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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/13/2015 7:08:25 PM

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: Integrating Your Divine Essence

hilarion2Beloved Ones,

As you allow the greater integration of the cosmic energies to take place within your consciousness and within your physical, mental and emotional bodies, you are digging ever deeper into your psyche.

This is a process that is occurring for everyone upon the planet at this time.

Depending upon your understanding of all that is happening, you who are reading this discourse are those who are now positioned to be of greater service than ever before. The world needs you to be fully present and willing to use your powerful energies for the awakening of the inhabitants of your planet.

As the prevailing energies of polar opposites balance within, you become a mighty powerhouse of a force for good. Your divine essence is descending into your etheric field and there is a deeper integration that is taking place.

On the outer level, this activity may not be seen but it is certainly being felt, for it is in the experience of the energy and awareness that one comes into their mastery on the physical level. We say to you, do not be afraid to face the shadows within, rather face them squarely and accept these as an important part of your enlightened journey.

During this process, the qualities of unconditional love, compassion and mercy are being finely tuned within your soul as you now turn these qualities of love towards your own being. Each earthly experience should be seen as an important soul lesson that needs to be observed, understood and accepted.

All that occurs in the outer world is a reflection of your desire as soul to learn, grow and expand into ever higher dimensions of reality and understanding. Your intent and willingness to undergo these experiences helps to move you forward on your unique path of light towards mastery of the physical plane.

Try to attune your senses to the underlying feelings of zest and enthusiasm that well up from within your soul each time you overcome and release yet another illusionary limitation from your being. Yes, this is you at a higher level relishing the accomplishment! From the level of soul, it means that another test and initiation has been successfully passed. Celebrate these moments and mark them by rewarding yourselves with a special treat or symbolic ceremony that leads you to further empowerment.

Know that you who read this message are all initiates upon the path of light and are now steadfastly moving towards completion of contracts and agreements made before you ever set foot upon this planet in this and other, lifetimes. This current lifetime is for tying up all loose ends that needed to be dealt with from the highest soul integrity that was possible and you have all earned your lightbody and the privileges that come with this accomplishment.

These privileges allow you as soul to traverse other regions of the universe as you work upon ever higher levels of ascension of galactic and cosmic experience. This process is ongoing and continuous, for there is always more to experience and learn in order that you grow and expand the divine spark within you, as God in action upon the universal playing field!

Those who are just awakened; arise from your slumber and know that it is never too late! Do not judge yourselves for your lateness of awakenment, for truly, it was not yet your time to do so. All that occurs is in divine timing in accordance with the requirements of your soul and the divine plan for the Earth. In truth, you are equipped with the ability to move forward now with leaps and bounds.

Be kind to yourselves as well as others and take note that the evolvement of each individual cannot be wholly discerned upon this planet. It is highly possible that you have slumbered until this time in the Earth’s history in order to bring your unique and valuable energies online at the most perfect time. Honor your own growth and spiritual evolution without judgement and open yourselves to the inpouring energies, synchronistic opportunities and possibilities that now unfold.

Those who have paved the way before you hold the space for your movement forward during these times and will continue to do so in the times ahead. You are never alone! Remember this and walk steadfastly and resolutely forward in your daily lives, holding this knowledge in your ever expanding hearts and minds.

You are invited to attend my retreat in the Temple of Truth during your sleep times (all you must do is set the intention before bedtime) in order to apprise yourself of the divine plan for your own life and to gain a greater understanding of the divine plan for the evolvement of the planetary life wave that is now in motion. We welcome you with open arms!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

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©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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“Hilarion: Integrating Your Divine Essence,” Channelled through Marlene Swetlishoff, September 13, 2015,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/13/2015 7:12:09 PM

GaiaPortal 9-13-15… “Experientials provide the Guidance for steps”

gaiaportal_logo157This one I know has a lot of potentially valid information. Personally, I’ve found a few of the Rosalie Parker interpretations to feel quite “right on”.


Experientials provide the Guidance for steps

Experientials provide the Guidance for steps.

Clandestines are unveiled.

Frequencies of collusion diminish, as frequencies of Inner solitude rise.

Flamboyants are denied.

Channels are appreciated.

Festivities are prepared.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/13/2015 7:22:02 PM


Bob Fickes ~ You are the Consciousness of the Universe Already

We spend so much of our time trying to be somebody or trying to do something right, that we forget to be who we naturally are. We are a wave on the ocean of Consciousness, a wave on the ocean of Universal Love. We put so much attention on the wave of our appearance in this world that we forget to look deeper inside where we can connect to the ocean that we come from. Meditation changes our perspective from the activity of the wave to noticing and experiencing the silent ocean inside of us.
Today we started the Love Mantra Course in Minneapolis. When we finished meditation, I asked everyone what they felt. One lady said, “I felt very deep and silent. But I felt normal! And when you asked us to come out of meditation I couldn’t come out. I still felt that same normal deep silence. Are we really supposed to come out of meditation?”
I laughed! The ocean inside of us is not strange or far away, it is our normal true nature. Once we discover it we don’t want to come out! We want to remain in that deep silent Normal state! The wave can come and go, but the ocean goes on forever. When we are only conscious of the activity of the wave, we loose sight of the ocean that is inside of us. This ocean of silence is the foundation, the very center of our consciousness.
Once you experience that big ocean of silence and deep feeling of love, continue to notice that and don’t worry about what you need to do in this life. Just be the ocean and let it move through you. The ocean is never wrong. This is the ocean of the universe. It is the source of all life and all love. It will guide your heart and move through your body/mind to do whatever is truly needed. Share that peace and love with people around you and everyone will be happy.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/13/2015 7:24:13 PM

Ascension and the Reval

Money 22What an interesting set of assignments we’ve been given.

We’re told that the first wave of Ascension is scheduled for Sept. 28 and the Reval could happen any time after Sept. 14. Hmmm….

How might the two fit together?

The connecting piece, for me, is the notion of spiritual currency.

It’s our spiritual currency (love and light, which are actually the same thing) that allows us to ascend. We must have assimilated (accumulated) enough love and light (spiritual currency) to allow the transformation of the carbon-based body to crystalline-based.

Without that, we can’t survive in the higher frequencies of the Fifth Dimension. This is simply a matter of physics. In the afterlife world, people can visit higher dimensions as long as they’re either accompanied by a resident of that dimension who raises their frequencies briefly, or have some form of energetic talisman which also serves that purpose.

But their bodies will not allow them to live there and it’s the same here. So love and light are our spiritual wealth viewed from the angle of Ascension.

Viewed from the angle of the Reval, the Mother’s sacred money which we’ll be serving as stewards for, the purpose being to spread that wealth around, relieve people of debt, fund projects, etc., is again another meaning of spiritual currency. It is spiritualized or sacred currency.

When we combine the two with our knowledge that the gamma, photon or X-wave energies are going to keep rising this month until the first wave ascends on Sept. 28, the very month the Reval is planned to be announced, we look out on the prospect of handling the Mother’s sacred wealth at a time of rapidly-increasing and blossoming love, something that has never happened before in modern times on Earth, as far as I know.

A remark that Archangel Michael made to me in a reading now begins to have significance. He asked me to take a week off after the Reval and just breathe.

If the Reval happened any time after the 14th, then a week off would bring us precious close to Ascension. Was he wanting me to make no decisions until after Ascension (presuming I ascend and don’t remain behind, as a pillar)? Would it be best in any case to make no important decisions until after Ascension? I have a reading on the 16th of September and will ask him.

Archangel Michael through Michael Love tells us a little bit of what to expect after Ascension: “There is a leveling off and adjustment period for a few months after 9/28 for everyone to fully integrate the new energies and to begin the detailed forming of their paradise called The New Earth!” (1) “To begin the detailed forming” of Nova Earth may mean, for those who haven’t already done so, planning what to do with their sacred wealth.

How will a multitude of lightworkers, brimming over with love, manage sacred money? How will a troupe of financial wayshowers, ascended and compassionate, comport themselves and deal with others? What differences will the near-conjunction of the Reval and Ascension make?

The only thing that gives me a clue is the way I feel when I’m in transformative love. If I multiply that by a few orders of magnitude and consider handling money, the prospect seems sublime. I see an army of good shepherds, of trustworthy stewards seeing to need and inequity wherever it’s found.

It cannot be that all of us have foreign currency, ascend and then leave this dimension. It must be that Ascension is simply a raising of frequencies but that we “come back” from the ascended state, whether dimming it down or bringing it fully with us, and then work with those Third-Dimensional (actually Fourth-Dimensional) ones who remain (some ascended ones will choose to leave). That work will be to level the playing field, relieve dire need and in other ways prepare the second and third waves for Ascension and Nova Earth.

I was interested to hear SaLuSa say that the Galactic Federation of Light has been interested in “keeping our plan secret for as long as possible.” (2) Perhaps the date of the Reval is set and they’re keeping that secret as well. And the delivery of the prosperity packages and redeeming of the historic bonds. Whatever the case, they obviously have all these matters in hand and we’re obviously meant to work with them from a nearly-ascended and then ascended space.

This experiment will be ultimately fascinating to watch: ascended financial wayshowers drawing on spiritual currency to transform this world from greed and darkness to love and light.


(1) “Archangel Michael: September Cosmic Wave Increasing Exponentially!” Channeled by Michael Love, September 7, 2015,

(2) SaLuSa, Sept. 11, 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/13/2015 7:28:36 PM



We are preparing for the re-entry of massive ancient energies and energy fields which have lain dormant for billions of years.

With it come the age-old challenges for souls who have incarnated onto this planet – some who have been here from the beginning, and some who incarnated in later civilizations and the last huge one, which was Atlantis. Egypt, Greece, Babylon, Mexico, Peru, China, etc. were build on the foundations of what has been before, merely building on the same building blocks, but haven lost most of the higher meaning and the potent energies, higher dimensions of that time.
All of the soul who incarnate onto this planet, are briefed before entering on the conditions on this planet, the life and lifestyle and that they would be entering one of the toughest schools there are in soul growth. In that it is mainly because of old “negative” patterns which mankind created in all those billions of years of life on this planet, which were self-destructive. It was almost a cycling tendency of mankind to always build and destroy and then destroy more.
The higher meaning is that we, as humankind, were about the only species in the cosmos who managed to fall from the 7th and higher dimensions and the state of Light-Being into the 3rd and animal world, and so, this lifetime is all about mastering the lessons of what has come before and to create new, and more holistic life patterns which will finally have taught us some incredible lessons in self-mastery, and in harnessing the forces of the cosmos, not in a self-destructive way, but in a life-enhancing way.
When I do soul readings I often will tap into the greatness of the lives of the souls in incarnations before and then I often wonder, how it is that souls who had experience such power and greatness in one lifetime, would somehow fall under the spell of power and abuse it in the next. Or they would allow their own power to be taken away from them, although in most cases this was more or less the trend of the whole humanity at the time, e.g. when women lost their power and were more or less enslaved by the male principle who wished to mind control everything, and to take the soul out of the female principle.
Underlying all human behavior patterns is FEAR. Fear not only keeps the soul prisoner of the Maya, the Illusion spun by the mass consciousness of the planet, but also most makes human beings behave in irrational ways. With fear, mostly come shame and guilt, and the tendency to self-destruct – which means beating oneself up, believing one has not worth, that one is somehow flawed, or not measuring up. It also the fear of the Unknown and what you human beings do not know, nor understand, they fear and wish to destroy. Yet, what one is not measuring up to, nor understands, is but another illusion spun by the mass opium of those who wish to keep the masses in fear and imprisonment of their own minds and belief systems.
Perhaps the greatest lessons to master for all souls and on all levels, is the acknowledgement that most fears as but illusions of the mind. It is not that fear does not serve a higher purpose: – it does! It teaches us to question the truth of the illusion and to act in spite of it all, for once we act the fear vanishes, like mist evaporates on a sunny day. There are of course those situations in life where the innate fear is a warning signal that all is not kosher and that we should be on the alert, but again it serves in immeasurable ways to teach us to question what lies within and without and what is withholding our action into expanded Beingness, by buying into that fear.
I have found that the more I question, the more answers come.
The more one knows: – the less one knows.
When one stand at the expansive KNOWING and KNOWLEDGE of the cosmos, one tends to shrink, for truly there is so much vastness and infinite space of infinite wonder to explore and make your own in the cosmos: -you can never say you know it all, nor that you have even reached a fraction of knowing that is available on the cosmic scale.
The infinite higher mind is always re-creating itself and ever expanding upon itself, and so the is the infinite higher heart-love energy. It is never stagnant and therefore souls go through the same evolutionary process, ad infinitum.
What we know, or think we know, on this planet, is indeed very primitive compared to the immense knowledge that other galaxies and star systems have, and we all stem from the 12 Master Galaxies of the Great Central Suns who created planet earth all those billions of years ago.
We are but infants in the cosmic playgrounds, and who are we then to think we know it all?
On earth power games, mind games, are nothing – they have no clout in infinite space and once we start realizing to what extend we allow ourselves to buy into the illusions of power play on this planet, we allow ourselves to be shrunk on soul level. When we stop allowing ourselves to be shrunk, we step into infinite possibilities of soul growth and reclaiming our soul power, which in truth is infinite.
As above – so below. As within – so without. The law of cause and effect.
These three infinite Universal Laws are the keys to all existence and to all of creation.
What is there in infinite space, repeats itself in earthly planes, to the TEE.
What is there WITHIN us reflects without.
We are not power-less but power-full.
The more we connect at deep and profound SOUL level to the infinite BEINGNESS which is our central place under the Central Suns, uniquely our own, within the greater SOUL GROUP we belong to, and we LIVE our soul name, calling and higher purpose, the more we can tune in cosmically. We do not need the earthly knowledge and earthy realms to keep us bound to their way of thinking and being. We are freed up to be, and become in infinite ways. We are not earthly bound anymore. We have claimed our cosmic citizenship and our right to cosmic Being.
We realize that we are but on this planet for an eye-wink in eternity. Yes, not even an eye-wink, not even one single God-breath in the infinity.
Yet, we think it is a big deal. We shrink ourselves; we allow others to shrink us. We buy into illusions of how our lives should be, or not be, of how we should live, what we should eat, how to dress, what to have in order to be a “somebody”, but even being a “somebody” does not bring the ultimate state of evolvement, nor enlightenment.
It is buying into the insanity of being and trying to find saneness.
Maybe I should replace that with saint-hood.
Why this planet is the greatest and toughest school of soul mastery there is, is just because of this insanity and the attempt to imprison the mind and soul of those therein. In the insanity, there is sanity, for it teaches the soul immense lessons, of finding it own way out of the Maya, Illusion, and into the realms of infinity WITHIN the SOUL.
The Higher Mind and the Higher Soul is always connected, plugged into the Infinite Source. It cannot be other, for one fraction of the soul is remains attached to the Divine Source, ad infinitum. We cannot ever be separated from the Source. It is impossible.
All paths lead within.
Yet we all have free will and choice what we do with the life eye-wink on earth. With every single act, comes a reaction. With every single thought – a creation. We create in a sense our own cages, our own prisons.
When we start tapping into the infinite freedom of the soul, and higher mind within, we expand into someone other – the Higher Soul Self, the Higher Mind, and we literally can span dimensions, move into remembering parallel lives and existence, and claim our cosmic heritage and citizenship. We are boundless, we have our home in galaxies and star systems and infinite possibilities of ever greater expansion of cosmic awareness.
There is nothing new under the Great Central Suns. The infinite expansions, ever upon it-self, continue and new Suns are born, but all the Suns are still the Suns of the Suns. Ad infinitum.
The lessons in power are essentially the lesson of each soul. We are what change the world. The outer world we manifested over the ages, the self-destructive ways, will only change to the extent that we allow ourselves to change WITHIN.
Such is the truth of the heavens.
And such are the immense lessons in Soul Mastery.
(Judith Kusel)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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