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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2015 7:20:42 PM

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sheldan Nidle Update - September 15, 2015

11 Etznab, 11 Zip, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! Our allies are coming together to defeat the dark cabal. This operation is seemingly taking longer than initially expected. The world conceptualized by the Anunnaki is filled with hidden mental traps. What is needed is a newer construct. With Heaven’s approval we have put forth a new reality modeled upon the one you all know and love! This reality is now being manifested by the numerous decrees of Heaven. It is one, which the Light can, at times, find hard to fully fathom. Nonetheless, these brave souls of the Light continue to move forward. The dark controlled the old, cruel reality with a diligence that forced you to accede mightily to their heinous desires. This dark, silent controller still maintains a certain hold upon you, but this is starting to fade from the inner desires of the Light’s leadership. It is being replaced by a deep need to fulfill the decrees of the Light for a new and more just reality. These desires are currently driving the ancient families to complete the construction of a new reality that firmly isolates the dark cabal from its former subjects. Thus, the dark is ultimately doomed as this new reality begins to flesh itself out.

Above all, this reality shift needs your heartfelt support. One of the major outcomes of this change is the rise of new perceptions about how the world is supposed to work. As you grow up, you are constantly bombarded by your environment, your parents and friends to act or react in an acceptable manner. This acculturation process is really “second nature” to you. You now need to learn a new set of parameters, designed to expand your view of the world. This is required to truly alter this present reality. These powerful new perceptions are the main key to the path to full awareness. Up to now, Heaven has used your rising consciousness to permit a subtle degree of change to creep into your reality. This process is to be quickened as various funds become available. Hence, new banking regulations, a global currency reset and the rise of precious-metal backed monies is to greatly alter your everyday reality. This reality is to be centered on personal growth, outer peace and the start of a final path toward full consciousness.

As you grow in consciousness and begin to take on new chakras, remember the perilous journey that began when the Anunnaki changed the game and forced you to endure nearly 13 millennia of limited consciousness. This terrorized you and led to a number of edicts being given you by the Anunnaki. The dark isolated you from your brethren in Inner Earth (Agartha) and preached a power concept that caused you to question how Heaven was to defeat the dark cabal and its many minions. This group of minions was first given a whole host of powers that the Anunnaki slowly redefined over many millennia. In the end, the minions felt they were all-powerful and defied their former masters’ edicts to acquiesce to the Light and permit Heaven to end the long dominance of the dark. Instead, these dark ones forged a scenario that prolonged their evil shenanigans for an additional twenty years. However, their misdeeds are about to isolate them from you. You are very close to freedom and new governance, as well as an incredible era of peace and freedom.

This coming age has taken an extended time to achieve. Long ago, the dark was given a very specific carte blanche. This special set of exceptions was to last a relatively short period. At a specially appointed time, Heaven was to regain its Loving hold over you and in a very detailed manner, finish a means to return you to a full awareness. This is to restore those abilities the Atlanteans had taken from you. This process was to be centered on a special living crystal chamber. In effect, the Agarthans and us are to welcome you home. This process is to permit you to remember your former roles as rebels in Atlantis. In this mode, you can use your abilities to join with the Agarthans and forge a unique galactic society destined to spread itself throughout the other three water planets. These planets are again to be returned to their former state within this special solar system. This solar system is to become one of the major gathering places for the Galactic Federation as well as many “galactic unions” that are now made up of over 20,000 nearby galaxies.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Millennia ago, the dark cabal were given a time dispensation by Heaven. This ruling was to better prepare each of us for this time. Along the way, Heaven told its heavenly guardian to set up a special group that was to graciously aid these blessed divine hosts. We were chosen over the years to fulfill these most sacred posts. As all of us on the Earth plane head toward a new day, we need to remain ever aware of what is now expected of us. We Masters have come together to freely guide you on the final part of a path that began with the abdication of the Anunnaki and the sudden rise of their minions, the dark cabal to power in the mid 1990s. Since then, the many types of spiritual, emotional, mental and physical changes have truly gripped you. Our sacred task is to support, aid and mercifully guide you down this most glorious path to full awareness. As this divine path unfolds, you are seeing and feeling more of our special supervision of your sacred souls! This task requires you to remain positive and to set aside any potential frustration. You need as well to sense the inner changes that occur daily. We are to assist you in this magnificent knowing.

The coming time is to be one in which many near miraculous events are to suddenly manifest. See these as signs that this former dark realm is changing for the better. The debt jubilee, the sudden prosperity and the growth of world peace are heavenly signs of this. Be ever grateful and go inside. Use these events to gather up your dreams and discover what these events truly signify for you. In this mode, thank Heaven and look for clarification of what this means to you. This is to be a time for inner work and for doing the right thing. Join in harmony with your family and friends. Aid each other and be a part of a developing harmony. Let this energy grow! You are to see great things alter your perceptions of this world. Help the efforts to aid humanity and permit Gaia to see how wonderful this slice of humanity truly is! This is a time for joy and for achieving many positive goals.

Most of all, let your overwrought anticipation go. Instead, slip into a positive, supportive energy. The time for frustration is over. Most of you have waited through nearly a decade of unrequited wishing for what is now forming around you. Be gracious and support what is occurring. Be able to view all in a most gracious Light. Use your ability to cooperate with each other to globally signal that a new time has at last arrived. The fading away of the dark happened due to the unselfish efforts of a great many. Acknowledge them by showing your inner appreciation of these most courageous deeds. You are now ready with this great work to be able to create a new reality. Think of this responsibility in the most positive and gracious of ways. Be able to volunteer freely and watch with true intent what is globally happening. Be one whose intentions are to help and to fulfill your grandest dreams in joy! Hallelujah!

Today, we have as before, given you a general update on what is happening on this globe. Be ready to receive news and events, which can initially amaze you. Once the cabal is gone, some events never before thought possible are to occur. We stand ready to inform and to explain to you what all of this means! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2015 7:22:15 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 15, 2015

Galactic Free Press's picture

What percentage of your daily life is fun? Forty percent? Twenty percent? Zero percent? So many of you treat fun as an afterthought, or something you experience only sporadically in your life.
Many of you have been conditioned to believe that fun is frivolous and something that goes by the wayside as you step into maturity. Let us tell you why this is faulty thinking.

It is through following your passions that you find your greatest purpose. When you are having fun, you are feeling fully alive, fully present in your Now moment. It is through your passion and each Now moment that your soul is able to align and draw to you your next, best matching, grand adventure.

It is through following the path of what brings you joy that you continue to grow and expand, experience and evolve. When you stop denying yourself you start to honour yourself, which allows you to thrive energetically, which positively effects all areas of your life.

Do you see? Pushing fun to the back burner is a great disservice to yourself. Make enjoyment a top priority again, and watch yourself come back to embracing your life, which is what we have always wished for you. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2015 7:24:22 PM

Disclosure Data from Corey 9-13-15… Facebook Update… “Report’s Almost Done” (and a note from David Wilcock)

sphere_being_alliance_logo_15This appeared yesterday at Corey’s FaceBook page, but I just noticed it today.

“…one of the main reasons for my update on keeping your reality bubble permeable. Those who are locked into belief systems or information by or from certain groups have been pretty vicious when data I have disclosed has not matched what they have absorbed into their reality bubbles.

[DW] “Yes… our site was down for a tremendously long time… Given that it was the launch of the show, this attack undoubtedly crippled the launch… causing massive financial damage… the same thing… happening to Salla… Obviously the goal is to try to prevent us from acquiring the funds we need to keep going.”

Please use one’s own discernment always when reading any of the postings I make here, about this or anything else. You will know what fits for you.

[SSP = Secret Space Program; ICC = Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate; LOC = Lunar Operations Command; IE = Intuitive Empath; AI = Artificial Intelligence; STS = Service to Self]


Facebook post

[CG] I’m working on finishing up my article today. The contents are of a very sensitive nature and I have had to try to figure out a way to deliver them in a way that will not cause more fracture and infighting inside the Truther Community. This is one of the main reasons for my update on keeping your reality bubble permeable.

Those who are locked into belief systems or information by or from certain groups have been pretty vicious when data I have disclosed has not matched what they have absorbed into their reality bubbles. They accused David Wilcock of faking his website hack when Cosmic Disclosure came out in July and I expect them to do the same with Dr. Michael Salla’srecent web hack that occurred just prior to the release of his new book on the Secret Space Program. KP posted this update that I noticed this morning: (Dr. Michael Salla’s) Website is Down (as of 9-12-15)… (so we must be getting close to something)

Comment by Corey: My son and I have spent most of the last of few days sleeping and not feeling well. My wife took him to the Dr. this morning and he has Strep Throat. I am going to have to go in the morning for some antibiotics as well. My throat hasn’t hurt so far but have had a mild fever, very low energy and pretty bad headaches. I’m still going to be on Coast to Coast AM with Dr. Michael Salla tomorrow night. Sorry for the delay on my article. It seems like one thing after another and roadblock after roadblock. Prayers and Healing Energy welcome for both my son and myself. frown emoticon TY CG

Comment by David Wilcock: Yes… our site was down for a tremendously long time and it was worse than anything they’ve ever seen. Given that it was the launch of the show, this attack undoubtedly crippled the launch of the show, causing massive financial damage. Sorry to hear the same thing is happening to Salla. Obviously the goal is to try to prevent us from acquiring the funds we need to keep going.


Gaiam TV link (with credit (support) given to Corey): (hey… don’t worry, it does go to GaiamTV)

Corey’s Sphere Being Alliance Store:

Donate to GoodETxSG’s work (to cover travel expenses, etc.); click the “Donate” button on any page. Website:

Twitter: SphereBeingAlliance (@BlueAvians) Corey’s TOT Forum Thread (now closed)

Questions for Corey: Click the “Ask Question” button at the top of the page.

David Wilcock: (Donate to David’s work)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2015 7:26:46 PM


Méline Portia Lafont ~ A note on the energies of this month

What an incredible journey this is!!! Notice how easier it becomes to say no to distractions that are not serving you and how you can now move with ease within your own heart to discover the SELF on all levels in this journey! I AM so energized and the energy to perform creations and energy work keeps on adding. I love life, I love myself, I am just happy and smiling with joy. What a home coming and balanced feeling this is! My experience of this current portal/wave around the solar eclipse is profound liberating as I feel much lighter in life and life itself has become lighter to me.

The focus is aimed at the appropriate thing for me and my energy keeps on flowing. The energies are climbing up to an unknown height we have never experienced before!! Our focus is being aimed on what is needed in this portal of opportunity and that is Unity, balance, the inner heart, creation and rejoicing/celebrating existence! Recognizing the Divinity within all and yourself and the allowance to re-merge with all the Divine facets within you. Our DNA is being re-shaped into and connected with the Divine DNA blueprint on the elemental realms ~ Heaven ~ the Light realms ~ the kingdoms and Dimensions of Light ~ the Solar level ~the Christed level ~ the Cosmic level...

Hold that space for this momentum to allow the resurrection of your Divine Being and celebrate this given time to fulfill this! If you are experiencing this current shift as being rather rough for you, know that you are in a wave of change and that not one process of change is the same as the other. This too will pass as you experience this change from your inner planes to come to the outer planes of manifest. We are on a most beautiful journey, all together. Enjoy ~ in joy <3 Blessings of miracles to all of you Beloveds <3

Méline Lafont

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/16/2015 4:34:01 PM

The Oracle Report, Wednesday, September 16, 2015



New Moon Phase:
begin, intend

Moon in Libra/Scorpio 11:43 am ET/3:43 pm UT

Goddess of Wisdom: All (led by Shodashi, Goddess Who Fulfills Our Highest and Best)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of the South)

Skill: operate within the flux of energies/follow the “lead” of the universe

Catalysts for Change: shrill, suspicious, sabotaging relationships, grief and loss, heavy obligations keeping one mired, dependency and co-dependency, weighed down or stuck, starting from square one when one should continue on

True Alignments: gentle, discerning, practice, forgotten or hidden talents and skills emerging, public displays, endurance, admiration, inner wisdom, proven innocent, pure intentions, cooperation, socialization

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a girls basketball team” (unity)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The rhythms of nature are in flux today, as we are in a time of transitioning energies. Since things are very changeable today, we do not want to be too attached to things going or being a certain way. To some degree, it’s easiest to let higher forces “drive” situations and conditions instead of us pushing or forcing our will. We can save ourselves much angst and frustration if we follow the universe’s lead.

Here’s why the energy is in a state of flux:

THE MOON LEAVES LIBRA just before noon Eastern time/4:00 pm Universal time. This is the first time the Moon has transited (moved through) Libra since the Black Moon entered Libra on August 24/25. This was our first experience of what this will be like and in what ways everyone’s shadow sides will be projected during the Black Moon’s nine month transit through Libra (until May 16. 2016). So until noon ET today, the remnants of people’s shadow sides can come out. This means fear can come out. If you find yourself in a dramatic interpersonal interaction or being “accused,” consider that what someone is saying is actually how they think or feel about themselves.

MERCURY PREPARES TO STATION RETROGRADE TOMORROW, but is already sitting at the degree where it will retrograde: 15 Libra 55 and the Sabian symbol of “two men placed under arrest.” Mercury will station retrograde (appear to move backward in the sky) around 2:00 pm ET/6:00 pm UT tomorrow (Thursday, September 17). Communications, electronics, travel, and plans are often disrupted while Mercury is retrograde, and the most intense effects happen on the day the planet stations retrograde (tomorrow) or when it stations direct (Mercury will be retrograde until October 9, 2015). Mercury is in flux today, wobbling along until it goes back tomorrow to re-make, re-do, revise, re-work situations, conditions, projects, and relationships.

CHIRON MOVES TO A NEW DEGREE, changing the energetics to favor the receipt of wisdom. Chiron moves from the Sabian symbol of “a table set for an evening meal” – which is all about preparing — to the energy of “a master instructing his disciple” — which is all about receiving. Spirit sits down at the dinner table of consciousness that we have prepared, and then fills the evening with stories of hero’s journeys. We receive wisdom. Chiron will discharge this energetic until October 9.

NEPTUNE MOVES TO A NEW DEGREE, adding more flux into the field. Neptune now disseminates the energy of 08 Pisces and “a girl blowing a bugle.” Neptune’s energy is helping Gaia Sophia wake people out of slumber. Neptune will be at this degree for a long, long time. It will station direct at this degree on November 18/19 and then toggle back through it until JANUARY 18, 2016! A call to action begins to reverberate today.

SATURN SPENDS ITS LAST DAY IN SCORPIO, as it prepares to move into Sagittarius tomorrow. Today, it disseminates the last bits of the Sabian symbol “children in Halloween costumes indulging in various pranks.” This makes the day very nebulous and tricky and mischievous and wily. It goes somewhat out of control, which, again, speaks to not wasting a lot of energy trying to control it.

There are other elements contributing to the state of flux today, but you get the idea. This doesn’t mean that we give up, thinking we can accomplish nothing today; we can accomplish much. It just helps to understand that it is not entirely under our control. All lunar month, a tidal wave of spiritual energies is coming through to rectify, restore, and rebirth things.

Today, we lean how to operate within the chaotic flux of the cosmos and recognize it as the beautiful co-creation with Spirit that it is.

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The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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