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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/19/2015 6:57:11 PM

Feel Good News: Sunday, July 19, 2015

feelgoodnewsflowersHappy Sunday, dear friends. It is funny for me to be revisiting a situation that I thought was over about four years ago. When my girls were little, I ran what I like to call “Mom’s Taxi Service.” I was very happy when my girls went to university and the grade school car-pooling duties ended, but recently I have been finding myself at the wheel again.

Since both girls are home from college, both working and socializing, and neither has their own transportation, I find myself in the role of chauffeur once again.

It is interesting though. Years ago, I simply couldn’t wait to get my driving done and get back to the duties that I had to perform at home. I saw it as an intrusion in my life flow, and sometimes even felt frustrated by it.

Now, I see this time in the car as a blessing. As I travel along roadways, I listen to my girls conversing and laughing, and I feel so grateful that they have a close relationship. We listen to music and sing along in harmony. The other day, one of my girls even shared a clandestine recording of us singing together with her friends on SnapChat and they all loved it.

I also spend time alone in the car, and during this period, I bless every single person I pass. I send love to all the beautiful trees and plants along the way, and I shine my light along my route as a gift to all the beings in my area. I see this time as a living meditation, and actively spread the love and light where ever I go.

I see that I have transformed over the years since my car-pooling days were over, and my attitude towards the activity has transformed as well. What a blessing to shift our perceptions about mundane activities and see how we can better use the time to bless everything.

Leonardo DiCaprio gives back in a big way to the environment.

Most people know Leonardo DiCaprio as a blockbuster actor, who has done very well for himself. What many may not know is that the United Nations honored him last year as a UN Messenger for Peace, with special focus on his efforts related to climate change.

He founded the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation in 1998, after his success in the film Titanic, and has been consistently donating to causes that support conservation. His foundation supports programs in over 40 countries, that are working towards protecting the environment and all life on earth.

This week, he donated another $15Million US to support various animal protection and conservation programs, including Amazon Watch, Save the Elephants, Tree People and the World Wildlife Fund. May he be seen as a trail blazer for other celebrities, to begin giving back of their time and wealth to support the planet that has blessed them.

Leonardo DiCaprio to donate £15m for environmental causes on The Guardian

Waiting for a subway? How about a date?

I was born in Brooklyn, NY, and have ridden the subways for many years. I actually adore New York city mass transit, and most local folks see it as a blessing.

The only part of subway riding that can be difficult is the fact that there is really no schedule. You stand on a platform and hope that a train is going to come soon, and sometimes you can stand for a very long time. This can make many people grumpy when they have to get somewhere fast.

In an effort to pass the time in a more constructive fashion, a local New Yorker decided to do something fun. Thomas C. Knox works in customer service during the day, but he is also creating street theater with his Date While You Wait concept. Knox sets up a table with board games and interacts with strangers on the subway platforms.

He is not really looking for romance, but seeks to engage New Yorkers in a bit of fun and conversation. He also uses social media to broadcast where the dating booth will be set up for the night. His efforts have gone viral, and many news crews, from all over the world, show up to see him and his entourage in action.

Any effort to draw people together and engage them in a positive way is a step towards unity. It brings people out of their own little world, and even if it only gives them a laugh, watching the situation unfold, it certainly brightens up their day.

Date While You Wait Brings Distraction, and Smiles, to Frazzled Subway Riders by Emily S. Rueb for The New York Times

What happens when a town gives local trees email addresses?

As a dedicated member of the tree tribe, who adores the sacred splendor of all the guardian trees on our blessed planet, this really made my heart open wide. In an effort to more easily track problems with the Melbourne, Australia area trees, the municipality gave each tree an ID number and an email address.

What the city got back was surprising. Individuals began to write love letters to the trees, thanking them for their service in taking care of carbon dioxide and providing shade and oxygen. Some folks even asked the trees questions.

What is entirely amazing is that some of the letters received replies. No one is admitting to being the tree whisperer, but I adore the idea of receiving an email from a tree! The fact that something which was put into place to share problems with area trees, has expanded into the city understanding the immense connection that citizens have with the trees is priceless.

When beings understand that the Plant Kingdom contains consciousness and is a gift to support our world, they are more likely to treat trees and other plants with respect. This is a major stepping stone towards honoring and respecting all beings on planet.

When You Give a Tree an Email Address by Adrienne LaFrance for The Atlantic

Humans save a stranded Orca and his family shows their appreciation in return.

A young Orca, also known as a Killer Whale, was stranded on a beach in New Zealand, after chasing prey through the surf. A marine biologist named Ingrid, who had been tracking the family pod in her research, was called to the rescue.

After an 18-hour vigil, during which “Ben” was kept stable by the biology team, and a local Maori man offered a prayer for his protection, the 15,000 pound juvenile Orca was returned to the sea.

Afterwards, Ingrid jumped into the water with her camera when Ben was reunited happily with his family group. The Orcas responded positively to Ingrid and kept coming close, as if to say thank you.

What a lovely ending to a teenager’s mishap that may have meant his death. I adore it when humans show acts of kindness to the Animal Kingdom. In the many instances where humans have assisted, it appears that the animals always show their gratitude to their helpers, which illuminates their consciousness in a profound way.

Orca Whale & Its Entire Family Show Phenomenal Appreciation After Rescue By Arjun Wallia for Collective Evolution

And finally…

Playgrounds aren’t just for kids anymore.

This short video shows a concept that I have been thinking about for many years. I am so happy to see this coming to fruition, and I do hope that it spreads around the world.

Why are playgrounds only for children? Adults, and especially seniors, can get such benefits from using ergonomically age-appropriate playground equipment. Here, seniors share their joy about being able to move and also make new friends at a senior playground in Spain.

The World: Senior Citizens get a playground on YouTube

That’s the good news for today. Have a relaxing day. See you all next Sunday as we explore more good news together.

Be Well. Be Joy. Be Love!


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/19/2015 7:00:41 PM

Non-Dualism and Ascension

Advaita 3I was asked today what the difference is between Advaita (A=Non, Dvaita = Duality = Non-Dualism) and Ascension philosophies, and, for the benefit of those who follow western or eastern versions of Advaita, perhaps I could comment on that.

This is simply a personal view. I’m not saying I’m correct. I’m just saying this is the way I see things.

Advaita is the path of knowledge (Jnana), rather than the path of devotion (Bhakti) or service (Karma, Seva). It seeks permanent, realized knowledge of the One, usually through meditation but sometimes through contemplation and reasoning.

The path of reasoning is often called “neti, neti, neti” – “not this, not this, not this.” It proceeds by raising to awareness the fact that the one “I” that I am, that we all are, the ultimate, eternal and omnipresent Subject is not this thing or that, but is everything and at the same time no thing (Everything/Nothing); that is, nothing material.

Advaita also often proceeds through the casting (or asking) of the question: “Who am I?” which brings a response from the Self every time we ask it. We may be too unrefined in our consciousness to detect that response but it apparently occurs nonetheless. Finally everything impermanent falls away from our consciousness, leaving the revealed Self of all.

This “Self” exists at a level that transcends material reality and, viewed from that angle (if there could be a viewer independent of it, which there cannot be), is the constituent, substratum, or essence of everything that exists and everything that appears not to exist. It is the one Essence or Existent.

The Ascension philosophy goes much farther than eastern Advaita or the western version of it.

While traditional Advaita’s goal is unitive consciousness and an end to reincarnation, Ascension philosophy sees that as only one step in a much broader and increasingly-expansive process. Unitive consciousness and an end to reincarnation come with our exit from the Third and Fourth Dimension and our access to the Fifth. But Ascension philosophy does not stop there.

It recognizes that there are twelve dimensions to the human experience. It holds that the highest goal sought by Advaitins is only the first stage of the scaling of Jacob’s Ladder of consciousness, also sometimes called the Stairway to Heaven.

Ascension philosophy looks at the components of the human being in a much broader way than Advaita. It inquires into the nature of our DNA, which includes much more than just our genetic inheritance. It includes our soul contract, our cellular memory, the codes that govern Ascension, the structure of all our higher-dimensional bodies, and much more.

It describes what’s accomplished with our accession to each of the higher dimensions. It looks at the nature and process of the various kingdoms – animal, elemental, angelic, and so on. It examines the human story from its most ancient roots, describes our galactic origins, looks at other civilizations in this and other universes, describes their process and their Ascensions, and opens the door to much broader vistas in every field of human or galactic endeavor.

Advaita cannot guarantee “full enlightenment” to everyone who states their wish to have it, but Ascension does. (1) We see before us a fleet of galactic ships here to protect us during our Ascension (once karma has been satisfied) and the known and discoverable participation of the celestials in our consciousness shift.

Ascension sees the active involvement of these guardians of humanity in restoring balance to Earth by distributing abundance, providing healing to those who ask for it, addressing the pollution of our world, preventing the subjugation of the working and middle classes by the Illuminati elite, preventing mass terrorist acts, including weather-warfare, carried out by our very own governments on their own citizens and others, and the worst mass-terrorist act of all (world war). These and many other actions are designed to subjugate the population and win control by and for, not the people, but the elite.

Ascension is both spiritual and activist. It is far more umbrageous than anything terrestrial spirituality has produced. And the benefit from learning about it far exceeds the limited benefit that comes from simply securing a spiritual technique or restricting one’s education to the nature of the Self, which is but one topic of interest to the Ascension spiritual seeker.

If I limited myself to terrestrial spirituality, I’d call myself an Advaitin. But I can be an Advaitin and far, far more by delving deeply into Ascension philosophy. I chose the much broader view and have never made such progress as I have from making that choice.


(1) Providing as well that they’re able to hold sufficient love to tolerate the more refined vibrations of the higher realms.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/19/2015 7:07:46 PM

SUNDAY, JULY 19, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Short update and specials

Beloveds and sweet friends,

We are witnessing a deep surge and amplification of the current energy stream. I do not have to tell you of how profound this all goes as we can see it everywhere around us and most definitely are experiencing it within as well.

My heart goes out to all of you whom are experiencing multiple layers of challenges that are 'seemingly' destroying your world as you know it, or at least this is being felt as your experience. Hold on to that knowing that this too shall pass and a beautiful rebirth and re-creation is taking place. All labor seems rough at that time , women know what this type of labor is :) and they know all too well what a beautiful gift is given after this all.

It is like giving birth but than to a whole new you as a creation that comes forth from the SELF, experienced through this level of the Human Being. Know that all things shall pass as the energies are everlasting changing and shifting into gears of our resonance field. Nothing stays the same.

Your Vortex of creation is spinning at a more rapid pace to bring forth the fruitful creations to BE, this aligned with your own spinning pace of resonance. BE less in the mind, as these days are discomforting when it comes to thoughts and mental activity. There are a lot of cerebral seizures and infarcts as a re-action to the overloading activities of mental thoughts.

Be rather more in the heart and at peace with yourself within. I know this can be challenging to stay out of the mind activations and to be still, especially now during this energetic surge that seems to control over the chaos in the world. All is seemingly and according to your own perception. Therefore to step out of what you think you see and think to know that is happening, is a way to be able and maintain your balance within.

You let things be as these are coming into reality and observe more from an eternal plane where you are ZEN with yourself. It is easy to be affected and triggered to play along with this process that is unfolding for all beings. Concentrate on your inner process to set foot in this new world and as this new you which you are creating and birthing.

Compassion, support and love are key now to assist the collective. Be there for those whom are asking for a helping hand, with a loving intent. Being there as a loving support but refrain yourself from feeding that which another Being must let go of and allow its experience to get to understanding from the heart. Let that and these Be in their own process of understanding their reality of which these are the creator of.

If you are in a good space, allow the flow of creation take over and sprout beautiful hearts! We are gathering here in this NOW on Gaia to perform a HUGE thing and assist where we can. This through our own unique Being.

Beloveds, Summer Special Rates are ON !!

Check it out and keep on checking for more special rates and discounts will be offered as we enter august. Readings may be offered in discount soon as well, depending on demand .. To those taking the Channeling course: Module 4 is finally taking on form so thank you for your patience. Love, Méline Portia Lafont

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/19/2015 7:17:31 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday July 19, 2015

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Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/19/2015 7:19:35 PM

The Dolphin Essence via Natalie Glasson: Light Strand Synthesis

dolphin-203875_1280We, the Dolphin essence, come forth to lend our energy and support. We collectively reside [in] and herald from Sirius; this is not the same for all aspects of the Dolphin Essence.

We bring forth to you a wise and powerful consciousness, a synthesis of the Dolphin Essence and vibrations of Sirius. Greetings and love are expressed to all.

Synthesis of light is a powerful and essential aspect of ascension. It is something you are contemplating and experiencing all the time, and yet synthesis of light has become prominent in the current processes of ascension.

The presence of the Crystalline Kingdom Light, anchoring in full flow into the Earth and humanity, signifies a deeper awakening and activation of light synthesis within all. The Crystalline vibrations bring spirit, light, love, and the divine into manifestation as material and physical aspects of the Earthly world.

More than ever before, the Earth and humanity are merging with the Creator. Souls are opening up to experience light synthesis. This is calling many old, present, and new energies to the Earth to experience their necessary integration.

All that is the Creator, and wishes to be a part of the Era of Love, is being called forth to build a new network of light within the Earth and each physical being. This will create a beautiful outcome of united, integrated, powerful, loving energies. The journey to the outcome of beauty will require great acceptance and a focus upon one’s divine intuition.

As all of humanity and Mother Earth mostly unconsciously rebuild the networks of light within the Earth and humanity, this will mean that numerous different aspects of the Creator are exposed. You may discover that each person you connect with, or groups of people you are aware of, have different concepts concerning the Creator. They are moving along a very diverse pathway to the Creator, compared to you.

It will be akin to the many different faces of the Creator, and pathways to the Creator residing upon the Earth, and maybe even simultaneously demonstrated through your being.

All pathways of the Creator will be shown to you, as the networks of light are reformed for the new Era of Love to more fully anchor and an outcome of beauty to take place.

This is where the energy of acceptance is required, encouraging you to consciously and lovingly respect each aspect and pathway of the Creator. This process is all the appropriate energies of the universe merging to create a new reality and stage of ascension upon the Earth.

An additional purpose is to increase your focus and dedication to your own pathway of integration to the Creator. You may see, sense, and acknowledge so many diverse aspects of the Creator, and pathways of ascension, and yet you will be asked to merge with all, while holding focus of your own truth and knowledge of your own pathway to synthesis with the Creator.

Imagine yourself existing in a crowd of people. You are telepathically, energetically, emotionally, and mentally linked to each person, experiencing deep oneness, connection, and unison. The exchange of energy and expression of the Creator is powerful within you, and moves through you.

With this in mind, also imagine that you have your own purpose, your own inner knowledge and focus, your own expression of the Creator, and your own pathway you are invited to walk upon the Earth, yet you remain in unison with all.

This, in many ways, is occurring on the Earth now as the light synthesis taking place within all builds new networks of light, which enhance humanity’s and the Earth’s natural unison.

Prepare yourself now, for over the coming years your oneness with all will enhance, as will your own inner devotion and pathway of acceptance of the Creator develop.

Be aware of synthesis of light occurring within you, and especially around you. Let yourself contemplate and observe that everything is merging. This means that even energies which you do not associate with the Creator are merging with powerful loving aspects of the Creator thus creating a reaction.

It is akin to chemical reactions taking place upon the Earth, and within your being, constantly; great explosions of light. We invite you to be aware of the reactions that manifest. By this we mean the energy created through the synthesis of light, especially misaligned energies and aligned energies; we could label this a reaction or a response.

These reactions and responses are very powerful, as they are higher frequencies and vibrations of light, born from misaligned and aligned energies merging.

We could also label the reactions and responses of energy as a healing balm, untangling all energies which no longer support ascension, to bring forth truth. This healing balm can be accepted, embodied, and distributed far and wide.

We share this with you so you may be more observant of what is occurring on an expansive scale of the Earth and humanity. In your coming days, let yourself observe and acknowledge that everything is integrating and merging within and around you.

Allow yourself to sense the chemical reactions taking place, as misaligned and aligned energies merge. To support your ascension, you may wish to invoke us, the Dolphin Essence, to encourage appropriate synthesis of light to be anchored and experienced within your being.

Numerous energies from the inner planes are anchoring into the Earth for synthesis. When accepted by you, they will reform and awaken a deeper remembrance of the Creator within you.

We, the Dolphin Essence, can support the appropriate synthesis of light to take place within your being and reality, thus boosting your light vibration and light consciousness.

These are focuses you can bring to your daily life. With patience and acceptance, you will recognise yourself connected in unison with the higher consciousness and energy of the humanity and the Earth, while also being your unique and beautiful self.

We, the Dolphin Essence, wish to share energetically with you our light consciousness, which, as light beings without form, is akin to our DNA.

We wish to anchor strands of light holding consciousness into your being, especially your mental and emotional bodies, with the purpose of enhancing your ability to acknowledge, and sense with awareness, the somewhat dramatic shifts taking place within the universe of the Creator, with understanding of how this impacts humanity and the Earth.

In truth, we wish to reawaken a more expansive awareness within you, which encourages you to understand and perceive beyond the boundaries and limitations of the Earth.

Our stands of light hold the consciousness of the Dolphin essence and the wisdom of Sirius, as well as a potent awakening energy. This is a process of light synthesis supporting reactions and responses; in truth, higher frequencies of the Creator.

‘Dolphin Essence, I call you forth to anchor your light strands of consciousness and awakening into my emotional and mental bodies.

‘Support me in synthesising and merging your light strands with my own consciousness and soul vibrations, creating unique and beautiful outcomes, with the emergence of light and truth from within my being.

‘May I more easily comprehend the shifts and alterations taking place within the universe of the Creator, as well as understanding how these influence the Earth, humanity, and my own being. Thank you and let it be so.’

Simply sit peacefully, focusing on your breathing, allowing your body to relax. Imagine our light, the Dolphin Essence, surrounding you. Take a few deep breaths to become accustomed to our vibration.

First, bring your focus to your emotional body, and imagine, sense, or acknowledge that we are anchoring several strands of light into your emotional body. Breathe deeply to aid the integration.

When you are ready bring your focus to your mental body, imagine, sense, or acknowledge that we are anchoring several strands of light into your mental body. Breathe deeply to aid integration.

You may wish to take some time to meditate or rest to allow the process to take place, and any insights or vibrations to rise, connecting with your being. This practice of integration can be achieved as often as you feel guided.

Please know that we are a source of comfort, wisdom, and understanding for you to call upon whenever you require assistance.

Enjoy the journey of integration. It is magnificent and will create a most beautiful outcome. Always place your faith in a beautiful outcome as this will align you to the frequency of a beautiful outcome, thus aiding manifestation and experience.

In the mission of light synthesis,
The Dolphin Essence

“The Dolphin Essence: Light Strand Synthesis” channeled by Natalie Glasson, July 17, 2015 at

Source Links: Natalie Glasson OmNA School ; Sacred School of OmNa

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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