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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2015 1:28:22 AM

Monday, September 14, 2015

Benjamin Fulford - September 14, 2015: Acts of God, mutual accusations, fear and hope as Zionist nightmare collapses

The 14th anniversary of 911 may be the last one to pass without the perpetrators of this crime finally seeing justice. There were some very unusual “heavenly” events associated with this anniversary. One was a double rainbow seen in New York

which appeared at roughly the same time as one (witnessed by this writer) appeared in Tokyo. Even more otherworldly was the fact that a bolt of lightning knocked over a crane in Mecca owned by the BinLaden construction group on 911, killing 107 people.

US spokesperson “acting” president Barack Obama was instructed not to show up at any 911 ceremony but was instead told to go talk to US soldiers. Meanwhile, US Defense Secretary Ash Carter spoke at a Pentagon 911 ceremony where he promised that “no matter how long it takes [the perpetrators of this crime] will not escape the long arm and hard fist of justice…we will find you,” and “we will never forget.”

If the US military are sincere, then George Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld and most of the other neo-cons who signed the “Project for a New American Century” document in 2000 will be arrested. That document called for “a New Pearl Harbor” to justify a big invasion of the Middle East.

In any case, it is looking like an end game for the Zionist Nazi Netanyahu regime in Israel as Russian and Iranian troops move in while the Pentagon helps or turns a blind eye. We now have sources that are usually diametrically opposed to each other, the Mossad linked Debka and the Pentagon linked site Veteran’s today, both agreeing that Russian troops are on Israel’s doorstep.

The Debka article is revealing when it notes “Israel’s military strength is substantial but no one is looking for a military clash with the Russians,” before concluding Israel should ask for Russian protection. Russian White Dragon Society sources make it clear any Russian protection of Israel will not mean business as usual for that rogue state. Meanwhile, here is what a Pentagon source had to say about Israel: “Israel has been doing cyber-attacks from
Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Bulgaria to hide their tracks. The Sandstorm on September 8th

was targeted at Israel, their submarines are now fair game, and they may get nuked.” It is also worth noting that both the Russians and the Americans have been offering protection to the countries of the Middle East and North Africa against Israeli missiles.

British MI6 intelligence, for its part, says the so-called Syrian refugee crisis only involves Shia and not Sunni Muslims. The Shia are being given Turkish passports to allow them to vote in Turkish elections in order to help President Erdogan regain his majority in the Parliament, the sources say.

Meanwhile, in the financial world there are more and more signs of a collapse of the current paradigm. Claudio Borio, Head of the Monetary & Economic Department of the BIS, the central bank for central banks, described the current state of world financial markets as “reminiscent of the old joke about the stranded tourist who, having asked for directions, was told: ‘If I were you, I wouldn’t start from here.’” He went on to say “We are not seeing isolated tremors, but the release of pressure that has gradually accumulated over the years along major fault lines.”

Borio was referring to the massive output of liquidity by central banks in recent years as the source of the upcoming mega-quake he alludes to.

Meanwhile the IMF has, as MI5 intelligence put it, “gone rogue and pulled out of negotiations with the EU on Greece.” The MI5 source is also predicting “60-70% falls” in world stock markets “very soon.”

China and Russia, for their part, are pushing hard to end the use of US dollars for the trading of oil, thus finishing off the petro-dollar.

US agency sources are saying the recent devaluation of the Chinese Yuan hit Goldman Sachs particularly hard. “Goldman Sachs criminals, used to trading on inside information, took a bath on the Yuan,” one source said. “Unlike the US, where they are always tipped off in advance, they were blindsided and their mythical financial wizardry was revealed to be nothing more than good old fashioned insider trading; banal criminality disguised as cleverness.”

The Pentagon, the CIA and other US agencies are now pushing the US Justice Department to take serious action against the criminals in Wall Street, Washington and elsewhere. The rigging of financial markets, the bribing of politicians, the murders and lies of the Khazarian mafia are all now coming home to roost.

The US military has also now shut down all the bio-labs manufacturing and spreading disease agents like Bird Flu, SARS, Ebola etc. You can be sure the mass murderers behind the setting up of these labs will see the inside of a jail cell if not the inside of an execution chamber sooner rather than later.

A Washington based source is also telling this writer the US government, minus the Pentagon and agencies, is headed for a total shut down at the end of September. As many have noticed, the official US government debt numbers have not changed since March 15th, meaning they have been cooking their books, a sure sign of bankruptcy.

Meanwhile, it appears this writer has hit some nerves recently. Somebody has been calling from a payphone, saying “Skull and Bones,” and then hanging up. Recently, when a call from a payphone came I said “coward,” before the person could say “Skull and Bones.” He hung up and called back immediately to say that there was a lot of talk in the Tokyo Freemason lodge these days about getting this writer killed. A New York based Freemason also sent an e-mail threating this writer’s daughter. A senior Freemason in London commented that “all this communicating between masons on your case is extremely unprofessional and will have been noticed.”

There has also been a flurry of communications and contacts directed at this writer concerning the recent article about heirs to the $30 trillion Manchu historical gold fortune. In the May 4th 2015 issue of this newsletter we wrote “The current heirs to the Manchu gold are Kim Young Hee (金英姫) and Zhang Seung Shik (張勝植).”

Well, now all the people involved in this case have been pointing fingers at each other in a confusing cascade of claims and counter-claims. Zhang Seung Shik claims that Kim Young Hee is not a Manchu heir but is actually Song Seul Hee, an agent who reports to a North Korean general. Kim Young Hee or Song Seul Hee (whoever she may be) claims that Zhang is a petty con artist and says she has reported him to the police. Meanwhile Mr. K, the senior Chinese agent who made the original introduction claims they are both con artists and apologizes for vouching for them originally. Mr. K also claims that Kim/Song Young/Seul Hee and Zhang are on the run from the police after their boss was arrested recently in South Korea. However, he says their boss who was arrested was Pu Chao-chi, former top representative of Taiwan in South Korea. Furthermore, Mr. K also introduced yet a third person who claimed to have the genuine documents (a pile 12 centimeters thick) claiming the rights to the $30 trillion worth of Manchu gold. It seems claiming the rights to $30 trillion has triggered lots of intrigue and counter-intrigue.

Of course, to put things into perspective, the Bank of Japan, the South Korean Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank are themselves all ultimately based on fraud and stolen historical fortunes. Until recently, they have simply been in positions of enough power to arrest anybody else trying to do the same thing they are doing.

In any case, even if any of these individuals is, in a legalistic sense, the heir to a $30 trillion fortune, clearly such a big sum really should belong to the people of the planet and not some individual, no matter how prestigious their lineage may be. So, this writer has proposed that the claimants put the $30 trillion into the White Dragon Foundation he has set up. If the funds are put there, the WDF will immediately hold a press conference to ask for help in setting up a system whereby the people of the planet can decide how to spend the money on the basis of one person, one vote. It would certainly be a better system than the gangster controlled one operating now.

We would also like to point out here that we have been contacted by a man who claims he cuts people’s fingers off one joint at a time in order to extract information before wrapping their bodies in lead and dumping them in the ocean. He says he has worked for the Chairman of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Bank. We asked the bank at their headquarters to respond to these claims but they refused to. We have his phone number and name card for reference. The point being made here is what does it tell you about the current state of the world’s banking system if that is the sort of person you need to go through in order to be introduced to a senior banker?


One of the significant sources of funds for the fascist Nazionist JesuitKhazarian Mafia is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $3.09 trillion in 2014, and is projected to soar to $3.57 trillion in 2017, in the US alone.

We can help take down the Dark Cabal by avoiding drugs, defeat any viral attack and scaremongering easily by knowing how to build our own comprehensive antiviral system. Find more about it here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2015 1:29:38 AM


Brenda Hoffman ~ Earth Angels

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s September 11, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at / brenda-hoffman: At the beginning of 2015, you started rolling down your hill to your joy. You’ve completed that stage. Now you’re creating your security blanket dream. And you’ll create a great deal more once your outer-security pieces are created.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog“Initiating Your Heaven on Earth”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
The energies bursting upon earth throughout your month of September are to assist you in creating the dream that provides security within your new being. Maybe a relationship, a new home or income stream. It does not matter. Nor is one security blanket dream better than another. It is merely that which your inner-being has focused on for some time that displays to you that you are a new creative being in a new world.
Perhaps you wonder if you are making this transition up so you can create chaos within your being – so you feel the excitement of something new and unproven – so you have something to dream about other than your mundane 3D earth life. Of course, such is not true.
Yet, even though you are a new being in a new world, your outer world indicators do not clearly portray such to you. So you often wonder about your sanity, your beliefs and yes, your physical, emotional and spiritual being. Is this transition similar to your 3D religions of waiting to receive your rewards in heaven IF you have been a good girl or boy?
It is time to create something in your outer world that confirms to you that you are a new being in a new world. And as you do so, that something new will be discussed among your friends and family as they wonder how you achieved the seemingly impossible with little effort.
Some of you will believe such wonderments are merely luck. But as more and more of you create your security blanket dream, others will take note and follow your – for now – seemingly odd concepts as they too start shifting to joy.
No longer can you postpone your creations, your outer joy for time is marching by.
You have long learned that time is irrelevant in New Earth, to new you. Such is true to a certain extent. But you are ready – more than ready – to be rewarded for your diligent efforts, your scout master skills that provided few rewards and much pain. At the same time, your lack of outer rewards does not spark the interest of those following or trying to follow you to New Earth.
Earth has evolved and so more and more are feeling uncomfortable in their 3D beings. But those following do not have the direction, the map you have held within your being for eons.
If you wish to label yourselves angels of earth, so be it.
Those fully enmeshed in the earth plane without the strong inner messages you carried throughout your eons on earth, cannot hear that siren song of joy within your being. You are their siren song of joy. So it is that it is time for you to prove to yourself and others that you indeed are earth angels and that all beings of earth are gods and goddesses.
Religious teachings have always captured the hearts and minds of some. But this is not the time for some to shift beyond 3D. This is the time for all to shift beyond 3D or to exit earth and provide support from the ethers. For this is what you label, “crunch time.”
Enough have awakened to display the physical possibilities so others will do the same.
But others will no more believe you than they believed a specific religious dogma if you cannot produce your security blanket creation. So it is that the energies falling upon earth now and for the next few weeks are to provide you with the support and security to dare create outside your box of 3D possibilities.
What is your dream this very moment? What is larger than all other dreams? Even though most of you have more than one dream, there is one that continues to force possibilities upon you, one that feels so right. This dream is not small – like a new pencil or parking space. It is something that should not be possible. Something you can observe in amazement and then giggle and laugh as it becomes yours.
This is the time you have been waiting for throughout this transition. Most likely, this security blanket dream is something you envisioned even before you transitioned – it is within your 3D concepts and vocabulary.
After you have created this piece, you will move to more abstract creations. Not because you can not do so now, but because you need your long dreamed of security blanket creation to prove to yourself and others that this transition is valid and real.
Do you suppose others would stream to their new beings if you relayed with great joy that you had traveled to other planets or times? Such concepts before those of 3D have seen more obvious creations would indeed be putting the transition “cart before the horse.”
You have always known this transition would happen for you have been part of all major earth transitions in various forms.
Your role now is to create your security blanket so others will know without a doubt that something is happening that they can be part of.
For the first time, you are displaying your earth angel capabilities en masse. Not one or two entities per eon as you have for eons.
So it is New Earth and new you have arrived to entice others to this fold of joy. And so you will create your security blanket piece by the end of 2015 or before. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2015 1:37:04 AM


Message from Yeshua: The Deep Expansion of Your Divine Energy ~ Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ September 13, 2015

Hello and Blessings, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. I come before you to bring you guidance for your further expansion.
The deep expansion of your divine energy is becoming quite evident to many of you as you enter yet another more intensive Gateway with the Eclipses and Equinox and Blood Moon energies. The time is nigh for you to be much more cognizant and aware of your expansion, and with this awareness brings even more expansion.
It is time to be much more comfortable with your own divine energy, your unique energy as it expands, for in it is foretold of your further coming together of your unique Divine Self, comfortable in your own right.
For it is important to cease being so concerned with comparing yourself to other’s development and bring a concentrated focus on your own development, your beautiful and unique development and expansion of your own consciousness.
For behold, it is important not only for your sake and evolvement and ascension, but for all others, for it builds and consolidates the Oneness in all its glory.
I come to you now with great Unconditional Love for you All, and encouragement to keep your focus on your own expansion of your Divine Self. It is a beautiful thing. It is composite of your Divine Purpose and of Divine Will.
You are beginning to see the bigger picture of your long arduous journey of rise in consciousness. It has not been easy. You are, however, beginning to fathom the deep transformation you have attained through all your clearing and your blending with your Higher Self, your Divine Self, your I AM Presence, as a gateway for all others to do the same.
For in your maiden journey begun so long ago, you, like myself, in my own incarnation more than 2000 years ago, are bringing the Light to bear throughout all Humanity. And it has spread farther than you can even imagine.
The key now in perpetuating this Light, your journey of ascension, and the ascension of all, is the focus on your own individual expansion of your divine energy as a precursor to the expansion of All into the diverse yet complete and whole Oneness of BEing. It is time to explore at a deeper level your connection with Creator and Source energy from the Core of your Being, your Heart Center, which now has a deeper and wider connection with Source through the portals opening wider and wider for you to enter.
On the other side of that is a new vista which you are beginning to glimpse, that is Freedom and Expansion and Clarity beyond any degree of which you have once experienced it.
In this, Creation becomes much more readily available to you, for you are dissolving the barriers of Illusion and coming face-to-face with your own vast divine knowledge and abilities, being tapped now at a greater level than before.
It is thus becoming much easier for you to embrace your unique abilities that are becoming more evident to you and are needed for the World and Universe and Multiverse to expand further. You see, these abilities that you are discovering, or rediscovering, are not just something you can play with, and enjoy, be aware of, and be in awe of, which you hopefully are, but also they are part and parcel of the bigger picture of Oneness and fills out the greater picture of All-That-Is. It expands further the Collective Consciousness and prepares for greater Miracles of Grace.
For in your greater individual expansion, in your greater connection with Source, is the greater expansion of All-That-Is, bringing Divine Freedom and Clarity to your Purpose. You can thus ‘play’ upon the ‘stage’ of expanding Divine Love and Peace, made much more available in your individual rise in consciousness and expansion.
For you can now access the higher vibrations and dimensions with more ease, paving the way for Divine Peace and Love to reign in consistent Divine Unity.
And this is a beautiful thing, my dear brothers and sisters. You are to be commended for persistently indulging in your own expansion, even though at times it feels like you hit against ‘walls’. But do you not also find that with each ‘Wall’ you hit, that within it is the material to dissolve it, made manifest with your very consciousness and awareness of the ‘wall’ and subsequent further deeper delving within your Divine Essence as a result of and solution for them?
Expansion can be free-flowing as long as you see these seeming ‘walls’ as only reminders of yet another portal to your expanded consciousness. It merely takes acceptance and facing whatever the obstacle is, with the faith and knowing that on the other side of it is Freedom and Expansion and ‘aha’ moments of Clarity.
So my beloveds, continue on with your expansion and take heed of my encouragement to continue with the energy and quality and aspect of Divine Grace* that you all are.
The Infinite quality of your Being is manifest here now as you explore it more fully by spending more time exploring the still quiet space of your Soul, ever-expanding your awareness of its Infinite Divine nature. The ‘sky is the limit’, dear ones. You never stop expanding, and with that is the sweet knowing of Peace and Joy and Bliss that you are becoming ALL That You ARE!
I am always at your side in Peace, Love and Eternal Bliss,
Your loving brother, Yeshua

*Mother Mary expands on Divine Grace Here

Healing to Wholeness Sessions and Channelings by Email are still on Special, to assist in your further Awakening:

photo and message: Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2015 1:40:36 AM


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ I am He that is known as Michael

I am He that is known as Michael. I am He that has stood beside you, who has backed you, who has divided you from your grief, from your angers, from your confines. I am He that walks with you always. Ask for my armor to shield you. Call upon me to stand as guardian of your light. To the front, to the back, to the left, to the right, above and below. Anchor Lock and seal this Light.

As the realms begin to shift like two tectonic plates doing the tango. There is a crack between worlds and between time lines. The energies of this tectonic tilting comes forth as an emotional earth shifts into a new perspective. This tectonic unrest will effect your body as it changes to accommodate the new energies being discharged. This time space sorting is deliberate. There will be delayed reactions as you go thru a time upgrade. This pause in time will give your mind an opportunity to adjust little by little.

Time will be sufficiently slowed down so that you can see the flower bloom, the leaves change color, the hummingbirds wings stand still for a nanosecond. There is a noticeable difference that is felt on the subtle levels of your being. Everyone knows something has changed and they look all around to find it. You are given a slowing of time so that you can experiment with creation without consequences. You are given this pause in time as a gift. In this time slowing event, in this methodical plotting of energies upon a graph of causal and pause-able time you are given a moment of divine hesitation, a flash-dance of peace, a moment to reclaim your true Identity. You are being asked to breathe the force of God into your life and body. Time and energy has slowed down enough to allow you entrance. Receive this ecliptic pause as a respite from an onslaught of emotional mayhem as reflected on the earths ever changing holodeck. I am Michael at every angle of your light and life.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2015 6:47:56 PM

The Oracle Report, Tuesday, September 15, 2015

New Moon Phase: begin, intend

Moon in Libra

Goddess of Wisdom: All (led by Shodashi, Goddess Who Aligns With the Soul’s Intentions)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of the South)

Skill: simplify the complexity

Catalysts for Change: hovering in the background, feelings of not being worthy or good enough, trivial, afraid to speak up or join in, holding back what one has to offer, untruths, isolation, escapism, avoidance, sacrifices, running on empty, frustration, quitting, indecision

True Alignments: adding what one has to offer, socialization, team building, softening, endurance, recollections, reconstructions, rehearsals, making the best of what’s around, like-minded people brought together, confidence, speaking up, imagination, pure intentions, wonder

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a girls basketball team”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Yesterday’s complex and intense energetics calm down somewhat today, as a theme of “simplicity” enters. We aim for simplification within the complexity.

Three things will assist this:

SHARING (discussing) the situation with others

COMPROMISING with others

RESTORING THE FUN in whatever way we can. The Sabian symbol for this lunar month is “a girls basketball team,” and so far I have only discussed this from the competitive perspective. Winning is great, but the real value is in enjoying playing the game with others. Being part of a team that enjoys what it is doing is the best.

The notions of sharing with others and socializing repeats in several of the energetic signatures today. The intention is to drive us toward what is comforting. In doing so, we come into a state of “innocence” or “back to basics.” Keeping things simple and bringing them back to basics equalizes tension and intensity. The last few days have been energetically tense!

Today we are guided toward authenticity, and the things that come from it are seeds of the Second Renaissance. Where can you simplify?

(A comment on the “Assessment of the Deconstruction” — Yesterday was the second of three opportunities this solar-lunar year where the potential for nefarious activities to take power and control over the collective of humanity is at maximum. It looks like V for victory for Team Gaia Sophia, once again, but I am not ready to call it yet. The Moon will oppose Uranus today at 2:28 pm ET/6:28 pm UT at the degree of the next New Moon, the New Moon in Libra, and the Sabian symbol of “a Jewish rabbi performing his duties.” This New Moon phase ends overnight Wednesday, so we remain aware. The third opportunity comes with the New Moon in Libra on October 12.

A note to those with the Sun or Black Moon in Aries or Libra: Today is a “Black Moon day,” since the Moon is in Libra and the Black Moon is in Libra. Over the next nine months, a rebirth of your entire self is happening. It can feel like a dark night of the soul, but it is actually an adventure of the soul. It goes into deep territory — into our fears and into a face-to-face encounter with our true selves. Ideas about worthiness accompany this because the transit is designed to help us see the totality and value of ourselves. It challenges beliefs. It is wise to surrender to what is being revealed, as resisting it only makes it harder on ourselves. The goal is to, as best we can, embrace the experience as an adventure that will yield a great reward. This is the hero’s journey.

And, here’s an experiment: The Wisdom Goddesses offer this “sonic remedy” for aiding in making the complex simple. If something is stumping you or seems irreconcilable, try listening to Chopin’s Twelve Etudes, Opus 10, No 9 in F Minor.)

Monday, September 14, 2015

New Moon Phase: begin, intend

Moon in Libra

Goddess of Wisdom: All (with Shodashi, Goddess Who Aligns and Fulfills)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of the South)

Skill: breathe gently; slide; find beauty

Catalysts for Change: bossing people around, testing others, feeling overpowered or overwhelmed, false fronts/allegiance, elitism, ideas of genocide, not standing up for self, performances to trick or manipulate, denial, escapism, strong and impulsive reactions before thinking, storms of emotions

True Alignments: recollection, objectivity within chaotic situations, new opportunities, victory, revelation of truths, codes, defiance of limitations, connecting with others, standing up for self, self-reliance, fearless, a level of mastery, trust and faith, inner equilibrium

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a girls basketball team” (unity)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (re-tuning/re-turning)

It’s a powerful day with powerful waves of energy. Today, when wise owls sense the wave (through feelings of overwhelm, powerlessness, fear, loss, or other extremes), we will stop and let the wave pass through us.

The energy can become crazily surreal. Emotions can go all over the place. This is because a wave of spiritual energy was released yesterday with the New Moon in Virgo. This wave is pouring through the nooks, crevices, and corners of everything. It is pounding through in a torrent.

The torrent is a good thing because it is clearing the way for new opportunities and new beginnings. But because newness implies a change, it can be misinterpreted as feeling “not good.” As a traumatized species, we are overcoming our fear that we are destined for doom. We are learning that change is the way of the universe, and that it is a dance that flows, not a game to see who is left standing.

If you feel like your emotions are coming in too fast, your body is trying to adjust. Try picturing yourself “sliding” underneath it and out of the fray.

It will also help to not try to do too much today. If a loss is experienced, it may be somewhat temporary. Is it too soon to judge the final outcome? If so, let it be.

The strength and combination of the energies today may have us vacillating between feeling quite energized to harness or seize the day and then quickly turn to feeling quite overwhelmed. We don’t want to engage all of this too much. A powerful spiritual event is occurring. Recognizing this, we can step back or step out of the swirling torrent and let it do its thing. We can “de-personalize” it to some degree.

Last night I recorded two new audios to go into more detail about the energetics in place right now. These are posted

It’s an important day. We continue to practice the skill of the wise owl in a tree, observing all that is happening, ready to respond if necessary. At the same time, we immerse ourselves in the beauty of nature, the mind of the Wisdom Goddess Sophia. Wisdom let us attend.


New Moon Phase: begin, intend

Moon in Virgo/Libra (Sunday 10:41 pm ET/Monday 2:41 am UT)

Goddess of Wisdom: All – Led by Shodashi (Goddess of Beauty, Goddess Who Aligns)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of The South)

Skill: maintain equilibrium

Catalysts for Change: uncooperative, self-centered, sacrificing the self, fearful, irresponsible, overindulgence in self-pity, deconstruction, forcing or dominating others, false flags, fooling with Mother Nature, feelings of loss

True Alignments: cooperation, learning from the past, the rhythms of Mother Nature, believing, constructing and reconstructing, skillful, passionate about something, courage, safe, the five senses, like-minds brought together

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a girls basketball team” (unity)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Happy New Moon!

The New Moon in Virgo is at 20 Virgo 10 and the Sabian symbol of 21 Virgo, “a girls basketball team.” This month, the full-court of the sacred feminine energetics floods the field to bring unity and alignment with our highest and best. The effects will be widespread, with marked changes in our lives and in the world.

The next two days – Sunday, September 13 and Monday, September 14, 2015 — will yield much valuable information. This information is going to enable us to gauge (game) the status of things and how this will effect us for the remainder of the year (and beyond).

Insights that reach far into the future will be evident. This means that wise owls engage the skill that we’ve been practicing here for years: maintaining physical, emotional, and spiritual equilibrium during key times in history. The next two days are the most important to date.

The importance is due to a confluence of several things that I have detailed in the “Messages in a Bottle” recordings and also on Phoenix Rising Radio. The confluence of various religious calendrics and astrological signatures make today and tomorrow just about the best opportunity to affect the future than any I have ever seen.

One piece of this that I have not discussed is the fact that the Moon will contact (activate) the North Node and the Black Moon during this time. This dynamic begins in earnest Sunday at 10:41 pm ET/Monday 2:41 am UT when the Moon moves into Libra. When the North Node and the Black Moon are together, new beginnings, new roads, new paths, new opportunities are born!

It gets better. The Sabian symbols give us even more information. Here is the breakdown with corresponding time of exact activation. Exact activation means this is when the energetic begins. The activation of these continues during the entire time the Moon is in Libra (until Wednesday, September 16 at 11:43 am ET/3:43 pm UT) but will have long-reaching effects. The next lunar month, the Libra New Moon, will connect directly with this one:

1:28 am ET/5:28 am UT MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14: The Moon conjuncts (comes to the same “place” in the sky as) the North Node (destiny) at 01 Libra 22 and the Sabian symbol of “the light of the sixth race transmitted to the seventh.” This energetic is about epic progress and provides conditions to bring things to a new, higher level. It’s about carrying things forward – transmitting them into the future. It’s about ensuring the continuation of the race. This is the destiny.

3:12 am ET/7:12 am UT MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14: The Moon conjuncts the Black Moon (rebirth) at 02 Libra 13 and the Sabian symbol of “the dawn of a new day reveals everything changed.” This energetic is about sudden new beginnings. Darkness recedes. We see changes. Things can happen very quickly.

Adding to the light motifs in the energetics, Venus, goddess of Virgo, is discharging the energy of “brilliant sunshine just after a storm.” How wonderful.

We are focused on the light and love and abundance that comes with the Virgo lunar cycle. Thank you to everyone who has already participated or who plans to participate in the “Wings Around the World” meditation (detailed below). The parliament of wise owls around the world are aware of the times. The unity of our awareness and our maintenance of love when fear is presented is our strength.

I will be posting a special audio addendum to today’s report later today to go into a bit more detail.

Also, please join me in sending some love to wise owl Logan, who is a little over two weeks away from completing his full-court trek across the country to raise awareness of the biowar on humanity and all things truth. Logan is now outside Cedar City, Utah and heads into an intense stretch through the Nevada desert early this week. If you want to send him a note of encouragement, you can reach him at


The “Wings Around the World” meditation is below. Join in anytime after the New Moon in your time zone – you do not need to do it at the exact time of the New Moon. It’s a “wave” and does not follow our notions of time and space.

The “Love Prevails” meditation from July 17 (which I now like to call the “Wings Around the World” meditation) will be Sunday, September 13, the day of the Virgo New Moon. If you are inclined, you can perform the meditation anytime this Sunday (September 13) after 2:41 am ET/6:41 am UT. I will prepare everything in advance of the exact time of the New Moon. No dogma here; adapt this to your preference:



A group meditation (a gathering of minds) that occurs at individual times is the mission. Please modify this according to your own practice and style. Picture:

  • Your shield of divine protection
  • Yourself taking flight as a wise owl
  • Yourself taking your place in a ring around the Earth with the other wise owls around the world
  • From your heart, emanate a wave of alignment with love, freedom, and the value of life
  • Feel the pulse circle as the music we are putting around our sphere
  • Repeat what you know in your heart: “Love prevails.”
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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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