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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/14/2015 5:36:20 PM

NorthPoint ASTROLOGY JOURNAL: Your Guide to Planetary Energies for September 14 – 20, 2015, by Pam Younghans

Photo: Auroras ov
er Tjeldøya, Norway on September 11, 2015
(credit: Chris Nation
, posted on

THREE NOTABLE planetary events occur this week, clustered within 24 hours of each other. The schedule reads (in PDT): On Wednesday, Jupiter opposite Neptune at 11:53pm; on Thursday, Mercury goes retrograde at 11:09am, and Saturn enters Sagittarius at 7:49pm.

The most intriguing of these three events, in my estimation, is the Jupiter-Neptune opposition. We’ve already been working with this influence for a couple of weeks as it has been building to exactitude — but we always gain extra awareness of the effects of a planetary aspect around the time that it is exact to the degree.

JUPITER is traveling through earthy Virgo now, emphasizing both the positive and negative traits associated with the sign. On the one hand, our desire to be of service to the higher good is activated, as are unselfishness and dependability. But, Virgo is also known for worry, nervousness, and fault-finding, so we must also watch any tendencies toward these less desirable manifestations of the sign.

Virgo is on the opposite side of the zodiac from watery Pisces, the sign that Neptune is currently transiting. Where Virgo is practical, Pisces is romantic; when Virgo takes control and organizes, Pisces is sensitively in tune with the subtleties of what is required on other levels of reality. But, Pisces can also be moody and reclusive, prone to avoidance and over-idealism.

AS JUPITER AND NEPTUNE oppose each other this week, we are called to find a balance between using our skills of practical discernment and operating from a more intuitive and mystical perspective. Oppositions can be problematic, in that we can seesaw back and forth between the polarities; but in this particular event, we have help from Luna.

At the time of the exact Jupiter-Neptune opposition, the Moon in Scorpio is exactly sextile Jupiter and trine Neptune, providing an outlet for the tension of the opposition and enabling us to bring another level of insight to whatever project or process we are working on. This support from the Moon should help us access the positive potentials available through any Jupiter-Neptune contact. According to Robert Hand’s book Horoscope Symbols, these include:

“Optimistic dreams and speculations; idealism, concern with mystical and spiritual issues. Idealistic humanitarianism, the desire to work for the greater good with little thought of personal gain.”

THE SUPPORT offered by this Moon-Jupiter-Neptune configuration can help us tap into the best of all three signs involved: the solution-orientation of Virgo, the ability to access spiritual insights of Pisces, and the strong desire and determination of Scorpio.

The overnight hours from Wednesday into Thursday may be especially fruitful for receiving insights through dreams or meditations. Before nodding off to sleep, this would be a good time to plant the intention in our subconscious to be open to messages and solutions from higher guidance — and be sure to have a pencil and paper bedside to capture any fleeting images that are present on waking.

MERCURY will be retrograde (moving backward) from September 17 until October 9. The usual cautions apply whenever Mercury is retrograde; since the planet represents the conscious mind and how we apply it to our daily lives, during these three weeks we are encouraged to review old or existing projects and less supported in beginning new endeavors.

I always find it helpful to try to see daily events as symbolic rather than literal while Mercury is retrograde. It’s an interesting exercise, at the end of the day, to consider: What would this event have meant if it had occurred in a dream that I now want to interpret and understand?

SATURN re-enters Sagittarius on Thursday, after a three-month return to Scorpio that began during its retrograde phase. Saturn’s transit of a sign usually requires us to take the themes of that sign very seriously, and to gain greater mastery over the related issues that present themselves.

Some of the areas of life that Sagittarius rules are religion, philosophies, and belief systems; foreign cultures and travel abroad; and higher education, mind expansion, and the development of wisdom. Astrologer Isabel Hickey wrote that the symbol for Sagittarius — the bow and arrow aimed heavenward — “represents our attempt to liberate ourselves from our lower nature and become that which we already are on the higher plane.”

I TEND TO THINK that if the planet Saturn were a person, it would have a lot of the characteristics of Dr. Phil, the TV psychologist. Dr. Phil is very focused on people taking responsibility for what happens in their lives, and he doesn’t spend too much time beating around the bush. He challenges his clients to be objective, learn their lessons, and create better lives.

Saturn will be in Sagittarius until December 2017. Over the next 27 months, it will be interesting to watch what “Dr. Saturn” has to teach us about “liberating ourselves from our lower nature and becoming that which we already are on a higher plane.”

In peace,


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/14/2015 5:58:39 PM

Montague Keen, Sunday, September 13, 2015

My friends, many of you are in a dilemma. Should you believe the information that is flooding in, regarding the Pope’s visit to America. So many times, I have told you, “Nothing is as it seems”. Those whom you were taught to love and respect are the exact opposite to what you believe them to be. Black is white and white is black. Take control of your own lives. Love and light is all that matters. This is what you want in your world. Ignore the dark side of life and reject their plans for your world. You do have a choice. When you come together and exercise that choice, then you will create the world you would wish to live in. This choice will be forced on you in the next few weeks. Make your decision in advance. You want a peaceful world where the human race can live and share the abundance that surrounds you.

You have nothing to fear, for when the 99% decide they want peace, then peace it will be. Learn to live in your hearts, not your minds. Your heart cannot lie to you. Those who have lied to you will be exposed and removed from authority. The religion of LOVE will be resurrected. It will flourish all over your world once more. Your fellow man is never your enemy, only circumstances make it look as if he is. All this manipulation will end, the moment you refuse to accept it anymore. Those who govern you, do so only with the consent of the people. That consent can be withdrawn at any time. You need to give serious thought as to how you would like your world to be, in the future. It is up to each and every one of you to be part of this decision-making.

Every man is equal in the sight of God. Never again allow a hierarchy to develop that assumes leadership and control. Accepting this and religion, lead to man’s downfall. Learn from the mistakes of the past and decide never again to fall into such a trap. Every day you see more clearly the mistakes of the past, how you foolishly gave away your power, and in some cases your souls, to corrupt regimes, whether religions or governments. All governments are in “power” only because they sold out to those who really wield the power, those who remain hidden from you. Do your own research, then you can make valued judgements. Refuse to be the sheep that do as they are told without questioning. Every soul on Earth must awaken to who and what he is. You came to Earth to make changes, to remove all that is dark and evil. As soon as you have the WILL to do this, you will have the POWER to do it. It is a simple choice. You cannot be stopped, for it is ordained that this should happen. Just how quickly, is up to you. The Cabal will very soon try to force changes on you. When together, you refuse to accept them, then there is absolutely nothing the Cabal can do to force you. You have a choice.

Reconnect with your spiritual lives and become who you are. Open up to all possibilities. You can become active in recovering all the sacred ENERGY from the ley lines for humanity. This action alone, would bring about tremendous changes for the better. ENERGY can be used for good or evil. The Cabal uses the ley line energy for evil control. This energy is yours by right. You are entitled to take it back, so you can create peace and harmony. The most important ley lines are in Ireland. D.E. has made plans to guide this work in Ireland. Hilda will lead the work through Facebook, all over the world. Everyone, everywhere, can do this. It just takes commitment, love for your fellow man, and a desire for peace for all mankind. By doing this, you will bring LIGHT to the world, and that light will remove all darkness.

This is the time to do it. It is the way to do it. Everyone on Earth can be part of this great movement. You have everything to gain. Become the powerful beings of light that you are. Together, you can achieve everything. It is time to actively take back your power. All you need is the intention to return this sacred energy to humanity. By doing this, my friends, you are creating history. This is why you are on Earth at this time. The future of humanity on Earth rests in your hands. Are you prepared to commit a few hours of your time to create a better world for all? You can become the architects of the future. Remember, the Cabal uses a digital sacred geometry system, as well as the physical sacred geometry system that overlays the natural earth ley lines. When the sacred geometry system IS CRACKED AT ITS CORE, the main communication and control systems, which are the 32 OBELISKS spread throughout sacred geometry buildings, will begin TO EAT THEIR OWN ENERGY AT A CELLULAR LEVEL. Take the REVOCATIONS to every sacred building and read them, especially for the Vatican, the Courts, and the Banks, etc. Use your own sacred power to remove the dark control. It is all in your hands. Enjoy the exercise. Timing is important, and this is the time for this work to be carried out.

My dear, you have spent the last 11 years trying to wake people up to truth and light. I know you wish you had been more successful. Considering the opposition you had, you have done very well. People will step forward and work together. We will succeed, my dear. You and I are invincible.

Be kind to yourself and take rest whenever possible. Always, your adoring, Monty.


Kiesha Crowther (Little Grandmother) will be at The Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, in Dublin, on the 27 September. She will be conducting a Ceremony: To Connect Your Precious Ireland to the Sacred Grid. Please take part in this ceremony, as the world needs Ireland to connect with the ancient knowledge of our ancestors.

[I’m adding these videos from my other blog. Keisha is a beautiful person! ~J]

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/14/2015 6:03:58 PM

An Ascension Unique in the Multiverse – Part 2/3

Ascension 555First Mass Ascension

Another unique feature of the process we’re going through is that it’s a mass Ascension. Until now, only a few initiates ascended, but now the gift is available everyone who chooses and has assimilated sufficient Light, as Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman tells us:

“In past ages, the Ascension process was available only to those who incarnated as initiates firmly on the path – as disciples whose mission was to anchor as much Divine Light and to bring forth as much cosmic wisdom as possible.

“That time is past. It is a time of mass Ascension.” (1)

The Hathors through Wes Annac reminded us that “your evolution is coming about in a collective manner, and this isn’t the norm for the ascension of most planets.” (2)

SaLuSa affirmed this aspect of our Ascension:

“Although individuals have always been able to ascend, it will be the first time that mass ascension on this scale has been attempted. It will of course be successful, as it is in the hands of powerful Beings that do the Will of God.” (3)

He added:

“Never before have both the people and the Earth ascended together, but there is absolute confidence that it will successfully take place. You should feel quite pleased to be the ones who are on Earth at such a wonderful occasion. The significance of it all will not be lost on anyone, as to have such an experience is quite unique. We shall be eagerly watching the whole process, ready to welcome the latest members of the Galactic Society.” (4)

However we added an extra wrinkle to the notion of mass ascension in that we apparently decided prior to Dec. 21, 2012 that we wished to ascend with as many people as possible.
Numerous sources record this event. Here is Jesus through John Smallman: “You have made the collective intent to awaken.” (5) Here is Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young: “ You have all, as a collective whole, decided to move forward into the next grand age of enlightenment.” (6) And here is the Light Collective through Tazjima: “Humanity as a collective has chosen to ascend.” (7)

Archangel Michael calls “this collective decision … a huge evolutionary jump, leap.” (8)

But he reminds us that it did not create a lengthy pause: “The hiatus that has been created by the collective desire of humanity to go forward in this undertaking of magnificence, of which we have spoken a great deal, is not indefinite. The plan of the Mother does not get put on hold, on pause, indefinitely.” (9)

In fact, he recently told us, the process of Ascension has again begun and we are passing through it at the present time. On April 1, 2014, Archangel Michael reported through Ronna Herman:

“Do not take your eyes or your attention from your goal, Dear Ones, for that doorway of greater Light is nearer than you think. … Are you ready for the next awakening?” (10)

And on An Hour with an Angel, he brought us this news:

Archangel Michael: The Ascension process does not begin in the Fifth Dimension. It has already begun. You are already experiencing it. But when you reach there ― as you are about to, by the way; that is as close as I can come without breaking my promise with the channel.

SB: Well, now, Lord, I think I need you to confirm that you’re talking about everyone and not just talking to me.

AAM: That is correct.

SB: Everyone? Okay.

AAM: Every person.

SB: Okay! There you go, folks! [laughs] Thank you! (11)

That was followed up on June 3 by this suggestion from Jesus through John Smallman:

“We have been talking for some time now about a Tsunami of Love, well right behind it is an avalanche, and that avalanche is unstoppable! Prepare yourselves to be enveloped in its brilliant white Light, open yourselves to it, float to its sunlit surface, then get up on your snow boards or skis and glide gloriously across its shining surface in a state of ecstatic enjoyment.” (12)

Tomorrow we’ll look at how the Earth is the first planet in the multiverse to have begun this new process of physical and mass Ascension.


(1) Archangel Michael: Are You Ready to Embody Your Sacred Fire Energy? Channelled through Ronna Herman, November 29, 2013, at:

(2) “The Hathors: Karmic Acceleration, Exposure of Tyranny and Understanding Channels,” channeled by Wes Annac, August 30, 2013 at

(3) SaLuSa, Dec. 12, 2012, at .

(4) SaLuSa, Feb. 22, 2012.

(5) Jesus via John Smallman, April 27, 2014, at

(6) “Archangel Gabriel: The Courage To Live Your Dreams,” channeled by Shelley Young, February 28, 2014 at

(7) “The Light Collective: On the Journey,” channeled by Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara), January 26, 2014 at

(8) “Archangel Michael: Back to the One with the Speed of Love,” July 15, 2013, at

(9) “Archangel Michael: Prepare for the Celebration – Part 1/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, August 19, 2013 at

(10) “Archangel Michael: Angels of Mercy,” channelled through Ronna Herman, April 1, 2014, at:

(11) “Archangel Michael: You are About to Reach Ascension,” May 15, 2014, at

(12) “Jesus: The Forces of the Dark are in Disarray!” chanelled by John Smallman, June 3, 2014.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/14/2015 6:17:21 PM

Who Has the Final Say?

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God said:

You are entitled to your opinions, yet you don’t always have to say them or have them.

I must admit that some of My children are certain they have the final word on everything. They are experts. Be cautious about being an expert in your own mind.

Of course, if someone asks you what you think, it’s up to you to expound or not expound on what, sorry to tell you, dear ones, can only be an opinion.

You can use many words, or you can use a few. It’s possible that a few words are stronger than many. Not every time. Ah, if My children could get to the point of what they have to say without having to convince anyone to see it their way.

Anyway, why do you need the final say? There are so many human beings with varying thoughts who like to declare the last word. What is that quality in My children that they need so much boosting from around them? Someone else’s opinion may not matter to you that much at all, and yet you crave them to have a good opinion of your opinion, and you set out to receive it. You’re not the only one.

What is it that you need?

Are you more worthy when someone agrees with you than when someone doesn’t?

How much do you care really what someone thinks except you have the idea you have to have it? This means a lot to you, perhaps too much.

How much a little corroboration means to you. How starved you may have been for it most of your life. Beloveds, get your support from, shall We say, the Universe? And from your own heart. What’s the point of seeming confident when you are unsure?

Why, My dears, why be longing for more support because someone else thinks he knows better than you and differs with your sage comments?

There is so much talk in the world, and where is it all going?

Know this: I may or may not agree with you. You may be far away from the final say as I see it, yet this I can say with authority: I have confidence in your arriving at Truth. I have full confidence in you. And I love you for seeking Truth and caring so much to get it right. Part of Me wants to say:

Don’t give a hoot about what someone else thinks.

And part of Me wants to say:

Listen more. Keep your ears and mind and beautiful heart open.

Be to others that which you wish others would be to you. You want to be heard. People will hear you better when you listen to them. This means giving up the final say.

Is it possible that it is really your ego that needs to be heightened? The fact is that you don’t need ego at all. The last thing that ego does for you is to benefit you. Ego is like carrying a sign before you that says: "Ego is needy."

Ego never gets fulfilled, not really. Ego is never satisfied. Ego is always left wanting more and more reinforcement. Ego shines. Ego gets only false props. Ego gets hot air. Even if the whole world would bend down to your personal ego, the applause has to stop sometime. And then ego is on the dole again, or on the prowl, seeking something that the world cannot give enough of. It could be said that ego eats from dumpsters and considers he has found a plum.

Find your strength from within, beloveds. You already know this. What do you have within you? You have all knowledge. You have all awareness. You have all of God within, always supportive of the real you.

Let Me respond to you. Hear Me, beloveds. Hear Me listening to you.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/14/2015 6:19:55 PM

Daily Message ~ Monday September 14, 2015

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Dear Ones, every single time you have asked for help, you have received it. You wish to heal, evolve, and enlighten, and the universe is answering that desire, lovingly and consistently, with every download and alignment you are moving through. If you can see the energies you are experiencing as cosmic assistance and the answering of your prayers, you will open your hearts to accept them, and will shift with far greater comfort and delight than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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