and out into the world.
The experience of Cosmic Love is actually very peaceful and gentle like a refreshing breeze that moves through our heart to heal our body and bring peace and love to our soul. The deeper we relax into Inner Peace and float in the Silence, the more powerful the waves that start to surge through us. Many people on this course have been meditating for over ten years, but the experience of surges of love energy expanding from the heart was even felt by people who had never meditated.
By the end of the course everyone was laughing and hugging each other with genuine feelings of love and joy. When they invited me to come back again as soon as I could, it brought tears to my eyes. Really I did nothing but do an activation of the Love Mantra. What happened after that came naturally from their deep experiences in meditation. I felt so honored to be with them and see their joy, and so happy to feel the warmth of their friendship and sincere desire to share more with me in the future. Waves of Love are radiating around the world and it is wonderful to feel that we can share this love with each other and produce a positive blessing for the future of Mother Earth. Thank you to the universe for such a special gift!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/16/2015 7:24:57 PM


Selacia ~ Past Life Vows and You Now - Current Energy Cycle Can Trigger Insights -

Energy shifts like those happening now can be unsettling - so much changing so fast. One blessing perhaps percolating beneath the surface is a sudden flash of insight about a very old issue you have been unable to resolve.

Eclipse and even Mercury Retrograde cycles can trigger such insights. It's like a spotlight shines on incongruences and old patterns previously undecipherable. Knowing in advance that the next couple of months offer this potential can help you get to the end of the road with a dilemma perhaps lifetimes old!

Awareness is like a key that helps you stay awake to a door just ahead. When you act on what you know, actively exploring things, the key opens the door.

Do you have one of those issues that just won't go away - no matter what you do - impervious to any remedy you have applied?

DNA Healing

Consider for a moment that perhaps the roots of your issue are very old, going back centuries in time. If you have experienced DNA healing and related spiritual healing modalities, you are familiar with challenges a person can have over numerous lifetimes as his or her soul learns key lessons and sometimes takes on karmic patterns. Once in a while, a soul will choose to take on a huge karmic debt to both evolve and help humanity.

Choices like these oftentimes translate into oaths and vows - people promising or pledging to do or be something specific. For thousands of years, in fact, oaths and vows were common throughout society.

Religious Vows

Quite often there was a connection with religion - like oaths of poverty and vows of celibate chastity. Women entering monastic life, for example, commonly took over 300 vows to be fully ordained.

Secular Vows

Not all oaths and vows relate to religion. Some involve a profession, such as the Hippocratic Oath. Others from past centuries include the Pauper's Oath, a sworn statement by a person that he or she has no money or property.

Individual Vows

Still others are those an individual makes, either during a lifetime or even in between lives, pledging to do or not do something specific.
If you made such an oath or vow before this life, chances are you do not remember it today.

Vows from the Past & You Now

Why would you care about an oath or vow made long ago? To be sure, if you were a priest vowing poverty, you did not need money for secular things. Likewise, if you were a commoner taking the Pauper's Oath, you were simply conforming to societal laws by stating your circumstance.

Fast forward to now. If you took such an oath or vow in your past life, it was recorded in your DNA and came with you over the lifetimes since you made it. Vows like that are not always active, but can be stimulated by situations - like an economic crash or losing a spouse who was the family provider. When that happens, even if you are good with money and never had money issues before, you could experience struggle with money.

Lifetimes-Old Patterns

Similarly, let's say you had a series of challenging lifetimes with a certain group of people. Perhaps you were forced or otherwise convinced to go along with crazy scenarios of this group. Then, during one lifetime just before this one, you vowed that when you came across this group and its crazy energy again, you would be the one to step forward and stop the craziness for all time. Perhaps in this life you have encountered these people again, not understanding why you would be magnetized into their circle. Then, over time with self-realization and moving through energy cycles like we have now, you finally get the message.

You actively explore what that message means - the who, the what, the how, and the why. As you look at the bigger picture of your dilemma, you finally have a context for the craziness. You are encouraged to finally understand your long struggle and to see that the end is in sight. You have the key to the door!

Vows to Use Specific Gifts & Knowledge

Another type of vow commonly made before this lifetime is one involving the use of specific gifts and knowledge. Such vows can relate to a past atrocity witnessed firsthand. Perhaps you experienced this and learned from it, understanding how it could be prevented. If so, you may have vowed to eradicate such injustices you saw in the future. Today, perhaps not fully understanding why, you have been fiercely passionate about a modern-day atrocity. This may translate into a strong desire to do something - like working with abandoned animals or helping a certain group of disadvantaged people.

Vows involving use of specific gifts can also relate to something you mastered another lifetime - like singing or design. Perhaps in between last lifetime and this one, you on a soul level vowed to use your gift in this key significant lifetime.

Early this life you might have had an interest in developing this gift, but circumstances may have prevented you from acting on that interest. Today, perhaps you are at some kind of crossroads with your life work, in part because this past life vow is in your energy field awaiting your discovery.

If this example resonates with you or catalyzes other knowing, be sure to check in with your higher wisdom about the most appropriate next steps. Something wonderful could be waiting for you on the other side of the door!

Copyright 2015 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/17/2015 6:17:00 PM

The Oracle Report, Thursday, September 17, 2015



Crescent Moon Phase: perseverance, fortification

Moon in Scorpio

Goddess of Wisdom: All – led by Shodashi, Goddess Who Aligns With the Highest and Best

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of the South, God of Waves)

Skill: dance with time

Catalysts for Change: stuck in the past, greed, unable to enjoy the present moment, battles to take control, making excuses, feeling emotionally uncontained, taking too big of a risk, not grieving a loss, stressful interactions, impatience, losing sight of the goal, hierarchies of control, overpowered

True Alignments: harnessing personal power, clearing, sincerity, carrying forward, tributes, stress release, maintaining sight of goals, grieving a loss, recognition, honoring one’s experiences, inspiration, making plans for the future, creativity, expression, unique style, restoration

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a girls basketball team”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Today, a dance between the past and the future takes place. This sends our attention into the “multiverse of time.” It enables us to not only see the future ahead of its time, but also to see the past as very different, and therefore overwriting it.

Much power is trapped in our past — in our feelings in the past. Since there really is no such thing as “time” or “linear time,” the feelings can be recovered and re-considered.

Mercury stations retrograde today, and it’s goal between now and October 9 is to help us turn time inside out. Mercury stations retrograde around 2:00 pm ET/6:00 pm UT at 15 Libra 55 and the Sabian symbol of “after a storm, a boat landing stands in need of reconstruction” (corrected from yesterday’s report). Mercury isn’t going to create a storm or a tidal wave while it is retrograde; the symbol tells us the storm has already happened. The reconstruction time— the time of renaissance, the aftermath — is the focus. Mercury is a messenger that can travel in ways that others cannot. Time and space do not bind Mercury.

Quite the contrary, time and space are of the utmost importance to Saturn, the so-called Lord of Time. Today, Saturn leaves the sign of Scorpio and enters Sagittarius. This happens around midnight ET/4:00 am UT. Saturn wants to lord over us and our sense of time. Saturn begins to discharge the energy of 01 Sagittarius and the Sabian symbol “retired army veterans gather to reawaken old memories.” Saturn wants us to look back, but the symbol implies that it is for the purposes of re-vitalization — reawakening.

All of this, again, enables us to go back into the past in our hearts and mindsand “take back” any personal energy or power that is trapped there. We can release the feelings that were experienced then, so that the trauma does not have to keep hurting and affecting us.

To do this, we look at the past a different way. We see that it is not happening right now. We can go back and see how we have grown from (mastered) the situation, based on the wisdom and experience of our lives. It is a trauma response to live under the belief that something that happened in the past will immanently happen again.

So today, we are not at the mercy of Mercury stationing retrograde because we know the energetic is refining, reworking, and re-building things. Disruptions in communications, electronics, and travel accompany Mercury’s retrograde. When we know the potential is in place, we can opt for patience. If something isn’t working or flowing, step away from it for a little while then return to it. Mercury wants us to reconsider things, so it’s good to “let it be” and go back a little later.

Mercury is in opposition to Uranus, which brings heightened potential for accidents. Stay focused and attentive while driving. Double check that things are turned off and flames are extinguished. Make or save back-up copies if it is something important.

Today, we will dance with the forces of time instead of them dancing us. We stand in the point of power in the center, wielding our minds to recover pieces of the past to build a better future.

(Today is St. Sophia Day. How interesting that the Earth, Gaia Sophia, is located at the degree of “the purging of the priesthood” and we have a large earthquake…)

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/17/2015 9:00:38 PM

Chile Earthquake

Chile 1

Credit: BBC News

Chile quake triggers mass evacuation and tsunami alert

BBC News, Sept. 17, 2015

One million people have been evacuated in Chile after a powerful earthquake hit the country’s central region.

At least eight people died when the 8.3-magnitude quake hit. One person is still missing.

Residents of Illapel, near the quake’s epicentre, fled into the streets in terror as their homes began to sway.

In the coastal town of Coquimbo, waves of 4.7m (15ft) hit the shore. A tsunami alert was issued for the entire Chilean coast but has since been lifted.

Tsunami waves also hit the coast further north and south of the quake’s epicentre, with waves half a metre higher than usual as far north as La Punta.

The quake lasted for more than three minutes and there have been dozens of aftershocks.

Gloria Navarro, who lives in the coastal town of La Serena, said people were “running in all directions”.

Maria Angelica Leiva from Navidad, also on the coast, described how she fled her home.

“It’s been awful. We ran out of the house with our grandchildren and now we are on a hill hoping it will be over soon,” she told the Reuters news agency.


Credit: BBC News

“It is all very dark, and we just hope the sea hasn’t reached our house,” she added.

Officials said 1,800 people in Illapel were left without drinking water.

Electricity providers said hundreds of thousands of their clients in the worst-affected Coquimbo region had no power.

The US Geological Survey (USGS) said the tremor struck off the coast of Coquimbo, 46km (29 miles) west of the city of Illapel at 19:54 local time (22:54 GMT).

The USGS said it was at a depth of 25km, while Chilean seismologists calculated its depth at 11km.

Analysis: Jonathan Amos, BBC Science Correspondent

The quake that rocked Chile on Wednesday was five times more energetic than the one that devastated Nepal back in April. And yet the early indications are that the death toll will be a fraction (perhaps a thousandth) of what it was in the Himalayan nation.

In large part, this is simply down to preparedness. This was Chile’s third massive quake in five years; the region all too frequently experiences magnitude 8 events. As a consequence, the building codes are strict and generally well enforced.

What is more, the people themselves are well versed in how to react during and after an event.

It is not perfect. In 2010, an 8.8-magnitude quake witnessed failings on the part of the monitoring network and the system for alerting people to the imminent tsunami threat.

Since then, the Chilean government has spent millions upgrading the country’s seismic network of sensors, and made improvements to telecommunications systems that share critical information and warnings.

The earthquake struck as thousands of Chileans were travelling to the coast ahead of a week of celebrations for independence day.

President Michelle Bachelet said some of the official festivities would be cancelled.

The authorities were quick to issue tsunami alerts keen to avert a repeat of the slow response to the 8.8-magnitude quake in 2010, which devastated large areas of the country.

More than 500 people died in that quake and the tsunami it triggered and memories of the tragedy are still raw.

Tsunami alerts were issued shortly after the quake struck for the entire Chilean coast but have been gradually lifted, with the last cancelled at 06:22 local time.

President Bachelet said that “once again we must confront a powerful blow from nature”. She will travel to the affected areas later on Thursday.

Chile is one of the most seismically active locations on the globe.

It runs along the boundary between the Nazca and South American tectonic plates. These are vast slabs of the Earth’s surface that grind past each other at a rate of up to 80mm per year.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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