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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/17/2015 7:06:14 PM

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey. July 17, 2015.

SacredTime races on and events on Earth are speeding up, and having been given freewill to decide how to live together you are now experiencing the result of your choices. It is obvious that you cannot sustain the system that you have created, as it crumbles and proves to be inadequate for your needs. Indeed you have, so to say, been living on borrowed time and it is already becoming obvious that you cannot prevent the breakdown of the Human Race.

Age after Age you have tried to establish a thriving population, yet at the same time have failed to bring along the poorest nations with you. The problems are now so huge that it is too late to prevent the outcome that is the disintegration of the old systems. In other words, you will be forced to change your ways if you wish to overcome the problems that you have created.

It will be a painful process, but will result in a new way of living together where the vibrations have been lifted to the point where negativity is practically non-existent. Then you will see the true way that harmony and peace can be sustained and people can live without fear. We can assure you that it is possible and, as the vibrations continue to speed up, you will not have too long to experience some positive changes. The Dark Ones are no longer allowed to dictate how your future works out, and their plan for total domination is now unworkable.

We ask you to keep faith with those amongst you who are working towards the beneficial changes, knowing that it is difficult to introduce them whilst chaotic conditions remain unchecked. For a very long time new innovations that would make your lives easier have been prevented from going ahead, but they cannot be held back for much longer.

Once it is time to release new ideas progress will be made very quickly, and when it is safe for us to openly come amongst you we will be able to do more for you or with you. There is much waiting to be released that will lift you up very quickly, and you will realise that the New Age is well underway. You will take a quantum leap forward in technology that will remove many of the problems that currently hold you back. But for the actions of the dark Ones you would have already been enjoying a higher standard of living, but that will all change in the near future.

As you have noticed, the changes are continuing to proceed and bring into being all that is required to move you into the New Age. Mother Earth is playing a big part in them and already the signs are there that indicate what is taking place. The results will be quite dramatic and very much to your liking when you realise that they are beneficial for you.

Perhaps the most acceptable changes will be the cleansing of the lands and seas, which have been badly polluted through Man’s lack of caring for the planet and other life forms. Regrettably there will be casualties amongst the animal kingdom, but you will realise that they too are subject to the higher vibrations. Your Biblical stories tell you of the “Lion laying down with the Lamb” and perhaps you can now understand how it can come about.

Your destiny has always been part of the greater plan and cannot be changed, but you have had freewill to approach it in your own way. Much will have been learnt from your experiences and the Human Race will be all the greater for it. Remember that you all readily stepped forward to go through the different Ages to grow through your experiences, and when you look back you will be pleased that you did.

You knew that regardless of what happened you would never be deserted or left to find your own way home. Now you have your feet on that pathway, and from hereon there is only one way and that is forwards. It has been a tough trial throwing up many challenges that you have overcome. It means that you will not have to spend the same time again in the lower vibrations.

Because of the importance of these times to the Human Race you are the focus of much attention, and many “old friends” await your return to the higher vibrations. These levels are your more natural home and part of your evolution will continue until you return to the Source, and be One with All That Is. So enjoy your experiences, as they are chosen to suit your needs as you continually evolve towards a state of perfection.

For those who might be new to these ideas we would tell you that you are immortal, so in one sense it does not matter what you choose to experience. As you move through each dimension your energies become refined and grow until you encompass a large area of Space, and ultimately totally become a Being of Light. You may have read that you are God’s in the making and this is why your path is taking you back to the Source of All That Is.

You are presently only a representative part of your true Being, but now growing all of the time as you bring yourself more into the vibrations of Light. Your journeys are presently placing you amongst souls of all different levels of evolution, which is why you face so many challenges. You tend to drift towards those of a similar vibration, but for the purposes of your evolution may be placed where your needs may be best served.

Often you spend a number of lives within the same group of souls, when you can help each to experience and evolve. You will almost certainly take up different roles each time, and the overall advantage is that you progress with souls that you are connected too. This explains why some groups get on so well with each other, whilst others face difficulties. It comes down to which type of experiences will serve your needs best.

If you find yourself in a difficult relationship with your family, bear in mind that you have been placed there to learn certain lessons from each other. Your circumstances have always come about so that you can progress spiritually, and it is in the more difficult relationships that you learn the most and do so more quickly.

So, if you feel that you are having a rough time on Earth, never lose sight of the fact that nothing in your life happens without good reason. Indeed, if you are growing in awareness you may already sense that your experiences are a learning period. Be assured that once lessons have been learnt, you may not ever need to go through them again. So face the obstacles in life with the determination to overcome them in the right way that respects another souls needs as well as your own.

When your life is completed and you review it, which is what all souls do immediately after their transition you will know how well you have done. There are no incriminations if you have failed any tests, as there will always be further opportunities placed before you. Since – in reality – time does not exist as you know it, you have all the time you need to make progress on your spiritual journey.

As you go through life you will almost certainly get an intuitive feel of what it is about and know what is needed from you. You do after all have many friends on and off Earth who give help to each other and travel the journey with you.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as ever ready to offer help and loving guidance.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa. Channelled by Mike Quinsey. July 17, 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/17/2015 7:12:17 PM

FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2015


Since ancient times Sirius has been honored. In ancient Atlantis the mysteries were based on information received from the Sirius Masters. After the third fall of Atlantis, the Sirian mysteries spread into ancient Egypt. As early as 3000 BC the Egyptians started celebrating the helical rising of the star Sirius declaring it the New Year.

On a silent morn in the steamy month of July when the star Sirius rises before the sun, our daystar, the Atlantean- Egyptian -Sirian New Year will be birthed. This will produce a doorway of vision allowing us to swim upon a stellar surge.

The ancient Egyptians saw Sirius as a giver of life for it always reappeared at the time of the annual flooding of theNile. When the star sank in the west and disappeared from the night sky, it remained hidden for 70 days before emerging in the east in the morning. This was viewed as a time of death and rebirth. Sirius is the heart and soul of our physical Sun. During the Dog Days when Sirius disappears into our Sun's light, our physical Sun is embracing our Spiritual Sun.

The helical rising of Sirius does not occur at the same time in all latitudes, and is never a constant. Each place and time zone and continent is a little different. I think it is best to energetically tune in to the rising of the Star Sirius in your area. Trust your intuition on this. The heliacal rising is the first visible and brief appearance of a star on the eastern horizon before sunrise.

As the sun sends forth her rays of clarity, a personal and planetary sonic boom is heard throughout the land. Truth unfolds itself to be seen in the long and short of it. Narrating an internal bedtime story that can only be learned by heart.

Sirius is the home of Christ Consciousness not only for our planet and solar system but also for this entire One Galaxy. It is said that all great avatars originated from Sirius, the brightest star in our heavens. Sirius has always been a spiritual prototype for earth and played an important part in earth's early evolution. Spiritual energy emanates forth from the star Sirius into the heart chakra of our Sun and then makes its way to earth through the sun's blessing rays.

As the rays from Sirius arc onto earth via the sun, the Christ seeds within each of us will be sent into a new prototype. These Christ seeds are DNA encodings that have awaited this particular stellar/solar emanation and configuration in order to open sealed records revealing truths that have been silent. It is in the quiet times between worlds and words that you will find the key that unlocks what has been unseen until now.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/17/2015 7:16:09 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday July 17, 2015

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Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/17/2015 7:20:54 PM

FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2015

Selacia ~ Fire up your sacred voice

Your inner fire is key to how you express your sacred voice in the world. Right now in these intense moments is a perfect time to energize your inner fire and balance it - helping you to express your unique voice and life mission. In this article I give the background of what this means on a practical and spiritual level.

About Your Voice

What is this voice? It is your active expression of soul in human form. It is the way you as a being materialize spirit here on Earth.

: thoughts spoken out loud or written, music or other creative arts, and "voting" about what is important to you by how you spend your time and money.

Your voice is one of your treasures, in the package of gifts you received at birth. This gift must be used to have an impact. It can help you be a force of good in this world. It can help you accelerate your own enlightenment, too.

Current Energies and Emotions

Sometimes there can be challenges to fully express your voice and be all that you are meant to be. It's not easy to be living now in a world being turned upside down and remade. Your passion to go to the next level on your path could be met with resistance, a brick wall, or surprises triggering frustration.

The current planetary energies are stirring a plethora of emotions and desires to break free from limitations. Everyone is feeling this on some level, even if they are unconscious to the feeling. The current emotional roller coaster can destabilize your fire energy and bring very old buried emotions to the surface.

When this happens, don't judge it. Instead, look at it directly and welcome the old stuff coming up for you to heal and move beyond. The emotions you feel are not fatal. Move through them consciously to avoid acting on them with later regrets.

Emotions have a direct connection to your fire and ability to create what you want. When they are intelligently managed, they add positive qualities of passion and enthusiasm to your activities. Emotions poorly managed can be a toxic force in your creative process.

Divine at Core Level

At your core, you are divine. On this level, your fire is that sacred spark within that helps you positively engage with the world to make a difference. Your inner fire represents a living energy that is divine. It is the part of you that is timeless, creates fearlessly, and can transform out of old thinking and limiting life stories.

When you balance your fire, it's easier to be in your heart. That's the place you need to be to create abundance and success on all levels.

Your Active Love Presence

Connecting with your sacred fire indeed will help catalyze your active love presence in the world. It is this fire, when put into motion in your life, that helps you be the shining light you are meant to be - and to create miracles!

As your fire is balanced, the love that you are at your core can manifest more fully in everything that you do. Your loving presence can change a current challenge you may be having. It could also create a mega shift in your life circumstances.

Trust that Anything is Possible

Trust that anything is possible, including a grand finale clearing of an issue you have struggled with your whole life. Know that spirit is always right by your side.

Copyright 2015 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/17/2015 7:23:08 PM

Earth History According to Ra – Confederation Contacts

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

We left off from a discussion about Atlantis and the knowledge given to the Atlanteans by the Confederation of Planets, which was eventually twisted and used for negative purposes. Now, we’ll learn about the help the Confederation has given to various earthly societies for the past 75,000 years, which was given to prepare us for collective ascension, or as Ra refers to it, ‘harvest’.

Along with the rest of the Confederation, Ra has been trying to help us become aware and collectively evolve, and in the past, they shared philosophical, scientific and technological knowledge.

As we’ll learn here, the Confederation directly contacted a few ancient societies in hopes of helping them advance, and like Atlantis, the teachings that were given to the societies were distorted and used negatively.

Ra tells us about the contacts the Confederation has made in the past 75,000 years.

Question: “Can you tell me the history, hitting only the points of development, shall I say, that occurred within this 75,000 years, any particular times or points where the attempts were made to increase the development of this third density?

Ra: “I am Ra. The first attempt to aid your peoples was [75,000 years ago]. This attempt seventy-five thousand [75,000] of your years ago has been previously described by us. The next attempt was approximately fifty-eight thousand [58,000] of your years ago, continuing for a long period in your measurement, with those of Mu as you call this race or mind/body/spirit social complex.” (1)

The next contacts didn’t occur for a while, but when they did, they happened in Atlantis, and later, South America.

“The next attempt was long in coming and occurred approximately thirteen thousand [13,000] of your years ago when some intelligent information was offered to those of Atlantis, this being of the same type of healing and crystal working of which we have spoken previously. The next attempt was eleven thousand [11,000], of your years ago. These are approximations as we are not totally able to process your space/time continuum measurement system.

“This was in what you call Egypt and of this we have also spoken. The same beings which came with us returned approximately [3,500] years later in order to attempt to aid the South American mind/body/spirit social complex once again. However, the pyramids of those so-called cities were not to be used in the appropriate fashion.

“Therefore, this was not pursued further. There was a landing approximately three thousand [3,000], of your years ago also in your South America, as you call it. There were a few attempts to aid your peoples approximately [2,300] years ago, this in the area of Egypt. The remaining part of the cycle, we have never been gone from your fifth dimension and have been working in this last minor cycle to prepare for harvest.” (2)

Ra also tells us why they’ve shared their teachings and tried to create as big of a ‘harvest’ (collective evolution) as possible.

Question: “Let me make a synopsis and you tell me if I am correct. All of these visits for the last 75,000 years were for the purpose of giving to the people of Earth an understanding of the Law of One, and this way allow them to progress upward through the fourth, fifth, sixth densities. This was to be a service to Earth. The pyramids were used also in giving the Law of One in their own way. The balancing pyramids, I’m not quite sure of. Am I right so far?

Ra: “I am Ra. You are correct to the limits of the precision allowed by language.

Question: “Then for the last 2,300 years you have been actively working to create as large a harvest as possible at the end of the total 75,000-year cycle. Can you state with respect to the Law of One why you do this, just as a statement of your reasons for this?

Ra: “I am Ra. I speak for the social memory complex termed Ra. We came among you to aid you. Our efforts in service were perverted. Our desire then is to eliminate as far as possible the distortions caused by those misreading our information and guidance. The general cause of service such as the Confederation offers is that of the primal distortion of the Law of One, which is service.” (3)

Ra couldn’t ignore the call to help us, because they felt our pain and suffering as if it were their own and they had to come and offer healing.

“The One Being of the creation is like unto a body, if you will accept this third-density analogy. Would we ignore a pain in the leg? A bruise upon the skin? A cut which is festering? No. There is no ignoring a call. We, the entities of sorrow, choose as our service the attempt to heal the sorrow which we are calling analogous to the pains of a physical body complex distortion.” (4)

We’re all one, and what affects one collective consciousness affects the rest of creation. Other entities in higher states of consciousness can feel the pain, misery and destruction we radiate daily, and some of them, like Ra, can’t ignore the burning desire to help.

They feel responsible for helping their counterparts in lower states of consciousness discover unity and evolve, and this is why they’re helping us become aware. They aren’t trying to ‘harvest’ us into some false higher consciousness where they rule over us – they’re trying to help us liberate ourselves and discover the next stage of our existence.

They do all of this out of love and the desire to serve, and when we’re evolved, we might have a similar desire to help others. Some of the people we try to help might think we’re negative or we want to control them, like some people think about Ra, but we’ll know our intent to serve is genuine and those who follow us will know it too.

I should’ve mentioned by now that the 75,000 year cycle we’ve been discussing consists of three 25,000 year evolutionary cycles, and at the end of each one, we have the opportunity to either evolve or continue in our lower state of consciousness. So far, most of us have continued in third density, either because of our destructive actions or because we decided we wanted to keep growing and learning here.

Ra tells us that not much help was given during the first of the three 25,000 year cycles. It was expected that we’d be able to evolve on our own, but the forces overseeing our evolution soon realized that this wasn’t the case.

Question: “Now, back in the first 25,000-year period, or major cycle, what type of aid was given by the Confederation to the entities who were in this 25,000-year period so that they could have the opportunity to grow?

Ra: “I am Ra. The Confederation members which dwell in inner-plane existence within the planetary complex of vibratory densities worked with these entities. There was also the aid of one of the Confederation which worked with those of Mars in making the transition.

“For the most part, the participation was limited, as it was appropriate to allow the full travel of the workings of the confusion mechanism to operate in order for the planetary entities to develop that which they wished in, shall we say, freedom within their own thinking.

“It is often the case that a third-density planetary cycle will take place in such a way that there need be no outside, shall we say, or other-self aid in the form of information. Rather, the entities themselves are able to work themselves towards the appropriate polarizations and goals of third-density learn/teachings.” (5)

The Confederation had expected at least somewhat of a harvest at the end of the first cycle, and as Ra tells us, they ‘became concerned’ when no such harvest happened.

Question: “Very good. Then, was the Confederation, shall we say, watching to see and expecting to see a harvest at the end of the 25,000-year period in which a percentage would be harvestable fourth-density positive and a percentage harvestable fourth-density negative?

Ra: “I am Ra. This is correct. You may see our role in the first major cycle as that of the gardener who, knowing the season, is content to wait for the spring. When the springtime does not occur, the seeds do not sprout; then it is that the gardener must work in the garden.

Question: “Well, then, as the cycle terminated (…) what was the reaction of the Confederation to the lack of harvest?

Ra: I am Ra. We became concerned.” (6)

Instead of letting the Wanderers incarnate, who could offer more assistance, the Confederation sent entities who sought more third density experiences. They wouldn’t be able to penetrate the veil of forgetfulness as easily, which balanced out the freewill of the people they were sent to help, who never called for assistance.

Question: “Was any action taken immediately, or did you wait for a call?

Ra: “I am Ra. The Council of Saturn acted only in allowing the entry into third density of other mind/body/spirit complexes of third density, not Wanderers, but those who sought further third-density experience. This was done randomly so that free will would not be violated for there was not yet a call.” (7)

Since nobody actually called for help, there wasn’t a whole lot the Confederation could do. Freewill is honored all throughout the universe, and a higher force can’t come wake us up if we aren’t ready. We have to request their assistance, but if we fail to evolve when the time cycles call for it, help can be sent in a way that doesn’t violate our freewill.

Confederation entities who were helped to evolve by other higher forces assumed, somewhat naively, that they could come and help the people of Earth.

Question: “I see then. What you’re saying is these naïve Confederation entities had had the same thing happen to them in the past so they were doing the same thing for the Atlantean entities. Is this correct?

Ra: “I am Ra. This is correct. We remind you that we are one of the naïve members of that Confederation and are still attempting to recoup the damage for which we feel responsibility. It is our duty as well as honor to continue with your peoples, therefore, until all traces of the distortions of our teach/learnings have been embraced by their opposite distortions, and balance achieved.” (8)

Ra never intended for their teachings to be distorted, and they feel responsible for the Luciferian doctrines that resulted from the originally pure things they shared with us. This is why they’ve remained in fifth density instead of continuing their own evolution – they feel like they need to right the wrongs they unintentionally caused.

Their well-meaning mistake shows us that even spiritually evolved entities are capable of erring, and every entity in every state of consciousness is doing their best to evolve and help others do the same. Ra wants to help us see our collective evolution through to the end, and despite their mistakes, they’re still here with us, helping in any way they can.

We’ll continue to learn about our real history in future reports, and the intention of these reports is to shed light on what’s really been happening, which our governments (and the hidden hands who run them) would never tell us.

There are secrets out there that the existing power structures don’t want us to know about, and little by little, we’re uncovering these secrets and helping others become aware so they too can see that our existence is nothing like we’ve been led to believe.

The world will change in a heartbeat when everyone becomes aware of all of these hidden truths, so let’s keep shedding light on them and inviting others to join in the fun. We’re being given help, and the first step to realizing this help exists is to request it. It’ll be here for us in an instant, and we can use the knowledge that results to inform and awaken the rest of the world.


  1. Ra, channeled through Carla Rueckert: “The Law of One”, All four of the Law of One books can be found at the LL Research website ( in full: Thanks to the Law of One website ‘’, ( where the quotes for these reports are taken. The quotes from this article were taken from:
  2. Loc. cit.
  3. Loc. cit.
  4. Loc. cit.
  5. Loc. cit.
  6. Loc. cit.
  7. Loc. cit.
  8. Loc. cit.

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I’m a twenty-two year old spiritual writer, blogger, musician, and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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