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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2015 7:03:16 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: Love is Always Present, Like the Air you Breathe.

Jesus postingJohn’s audio reading is available here.

We are One, there is no separation. Deep within you know that, and we here in the spiritual realms have been reminding you of this regularly for a very long time.

Modern physics knows it, but does not wish to state it quite so simply because it would appear to show that physicists have discovered the existence of God and must therefore become believers. That is something the vast majority of them are not yet ready to admit to.

The evidence is clear, very clear, but these physicists are focusing on “far more important issues,” they are still seeking the smallest and most basic particles in the universe via the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, and yet Reality is infinitely vast! Meanwhile their spiritual thoughts are kept private and, if possible, left undisturbed.

However, the human collective is way ahead of the game here because so many books, articles, and documentaries have shown irrefutably that humans are far, far more than chemical reactions and electro-magnetic impulses in the brain. The reality of spirit has been demonstrated again and again, and only those who have chosen to remain in denial of the truth of this refuse to admit it.

Denial is used because this truth is terrifying for many and it enables them to dismiss the possibility of spirit as wishful thinking by those who are afraid of death while themselves maintaining an air of nonchalance about the shocking brevity and seeming lack of meaning of an individual human life.

But of course life is never ending, it is eternal, as you well know, and the illusory state of existence you experience as humans on Earth is but a brief dream or nightmare from which you are shortly to awaken.

Signs of humanity’s awakening are evident all across the world as love, shelter, food, and resettling assistance is offered again and again to immigrants fleeing repressive regimes and war zones. Yes, humanity is most definitely very close to awakening, and nothing and no-one can prevent it from happening.

You, the Light holders and Light workers who read this and other channeled messages from the spiritual realms, absolutely know this and are doing essential work in bringing it about. And that work is simply your constant intent to be loving in every moment of your lives. The flood of Love that you are creating and extending is, like Reality, VAST!

When doubts arise for you as a result, for instance, of mainstream news reports of the intolerable suffering of so many due to war and other man-made atrocities, or due to extreme weather, fire, earthquakes or volcanic activity, remind yourselves of the work you are doing and of its inevitable success.

Then, once more, strengthen your intent to send love to all those on your lovely planet who are in need and who are suffering, because that is the most powerful and effective thing you can do, and it is most powerful because it is the Will of God being put into practise by all of you.

As I said above: All are One. Therefore helping another is helping yourself. However, the illusion, the realm of the ego, strongly suggests that taking care of the self to the exclusion of others is the only sane way to live, while perhaps offering a certain amount of compassion and charity to others if it does not demand too much of your personal limited resources. The reasoning behind that attitude, apart from a strong belief in the reality of the illusion, is the fear of scarcity that is separation and the ensuing lack of Love experienced in that state.

As you have been told so often there is only Love, because God is Love, and all that exists is contained within God, Who is the infinitely vast Reality, the energy field from which all life flows, the Source. So each and every sentient being is the same as God, just as every individual drop of water anywhere on the planet is identical to all the rivers, lakes, and oceans combined. There is no difference between them.

Of course the planet’s water has been severely contaminated in many places, but it is still water, much as humanity’s attitudes have been contaminated by its apparent separation from Source, and so the purity of Love seems lacking. As guardians of planet Earth, humanity is responsible for cleaning up the damage it has caused and restoring it to its natural state. More and more of you are becoming aware of this grave responsibility and are taking steps to do so. That is Love in action.

Love, your natural state, cannot be contained but it has been hidden or denied and then forgotten because of your choice to experience separation from God and therefore from one another. When Love is absent great fear arises and peace is impossible between either individuals or nations.

Psychology has recently – psychology being but a recent advance in starting to understand the basic essential non-physical needs of humans – learnt that self-respect and self-acceptance are essential aspects of a well-balanced and healthy individual. In other words to love oneself is essential for good health. When an individual truly loves the self with which it identifies, that love then flows outwards to embrace all life and that is your path to awakening.

Psychology is really only following along behind the ongoing human awakening process and observing its effects. Yes, it can be very helpful to those trapped in fear, loathing, and self-hatred, helping them to see that those deeply ingrained beliefs are utterly unwarranted, and by then assisting them to open themselves to the fact that they deserve and are entitled to love. However, it is due to the ever-increasing intensity of the power of the Tsunami of Love that your work is causing that is bringing humanity rapidly forward to its most gloriously anticipated moment of awakening.

Love is always present, like the air you breathe, but you all have the choice to accept or reject It, and the numbers now openly accepting and indeed embracing It are increasing daily, bringing humanity to the tipping point, the point at which the collective, having already chosen to awaken, remembers that choice and releases its hold on the illusion.

It is rather as though someone who is drowning, because they are holding on to some heavy artifact they dearly value and have carried with them from a sinking ship, suddenly lets go of it because they can no longer breathe, and, released from their burden, rockets to the surface and fills their lungs with desperately needed air. Then realization finally dawns that only life has lasting value.

Rejoice therefore in the knowledge that the life-force that powers your human vehicles is Love, that It is indeed eternal, and that it can never be snuffed out!

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Jesus: Love is Always Present, Like the Air you Breathe. Channelled by John Smallman. September 14, 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2015 7:06:47 PM

An Ascension Unique in the Multiverse – Part 3/3

Universe 22First in a Multiverse-Wide Ascension

Mira the Pleiadian informs us that “there is not a single place in all of Creation that is not affected by what is going on with the Earth right now.” (1)

St. Germaine explains why: apparently we’re “the first who are going through this process.” (2) Saan through Wes Annac tells us that “you’re helping strongly to initiate the ascension of this Universe.” (3)

What are they referring to? Well, apparently what is happening on Planet Earth is the first domino in the Ascension of the entire universe, as Goldenlight’s sources explain:

“Your planet is the catalyst in a ‘domino effect’ that will affect all other planets, galaxies, and universes in the multiverse; the ascension of Gaia and her inhabitants to higher dimensional levels is setting off a chain reaction in the multiverse wherein all other planets, star systems, galaxies, beings are being upgraded a level or two.” (4)

On another occasion her sources called Earth ”the star player in the game.” (5) They explain that “all attention is focused on Earth now as this is the staging ground for the upshifting of all elements in the universe.”

“The entire universe is going through an upgrade and Earth is an integral part of this, for just as your Earth beings and all other beings are a projection of the Divine Mind, so too are the other elements in the universe. And the upshifting and resetting of the systems of Earth must happen before the upshifting can occur in the rest of the universe. …

“You see, your planet plays a vital role in the Divine Plan for All and is an important Intergalactic member who will now be openly welcomed into the Intergalactic Councils with great ‘fanfare,’ joy and welcome from all the other members. Your planet is becoming a ‘grown-up’ and maturing from its infancy stage and coming out of the darkness of quarantine which has lasted a very long ‘time.’” (6)

Sanat Kumara said that, with our Ascension, everyone in the universe receives a fresh start.

“With this Ascension, with this shift and the conscious embracing of love, everybody, everywhere, all beings, all planets — which are sentient, as you know — receive a new start. It is a transfusion and a new beginning.

“What it marks, the impact as you would think of it is the beginning of a new cycle of existence. It is not a minor thing. And what it does, it not only allows those who are already well underway and in different dimensionality to fly freely, but everyone upon the planet as well.

“But it also affects those who have been caught in what you would think of as darkness to return back to the light, to have that illusion destroyed, to have a new beginning as well.” (7)

The Divine Mother appears to confirm this: “As you [ascend], you are setting the paradigm for the next and the next and the next.” (8)

A group calling itself the Company of Heaven explained what’s involved.

“The evolution of the Universe will be aided immensely by the Earth’s ascension, and in return, will aid in the evolution of other structures of existence far beyond even the grasp of what’ll be your united and ascended Universal consciousness.

“Indeed, as an aspect of the Universal ascension every planet and civilization will come together and interweave with each other in ways that see you working with us to help every other facet of Creation ascend.

“You’ll establish, along with us, a collective Universal consciousness and from there, we’ll help the Universe ascend and help in the next expansions and ascensions that’ll take place.

“The ripple effect the Earth’s ascension is causing couldn’t be expressed enough, as it’s to help bring about the Universal ascension which will then bring about continual greater ascensions in realms and Creational structures far beyond the consciousness of the Universal collective you’ll establish. (9)

Collaboration is important to the ripple effect of Earth’s Ascension, Jesus tells us:

“It’s important for your populace to reach the point of collective ascension, because of the importance of your ascension to that of the Universe. The Universe is ascending along with the Earth, and the various planets that’ll be uplifted because of the Earth’s ascension will themselves inspire and uplift other planets and civilizations to find evolution and aid in the Universal ascension.” (10)

He suggested that Earth’s Ascension was a much bigger event than has been hinted at so far and explained why it was muted.

“The Universal ascension is a much bigger event than has yet been hinted at by the majority of channels, and for quite a while, the protocol was to first have you focus upon your Earthly ascension and bring it about before we introduced the most intricate discussions regarding the Universal ascension. … You’re being led to greater understandings about the events taking place.” (11)

Sanat Kumara tells us that our Ascension will continue to ripple on well past the Fifth Dimension.

“That is why we say that it is not simply an ascension into the fifth-dimensional reality. It is to continue on and it is the freedom in form to be able to experience the different realities and dimensions.

“Now when that is anchored, the pattern, the repatterning, the grid, the model is set. And those planets who have had their own hurdles will then take the pattern, the energetic imprint of Gaia, and be able to utilize that and the energetic imprint of humanity and be able to utilize that with their own populations so that they may rise back to the place of love, back to a place of greater consciousness.” (12)

That’s why so many intergalactic ships are here observing us at this time, he explains.

“It is a system that is in flux. That is why so many are in attendance at this time. That is why you are being observed in a very positive light so closely. So much hinges on these hard decisions that each of you is making.” (13)

He adds:

“Well, they have always been watching Earth, and they have always been interested in the Ascension process, because it is unique. … So it is having a ripple effect throughout the entire universe. And the fact that the human race matured enough to say, no, we will care for everybody, has caused ripples and amazement throughout the galaxies!

“So they are watching very closely how you are doing it. And how it is going, because it will set the paradigm for other planetary Ascensions, other realms that want to work in this way.” (14)

This being the case, it shouldn’t be surprising that, as Sanat says, “some of the final pieces [were just] put in place very recently.”(15)

Thus, this Ascension is unique in the sense that it’s the first in which we take our physical bodies with us, transformed from a carbon base to a crystalline base. It’s also unique in that it’s the first in which a mass Ascension will occur. Its uniqueness was amplified by the fact that the population of the planet asked at soul level to wait longer so that the largest number of people possible could ascend. And finally it’s the first in that the entirety of the multiverse will ascend after it following features of the model presently being set and established on Planet Earth.


(1) Mira, April 14, 2013, at

(2) “Transcript: St. Germaine Discusses Self-Esteem, July 16, 2013, Part 1/2,” July 18, 2013, at

(3) “Saan and the Arcturian Councils: A Short Introductory Message,” channeled by Wes Annac, June 28, 2013 at:

(4) “Pleiadian Council, Archangel Michael, and Source Creator via Goldenlight: COMET ISON is an Intergalactic Mothership and A Gift from Source Creator,” channeled by Goldenlight, December 3, 2013 at

(5) “Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Source Creator via Goldenlight: Upgrading to a Multidimensional Operating System,” Oct. 5, 2013, at

(6) “Council of Angels and Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight ~ The Global Reset of all Systems in Preparation for the Golden Age on Earth,” channeled by Goldenlight, July 25, 2013 at

(7) “Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013,

(8) “The Divine Mother: The Role of Clarity,” channeled by Linda Dillon, October 7, 2013, at

(9) “The Company of Heaven: The Earth’s Ascension is Just the Beginning,” channeled by Wes Annac, September 6, 2013 at

(10) “Jeshua and the Ascended Masters: Spiritual Liberation will help you Create Heaven on Earth,” channeled by Wes Annac, August 26, 2013 at

(11) Loc. cit.

(12) “Transcript: Sanat Kumara Discusses the Sacred Law of Purpose, Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, August 13, 2013, at

(13) “Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013,

(14) “It Is a New Day: Sanat Kumara on Pope Francis, the Process of Ascension, the Earth’s Place in Ascension, Etc.,” March 13, 2013, at

(15) “Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2015 7:08:02 PM

What Is Love but Oneness?

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God said:

I like to hear your voice ramble. Don’t you know you’re joy to Me? My heart smiles at your voice. It’s okay, absolutely okay to be you. It’s very okay for everyone to keep Me in mind and heart and speak to Me, for I enjoy every inch of My Creation equally. I enjoy. I enjoy every One and every thing.

I love to look at the clouds. I love to look at the seas and hear the roar of the ocean, and I love to hear every voice in My Kingdom. There are those who might consider the world My Carnival. I see the world more as My Kingdom. I gave you Free Will and continue to give you this Key to My Kingdom.

The world is the Playpen of My Kingdom, the School Yard of My Kingdom. The world is where you gain wisdom and the congruent Opening of Your Heart, the Easing of Your Heart, the Wonderment of Your Heart, the Blessing of Life in the World.

I have said and say again that I cannot be called patient nor impatient. I am neither. I know neither patience or impatience. This is inevitable because I am not under the thumb of time. I do not age. I live at a high point where time does not exist. Timelessness exists.

Come, join Me in Infinity, and you will be beyond the reach of any time-crunch whatsoever. Without time, who would ever be in a hurry? Without time, who would have to run for a bus? Without the vivid concept of time, who would have to count the minutes or lose track of the illusion called time?

Your true love would arrive when he or she arrives. Babies would be born when they are born. You would not name months or dates or last minute or next minute. Being doesn’t arrive, and Being never leaves, you understand. Being IS. Being is Infinite and Eternal which means no time at all and no distance either.

As you know by now, this also means there would be no North, South, East or West. We could say you would be God-Facing, and that’s it. There would be no Baby New Year, no Cronus of time, no opposites whatsoever.

How simple life will be when you rise above time, and you understand and live a life far less cluttered than the life you live now.

You are on the verge. Of course, where I am, there is no verge. There is no being close and no being far. There is no distance of space, and there is no distance of time. There is no distance.

From your vantage, We could well say there is close, and close without an opposite. You would love to sweep up everything near and dear closer to you.

On the verge means you are close. You are on the Edge of Knowingness.

Oneness is clear. There is no unclear.

Without time and space, there is no confusion. What is there to be confused about? Look, without time, there are no interruptions. There are no lapses.

Look, without space, there are no gaps as you know gaps. We could say that you are in the gap. Some might say outer space, yet only inner space exists. I do not know what another name for inner space is. Well, yes, Being. Of course, Being is another name for what is called inner space.

This is how I can be Everywhere, even as there is no place. This is how I am All the Time even as there is no time. There is no frequent. There is no less. There is no loss. In Truth, it cannot be said that time is ever lost because time is a myth, a popular myth, a myth that the world runs by yet can never run out of because time does not exist to run out of.

And, so, in Truth, you are Oneness, and all the boundaries that seem to exist do not exist. You are Being. You are beginningless and endingless Being, and that is Who you and I are, Pure Unadulterated Oneness also known as Love. What is Love but Oneness?

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2015 7:09:52 PM

Life Is Better Than You Think


Plenty of things about life can bring us down, and it’s easy to think we have it rougher than the rest of the world. Depression is a hard-hitting spiritual sickness that affects a lot of people, and if our outlook is negative, everything we do, feel and experience will reflect it. Our negative circumstances will seem to validate our thoughts, and we’ll be trapped in a series of awful experiences that, little do we know, we can escape at any time.

Instead of being depressed about life, let’s think about how fortunate we are to be alive. Consciousness is a gift that should be cherished, and if life itself weren’t enough, most of us have a stable living situation to boost. We have food, water, electricity and a roof over our heads, and that’s more than a lot of people can say.

Next to spirituality, I think survival should be our biggest concern.

Some people take their drive to survive too far, and when they secure a stable life, the mindset that caused them to work so hard gets out of hand and creates greed and an unhealthy fascination with vanity and materiality. They used to work for survival, but now, they care more about increasing their wealth or corporate conquest. They forget how much of a blessing it is to survive, and their greed takes over as they slowly lose themselves.

I’m not saying we should be like them, but I am saying we should focus at least a little on survival. In focusing on it, we can be thankful for how easy it is for some of us. Yes, we have to work to afford the basic necessities on a planet that freely provides food, water and the means to house ourselves, but at least we have the basics.


At least we have food, water, and a home or apartment (or trailer). At least we aren’t worried where our next meal will come from or if we can escape our tyrannical government and pray that some other less tyrannical country will shelter us from our otherwise inevitable demise. At least we have all of these creature comforts we take for granted, even though they’re unnecessary.

Don’t get me wrong – developed nations can be just as rough as the rest of them, and too many people suffer here in the US. They have to search for their next meal, and they’re caught up in a violent culture that creates criminals out of intelligent people with the potential to raise awareness and change the world. The fact that the same things are going on right here should increase our awareness and our gratitude for a stable life, and the next time we’re upset about something trivial, maybe we can think about the less fortunate, who’d love to have as little worries as us.

We can realize that everyone is struggling, and most of the struggles out there are infinitely worse than ours. We couldn’t handle them with anywhere near the amount of strength as the people who experience them, and our own emotional drama is usually enough to make us want to crawl in bed and hide from the world.

I understand sadness, believe me, but maybe things aren’t as bad as we like to think. Maybe things are actually great and we’re wasting a miracle by getting upset about all of these trivial things. If we could open our eyes and see what’s really happening on this planet, we might see that we have so much to be thankful for and for the most part, we’re missing out on it.

Then, we’ll be confronted with a sense of urgency to enjoy life, love the people around us and find a way to get through the bad times without letting them defeat us. Knowing that a lot of people have it a lot worse than us can increase our strength and encourage compassionate action, and all the while, we can keep in mind that life is meant to be loved.

Credit: Soul Speaking on Facebook –

Social awareness can drive us to make a positive change in this broken world, and it can help us remember that things aren’t as bad as we tend to think. Once we remember this and ease up on the pressure, life opens up for us and amazes us with its blessings while inspiring us to share the wealth in any way we can – even if it’s just by writing our feelings or composing uplifting music.

Anything that comes from the heart and is offered with the intent of helping people is valuable, and remembering that life is a blessing can restore our love and compassion for ourselves and the rest of humanity. Once we learn to love ourselves and appreciate our circumstances, we can set our sights on contributing to humanity’s evolution.

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness, September 14, 2015 –

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2015 7:14:48 PM

GFP Newsletter - 9/14/2015

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Truth happens rarely, because very few people gather that much courage for it to happen. And what the masses say is almost always wrong; beware of it. If the masses believe that a certain man is a saint, beware. Every possibility is that he is a pretender. Because the masses believe in him is enough of a proof that he must be wrong. What is the logic behind it? The logic is that he is fulfilling the desires of the masses, and no man of truth can ever fulfill the desires of the masses.

The man of truth has another devotion: his devotion is towards truth. He has to fulfill truth, not the ideas of the masses - and the ideas of the masses are ideas of blind people about light, ideas about music of those who are deaf, ideas about love of those who have never loved, ideas about God of those who have no notion of what God is. If these people are following somebody, one thing is certain: that man must be fulfilling their idea of saintlihood.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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