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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/18/2015 6:11:58 PM

The Oracle Report, Saturday-Sunday, July 18-19, 2015



New Moon Phase: make a wish

Sunday: Crescent Moon Phase: persevere

Moon in Leo/Virgo (Saturday 6:39 pm ET/10:39 pm UT)

Goddess of Wisdom: Dhumavati (Goddess Who Closes and Completes)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of The South)

Skill: Saturday: lighten up

Skill: Sunday: lose your illusion

Catalysts for Change: betrayal of trust, covering with lies, vanity, putting on masks to conceal the truth, superficial, demanding attention, overplaying a role, stirring up personal drama, deliberately causing harm, unaccepting of anything alternative, control issues, escaping into illusion

True Alignments: the bearable lightness of being, release of pressure, seeing the truth, transcending, effervescence, trust, messages and signs from nature (keep Animal Speakhandy), lifting of voices, catching up, steadiness, heightened imagination and creativity, love of life

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a woman and two men castaways on an island in the South Seas” (unity)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

When we follow the Moon, Saturday’s energetics are quite different from Sunday’s. Saturday is the last day of the New Moon phase. If you haven’t set a wish or intention (or re-iterated the wish or intention you set at the beginning of the astrological year in April during the Aries lunar cycle), there is still time on Saturday. In the swimming pool of life, the wishes and intentions that we have during New Moon phases are balls bounced between us and Spirit over the rest of the month. The mindset and focus we hold during the New Moon phase is what develops all month long — positive or negative.

Saturday’s energetics heavily favor taking time for relaxation and fun. But several things happening in the skies make Saturday a rather complex day:

10:50 am ET/ 2:50 pm UT: The Moon will conjunct (move to the same place in the zodiac) Jupiter. The conjunction is at the very last minute of 25 Leo and the Sabian symbol of “a camel crossing a vast and forbidding desert.” Long emotional journeys can come to an end under this dynamic.

6:39 pm ET/10:39 pm UT: Venus, which is moving very, very slowly as it prepares to turn retrograde, enters Virgo. Until that time, Venus continues to open us up like an “unsealed letter.” Messages abound. When Venus moves into Virgo (which is an absolutely fabulous configuration in my book), it begins to disseminate 1 Virgo and the Sabian symbol of “in a portrait, the best of a man’s features and traits are idealized.” Venus will retrograde at this degree on July 25, meaning it will discharge this energy throughout its retrograde (even when it moves to other degrees) because this is the “banner” or “theme” that Venus will carry while it retrogrades. This retrograde of Venus (July 25 – September 6) is going to free illusions we have held about ourselves and others. Venus will help the world see truth. This should be interesting.

8:48 pm ET/00:48 am UT:The Moon will enter Virgo and also make conjunction with Venus. Since the Black Moon is transiting Virgo, the Moon transiting Virgo makes the remainder of the weekend a “Black Moon” time when people’s shadow sides are tempted to come out. Issues related to trust, perceived failures, vulnerability, and our personal “features and traits” come to the surface to be released and healed. There is high potential for high drama. Those with the Sun or Black Moon in Virgo or Pisces (especially those born between February 19-22 and August 23-26) will experience this most. The Black Moon only has one more month to transit Virgo, so the end of the underworld is in sight for these wise owls. But within this, everyone can shift the perceived failures to “lessons learned.”

10:39 pm ET/2:39 am UT: Mercury will make exact square with Uranus (and thus with the Eris Point, since this is the place Uranus is stationing from right now). Mercury will be at the degree of “a prima donna singing,” which will amplify the dramatic potential, but also will amplify the potential for unification of powerful voices and alignment with fulfillment of what is in our hearts. This energetic will assist in the process of realignment with and restoration of what is in alignment with not only our personal highest and best interests, but also those of the collective of humanity. In essence, Mercury is adding the theme of fulfillment to Saturday’s energetic and to the upcoming Uranus retrograde at the Eris Point on July 26. What fills up your heart?

MIDNIGHT ET/4:00 am UT: Finally, Jupiter moves to 26 Leo and the Sabian symbol of “after a heavy storm, a rainbow.” This brings release and a shift in perspective. Jupiter is still very close to Venus, so all of this is concentrated on relationships, including our relationship with ourselves.

Sunday’s dynamics are not quite as complex, but they do continue the themes of release from restrictions (especially anything that has been turbulent) and illusions. The effort we put into things on Sunday leads to the flowering of something during the Full Moon and even beyond.

Thank you to all of the wise owls who participated in yesterday’s “group” meditation and to everyone who sent in their experiences. What a beautiful thing! If you missed this, you can still join in (see yesterday’s post in the Archives).

Happy weekend, everyone! Let’s lighten up and lose our illusions.

The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/18/2015 7:01:08 PM


Anna Merkaba ~ AA Metatron – Final Blood Moon – Key Holders – Twin Flames

Greetings Everyone!

Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. As most of you are aware the event of the year – The Final Blood moon in the tetrad is quickly approaching. In the weeks leading up to this event you will begin to see more and more information pop up all around you. Most of the information that you will see will focus on destruction and the “end” of this world. Most will focus on chaos and will try to raise within you various emotions of lower vibrations, all in the hopes of keeping you locked in the reality structure in which humanity has been living for eons.
What I want you to understand is that the prophesies which have been ingrained in human psyche for thousands of years of destruction and war, have been misconstrued. The idea however is accurate that indeed our world as we know it is coming to an end, and a new beginning is quickly approaching. It is true that one era is ending and another is commencing. The point of the prophesies which most are missing, is that it is COMPLETELY UP TO US, how everything will turn out. If we fall prey to the idea of destruction and “negativity” that is exactly what we will attract not only into our own lives, but the lives of ALL beings currently residing here on earth, and not just earth.
We must always remember that whatever happens here, affects the rest of this universe. Therefore, I ask you to please remain positive about what is to come. No matter the chaos and the seeming destruction, what we are all experiencing is the building of a new world, where old ideas of how things should be, are disappearing from this planet as we speak. And a new world is being built, step by step with all of your efforts.
Just like our benevolent counterparts, guides, angels, various light beings and our star alliances are communicating to us constantly: You are very powerful co-creators of this experience, so please stay grounded and look for the myriad of blessings that surround you daily. Focus on what you want to attract into your environment instead of what you don’t want.
Now is an incredibly powerful time, to create what you want, so stop giving your power away by reacting to all the negativity that you are led to believe is surrounding you, and use it instead to create the type of life that you want to have. Use this time to your advantage. And remember to GROUND, GO DEEP WITHIN, LISTEN TO YOUR INTUITION, and then take ACTION towards your goals and aspirations.
As always I send you my love of universal proportions. May you be blessed with all that you wish for. May you continue to shine your light into this world!
Now having said this here is the channeling that I have received from AA Metatron.
Dearly Beloved Children of Light,
When the key holders awaken, and activate their hidden potential, when the key holders awaken to the truth of that which they are, and the pineal and pituitary and third eye activate, the heart codices are brought into alignment with that which they are here to uphold.
Through said activations, the heart begins to send a signal akin to a sonar in your ships, said signal travel through the distance at lightning speed, for in truth there is no distance between you, for indeed you are all operating on the same spectrum of light.
But once the key holders fully awaken to their identities, and raise their vibrations, their vehicles of choice shall begin to vibrate on a new frequency, and so the sonar that they indeed send out into the world, does not only stop within the matrix of your creation but continues out into the universe until it reaches the highest pinnacle of truth, that is, their higher selves.
To learn more about this Key Please visit
Once reached, and confirmed, once the resonance has indeed been established, a doorway is opened for the beholder to glean through the veil of forgetfulness, and to fully cognitively understand their respective decrees with which they have come into this matrix. The decrees with which they have come, are then translated by their higher selves into human understanding, and from therein, the key holders are able to cognitively take their righteous place upon this planet in preparation for major activation which is set to take place on a particular note and octave of BEing.
Whence such moment arrives, the activation of said key holders shall come into perfect alignment with the creative energies flowing to Gaia, and from therein, utilizing the respective energies and encodings, the key holders shall send another sonar signal which shall resonate with the hidden vices, held sacred in the mountain tops of your known world. Whereby not only those mountaintops which are visible to the naked eye shall begin their awakening, but those laying beneath the layers of time, laying beneath the oceans, and those located within the sphere of this planet.
To learn more about METATRON KEY please visit
And so and thus, the preparation of said key holders of which there are 36,000 vibrating on feminine and masculine frequencies, has indeed began. The preparation of said key holders has begun and shall continue full force until the last of your blood moons of your earthly year. And whence such moment occurs and it will, the key holders shall merge, swirling within the sphere of unconditional love for each other and through the sphere, through the vortex that they shall generate, the “sonar” signal shall double in its power, travel through time and space, connecting with other said vortices generated by all key holders, culminating in a giant spinning vortex of positive and negative polarities, creating a void sphere of influence, whereby all past, future and present “karmic debts” shall be voided fully and completely and from therein a new clean slate of understanding shall begin to emerge.
That is not to say that you shall arrive to a new world overnight, that is to say that through the activation of said vortexes and annulment of all karmic debt that human earth and human souls dwelling therein have acquired, shall propel them to awaken to their understanding of BEing, shall propel them to understand the karmic experience, understand the karmic experience and proceed benevolently into a new cognition of BEIng, forgiving that which they have experienced, being grateful for said cognition, knowing, feeling and understanding that said reality structure of the past no longer has any association , nor place in a new world in which they wish to dwell.
Nonetheless, the free will of human souls shall continue to be in effect for a short duration in which time the idea of karma and the understanding of said structure shall dissipate and seize to exist on your planet. And for those souls who shall still wish to continue said experience they shall be given an opportunity to experience said reality in the matrix that most shall void.
And so, and thus, the stabilizing effect of energies, the merging of various polarities, the expansion of consciousness, continues to be in effect through the clearing and cleansing and purifying energies embracing your earthly sphere of cognition daily.
And hence it is of utmost importance to stay alert to the conflicting energies, encounters and information entering your psyche. Be mindful of that which you see unfold rapidly before you, stay grounded, stay in the NOW. Remember your divinity. Understand that you are being supported, assisted and REMINDED of that which indeed you are. Know that it is so, for it is.
That is all that we have for you now, we love you we are with you goodbye for now
pdfdownloadableversioncoverP.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit :
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. annamerkabadistantenergyhealerTo book a Healing Session with Anna
and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL
Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/18/2015 7:10:52 PM

In the Gardens of a Painting

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Of highlands and lowlands is the Earth made. Of forests and deserts. Of frozen lands and hot tropics. Of everything, life is made, and the picture of life is made. This is the relative world in which you live. That you can’t have one thing without another sums up pretty well the relative world you find yourself living in.

I say that Oneness alone is.

Depending upon where you look from, one statement or the other above is true. Or, it can also be said that both are true. Again, I say that Oneness Alone Is True.

All that which appears true, and all what is really true may well not be the same. Even on the surface dimension of Earth, something that appears true may not be true. Thus, there are such things as scams and disillusion to all that which is only illusion in the first place.

It is an illusion that death exists. And how wonderful it is to be disillusioned about death, to have the true realization really sink in and sink in deeply. That there is no death is too wonderful to believe, and, yet, you can believe.

By the same token, you could then say: “HA HA, God, if there is no death, how can it said there is Life? How do You get out of this argument?”

I tell you that you are right. There is this beautiful life that you live in which is fiction. In fiction are all the ups and downs. There is beauty beyond belief, and there is also heartache beyond belief and, sometimes, relief or not. Life is a good tale. So, when you feel that life is beyond belief, you are quite right. Death and life on Earth are both illusion. We are talking about illusion that certainly seems true. You like to believe in illusion even as you know that what seems solid under your feet is really made of atoms dancing one after the other.

Yet the atoms are out of sight. What is out of your sight, you are not quick to believe in. So you may believe firmly in the solidity of a strong floor under your feet and believe not in the Solidarity of Oneness upon which Oneness lies.

The nonexistence of life and death do not stop you, however, from living life as a passion and loving it as if all of life were Truth and nothing but the Truth. Don’t misunderstand. Of course you are to like life and enjoy it. You are meant to be impassioned with life, to fall in love with it, to run away with it, to get married, and live happily forevermore.

We can say that Life is a painting, a beautiful painting, a most beautiful creative painting. Life is a Creation. You may paint a gorgeous realistic painting of a landscape. It may look real, yet, a painting is, after all, just a painting, no matter how real-seeming it is.

In the case of the Creation of Life, you can walk down the path in the gardens of the painting. You can pick the flowers. You can drink the water from the brook. You can feel hot. You can breathe the air. You can sit on a bench.

Life on Earth is a dimensioned painting. Life on Earth is like a 3-D painting. It is like a flag furling and unfurling. Life can be quiet, or a tornado may whip past you. The rains come. Snow melts, and the cicadas sing. There is night, and there is day, and it all seems to go by the clock, yet the hand that winds the clock is never seen. And so Life on Earth gives you a run for your money, and you believe in Life on Earth, so real it seems to be while you live in it and run around the block and back again.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/18/2015 7:13:34 PM

The Challenges of Lightworker Leadership

Hidden Agenda


I remember hearing Ram Dass long ago say that truth used to be a luxury, but now it had become a necessity.

There are lots of things that used to be luxuries which have become necessities. I saw one today.

I was doing something for another and I saw I was doing it with an ulterior motive. I had a hidden agenda.

What do we do when we see that? (1) Forget about it. (2) Feel bad and still forget about it. (3) Address it.

Both (1) and (2) occur in unconscious awareness. We get no higher than our thoughts and feelings, but we don’t reach the actor, the soul, the Self. That we only do in conscious awareness.

If we’re to (3) address it, there has to be someone present and willing to do that. The persona who forgets about it is not willing; the persona who feels bad and still forgets about it is not. The one who’s willing is not a persona at all. Its presence is a created act as a result of us taking a stand. Its presence results in conscious awareness. Its presence is the first tenuous, shadowy appearance of the Self.

Before I go further, I need to make an aside. In the growth movement, it was viewed as an accomplishment to be able to call ourselves on our own stuff.

Calling ourselves used to be a luxury, but I now see it rapidly becoming a necessity.

I’m in a position in my life where I’m more and more having to make tough decisions and to make them entirely on my own. I can no longer turn to this person or that and air my woes. I can no longer fish for sympathy or ask to have this cup taken from me. I’m “it.”

Some months ago I saw that I was the one who had to take care of me. Now I’m also seeing that I’m the one who has to call myself on my stuff. And I’d better do it way ahead of everybody else if things are to move forward. Otherwise I’ll be perennially putting out brush fires instead of self-correcting and avoiding brush fires.

It’s ten times more effective to call myself on my own stuff than wait for others to do it. If people see that we’re not willing to do so, but require them to call us, resentment builds.

Taking care of me and calling myself on my stuff cannot be done from a place of unconscious awareness. The minute I do either, I push myself into conscious awareness, not quite propel myself, but make it uncomfortable to do otherwise.

In the situation at hand, I called myself on my ulterior motives and hidden agenda. I asked myself what was fair to do no matter what and determined to do that.

The rise of the person willing to take responsibility for myself at this level carries with it another price in loneliness. (1) I realized that, once one determines to lead, one gives up the luxury of complaining and playing poor me. One gives up the luxury of getting others to rescue one or shelter one. When we lead, by definition, there’s no one out in front of us. Now we’re “it.”

Engaging in complaining and asking to be rescued can be socially engaging and can result in the trading of strokes. (2) But the leader has to give these up, in the end and it can add to isolation and loneliness.

What was it Paul said? When I became a man, I had to put aside childish things?

Years ago we discussed being monarchs in our own domain. (3) The realization, appreciation, and actualization of that state of being just grows and grows.


(1) We’ve discussed the loneliness of the long-distance lightworker here: “The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Lightworker,” June 8, 2015, at This is the loneliness of the lightworker leader.

(2) By strokes I mean gestures laden with concern and love, which are received and leave the receiving person feeling happy and full.

(3) See “Monarchs in Our Own Domain,” Aug. 5, 2014, at and “Everyone Their Own King or Queen,” June 24, 2015, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/18/2015 7:15:38 PM

The Team via Peggy Black: You Are Entangled with All

Peggy Black

We are here acknowledging you, honored with this connection and opportunity to once again expand your awareness.

We acknowledge your physical aspect as well as your multidimensional aspects. It has been our consistent and constant message to remind you of your magnificence.

You are a master and you are beginning to remember. You are pure divine conscious energy dwelling in a physical form in this focused reality of now. You are also pure divine conscious energy moving between other possible realities, other dimensions. We will continue to repeat this fact until it is a recognized truth without question.

In your present physical form, you are here in your current reality to create. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Yet we observe the confusion, the denial, the disbelief of this possibility. So we invite you to step outside these states of mind, and your current beliefs, and consider and explore the possibilities of your true mastery.

First, let us remind you that this energy field, this frequency of vibration that you interface with, is neutral; it is a blank canvas so to speak. It responds to the energy, thoughts, words, emotions that you express each moment.

This neutral energy field or quantum field is connecting or entangled with all other energy signatures of this planet. Each and every individual is contributing to what is created in the reality of this hologame/hologram.

Your focused intention contributes to this creation. Your energy, thoughts, and beliefs join the energy, thoughts, and beliefs of others. So now this group vibration has a significant impact on the whole field. The collective vibrations interface with Earth and all aspects that are being out- pictured into the physical reality that you observe.

This awareness allows you to be the true master that you are. When you own the realization that you are truly connected to everything that is occurring, the good, the bad, and the ugly, you can begin to own your powerful ability to be a true transformer of what is occurring on your planet.

You are entangled with all that is occurring. Your every action contributes to what is unfolding, your judgments, your resistance, your opinions, especially your emotional vibrations.

When you judge a situation, you are actually empowering that very reality. Your vibration of judgment, positive or negative, joins other similar judgment vibrations and adds more power to the creation of the very thing you are judging.

You are here in physical form in this 3D reality to uplift and transform consciousness. Remember you are an alchemist. You have the ability and the true skills to assist humanity in awakening.

You are awakening to the realization that each individual is a master creator and multidimensional being. You are awakening to the realization that this 3D experience is only one of the possibly possible realities you can and will experience. You are awakening to the realization that you move between many other dimensions and realities at all times.

We know that many of you are experiencing moments in which you become disoriented and confused. You shake your head, realize you are back in physical form and are puzzled by what just happened. This puzzling experience is happening to more and more individuals.

You are actually moving between dimensions. You are beginning to catch a brief glimpse or vision of other worlds or realities. This is the process of conscious evolution. This shifting from one reality or another can and does affect your physical form, so be aware, take care and be kind to yourself. Rest, drink water, eat healthy, be in nature, and shift your thoughts and emotions as often as needed to stay in a place of coherence.

Remember that when you are shifting from one dimension/hologram to another you are seeding this current 3D reality with all the possibilities from the higher dimensions. Little by little, this is actually bringing about an upgrade to the outdated and limited paradigm of this reality.

You are shifting this dimension through your connection or entanglement with all others. Your words, thoughts, emotions and projections as well as your journeys outside this limited hologram/hologame are supporting the expansion and the awareness of realities beyond your imagination.

We want you to understand the importance of who you are. We continue to empower you to remember that you are here and a significant part of this major and cosmic shift.

Everything is a frequency, a vibration. Everything is connected or entangled. One shift truly affects all. One awakened realization triggers others. Much like touching the outer strands of an elaborate and beautifully formed spider web is felt by all, that awakened realization is energetically felt by all through this entanglement.

We could also use the example of your current internet, which is connecting everyone around the globe. It is just the outer reflection, a projection, or manifestation of the entanglement. It is just the outer reflection of your ability to be telepathically and empathically connected to everything and everyone.

You can mentally, and even emotionally, feel disconnected from the tragic events occurring around your world. You can deny that you have anything to do with these current events. However, because of your energetic connection and entanglement, you are feeling the vibration of all that is occurring. Your imagined denial is really contributing to what is occurring.

So we are inviting you to be a conscious transformer, a conscious alchemist, by assisting and supporting the uplifting of all. Your awareness and willingness to contribute light, love, joy, gratitude and forgiveness to this quantum entanglement affects all that is taking place.

You are not powerless, you are truly powerful beyond measure. You are an awesome cosmic and galactic citizen. You are here to uplift, to create life-sustaining realities. You are so much more than the physical body and limited beliefs that you carry.

Your expanded SELF, your multidimensional SELF is a part of the entire galactic and cosmic entanglement of divine energy of creation. You are infinite. You are a significant part of all that is.

We invite you to own this truth, and embody this truth. It is time and it is now, your personal contributions are needed and truly make a difference in this 3D entanglement and in the galactic and cosmic entanglement.

We are ever available and a part of your entangled energy. We continue to send you our love and support as well as our deep gratitude for your continued contributions to the awesome shift taking place in consciousness. the ‘team’

“The Team: You Are Entangled with All,” channeled by Peggy Black, July 17, 2015, at http:/

Source Link: Morning Messages

©2015 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is
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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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